#edit: it's been two days and I'm STILL seeing grammar/spelling errors I'M SO FUCKING TIRED
translucent-at-best ยท 8 months
I be stuck on that water challenge tag like I was stuck on that bussit tag a while ago. I fully get why men be so mesmerized. I really do.
Stepping on an elevator smelling good only to be told how good I smell by the other people on it never gets old. A Black woman told me I smelled "diiiii-viiiiine" yesterday. She wasn't wrong ๐Ÿ˜Œ
I'm tired of being so far away from my family and not being able to do anything about it when somebody dies. I'm tired of my family dying. I'm tired of grieving and no one around me knowing and having to keep working and showing up like I'm not. I'm just tired.
The amount of Black men who will exclaim "Protect Black Women" but at the same time pretend they have no earthly idea who we need protection from is wild. Is it all men? No. Is it always men? You know good and gotdamn well. Stop deflecting and start calling your homeboys out.
I've never experimented with a hairstyle and not liked it. It's been relaxed, natural, big chopped, braided, twisted, dyed, curled, and cut. And here I go, being cute as the fuck every single time. The nerve of me.
Somebody I know wrote and self-published a book, which is a huge accomplishment. I finished that book a couple days ago. Still haven't told them. It's... pretty bad. I need to figure out some way to not lie, but also not say that it's good and... I'm struggling. And I'm also mad at the editors (plural) that were paid to make sure it didn't end up looking exactly like it ended up looking. Just plot holes and spelling and grammar errors galore. I shudder to think about what it must've looked like before the edits.
I had two friends over the other day and since I'm still balling on a budget due to this upcoming move, I cooked for us instead of ordering food. Made a big pot of pasta and just knew I'd have leftovers to pack for lunch for a few days. One. I had one day of leftovers. Them niggas had multiple helpings and took food home. I'm glad and flattered that they loved it so much, but shit.
These past few days have been teaching me... I'm a counselor wherever I go. Whether it's my job title or not. it's just who I am. It shows up in my conversations and dealings with people all the time. Not in the sense that I take on an expert role and tell them how they should live their lives, but in the sense that... I'm very good at making others feel comfortable around me. Comfortable to the point of telling me all their business. It's not something I ask for, it's not something I set out to do, but it happens. Often.
Now that I'm a month out from my last retwist and my roots are getting fuzzy, I'm noticing a lot more gray hairs than I remember having. I'm used to seeing a good two or three, but the other day I counted at least 10 of them bitches on one side of my head alone! I'm not mad at it, but it did surprise me.
I'm proud as fuck of my credit score. Saying that out loud feels like bragging, but this is my page, so... ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ Me and my roommate applied for an apartment we want and the score they came back with for me? Shiiiiiiit I'm out here lol.
Coco Gauff said, "Debt? I don't know her. I didn't go to college so I don't have student bills and my parents never put me in a position to have debt." What an iconic answer. Love that for her lol.
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