#dont be like yuki n wear ur ex's clothes while naked
ochitea · 1 year
sorry to ask you again but I'm really curious about yuki's behavior in front of aurelius, when they're supposed to not be together anymore, I was curious when I saw the 2 comic pages you drew.
could you explain why such behavior to the point of taking aurelius' cape and putting it on her while she is completely naked?
ah sry!! i didnt know how to answer ur previous question since it was pretty vague -w-;;
the place they're staying in ("her domain") is at a bathhouse, a place for relaxation n pleasure (sexual n non-sexual). her being naked isn't rlly an issue in itself since she works there (if anything, she's naked more often than not n aurelius knows that)
other than that, the most i can say is that uhhhhh she still likes him a lot aaannd she can unintentionally overstep boundaries like that
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