#dr. mortimer granville
reportwire · 1 year
How to Choose A Vibrator?!
How to Choose A Vibrator?!
While it is generally agreed upon that Dr. Joseph Mortimer Granville invented the first vibrator in the early 1880s, it is a myth that its original intention was meant for curing “hysteria” in women. And while people since the dawn of time have sought out creative ideas for sexual satisfaction, it wasn’t until the 1970s that women truly started to experiment with vibrators specifically designed…
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mistikfir · 4 years
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Hysteria (2010)
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miamberst · 3 years
shoutout to Dr. Joseph Mortimer Granville, tonight wouldn’t have been possible with you.
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mrji · 3 years
The history of sex toys: from ancient Greeks to Bluetooth vibrators
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The sex toy industry is one of the few industries that is both a grower and a shower. It is worth billions of dollars and constantly launches new products. However, it is not easy to get to this point, and it takes a lot of time. When you think of sex toys, you might think of some gadgets or gadgets that are battery-powered, have a USB charger, or are in some way associated with an app, but in fact, sex toys have existed for centuries . It all started in 29,000 BC, when Neanderthals in the Swabian Jura region of what is now Germany began to carve the rock into the shape of a penis. We are not sure if they use them as sex toys, for fertility ceremonies, or if they just think carving penis rocks is fun, but we do know that they paved the way for the modern sex toy industry. In 500 BC, when the ancient Greeks started using various materials to make fake penises, the creation of sex toys became more innovative—and stranger. Some are made of brass or padded leather. For some reason, some are made from old bread. They call them olisbokollikes, which are almost as difficult to pronounce as your mind. Although we do not recommend that you try this, it is definitely a waste-conscious and budget-friendly approach. Those eccentric Greeks also pioneered the use of olive oil for lubrication. By 1300 AD, the sex toy industry really took off, especially in ancient China when it invented Ben Wahh balls filled with animal semen, cock rings made from goat eyelids, and double-sided dildos. When can I be alive! However, it was not until around 1400 AD, during the Italian Renaissance that the word dildo was coined. It originated from dilett o, which means happiness. In the 1600s, French sailors pioneered sex dolls, taking "women" made of straw to long lonely trips, calling them "navigating ladies". Up to now, even Shakespeare is talking about sex toys, mentioning the name of the dildo in his script "Winter's Tale". Naughty, naughty! In England in the 1800s, vulnerable men began to label anxious or unhappy women as hysterical. Although we want to say that this was a short-lived "medical diagnosis", it lasted until the 1950s. In order to relax these women, it received "treatment" such as strong genital stimulation. The hysteria spreads like wildfire, and the doctors and their weak hands can't keep up, so the story goes like this. They invented a vibration machine to make it easier for women to reach orgasm. At the time they called them "manipulators", but we already know that they are vibrators. The first "manipulator" was created by American doctor George Taylor, but Dr. Joseph Mortimer Granville created the first patent, which was disturbingly named Granville's Hammer.
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Although people now usually use vibrators to get out of the car, studies have shown that their original purpose was to help relieve muscle cramps. This means that when you call it a back massager, you are just lying. Throughout the 20th century, vibrators were sold as a series of different things, including scalp massagers, weight loss tools, and pain relievers. They may be used for some of these things, but they are definitely used for other reasons. In the early 1960s, a close friend of ventricular technician Ted Marche approached him to talk about a problem he encountered: he suffered from impotence, and asked Ted to use his puppet making skills to make a prosthetic penis for him. Like any good friend, Ted agreed and started working, thus creating the first strap dildo. By the late 1960s, men began to catch up with the sex toy boom, and men's magazines began to introduce inflatable sex dolls. Around the same time, in Japan, Hitachi introduced the "magic wand", a battery-powered massager for "severe back pain." Women all over the world are beginning to use it to treat... well, back pain, the demand is soaring. Ten years later, the feminist Betty Dodson (Betty Dodson) began to show how to use magic wands in her bodysex workshop, and praised the power of sex toys. At about the same time, inspired by the embarrassing experience of buying a vibrator in a department store, businesswoman Dell Williams founded the first sex shop in the United States for women, called Eve's Garden. This store promoted a silicone vibrator that was not shaped like a penis, which was a major event at the time and was largely regarded as the blueprint of a modern sex shop. In 1983, in order to circumvent the tightening of obscene laws, Japanese companies like Vibratex began to make vibrators shaped like harmless (in some cases, cute) things. Some are based on animals, including kangaroos, turtles and rabbits, and are brightly colored. Lovely! When Fleshlight was designed in 1995, another major sex toy innovation emerged. Initially, it was created to help collect samples from sperm donors, but the inventor soon saw its broader potential and started selling it online. About two years later, the first RealDoll appeared. RealDolls uses silicone and mechanical joints to provide the most authentic man-made experience of being with a woman so far... it's a far cry from the straw "Navigation Lady". Today, due to the anonymity of the Internet and the continuous development of technological innovation, we are living in the golden age of sex toys. In fact, research shows that half of adults regularly use sex toys.
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girlfromtube · 5 years
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PHOTOS: http://girlfromtube.tumblr.com/post/182191033043 Mrs. Parsons: E' una sensazione che si impadronisce di me molte, molte volte nella giornata. E' diciamo un senso di spasmodica attesa, una fame. Mrs. Parsons: Io credevo di essere ormai troppo vecchia per quel genere di sensazioni e invece, eccole ancora lì! Dr. Mortimer Granville: Dobbiamo tenere la ferita ben pulita, per prevenire la sepsi. Malato: La sep cosa? Dr. Mortimer Granville: La sepsi. L'infezione. Che è causata dai germi che entrano nella ferita. I germi sono creature minuscole che invadono il corpo, causando febbre, infezioni, forti dolori. Malato: Oh, non credo di avere quei cosi lì. Dr. Mortimer Granville: Lei non può vederli, perché sono invisibili. Dr. Mortimer Granville: Le bende sporche sono un vero paradiso per i germi. Dr. Mortimer Granville: Non resterò qui a guardarla mentre uccide i pazienti, solo per non disturbarsi a leggere la più recente letteratura. Dr. Mortimer Granville: E' davvero chiedere troppo, di usare un pizzico di quello che la scienza mette a disposizione, invece di andare avanti uccidendo pazienti indiscriminatamente? Dr. Mortimer Granville: Non credevo di arrivare a dirlo, ma ho perso la speranza. Fin da bambino il mio desiderio era praticare la medicina, per aiutare le persone che ne avevano bisogno. Ma comincio a temere che il mondo sia tutto contro di me. Lord Edmund St. John-Smythe: Perciò cosa farai? Dr. Mortimer Granville: Proverò ad esercitare in privato, mi legherò al carro di qualche avido spacciatore di pillole, mi chiuderò la bocca e pregherò di arrivare a un reddito stabile. Lord Edmund St. John-Smythe: O al contrario, potrei darti diecimila sterline e tu faresti quello che vuoi. Dr. Mortimer Granville: Te l'ho detto migliaia di volte Edmund, tu e la tua famiglia avete fatto abbastanza per me. Lord Edmund St. John-Smythe: Oh, ma per favore, me ne accorgerei a malapena. Dr. Mortimer Granville: Si, ma non è questo il punto! Devo sapermi fare strada da solo nella vita. Lord Edmund St. John-Smythe: Sei così, meravigliosamente borghese. Charlotte Dalrymple: Noi donne vogliamo il posto che ci spetta! Tentate quanto volete di imprigionarci ancora nelle cucine e nei salotti. Non ci fermeremo finché non si spalancheranno per noi le porte delle Università, delle libere professioni e delle cabine elettorali! Dr. Robert Dalrymple: Mi dica dottore, che cosa sa dell'hysteria? Dr. Mortimer Granville: Beh, niente. Dr. Robert Dalrymple: Niente? Ma è la piaga dei nostri tempi. Azzarderei quasi a dire che ne soffre la metà delle donne di tutta Londra. La causa risiede in una iperattività dell'utero. Quando si manifesta, nella forma più grave obbliga a interventi molto drastici internamente o chirurgia persino. Ma nelle sue manifestazioni più leggere, ninfomania, frigidità, melancolia e stati d'ansia è assolutamente curabile. Dr. Mortimer Granville: Interessante. Dr. Robert Dalrymple: E' un lavoro tedioso e stancante. E' in buona forma? Dr. Mortimer Granville: Non mi sono mai sottratto al più duro lavoro, nel perseguire lo scopo di dare aiuto a chi ha bisogno di aiuto. Dr. Robert Dalrymple: Bella risposta. Emily Dalrymple: Dimensioni e disposizione delle protuberanze in testa descrivono la personalità, se si ha la preparazione per leggerle. Emily Dalrymple: Che si affanni a cercarla o no, lei è destinato alla fama. Lord Edmund St. John-Smythe: Ti rendi conto che stavo parlando con un avvocato che era dall'altra parte di Londra?! Dr. Mortimer Granville: Di che parlavi? Lord Edmund St. John-Smythe: Di niente, figurati. Neanche lo conosco! Dr. Mortimer Granville: Non vedo l'importanza, senza niente da dirsi. Dr. Mortimer Granville: E' una meraviglia! E' la personificazione della virtù e della femminilità inglese. Lord Edmund St. John-Smythe: Bleah. Dr. Mortimer Granville: Non ho alcuna speranza. Lord Edmund St. John-Smythe: Un medico giovane e bello, che altro può volere una donna? Dr. Mortimer Granville: Miglior reddito, rango sociale. Lord Edmund St. John-Smythe: Sopravvalutati. Farsi quattro risate e che sia bello duro, questo vogliono. Dr. Mortimer Granville: E tu lo sai, perché? Lord Edmund St. John-Smythe: L'ho letto su una rivista. Dr. Mortimer Granville: Ah, ecco. Dr. Robert Dalrymple: La chiave è una giusta e costante pressione. Dr. Robert Dalrymple: Con una intensa stimolazione, siamo in grado di innescare la reazione piacere-dolore che suscita il parossismo isterico. E induce l'utero a tornare nella posizione normale. Dr. Robert Dalrymple: E quelle sue inquietudini? Mrs. Parsons: Dissolte, dottore. Dr. Robert Dalrymple: Magnifico! Magnifico! Quindi, settimana prossima, stessa ora. Mrs. Parsons: Stessa ora domani, direi io. Dr. Robert Dalrymple: Moderazione in ogni cosa, Mrs. Parsons. Moderazione in ogni cosa. Emily Dalrymple: Non c'è carità più grande, del dono dell'istruzione. Charlotte Dalrymple: Dr. Granville lei cosa ne dice? Crede che il parto sia davvero un argomento disgustoso da evitare quando si mangia o non è il miracolo della vita, mai fuori posto? Dr. Mortimer Granville: La mia opinione è che le importanti questioni mediche, vanno lasciate a chi è preparato. Dr. Robert Dalrymple: Io non ti darò più alcun aiuto per quella attività. Charlotte Dalrymple: So che me l'hai detto, ma non credevo che dicessi sul serio. Dr. Robert Dalrymple: Se è ciò che serve perché tu torni in te, così è. Dr. Robert Dalrymple: Lascia perdere la tua casa per i poveri e assumiti le tue responsabilità. Finché non lo farai, non avrai un altro penny da me. Charlotte Dalrymple: Allora qui non verrò mai più, né a elemosinare, né ad abbracciarti. E tu puoi minacciarmi di ogni privazione, di ogni fallimento, di una vita fatta solo di fame e di squallore! Ma ricordati che non devierò, da quella che io so che è la mia vera strada! Emily Dalrymple: E' solo una persona che sente molto, le cose. Charlotte Dalrymple: Ho il coraggio delle mie opinioni. Dr. Mortimer Granville: E pochissimi amici, immagino. Emily Dalrymple: La vita è veramente futile, quando non è consacrata al dovere. Dr. Mortimer Granville: Devo fare in modo di potermi occupare di quelle donne, adeguatamente. Lord Edmund St. John-Smythe: Se non sbaglio i francesi, hanno avuto una certa fortuna usando la lingua. Dr. Mortimer Granville: Per favore sii serio, stiamo parlando delle mie pazienti! Lord Edmund St. John-Smythe: Hai paura del futuro eh? Non ti preoccupare, qualcosa succederà. Dr. Mortimer Granville: Guardi che il piacere non c'entra niente. Posso assicurarglielo. Charlotte Dalrymple: Dipende se si è la persona in piedi o quella sdraiata sul lettino. Charlotte Dalrymple: Se alleggeriremo il loro carico di lavoro, potremmo dedicarci all'impresa più grande. Cambiare il loro modo di pensare! Charlotte Dalrymple: Il socialismo, nella sostanza, non è niente di più che un gruppo che rema all'unisono! Se le donne mettessero insieme le loro forze, sconfiggendo la paura, non ci sarebbero limiti alle loro conquiste. Molly: Cercherei un nome più breve, così una ragazza sa che cosa chiedere! Charlotte Dalrymple: Mi creda Dr. Granville, le assicuro che le donne provano piacere fisico tanto quanto gli uomini. Anche se raggiungerlo puo' essere più difficile. Dr. Mortimer Granville: Il piacere fisico non c'entra niente, non è altro che un trattamento medico che stimola il sistema nervoso. Charlotte Dalrymple: Altroché se lo stimola! Lord St. John-Smythe: Capirete ben presto che la chiave di un matrimonio felice è la capacità di godersi un bel litigio! Lady St. John-Smythe: Ma ricordi di far vincere lui qualche volta, mia cara. Charlotte Dalrymple: Dr. Granville! Sembra che io le debba il mio utero. Dr. Mortimer Granville: E' una offerta interessante. Emily Dalrymple: Ho capito che io non vivevo la mia vita. Io vivevo l'idea di come mio padre, voleva che fosse. Dr. Mortimer Granville: Mi sembri felice. Emily Dalrymple: Lo sono! In fondo, la nostra vita dipende in larga parte da quello che noi stessi ne facciamo. Charlotte Dalrymple: Io, non so cosa dire. Dr. Mortimer Granville: Pare che ci sia una prima volta, per tutto. Dr. Robert Dalrymple: Aria pulita e passeggiate! La formula per una mente sveglia e una lunga vita!
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tl-norman · 3 years
The history of sex toys: from ancient Greeks to Bluetooth vibrators
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The sex toy industry is one of the few industries that is both a grower and a shower. It is worth billions of dollars and constantly launches new products. However, it is not easy to get to this point, and it takes a lot of time. When you think of sex toys, you might think of some gadgets or gadgets that are battery-powered, have a USB charger, or are in some way associated with an app, but in fact, sex toys have existed for centuries . It all started in 29,000 BC, when Neanderthals in the Swabian Jura region of what is now Germany began to carve the rock into the shape of a penis. We are not sure if they use them as sex toys, for fertility ceremonies, or if they just think carving penis rocks is fun, but we do know that they paved the way for the modern sex toy industry. In 500 BC, when the ancient Greeks started using various materials to make fake penises, the creation of sex toys became more innovative—and stranger. Some are made of brass or padded leather. For some reason, some are made from old bread. They call them olisbokollikes, which are almost as difficult to pronounce as your mind. Although we do not recommend that you try this, it is definitely a waste-conscious and budget-friendly approach. Those eccentric Greeks also pioneered the use of olive oil for lubrication. By 1300 AD, the sex toy industry really took off, especially in ancient China when it invented Ben Wahh balls filled with animal semen, cock rings made from goat eyelids, and double-sided dildos. When can I be alive! However, it was not until around 1400 AD, during the Italian Renaissance that the word dildo was coined. It originated from dilett o, which means happiness. In the 1600s, French sailors pioneered sex dolls, taking "women" made of straw to long lonely trips, calling them "navigating ladies". Up to now, even Shakespeare is talking about sex toys, mentioning the name of the dildo in his script "Winter's Tale". Naughty, naughty! In England in the 1800s, vulnerable men began to label anxious or unhappy women as hysterical. Although we want to say that this was a short-lived "medical diagnosis", it lasted until the 1950s. In order to relax these women, it received "treatment" such as strong genital stimulation. The hysteria spreads like wildfire, and the doctors and their weak hands can't keep up, so the story goes like this. They invented a vibration machine to make it easier for women to reach orgasm. At the time they called them "manipulators", but we already know that they are vibrators. The first "manipulator" was created by American doctor George Taylor, but Dr. Joseph Mortimer Granville created the first patent, which was disturbingly named Granville's Hammer.
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Although people now usually use vibrators to get out of the car, studies have shown that their original purpose was to help relieve muscle cramps. This means that when you call it a back massager, you are just lying. Throughout the 20th century, vibrators were sold as a series of different things, including scalp massagers, weight loss tools, and pain relievers. They may be used for some of these things, but they are definitely used for other reasons. In the early 1960s, a close friend of ventricular technician Ted Marche approached him to talk about a problem he encountered: he suffered from impotence, and asked Ted to use his puppet making skills to make a prosthetic penis for him. Like any good friend, Ted agreed and started working, thus creating the first strap dildo. By the late 1960s, men began to catch up with the sex toy boom, and men's magazines began to introduce inflatable sex dolls. Around the same time, in Japan, Hitachi introduced the "magic wand", a battery-powered massager for "severe back pain." Women all over the world are beginning to use it to treat... well, back pain, the demand is soaring. Ten years later, the feminist Betty Dodson (Betty Dodson) began to show how to use magic wands in her bodysex workshop, and praised the power of sex toys. At about the same time, inspired by the embarrassing experience of buying a vibrator in a department store, businesswoman Dell Williams founded the first sex shop in the United States for women, called Eve's Garden. This store promoted a silicone vibrator that was not shaped like a penis, which was a major event at the time and was largely regarded as the blueprint of a modern sex shop. In 1983, in order to circumvent the tightening of obscene laws, Japanese companies like Vibratex began to make vibrators shaped like harmless (in some cases, cute) things. Some are based on animals, including kangaroos, turtles and rabbits, and are brightly colored. Lovely! When Fleshlight was designed in 1995, another major sex toy innovation emerged. Initially, it was created to help collect samples from sperm donors, but the inventor soon saw its broader potential and started selling it online. About two years later, the first RealDoll appeared. RealDolls uses silicone and mechanical joints to provide the most authentic man-made experience of being with a woman so far... it's a far cry from the straw "Navigation Lady". Today, due to the anonymity of the Internet and the continuous development of technological innovation, we are living in the golden age of sex toys. In fact, research shows that half of adults regularly use sex toys.
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tongluculture · 3 years
The history of sex toys: from ancient Greeks to Bluetooth vibrators
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The sex toy industry is one of the few industries that is both a grower and a shower. It is worth billions of dollars and constantly launches new products. However, it is not easy to get to this point, and it takes a lot of time. When you think of sex toys, you might think of some gadgets or gadgets that are battery-powered, have a USB charger, or are in some way associated with an app, but in fact, sex toys have existed for centuries . It all started in 29,000 BC, when Neanderthals in the Swabian Jura region of what is now Germany began to carve the rock into the shape of a penis. We are not sure if they use them as sex toys, for fertility ceremonies, or if they just think carving penis rocks is fun, but we do know that they paved the way for the modern sex toy industry. In 500 BC, when the ancient Greeks started using various materials to make fake penises, the creation of sex toys became more innovative—and stranger. Some are made of brass or padded leather. For some reason, some are made from old bread. They call them olisbokollikes, which are almost as difficult to pronounce as your mind. Although we do not recommend that you try this, it is definitely a waste-conscious and budget-friendly approach. Those eccentric Greeks also pioneered the use of olive oil for lubrication. By 1300 AD, the sex toy industry really took off, especially in ancient China when it invented Ben Wahh balls filled with animal semen, cock rings made from goat eyelids, and double-sided dildos. When can I be alive! However, it was not until around 1400 AD, during the Italian Renaissance that the word dildo was coined. It originated from dilett o, which means happiness. In the 1600s, French sailors pioneered sex dolls, taking "women" made of straw to long lonely trips, calling them "navigating ladies". Up to now, even Shakespeare is talking about sex toys, mentioning the name of the dildo in his script "Winter's Tale". Naughty, naughty! In England in the 1800s, vulnerable men began to label anxious or unhappy women as hysterical. Although we want to say that this was a short-lived "medical diagnosis", it lasted until the 1950s. In order to relax these women, it received "treatment" such as strong genital stimulation. The hysteria spreads like wildfire, and the doctors and their weak hands can't keep up, so the story goes like this. They invented a vibration machine to make it easier for women to reach orgasm. At the time they called them "manipulators", but we already know that they are vibrators. The first "manipulator" was created by American doctor George Taylor, but Dr. Joseph Mortimer Granville created the first patent, which was disturbingly named Granville's Hammer.
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Although people now usually use vibrators to get out of the car, studies have shown that their original purpose was to help relieve muscle cramps. This means that when you call it a back massager, you are just lying. Throughout the 20th century, vibrators were sold as a series of different things, including scalp massagers, weight loss tools, and pain relievers. They may be used for some of these things, but they are definitely used for other reasons. In the early 1960s, a close friend of ventricular technician Ted Marche approached him to talk about a problem he encountered: he suffered from impotence, and asked Ted to use his puppet making skills to make a prosthetic penis for him. Like any good friend, Ted agreed and started working, thus creating the first strap dildo. By the late 1960s, men began to catch up with the sex toy boom, and men's magazines began to introduce inflatable sex dolls. Around the same time, in Japan, Hitachi introduced the "magic wand", a battery-powered massager for "severe back pain." Women all over the world are beginning to use it to treat... well, back pain, the demand is soaring. Ten years later, the feminist Betty Dodson (Betty Dodson) began to show how to use magic wands in her bodysex workshop, and praised the power of sex toys. At about the same time, inspired by the embarrassing experience of buying a vibrator in a department store, businesswoman Dell Williams founded the first sex shop in the United States for women, called Eve's Garden. This store promoted a silicone vibrator that was not shaped like a penis, which was a major event at the time and was largely regarded as the blueprint of a modern sex shop. In 1983, in order to circumvent the tightening of obscene laws, Japanese companies like Vibratex began to make vibrators shaped like harmless (in some cases, cute) things. Some are based on animals, including kangaroos, turtles and rabbits, and are brightly colored. Lovely! When Fleshlight was designed in 1995, another major sex toy innovation emerged. Initially, it was created to help collect samples from sperm donors, but the inventor soon saw its broader potential and started selling it online. About two years later, the first RealDoll appeared. RealDolls uses silicone and mechanical joints to provide the most authentic man-made experience of being with a woman so far... it's a far cry from the straw "Navigation Lady". Today, due to the anonymity of the Internet and the continuous development of technological innovation, we are living in the golden age of sex toys. In fact, research shows that half of adults regularly use sex toys.
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mistikfir · 4 years
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Hysteria (2010)
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Trope Trope: Exploring Fic Tropes in an Omegaverse Setting
A series of unconnected fics that explore fanfic tropes in an omegaverse setting with various Hannigram pairings and varied dynamics.
For @hannigram-a-b-o-library‘s Trope Tuesday I am sharing the entries so far in my ongoing Trope Trope Series. 
[Sharing A Bed (Hannigram)] Explicit - Will, Hannibal, Jimmy and Zeller are sent to Butfuck Nowhere on a case and the small hotel has messed up the booking leaving them with only 2 rooms between the 4 of them. And specifically Omega Will having to share with Hannibal, the only Alpha on the trip.
[Coffee Shop (Hannigram AU] Explicit - Will has lost his teaching job thanks to being an 'unstable omega', and his cousin Adam helped him find work in a coffee shop. As it turns out Will is a terrible barista who can't make a drinkable cup of joe and is lacking in any kind of customer service skills. When he loses his shit at a snobbish alpha, he may have found that his greatest nemesis is no longer a pumpkin spiced latte, but one Doctor Hannibal Lecter.
[Awkward First Meeting (DogsDogs)] Explicit - Will Graham has just moved to Wolf Trap to start his new job at the FBI Academy. Life takes an unexpected turn when he meets a certain Romanian alpha whilst shopping for fly fishing supplies.
[Fake Date (Hannigram)] Mature - Will is astonished and irritated by persistent rumours that he is dating his alpha psychiatrist, Hannibal Lecter. Doctor Lecter comes up with an interesting solution to their problem, hoping to resolve the situation at the FBI Christmas Party.
[Student/Teacher (Aiden/Le Chiffre)] Explicit - Aiden’s life becomes pretty complicated when a new alpha starts at his school. He can’t stop thinking about him and is attracted to him in a way he never has been before. Only problem is, he's the new teacher.
[Stranded Together/Snowed In (Mortimer/Jon)] Explicit - 1881 ~ Jon Jensen has spent a decade alone since the death of his family. Now relocated to the Yukon, he agrees to be a guide for an English doctor travelling through the area. In a world where less than 1% of the population are non-beta, both alpha Jon and omega Dr Mortimer Granville have a few surprises in store when they end up stranded together in the frozen wilderness.
[Flower Shop (Basic Chickens)] Explicit - After leaving the crazy world of investigative journalism, Adam agrees to work in his friend’s flower shop. When a rather odd but endearing alpha keeps coming in each weekend for flowers for his dates, Adam starts to wonder if it’s a ruse and he’s just too nervous to ask for Adam’s number. Well, what’s to be done about that?
[Sex Pollen (Hannigram AU)] Explicit - When the USS Wolf Trap is ordered to investigate a communication failure with a Federation colony on Omicron Ceti III, they discover the local vegetation has bizarre properties. After skirting their feelings for too long, Captain Will Graham and the ship’s half-Vulcan counselor Hannibal Lecter, are forced to deal with the effects the pollen has on the doctor. Neither of them were prepared to deal with their desires, much less the sudden onset of Pon Farr.
[Stranded Together/Snowed In (Hannigram)] Mature - With a snow storm approaching, maybe it wasn’t the best night for Will and Hannibal to plan to have dinner. Or maybe it was pretty perfect?
[Friends To Lovers (Hannigram AU)] Explicit - Will Graham is an omega in an alpha’s world - he’s used to not always being taken seriously and has no time for alpha bullshit. The last thing he expected was to make friends with an alpha! Sure Hannibal Lecter is interesting and clever, he even treats omegas with respect, but Will isn’t planning on anything more than friendship. But after they unintentionally end up sleeping together they need to work out if they can still be friends in the morning.
[Sex to Love (Valhalla Enchanted)] Explicit - In a land where alphas and omegas are rare, the omega prince Charmont is in need of an alpha to see him through heat until his betrothed arrives from a distant kingdom. The recently freed slave one-eyed mute is just hideous enough to be the perfect temporary alpha to service the prince. Falling in love is the last thing anyone wants.
[Sharing A Bed (Tristhad)] Explicit - The storm outside is nothing compared to the one that has raged within Tristan throughout the years he has denied himself. After all, what alpha would take another as their lover?
[College AU (Hannigram AU)] Explicit - Will loses a dare with bestie Bev which results in him having to attend a furry convention with his weirdo roommate Francis. Between that and Alana breaking up with him, this semester pretty much sucks. Will can’t decide if the fact that Francis is bringing his snooty (and pretty hot) friend Hannibal to the convention is going to make it better or worse.
COMING SOON:  Celeb AU (Spacedogs AU) & Slave Auction (Basic Chickens AU)
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mrji · 3 years
The history of sex toys: from ancient Greeks to Bluetooth vibrators
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The sex toy industry is one of the few industries that is both a grower and a shower. It is worth billions of dollars and constantly launches new products. However, it is not easy to get to this point, and it takes a lot of time. When you think of sex toys, you might think of some gadgets or gadgets that are battery-powered, have a USB charger, or are in some way associated with an app, but in fact, sex toys have existed for centuries . It all started in 29,000 BC, when Neanderthals in the Swabian Jura region of what is now Germany began to carve the rock into the shape of a penis. We are not sure if they use them as sex toys, for fertility ceremonies, or if they just think carving penis rocks is fun, but we do know that they paved the way for the modern sex toy industry. In 500 BC, when the ancient Greeks started using various materials to make fake penises, the creation of sex toys became more innovative—and stranger. Some are made of brass or padded leather. For some reason, some are made from old bread. They call them olisbokollikes, which are almost as difficult to pronounce as your mind. Although we do not recommend that you try this, it is definitely a waste-conscious and budget-friendly approach. Those eccentric Greeks also pioneered the use of olive oil for lubrication. By 1300 AD, the sex toy industry really took off, especially in ancient China when it invented Ben Wahh balls filled with animal semen, cock rings made from goat eyelids, and double-sided dildos. When can I be alive! However, it was not until around 1400 AD, during the Italian Renaissance that the word dildo was coined. It originated from dilett o, which means happiness. In the 1600s, French sailors pioneered sex dolls, taking "women" made of straw to long lonely trips, calling them "navigating ladies". Up to now, even Shakespeare is talking about sex toys, mentioning the name of the dildo in his script "Winter's Tale". Naughty, naughty! In England in the 1800s, vulnerable men began to label anxious or unhappy women as hysterical. Although we want to say that this was a short-lived "medical diagnosis", it lasted until the 1950s. In order to relax these women, it received "treatment" such as strong genital stimulation. The hysteria spreads like wildfire, and the doctors and their weak hands can't keep up, so the story goes like this. They invented a vibration machine to make it easier for women to reach orgasm. At the time they called them "manipulators", but we already know that they are vibrators. The first "manipulator" was created by American doctor George Taylor, but Dr. Joseph Mortimer Granville created the first patent, which was disturbingly named Granville's Hammer.
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Although people now usually use vibrators to get out of the car, studies have shown that their original purpose was to help relieve muscle cramps. This means that when you call it a back massager, you are just lying. Throughout the 20th century, vibrators were sold as a series of different things, including scalp massagers, weight loss tools, and pain relievers. They may be used for some of these things, but they are definitely used for other reasons. In the early 1960s, a close friend of ventricular technician Ted Marche approached him to talk about a problem he encountered: he suffered from impotence, and asked Ted to use his puppet making skills to make a prosthetic penis for him. Like any good friend, Ted agreed and started working, thus creating the first strap dildo. By the late 1960s, men began to catch up with the sex toy boom, and men's magazines began to introduce inflatable sex dolls. Around the same time, in Japan, Hitachi introduced the "magic wand", a battery-powered massager for "severe back pain." Women all over the world are beginning to use it to treat... well, back pain, the demand is soaring. Ten years later, the feminist Betty Dodson (Betty Dodson) began to show how to use magic wands in her bodysex workshop, and praised the power of sex toys. At about the same time, inspired by the embarrassing experience of buying a vibrator in a department store, businesswoman Dell Williams founded the first sex shop in the United States for women, called Eve's Garden. This store promoted a silicone vibrator that was not shaped like a penis, which was a major event at the time and was largely regarded as the blueprint of a modern sex shop. In 1983, in order to circumvent the tightening of obscene laws, Japanese companies like Vibratex began to make vibrators shaped like harmless (in some cases, cute) things. Some are based on animals, including kangaroos, turtles and rabbits, and are brightly colored. Lovely! When Fleshlight was designed in 1995, another major sex toy innovation emerged. Initially, it was created to help collect samples from sperm donors, but the inventor soon saw its broader potential and started selling it online. About two years later, the first RealDoll appeared. RealDolls uses silicone and mechanical joints to provide the most authentic man-made experience of being with a woman so far... it's a far cry from the straw "Navigation Lady". Today, due to the anonymity of the Internet and the continuous development of technological innovation, we are living in the golden age of sex toys. In fact, research shows that half of adults regularly use sex toys.
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Hannibal Cre-Ate-Ive’s #HannibalOdyssey Gifset, Art, and Edit ROUNDUP
Here are all the beautiful art, edits, and gifsets from our incredibly talented fandom.  Thank you so much to @camilleflyingrotten for the beautiful banner!
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