#doing nilou's story quest kinda helped me realize that
sungracd · 1 year
do u think they have cute little dance nights at angel's share bc if they do bet adri has ppl lining up to dance with them and ur considered one of the lucky ones if they grab ur hand to join them 🤭
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enden-k · 8 months
Your post on kaveh's portrayal kinda reminded me of a thought I had during Nilou's story quest (im a bit newer to the game, so this was after Kaveh's release) basically, Kaveh would have been perfect for that situation, like he cares enough about the arts to see the value in the theater and be willing to fight for it, but also, he's been through the akademia and should be at least be somewhat familiar when it comes to akademic debates (i realize that kshahrewar doesn't really deal in debates, but still, as someone who was in school for tech, you still pick up some related skills from doing write ups and such, also, just look at who he lives with, he has experience)
What I'm saying is basically, he would not hold back when debating the scholars who wanted to get rid of the theater, and would tell them to fuck off in the most intellectual way possible
Even if Nilou was still the one debating the scholars, he would have been great at helping her with her arguments and coaching her through it
Anyways, sorry for rambling, not sure if this really relates to anything, but just some thoughts i had
i still love nilou doing this (my girl!!!!!!!!) but kaveh would be quite funny bc he would rip the guy a new one fr (in a way that doesnt make him look bad or ruin his reputation badly); if he helped nilou out (im still convinced they would be great friends) he would give her good tips for sure and they would destroy him in seconds
("[...] i see! but what do we do when he does [this]?"
"well its simple nilou! we kill him.")
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jinglr · 5 months
Okay this idea has plagued me for around 10 minutes, but Sumeru story Switcheru.
Character -> au role they assume
Nahida -> Scaramouche.
Scaramouche -> Nahida.
Idk how that would work, I have a few (albeit bad) ideas.
Spoilers below for Sumeru archon quest below! You have been warned!
1: Rukkhadevata, taking the purest leaf, decided not to recreate herself from an earlier time in the Samsara, but instead chose to create a new “Tree guardian” if you will. She creates Kunikuzushi, and when she dies, the people lock Scara away.
His first betrayal was his creator abandoning him. His second being when his Mother’s followers locking him away. And the third, I’d say, would be when they turn him into a false gos, except in this version, it would be like Osial where the sages try and control a god.
There could be two different versions to this though, one where he’s just a puppet to the sages, or when he grows bitter, and controls himself.
With Nahida, I’d say Ei wanted a puppet that would rule with kindness, like Makoto, and so she created a child puppet. Nahida would see the dreams of the people, and would experience their feelings. Ei, realizing she made her puppet too human, would send her away to live her own life. Nahida would take it gracefully, leaving Inazuma to find herself as well as understand the dreams of humans.
Nahida would end up in Sumeru and would join the Traveler & CO’s fight to save Scara from the sages, and end his tyrannical rule. Nahida would get to him through his dreams and (insert interesting plot I’ve run out of cool stuff) encourage him to rebel/stop being evil.
In game, I consider their dynamic to be like, cold with a sweet spot for his Aunty, but in the switcheroo au, I think I’d be a cold faced ruler with a little kitten to keep him in check.
2: Rukkhadevata created Nahida and she gets locked up, except she can’t travel in dreams so she just sits for 500 years, growing bitter. She trades her gnosis to Dottore in order for him to turn her into a “real god.” When she rises to power, she wants to spread infinite knowledge (including the corrupted knowledge) because she’s crazy and bitter 🤪 People are subjected to strict education, plant life is wild and over growing, and everything kinda sucks.
Scara would have been created by Ei, but would see the dreams of the people and weep. Ei would let him go. He’s a young puppet at the time, so the land of Sumeru, with “infinite knowledge” would fascinate him, and he would travel there, only to find out it’s actually horrible. Scara joins Traveler & CO to save Nahida. Turns out, Nahida was holding on to Rukkhadevata’s continuousness and it was infecting her with forbidden knowledge, so they like, pressure her into deleting her so she can feel better.
Scaramouche is the curious, naive one and Nahida is the distant, cold, but slowly warming up one.
That’s all I’ve got plot wise, onto the fun swaps!
Dehya -> Candace
Dehya, the strong flame mane, is famous for protecting her village, and is like the older sister to the children there.
Candace -> Dehya
Candace would be a mercenary, but more of a hired body guard. With her shield, she would be able to protect her boss. Or send opponents flying.
Nilou -> Kaveh
Nilou is just a young, sweet girl wanting to fulfill her dreams of being an architect. She’s very artistic, and brings new, unfamiliar ideas for her time. The Akedemiya has tried to shut down her art, but she’s like no :3
Kaveh -> Tighnari
Kaveh, being empathetic and absolutely distraught after his fathers death, decides to learn biology and medicine to be able to care for sick individuals. However, he’s in debt trying to run his hospital… and Mehrak would be his assistant.
Tighnari -> Alhaitham
Tighnari, doing exceeding well in his studies, gets offered role of the scribe. He accepts. Tighnari is well versed in many topics, and enjoys chatting with his peers.
Faruzan -> No swap, just rework.
Faruzan, after escaping her puzzle, helps Tighnari and researchers learn about the past/read old documents. In this au, Faruzan would have had to be in the puzzle for a little longer. Idk maybe I’ll give her some Khaenr’iah lore. She is the assistant to Tighnari.
Alhaitham -> Cyno
Alhaitham is the cold, honest leader of the Mahematra. I mean… he’s buff for a reason right? He doesn’t enjoy TCG or dad jokes, but he reads in his free time.
Collei -> Nilou
Collei is just a sick girl who loves theater. She still has Eleazar, but is making the most of her life. She figured she’ll die before she graduates from the Akedemiya, so, “screw that I’ll go into the arts!” She once performed in Mondstat, so that’s how she would be close with Amber, and possibly Barbara too.
Cyno -> Dori
Cyno just has a lot of money and drabbles in the black market.
Dori -> Doesn’t really have a swap.
But I’d put with her Kaveh. After her sisters death, she’d go learn Medicine as his apprentice.
Annndddd I think that’s it!!!! Let me know if I had made any swap errors!
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