#dont come and play dolls all over my analysis
hatsunerandal · 1 year
part three of my playlist analysis!!
part 1 &lt;- part 2 <- back into the pit we go!!
therese - maya hawke kipps?? trying to rizz up lucy?? lockwood thinks not he comes to the rescue 'therese does not belong to you/the horses, cars, and cowboys do' type beat (ps ik what the song is about its for locklyle purposes)
youre somebody else - flora cash imagine how different norrie would be if she came back :) atlantis - seafret oh my god lucy is losing her SHIT after a more intense case where lockwood almost died (again) and they had gotten in a fight just before he put himself in immediate danger and shes just sitting on her bed thinking about it and how if he died the last words she said to him wouldve been harmful. shootout - izzamuzzic eepy vibes after a talk that lasted late into the night. apocalypse - cigarettes after sex this is self explanatory methinks?. tried - beabadoobe hes so tired of living. he just wants to rest [read as: die] lucy said no. they talk for hours one day, george is also there chiming in at appropriate times, they all fall asleep on lockwoods bed and lucy wakes up before the rest of them to make tea and brings it back to the room and they talk more :). telephone - waterparks au where lucy was on fittes team before joining lockwood and co and theyre btoh just watching eachother from afar for a bit <33. cough it out - the front bottoms the repeated 'i am delusional with love' is so both of them :( they both think the other one doesnt like them back. headache - rigby this could be both lockwood and lucy feeling like theyre weighing the other/the team down. it fits very well with either of them. god must hate me - catie turner very much stemming from lucy's in depth descriptions of her insecurities in the books, especially about "not being as pretty as other girls". (this doesnt relate to the song but the fact that we're outside of her head for the show is so nice because we can see that lockwood has literally been head over heels for her since the beginning and he loves her just the way she is). fool - frankie cosmos lockwood feels like he'll never be able to have her. he thinks shes to good for him :(. haunt me 3x - teen suicide lockwood braiding lucys hair after a panic attack, it helps him feel grounded <33 (im so unoriginal im sorry). listen before i go - billie eilish im not even gonna explain this one. figure it out. your hint is: lockwood. anyone else but you - the moldy peaches theyre so perfect for eachother. they dont even think other people are attractive because theyre so engulfed in their love for one another. i want what they have. funny you should ask - the front bottoms the in between stage before they where together and lockwood is. being angsty as usual. style - taylor swift THEY NEVER GO OUT OF STYLE!!!!! back to the old house 2011 remaster - the smiths lucy talking about the town she grew up in, telling lockwood about her mom, about her friends, more about norrie, about everyone else. shes crying, hes crying, george is crying. theyre all crying and drinking tea. leni (crystal castles vs goodbooks) - goodbooks, crystal castles mmm yes i sense yet another lucy panic attack in the shower after a rough job where lockwood put himself in direct danger once again. iris - the goo goo dolls oh my GODDD ITS SO LOCKWOOD 'id give up forever to touch you' WITH HIS LITTLE 'forever is composed of nows' ON THE THINKING CLOTH PLEASE LUCY MEANS SO MUCH TO HIM. brazil - declan mckenna them being Teenagers TM beach episode edition just imagine them all playing in the water at a nice beach on vacation (obv they arent still in the uk bc their beaches are Sad but like they went somewhere with nice beaches for a well deserved vacation. does london fall to shit without them? probably!! do they care? no!!). jesus this is such a ridiculously long series i am so so sorry go to part 4!!
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makesureee · 7 years
Fairly lights, daisies, matte, black nail polish, moodboard, converse, cactus, sunrise, oil paints, overalls, messy bun, space, old books, beaches, lightning, thunder. Ty and luv ya~
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?
will i really have a happy life one day? someone i love and the career that i want?
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
the greatest accomplishment in my life has to be…..let’s see…..i’m drawing a blank dude sorry i’m 19 and live with my mom and i don’t pay bills cause i’m too anxious to get a job so basically i am a pathetic mess
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?
i would quit school and have a panic attack every fucking day but i’m sure i’d do tons of cool shit and visit internet friends and smoke weed in legal places and visit other countries cause while i and my immediate family are really broke, my aunt’s/uncles/grandparents are loaded and would feel so terrible i’d probably get sympathy money.
i’m definitely not ready to die. all i do is sit alone in my room. i feel like i’m not even living right now because i’m not truly experiencing anything.
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?
i don’t really have a bucket list. i just want a fulfilled life, to do things and adventure and experience and to be happy with my life even through the lows. most of all, i want to be happy with who i am, accept myself, and accept death.
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?
more or less. i had parents that loved me, a roof over my head, some friends. my parents separated when i was 7 and never fought in front of me. i got picked on a bit…but thing is is that almost all of my childhood memory (and memory in general) is blocked out (no idea why, my childhood was totally fine, right?)…and of what childhood memories i do have some are a little questionable? like, one time i just  remember making my dolls miserable and pretended it was me? for some reason ever since i was a kid i have always felt like i deserved physical/verbal abuse and misery?? why would a child think those things??? ANYWAY sO SORRY FOR THAT LONG SELF ANALYSIS you know what adderall does to me and honestly i wanna kno why i’m so fucked up if my childhood was so good
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?
too many times my friend i just did one question ago. when i’m high i get personal and my head is like FUCK STOP but i cant
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes?
ent nothin wrong with brown eyes and ent nothin special about blue eyes. honestly what makes average (by average i mean people who dont have all those SICK ASS DIFFERENT COLORED EYES or MULTICOLORED EYES you all can go fuck yourselves i’m too jealous anyway) what makes average eyes stunning is the glow which like any color can have. like my eyes are blue but lame as fuck cause they’re gray blue and not WOWOWOW BLUE SO BLUE wow these are so long im so sorry adderall brings out the most annoying parts of me
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.
normally i’d pick a lyric…but this movie quote hit me pretty hard last night. i hear it in a song i listen to (“Laurie Strode” by Lovers Turn To Monsters) and it’s apparently from a movie called Halloween and i’ve listened to the song like a billion times and it jUST FKN WINDED ME LIKE FU C K  IT S  M E  NOW
“Yes. I-I watched him for fifteen years. Sitting in a room, staring at a wall, not seeing the wall, looking past the wall, looking at this night, inhumanly patient. Waiting for some secret, silent alarm to trigger him off. Death has come to your little town, Sheriff.”
to me it just means that i’m not doing anything with my life at all. i’m just alone in my room the majority of the time, hoping that one day a stimulus will be introduced to trigger me off, to make something change. but in reality, while it can happen without precedents, you gotta make change happen on your own. and i’m kinda bound by anxiety and fear and cluelessness. i’m just waiting for the good things to happen because i either don’t know how to make them happen or won’t just yet. i don’t know. if i let it continue this way, death will soon come to my little town. goddamn i sound pretentious as shEIT
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far?
i answered this one its like 2 posts down c:
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?
i would pay off my mom’s debts and whatever she needed honestly she does so much for me, and move my dad up to georgia (where i live) so he can stop complaining and guilt tripping, and i would definitely move to washington or colorado and go to a glassblowing school and i would honestly be able to be in a happy setting and i could come back and visit my family and what few local friends i have and idk it’d be nice. ALSO I WOULD BUY MY DOG A BROTHER THANX
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organized/not organized?
my bed is my workspace lolol. but generally my room is semi-messy. when i clean it it’s usually v organized and symmetrical. when i organize it’s like playing tetris or something lol
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know?
that i love pills
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?
my hair is currently dyed red! IDK WHAT COLOR TO DYE IT NEXT SOMEONE PLS HELP i’ve already done purple and blue and teal and red
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high?
i answered this one like a post ago 0:
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?
kill or harm a human or animal
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