#don't get me wrong i love the rr suit
askmissthunder · 7 months
Hello Miss Thunder and friends and Happy All Hallow's Eve! I have a few questions to ask. Are vampires real in your universe? In mine they're just something from movies! I thought they might be real where you live though, since you are magic and all, maybe they could be real. A vampire trying to make trouble with you is biting off more than they can chew! I also noticed you said "Ocean City 4". Does this mean Black Dog is an official member now? What movies are you guys watching this year?
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Miss Thunder: Well, I suppose vampires could be real. Judging by the things the four of us have seen and what my Nan saw during her time as Miss Thunder, it's certainly not outside the realm of possibility!
Red Rabbit: I think they're real! I heard about one back in high school!
Talon: *Rolls eyes* Oh, yeah, high school. What a great source of info that is.
Eli: You mean a vampire like Dracula, Cassie? With the cape and everything?
RR: No, but I heard from my brother's friend's cousin that he and his friends snuck out past curfew, and when they went past one of the old cemeteries on the outskirts of Ocean City, they saw a man standing right in the middle of the graves.
T: They sure it wasn't just a security guard?
RR: Nuh-uh! They said he was standing still, wearing a suit, and was staring right at them. Then, there was a sound behind them and they all whipped around to look at it. There was nothing there but when they went to look at the man again, he was gone! They all ran back home but they said could hear faint laughing behind them all the way back!
MT: Ooh, that's creepy!
RR: I know, right? *Shudders* Gives me the shivers just thinking about it!
T: "They said, they said, they said". It sounds like your friend's cousin's brother just has an overactive imagination.
E: Her brother's friend's cousin.
T: Whatever.
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MT: As for your second question, well, "Ocean City 4" rolls off the tongue better than "Ocean City 3 Plus Black Dog Who Can't Be An Official Member Because His Dumb Boss Won't Let Him".
T: What do you mean his boss won't let him? He's not his dad.
E: He's been chewing me out about being Black Dog as a superhero because technically, I would be a vigilante, and if I get in trouble with the cops, it could be trouble for him and OCW.
MT: *Sighs* I mean, I GUESS he's not wrong, especially with your legal status being so iffy. Still, that bloody sucks! You've been coming with us on our patrols more and more, you should be part of our group now!
T: You would think having a superhero on your roster would mean good publicity for your wrestling organization.
RR: Yeah, go figure! Oh well, you're an official member in our hearts, Eli! *Kisses the top of his forehead*
E: Aw, thank you, girls!
MT: And for the final question, we went to the video store and each rented a movie for our watch-a-thon!
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RR: We're starting with my pick, The Hunger! A sexy vampire movie with Catherine Deneuve, Susan Sarandon, and David Bowie?! Yes, please!
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E: I picked Phantom of the Paradise because I couldn't read the title but look at that box art! I don't know what's going on but it looks wild!
MT: It's a horror musical, Eli, I think you'll like it!
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T: For my movie, I picked Phantasm. I remember seeing it late on TV one night and it's such a weird but genuinely creepy movie. It's like watching somebody's bad acid trip, I love it.
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MT: Ooh, I'm looking forward to it, Talon! Finally, for my movie, I picked one I remember really creeping me out when I was a kid, The Blood on Satan's Claw! I remember hiding behind the couch when I tried to watch it with my parents!
E: Wow, sounds spooky! Let's get started! Awooooo!
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