#don't mind my stupid laughter while i was talking about levi hahahahaha
levi-supreme · 2 years
i’m late to sending an ask but i love the fanfic writer prompt!! 6, 12, 13 love u :)
TWINNIE!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH thank you for sending me these <3
[Voice recording deleted]
6: What is your favourite sense to incorporate in your writing and why?
So I talked about using my sense of sight in my earlier replies and I would like to elaborate on it!! I think my sense of sight is probably the most important to me because I am a very visual person and I remember a lot of things I see, and I learn fast by seeing and doing too. So subconsciously I may tend to focus on this aspect more in my writing and I'm always trying to 'see' and write from the reader's point of view.
12: What headcanon will you keep implementing in your fics, even if canon ends up contradicting it?
HAHAHA so another headcanon that I have and probably many will disagree with me is that Levi loves dogs. I know many people feel that with Levi's personality, he would like cats because they're less social, low-maintenance (in a way), and less active.
BUT!!!! I strongly believe that he would love dogs, especially bigger breeds like German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, Huskies etc! I just feel like with a dog, it would really get Levi to open up and learn to be more affectionate to people. And I don't know, I just love imagining Levi walking his dogs on a weekend morning and then I'll bump into him and flirt with him on the pretext of petting his dogs HAHAHAHAHA.
13: Do you make playlists for when you write? If so, share!
So like I mentioned earlier, I don't have playlists specific for writing, but the type of music I listen to depends on how I feel!!! Most of the time I listen to Japan City Pop, lo-fi, anime OSTs and gaming OSTs while writing, or even when I'm studying!! Lo-fi is definitely my number one choice of music to listen to when I'm writing.
Thank you for sending me the asks twinnie!!!! I love you so sooo much!! Remember to keep warm and stay safe!!!!
Fanfic writer asks!
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