#does this even make any sense? i feel like i'm just word vomiting my incoherent thoughts lol
couldneverhurtusnow · 3 months
No, no. We HAVE to talk about that quote and Paul and Andrew falling in love on set. WTF is going on. I have gone from, yes I can see this chemistry to... yeah they have done it to... are they a couple? Why would he say that out loud!
haha, to be fair, claire foy also acknowledged that 'you're falling in love with a person you're not in love with' (though it happens that actors actually end up falling in love sometimes, she said) & sometimes it can get very confusing, kind of blurring of lines, i guess -- your body doesn't know you're acting, actors end up tricking their body (she mentions how she reacted to seeing herself on screen because her body was remembering of what it was going through in that moment). so, i don't want to overanalyze, but i can't really recall actors ever being this open with 'falling in love' with their co-star; to be fair, i haven't really kept up with any other press tour like this either though, so i'm not saying no one has ever talked about this before. i've kind of briefly touched on this whole thing before in the tags on a post, but i'm always kind of reminded of how jessica chastain was talking about how her & oscar isaac's friendship wasn't the same after filming 'scenes from a marriage' & she felt like she needed some distance -- though i guess that movie is very different to aous lol. so, i guess it's fair to conclude that sometimes it bleeds through into real life (because your body doesn't know you're acting & will react). & the bleeding through is what has got me unintentionally curious about these two; i can't help it. like yeah, they were friends before & have both acknowledged how they became closer & closer while shooting aous, but where does it end? are actors truly superior humans & able to switch it all off once filming wraps up? it's the fact that they don't seem to want to distance themselves from one another that has me really question it? bc they've both played love interests before & stayed friends with those actors, but this feels different -- from the little i've seen of them. like paul didn't talk about daisy or saoirse this way, though to be fair, they didn't do a lot of promo for those projects. all i can think of is when my best friend confessed he was in love with me & when i didn't reciprocate he needed space from me & our friendship. but maybe andrew & paul are able to separate themselves from adam & harry and have set boundaries. & someone said that's just how irish dudes act with their friends so 🤷🏻‍♀️ and re: "why would he say that out loud!", they've both said some incredibly wild shit during this goddamn press tour, but that's a different subject altogether.
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