#edward pak
vivian-bell · 1 year
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My Prince Edward (2019) dir. Norris Wong Yee-lam
Cinematography by Ho Wai Pong
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osugna · 2 years
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Through observing a cracked relationship and a sham marriage, ‘My Prince Edward’ examines the notions of marriage shaped by societal demands and personal liberty. The compelling and naturalistic script is elevated by the performance by Stephy Tang, conveying the internal conflicts with nuance.
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writerthreads · 2 years
Light/Dark Academia and "Old Money" Name Ideas
By Writerthreads on Instagram
Pak Hei (柏熙)
Jun Wei (俊偉)
Masaharu (雅治)
Hao Ran
Jun Xi (俊熙)
Akari (丹梨)
Ai Lin (愛玲)
Wing Yan (詠欣)
Ichika (一千花)
Reyes: Kings
Stentham: At the river banks
Yamamoto: (one who lives at) the base of the mountain(s)/ (one from) Yamamoto District
Hargreave: someone who is the first to think of or make something
Renaud: advice, rule
Kumar: prince, son, boy, or chaste
Alarie: All-powerful
Burton: fortified enclosure
Fujimura: wisteria village
Brentwood: A town in Essex, England/burnt wood
Toussaint: All saints
Ho Tung(何東)
Charmant: attractive
Dupont: of the bridge
Alma: nourishing
Blackburn: black brook
Ashton: from the ash tree (town)
Khatri: member of the warrior class
Harvey: iron, blazing
Laurent: the bright one, shining one
Leighton: leek town (lol)
Minamoto: source, origin
Allard: brave, noble
Seymour: From St. Maur
Note: The Chinese names included aren't really "old money" because we don't really associate names with money or position. The younger generation of Asian people usually have English names as well Chinese ones (instead of a romanised Chinese name). All Chinese surnames can also be "old money" because lots of people have the same surname.
Side-note: quite a lot of "old-money" kids have joint surnames from both parents, so you could try doing that for your characters
I used Google for a lot of names from cultures I'm not familiar with so I could be very wrong! Please correct me if I’m wrong!!!
QOTD: What’s your main character’s name and why did you choose that name?
AOTD: Mine is Fletcher Cheung, I chose Fletcher because it felt very powerful, and not a lot of girls (especially Chinese girls) have that name so it was memorable.
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rae-raewrites · 9 months
Could I request yandere arkham origins riddler hcs?
Truly a Edward from a much simpler time 💚
origins riddler yandere headcanons
Warnings: yandere, stalking,kidnapping,punishment,extortion,possessiveness
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He first notices you in his downtime outside of cybercrime work. Wether it be just you working at gcpd or perhaps becoming aware of you online and realizing you’re in Gotham
Unlike the rest of Gotham you actually appreciate brains and having some moral backbone to you which certainly nurtures his attention to you.
It starts off small, surveillance of you digitally and on the streets. Keeping an eye on you to make sure your safe.
But then as he gets more involved with the criminal underworld and starting to get his extortion paks together he gets worse.
He starts stalking any social media in the slightest you have. He also starts frequenting that coffee place you love just to eventually introduce himself one day.
I mean he had to meet you eventually! And my my,Cameras don’t do you the justice you deserve!
Eventually he starts asking you out for dinner,coffee,dates at the museum anything he can do to get you that much more infatuated with him.
All the while he’s slowly taking you away from the eye of anyone else. It’s all because he loves you of course! To many inferiors lining the streets. Your such a gem! You should just stay close to him~
Your trying to convince yourself that he’s just being overprotective but also questioning why he doesn’t like you leaving your apartment. Actually you haven’t heard from anyone you care about recently have you?
Of course when Christmas Eve comes around Batman doesn’t end up being his only concern that night. When he finally goes into hiding he brings you alongside him,handcuffs complementary of GCPD.
He won’t start outright denying you stuff but if you can’t behave than he’s gonna have to be a lot………harsher on you. He’s gone to straight up threatening anyone you love. Nothing’s stopping him from ruining their lives. You saw what he did to the mayor and the police department.
It also doesn’t help he can guess your next move instantly basically condemning you to hell unless someone else comes for you.
“Sweetness if you can’t behave than I’ll have to cuff you back to the bed post again! And I’m sure we don’t want a repeat of last week Hmm?”
Freedom truly is an uncertain thing by this point. Even when he becomes the riddler and Batman starts locking him in Arkham what’s to say he won’t come back and just steal you away again?
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johnny1note · 7 months
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mythingchild · 9 days
Biology, History and Domestication
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The jujube plant can be a shrub or a tree with soft and hard wood of 6-9 m, depending on the place of cultivation (Yao, 2013). The species of jujube are distributed between the latitude 18 ° S to 51 ° N, the longitude from 76 ° to 124° and grow well above sea level (up to 2800 m). The jujube has spread widely to remote regions due to its greater adaptability, ease of cultivation, xerophytic attributes, early bearing, rapid bud differentiation, approximately flowering period of 50 to 60 days, long life cycle (1000 reproduction cycles), remarkable endurance in difficult environmental conditions, higher resistance to abiotic stresses (salinity and drought), fewer inputs required and higher nutraceutical benefits (Bhatt et al., 2008). In addition, it is the best example of a drought-resistant plant, which is a dominant part of the The natural vegetation of the Indo-Pak desert.
The tree is semi-deciduous, having a thick canopy. The leaves are smooth and shiny, oval or oval in shape with a length of 2.5 to 5.5 cm and a width of 2 to 4 cm. The flowers are fragrant, light greenish, tiny, ranging from 4 to 8 mm in diameter. The jujube flower has five complete whorls of sepals, petals, anthers and an ovary containing two ova. The flowers can appear singly or in clusters in the axils of each leaf. The the flower cluster (cyme) has almost 13 flowers, depending on the cultivar and location of the flower on the twig. Most species of Ziziphus are self-incompatible; however, the species of Z. jujuba and Z. mucronata can develop self-pollinating fruit that usually aborts later (Zeistman and Bohta, 1992; Weekley and Race, 2001; Asatryan and Tel-Zur, 2013). Ziziphus flowers too present a protandral dichogamy, the anthers dehiscent well before the receptivity stigmatization and promote cross-pollination (Tel-Zur and Schneider, 2009).
Sequences coding for the S locus have been identified in Z. celata suggesting presence of a gametophytic self-incompatibility system 'GSI' (Edwards et al., 2012). Two types of flowers are reported in Z. mauritiana, Z. spina-christi and Z. mucronata. In the morning and in the afternoon, a
and type B flowers were found in the male phase, respectively (Pareek et al., 2007; Tel-Zur and Schneider, 2009), in the cultivars of Z. mauritiana, Seb and Umran (Shukla and others., 2006). The receptive life of the flower is short (two to three days); as a result, many flowers remain unpollinated and fall (Pareek et al., 2007). This non-synchronization behavior in men and women the flowering phases seemed to be related to higher temperatures (up to 45°C) in Z. mauritiana, cultivated in semi-arid and arid regions (Asatryan and Tel-Sur, 2013). Pollen viability in Z. mauritiana and other species
from 10 to 91% in different cultivars (Tel-Zur and Schneider, 2009) while it has been reported that it remains low from 25 to 58% due to the prevalence of extreme temperature conditions and the growth of the pollen tube have ceased in all cultivars of Z. mauritiana (Asatryan and Tel-Zur, 2013).
The fruit is a drupe, having one to two seeds with a core the center. The fruit comes from the nectar disc and its ovary. Fruit size varies from the size of the thumb to the size of the golf ball which really depends on the variety. There is a great diversity of fruit shapes, such as oblong, obovate,
oval, oblate, round, apple-shaped or sometimes abnormally shaped (Yao,  2013). The pulp is sweet, sour, greenish, yellow or even reddish in color (Mahajan and Chopda, 2009). The development of seedless fruits has been reported in Z. sativa and Z. mauritiana due to a gametic self-incompatibility
system (Tian and Ma, 1987). Ziziphus species can also produce fruits due to to self-pollination; however, it usually falls prematurely and does not have viable seeds (Godt et al., 1997). In the cultivars of Z. mauritiana, including Umran and Q-29, self-pollination was observed; however, there was a mass the fall of flowers and the fall of fruits in the early stages and the fruit setting remained low with unviable seeds. In B5/4, Kaithali and Gola cultivars, the flowers have fallen two to three days after pollination and no fertilization was observed. The the bark becomes darker longitudinally and is grayish-brown or reddish in color.
The plant is usually prickly. The branches of the tree are compact, pubescent white at the young stage and are prone to zigzagging. Erect branches, becoming light brown to gray. The fruit-bearing branches of the tree are mainly of a non-deciduous nature (Mahajan and Chopda, 2009).
Jujube species have been cultivated in China, Pakistan and India for long and are well recognized species in these regions compared to other related species in the rest of the world (Cherry, 1985). Many species grow wild, including Z. xylocarpa, Z. rotundifolia (use of rootstocks) and Z. ocenoplia (Jackson et al., 2011). Other species, such as Z. jujuba Mill and Z. mauritiana Lam., have been domesticated and are widely cultivated (Memon et al., 2012). However, the jujube species had attracted little attention for the research and development (Azam-Ali et al., 2001) until the recent past when these the species have been properly studied as part of various research projects.
Currently, it is one of the main cultivated species, prominent dried fruit and main source of income for about 20 million farmers in China. During the last 2000 years, its culture has spread to neighboring states, including Japan and Korea. It is produced commercially in China, Iran, South Korea, Israel, Italy, the United States and Australia.
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lokysor · 4 months
Bad Bat - Riddlerova ukolébavka (1/3)
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Upozorňuji,že tento příběh není vhodný pro těhotné a mladistvé .. .. těhotné mladistvé,papoušky,církevní hodnostáře,všechny druhy imaginárních přátel a mělo by se na něj vztahovat věkové omezení alespoň 150let+,ale vzledem k množství vulgarit a perverze na internetu jsme usoudili (já se svým odrazem v monitoru) ,že je to stejně jedno.
… BW: Edward Nygma býval opravdu bystrým mládencem,nicméně vše se změnilo návštěvou u MR.Freeze. Chtěl si vypůjčit jeho pulzní „Zmrazičkovátor!“.. AP: Hmm.. Opravdu se takto nazývá? Není to poněkud prozaičtěji?.. BW:ehm.. Pulzní! Ledničkovát..?tor?..??JO!.O_o° AP: Pulzní ledová puška? BW: Ano přesně Alfréde. Zrovna jsi mi to štráchl z jazyka. Je znát,že jsme na stejné vlně.. Takže si Edward chtěl vypůjčit Freezovu Ledopušku,která dokáže zamrazit až do absolutní nuly,ale při tomto počinu se zranil. AP: Cožpak jí byl omylem zasažen? BW: Ne tak úplně.. Při útěku z ní vystřelil a následně na to uklouzl na náledí. AP: Hmm. Fraktura lebeční?. BW: Ledová tříšť Alfréde.. MR.Freeze usoudil,že je Ed jen pouhé pako,co tropí klukovinu a jakožto správný doktor mu ošetřil pohmožděniny,jež utrpěl při tom ozembouchu. Ovšem občerstvil jej značně podchlazeným nápojem,při jehož konzumaci Edovi na chvíli zamrzla část mozku,po jehož rozmrznutí již nebyl tím starým Edem, ale novým geniálnějším..tedy alespoň si to myslel.. Zprvu se to projevovalo více méně neškodně. Živil svými génii všelijaké konspirační weby. Třebas o tom,že vládní organizace,jež nechtějí abychom znali pravdu pronikly už i do veřejného tisku,který šifrují,ale on že na to brzy příjde.. A také přišel. Jednou se mu ty noviny při upadnutí otočily správným směrem. Pak se rozhodl opět pokusit MR.Freeozovi ukrást jeho Ledopušku,přičemž se mu to v přestrojení za líbeznou zmrzlinářku povedlo. Zamrazil s ní téměř celé město hrozíc pokračováním k úplné vánici. Požadoval,aby jej začali lidé brát vážně a projevili vděk za rozlousknutí kódové matrice v Gothamských novinách.. Posléze vskutku lidé ocenili co pro ně učinil,i též starosta mu s láhví brandy poděkoval za hezké vánoce a poblahopřál štěstí do nového roku,neboť si Edward vybral špatné roční období ke své hrozbě. Tím nenaplnil svá očekávání.. Za kratší časový horizont to celé eskalovalo žádostí Waynově nadaci o grant,jež by profinancoval Edův prototyp „Termodynamického generátoru elektřiny“.. To by bylo v pořádku,kdyby jeho princip nebyl založen na školním projetu sopky z jedlé sody a saponátu. AP: .O_o%* .. BW: Ano Alfréde. Jeho žádosti nebylo vyhověno. Nakrknutý Edward,nebo již Riddler jak si začal říkat se uchýlil ke krajnímu neřešení.. Vzal si za rukojmí jednu z Gothamských středních škol,jenž chtěl ohrožovat svou obří bombou ze směsi Coly a peprmintových dražé. Ovšem k jeho zklamání ji dětí pojali jako jednu z TikTokových challenge,takže mu ji celou s nadšením rozebraly. Frustrovaný Edward byl následně umístěn na rehabilitaci do Arkhamu,ze kterého nedávno uprchl společně s Jokerem,jemuž patrně přislíbil spolupráci na jim vysněném „Zabijáckém vtipu“. AP: Takže se je oba vydáváte hledat. Jak je chcete vystopovat pane? BW: Půjdu po Nygmových nevyluštěných cárech křížovek ze Sluníčka. AP: Berete si svůj nový oblek od pana Foxe? BW: Ano Alfrede. Už žádné pokoutné objednávky z internetu,kdo jim má pořád vysvětlovat,že ten bičík v balíčku nepotřebuji,neboť jsem pouze čestným členem jezdeckého clubu. AP: Mladý pan Dick mi právě volal,že Riddlerova stopa vede patrně k jednomu Francouzskému nočnímu Clubu jménem „Žaluzia“. BW: Díky Alfréde hned se tam vydám …
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riskayun · 5 months
Menanti Hari Esok
Sebuah apartemen minimalis, bergaya klasik, namun premium. Membuat orang makin betah untuk bernaung dalam waktu yang lama.
Malam itu aku sangat kelelahan. Agar rasa malas tak mudah menghampiri, aku bergegas mengambil air wudu untuk melaksanakan salat Isya. Setelah itu, aku meminta Galuh untuk segera memesan satu kamar untukku. Tak menunggu lama, Galuh pun berhasil mendapat satu kamar kosong dengan harga yang relatif terjangkau.
Meski mendapatkan harga lebih rendah, namun aku sedih lantaran harus berjauhan dengan sahabatku. Tapi setelah berpikir sejenak, sebenarnya itu tidak masalah, daripada tidak ada tempat untuk berteduh.
Satu jam berlalu. Akhirnya, suami dan kedua anak lelaki Galuh pulang ke apartemen dengan langkahnya yang gontai. Aku memandangi lelaki bertubuh tegap dan bermata elang itu dengan wajah tampak letih dan lesu. Ternyata mereka sedang mengunjungi pameran sejak pagi tadi. Patut saja mereka terasa lelah dan letih.
Aku memperkenalkan diri pada suaminya Galuh, lalu perlahan menjelaskan maksud kedatanganku berkunjung ke Singapura. Dan aku meminta izin padanya, bahwa hendak memakai jasa Galuh sebagai tour guide untuk mengelilingi Singapura. Dan alhasil, suaminya berkenan dan mengizinkan.
Galuh, menjalani kehidupan sebagai Ibu Rumah Tangga di Singapura selama tujuh tahun. Ia kerap memasak makanan Indonesia, seperti rawon, soto, rendang, dan masih banyak lagi. Yang kemudian dibagikan ke para tetangga apartemen.
Selain dibagikan, Ia juga menjual masakan Indonesia di dekat apartemennya selama kurang lebih dua tahun. Dan alhamdulillah, usahanya tersebut berbuah manis alias laris manis. Namun, kini ia tak lagi berjualan lantaran sudah tidak sanggup lagi alias kelelahan.
Pak Andi, nama suaminya—bekerja di salah satu pabrik terbesar di Singapura. Dan kedua anaknya, Miko dan Edward.
Aku seolah bocah tujuh tahun yang ketika mendapati kasur empuk dan nyaman, langsung memainkannya begitu saja dengan melompat di atasnya. Betapa sangat menikmati fasilitas yang telah diberikan. Terutama Pak Attar, sang manajer kami.
Badan ini begitu sangat terasa lelahnya ketika sudah masuk bilik kamar, dan hilang ketika merobohkan badan di atas kasur.
Aku merenung sejenak, mendongak ke atas menatap langit-langit dengan penuh kedamaian. Membayangkan, akan seperti apa hariku selama di Singapura. Mencoba beradaptasi dengan dunia luar yang terasa sangat asing bagiku.
Untuk mengusir kesepian, aku meraih handphone yang berada tepat di sampingku. Kubuka aplikasi WhatsApp, sebab ada notifikasi pesan masuk dari Pak Attar sekitar dua jam lalu.
[Waalaikumsalam. Iya, Nay, tidak apa-apa. Itu hak kamu juga kok. Aamiin. Kalau ada apa-apa, bilang sama saya ya, Nay. Pokoknya jangan sungkan.]
[Iya, Pak. Siap!] jawabku mantap.
[Oh, iya. Bagaimana kondisi Bu Ninik, Pak? Mohon maaf, kemarin saya tidak sempat menjenguknya. Emoticon maaf]
[Alhamdulillah, sudah agak mendingan. Iya, tidak apa-apa.]
Entah mengapa, setelah membaca chat dari Pak Attar, hati rasanya menjadi tenang sekaligus lega. Beban hidup yang menjalar di tubuh maupun pikiran seketika lenyap.
Malam semakin larut. Aku merebahkan diri di kasur yang empuk layaknya es gabus jajanan semasa kecil. Rasa kantuk yang sudah tak bisa kubendung lagi. Rasanya kuingin berlama-lama di atas kasur yang empuk ini. Namun juga, tak sabar menanti hari esok untuk menyapa sang mentari.
#30DWC #30DWCJilid44 #Day8
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himawariqurrotaaini · 5 months
Menemukan Cinta di Baitullah #7
Episode sebelumnya.
Pontianak. 14:36. 04122023.
Ruang tak Bersekat.
Alhamdulillahilladzi bini'matihi tattimush shalihaat.
Beberapa minggu lalu saya membaca diskusi Pak Tan Tjiang Ay, akung-akung (sebutan untuk kakek dalam bahasa mandarin) legenda arsitektur Indonesia dan Koh Edward, penulis favorit saya,
"The greatest luxury is unbuilt spaces."
Kemewahan terbesar adalah ruang-ruang yang sengaja tidak dibangun.
Terlihat pada desain-desain beliau, rumahnya bernapas, banyak kosongnya, impian saya. Di-plong-in aja. Sengaja. Ndak harus selalu penuh sesak, kan?
Kekuasaan sesungguhnya bukanlah ketika kita bisa melakukan apa yang kita mau, tapi ketika justru hal-hal tersebut dengan sadar kita sanggup tidak lakukan. Kemewahan sesungguhnya adalah tidak membiarkan orang menilai diri kita hanya karena yang melekati kita.
Kurang lebihnya menurut Koh Edward, kalau kita di kemacetan yang menggila bisa melawan diri, menginjak rem, dan dengan senang hati memberikan jalur kepada pengemudi lain yang meminta jalan di depan, maka kita sudah lebih berkuasa daripada mereka yang menginjak-injak gas dan menyeruduk menang dalam perebutan jalur tersebut.
True power isn't when you can use them, but when you can control yourself not to do.
Hangat sekali membacanya di tahun politik.
Hubungannya dengan umroh apa?
Hehe kebiasaan saya bicara melompat ternyata kumat.
"The greatest luxury is unbuilt spaces."
Kemewahan terbesar adalah ruang-ruang yang sengaja tidak dibangun.
Bagian ini.
Saya memaknainya sebagai: tanpa sekat.
Lautan manusia yang terlihat sama, tidak ada akses khusus berdasar kekuasaan (hehe yaaa Presiden sih ada kok akses khusus bisa shalat di dalam Ka'bah). Ini maksudnya untuk jamaah yang melakukan umroh. 😁🤝🏻
Kamu anak gubernur? Sini tawafnya sama aja kok dengan saya yang anak guru SD 💛.
Kamu punya uang 200 juta di rekening? Shalatnya di sebelah orang yang saldonya 200 ribu kok 💛.
Sehingga akhirnya saya simpulkan, mungkin ada sedikit keliru jika kita memaknai seperti jargon-jargon agen travel, "Allah memampukan yang terpanggil, bukan yang memanggil yang mampu."
"Allah ar Rohiim, al Ghaffur panggil semua, seeeeemuaaaaaanyaaaaaaa... semoga ini masalah waktu saja, agar kita selalu berprasangka baik kepadaNya."
Hal ini saya simpulkan setelah menampung curhatan beberapa teman akhir-akhir ini, ada yang cerita ingiiiin sekali umroh tapi ada aja halangannya, yang pergi bolak balik malah kenalannya yang (ehem) agak menyebalkan.
Ada juga teman yang cerita tentang berbagai perilaku manusia yang ditemukannya ketika umroh, mulai dari yang astaghfirullah sampai yang alhamdulillaah.
Ada lagi kisah fenomena yang dituturkan teman saya yang jadi petugas haji tahun lalu.
Saya racik deh dengan nasihat Ustadz Salim A. Fillah pada video manasiknya, "Bisa jadi Allah panggil kita ke Baitullah bukan karena amalan kita yang dianggap layak, bisaaa jadiiii karena diri yang berlumuran dosa demikian banyaknya."
Jadi deh saya yakini, Allah AzzawaJalla tuh panggil kita semua, maka ketika kita umroh dan haji nanti, panggil juga seluruh muslim untuk menunaikan umroh dan haji.
Jadi nangis deh kan ketika mengucap talbiyah. Alhamdulillahilladzi bini'matihi tattimush shalihaat.
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Pssst, kalau mau konten gambar-gambar Baitullah dengan naseeha attack seperti di atas, sila gabung ke grup telegram mas apt.alfian ini ya.
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cricketagony · 7 months
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cyclone-rachel · 10 months
books read in June 2023:
The Woman in the Purple Skirt by Natsuko Imamura
Taproot by Keezy Young
You’re Invited by Amanda Jayatissa
Greek Lessons by Han Kang
The Faint of Heart by Kerilynn Wilson
An Unauthorized Fan Treatise by Lauren James
Superman: Doomed by Greg Pak
Voices from Krypton by Edward Gross
People from my Neighborhood by Hiromi Kawakami
The Girl From the Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag
Cosmic Odyssey: The Deluxe Edition by Jim Starlin
Chef’s Kiss by Jarrett Melendez
The Last Tale of the Flower Bride by Roshani Chokshi
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whatisonthemoon · 11 months
On Moon’s Political Network and their Deep Connections to Global Terrorism
Excerpted from The "Terrorism" Industry: The Experts and Institutions that Shape Our View of Terror by Edward Herman and Gerry O'Sullivan
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Foreign governments within the Free World are also regularly engaged in the manufacture and distribution of information and propaganda on "terrorism," and they all take essentially the same Free World line as that outlined by Shultz in 1984. All of them sponsor and covertly support private sector terrorism institutes, security firms, and experts. Some of these will be reviewed below in connection with our discussion of the private-sector institutions in Great Britain, Canada, Israel, and South Africa.
At this juncture we want to stress the international linkages and solidarity of the Western governments in their concern with terrorism. This is of special interest because many of the governmental participants and their individual agents are themselves notorious terrorists. We will see that the Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church and its subsidiary organization, the Confederation of Associations for the Unification of the Americas (CAUSA), and the closely affiliated World Anti-Communist League (WACL), which are sponsored by and are sponsors of terrorist governments, organizations, and individuals, have numerous interlocks and other relationships with the U .S. and Israeli institutes and experts of the terrorism industry.
The Moon system is closely linked to the South Korean government and its intelligence agency, the KCIA, and the system is properly regarded as "an agent for the South Korean government. The Fraser Committee report of 1978 cited a CIA analysis which claimed that the longtime head of the KCIA, Kim Tong Pil, had "organized" the Unification Church and used it "as a political tool," and the report itself details the mutually supportive relations between the Moon system and Kim Tong Pil and the KCIA. Moon's longtime chief aide has been Colonel Bo Hi Pak, a former high official of the KCIA, while the church's political arm, CAUSA, was founded in 1980 by Pak and Kim Sang In, who had been the KCIA's station chief in Mexico. Moon's funding has come in part from his share In state-controlled Korean businesses, including the Tong-il armaments company (which has done business with the Pentagon as well as serving the South Korean government).
The Moon organizations have cultivated ties with a large number of the world's most notorious anti-Semites, terrorists, and regimes of terror. The executive director of CAUSA in 1981 was Warren Richardson, formerly general counsel for the anti-Semitic Liberty Lobby. CAUSA has held "anticommunist" seminars and established warm relations with military and death squad leaders in Paraguay, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Argentina (before 1983), and Mexico, among others. During the height of state terror in Uruguay, in 1977-80, the Moon system invested heavily in hotels, newspapers, and the printing business in that country. After the fascist military putsch in Bolivia in July 1980, one of the first foreign "dignitaries" to arrive with greetings for the newly installed president, General Garda Meza, was CAUSA's Bo Hi Pak. Nine months after the coup, on May 31, 1981, CAUSA held a celebratory conference in La Paz's Sheraton Hotel where Pak declared that God had chosen Bolivia as the nation destined to "conquer communism" in Latin America. In 1983, after the ouster of Garda Meza, the Bolivian Ministry of the Interior claimed that the Unification Church had contributed $4 million to help plan and execute the coup. The church's representative in Bolivia, Tom Ward, had maintained close and ongoing ties to Klaus Barbie, and served as a middleman for CIA payments to an Argentinian intelligence agent named Alfredo Mingolla in 1981.
Moon himself is openly contemptuous of democracy, and his organizations support repressive legislation and help fascists on a global basis, from Le Pen in France to the death squad leaders of Latin America. Within the United States, the Moon organizations have been important financial backers of Richard Viguerie, whose service in organizing the New Right was an important contribution to the rightward political drift of this country in the 1970s and 1980s. Clarkson makes a convincing case that "in coalition with right-wing secular and religious groups the Moon organization is attempting to create a broad-based mainstream fascist movement in America." Moon's dedicated anticommunism and enormous resources have given him a free hand to buy allies, subsidize right-wing causes, and acquire (and operate at a loss) newspapers and magazines in the United States and elsewhere in the Free World.
The forerunner of W ACL, the Asian People's Anticommunist League, was organized in 1954 by the secret police of Taiwan and South Korea. At that time, Ray Cline was CIA station chief in Taiwan, and the league was very possibly a CIA project. The WACL itself, established in 1966, has always been a locus of activity of the extreme right. In addition to being founded by the right-wing regimes of Taiwan and South Korea, it has always included a very strong Nazi, fascist, and anti-Semitic contingent. The semifascist Moon system and CA USA have been important constituent members, and WACL has accommodated the "death squad right" of Latin America. The WACL power base in Japan centers in the Unification Church, two ex-fascists-Ryouchi Sasakawa and Yoshio Kodama, both class I Japanese war criminals of World War II-and organized crime.
The Latin American Anticommunist Confederation (CAL), organized in 1972 by the Political Warfare Department of Taiwan as a regional chapter of WACL, included the violently anti-Semitic neo-Nazi Mexican organization, the Tecos, and "within a short time some of the most notorious killers, sadists, drug traffickers, and terrorists in Latin America could be found under the CAL umbrella." The 1975 Banzer Plan - named for Hugo Banzer, Bolivia's right-wing dictator - to harass and murder activist and progressive laity, clergy, and bishops throughout Latin America, was put into effect in ten different countries through CAL initiatives, and scores of religious were murdered in the years that followed. In September 1980, the annual CAL conference was held in Argentina, presided over by General Suarez Mason, a central figure in the ongoing mass murder of the "Dirty War." Also in attendance were Mario Sandoval Alarcon (who once declared, "I am a fascist"), the Guatemalan death squad leader, who was as well a guest at the 1980 Republican convention in Dallas; Garda Meza, the Bolivian dictator sponsored by the Argentinian junta and the Bolivian drug cartel; Salvadoran death squad leader Roberto D'Aubuisson; Stefano delle Chiaie, Italy's most 'wanted terrorist; and John Carbaugh, an aide to Senator Jesse Helms (and in 1984 an official U .S. observer testifying to the fairness of the Guatemalan election).
In 1984, WACL came under the leadership of retired U .S. Major General John Singlaub. Singlaub, who had been pushed into retirement during the Carter years for insubordination in opposing policies of which he disapproved, was a veteran of counterinsurgency warfare and a simpleminded exponent of holy war against the infidel. He has extensive ties within the organized right, is close to the Soldier of Fortune magazine adventurers and mercenaries (he attended their conference on terrorism in Puerto Rico in 1979), and has long been affiliated with the American Security Council (ASC) and its right-wing network. Singlaub is an old friend and ally of Ray Cline, who is also a veteran participant in WACL affairs, along with Roger Fontaine, an official of Reagan's National Security Council, Alex Alexiev of Rand, William Mazzocco, formerly of AID, and numerous other V.S. intelligence, military, and other government figures, past and present.
Singlaub was also close to the Reagan White House. From April 1983 until October 1984 he chaired an official Pentagon panel established to design V.S. policies toward developing countries. The panel also included Brigadier General Heine Aderholt, a contributing editor to Soldier of Fortune, and another half dozen extreme right¬wing military officers and academicians. In April 1984, Singlaub met with President Reagan and National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane and was named "the chief fund-raising contact" to the contra army in Central America. With this choice, the president plucked from the world of the paramilitary/neo-Nazi fringe a man who had spent the six years since his forced retirement from the army in some of the most powerful and dangerous organizations on the U.S. and international extreme right, where his associates included former Nazis, Nazi collaborators, anti-Semites, leaders of death squads, and a motley crew of mercenaries. Reagan honored these with a warm greeting to WACL at its 1984 gathering, asserting that the organization was playing a "leadership role" in the "gallant struggle being waged by the true freedom fighters of our day." Within a year, at Bitburg, Reagan would pay his respects to the Waffen-SS.
The spectacle of the "antiterrorist" administration contracting with a set of right-wing terrorists to underwrite illegal terrorist attacks on a small neighboring country should have raised some questions in the press about the locus of terrorism. The arrangement with Singlaub and WACL was made two months before the Jonathan Institute conference of 1984, at which Shultz located international terrorism in Moscow and spoke about the V.S. devotion to the rule of law and civilized conduct. But the press reported his line without raising questions (see chapter 8). As we will see, the W ACL is linked extensively to the V.S. terrorism industry, including the experts of the Hoover Institution, CSIS, and other groups. These linkages to real terrorists add poignancy to the media's heavy dependence on these authorities to identify "terrorists."
There is, in short, a continuity and solidarity between the extreme right and right-wing regimes, including many individuals and gov¬ernments who are major terrorists, and the governments and the more respectable elements of the West concerned with the subject of terrorism. Taiwan, South Korea, Reverend Moon, Botha, Shamir and Rabin, Reinhard Gehlen, the death squad leaders of Argentina, Guatemala, and El Salvador, Ray Cline, and Ronald Reagan have all been fighting "terrorism" together, and they mean the same thing in their use of the word. Each of these parties has had a role to play. The governments protect their agents as best they can. Thus in the midst of the murder of thousands of Indian peasants in Guatemala in 1982, Reagan visited Rios Montt and found him to be a devoted democrat getting a "bum rap." Reagan found Botha's regime to be "reformist" and deserving of "constructive engagement." The Italian terrorist Stefano delle Chiaie wandered through Latin America for years, serving various terror regimes, with an impunity that led the head of the Italian secret service organization SISDE to admit to the Italian Parliament in 1984 that (in a journalist's paraphase) "the fascist leader is evidently given great protection first of all by the South American secret services. [But furthermore] he pointed out that the American secret services had given very inadequate help to their Italian counterparts in attempting to capture delle Chiaie. Delle Chiaie even entered the United States on a plane from South America on September 9, 1982, and was not apprehended by U.S. authorities, nor were the Italian police informed of his visit. This parallels V.S. lack of interest in and even use of the major Cuban refugee terrorists, Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada.
A further major responsibility of the prestigious and respectable elements of the terrorism industry is to enhance the credibility of its working agencies and operatives by favorable association. Reagan's warm greeting to WACL gave it an aura of respectability as well as favorable publicity. The extreme right-wing Heritage Foundation") gained the same benefits by the regular participation of high Reagan administration officials in its affairs. The CSIS acquired respectability: by the association of former government officials Henry Kissinger James Schlesinger, and Anne Armstrong, and board members from the corporate elite such as Louis Gerstner of American Express and John Gutfreund of Salomon Brothers. The credentials of the less savory elements of the industry who serve as experts, like Francis and Moss at Heritage, and Alexander, de Borchgrave, Henze, Sterling, and Ledeen at CSIS, are thereby elevated. These can then push extreme right-wing positions on the "MacNeil/Lehrer News-hour," other TV network news shows, and papers such as the New York Times as members of respectable establishment institutions.
Other members of the counterterrorism network have the responsibility of instructing Third World military personnel and police on the nature of communism and subversion and the need to stand ready to displace weak elected governments with regimes of law and order (e.g., at the Pentagon's School of the Americas in Panama). Others train them in the techniques of law and order, including the interrogation and control of unruly peasants and the tracking down and dispatch of subversives (Panama, Taiwan, Fort Benning, various police academies). The CIA also supplied training for the security forces of Egypt in the 1950s, using numerous Nazi killers obtained through the Gehlen network, including SS Sturmbannfuhrer Alois Brunner.Brunner, Eichmann's top trouble-shooter, estimated by the Simon Wiesenthal Center to have been personally responsible for the murder of 128,500 people, had explained to Berlin Lawyer Kurt Schendel that French Jewish orphans must be killed, too, as they were "future terrorists."
At least since the 1960s, such instruction has been extended to paramilitary security forces like ORDEN, in El Salvador, trained by U .S. and Argentinian personnel.  The vice-president's task force of 1986 records as a continuing responsibility of U .S. counterterrorism forces the need to provide "training and assistance to civilian security forces of friendly governments." The "civilian security forces" of the friendly countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, the Philippines, and at various times Argentina, Brazil, and Chile, are more commonly known as death squads. They and the affiliated military forces in Latin America and South Africa are assigned the task of killing "terrorists." The different roles within the terrorism industry illustrate the familiar case of "distributed functions."
The solidarity of the Western government counterterrorism network is shown not only in linkages and a common viewpoint and line on terrorism, it is also displayed in exchanges of information, friendly intelligence relationships, and the toleration of intelligence, political, and propaganda activities on the part of friendly powers. The warm relation between the CIA and South Africa's BOSS (Bureau of State Security), noted earlier, illustrates a general pattern. The CIA helped organize the Taiwan and South Korean intelligence agencies, and relations between all three have been close. The CIA was also a sponsor of and adviser to the intelligence agencies of the national security states in Latin America, such as Chile's DINA, and information exchanges and friendly relations have continued up to the present. The United States tried hard "to facilitate the coordinated employment of internal security forces within and among the Latin American countries," as General Robert Porter explained in 1968. One of the products of this effort was Operation Condor, a cooperative endeavor of Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay to collectively monitor and murder dissidents who had taken refuge in neighboring countries. Hundreds were killed in this Free World terrorist operation.
This cooperative spirit also enabled South Korea to engage in extensive bribery of U.S. politicians from the 1950s onward, and through the agency of Reverend Moon's organizations, to own newspapers and subsidize numerous right-wing organizations in the, United States and throughout the Free World. Similarly, South Africa was able to acquire and invest in newspapers and magazines and to subsidize institutions in Great Britain, France, and the United States to help it propagandize Western audiences. In Great Britain, where South Africa has close links to the business community and Tory party, the South African Department of Information secretly sponsored and financed the Foreign Affairs Research Institute (FARI) in 1976 and thereafter, to disseminate its propaganda through books, other publications, and conferences. Of course, the United States itself was able to do the same thing even more extensively in its allied and client countries, mobilizing resources and manipulating elections on a very large scale in the Philippines and Italy, for example. In England, the CIA organized and subsidized Brian Crozier's Forum World Features (FWF), which was transformed later into the Institute for the Study of Conflict, a British right-wing think tank and propaganda agency operating much the same way as CSIS and Heritage, though on a smaller scale. Money flows easily within the Free World to sustain right-wing ideological institutions.
Related links below
CIA Used Sun Myung Moon and the Anti-Communist League as Proxy Forces to Liquidate Communists
Death Squads in the Philippines by Doug Cunningham
CARP Members were Paid by FBI for Spying on Americans
Unification Church, WACL and CAUSA Were Involved In CIA Operations
Radio Free Asia (and Radio of Free Asia)
On Banco de Crédito
Chicago Tribune: Unification Church Invests Heavily Uruguay (December 1994)
On the UC links to intelligence
The NY Times: Uruguay is fertile soil for Moon Church money (1984)
Ratlines, NATO, and the Fourth Reich: How (some) Nazis won World War II
Parapolitics and being an ex-Moonie on the Left
“The Moonies Target Europe” (1986)
US Aid Privatized
How the CIA backed research on mind control
Two Segment Episode(s) on Religious, Spiritual, and Fascist Psychological Operations
Drugs and death squads: The CIA connection (1989)
Black Propaganda under Fujimori: A Note on “The Shining Path”
Covert Operations and the CIA’s Hidden History in the Philippines
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vipnoviny · 1 year
Snowden: Jak se Amerika změnila po útoku 11. září
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David Icke ve své knize Spoušť popisuje, jak Americké zpravodajské služby nechali vyhodit do povětří dvojčata. USA poté vyhlásili válku proti terorismu a to se stalo záminkou k oklešťování základních lidských práv pod zdůvodněním „boje proti terorismu“. Edward Snowden, informátor a bývalý agent NSA, ve své knize Nesmazatelné záznamy (str. 90) popisuje, jak se Amerika změnila po útoku na Světové obchodní centrum, které se událo 11. září 2001. Snowden ve své knize říká, že takzvaný „teroristický útok“ byl jenom záminkou toho, aby mohly USA vyhlásit válku jiné zemi a omezit lidská práva. Přiznává, že i on sám se stal obětí této manipulace, dokud mu nedošlo, co je pravý záměrem všech kroků americké vlády. V tomto článku budu citovat z jeho knihy. Citát z knihy "Dvanácté září Zkuste si vzpomenout na největší rodinou sešlost, které jste se kdy zúčastnili – třeba setkání celé rodiny. Kolik lidí tam tehdy bylo? Třicet, nebo padesát? Ačkoli všichni dohromady tvoří vaši rodinu, nemůžete mít šanci všechny je individuálně poznat. Dunbarovo číslo, známý odhad počtu vztahů, které můžete během života smysluplně udržovat, se přibližně uvádí jako 150. Teď se v duchu vraťte do školy. Kolik lidí bylo ve vaši třídě v základní škole a na střední? S kolika z nich jste se přátelili a kolik ostatních jste znali jako spolužáky, a kolik ještě dalších jste jenom zběžně poznali? Pokud jste chodili do školy ve Spojených státech, řekněme, že může jít o tisíc osob. To samozřejmě podstatně překračuje rozsah těch, o kterých můžete říct, že to jsou „vaši“ lidé, a přece k nim můžete mít pořád nějaký vztah. Při útocích 11. září zahynuly bezmála tři tisíce lidí. Vybavte si všechny, které máte rádi, každého, koho znáte, a pak ještě další, kteří jsou vám povědomí podle jména nebo obličeje – a představte si, že zmizeli. Pokuste se vyvolat obrázek všech těch prázdných domů. Představte si prázdnou školu, třídu, kde není vůbec nikdo. Mezi všemi těmi lidmi jste žili, oni společně tvořili tkanivo vašich dnů, ale už tu nejsou. Události z 11. září zanechaly mnoho prázdných míst. Prázdná místa v rodinách, ve společenských skupinách. A díry v zemi. A teď uvažte toto: při americké odvetě zahynulo víc než milion lidí. Dvě desítky let, které uplynuly od 11. září, charakterizuje ničení, ale také sebedestrukce Ameriky: vyhlašování tajné politiky, tajných zákonů, tajných soudů a tajných válek, jejichž traumatizující dopady – a samotnou jejich existenci – americká vláda opakovaně utajovala, popírala, vyvracela a překrucovala. Zhruba polovinu této doby jsem prožil coby zaměstnanec Americké zpravodajské komunity a další polovinu v exilu, a tak vím lépe než většina ostatních, jak často zásahy agentur do různých situací vedly jen k jejich zhoršení. Vím také, jak shromažďování a analýza zpravodajských informací dokážou poskytnout podklady pro vytváření dezinformací a propagandy, jichž se využívá stejně částo vůči americkým spojencům jako vůči nepřatelům, a občas i vůči vlastním občanům. A přestože tohle všechno vím, i tak mám potíže přijmout neuvěřitelný rozsah a rychlost této změny; z Ameriky, která usilovala definovat sebe samu vypočítavým a okázalým podporováním disidentů, se stal výrazně bezpečnostní stát, jehož militarizovaná policie vyžaduje poslušnost, tasí zbraně a vydává příkazy k naprosté poddanosti, jak je teď slyšet v každém městě: „Přestaňte klást odpor!“ Právě proto, kdykoliv se snažím porozumět tomu, co se odehrálo během posledních dvaceti let, se vracím k onomu září – ke dni, kdy vzniklo Ground Zero a k bezprostředním důsledkům této události. Vracet se k tomu podzimku znamená dobírat se pravdy, která je temnější než lži o provázanosti Tálibánu s al-Káidou a o vymyšlených, iluzorních zásobách zbraní hromadného ničení, které měl ukrývat Dadam Husajn. A rozhodně to znamená konfrontovat také skutečnost, že všechno krveprolití a týrání, které poznamenalo dobu mé mladé dospělosti, nepramenilo jenom z výkonné moci a zpravodajských agentur, ale tkvělo i v srdcích a myslích všech Američanů včetně mě. Amerika po útocích 11. září okamžitě rozdělila celý svět na „my“ a „oni“ a všichni byli buď s námi, nebo proti nám, jak pamětihodně prohlásil prezident Bush ve chvíli, kdy trosky ještě doutnaly. Lidé ze sousedství se vytasili s novými americkými vlajkami, jako by chtěli dát najevo, kterou stranu zvolili. Hromadili červené, bílé a modré papírové pohárky a cpali je do řetězů lemujících všechny přechody nad každou silnicí mezi matčiným a tátovým bytem aby dali dohromady hesla jako SJEDNOCENI ODOLÁME nebo STŮJME PŘI SOBĚ A NEZAPOMEŇME. Občas jsem chodíval na střelnici, kde se teď vedle běžných starých kruhových terčů a plochých siluet objevily figuríny mužů s arabskými pokrývkami hlavy. U pistolí, které ležely roky v zaprášených výlohách, se naráz objevily cedulky PRODÁNO. Američané také stáli ve frontách, aby si nakoupili mobilní telefony v naději, že tím získají výhodu včasného varování před příštím útokem, nebo aspoň budou moci zavolat sbohem z uneseného letadla. Téměř sto tisíc špionů se vrátilo do práce ve zpravodajských agenturách se vědomím, že zklamali ve své prvořadé povinnosti, totiž chránit Ameriku. Jen pomyslete, jaká vina je musela tížit. Zhodnocení jejich selhání mohlo počkat. Mezitím se jejich šéfové pilně věnovali požadavkům na momořádné zvýšení rozpočtů a přidělení vyjímečných pravomocí a nasazovali páky v podobě strašení dalšími teroristickými akty, aby rozšířili své možnosti a mandáty daleko za představy nejen veřejnosti, ale i těch, kteří na tyto žádosti bouchli schvalovací razítka. Středa 12. září se stala prvním dnem nové éry, do níž Amerika hleděla jednotná, rozhodná, posílená oživeným duchem patriotismu a dobrou vůli a sympatiemi celého světa. Při zpětném pohledu člověka napadne, jak mnoho mohla moje vlast při této příležitosti získat. Mohla se k terorismu stavět ne jako k náboženskému fenoménu, čímž se teroristé záměrně zaštiťovali, ale jako ke zločinu, o který nepochybně šlo. Tohoto vzácného období solidarity se dalo využít k posílení demokratických hodnot a ke kultivované reakci vzájemně propojené světové veřejnosti. A místo toho se moje vlast rozhodla válčit. Nejvíc v životě lituji toho, že jsem pudově a bez pochyb toto rozhodnutí podporoval. Zužil jsem, ano, ale to byl teprve začátek procesu, v němž mé srdce totálně porazilo rozumové úvahy. Přijal jsem všechna tvrzení, jež média vydávala za fakta, a opakoval jsem je, jako by mě za to platili. Chtěl jsem se stát osvoboditelem. Osvobodit všechny ty, kteří žili v útlaku. Vzal jsem za své všechny tehdejší lži vykonstruované pro dobro státu a ve své vášnivé zmatenosti jsem je chápal jako prospěšněé pro naši zemi. Jako by se zhroudila veškerá moje politická výbava, kterou jsem si dosud stačil vytvořit – onen online získaný étos hackera zaměřeného proti institucím a apolický patriotismus přejatý od rodičů, to obojí jako by semi vymazalo ze systému a znovu jsem se nechal nabootovat jako ochotný nositel pomsty. Nejpalčívější ponížení mi působí vědomí, jak snadno tenhle přerod proběhl a jak nedšeně jsem ho vítal. Myslím, že jsem toužil stát se součástí něčeho většího. Před 11. zážím jsem neměl příliš jasno, pokud šlo o nějakou vojenskou službu, protože se mi to zdálo bezvýznamné nebo aspoň nudné. Všichni, kteří sloužili ve vojsku a které jsem znal, konali službu v době, kdy svět překonal období studené války, tedy mezi pádem berlínské zdi a útoky ze září 2001. V tomto rozmezí, které se krylo s dobou mého mládí, neměla Amerika nepřátele. Země, v níž jsem vyrůstal, byla jedinou globální supervelmocí a všechno se zdálo – aspoň mně a lidem, jako jsem byl já – uspořádané a zdárné. Neexistovaly žádné nové hranice, které by bylo třeba dobývat, ani s vyjimkou světa online. Útoky z 11. září to všechno změnily. Teď jsem konečně měli důvod bojovat.“ Konec citace. Závěr Akce-reakce-řešení: Podle této taktiky řídí USA světovou politiku. Jedná jejich ruka vytvoří světovou událost „akci“ a druhá ruka nabídne „řešení“. Stejně tak tomu bylo u Covidu, aby se lidé dotlačili do očkování. Bez této události za využití manipulace, strachu a emocí, by se totiž nikdo nenechal naočkovat. Události se nedějí náhodně, ale vždy za nimi stojí určitý cíl. Pokud dokážete nalézt odpověď na konceptuální otázku: „Komu to prospěje?“, pak jste proti manipulaci rezistentní. Read the full article
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PAK vs NL: Pakistan beat Netherlands by 6 wickets, Rizwan played a brilliant innings
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