#due to my (not so) extensive research I'm guessing that a reasonable amount for Bea was 4-6 shots if that was her first time drinking
shy-forceghost · 10 months
Madrid in between scenes
Once they retrieve their backpacks from the hotel room, they settle down on two cots in the corner of the refuge. Beatrice has insisted on going with her, even if she’s still walking on zigzag and squinting at the lights.
“Are you alright?” Ava asks, once they are back at the refuge.
“Yes. A little dizzy, that’s all” Bea answers while starting to unpack. Ava lets out a small laugh.
“What?” Beatrice asks.
“Nothing. I’m just surprised, you know?” Ava admits with a grin, “that a single tranquilliser dart did more than seven lemon drops”. Beatrice’s scandalised face after hearing that is completely worth it.
“Ava!” she shushes her, while looking around to see if anyone heard her, “You can’t say that here”.
“Ok, ok. Not a single word from me ever again, I promise.” They share a shy laugh, and Ava is silently relieved that Beatrice doesn’t show any regret about what happened at the bar.
“They were not seven” she clarifies after ten long seconds “I may not remember a lot from that night, but I’m sure I still knew how to count.”
“Oh, they were, Bea” Ava says “in fact, I lost count at seven …”
Beatrice throws the sweater she was folding at her.
“Shut up” she says, and she’s laughing. Ava notices that this is the first time she has heard her laugh after that night. “Stop defaming me.”
“Me? I wasn’t going to say anything else. You are the one overthinking it!”
She is about to throw the sweater back at her when the effort of stretching pains her on the lower stomach, right where Vincent punched her. Beatrice is at her side in two seconds, concerned.
“I’m fine” the younger girl reassures “just a little sore. For a priest, he can really throw a punch”.
Beatrice doesn’t laugh, and that catches Ava’s attention. She looks at her, inquiring.
“It’s just that … I wasn’t there, I couldn’t help”, she admits, guilt in her voice “Why didn’t you want to tell us it was Vincent?”
Ava ponders her answer. She had hidden that fact while telling the story to Mother Superion, that's right, brushing it out under the argument that "it could've been anyone else, Vincent or FBC, they are all the same".
But Ava knows that's not the truth.
Because I’ve seen the way you get when anyone mentions him. I’ve seen that you are angry at him, but under all of it, you are scared.
“I knew you would overreact” she chooses to say, and regrets it immediately.
“Overreact?! Ava, you were there by yourself. He could have hurt you, taken you to Adriel … out of all people, he’s the one who wouldn’t hesitate on killing you!” Bea yells, and behind the anger, Ava is unable to see the panic.
“You don’t believe I can fight him” she blasts, outraged.
“That’s not what I said” Beatrice says “It’s just that – he overpowered us all, back at the Vatican. We trusted him too much and look at where it brought us. We no longer know what he’s capable of, what else he could do to you!”
“Beatrice, stop. I beat him. I practically kicked his ass and the only reason you should regret that you weren’t there to see it is because it was fucking awesome” Ava is angry, so angry at Beatrice for being so blind “He had a gun. Have you thought of what could’ve happened if it had been a bullet, instead of the dart? Have you?!” she’s yelling now, because she has been thinking about it nonstop since she saw the gun, back at the alley “You are not the only one who worries.”
Beatrice lowers her gaze and puts her hands on her pockets, something she always do when she’s being yelled at. Ava takes a deep breath before continuing, feeling the guilt hovering over her.
“Come on, I was trained by the best sister warrior ever …” she says, in a calmer tone, as she puts both of her hands on Beatrice’s shoulders. “I’m going to be fine. I just ask you for a little faith.”
“I do have faith in you, Ava” Bea says, her gaze softening. “You know that. And just for clarification, you weren’t trained by the best sister warrior. But I was.” She smiles, lightly, and nods to Ava.
They are going to be fine.
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