#discord is open to mutuals btw just ask and i'll give
arsocalum · 3 months
I'm still active here don't worry. Just been more active on discord is all (I have been putting my muse into a KH rp server i'm in, and have been kinda neglecting Terra's blog). But I will try to get to stuff soon-ish, hopefully anyways. Much like my activity here, I cannot promise anything.
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theintrovertbean · 5 months
I bet you can't tell which one of them is my favorite (sarcastic)
I'll make another post later about Nadia because I love her so much I might need therapy 😭
I'm participating in brainrot's Vesuvia Weekly prompts and I'd like to encourage eveyone to join ^.^
Also, brainrot has a Discord server now, so if you're interested in getting to know others from the fandom and bond over our beloved character, I kindly recommend that you join. It's a safe place for every simp 💜
The Arcana Main 6 x Dara relationship dynamics
Asra: There is some romantic potential between the two, but it's not very much. They were childhood friends and are still very close. Because of that, people often mistake them for lovers. When I say they are close, I really mean it. Asra has no problem hopping into Dara's bed for some cuddles and he's one of the very few people who are allowed to touch them. They pretty much go everywhere together and even though they have separate beds in the shop, they often end up sharing. He's invited to every family gathering and special occasion. Dara can be a little oblivious when it comes to how others feel about them (coughs coughs Nadia coughs choughs), but Asra, being the cheeky person that he is, doesn't shy away from letting them know that a certain Countess might be in love with them. Asra was the first person Dara kissed, btw.
Nadia: Oh I could talk about these two all day. True love. That's it, true love. They met during the plague and quickly fell in love with each other. However, they didn't confess their love until after Nadia woke up from her coma. Dara is introverted but warm and patient, which is something that can be said about Nadia as well. Their relationship is as comfortable as it is passionate, filled with affection and care. They're both givers, which means they spoil each other 24/7 with gifts and all forms of affection. Neither of them trusts easily, but since they're both patient and kind, opening up was not a big issue (except that one incident but that's gonna be explained in Wounds of Magic, Scars of Love.) Nadia is Dara's favorite person in the entire world and they're giving her the special treatment. They seem like an open person, but there's still so much that they hide about themselves. Not from Nadia, tho. Nadia is the only person that Dara tells everything. They have some trauma, and so far, Nadia has been the only one they completely trusted with it. Whenever something happens, Dara's first thought is that they have to go and tell Nadia about it. No one is allowed to touch Dara without asking for first (except Asra and maybe a handful of other people), but Nadia is always an exception. Actually, Dara wishes she would touch them all the time. There is something about the Countess that makes Dara feel things that no one else ever has before. It's a relationship based on lots of love and mutual respect. When it's just them, everything feels so easy. They can be just Nadia and Dara with each other and I think that's beautiful. There's no pressure, no expectations. Just love. If there was a love story about a star and the moon, it would be about them. Hand in marriage when?
Julian: Dara can't really decide how they feel towards Julian. On the one hand, they'd party with him. On the other hand, they're giving him a bombastic side-eye. Julian is not bad and Dara is okay with hanging out with him once in a while, but they can't imagine getting any closer to him. However, sometimes they hang out at the Rowdy Raven and chat over some drinks and they worked together during the plague. When they share a common goal, they're willing to work together towards it.
Muriel: Sweet Muriel is a childhood friend of Dara. They drifted apart but later rekindled their friendship. Or more like, Muriel tolerates Dara more than he would with other people. Dara isn't someone who would force anyone, which is something that Muriel appreciates. However, Dara makes sure that Muriel never feels forgotten. Whenever Dara goes somewhere, they bring him back a little gift or occasionally show up at his hut to say hi, bring some goodies, and pet Inanna. Whenever there's an occasion, Dara invites Muriel and sadly, he often says no, but Dara lets him know that they could hang out later. Just the two of them. They both like chickens. Dara sometimes asks if they could hug Muriel.
Portia: Besties. They bake together and gossip together. When Dara and Portia sit down, they simply can't resist spilling all the latest tea. You know what TikTok trend about whoever brings up xy has to pay first? Yeah, it's them. I swear to gayness, they're like two grandmas. They pet and feed stray cats. Maybe occasionally bring them back to the Palace until Nadia says it's enough. Portia is someone that Dara trusts and considers a true friend. Lots of inside jokes and uncontrollable laughter. They also think that she's cute.
Lucio: Another character with romantic potential. At first, Dara just wanted to punch him. Now they want to punch him and then make out with him and it really confuses them. They're still salty about the way Lucio treated Nadia, but they also understand that Lucio is in some serious need of a therapist. With that being said, Dara is someone that Lucio can talk to about his past. As soon as they begin to understand why Lucio is the way he is, their judgement and hatred for him starts to disappear. When Lucio had the plague, Dara did their best to ease his suffering. If he ever needs a shoulder to cry on or just someone who listens, Dara is always available. They want to get drunk with him.
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janokenmun · 1 year
hell yeah pinned post time
basically i will post about: Whatever I Feel Like
if we're mutuals send me a dm and i might (not guaranteed) send u my discord so we can keep in contact in case site go explodey
cw: venty mental health stuff, relationship stuff, nsfw stuff, wack and hard kinks (also this blog uses unconventional nsfw tags! see below for details)
this may include:
-toki pona -english posts with toki pona translations -noitaposting -venty stuff (esp. relationship stuff) -hornyposts (filterable; see below) -non-venty relationshipy posts -rats -way too many memes -whatever randomass thoughts are on my mind at any given time -any brain contents i havent dumped on my friends already
feel free to dm im open to making new friends also feel free to send asks! also also please tell me if i rb something from a terf or otherwise-problematic person, BUT PLEASE LINK THE POST!!!!!! i rb like hundreds of things a day and i don't have the energy to filter through everything ive posted in the past day to see if it matches the vague description in a callout ask i got
also if u follow me or even just interact i WILL be looking through ur blog. this is a threat
also fair warning i post a fucking lot (mostly rbs) so if u follow be prepared for that (i assume theres a post limit since theres been multiple times where ive posted so much that tumblr cuts me off and refuses to let me post and gives me errors if i try to post)
btw im not comfy with kisses or cuddles from people im not dating!!
also if you're wondering about some personal details, im (cis) male, mostly straight, autism, possibly adhd, and open to play stellaris or warframe or mtg commander or other games
ill be trying to tag my own lewd posts with #janokenlewd, others' with #janantelewd, and cnc posts with #jancnclewd, so if you don't want to see that (or are a minor) absolutely block 'em!!!! i'll also be using #kenlalewd for things that i'm unsure on (like suggestive but not explicit stuff), im not gonna enforce that minors block that but it is recommended! please tell me if i don't appropriately tag nsfw (which likely will happen on occasion)!!! i'm trying to keep this a relatively safe space for minors, so i don't have to ban them completely, and having minors block those tags is an essential part of that! (additionally! i may leave sex ed or kink ed stuff untagged, as safety and education is important; if there's enough demand for it i might make a tag for nsfw education stuff).
basically this blog is just. My Brain
BTW IMPORTANT NOTE: if i do/say something bad, tell me unambiguously! i will have genuinely no idea otherwise
nsfw stuff under the cut :3
more details about me are that im strictly top/dom, single, and open to doin lewd stuff with friends (and possibly boys! i have no idea!!!)
kinks include a bunch of like hard-dom stuff; cnc and brat tamer stuff are my favorite (especially cnc!!! <3<3<3), but i tend to like a lot of dom stuff tho! basically like just ask, there's also a bunch of kinks i have that i'm not comfortable stating publicly! also, i use the word "rape" here a lot; please block the cnc tag if you are uncomfortable with that!!!
limits include like gore/blood (tho a little blood is ok), and any of the like "unsanitary" kinks! also DO NOT TREAT ME LIKE A SUB OR TRY TO DOM ME IT MAKES ME VERY UNCOMFORTABLE, also don't misgender me or anything but that feels like a given! there might be other stuff but that Should be most of it, feel free to ask before sending if you're unsure
feel free to message and/or send asks (esp. if you're sub/switch girl)!!! best practice is to just ask directly before doing stuff, i.e. "hey do you mind if i send nudes" or "hey do u want to talk about kink stuff" or anything like that! tho sending nudes/porn/fantasies that *don't involve me* out of nowhere is likely okay ;3 (if u wanna be safe then ask first tho!! and specify the relevant kinks in case any are a turnoff)! i only rarely rp, i have to trust u first, so don't expect that immediately!
if you're a dom, top, and/or boy, i might still wanna talk about stuff, even if i don't wanna like rp or anything directly!! i'm super interested in human sexuality and hearing in-depth stuff about what kinks people have and why they have them is fascinating (and very hot) to me (and could give me ideas ;3), so if you wanna talk about that stuff please please please message!!!!
this is a paraphilia-safe space!!! if you have paraphilias, including the big ones, you're safe here and i accept you :). depending on what it is i might not want to talk about it, turnoffs are turnoffs, but i still accept you for who you are :) also relatedly id probably be considered proship tho im not really in that community so i may not understand the full nuance and ramifications of that term
also obviously. if you're a minor then don't interact lewdly with me?? you shoudlnt even be reading this and you should have #janantelewd and #janokenlewd blocked as well, that's the compromise i've made so that i don't have to just block every minor that follows me since i post a bunch of sfw stuff too, violators of the contract will be obliterated with the force of a thousand suns
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fleursbending · 1 year
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hello uhh 🙂,, 1). if u send me hate through inbox i'll most likely delete it or you'll be blocked. 2). if you ask me in a rude tone or manner for the discord link and spam me... i'm not going to add you! 3). if you're blog has no age/name/pronouns showing you i'm simply ignoring because i don't feel comfortable. 4). i'm closing my messages to only mutuals now because the influx of messages i got and how rude some of you all were is really disheartening :/. 5). if you think being disrespectful, forceful, @ ing me in posts and nagging me is going to give you entry i'm here to tell you now - that is not the case. all some of you has done has spiked my anxiety! and you are making me feel weary to even give you the discord link in the first place.
this doesn't apply to every single person that has messaged me or reached out, btw. but i'm just too :// to respond to everyone. like give me a fucking break for wanting to connect more closely with my friends??? pls everyone just take a step back like - i'm genuinely sorry for not opening it to everyone okay? i'm sorry.
** the discord is 18+ because that's what we are comfy with don't go all stir crazy because of it! trust there is no personal agenda against you😭
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apocalypta-secundus · 2 years
Basic Rules:
DNI if you didn’t read the rules or are a personal without a roleplay sideblog. Pretty simple rule.
Selective, private, mutuals only. I dunno who it's okay to rp with if you don't follow back! This is sort of a comfort thing? I'm worried I'll bother people is all!
No God Modding. The usual rule!
Oh gosh. I'm crossover friendly this wasn't posted in my rules before I'm sorry but yes! YES! I do crossovers as long as I know the media your character is from or can snoop a wiki for info.
DO NOT LIE YOUR AGE. Dear god please don't pretend you're 18 dear young ones! If I hear of it from anyone I'll block you so fast.
Reblog memes from the source! Reblog memes from the source! Reblog memes from the source! Reblog memes from the source!
Please please please tell me who you’re sending at me if you’re a multi!
Please also tell me who you wanna rp with since I’m a multi lol
If you wanna soft block me, please HARD BLOCK ME. Thank you! It's so I don't accidentally refollow you, that's all.
I’m not in high school, please keep your OOC drama off my dash. :) I'm 32. I'm here for fun.
IC drama is very much appreciated and loved.
I do post OOC and memes often but I’m trying to cut back and delete my OOC posts pertaining to real life after 24 hours. I'm bad at this and I am sorry.
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Shipping Rules:
Ahem. I love crack ships that evolve into real ships
I also love one off crack ships that don’t go anywhere.
One sided love is fun
I also like angst shipping.
Most OC characters are 18 and older, except for the following: Lillian Wilder - 16 Luna Atomais - 14 Haruna - 15 Depending on the time period roleplayed: Most Naruto characters except for Lyn who is over 18 in all time periods. Any character in the MHA verse, except for Rei and Fuyumi. Yukimi Kazahana/Todoroki - 15 - 21
Ayoo Update to the smut rule: I'm not writing it at all. Makes me uncomfortable.
Please no Loki and Mira romantic relationships please. (Please realize I do rp Mira/Narvi as Loki's child in some verses.)
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About Mun Rules:
I'm available on PC Tumblr between 9 PM - 12 AM EST most days, all other times excluding whenever sleep happens I'll be on mobile Tumblr/Discord. You can ask for my Discord if we're mutuals.
Mun is not muse. Mun is a soft baked potato.
I do suffer from anxiety but I do my best to reach out, but sometimes I don’t. I do like to send in memes as ice breakers. I'm shitty at talking to people... Have multiple mental illnesses plus physical ones but... yeah I'm a socially awkward turd for brains. I'm sorry if I don't reach out first or anything. Keep an eye out! Sometimes I become DM friendly. :)
Plotting isn’t my thing but if you’d like to plot something please ask. I have numerous opens. Oh just cause I have anxiety and the like doesn’t mean I don’t wanna rp btw. I just feel like I’m gonna be awful and yeah.
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Trigger warnings are tagged like this: TW: or CW:
There WILL be dark themes on this blog. Nayeli is the child of Sabretooth and is prone to outbursts of violence. Lyn and Raze are both played here and both violent little shits.
I will tag them the best I can so you can avoid them.
I am doing my best to tag triggers, if I mess up and miss one let me know and I will rectify that immediately.
I also tag holidays as triggers. Valentine’s, Father’s and Mother’s day, Christmas. If I need to tag anymore holidays I will if asked!
My triggers are as follows: “papa”, MLP, Father’s day.
(I have reasons and I’m not even sure they’re even valid. I can explain if asked.)
If you are a multi with MLP characters please tag your rps, thanks. (It also doesn’t mean I won’t rp with you cause you have those characters :) )
If you’re rping with an MLP character, please tag the roleplay.
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asavt · 3 years
Another cookie squad Headcanons
Featuring Sparkling, Vampire, cellphones and the Espresso and Madeleine Story of how they came together. Consider it an AU now baby!
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-As a note, when I say the squad I'm mostly referring to the adults, so no worries about Walnut or Creampuff useless I mention them too
-Each one of the squad has been in Sparkling's bar at last once. There's no need to say who has been there the most. Sparkling has a time every time someone besides Roguefort comes, because to him it's mostly like "Oh I'll finally know the continuation to the burnt toast accident or maybe the cat catastrophe? Maybe a new POV of the--"
He practically knows a lot of what happens in between the squad.
-As another note, Sparkling's bar is called Milabo (You know, like the song from Zutomayo of the same name, which, btw, I relate a lot to Latte)
-*A great part of this “AU” is kind of inspired by the song. Part of its lyrics and vibe.
-Vampire is there most of the time when the squad visits the bar (it's almost as if he never leaves the bar and this is definitely not me low-key putting sparkvamp in this oh no--) Sometimes the fakes his sleep to listen to the things others say (Which is how he knows most of Rogue's pan-ic).
-Walnut has been in Sparkling's bar too, but at day and for case-solving purposes only. Sparkling will give her some alcohol-free drink for free sometimes (mostly because he gets along pretty well with the nut family and because Almond usually pays him whatever he serves her).
-If the squad had cellphones (and probably an app like discord because.), their group chat would initially be called "Coffee mage appreciation group" and then be changed to "Coffee bean appreciation group"
Coffee Bean: Can we please change the group name and mine?
Guided by the Devine: No <3
Coffee Bean: Fuck you.
-*And they all would dedicate half their time to make fun of Almond but with love.
-Espresso has been mistaken for a dark mage before by Almond. It was how they meet actually. Almond had pulled him to interrogate him and got a long lecture on the differences between black magic and coffee magic.
-Madeleine gets along rather well with Roguefort. Rogue seems impressed by Maddie’s acting skills.
-Madeleine is currently living with Espresso. Out of his armor most of the time. He usually takes care of keeping the house clean and preparing meals (He never really had to cook before but the first dish he made wasn’t bad at all). Sometimes he will tag along Almond in the detective’s work, or Almond will ask for his help.
-I’m still unsure if I want the Almond/Roguefort/Latte to be romantic or platonic. But honestly? Both are good. Latte is pretty close to Almond and Roguefort but not in the way she is with Espresso (that makes them look like siblings jkashduawhu). Perhaps I’ll keep it platonic.
-The Espresseleine/Madespresso story of how they came together, because I seem to not be able to write it down JSHALDHUIWADWA-
--It happens after the Puppet Show mini quest. Madeleine starts to ask for Espresso's "assistance" in different mission that are given to him. Angel is there too, of course.
--During these missions is that Essy clarifies that no, they are not friends, no, he does not like Madeleine. Bringing up the knight begin too prideful and self-centered if not all then most of the time.
--Is not until one of their missions goes wrong, were Angel is knocked out and Espresso (seeing and knowing that if Madeleine is knocked down too they might not be able to go back to the kingdom ever) pretty much receives a rather big attack for Madeleine is that he kind realizes the facts given by espresso true. All while he is carrying Essy and Angel back to the kingdom, running and exhausted too.
--Clover begin kind of a mediator between the two (I want to see more of my son--)
--"Devine, protect us" Should happen too after this. An scenario like, Madeleine coming to think something like "I'm the shield, the one who goes on the front line and receives the blows for those who can't, always looking straight ahead... but if I am doing that then who watches my back? Who do I rely on and trust to take care of most enemies so the damage received is not overwhelming...?"
Power of team work baby!!!
--As a note to this, Maddie getting his cape damaged as well as his hair. So, you get short hair Maddie~
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(I've been drawing him with short hair in secret now I have an excuse to show)
-- "You...cut your hair..." *Madeleine touches the points of it with one of his hands, pensive* "...pft it'll grow back!"
--There's also this "Search for your own light" thing between Angel and Maddie. Angel encouraging Madeleine to do so. Maybe Madeleine giving his best wishes to them for their wish to fly before they decide to part ways.
--Madeleine trying other ways to befriend Essy. Which at first Espresso mistaken as the knight usual attempts to befriend anyone he sees out of habit and attention seeking, but once they realize the feeling is completely genuine, Espresso is rather perplexed.
--"You can't just befriend people by buying them gifts (although I do appreciate them)" "Then what?" "hmm..."
--Said gifts used to be rather expensive things, simple though. Eventually Madeleine settles to just pass by Espresso's place, give him any food he had bought that day (which usually is glazed donuts), ask if he needs any help with something (getting a vase, materials, moving things), and if not then he just says his good byes, best wishes and silently leaves. (A note on the "silently leaves": Madeleine is pretty much used to speak loudly and enter loudly anywhere, he still does this at this point, but when it's about Espresso he is a bit more quiet, a bit showy over his entrances still, but less loud, and he actually knocks the door)
--Madeleine eventually manages to go out with Espresso to other places that aren't some place in the forest full of enemies. Probably after some more visits to his place and more calm talks between the two, Madeleine brings up that Espresso tends to act a bit cold or distant towards a lot of people, and that, although he understands his discomfort at begin in public spaces or too long out of his work, he should try and open up a bit. This reminds Essy of a certain friend he hasn't seen in some time, and from whom he keeps getting letters.
--There's still some bickering between the two, always with a playful undertone though.
--Espresso explains Madeleine, one time the knight has gotten Espresso wrapped in a blanket burrito again and got him to bed, that sometimes, no matter how tired he might feel, he is simply unable to sleep. Part of a headcanon of mine that coffee magic has this side effect on it's users, prolonged usage of this kind of magic will induce a high caffeine kind of state, which on the long run can fuck up the user's sleep schedule. Madeleine understands this, but remains stubborn about keeping Espresso in the bed so at last he can get some rest from his work and clear his mind a little, the idiot falls asleep in the process and Espresso doesn't try to wake him up.
--This happens several times after, neither of them thinking of the implications of not begin bothered by the sudden closeness they share until it's too late.
--Espresso realizes first that he has slowly, yet nicely, fallen for Madeleine. I think I talked about this before but I'll do it again: Is in one of the times Madeleine has gotten Espresso to bed to get some rest, Espresso not begin able to fall asleep and Madeleine doing again. Is while he thinks of how he has gotten to know Madeleine for real, not the Knight Commander from a noble family or the Chosen by the Devine, but as he is, that he comes to think that "Ah.... I love him" and he remains calm about it.
--Espresso doesn't overthink it, just thinks that, if Madeleine ever got an interest in him, he would surely show it. So he waits. Even if in the end his feelings aren't mutual he knows he'll do just fine remaining friends.
--Madeleine realizes not many days after. And the realization hits him like a truck. Alone in his place and probably in bed looking at the ceiling thinking about Espresso. Once he realizes and thinks about it a bit more his face gets all red and chooses to scream in the pillow.
--He would think about telling Espresso as soon as he can, after all, he doesn't want his feelings to make their friendship weird. He values it, a lot. Maybe because his friendship with Espresso it's the first one where he genuinely wanted to become friends with someone.
--Espresso takes the confession calmly, gets all flustered after they kiss for the first time.
--As a few extras of this: Madeleine goes back to the Republic, asked to be seen by his family and Espresso goes to Parfedia, where a few students have applied to his class to his surprise. When they see each other again is at Parfedia (Madeleine sending a message to Espresso beforehand about his arrival) -there was this one drawing I did once of Maddie running to hug Espresso, something like that happens-. Madeleine gets very clingy for some reason, which they speak later and comes out as “Home doesn’t quite feel like home…” “Why is that?” “I don’t know… maybe I’ve become used to be around you”
--Espresso lets ends up letting Madeleine stay with him until he either feels like returning to the Republic or is called back, whatever happens first (though none will happen for maybe a year or a little more).
--Ends with Madeleine meeting Latte and Almond.
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