#dont explode at soft dottore. dont explode at soft dottore. dont explode- i've already exploded.
fatuismooches · 8 months
You recently did a post asking if fragile reader would be shocked about the Dottore’s personality change, but imagine Dottore’s personality change specifically towards them. Like don’t get me wrong, Dottore 100% was still head over heels for reader during the akademiya, but I imagine that he was more on the tsundere side. Like Reader goes to sleep with the impression of tsundere Dottore and wakes up with this very affectionate Dottore who doesn’t hesitate to express his feelings. I feel like this 180 in how he expresses his love to them would be because he wants reader to really know how much he loves them, because with their fragile health, everyday could possibly be their last and he wants to make everyday count. Cause imagine if Dottore does end up being less expressive and readers last words to him are like “good night, I love you” and he’s all like “whatever” and then they never wake up and those are the last words he ever says to them.
Pretty sure it’s out of character for him but it’s a cute idea and yk being delulu is ok <3
Oh... don't do this to me right now. IT'S TOO SOFT AHHHH. But yeah omg Dottore in the Akademiya really did love you so much but he could be rather mean about it sometimes!! He scowls and rolls his eyes at your displays of affection, verbal and physical, crossing his arms and huffing as he lets you have your way (as his love language back then was letting you have your way with him 😭) When he finally shows some affection he's not the best with it but hey he's trying! And of course, you're not too bothered by it, you do understand what Zandik is like and you won't push him, you'll always wait for him to become more comfortable. But never in your wildest dreams did you think Zandik could become like this.
You're just mind-boggled when you wake up. What happened to your grouchy and snappy Zandik?? Now Dottore's so bold with his affection sometimes - he has no problem grabbing your chin and chuckling at your flustered expression, and then kissing you on the spot. He pulls you onto his lap out of nowhere as if it's a common thing to do, even in front of other people! He runs his hands over your body so affectionately too... at least the one thing that never changed was him biting you with those sharp teeth of his. You know, a couple hundred years ago, the roles would be drastically reversed! (You still do stuff like that now, but having the same treatment reciprocated takes a bit to get accustomed to... seeing how completely different he used to be.) He really has grown a lot, after all, he spent centuries sitting by your bed hoping you'd wake up to respond to his touches... hoping you'd see how much he's changed... hoping for you to say how much of a better lover he is. Naturally, he's still his Dottore self, and will rebuke you, will be mean to you at times, complain from time to time when you refuse to leave his side... and there are the other aspects of how he's changed, gone to the point of no redemption and the blood on his hands... but you've long accepted that. And you appreciate how much he's trying, even though he'll never say the reason for his change in behavior outright.
Though he still has trouble outright saying "I love you." I think no matter how much time passes the words still struggle to come out of his mouth and are only reserved for the most dire or special occasions. But that's okay, his actions are more than enough for you :3
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