#did wu ever look at pictures of him & morro. look across the monastery to lloyd hanging off kai & swear it was like staring into a mirror
eyeofthewolfe · 6 years
Ninjago Normal AU
A World Where Master Wu Never Trained ANY Ninja
Chapter Nineteen: The Story of the Two Brothers
It took three refills of hot water in the tea kettle before Cole, the last teenager to share their story, finally shut his mouth for good. As Master Wu took another long sip from his own tea cup, Nya leaned in very close to the slightly trembling teenager. “I didn’t know about all that with your father,” she whispered softly. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
With a hesitation, Cole looked down at Nya. “I was afraid I would devalue myself… I would be a runaway rather than a wanderer.”
Before Nya could respond, the echo of Master Wu slapping his cup back on the table jerked both Nya and Cole’s eyes back to the old man. Morro snorted, but remained sleeping against the far way.
“I am sorry to hear about your mother, Cole.” Master Wu responded to Cole’s story with sad eyes. “She was a wonderful woman and was an honorable friend.” Cole nodded, used to knowing that Master Wu had known and were friends with most of his new friend’s parents: Kai and Nya’s parents, Jay’s mom, and now his mom.
Kai twirled his small tea cup in his hands and leaned back. “So, now it’s your turn. You know, and apparently already knew, about all of us and now I am curious how.”
The other teenagers nodded. Lloyd, who had an unusual interest in each of the teenager’s stories, let his perked up head slowly fall back into his arms.
The old man took another long sip of tea. He placed the small cup down and folded his hands together tightly on the table. “Very well. However, in order for you all to understand, I must start from the very beginning.
Long before time had a name, a strong and powerful being formed this land of Ninjago utilizing four powerful weapons, the Four Golden Weapons. It was through him this world and all the people exist. After a long time of perfecting the world he had two sons, charged with caring for this world he created. However, an accident at the eldest’s young age caused his blood to be tainted with the greatest evil this world has ever known. It would take half a lifetime for the evil to take over, but the relationship between the brothers were never the same because of it.
As the brothers grew, they began to meet and befriend a group of remarkable warriors who could control the elements. It was not limited to just the four of creation, but a dozen of other elements were harnessed by these people in Ninjago. They had charged themselves with protecting the world of Ninjago, and without hesitation the younger brother allied himself with them. However, the evil in the older brother once again separated the brothers, this time leaving the monastery to seek training and alliance with one of a darker heart, like himself. This broke the younger brother’s heart, and in response to that, he pushed away all the elemental masters and lived alone in his father’s monastery.
Not soon after, the younger brother found a group of orphans who were scavenging for food in his garbage outside of the monastery. While most ran from him, one young boy stayed behind, clearly forgotten by the people of Ninjago. The young brother brought him some food that wasn’t meant for the garbage and he never left after that. He raised the young boy like he was a child he never had. The boy named himself Morro, meaning he came to the hill, or the mountain where he now lives.
Years later the Elemental Masters returned with the news that a great Serpentine War was brewing. While the younger brother practiced peace, he knew that he would have to fight the Serpentine in order to protect the land his father had made. However, to his shock, his older brother returned to fight by his side. He had become a Lord in his time away, and was surprised that his younger brother had become a father. Regardless, they led the Elemental Alliance to fight against the snakes, but while the war ended in victory, the Elemental Alliance was manipulated in uncontrollable ways, leading to disastrous consequences. Half of the alliance left while two masters rebelled our leadership, leading the two brothers to ban them into the very element they swore to use for good. After a few years of peace, the rest of the Elemental Master split up, including the four Elemental Masters of Creation. The only joy in the younger brother’s life was in a woman, who eventually chose the older brother as her mate. Together they had a son, and then that is when the evil finally took over.
The older brother went after the Golden Weapons and the younger brother had no choice but to stop him. The fight ended with the younger brother banishing the eldest into the Underworld, hopefully ridding this world of that evil forever. However, the younger brother was wrong. He tried living in peace, but the anger of his older brother came back in the form of the Skulkin Army, the undead warriors from that realm. They came not to harm the brother, but to take the weapons. He did not lift a finger to stop them. Because of that, the older brother was able to escape. The younger brother… I made a terrible mistake not trying to protect those weapons. I fear that my mistake will be costly, if what you all have said is true about my brother. There is only one way I can think of that could possibly stop him.”
The teenagers all looked around, a little baffled but more curious. “How?” Zane asked.
Master Wu poured himself some more tea. “You all must become warriors. Fighters. Elemental Masters.”
Kai raised his eyebrows. “So….like ninjas?”
Master Wu paused. “I…guess. If you want to use that word to describe it, then I will too. I shall train you all to be ninjas.”
As the teenagers all shared excited looks, Master Wu noticed the uncomfortable look his nephew gave the rest of the table.
“When I said all,” Master Wu interrupted with his gaze locked on the blonde kid. “I meant all of you.”
Slowly all the eyes fell on Lloyd. His green eyes widened. “What….but-“
Master Wu briskly interrupted the young teenager. “You have trained under your father, but there are things even he hasn’t taught you.”
That struck a nerve with Lloyd. He narrowed his eyes. “Oh, now you want to care? Five strangers walk in and suddenly now I’m your student?
His raised voice caused Morro to jerk awake in surprise. Master Wu sat up a little straighter. However, Lloyd wasn’t done.
“My whole life I’ve been alone. No mom, no dad, and certainly no you. When you showed up, I thought it could be different, but all you did was throw me right back into the school my mom abandoned me at!” His voice rose with emotion and his eyes swelled with tears. “So when my dad found me, all I wanted to do was be with him! He cared about me, loved me, supported me – and now you want to extend your hand to me?”
The room was filled with an uncomfortable silence. The five older teenagers with wide eyes kept their mouth shut as they looked back and forth between the old man and his nephew. Finally, Master Wu took a deep breath.
“I’m sorry.”
Lloyd’s lower jaw trembled. The room was dead silent. Even Morro sat frozen in his seat. Finally, Lloyd croaked. “That’s it? That’s all you are going to say?”
The old man sighed. “That is all I can say, nephew. I made a mistake with you as well. I was too busy feeling bad for myself that I was blind to you. And for that, I am sorry.”
The green eyes of the young teenager fell to the table. After a pause, a tear dashed down his cheek. “And…I’m sorry too. All this anger I had towards you…I never knew the full story. And now I know that I was wrong about you- about all of you.” The room was shocked to hear such profound words from the youngest at the table. “I’ve… always felt out of place. At my school, as the general, even on my own. But now… something feels right. I dunno if it’s you all or that thing that happens with the golden weapons or-“
Master Wu shot his head up. “What thing?” he interrupted briskly.
Lloyd choked on his words in surprise. “Oh, uh… the golden weapons? They did this weird thing when I first came close to them. Dad…doesn’t know but-“
“The Four Golden Weapons reacted in front of you?” The old man gasped in shock. “That…that means….” He looked around at the clueless people at the table.
“Means what?” Lloyd called out. A soft ding of a notification caused Jay to dig around in his pocket.
“The Prophecy of the Green Ninja…” Master Wu murmured as he stared at Lloyd. “This is not good.”
Before he could continue, Jay gasped dramatically. “What’s wrong?” Kai asked as he stared across the table.
Behind his glasses, Jay’s blue eyes were wide with shock. “It’s….it’s Cyrus.”
“Is he okay?” Nya instinctively asked. Jay nodded wildly, but it was clear something worse had happened.
“Cyrus and PIXAL returned to the city, but they saw…this.” He turned his phone around to show a terrifying picture.
Nya covered her mouth with a gasp and both Cole and Kai’s faces went pale. Zane blinked a few times and Lloyd felt chills run down his spine, this time the regular kind.
“It was Dad,” Lloyd murmured as Jay showed the picture to Master Wu and Morro. “He got…angry that I was taken.”
The group had figured out that much when looking upon the photo, a devastating still of Ninjago City up in flames.  
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