#did no one learn about the butterfly effect
the-krakens-bitch · 2 years
I know for the fact that the Umbrella academy kids are idiots, not just Olga for öga or saying lobsters are disappearing before telling the others it was people disappearing too. It for thinking that nothing would have changed if Reginald didn’t adopt them
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prettieinpink · 4 months
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This is a guide to make your mind like your own garden flourishing with plants, flowers and butterflies. Having a good mental mindset, and being in the right state of mind is essential to being the best version of yourself.
This guide is divided into four sections: mindset, self-care, mental wellness and emotional intelligence. I hope you can take away something useful and take care of yourself! 💖 
Your mindset can easily determine how you go through life. It influences how you feel, act, behave and your thoughts. When you have a poor mindset, it is going to be difficult to go through life, even if your life is easy. 
However, once we grow and improve our minds, it is easier for us to navigate life, improve our well-being and increase our chances of success. 
Before we get into mindset shifts, I want to explain how exactly you can implement them in your life. I feel like there’s so much talk about mindset, but no one exactly explains on how to implement them. 
The first thing to implementing mindset shifts is making a conscious effort to be aware of your thoughts. If you want, practice mindful activities to improve your self-awareness of your thoughts. 
You have to be able to catch a thought in its passing and whoosh it away from your mind. If you don’t whoosh it away, those simple thoughts build each time which can soon turn into the way you think.
Secondly, after increasing your awareness, identify what exactly about your thoughts or mindset you’d like to shift, and what you would like to shift to.
Thirdly, is to completely immerse yourself in that mindset shift. The mind learns through repetition, meaning that repeating it enough will make your mind learn it. 
Set your mindset shift as your weekly intention, say affirmations, and prayer, read books on it, put a quote on your phone as your wallpaper, just make it so that mindset shift is constantly on your mind. 
Lastly, do small actionable things that reinforce that mindset shift. I recommend you do at least one habit every day for this. 
This is not the only method to implement mindset shifts, but for me, it’s the one that is highly effective. I recommend doing some research on your own, and making adjustments when needed depending on how you think. 
This whole part we’ll talk about the mindset shifts I think everyone should at least try to implement in their lives if they want to improve themselves. These mindset shifts are my absolute favourites and they improved the quality of my life. 
After each one, I’ll state a small habit you can incorporate that contributes to that shift. 
Live your life with your highest self in mind. 
This is more intentional living than an actual mindset shift, but still as important. Whatever you do throughout the day, consider if it aligns with your highest self. If not? Release it. Your highest self knows what's best for you, trust them. 
At the end of the day, reflect on your daily habits, which include all habits you did today whether they were ideal or not. What habits aligned with your highest self and which didn’t? The ones that didn’t, why? How can you change or remove this habit to get closer to your highest self?
Rejection is just redirection.
As someone who has gotten rejected from the things that they wanted and felt so lost in the pursuit of fulfilment, this mindset shift saved me. You have to stop chasing the things that aren’t meant for you if life has proved it isn’t.
While I’m not saying give up after the first try, but try to step back and assess the situation. If you are qualified and ready for this thing, then why is it still not yours? Because it isn’t meant for you. God is trying to nudge you into a different path, recognise his signs. 
To handle rejection better, look for the lesson(s) you’ve learnt, and the skills you grew and see if there is another area of life that you can apply them to. 
Keep yourself on a pedestal.
I am worthy so much to me. It sounds like a weird sentence, but you should start treating yourself like a treasure and avoid giving out that same treatment to most people because you have your soul, which homes itself in your body. Every day, you are living through this soul and body. 
So, why would you take care of someone else’s soul and body? You are never going to be the soul that lives in their body, or the body which homes their soul. Don’t neglect yourself in the priority of someone else. 
Practice setting boundaries with others and recognising when someone wants more than what you’re willing. 
You choose the life that you want.
You have choices and options every day to do things that will eventually have an outcome. Whether this outcome supports the vision of your dream life or not, all depends on how you choose to live your life now.  
I don’t have a habit with this one but keep in mind that absolutely nothing is controlling you, and your choices are of free will. Circumstances can change, but that is why we have to adapt and be flexible.
Fear is a step to success
If you’re not scared, you’re not doing it right. Fear can hold us back, but that is why we have to twist fear into a source of motivation instead. If we were always in our comfort zone, stepping back when we feel a sliver of fear, we allow fear to dictate our life and its course. 
You can’t be successful unless you do the uncomfortable. For this one, do something each day that scares you or makes you uncomfortable. It doesn’t have to be anything extreme, but simple things like exercising longer than usual or talking to someone who you wouldn’t imagine yourself with. Those little risks are so important. 
Embarrassment is not a real emotion 
This one is a bit controversial, but I do not believe in the concept of embarrassment. Yes, things can sometimes be awkward, but it is fully in your control if you want to feel ashamed or not. Being embarrassed only holds you back, and doesn’t allow you to live life to its fullest. 
I would recommend doing a small risk every day as well, but of things that would usually feel awkward. 
Progress over perfection/completion
Perfectionism which is allowed to be nurtured over time can create an avoidance mindset towards doing harder things in life. While we should strive for excellence in everything we do, we shouldn’t allow it to consume us. 
(the avoidance mindset is when we put off/avoid tasks that we believe to be out of our abilities, and so that completion of the task is poor quality/not done well.) 
This one is less common, but I know a few people who would not do a task if they knew it would not be fully completed in their desired time frame. However, each minute of work contributes to the results or completion of something. 
Every day, do one thing that will add up to the completion of your long-term goals. 
To welcome tomorrow, you have to let go of yesterday. 
Living in the past makes us neglect our present self. I’m not saying forget everything that’s happened, but never allow the past to consume your mind. Acknowledge that you’ve been hurt, you’re longing or you were happier. Then, release it. 
Journaling is the perfect way to stay in touch with the present. You can type it, write it, vlog, draw, or compose to journal. 
Everyone has their beauty.
This one helped me a lot with comparison. I saw beauty, not as a measure or a value of someone, but rather something that everyone has uniquely and it cannot be valued. I have my sense of beauty, and you have your beauty as well. We are two different people with unique features, traits and qualities, so our ‘beauty’ can’t be measured against each other. 
Define your beauty. You could be smart, feminine, book beauty or dark, flowers, creative beauty. You add your details to your beauty and never try to define someone else's. 
To conclude this section, your mindset is very powerful. To achieve your goals, work on your mindset. Also, don’t try to work on more than one mindset shift at a time. Implement one fully then work on the next one. It could be overwhelming if you’re doing more than one. 
The next chapter of this guide is about self-care. Self-care is important for maintaining balance in our lives and generally keeping ourselves happy. However, most people don’t understand the concept of self-care, so they just end up doing a bunch of random things and wondering why they don’t feel better.
Yes, you can coddle or pamper yourself when you want, but it is not self-care. While activities from these three things do overlap, do not confuse the terms with each other. 
Self-care is simply what it says. Taking care of yourself. Taking care of yourself looks different for everyone. My idea of self-care will be different to yours.
When you imagine what self-care looks like, it’s typically someone else’s definition of self-care which has been reinforced in your mind. You have to redefine your idea of self-care to match your goals, energy levels and circumstances. 
Before you do, self-care is not always about taking a break. It seems that way, however, self-care can also be having the discipline to do the things that you don’t want to, but are good for you. 
Here are some questions to help you redefine your self-care:
What does self-care mean to you? Does that meaning align with your current values and needs? 
Do you have any negative associations or misconceptions of self-care? Why?
How do I feel in all areas of my life? (physically, mentally, spiritually, professionally). What areas need more attention and how can I improve that area(s)?
What activities bring me happiness, fulfilment and a sense of renewal? 
What tasks do I have to do, which are good for me but I hesitate in completing that task?
How would I like to feel after complementing my self-care rituals? 
Envision your life if it had complete balance and self-care incorporated. What habits would you be doing to support that vision? 
My idea of self-care is completing all of my non-negotiables, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, taking somewhat productive breaks and talking to others daily. 
Self-care has seven pillars, which you all need to take care of to have a balanced life. However, balanced self-care does not mean equal attention to each pillar. It means that each one is up to the same standard of self-care you’ve put for yourself. So, you need to allocate your attention appropriately. 
Physical - The well-being of your body. 
Mental - The state of your mental health, mind and emotions. 
Spiritual - The strengthening of your relationship with God while nourishing your holy spirit. 
Personal - Doing things that bring you enjoyment and fulfilment + embracing your identity.
Social - Connecting with friends, family or even strangers.
Professional - Your work/school life. 
Environment - Keeping your space clean and extracting anything that holds you back. 
Major and minor do not add or take away the value each category has, it just means that major pillars may need more attention compared to the minor ones which may need less attention. Of course, you may need to focus more on a minor pillar, as self-care is individual to you. 
I would’ve added a list of things that you could do for each category, but I want you to think about what you need for each instead of relying on strangers with different lives for self-care. 
Maybe you need to focus on exercising and doing your hobbies more. Or you need to create a better work/life balance for yourself. It all depends on your values, needs and circumstances. 
Mental wellness is the state of our cognitive, emotional and psychological functioning. When we are mentally well, we can cope better with challenges, develop a habit of having positive thoughts, and greater happiness and improve most areas of our lives overall.
There are a lot of things that contribute to our mental wellness, and I most likely won’t have everything here. Just a little disclaimer as well, it is completely normal to have a fluctuating mental state especially when we are going through unfavourable change. 
Social media is a huge part of our lives but is also the main factor of mental destruction. I’m not going to say delete all of your social media, but I want to introduce to you a few ways to mindfully consume and rules with managing screen time. 
To consume content mindfully, go onto apps intentionally and know what your purpose is when using that app. For example, if you want to find new habits that you can do, you could search on Tumblr or if you want a quick break from something stressful you can watch an episode of something on Netflix. 
It doesn’t matter what the purpose exactly is, but the action of being intentional. 
After you consume what you want, download images, and screenshots, and take notes or any documentation of what you found/learnt. This is more so the information is remembered/used. 
Manage your notifications. You do not need notifications from every app. Except for messages and phones, I do not put notifications on my device. I believe that if something is important enough, I’ll remember to check my phone later without the help of a notification. 
Only consume quality content. It is so easy to consume content that has obviously been reposted or is blatantly spreading misinformation. Only consume from people who you trust and you’ve followed/subscribed to. While yes, you can explore but be very mindful when doing so.
You should be decluttering, organising and deleting on your devices routinely.  This reduces the amount of distractions on your phone and makes it more intentional. Only keep the things that align with your needs, values and goals. 
Have rooms or zones in the house in which you’re not allowed to use any devices or the devices you choose. For example, the bed, bathroom, office, when you’re eating at the dining table, etc. 
An alternative is having a period of a day when device usage is not allowed. It could be right after you wake up, right before you go to sleep or just in the middle of the day. Either, I recommend you have a time or place in which device usage is not allowed.
While I encourage everyone to keep up with socialising with their loved ones and friends, I don’t support dropping everything just to talk to someone. E.g If somebody wants to text while you’re in the middle of a study sesh, just say you’ll talk later. 
Stress is an unwelcome yet common feeling we all have. No matter what’s on your plate, we tend to stress a lot, especially in a society that is going so fast and makes us feel like we’re falling behind. 
To manage stress, you need to be self-aware of when you feel stressed. A lot of people actually can’t recognise when they feel stressed, and I am one of those people. Instead, I rely on mental or physical signs that tell me I’m feeling stressed out. 
Unusual lack of motivation or discipline
Feeling tired constantly even if haven’t done anything exhausting
Inconvenience impacts you more
Overthinking about small things
Trouble with sleeping
Low appetite
Focusing is harder
Crying or feeling tearful over small things
This is not the complete list of symptoms, but these are the things I feel/do when I feel stressed. Stress will look different for everyone, so you need to be able to create your own list of signs when you feel stressed. 
Creating a plan helps you to be prepared to effectively address and cope with stress. It allows you to be more productive and improves mental health when you use this plan when needed. 
Here are a few steps to creating your own!
Identify stress triggers. What do you dread the most? What makes you feel drained? What do you overthink about? Answer these questions to figure out what triggers your stress.
Assess your coping strategies. Notice if you have any ways of coping that are self-destructive, as this only contributes to your stress. 
Choose 1-3 activities that are fun to you and are not self-destructive. These activities do not have to be productive or beneficial, but they have to make you feel relaxed and generally feel better
Choose one relaxation technique and one self-care activity. These are up to you, as we tend to neglect self-care relaxation when we’re stressed. 
Optional, but have one person who you can talk to when you’re stressed. When we are stressed, we tend to look at the smaller picture but talking to someone else helps us gain a greater perspective on the matter. 
(If doing something that is my stress trigger, slot a time in the day to do my plan.)
Journal about why I’m stressed 
Make a cup of strawberry and mango tea
Read a nice story while drinking tea
Guided stress meditation
Eat some fruits 
Another thing when creating you plan to not restrict yourself using time. Allow yourself to take as much time as needed to alleviate yourself of stress. 
Being emotionally intelligent is a skill. It is the ability to understand, process and communicate emotions effectively. 
There are times when we do sometimes let our emotions take over and they dictate our actions, thoughts and words. This is why we need to build this skill, to get that control over our emotions back. 
Thinking before you speak is an oldie but goodie. What we say can drastically influence the current situation for better or for worse. If you think that what you might say is rude, offensive or crude, don’t say it at all. 
Also, stay quiet! I am all for standing up for yourself when being disrespected, but you need to recognise when someone is trying to rile you up... They WANT a reaction out of you. Most likely to use against you. Silently exit the situation instead. 
If you are someone who gets a lot of energy from big emotions like anger, dejection, sadness, and jealousy, try to channel that energy into something that requires you to have a lot of energy and is beneficial to you. Keeping that energy in until you blow up is a no-no.
Not everyone is trying to hold you back with ill intent. People’s previous experiences can influence the advice they give to you because they have your best interest at heart. They know that their method worked, which is why they’re advising it. These types of people don’t understand that there is more than one way, but they still love you.
Avoid prolonging emotions. When you’re sad, don’t listen to depressing music. When you’re angry, don’t consume ragefuel. It’s very easy in this age of consuming to amplify therefore prolonging emotions, but it holds us back. Process it, and move on.
Stop acting on a whim. Go where your heart takes you, but reflect on it and create a plan. When you do, you end up in unfavourable circumstances. The most common one is working so hard to get to a certain point, only to realise that you don’t even like it. This is why reflection is important. 
Be kind even when you’re not receiving it. Kindness is only kind when we do it out of pure love instead of personal gain. Stop expecting people to be kind to you after you’ve been kind to them. Kindness is a debt-free action.
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jinwoosungs · 2 months
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jinwoo sung x fem.reader
{ my feelings for you sparkle in my thoughts | i can't be honest with myself yet | even though i have realized the truth | my body is throbbing with the words i can't get out... }
jinwoo sung has always been in love with you-
and he's come to realize that as being a fact that would never change.
you may not know it, but he fell for you during a time where he first decided to become a hunter, being labeled as the weakest in the entire world and you had healed him from a grave wound with your immense healing power.
jinwoo recalls that moment as if it had happened yesterday... where he had first started out as a hunter, becoming so gravely injured that not even joohee could heal him, forcing the young woman to call for help. it was just so painful, losing so much blood while laying on the cold, stone floor of the dungeon.
his life was felt slipping away from him, and all jinwoo could feel was an immense regret at leaving his loved ones behind.
mom, sis... i'm so sorry, but i can't...
as he was close to losing all hope, he felt a warm embrace encircling him. his gasps for air were all that echoed throughout the dungeon, and that was the moment his silvery eyes met with your tranquil expression.
blood was felt bubbling in his throat, but the moment your hand touched at his chest, he felt all of his pain disappear. bathed in a gentle, golden glow, jinwoo suddenly felt the blood receding back into him along with the dissipating pain. your features were twisted in a look of concentration, never removing your hand from his chest until all of his wounds disappeared.
the newbie hunter could feel a blush dye his cheeks red, suddenly feeling alive once more when he sits back up. he looks at his hands, and touches at his chest, no longer feeling pain nor tasting the coppery bitterness of his blood within his mouth.
"h-how did you... that was..."
but all you did was give him a gentle smile before placing a finger upon your lips. "sssh, it's a secret."
he hears joohee's panicked voice, which was what prompted you to stand before disappearing from the dungeon. his throat felt dry, unable to answer joohee and the backup she had called, because all he could think about was you.
jinwoo wouldn't get to see you again until much later... after he became a bit stronger thanks to the system.
his thoughts were consumed with meeting you again; with becoming stronger for your sake as he hoped to protect you in return for you saving his life. he grew stronger, and more confident as he lost the prior meekness he once had when he first started out as a hunter.
so when he saw you again, entering a cafe while ordering your favorite drink, he knew he had to take this chance.
without even thinking about it, he pays for your coffee and pastries, quite literally forcing himself into your plans while hiding his anxiety behind a confident smile. you end up smiling at him, thanking him for paying while allowing him to join you. it was during your first conversation together that he learned of your work as an a-rank healer, where you were often called as backup if many dire injuries had occurred.
( jinwoo had to fight back the urge to ask if you remembered him. )
and after that first meeting and interaction... like a butterfly effect, it all just seemed to... fall perfectly in place.
jinwoo made sure to be a constant presence in your life. often going out with you on your days off ( with him making an effort not to explore the dungeons by himself during those times ). it was truly like all those romance movies and novels have said-
"when you fall in love, all you want to do is surround yourself with them."
because that was what jinwoo was doing at this very minute.
with you feeling lazy, you invited jinwoo over to hang out with you. you were currently settled on the couch, flipping through the pages of your novel with him sitting on the armchair settled across from you. as he was pretending to read, he kept sneaking glances at you.
his heart softens upon admiring you, seeing the sunlight shining through your hair, further accentuating your soft beauty. jinwoo could feel his heart beating rapidly from within his chest, and each time he opened his mouth to try and say something, no words would come out.
mentally berating himself, jinwoo lets out a sigh, unable to take this... distance between you and him any longer. even if he was unable to say anything, maybe he could do something to act on these festering emotions that was felt brewing within his heart.
settling off his own book to the side, jinwoo stands from his seat, purposely towering over you, casting shadows over you. you see him in your periphery and smile, "hey jinwoo-"
you gasp suddenly, watching as he flops down on the couch, resting his head against your lap. he listens to you, paying close attention to the way your sweet voice calls out his name with a bit of a tremor.
"sorry... just... give me this moment to relax with you." it was a struggle for jinwoo to try and keep his voice even, practically relishing within your warmth while breathing in the faint scent of your perfume and shampoo.
he doesn't dare open his eyes, for fear of blushing immensely once he sees you peering down at him. there was a silence permeating at the air when jinwoo feels you shifting in your seat. listening as your voice begins to hum, he shivers upon feeling your hands delve into his hair.
the hunter swore he could feel a purr vibrating with his throat, basking in the way your fingertips massaged at his scalp. he felt so relaxed... so calm and peaceful while laying beneath you-
yet all feelings of tranquility was lost the moment he feels your soft lips touching with his. within mere milliseconds, his eyes were open wide, only to see how your eyes were closed as you kissed him deeply. letting out a moan of your name, jinwoo happily accepts your kiss, pulling you toward him when he wraps an arm around your neck, bringing you oh so closer to him.
your lips continue to perfectly slot against his, making the shadow monarch shiver in response. pleasure was felt coursing through him, and he found himself thinking that if he died right now-
then he'd die happy.
you end up pulling away from jinwoo first, embarrassment painting your pretty features when you slowly admit to him.
"jin, i lo-"
but he interrupts your confession with a growl, meeting your lips once more in a hungry kiss.
jinwoo would be damned if you were the one to confess to him, so he supposes that he just needs to keep kissing you to help you forget-
so that he can tell you first.
{ maybe i was nonchalant, but you’re the only one my eyes were chasing | when i think about it, i might have already fallen for you | how far away did i hide my true self the day i decided to meet you? | when i think how much being hated scared me, i was in love }
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a.n. - in celebration of my new URL change !! help, i have joined the jinwoo harem, that man has a chokehold on me bc wow... aleks le is perfect as jinwoo 😭🙏🏻
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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charcubed · 6 months
"What did we do wrong?" "I don't know."
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🙋🏻 I think I might.
It's the hot cocoa.
Or rather… it's Loki semi-unintentionally siding with Sylvie over Mobius.
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In this episode, that's the tipping point. And so is lack of trust.
What we just watched is the version where things go very wrong and they fail.
But here's the delightful part to remember: things had to go wrong exactly like this, so eventually things can go very right. Because as "wrong" as this was, it had at least one purpose: Loki pruning himself.
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That being said... "What's wrong?"
We've got a list.
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-Timely's gone.
-Miss Minutes is back (and so is Renslayer).
-Dox and her team are dead.
Now work it backwards.
Miss Minutes / Renslayer get in, Brad is freed, and Dox and her team are killed. D-90 isn't there.
Why isn't he there?
He was sent to be with Victor.
D-90 is killed and Victor is taken at the hot cocoa machine, which delays everything.
Why are they at that machine?
Because Mobius got cocoa.
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Why did Mobius get hot cocoa?
Because he wanted pie, but Sylvie yelled at him.
And when Loki didn't defend him in that crucial moment and actually walked away from him instead, Mobius simply got hot cocoa by himself as a pick-me-up.
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Therefore: Lokius is the tipping point.
What did they do wrong?
What happened?
Loki and Mobius were separated and weren't on the same page. THAT'S what happened. And so, everything fell apart.
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Words – or the lack of them, in Loki's case above when he didn't defend Mobius – can change everything.
For good or for bad.
(These shots are back to back:)
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Lack of trust is also why things fall apart.
Sylvie attacks Mobius because he walks away, trusting the work to O.B. and Casey and Victor.
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She can't fathom that. She sees it as a weakness. But it's one of his greatest strengths, and it's their only way forward.
It's also part of the "trust for others" theme that's been present from the very first episode of the show, and it's a primary lesson that Loki's first had to learn through his relationship with and love for Mobius.
And the necessity of trust is showcased throughout this episode in other places. Sylvie accuses Loki of putting a lot of faith in the others, and simultaneously she keeps talking about the TVA as a corrupted place / institution instead of seeing the individual people capable of change.
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But Loki explains to her that it's about the people. He lists the names of his new family – the people he trusts – as being the heart of things. What's worth saving and worth fighting for.
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Brad and Dox are mirroring the trust theme here too, of course.
Brad doesn't trust B-15, and he doesn't pick trusting or aligning with anyone. He dooms Dox and the others to die.
But she sees the big picture and is willing to die with integrity rather than betray the PEOPLE of the TVA.
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And Victor?
He says he doesn't trust anyone… but then he chooses to change. With O.B., he chooses to have a partner.
(Not dissimilar to the ways we've seen Loki change over the show, too.)
And were it not for the ~hot cocoa,~ in THIS regard, things were going "according to plan."
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So as Victor says in the season 2 trailer in a clip we haven't heard yet (!!!): they have to "make the hard choice," of course.
Trust each other, work to fix what's broken, have hope, and STAY.
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And Loki and Mobius, the personification of chaos and order in balance, HAVE to stay together or it turns to shit.
Loki can't turn into a better leader if he ends up being Who Remains all by himself. He's gonna need his partner and the rest of his people for the TVA to truly change.
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But how are they gonna do that if they all just blew up? Lmao.
Well… that part of the theory's a work in progress.
But this involves both butterfly effects and time loops. Somehow we'll likely be going backwards to earlier versions of them that will be trying again.
And depending on just how far back they go… Loki and Mobius' influence on each other may be a snake eating its own tail, just like Ouroboros and Victor.
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Regardless, pretty sure Mobius is correct here. As he tends to be, lol.
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It's gonna be Loki's turn. God of Mischief becoming the Loki Who Remains that Mobius needs, etc.
And it always comes down to the two of them at the heart of things, somehow.
Last thing:
I'm not convinced those versions of them all survived the blast that happened because of these wrong turns, to be honest with you.
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But if anyone did… the gods did.
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And they're (hopefully) not gonna make the same mistakes twice.
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Originally posted as a thread on Twitter here.
My other Loki posts on Tumblr are under the tag "chars loki posts."
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slytherinshua · 3 months
genre. fluff. warnings. petnames (babe, mein prinz, süßer). pairing. maki x reader. wc. 500. request. no. a/n. the author's block is so real i actually hate this fic but i'm posting it anyway... i wanna write smth better for maki soon :( also i don't know german but i am fluent in google translate 👍
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Maki loved to tease you by calling you terms of endearment in different languages. Whether it was German, French, Japanese, Korean, English, or something else, he never seemed to run out despite dating you for months. He never failed to give you butterflies whenever he called you so sweetly with his honey-like voice.
Today, you wanted to get payback. He had been able to get you a flustered mess many times before, but you had never gotten the same reaction out of him. Of course he blushed when he confessed to you and on some dates, but you hadn’t seen the cute colour on his cheeks for a while.
He was muttering something about his plans for the next week as he typed a list into his phone, still a little sleepy from waking up recently. You weren’t sure how someone could look so pretty so early in the morning, but there were no other ways to describe Maki besides beautiful. You were noticing more and more how well he had grown into his features just over the past few months. You missed how cute he used to be, but his sharper more chiselled features definitely suited him the best.
“You used to have cheeks.” 
Maki glanced up from his phone at your comment, flashing a curious smile at you, “I still have cheeks, babe.” 
You shook your head, “But your cheeks used to be cute and chubby.” You leaned over, poking one of your fingers to his cheek, right where his dimple usually popped up, though it wasn’t visible at the moment.
He smiled again, his dimple forming right under your finger, “You like my cheekbones, though.”
“I do.” You sighed, turning your hand to cup his face instead, tracing a finger along his cheekbone. “Mein prinz*…” You mumbled, biting back a smile.
Maki turned to you, colour rushing to his cheeks in shock. You had rarely said anything in German without his coaching, and certainly never such an affectionate nickname. My prince.
Maki had always been the more romantic of you two; planning dates, initiating skinship, and dreaming about the future. Whenever you reciprocated that fondness back to him, it came as a surprise to him. He couldn’t help but get flustered. 
“Where did you… learn that?” He questioned, “I never taught you that.”
You shrugged, “I did some research in my free time, süßer**.” 
“Stop!” He laughed and hid his face behind his hands as your smile only grew from his reaction.
“Are you blushing?” You teased, trying to peek at his face by removing his hands. But he shrunk away more, evading your hands by curling up into a ball to hide just how red he had gotten. The swarm of butterflies in his stomach and the bubbling feeling in his chest accompanied by his racing heart seemed a little too excessive for just 2 pet names. But that was the effect you had on him. 
“Now you know how I felt before.” You grinned victoriously.
*mein prinz = my prince **süßer = sweetie/cutie pie
↳ &team taglist: @eternalgyu,, @kpoprhia,, @weird-bookworm,, @candewlsy,, @cyberpunksunwoo,, @chiiyuuvv
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xomakara · 3 months
Come On Over
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SUMMARY | Haechan doesn’t want to be seen as a cute, little baby boy to you so he asks Johnny for help to seduce you. PAIRING | Johnny/Reader/Haechan GENRE | smut with no plot, unprotected sex (wrap it up everyone!), oral sex, fingering, anal sex, threesome RATING | Mature LENGTH | 5,291 words AUTHOR’S NOTE | So yeah, here’s another Johnny (and Haechan) one. It’s obvious who my bias and who my bias wreckers are hahaha.
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“Y/N, come here!”
You turned away from Taeil to look at Johnny. You were surprised to see him smiling with all his teeth and eagerly waving you over. You took one more look back at Taeil who was still staring up at you. You shrugged and made your way to the tall man.
“What do you want, Suh?” You crossed your arms over your chest. “If you’re planning on playing another trick on me with the kids then I won’t be able to stop myself from punching you in the face.”
“Why are you always so mean to me?” Johnny asked before chuckling. “What has this gorgeous man done to you that he gets treated like this?”
You rolled your eyes, a smile on your lips. “Nothing but try to get under my skin every time we see each other.”
“He does.” He leaned against the wall of the waiting room where you stood. His hand reached out for yours, intertwining his fingers with yours as he brought them together. “But he must’ve did something right if he got someone as amazing as you.”
“I swear Johnny, you’re making it harder for me to hate you.” You lightly punched his shoulder. “But seriously, what do you want?”
“Well,” He ran a hand through his hair, not meeting your eyes. “I just wanted to tell you that you looked beautiful today.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. How in the world did you look beautiful right now wearing baggy jeans, a hoodie and your hair in a tangled mess of a bun? “Do you need to get your eyes checked or something? This has to be a joke right? Which kid are you playing tricks with? Jaemin? Chenle? Haechan?”
“Y/N, you always look pretty in my eyes no matter what you wear.” Johnny stepped closer, his warm breath tickling your ear. “I know I don’t have to say this, but you’re the most beautiful woman in the entire universe and there isn’t anything anyone can ever do to change that.”
He stopped moving away from you as he gazed down into your eyes. You could feel your body reacting to his presence. You then grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him towards you. “Okay, what are you and Haechan planning?”
“Awhhh…” Haechan frowned as he made his way to you. He enveloped you in a hug, looking down at you. “I was waiting for you to kiss each other.”
“You’re such a weirdo.” You pinched his arm. “Seriously though, what’s going on for Papa Bear and Baby Bear to bother me?”
Haechan smiled sheepishly. “Johnny-hyung was teaching me some new skills.”
“What new skills? Flirting?” You looked up at Johnny as he snaked his arms around your waist. Johnny nodded his head and you looked back at Haechan. “Haechan-ah, you don’t need to learn how to flirt with girls. Your personality is enough to make anyone fall for you. Have you seen the stylists and other female staff members swooning over you? I bet they all have a crush on you.”
“But what about you noona?” Haechan asked as he joined in on the hug. “Don’t you think that I’m hot too?”
You cooed at him. “Haechannie, you’re just my little baby bear. But, I might consider changing my mind when you’re older and mature.”
“No fair.” Haechan pouted as he dropped his arms to his sides. “Now I’m feeling sad.”
“That’s what you get for trying to pull off those puppy dog eyes.” Johnny laughed.
You slapped Johnny’s arm. “Stop trying to teach Haechan bad things.”
“Can’t help it.” Johnny muttered as he lowered his lips to yours. You felt butterflies erupt inside of you. This man had such an effect on you. You hadn’t been kissed by anyone in a long time since everyone on the staff was either married or dating someone else.
You never imagined dating an idol. You were just hired to be a manager and nothing more than that. But, you couldn’t deny how attracted you were to Johnny. It wasn’t just because of his good looks. There was just something different about him that made you melt inside. He intrigued you and it was driving you crazy.
It took all of your strength not to wrap your arms around his neck and run your hands through his messy hair. After a few seconds, he broke apart from you, grinning.
“How are you going to kiss and make me feel more sad?” Haechan grumbled.
“Awhhh, my poor Haechannie.” You held out your hand. “Come here, let me give you a big hug.”
“How did hyung ever manage to get you?” Haechan muttered as he stepped into your arms.
“Is my Haechannie jealous?” You chuckled as you hugged him tighter.
“Maybe…” He whispered into your hair.
You let out a laugh giving him a quick squeeze before letting him go. You looked at both Johnny and Haechan. “Go and get ready, you two. You’re about to perform soon and I don’t need the stylists to hunt me down.”
“Yes, ma’am.” They both saluted you as they walked towards their dressing rooms. You smiled softly to yourself as you watched them walk away. Ever since becoming NCT’s manager, you learned to appreciate every moment that you spend with them. No matter how stressful things got, you knew deep down that these boys meant the world to you.
You plopped onto one of the couches next to one of the stylists and laid your head on her shoulder. “I’m so tired, eonni.”
“Me too.” Eunjung sighed as she wrapped her arm around your shoulders. “I really need a vacation. I’m so stressed out lately. Everything is getting overwhelming and I’m afraid I’m going to explode.”
You sat up as you rubbed your forehead. “You shouldn’t be working so hard, eonni. We should just take a week or two off from work and just relax.”
She laughed. “You think the guys will last without you for a week?”
“They can go and bother Taeyong.” You said. “He did say those are his children.”
“Even so,” she sighed. “I’m sure two of your boys will miss you.”
“Oh, hush.” You laughed. “I doubt it. Johnny, I can understand missing me but Haechan?”
“What do you expect? He’s always hanging around Johnny. Haechan is like a son to him.”
“You make it sound like Haechan is my son.” You laughed.
“I know he acts like one sometimes.” Eunjung winked. “And you do treat him like one. We all know you love him.”
“Fine, I’ll admit it. I loveeeee Haechan.” You cackled. “I think he has a little crush on me so he’s always hanging around Johnny.”
“He probably does.” She smiled. “Are you going to be able to deal with the stress once their album drops?”
“Hopefully I’ll have a couple of weeks off after that. That would be nice. Just spending time with the boys doing whatever they want to do. Maybe going somewhere exotic.”
“Hmm, maybe.” She hummed. “Wouldn’t that be nice?”
You shook your head as you lay your head back onto her shoulder. “Let’s hope that I have the chance to do that.”
“Of course you do.” Eunjung smiled. “Now, how much longer until they start?”
“Not too long.” You muttered. “A couple minutes at most.”
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After their successful stage and returning to the waiting room, Haechan trailed behind Johnny. “Hyung, please? Can’t you help me?”
Johnny ran his fingers through his hair. “You heard what Y/N said. You don’t need any help flirting with the girls. They all love you.”
“But…” Haechan scrunched his nose as he crossed his arms. “I wanted Y/N-noona to like me.”
“She does like you, Haechan.” Johnny smiled.
“She treats me like her child.” Haechan frowned. “I want noona to see me as a man.”
“She sees you as her baby boy.” Johnny countered.
“No!” Haechan yelled as he threw his arms out. “I am not a baby anymore! I want her to see me as an adult and love me for who I am.”
“You know you have to fight Johnny for her attention, Haechan.” Mark hollered as he leaned against the door frame. The other guys let out chuckles.
“It’s not fair!” Haechan complained. “Please, can’t one of you show me some support?”
“Is my Haechannie complaining again?” You walked into the room, Johnny enveloping you in a hug and kissing your forehead. “Want Mama Bear to make you feel better?”
Haechan pouted as he sank to the floor. “No.”
“Why?” Johnny grinned as he pressed his chest against your back.
“Because if I’m feeling sad, I’d rather not have you rubbing it in.” Haechan grumbled.
“Johnny stop being mean to Haechan.” You placed your hands on his cheeks, and playfully pinched them. “Besides, Haechan doesn’t need any encouragement to flatter girls. He has no problem seducing them.”
“She’s right!” One of the stylists yelled out, laughter erupting throughout the room.
“I wouldn’t say seduce, noona.” Haechan shrugged. “Most of the girls just wanted me to pay them compliments.”
“Well, there is a difference between flattery and seduction.” Johnny stated as he ruffled Haechan’s hair. “It’s okay to be a little forward, Haechan.”
“So, that’s what I need to do then?” Haechan narrowed his eyes.
“Sure.” You smiled. “Just make sure you are not crossing any lines.”
“I won’t.” Haechan vowed. “I promise.”
The rest of the day flew by pretty quickly. Before you knew it, it was already time to go home. Your stomach growled loudly causing the others to look at you curiously.
“Are you hungry, babe?" Johnny asked as he nuzzled his face against your neck.
"Yes, actually." You sighed as you wrapped your arms around his waist. "I haven't eaten anything today."
"Then why don't we go grab dinner?" He suggested. He looked at the rest of his members. "Anyone else hungry?"
"Yeah, yeah. Let's go eat!" Yuta nodded enthusiastically. "We've been rehearsing for hours. Our bodies are dying."
"Please feed us, noona!" Jungwoo whined. "You're killing us!"
"Says the guy who eats twelve slices of pizza at a time." Taeyong mumbled under his breath.
"Let's just order a lot of food so that the guys don't complain." Johnny smirked.
You giggled as you pulled away from him. "Sounds like a plan."
The boys piled into the van and headed towards the nearest restaurant. A while later, you were sitting in a booth enjoying the company of your guys. You listened as Taeil and Doyoung recalled an event from last week, Yuta and Taeyong argued over who ate the most ice cream earlier that day and Mark pretended to choke on his water when Jungwoo tried to bribe him to switch seats with him. Jaehyun and Johnny were in deep conversation about a drama they watched and Haechan was giving you weird looks but you pretended not to notice them.
When the company assigned you to be NCT's manager, you dreaded having to keep an eye on so many members. But now that you had gotten used to it, you didn't mind watching over them as much. Although they could be rowdy sometimes, they were all very kind hearted people. You often get headaches with Dream but what did you expect? All the idols were crazy.
When you and Johnny started dating, everyone made a huge fuss over it. To be honest, you weren't surprised. Everyone loved Johnny, majorly his fans, of course. Not only was he extremely talented but he also possessed a beautiful soul. Most of the members thought of him as their big brother because he was the second eldest out of the whole group. Haechan thought of him as a second father figure.
You had grown close to most of the boys over the years and even though you were not romantically involved with any of them, you felt like family to them. As manager, it was your job to protect them and ensure they stay safe. And that is exactly what you were going to do. However, there were times where it was tough to keep a straight face especially when they argued about trivial things such as who would get to sit beside you during mealtime. Or when they teased each other mercilessly. Those moments made you smile and laugh a lot.
After dropping off the boys at their dorms, you drove back to your house. You pulled into your driveway and parked your car. Leaning your head back, you stared at the night sky before turning off the engine. You grabbed your bag and locked your car doors. Walking towards your front door, you sighed as you slid your key into the lock.
As soon as you opened the door, you stepped inside the dimly lit house. It was empty since no one lived here except for you. After putting your bags down, you went into the kitchen and made yourself a cup of tea. Looking out the window, you couldn't help but wonder if Johnny was still awake. He had said he would call you but he hadn't called yet. As if on cue, your phone started vibrating and you checked the caller ID and saw Johnny's name flash across the screen. Without hesitation, you answered the phone.
"Hey, Johnny."
"Did you get home safely? Are you getting ready for bed?" Johnny asked.
"Yup. I'm home. What are you up to?" You sat down at the table as you sipped your hot tea.
"Haechan wanted to stay up and play games." Johnny chuckled. "But I convinced him to go to sleep instead."
"Look at you taking care of him. How cute." You smiled.
"That kid is really growing on me." Johnny agreed. "But I still can't forget what he said to me earlier."
"What did he say?" You asked curiously.
"He said he wants you to see him as a man and not as her baby boy." Johnny replied, letting out an amused laugh.
"I think he has a major crush on me, Johnny." You laughed. "Which I find adorable."
"Don't encourage him, Y/N." Johnny chuckled. "If you tease him, he'll end up coming onto you more."
"And is that a bad thing, babe?" You asked. "Are you jealous of Haechannie?"
"Jealous? Of course not!" Johnny scoffed. "However, I can understand how frustrating it must be for him."
"Me too." You admitted. "I know I should treat him like an adult since he is one but he's just so cute! But when I see you two together, you just give me father and son vibes. I can't help but to squeal."
"Am I too old for you?" Johnny joked.
"Definitely not!" You shook your head. "In fact, the older you get, the hotter you become."
"Oh, great." Johnny groaned. "More pressure."
"You're welcome, babe." You laughed.
"I miss you." Johnny admitted.
"I miss you too." You replied back. "Can't wait until tomorrow when we can spend more time together."
"Same here." Johnny paused. "You remember what you told me earlier? About Haechan?"
"Of course." You confirmed.
"Good." Johnny took a deep breath. "So, about that…"
Your heart skipped a beat as you prepared yourself for whatever he was about to tell you. "About what?"
"Are you free tomorrow?" Johnny asked softly.
"Since you guys don't have any schedules... Yeah." You replied.
"Good. Then can you come swing by the dorms? The others will be out tomorrow." Johnny requested. "There's something important I'd like to discuss with you."
"Okay." You agreed. "Anything for you."
"Good. Thanks, Y/N." Johnny smiled. "See you tomorrow."
"Bye, Johnny." You hung up the phone and threw it on the table next to you. "I wonder what he wants to talk about..."
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"Oh god..." You moaned out as you bit your bottom lip. You looked down at the mop of hair that was between your legs.
"Baby, you like that?" Johnny whispered into your ear, his hands wrapped around your body. "You like having Haechan eating you out?"
"Mmm... Yes." You whimpered.
"Tell him how much you want him to lick you out, baby." Johnny urged.
You moaned louder, your hips moving faster as you rocked against his tongue. "Haechan, please... Please..."
"Shhh..." Johnny soothed. "Keep going."
You continued moaning as you grinded against Haechan's mouth.
How in the world did you end up in this situation?
You came to the dorms just as Johnny asked only to find that all the guys were gone for the weekend apart from Johnny and Haechan. Apparently, the other members were staying at an event that lasted all weekend. Johnny and Haechan had other schedules to attend so they were the only ones left behind. But, according to Johnny, he invited you over to discuss something important regarding his youngest member. When you arrived at the dorm, you'd never expected to be leaning against Johnny's hard chest and Haechan on his knees between your legs pleasuring you. You knew that Johnny and Haechan were close friends but this was definitely beyond your expectations. But right now, you weren't thinking about those details. You were focused on what was happening right in front of you.
"Fuck, Haechan," You gasped out as you pressed your thighs tighter around Haechan's head. "Fuck, that feels good..."
"Like this?" Haechan hummed against your pussy.
"Uh huh... Like that..." You replied breathlessly.
"Baby, you look so hot squirming in pleasure as Haechan tastes you." Johnny said as he kissed your shoulder.
"Johnny..." You whimpered. "It feels so good... It's driving me insane..."
"Such a dirty girl, aren't you, babe?" Johnny murmured against your ear. "Haechan's not your precious baby boy no more, is he? Is he?"
"No!" You exclaimed, thighs tightening further around Haechan's head.
"Good." Johnny breathed out. "He likes to lick your delicious pussy, doesn't he? Don't you love licking her, Haechan? Licking that sweet little pussy of hers?"
"Mmm... Mmmm..." Haechan hummed as he slowly moved his head. "She's so delicious..."
"Ahhhh..." You moaned loudly. "Harder... Faster... Lick my clit..."
"Johnny," Haechan whimpered, "Her pussy... It's dripping wet. So fucking wet..."
"Yes..." Johnny groaned, squeezing your breasts harder. "Take every inch of her pussy in your mouth, Haechan. Use your fingers, your tongue, everything."
Haechan's face remained buried in your pussy as he continued to eat you out. His tongue moved back and forth, teasing you with its movements. Your toes curled up as you tightened your thighs even more around Haechan's head. You arched your back and let out a loud moan as Haechan slipped a finger inside of you. A whimper escaped your lips as you leaned your head back on Johnny's chest, eyes shut tightly.
"Jesus fuck," Johnny growled. "My poor baby girl."
You snapped your eyes open to find that Johnny was already starting to pull his shirt over his head. You grinned as you watched him throw his clothes away. You snaked a hand behind his head to pull him down for a kiss. The moment your lips met, your body trembled in anticipation. Johnny ran his fingers through your hair, stroking your neck and jawline. His lips gently grazed yours as his tongue flicked at your bottom lip. You parted your lips slightly and felt his tongue slide against yours. His tongue traced along the seam of your mouth before sliding inside, tracing the outline of your teeth. His lips sealed around your tongue as he gently sucked on it.
You let out a moan as Haechan slipped another finger inside of you. He alternated his fingers, teasing you with his long strokes. His fingers slid inside of you easily as your wetness coated his digits. Your breathing became heavier and heavier as you grew more and more turned on. With every stroke of Haechan's tongue, every movement of his fingers, your arousal grew stronger and stronger. You could feel yourself start to tremble, becoming weak in the knees as Haechan licked your slit. His fingers started making circles around your clitoris while his tongue slipped back and forth across your slit. You bucked your hips against his fingers as your orgasm grew closer and closer. The tip of Haechan's nose rubbed against your opening as his fingers quickly increased their pace.
Suddenly, you screamed as you climaxed, the walls of your pussy contracting wildly around his fingers. Waves of pleasure washed over you as your orgasm exploded within you. You closed your eyes tightly as you trembled uncontrollably.
"Holy shit," Haechan moaned.
"Oh my god," You whimpered as your eyes flew open again. "Haechan, I can't take it anymore."
"Good." Haechan smirked. "That means I did a good job. Right, hyung?"
Johnny let out a laugh. "You did good, Haechan. But I think Y/N needs more. Can you give her more?"
Haechan nodded, standing up momentarily to discard his clothes. He then helped Johnny with discarding your clothes as well. Once you were completely nude, Johnny positioned you so that you were straddling his lap, your breasts pressed against his naked chest. He grabbed your ass firmly and held you there as he pushed his cock deep inside of you.
You cried out in pleasure as you sank down onto his length. You couldn't help but smile widely at the sensation of being full after having been stretched out by Haechan's fingers.
"Oh my god..." You panted out as you tightened your grip on Johnny's arms.
"You like it when I fill you up, baby?" Johnny purred into your ear. "Do you like feeling me deep inside of you?"
"Oh god..." You moaned out. "You feel so good inside of me."
"Haechan did such a good job with your tight little cunt, didn't he?" Johnny teased as he thrust upwards. "It fits so nice and snugly inside of you. Just like a glove."
"Mmmmm..." You sighed happily. "I'm glad I decided to visit. My pussy really needed to be filled."
"Haechan feels left out. Don't you think he should get some attention too?" Johnny murmured. "What do you say, Haechan? What do you want to do? Fuck her in the ass?"
"Noona?" Haechan asked you softly. "Do you want me to fuck you in the ass? Hyung has given permission, hasn't he?"
You've had anal with Johnny before, so it wasn't anything new. And, besides, Haechan seemed eager to try it. You'd be lying if you said you didn't want to watch Haechan fuck you in the ass. "Yes, Haechan. Please. Fuck me in the ass."
A huge grin spread across Haechan's face as he swiftly moved forward, pushing his cock between your cheeks. You shuddered at the contact of his skin against yours. Johnny stopped thrusting up into you momentarily so that Haechan could push himself fully inside of you. As Haechan sank deeper and deeper inside of you, you gasped out as he pushed into your rectum. "Oh my god," You cried out. "It feels so good..."
The three of you stayed like that for several moments before both of them began slowly pumping in and out of you. You held onto Johnny's arm as Haechan pushed his cock in and out of your anus.
"Y/N, baby..." Johnny whispered into your ear. "Look at us."
Your eyes shot open to find that Haechan and Johnny were looking directly at you. Their eyes were glazed with lust as they stared at you intently. There was no way you were going to ignore them as they pleasured you. They wanted you to watch them, to watch their faces as they fucked you. So you forced yourself to meet their gaze as you rode their cocks, letting their hardness plunge inside of you.
Both of them made sure that you saw their entire bodies. Each time Haechan thrust inside of you, he would make eye contact with you as his hips pounded against your ass. Every time Johnny rammed his cock inside of you, he also made sure to look at you. He smiled smugly each time his cock went deep inside of you. Even when you couldn't see their faces because of the angle of your bodies, you could still hear their voices.
"Noona, look at me. Look at my face as I fuck you," Haechan instructed.
"Mmhm," You hummed in reply.
"Watch me pound you into oblivion, Y/N," Johnny breathed. "See how much you turn me on? See how hot it makes me to see you bouncing on my dick?"
With every word that came out of their mouths, your arousal grew stronger and stronger. You wanted nothing more than to please these two men. In fact, you couldn't wait until you were able to finally cum. You gripped their cocks as hard as you could as they alternately thrust in and out of your ass and pussy. You took turns kissing the both of them, allowing your lips to linger against theirs. You couldn't stop thinking about how amazing it felt to have their cocks filling you up, satisfying your urges as you rode their cocks. The sensation of having their cocks go deep inside of you as they moved back and forth against your body was absolutely intoxicating. You could feel your nipples hardening as Johnny pinched them and sucked on them. You moaned as Haechan sucked on your neck and bit your earlobe.
"I wanna cum in you, baby," Johnny grunted. "Make you cum all over our dicks."
"Hyung..." Haechan spoke up. "Can we move positions?"
"Sure," Johnny answered. "I don't mind switching places."
You let out a whine as Haechan withdrew from you and crawled up on the bed to lay on his back. Johnny withdrew from you as he watched you crawl up Haechan's body and straddle his waist. As you slid your pussy down Haechan's cock, you looked at Johnny who was watching you with lustful eyes.
"Oh, look at that cute ass of yours, baby girl." Johnny groaned. "Haechan stretched you out real good, didn't he? Look at those pretty titties jiggle as you bounce up and down on his cock. I love seeing that."
You shifted your weight to sit up higher on Haechan's cock, giving Johnny a better view of what he was missing. You then began bouncing up and down faster on Haechan's shaft, moaning louder and louder as you brought yourself closer to an orgasm. Suddenly, Johnny moved forward and plunged his cock into your asshole.
"Fuck!" You yelped. "Johnny, fuck! Oh god, fuck..."
"Hahaha," Johnny laughed as he began slamming into you rapidly. "Oh, I like this position too. Baby, your ass feels so good around my cock."
As Haechan slammed into you relentlessly, Johnny continued ramming into you relentlessly. You held onto Haechan's toned arms tightly as your juices dripped down his shaft. Johnny kept going, pounding his cock into your ass, taking whatever he could. Finally, after what felt like hours of fucking, you felt an intense pressure build up in your abdomen. You cried out as you rode out your orgasm, screaming in pleasure as the warmth of your own release washed over you. You could feel both Johnny and Haechan tense up as they released their load into you. When you finished cumming, you collapsed down on top of Haechan's body, breathing heavily, Johnny laying next to you. The room was filled with the sounds of you and the boys panting as you tried to catch your breath.
Finally, you looked down at Haechan who was staring at you with an expression of pure bliss on his face.
"I guess my Haechannie is a man after all." You said, Johnny letting out a laugh.
"Did I do good, noona? Did I make you happy?" Haechan questioned.
"Yes, Haechan." You responded, giving him a quick kiss. "You did an excellent job. It was...the best sex I ever had."
"Well, it's always fun trying something new." Haechan replied. "And, besides, Johnny gave me some great pointers."
"Really?" You grinned, turning to face Johnny. "And what was that?"
"Just trust me." Johnny said with a wink. "You'll find out soon enough."
"So I'm assuming this is going to be a regular occurrence?" You mused aloud. "I mean, you two are obviously going to want to fuck me every chance you get now that we've done this."
"What do you say, Haechan?" Johnny asked. "Do you want to fuck Y/N again?"
"If that's what Y/N wants," Haechan replied with a look of adoration.
"What do you say, baby girl?" Johnny purred, his hands running up your legs. "Do you want to continue this fun?"
"Yeah, definitely." You said excitedly, placing your hands on either side of Johnny's head. "We can play later tonight. We'll have plenty of time to take care of our horny urges. For now, I just want to shower and cuddle with the both of you."
As you crawled off of Haechan's body, you could see that both of the boys shared a similar look of relief. Neither one of them wanted to leave your side. After all, it was clear to them that you belonged to the both of them. The three of you walked to the bathroom together, neither of you saying a single word. Once inside the shower, you all embraced, the three of you enjoying each other's company under the warm water. While you all enjoyed your time in the shower, you could still feel the lingering effects of your previous encounter with the guys. All throughout the shower, you constantly reached for each other, finding it difficult to keep your hands off of each other. Once you stepped out of the shower, Haechan wrapped you in a towel while Johnny dried you off with another towel. When the boys got you dressed, they let out a sigh of relief as they ran their hands along your curves.
After making your way back to the bedroom, you sat down next to Haechan and leaned into him. "Thank you, Haechan. Thank you, Johnny. That was..."
"Amazing?" Johnny offered.
"Yes. Amazing. And I'm so happy that I came to visit. Thank you both for this experience."
"Noona, do you still see me as a boy?" Haechan asked, causing you to raise your head from where you were resting it on his chest. "Or do you now see me as a man?"
"After that performance?" You laughed. You leaned up to give Haechan a kiss. "A man, Haechan. A man who will do anything to please me."
"Hey, don't be hogging my girlfriend now." Johnny placed his hand on Haechan's shoulder as he watched the two of you passionately kiss. "She's my woman, too."
"Alright, alright. Stop being jealous of each other." You giggled. "Now come here and give me lots of cuddles."
Once you had both of the boys cuddled up to you, you reached down to grab Haechan's hand and put it on your stomach. Then you reached over to grab Johnny's hand and place it on your stomach as well. You squeezed their hands and intertwined your fingers with theirs. You gently rubbed their hands as you continued to talk to them.
"I really do feel blessed that I was given such wonderful people to call family." You said. "And the feeling is mutual. The feeling is very mutual."
At that moment, you thought that everything was perfect. Life couldn't get any better than this. Your world was complete with the two people that meant the most to you: Haechan and Johnny. The three of you laid there, holding hands and enjoying each other's company as you drifted off to sleep. As you fell asleep, you could feel the warmth of the three of you as you slept peacefully.
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pennyellee · 10 months
CHAPTER II - sponsalia
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pairings: mafia leader!yoongi x f!reader genre: mafia!au, yandere au, historical au
summary: Their interlocking gaze served as a butterfly effect on his heart, stirring it to the core. She, in turn, only dreams to find a way to escape. But perchance, over time she might forcefully learn to love the man who has taken so much from her.
Thus unfolds a twisted tale of love and loss, of hope and despair, of life and death. The music reverberated through the dimly-lit streets. Tears of sorrow, weeping symphony - reflects the hurt, the scars that linger deep within and the wounds that never healed. Lacrimosa.
chapter warnings: minors dni 18+ | mafia au, dark!yoongi, mafia!yoongi, yandere, kidnapping, mentions of God, mention of drugs, manipulation, possessive/obsessive behaviour, angst, mentions of death, overwhelming, violence, sexual tension
beta read by @chaoticpuff17
word count: 6,7K
disclaimer: this story is purely fictional, it does not depict real-life events or involve any actual members of BTS. This story will contain depictions of violence, blood shed, death, mentions of abuse, smoking, alcohol drinking, illegal activities, old social norms and traditions, which we do not condone.
sponsalia (n.) engagement
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The heavy rain casts a hazy veil over the world around her and the sound of them reminds her of the storm that rages within. The last memory is coming through the light once she opens her eyes and sees, now, familiar surroundings. Lost and trapped. She wishes this to be only a mere nightmare she will wake up from. Her voice sore and barely audible, she whispers into the quiet room illuminated by the fire from the fireplace, “Why did you let this happen, my lord?” Knowing deep down that her question will remain unanswered, she longs for just one response—
“A twist of fate, perhaps, my little dove.”
She does not dare to turn herself to the voice, never before feeling such overwhelming fear. Her heart aches with sadness and is reigned by fear and perhaps a tinge of disappointment at her inability to escape and flee the spars of this world.
“No courage now? You displayed enough when you injured one of my men,” he chuckles with a sly grin, thoroughly intrigued by the woman lying in his bed.
“Is he alright?” She rises from the bed, unaware that every word she utters draws him even deeper.
“Are you concerned for his well-being or worried that this sin will lead you to hell?” He arches an eyebrow, curiously expecting her answer.
Lowering her gaze to her trembling hands, she stammers, “I didn’t mean to hurt him. I just needed to get away.”
‘A pure soul,’ he contemplates silently. This very woman might just be his endgame. He is determined but wishes to interrogate more. Seizing the opportunity when her guard momentarily falters, he taunts.
“Get away from me? Or was there something else, darling?” He knows he knows it all and a lot more, yet he is so intrigued to hear it from her.
“Can I leave?”
“No, —” he said quickly “—I asked you a question.”
“Why can’t I leave?” Y/N asked again, more determined to get a real answer once she started to feel an epiphany about her situation.
“Why would you want to leave?” he counters.
And for once, she started to think strongly about what awaits her once she leaves. Apart from her oppressive home, where punishment or death looms, she has nowhere else to go. Y/N failed to get away.
“Are you from the Yakuza?” she mutters, finally realising he never disclosed his identity.
“Min Yoongi,” he simply uttered his name, knowing it will answer her question. Her pupils are dilated, and her breathing gets shallow.
“Will you answer my question…. Y/N?”
Her heart races, desperately trying to regain control of her breath, but her mind remains scattered. Min. His name echoes in her mind. He stands before her, the man her father would never make peace with. It always comes down to two choices — either they strike a deal or engage in a bloody war, murdering each other’s men. Here he is, right in front of her. She has fallen into the arms of the enemy. Not only will her father punish her for running away, but now she also faces another punishment for being caught by an enemy.
“It seems there is a lot on your mind now, darling. Let me alleviate some of your burdens,” he says standing up from the low armchair by the fireplace, walking towards the bed. Her instincts urge her to retreat, her eyes welling up with tears of sorrow and fear.
“Don’t be afraid of me. If you play your cards right and obey, I promise nothing will happen to you, my love,” he murmurs, using a term of endearment that catches her attention.
“That’s it, baby. Breathe and calm down,” he whispers soothingly.
She locks eyes with him, drawn into their depths, a place where few dare to venture. Nobody dares to look directly into the leader’s eyes. She, even in this state, does so.
“Your father can’t punish you no more. You can find the freedom you seek by my side,” he says, his gaze fixed on her, memorizing every detail.
“What do you mean?” She asks with a newfound venom in her voice.
“You think I would allow your old man to marry you off to Yamamoto’s retarded excuse of a son and assure Tokyo’s alliance with Hong Kong?” He laughs.
“Heaven sent you to me, my love.” he continues, a sickly chuckle escaping his lips.
“And if you’re wondering how it benefits me to have you here, darling, I believe you’re smart enough to figure it out.”
She realises that if she refuses to marry the yakuza boy, the alliance will crumble, and her father will lose leverage against Seoul and the Mins who reign here. Y/N didn’t plan to marry a Yakuza man nonetheless, but she for sure never planned to stay in the middle of the chess board.
“I must admit, I found it admirable that you’ve managed to run away from China, through Luen’s north side, to our territory in the south, very brave,” he points out, acknowledging her efforts. “—and get to Jeju, right to Chan-yeol—” he says.
“You made it so easy for me. Thank you for that.” There is a hint of pleasure in his voice when he continues to speak.
“I bet your Sire didn’t expect that at all,” he grins. “You have a fire in you, my dear, —” he focuses back on her, “—and I cannot wait to tame you,” his voice shifting from casual to intimidating.
“You will make a fine wife,” Yoongi states.
“I’ll be no one’s wife. You must think me a fool if you believe I’ll marry you or anyone else from your circus,” she spits out defiantly. He stares at her silently.
“Careful,” he finally warns, surprising her with his calm demeanour. To get or inherit the position of leader, one must possess the patience of steel and a wise, calculating mind. All this and more, is embodied in the young leader, Min.
“I have my ways to persuade you that I’m the best thing that ever happened to you. You’ll realise that along the way,” he says, seemingly playing with her mind. ’Lord, please, you must have mistaken me for someone else,’ she silently prays.
“Care to elaborate?” she dares to ask.
“Your little cousin and her husband, and their little adorable son —” he trails off.
“You wouldn’t,” she quickly interrupts him.
“Oh, I would, darling. And even more. What about your sister, hmm? Isn’t she turning eighteen soon? My right-hand man is ready to take a wife...” he taunts.
“You cannot play with lives! Not with mine or others —” she snaps.
“Yes, I can, my little butterfly—” he says, gripping her chin forcefully and bringing her closer to his face, locking eyes with her.
“People follow me and worship me as if I were a god. My wife won’t be excluded. Or do you wish for bloodshed and potential homicide?” he mocks.
“Be grateful I saved you from that imbecile you were supposed to marry,” he adds, releasing her chin as she immediately rubs the numb spot with teary eyes.
“After all, you’ve just become a peace offering, my dear. God has a plan, and we shall obey the lord,” he asserts. She raises her eyes back to him, the tension between them palpable, amplified by the continuing rain outside, playing its role in the orchestra of her sorrow.
“You don’t have a choice, darling,” he declares, his words stinging her soul as they hang in the air.
“Either you stay under my protection, be a good girl, marry me, and obey, or I’ll deal with your clan brutally,” he states, rising from the bed and walking toward the door.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to negotiate the terms with your old man.”
“Get more rest.” He looked at her for the last time and closed the door behind him. A click of the lock follows. Only now, she allowed herself to cry out loud.
’You said that if I’ll help myself, lord will help me too.’ She cried, desperately. Run away from the oppressed life of a future mafia wife, just to get even closer to marriage and marital duties, autonomy out of reach.
The overwhelming sense of loneliness and fear of an uncertain future weighs heavily on her. Would it be easier to go back home, and get beaten up and punished? Or would it be easier to stay and accept she will never get away from this life?
There is something she sees in his eyes, but she cannot figure out what it is. She’s exhausted from the run, from all the thinking and future battles she will have to participate in. Her eyes are slowly closing, and her consciousness is failing her again.
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“Good morning, Buin,” a voice called out, causing her to squint her eyes from the sudden stream of light entering the room. Grumbling, she pulled the blanket up higher to shield herself.
“Doctor Kim will pay you a visit today, Buin.” the voice continued, and her eyes snapped open. Reality set in, and she realized this wasn’t just a bad dream — she wasn’t home.
“A doctor?” She said, successfully ignoring how she called her the lady of the house.
“Sajangnim requested that we draw you a bath so you can relax and clean yourself,” the little lady replied with a big smile, clearly infatuated with her “Sajangnim”. Rolling her eyes at the maid’s innocence, she welcomed the suggestion of a bath. This westernised hanok must have a bathing room hidden somewhere in its wooden maze. Accepting the white hanfu offered to her, she eagerly anticipated the chance to have her long hair washed. It had become a tangled mess after days of neglect. Maybe she would finally be able to wear her hair down, something she had never been allowed to do before. Her scalp was always sore from the numerous hairpins and clips used to hold her hair in the complicated styles she despised. And perhaps, she could even cut her hair.
“We’re here, Buin,” the maid interrupted her thoughts, leading her to a wooden door that swung open. The sight of a bathroom in a house, a luxury reserved for urban dwellers, reflected the wealth of the syndicate.
She entered the room, and the maid closed the door from inside. The water was already in the large wooden bathtub, steaming hot, beckoning her to submerge herself. It was spacious enough for her to float on the surface if she wanted to. The maid prepared her soaps and other hygiene products. She will clean herself as she graciously declined her help.
“Sajangnim said that if you were to resist his hospitality and commands he gave us, he shall come and help you himself.” The girl said with no emotion in her voice. She memorised it by heart.
“You can tell Sajangnim to stay put,” she muttered in response.
“Buin—” the girl attempted again but Y/N waved her off. She didn’t want to treat the poor girl in this mean manner, but she desired an alone time.
“Please…just wait outside.” Y/N pleaded. Reluctantly, the girl obliged, but she was certain she would report back to her master in a heartbeat. Besides, Y/N had nowhere to escape within the confines of this room.
She shed the lightweight hanfu and slowly lowered herself into the steaming water, feeling her muscles gradually relax. At least for a moment, her mind started to ease the running thoughts, calming the storm down.
Until she heard his voice. Her body immediately tensed up. She strained to listen to the conversation — or rather, the series of commands directed at the poor gal.
“Doctor Kim has arrived, make sure she is ready in the master bedroom in fifteen minutes. Tell the staff to prepare lunch for us in the garden after.” His voice was gone after this, and a soft knock followed. 
“Buin—” the maid’s voice called softly, and by that time, Y/N was already hurriedly putting the hanfu back on.
“I’m coming,” she sighed.
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She stopped the servant girl once she wanted to put her hair up in a bun. Now back in the room, sitting in a closet the devil managed to obtain for her as if he knew she will come. It was full of beautiful qipao’s but also some Korean hanboks and even some traditional Chinese beizis if she wanted to get more comfortable presumably. Among them, she noticed some lingerie, which internally made her nauseous with anxiety. Her hair was longer than she remembered, as she rarely wore it down.
“I suggest you keep the hanfu while Doctor Kim is here and then we shall clothe you in a dress.” To say she was scared and nervous about what this Doctor Kim will want to see or do was understandable.
“Here she is!” A loud and cheery voice echoed in the bedroom. “You caused quite a commotion, sweetie. I’m thrilled to finally meet you,” said the handsome man who entered the room with a leather suitcase and white coat.
“Doctor Kim, I presume,” She assumed. He was undeniably attractive, much like his Kkangpae. But she wouldn’t admit that for some time.
“For you, sweetie, it’s Seokjin. We’re going to be family, after all,” he smiled, attempting to put her at ease. He couldn’t help but notice her guarded demeanour. She scoffed at his proclamation, as expected.
“So,” he clapped his hands together, “let’s talk about you and your health, darling,” he said while searching for an empty file with her name.
“I want you to know that I won’t tell him a damn thing unless it’s necessary, you can trust me,” he stated.
“Except whether or not I’m a virgin, right?” she retorted in a cocky voice, mocking the messed-up mafia system.
“If you want to start with that, you can lie down, and I’ll check,” he sassed back with a smirk. Something told her they would only be friends for a very brief moment as long as she remained in this place.
“So, are you?” he asked, pulling her out of her thoughts.
“What if I’m not?” she tilted her head to the side. He chuckled.
“I see your point, but that wouldn’t free you from the engagement. He would simply have the man who touched you slaughtered to show his power,” he explained. She straightened herself, taking a deep breath.
“And even though I have to check anyway, it’s not just about your chastity,” he said. She did know, but that didn’t mean she would be comfortable spreading her legs for a stranger.
“Let’s leave that until the very end, shall we?” he smiled at her.
“Have you consumed any contaminated water while you were on the run?” he surprised her with the question.
“No, I don’t think so...” she stammered.
“Besides hurting Hoseok-ssi, did you fight with anyone else and get injured?” So that was the man’s name.
“Is he okay?” she asked, deflecting his question.
“He’s fine, but you should apologise once you meet him. He meant no harm,” he replied. Well, she hadn’t meant any harm either; she just wanted to escape the scene quickly. She nodded in agreement.
“When was the last time you were sick, honey.”
“Sometime last year.” He hummed in response.
“Do you have a family history of any medical conditions or diseases?” he continued with the examination.
“None that I’m aware of,” she shrugged.
“Any reproductive problems in your family?” he asked more seriously.
And here it comes—reducing her to merely a vessel, even before marriage. Just in time, the devil appeared in the doorway, leaning against the frame with his hands in his pockets. “Not on my side,” he interjected.
She didn’t want to give him a glance, but her body failed her. His black hair was tucked behind his ears, a scar shining in its glory on his face. He smiled. And for a moment, she got lost in his eyes again. He’s having an impact on her, and he knows.
“Y/N?” Seokjin called her name to get her attention back to him.
“No, not in my lineage,” her gaze fell again as she listened to what he was asking her.
“Do you smoke?” He asked with curiosity in his voice.
“Uhm, no.” She answered honestly. Y/N had been around cigarettes a lot, but she had never smoked one herself.
“Very good, do not start. It’s not worth it,” he gave his younger brother from another mother a side-eye, and the younger one just rolled his eyes in response. It made her chuckle a little, hoping they wouldn’t hear it. He did but didn’t say a word. Yoongi wanted her to be comfortable around him.
“Alcohol?” he asked while jotting down her previous answers.
“Occasionally?” she questioned herself, as she couldn’t remember the last time, she had a drink.
“Hmm,” he hummed again and wrote it down.
“Do you have any problems with your monthly bleeding?” Seokjin looked into her eyes and glanced at his brother.
“No…” she said awkwardly, gulping down.
“When was the last time you ate?” He looked into her eyes, and she realised she couldn’t recall, nor did she feel hungry until now. Was it the adrenaline?
“I think it was the morning I left Shenyang, five days ago,” she replied.
“You went from Shenyang to Incheon in 5 days?!” He raised his voice which caused him a mean look from his leader.
“How are you not exhausted to death?!” He continued.
“I had some intense drugged sleep. Thank you for your concern, though,” she answered honestly.
“She needs to eat, but she has to do so carefully to avoid upsetting her stomach. Don’t let her overstuff herself,” he instructed his companion. She was starting to feel ravenous; she hadn’t eavesdropped on their conversation, but rather, she was lost in her thoughts, preparing for what would come next.
“Beautiful, I need you to lie down for Seokjin now,” he snapped her out of it.
“What?” with him inside the room?
“It’s not necessary. I can tell him what he needs to know without that,” she protested.
“It’s a rule we follow, dove. We don’t want you to—” she cut him off.
“You just want to know if someone have fucked me before or not. Otherwise, you wouldn’t care,” she spat out. He seemed taken aback by her sudden change of attitude. This is the fire he wanted to desperately extinguish, at least towards him. Jin looked very much shocked but also amused when he glanced at his friend that was startled by this petite Chinese woman.
“I need to check for other reasons as well,” Seokjin said, clasping his hands together.
“Why can’t you just retrieve my medical file?”
“You have a medical file?” He asked, surprised. It was very rare for someone to have a medical file, especially at times after the war, apart from when a young one went to study. An entrance examination was always needed.
“Yes. Send a letter to my college.” She said, not realising she slipped a piece of valuable information out.
“College?” Yoongi asked, clearly shocked. Seokjin wasn’t looking much less surprised than him. She gave them questioning looks, knowing full well why they were so astonished.
“W-What did u study?” Jin stammered the question out. She wasn’t meant to inherit her father’s empire, but she was destined for an arranged marriage to another powerful family. Higher education wasn’t supposed to be part of her life. However, this would explain why she hadn’t been married off at eighteen. They had sent her away to study.
“Nursing.” She shrugged as if her words carried no weight.
“My, my,” said Jin, stroking his chin.
“I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is no. As of now, a big no,” she looked at her abductor, confused.
“As of now is good with me!” he clapped his hands together.
“Now, please leave, brother. I don’t think she’ll ever comply if you’re here. I’ll bring her to the garden afterwards,” Yoongi wanted to object, but when he saw the pleading distress in her eyes, he nodded and left his bedroom.
The young leader was proud that she hadn’t tried to run away or throw a tantrum yet. He didn’t want to resort to violence or coercion.
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Stone pathways meandered through the garden, inviting one to explore its every corner. She was absorbing her surroundings with a teacup in her small hands. The air was fragrant with the scent of autumn. The wind was a bit chilling as the end of October was nearing. Snow will fall soon. A small pavilion she found herself sitting in beside a koi fishpond that sparkled in the sunlight, felt too peaceful.
“You look absolutely stunning,” said he, his gaze fixed upon her petite figure draped in a flowery pink qipao, her hair elegantly tucked behind her ears. She radiated a natural beauty, untouched by face powders or lipsticks. He loved this vision, an embodiment of purity and innocence. Little did he know, beneath her facade of grace, lay a sharp tongue that defied even the will of God.
She sipped her tea; Y/N ate a little bit of rice and seaweed soup to drive off her hunger. As she admired the garden’s serenity, she found herself drawn not only to its peacefulness but also to the possibility of escape it presented. Perhaps she could run back to Incheon and board a ship that would carry her far away from this place.
“You should know that ‘pretty’ is just a word, and your compliments and pet names won’t win me over. Use my name,” she scoffed, challenging his attempts to woo her.
“That doesn’t mean I’ll stop,” he was determined to break through her defences.
Y/N shot him a piercing stare, a skill she had acquired swiftly. She pondered the enigma of the man before her, wondering how in God’s name she could resist his charm.
“I appreciate that you haven’t attempted to escape yet,” he murmured, sipping his tea. Y/N was no fool; she knew that throwing a fit every second she was held captive would only lead to further confinement. For now, she decided to falsely embrace the last moments of autumn in this beautiful garden, she already scanned in her mind.
“I won’t be very keen on you if you’ll try to,” he warned, his tone shifting unexpectedly. Did he seek to intimidate her, or was he afraid she would succeed in slipping away?
“You seem eager to ask me questions,” said she with cockiness in her voice. Acting tough would make it harder for him to break her will. Not like she counted on a prolonged stay.
“I do,” he hummed in agreement. “But are you willing to answer them, my sweet?” Her eyes rolled at the nickname, accompanied by a scoff. He sighed.
“I’ll answer anything you want, and you’ll answer mine. Deal?” he proposed, a smile playing on his lips.
“That’s quite the cliché, you know,” she declared, placing her cup down just as he eagerly reached to refill it.
“But if it gets you to talk to me, darling, I’ll graciously accept the cliché,” he replied smoothly.
“I know what you want to ask,” she interjected. He was curious about how she managed to study for years without being married off.
“My aunt was very dear to my father. She persuaded him,” she confessed, her words carrying a burden that still weighed on her mind.
“Naturally, my father had intended to marry me off instead of allowing me to pursue my studies. It was still on the table. However, the last war, as you surely recall, brought forth injured, disabled, and dead.”
“I had just turned eighteen. So, my aunt negotiated that I would study nursing in Shenyang instead and be useful to the clan this way. My father saw the merit in her argument and delayed my marriage to whatever his name is—” She explained, her nonchalant tone contrasting with the mention of the man she was meant to marry and the affection she held for her late aunt.
“But my aunt passed away recently and there was no reason for my father to let me stay in Shenyang after I ended my studies. I became more useful to him if I married that boy, as your clan sent a warning. He needed the allyship.” She sighed.
“So I ran the moment we buried my aunt and I was sent back to Shenyang to get my diploma and return.” He listened attentively, aware that her trust was not easily won, and that loyalty would be crucial in their future together. She was still cautious around him, and he wanted her to open up to him even more. It would be a lot easier for her to trust him. But he knew better than that. Trust is earned, and it goes both ways.
“You never met him?” he inquired, referring to her failed engagement.
“No. I don’t think I even remember his name. Father always called him Yamamoto, never by his first name,” she replied. He knew his name well, having encountered him during negotiations for a deal in the past. Officially, Korea remained under Japanese rule, but within the underworld, clans were locked in fierce conflict. Yoongi, longing for peace, knew that Wang’s treaty pact with the Yamamoto clan was a significant obstacle. However, with Y/N’s presence here, the plans could be easily altered. According to the plan.
The cold young leader is not only aiming for her father’s empire and making peace for his clan, he longed for a woman like her. It was about time the leader of the clan took a wife to secure the lineage. Although there was a male heir in her family, who could potentially pose an obstacle, he was still too young to step into the role. Y/N, as the eldest heir, a female, would become an integral part of Yoongi’s plans to secure the future of their clans.
“You crave the throne, don’t you?” she asked, cocking her head and chin defiantly, her narrowed eyes fixed on him.
“I want you too.” She chuckled at his response.
“I’m merely a convenient excuse, am I not?” Y/N smiled too sweetly.
“You’ll kill m—” he rose from his chair, not even letting her finish. Grabbing her by her shoulders in a steel grip with a penetrating gaze.
The fragile cup slipped from her trembling hands and shattered on the floor. A nearby maid prepared to clean up the shattered shards. “Leave us!” he barked at the startled girl; his voice filled with anger. Y/N’s eyes widened. He was even more aggressive and intimidating than before.
“I could—” his voice seething with fury, “— I could gather man and slaughter your entire clan, keeping you as a trophy, a symbol of my power.” The threat hung in the air, and she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. Fear was coursing through her, yet she resisted letting it control her.
“Matter of fact—” he continued, his grip tightening on her shoulders, eliciting a whimper of pain from her, “—you will be a symbol of the magnitude my power has, no matter if your father and family remain alive. So, it’s on you. The fate of your kin rests in your hands. Their survival hinges on your decisions and how well you’ll cooperate.” He tightened his grip again, eliciting another whimper of pain from her.
“But I will never dispose of you,” he growled through gritted teeth, his tone a mixture of possessiveness and frustration. Gathering her courage, she managed to speak again, her voice trembling but filled with resolve.
“You cannot manipulate me like this. Do you think I’ll fall for this fucked up scheme? I have spent my entire life under the orders of others, forbidden from making choices for myself! And you have the audacity to use my innocence thinking I will willingly crawl into your bed and love you like a devoted lover.” Venom in her voice and the desperate tone made him fall for her even more.
“I’ve only recently met you, so spare me your attempts to deceive me that you’re being my saviour.” Y/N has enough fire to still conquer and fight him back. “I refuse to be a passive participant in this game.” She shall not take it lying down.
“I’m giving you a choice—” he asserted, his voice laced with a dangerous undertone “—either you’ll walk down the aisle to me or there will be bloodshed. I won’t send you back to your father nor will I relinquish you easily.” His eyes locked onto hers, and she could see the darkness consuming his pupils when anger consumed him.
“Call it love, obsession, or whatever you please, but no matter what imbecile attempts you make to fight or flee, we will inevitably end up together nonetheless,” he declared with conviction. Was this the fate God had laid out for her? Her faith wavered, and if he didn’t assist soon, she shall forbid him altogether.
“You just want to fuck m—” he cut her off abruptly, his voice low and seductive.
“I can either fuck you hard or I can make love to you,” said he, whilst setting her left arm free and sliding his to her thigh, caressing it sweetly.
Breathing started to become harder for Y/N. Unfamiliar sensations welled up in her lower belly whilst his touch was sending shivers through her body. Was this attraction? Excitement? Mother told her this is how love is supposed to feel. Butterflies in her stomach. But she certainly wasn’t in love with her captor.
He sensed her confusion and distress, leaving her to fall back to the chair. Finally letting her breathe freely. Yoongi sat back in his chair, collecting himself and the three-piece suit he wears today.
“Loss of words, innit?” He chuckled.
He was filled with pride, an overwhelming sense of it, knowing the impact he had on her. She dusted her thighs and straightened her dress.
“Remember, it’s your call. Either you’ll go willingly or with coercion,” her gaze piercing through him for change.
“I’m still waiting to hear back from your father, but before we proceed, I need to go over some rules I expect you to follow before and after we’re wed,” he said, picking up his cup of tea again.
“I know the rules. Just because I went to study doesn’t mean I wasn’t prepared to be the wife of any higher-profile mafia member,” she replied, and he chuckled.
“What’s so funny, care to share?” She asked her sass back.
“Not those kinds of rules. I know you’re prepared for that. But entertain me, baby. What do you think I’ll ask of you?” he said, grinning mischievously, his chin resting between his thumb and forefinger.
“You’ll hand me the household finances after, not like I already agreed, I see no ring yet —”
“—not interfere in business affairs, maintain a low profile to avoid unnecessary attention, and be nothing more than a pretty face, spread your legs and pop out heirs.” He listened to her, amused. She is vaccinated with these dynamics as her mother underwent the same and taught her to do so. However, to Yoongi’s unluckiness, she inherited her whim and flame too.
“You don’t need to manage the household; we have people for that. But if you wish to change anything in the budget, you of course can, sweetling,” he responded, surprising her with his contradictory words.
“I don’t want you to be just a pretty face because you have to. Your fire will be beneficial for me once in a while. If I ever tell you to sit still and look pretty, it would be a matter of life and death, a means to protect you, —”
“—See? I can be very good.” He said, sipping his cold tea, leaving it in his mouth to warm a little while he is thinking. He found great joy in evoking emotions from her.
“You can involve yourself in the business as much as you desire, but I doubt you’ll want to engage in those activities. For your safety, I would sleep better if you were always by my side once we’re engaged and married shortly after.” He stressed out the last word.
“Once we’ll be engaged and wed, your loyalty to your father will transfer to me, and me only” he emphasised his voice firm.
“I won’t force you to be intimate with me after the wedding night, although I’m sure you’ll come to desire it,” he said with a sickly grin, causing her stomach to churn. She needed a moment to process everything he told her by far.
“I saw how you reacted to me earlier. You will enjoy our time in the bedroom, surely.” He spoke as if it wasn’t taboo.
“I-” she stammered and hesitated. He stunned her. Broke down to her core, and he wanted to dig even further.
“I’m aware.” He replied to her unspoken utterance.
She leaned into her chair further, feeling so small suddenly, so inexperienced. Y/N remembers a boy with black hair and green eyes who she had a crush on. He kissed her one night under a cherry blossom tree in their garden. Her father got to know, and she never saw him since.
“All of this comes with one rule: obedience. You will obey as a good girl, and everyone will be happy,” he declared firmly.
“But disobedience won’t be tolerated,” he added, his tone unwavering.
“I want our marriage to be right, as it should be. I won’t force you to be intimate with me. I mean it,” he tried to assure her.
“—Apart from the wedding night, which speaking of, I still didn’t say, ’Yes, I will’.” He laughed and got up from his chair. Her choices and chances were limited. Even if she would manage to escape, he would go on a killing spree till he would get her back. Min Yoongi was very much interested and devoted to marrying this young female.
He knelt on one knee in front of her. A scenery one could perceive as a loving couple is ready to pursue a life journey together. She hadn’t expected him to propose before her father’s agreement, let alone in such a proper manner. Y/N knew better, she just wanted to tease him back.
This wasn’t how mafia members typically behaved, especially the Kkangpae, who never bowed or knelt to anyone. A sign of respect and reverence. Is she to be fooled again? Was he trying to earn her trust with this pretentious act or is he truly showing her respect? Countless questions stormed her mind, causing her inner turmoil. A thunder and lightning bolt within.
He pulled out a velvet little box from his inside pocket and slowly opened it before her shocked figure. The ring glistened in the light. She hates to admit it, but it was marvellous. The delicate band, crafted from shimmering gold, was embellished with intricate filigree that snaked its way around the band in a dance of beauty. Sapphire, shining atop the band surrounded by smaller diamonds, a starry night sky, each one a glimmering testament to the masterful skill of the jeweller. The ring must be older than she or him.
“Miss Wang—” said he, staring into her soul and making her look away from the ring. “—You would honour me if you shall decide to spend, thou life by my side. I promise to protect you and respect you if you have me.”
Confusion would be the correct term, as just moments ago, he held her in a punishing grip, issuing threats. She mustered the courage to ask him once more. “Why?”
He smiled at her so widely. This smile was different. “Please don’t give me any sweet bullshit or I swear—” he interrupted her.
“All you think is my reason — is my reason. I’m not going to lie to you. Just know…this is God’s will, and God presented you to me as a life companion. You can put your fear aside and stand up to me. You’re a challenge I’m determined to embrace, and God knows I’ll do my best to make you mine,” he explained, his tone serious and earnest.
Would God allow him to do anything to conquer her and this world? His words resonated deep within her soul, stirring something within her. Will Father punish her once he will arrive here if he is even coming here? He has to. She knows. If she will get engaged, he will have to come and give him his blessing.
Mother. She wanted to desperately hide in her mother’s arms. Is she ready to confine herself to someone else than her mother, sister, or aunt? Her poor aunt must be restless in her grave. She wanted only the best for her. A different life than the one of someone’s wife; at least that’s what she believed.
“So, what will it be? Shall I send my man to gear up or—” She didn’t let him finish. Y/N didn’t want anyone else to die or get hurt because she wanted her freedom so selfishly. She questioned her faith and wondered if this was truly the path that had been laid out for her.
Is this her path?
“I will.”
It must be.
He smiled brightly. He is one step closer to orchestrating in her heart. It’s her verdict whether it will be an easier or difficult and rocky path. He took the ring out of its box, reaching for her left hand. Sliding the ring on her finger.
Slowly, he raised her hand to his lips, gently placing a kiss on her skin. He didn’t break eye contact the whole time, which made her uneasy. Y/N didn’t expect the leader to close the distance between them and lean to her, still holding her hand. Her breath picked its pace, and her lips parted a little; she gasped when he was getting too close. Y/N felt so stiff and frozen. Almost brushing his lips with hers—
“Sajangnim—?” A voice echoed. Unwillingly and frustrated, he turned his head to the staff member of the household. Y/N turned her head in the opposite direction, her chest heaving rapidly as she struggled to catch her breath.
“What?!” he barked; his anger evident.
“Mr Wang is on the telephone.”
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“How long will she be out?” Asked the leader, pacing front and back in his office. It had only been a few minutes since the son of his late father’s captain of the front force had brought her back to their territory. She appeared serene as he carried her into his room and gently laid her on the bed. Although he had a maid ready to change her clothes, he couldn’t resist the urge to do it himself.
“Hopefully she’ll sleep most of the evening and night,” Chan-yeol replied.
“I see,” answered the leader, trying to mask his concern. He realised how much he yearned for her presence.
“Everything will work out right, Kkangpae?” Chan-yeol asked, seeking reassurance.
“Of course. How is your wife, Chan-yeol?” Yoongi replied confidently. He vividly recalls her disparagement of this plan, as if her opinion mattered to him. She had shown a protective instinct towards her, much like her mother had. It stirred conflicting emotions within him.
“She won’t be a problem, I promise.” His voice was laced with a hint of fear. It was only natural to be afraid of someone like Yoongi.
The plan was for her to reach Jeju Island, and stumbling upon the warehouse was a mere coincidence—a twist of fate that strengthened Yoongi’s belief in their union. The way she looked into his eyes made him breathless.
His heart burned for her even more than ever before.
to be continued
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author’s note: yall I have to say I didn't expect that much of love for my baby. Thank you all beautiful creatures! Feels very surreal. Thank you for all the love, reblogs and comments. I love you, I see you. I hope you enjoyed the first and second chapter and will look forward to the next one ♥ Stay tuned for the preview of chapter III soonish ♥
Also I tried to add everyone who asked to the tag list, and if you want to be in too or you ain't tagged properly, comment or dm ♥
Shout out to Bex the queen @chaoticpuff17 for beta reading this chapter and shout out to all her bombastically good fics!! ♥ ily♥
Love you!!!!
Don't be a silent reader, comment, re-blog, heart, asks are more than welcome ♥
keep in mind - I'm not expert on chinese, korean and japanese culture, but I tried to research everything realistic I wanted to add to the story. Nonetheless, take it as a fiction.
let's be friends chummers ♥
lots of love,
taglist: @chaoticpuff17 @honsoolgloss @jingerbreadoutofstock @moocow778 @janura26 @dinosolecito @yoongislatinagff @xyahrinx @ruhmoojeonjunkook-blog @hi12345567 @nochue @deltamoon666 @bbkissme99 @darkuni63 @nansasa @sazsazsaz @missmin @strxwbloody @royallyjjk @jaiuneamesolitaiire @shadowyjellyfishfest
©pennyellee. please do not repost
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jomgiiu · 1 year
The king of Hawkins high, Steve Harrington asks you out on a date but not for the reason you think. After that night, you learn who the real Steve Harrington is.. or so you thought. 
paring: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
CW: ANGST ANGST ANGST, i guess bully!steve?, steve being a douchebag, king steve taking effect, swearing obviously, mentions of wounds/blood not to major. 
A/N: i wrote this one a whim, got carried away it’s not the best but i need feedback to see what i should do next with it lol. i liked writing season 1 steve, i made him meaner than in the actual show but ofc i hope you all dont mind! enjoy and reblog! (not proof read and poor writing oops)
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Last night was the worst nights of your life, you got stood up by Steve Harrington. He'd asked you on a date during lunch and you obviously said yes. You and your friends were giggling and whispering about it all day, they gave you advice about what to do and say, what to wear, how to do your makeup, they seemed more excited than you. The moment you got home you got ready. He said he’d be there at 6 and it was already 3, so you had enough time to plan everything out. You put on your favorite record, pulled out your lucky socks, and got ready. The outfit you picked look like it came out of a magazine, so elegant and beautiful; Steve was definitely going to fall for you. At least that’s what you thought.
Sitting on the couch, you waited and waited and waited. 6 o’clock rolled around and the butterflies in your stomach would not stop.  
6:13. He's just running a bit late.  
6:28. Maybe he had car trouble?
6:41. Maybe he actually meant 7!
7:15. Or maybe he didn’t mean anything at all.  
7:35. You were nothing to him.  
Your parents didn’t get home from work until 8, so you decided to go up and change to save yourself the embarrassment of them asking about anything. Feeling like you came out of magazine just to feel like you were a thrown-out magazine because it’s the wrong issue. You went to sleep that night, crying over a stupid boy and a stupid date. It was stupid.  
What felt like forever, you finally got to your locker. Fumbling with the lock, you got it to open and put your things away, grabbing stuff for your classes.  Laughter was heard a few lockers down, glancing over it was Steve and his idiot friends. You sighed and shut your locker. You didn’t want to confront Steve but you had the right too. Confidently, you walked over to them but that instantly left when Carol whispered something to Steve, making him snicker. Your stomach felt like it was twisting and winding, you felt sick.  
“Hey, you!” Carol greeted; her words were sweet but was sour coming out of her mouth. You gave her a small wave and went to focus on Steve. He had on a blue polo, Calvin Klein jeans and a dark windbreaker complementing his outfit. His hair was perfect as always, he spent more time looking at himself than he did anyone else.  
“Can I help you?” He asked.
“Um,” the words were stuck in your throat. His stare was burning you. Either you chicken out or you confront him.
“Where were you last night?” the words came out in almost a whisper.  
“Huh? What was that?” he put his hand behind his ear, leaning down a bit to you. “What did you say?” Steve’s teasing was cruel, he has a smirk planted on his face waiting for you respond.
“I think our friend here asked about your date last night.” Tommy commented.  
“Ah.” Steve moved his hand away from his ear and resting it in his jean pocket. “Listen, I was planning on going but I got wrapped up in somethings. I was going to call. Promise.” The sympathy in his voice was forced.  
“Yeah, Steve was too busy studying anatomy with Nancy.” Tommy teased, making Carol slap him on the chest playfully. Steve smirked and looked at you.
“Tom, pay up man.”
You tried to process what was going on. You watched Tommy give Steve a $20, shoving it in his pocket looking so proud of himself.  
“Why did-”
“Oh gosh, for being a straight ‘A’ student, you really are stupid.” Carol said.  
“Tommy over here told me if I asked you out, I'd get the 20. I did and I got the 20.” Steves words felt like a knife to the heart.  
“You put a bet on me?”
“Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!” Tommy exclaimed, making everyone laugh.  
“You really believed that Steve would go out with you!” Carol snorted.
“Listen, you seem like a great girl, I just don’t think you're up to the Steve Harrington standard. Nancy on the other hand, well she is. Don’t get me wrong, she just like you but more put together you get what I mean?” Steve’s words were harsh but said with ease.  
You began to shake, you tried to hold the tears back forming in your eyes letting one fall down your cheek.
“Aw are you crying?” Carol pouted.  
“I just thought you wanted to actually get to know me.” You choked out.  
“Get to know you? I’d rather talk to a freak than talk to you. But I guess that’s what I’m doing now huh?” Laughter erupted around you. People stopped and stared at you, all eyes were on you, people where whispering and giggling.
You quickly walked away from them, tears clouding your vision you didn’t want to go anywhere else but out. Your friends tried to stop you but you ignored them, you were just trying to get to your car where you could be alone. Getting in your car, you finally let it all out. They humiliated you in front of everyone, Steve placed a bet on you, everyone knew why. You were a loser. You’d never be Nancy Wheeler and you’d never be with Steve Harrington. Going home that day felt awful, you told your parents that you got sick and just needed to be home for the day, or the week. Thankfully, they took the bait and let you come home early and stay home for the week. Your mom went to the school to pick up your work you missed and that kept you occupied for the time being but didn’t distract you from your feelings.  
It didn’t help either that one of your friends called you, basically screaming at you that Steve asked her out on a date and she was calling you from the diner payphone that they were at right now. Your heart almost about blew up when you heard that. The day he does that to you, he asks one of your friends out? You told her congrats and when she briefly asked about your date, you just told her that you canceled because you didn’t feel well, hence why you left school today. She instantly bought it and told you that she’ll update you later and hung up. Of course, everyone had a crush on Steve and everyone wanted to be Steve. You wanted Steve but you didn’t know his personality, you didn’t know who he was as a person until now. Every girl he’s been with was ranting and raving about him and the dates he brings them on, you just wanted to experience one. You knew you were pretty, smart and you had a pretty decent reputation, why would he do that to you. Steve made you feel like nothing. He made you feel ugly, stupid and a loser. Steve Harrington was an asshole and no one knew that expect for you.  
Tuesday finally came. You begged your mom to stay home again, since you did Monday. You tired the fake puke trick but she saw right through it. Your mom convinced you if you went to school, you could buy something out of a catalog. You couldn’t pass that opportunity. If you were coming back, you were coming back looking like you haven’t been crying for the past week. You threw on the cutest outfit you could find, made sure the tear stains were off your face, kissed your mom goodbye and headed to school. The moment you walked in, the counselor grabbed you by the throat and dragged you into her office. Ms. Kelly was a nice lady; it was clear she cared about the students but it annoyed you because you didn’t want to talk. She asked how you were doing and what you plan on doing to keep your grades up. You explained that you have all your work, you just need to turn it in.  
“Wonderful!” she said.  
Ms. Kelly looked down at her paper, dragging her finger along until she stopped.  
“Ms. Click has actually requested to see you, I told her I'd send you down to talk to her. She couldn’t wait until your period. You can also take your work for her class and turn it in then.” She said, writing a hall pass. “Just come back here when you’re done okay?” You nodded gripping your history work, taking the hall pass and walking to Clicks. You liked Click, she was nice to you and you had her 5th period which was such a calm class, you liked everyone in there. As soon as you opened the door to Clicks, everyone's eyes were on you and even pair you didn’t want. Steve Harringtons.  
“Oh, perfect timing! Class, turn and talk about the question on the board I'll be a moment.”  
You walked into the classroom more to Clicks desk. She smiled at you and offered you a little candy. How could you say no. You handed her your stack of papers as she sat down at her desk.
“How have you been. 5th hour hasn’t been the same!”  
You glanced around the class to see the people. Steve was still looking at you. You began to fiddle with the hem of your shirt.  
“Oh, I've been sick. Flu season I guess.”
“Ah, I see. Thank you for doing your work while you were sick. Not a lot of kids even do their work in class.” you nodded. “I called you here to obviously see if you were alright but also to see if a student can borrow your notes. You did them perfectly and I think it would help them. Don’t worry, he’ll give it back to me so you can have it back.” Click began to look through another pile of papers.  
“Sure, who’s using it?”
The color drained from your face. God was not on your side today. You didn’t want the cause of you missing school to look at your notes, it’s his fault he’s stupid.  
“Ah, here we are,” She pulled out your notes and handed them to you. “Give those to Steve please and you can be on your way. We can talk more in 5th hour!” She smiled. You grabbed your notes and have her a tight-lipped smile. Turning away from her desk, you walked to Steve’s. He clearly wasn’t doing the assignment, just goofing around and flirting with the girls around him. Making it to his desk, he stopped talking to the girls and instantly looked at you.
“Ms. Click wanted me to give you my notes to help you out.” you interrupted, holding out the notes to him.  
“Pfft, I don’t need your notes. I don’t want to read mistakes.”  
Hold it together.
“It wasn’t my choice. It was Ms. Cli-”
“Does it look like I care about what she has to say? No. Do I care what you have to say? No. I'm surprised you even came to school today looking like this.”
The girls around him started giggling and whispering to each other.  
“I think I look fine.”  
“Well, I'm glad you had the confidence to wear clothes from the salvation army.”
Don’t cry.
“For your information, I got an ‘A’ on these notes and Ms. Click said I was the only one who got an ‘A.’ And I got these from a catalog and I'm sorry my daddy doesn’t buy me every new thing like your ugly BMW you drive and at least I'm not a wannabe dickhead.”
Steve put his hands over his chest, having a shocked expression on his face which quickly switched to a smug look.
“Wow! You got me there! You showed me!” Steve scooted up closer in his seat, resting his arms in front of him looking right at you.  
“I'm not the wannabe sweetheart, you are. You want to have my money and BMW so bad but here you are driving your run-down Ford Escort and thinking that catalog clothing is going to save you. It’s not. Sure, you think you're all smart but looks will do you better in the future. Remember that.” Steve snatched the notes from your hands and started to talk to his friends again. 
You left the classroom so fast, before you could say goodbye to Ms. Click. The whole day you were worried about what Steve said. About how you looked and how looks will get you places. You knew it was bullshit, you had colleges already begging for you to go to school but it’s the way Steve said it. Worse of it all, you went to 5th hour, hoping for a good period. Until you got your notes back to notice he scribbled all over them, writing things, drawing crude things on all your work. You frantically began to look through the notes until one comment stood out to you.  
‘When you walk out of school, make sure to wear the bag on your head I left you at your locker. You need it.’
Tears filled your eyes. You shot up from your seat and ran out of your class. Ms. Click was yelling for you as you ran down the halls until you got to your locker. There you saw a paper bag with eye holes cut out of it, tapped to your locker. You ripped the bag off your locker and fell to your knees, sobbing into the paper bag. Why was Steve being so mean to you? You should be ruining his life; he shouldn’t be ruining yours. This all started with a date that turned out to be a joke and then ever since your life went downhill. Classmates from your period found you and tried to comfort you of what happened. You broke and told Ms. Click what happened and what Steve did which led to Principal Higgins getting involved and calling your parents and Steve's. He got a suspended for the rest of the week which was a relief to you but didn’t help the situation. Now since this situation, you were known as the ‘Cry baby.’ Your friends tried to help you feel better and stood up for you when the time was right. You were grateful to have a support system but not grateful for Steve Harrington.  
It’s been a few months since the whole Steve situation and some forgot about it and moved on to other things like the Byers youngest boy going missing and Barb Holland also going missing, making the whole town worried. Steve was still a dick but he didn’t pay any mind to you though, he was too busy dealing with his goons and his dream girl, Nancy Wheeler. A part of you still had a crush on him, just the smallest he was still cute but he was still a dick. You had to go see Ms. Kelly every Friday since what happened which you didn’t mind but it was still annoying. It was the same bland conversation about your week. If there's any people giving you a hard time, grades, college, just boring, stupid conversations that waste your time during 6th period but you got to leave earlier which was a plus. Before you left, Ms. Kelly told you that your mom called and wanted you to stop by Melvald’s to grab some more dish soap so that’s where you are now, looking for dish soap and Melvald’s. Why are there so many soaps? You never paid attention to what one you used it was just soap.  You notice someone move at the conner of your eye, you paid no mind to it until you noticed who the someone was. The navy-blue jacket, the blue jeans, the green shirt, the hair. Yeah, it was him.  
Oh god not here.  
Focus on the soaps.
Glancing over at him he was looking at the band aids and ointments he looked dazed, squinting at labels trying to make it clear. Then a pair of hazel eyes fell on you, making you quickly look at the soaps. You swore your heart was going to explode it was pounding so fast, it felt like someone was squeezing your whole body you couldn’t breathe. Was this really happening? Why was he here? How could you not see his BMW in the parking lot? Anxiety riddled your body as you heard someone shuffle up to you. God don’t let it be you.
Frozen in place, you moved your head slightly to look at him. You were taken back by the way he looked. The right side of his face was bloody and bruised with the wound already scabbing over, his right eye swollen, a small cut settled on his lip following one on the bridge of his nose., going slightly down to the right of his cheek.  He looked awful. You tried not to stare at him too much, you didn’t want to be rude but it was impossible to look away. Who did this to the king of Hawkins high?
“Sorry to bother you. I just--I can't really read this. Is this the right ointment?”
Your eyes trailed down to the box he was holding making you huff out a laugh.  
“Well, if you have hemorrhoids then yes, but otherwise no.”  
“Uh, no. Not necessarily.” His face turned a light shade of red. “I need something for um,” he pointed to his face rising his eyebrows. “This.”
“I’ll help you. Hemorrhoid cream definitely isn't gonna help that.” you kicked yourself for that and made your way to where he was before. Steve stood watching you look through the hundreds of creams and ointments on the shelf. You eventually found one and replaced it the original ointment in Steve's hand for the new one.  
“Zemo will help a lot it does wonders; it makes it less itchy and heals quicker. You'll thank me later.”  
Steve looked at the medicine and looked back at you. There was no hatred in his eyes, no cruelness. Just hurt. He was hurt inside and out; he was guilty for what he’s done to you and so many others. He’s guilty for hurting the only girl he loves. He’s hurting.  
“Thanks.” that’s all he could say to you in this moment. A simple thank you, not anything else.
“Have you cleaned them?”  
“Uh no, just had an aspirin and a cold coke to put it on.” Steve shrugged.  
You sighed.  
“Okay, just get that, I'll finish what I need and meet me outside okay?”
The stinging sensation of the alcohol covered cotton pad on the open wound made Steve wince, making him pull his head away from you. You muttered a sorry and he just huffed and let you clean him up. Never in a million years you would be sitting here in the Milvad’s parking lot taking care of Steve Harrington. He watched you carefully as you take your time with him, carefully moving so he wouldn’t be in as much pain as he already was. It took someone to beat the absolute shit out of him for him to realize how much of a dick he was. How miserable he made people feel. How miserable he made you feel.  
“Sorry, this happened to you, I can't imagine how much it hurts.”
Steve scoffed at your sincerity.
“I deserved it, you out of all people should be happy this happened to me.”
“A little part of me is,” you admitted. “Who did this to you?”
You put the cotton pad down and grabbed the Zemo putting a glob on your finger and gently rubbing it in over his wound. Steve hissed at the contact.  
“Jonathan Byers.” Steve mumbled.  
“Oh wow.” You were quite shocked that a quiet boy like him could rock Steve’s shit. Steve was fit, he had to be for basketball and baseball so you assume he could win a fight. You finished applying the Zemo and giving it to Steve.
“Make sure you put this on twice a day, and only once if you shower. It should help the itch and the scaring a bit. You'll be healed in no time.”  
Steve held the Zemo in his hands and watched you clean everything up. You were really pretty up close. Yeah, he looked at you close up a lot of times but this time he noticed every detail of your face, every curve, every wrinkle, every texture, he was scared of looking away because he didn’t want to forget it. Steve thought back to the paper bag he taped to your locker, Tommy and Carol thought it would be a funny idea and so did he at the time. When he was in the principal's office with his dad with you and your parents, he glanced at you and his chest was tight. Your head was hanging low, tears falling down your cheeks and landing on your hands, silent sobs coming from you. Steve recoiled when heard let out sobs after him and his dad left the principal's office. Mr. Harrington made it clear if he pulled that shit again, he would be kicked off the basketball and baseball teams, he wouldn’t get into an ivy league school and end up as a drug dealer on the streets. Mrs. Harrington told him that’s no way to treat girls, there’s no reason to bully girls anyway. She was disappointed in her Stevie and Stevie was disappointed in himself. Of course, that didn’t stop him from being an asshole, if he didn’t get caught then he wouldn’t have to go through that whole fiasco again so he moved on from you and started being an arrogant prick either way to everyone around him. That ended up getting beat up, ditching his “friends” and getting taken care of by the girl he bullied.  
“Thanks for doing this, you didn’t have to you know?”
“I know.” you responded.
“Why did you?”
You sighed and looked at him. He looked so vulnerable, his hazel eyes soft and looking at you. Steve looked like a lost puppy; in some cases, he was. Now he was. He had no friends anymore, he was hurt and lost, no guidance, nothing. You seemed like the only thing keeping him afloat at this moment.
“Unlike some people Steve, I care. No matter what you did to me, how you treated me, you deserve some type of -- I don’t know but I was always taught to help people that needed it. I know you know what's right. I know what you have to do, so do it. You're better than this Steve Harrington.”  
You walked towards your car, quickly getting in throwing the stuff in the front and driving off before Steve could say anything to you. Deep down, you knew Steve was a good person he was just around bad people. As much as you hated it, you knew he had to apologize to Nancy, he had to make everything up to her and even Jonathan but it was selfish to think he’d do the same to you.
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anipgarden · 7 months
What to Do Once Things Are Planted?
This is my seventh post in a series I’ll be making on how to increase biodiversity on a budget! I’m not an expert--just an enthusiast--but I hope something you find here helps! 
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So you’ve gotten started on making a garden to boost biodiversity! 10/10, excellent work! So, now what?
First, you’ll need to keep watering the plants--especially if you’re going through a dry season. Native plants will be more acclimated to your area’s seasonal weather, but they’ll need a helping hand while they’re getting established--especially if you’re starting with young, tender seedlings. With that in mind, if you accidentally skip out on crucial watering days, don't panic! There's been tons of times where I haven't watered for an entire summer and had perennials come back the next spring! Even this year, during a heatwave, I completely did not water my swamp milkweeds, but they're already popping back up! You may also need to go in and weed, especially if you’re seeing invasive species popping up in the garden. Invasives are no good--if you do anything, do your best to get those out as effectively and safely as possible!
If you’re needing to maintain your shrubs in spring and summer, double check to make sure there are no active bird or insect nests within them. If it’s possible to wait until later to cut your shrubs, it could be extremely beneficial.
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When fall and winter come around and your plants begin to die back, don’t cut them away if you can! Many insects overwinter in the plant stems left behind as perennials die back to the roots. In addition, birds will use seed heads as a source of food over the winter. Try not to clean things up until late winter/early spring, when other food sources are beginning to come back and things are growing again. By then, the insects should be waking up and leaving the plant stems as well.
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However, don’t let this discourage you from collecting seeds! Collecting seed from your plants is a great way to continue gardening at low cost, as well as making friends and encouraging others to garden by trading seeds or offering them as gifts. If you're in an area where you do need to cut back, this is a great opportunity to collect the seeds and save them for the future. You could also cut back what’s dying in the front yard and keep things to overwinter in the backyard. Some overwintering habitat is better than no overwintering habitat.
Want to know how to collect seeds from specific plants? I've found YouTube to be a great source of info for this! Knowing what you're doing and when is key to getting a viable harvest.
As your mulch begins to break down, you’ll need to keep adding more to top it off, if you can. It can get a bit repetitive, but no worries--the mulch breaking down means your soil is improving! 
If possible, add to your garden! Expand, add in new things, and keep encouraging the growth of native plants. If you couldn’t add that water feature in year one, see if you can in year two! New interest in birds? Add a birdhouse, or more bird feeders. Loving the butterflies? Add plenty more nectar-rich plants, or do more research into what they lay their eggs on! Want more color? See what else you can add in! Came into some new pots to expand your flowerpot garden with? Find cool native plants to put in them! I always encourage people to start small and then expand over time, as opposed to starting big and getting overwhelmed.
Keep learning and observing native species of birds, insects, mammals, etc. See what’s coming to your yard now, and look into how you can improve things more for them on your budget. If you aren’t seeing what you were hoping, see if there’s other actions you can take that’ll attract what you’re hoping to see in your backyard habitat. Knowing more about the world around you makes it easier to know how to help the world around you. Talk to others about what you’re doing, the changes you’ve made, and the results you’ve seen! Curious neighbors? Work friends? Your closest homies? Your family? All fair game! You just might be the one who gets someone else interested in making their space a habitat for local wildlife!
That’s the end of this post! My next post is gonna be about the secret Other Thing you can do to help biodiversity--tackling invasives! Until then, I hope this advice was helpful! Feel free to reply with any questions, your success stories, or anything you think I may have forgotten to add in!
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brownsugarwrites · 5 months
Under the cherry blossom tree.
Pairings: Knight!sub-zero (bi-han) x Black!outerworld princess!reader
warnings: none :) just fluff and a grumpy x sunshine trope. A little bit of slow burn .uh non canon au besties :). Reader has braids and is shorter than Bi-Han
Wc: 1.1k
Tagging: @chosoist cause she inspired me to watch and write for MK1!
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The sound of your feet pattering on the floor could be heard throughout the halls of your home. With the impending war between outerworld and netherrealm your mother requested you be guarded at all times to insure your safety. Of course this upset you but you knew protesting this would not work.
Making your way into the throne room you silently thanked one of the servants for opening up the door for you. You saw your mother talking to Liu kang and one of the members of the Lin Kuai
"Thank you for trusting us your majesty" He said with a smile gracing his face
Hearing the doors open the attention was immediately put on you as you made your way down to your chair. Greeting you , you returned a sweet smile before sitting down.
"It's nice to finally meet you princess. Your mother has told me much about you." Liu kang would chirp at you. But the guy who was standing next to him looked like he didn't want to be there. Almost like he was forced (he was) to be there. He had a brooding personality and it didn't help his nose and mouth was covered by his blue mask so you couldnt make out his facial expressions.
"This is Bi-Han your highness, he will be protecting you until the war comes to a resolution."
Turning to look at your mother you smiled nervously before nodding your head at the arrangement.
You knew this was gonna be a long journey.
As the months went by the two of you went with out talking. Mainly because you were too shy/nervous in fear he would blow you off. You soon got over your nervousness by starting small and s greetinghim in the mornings and before you went to bed. Which he would respond with a head nod and a tiny smile you couldn't see due to his mask.
Little did you know he enjoyed doing your simple tasks with you such as going out to the garden to tend to your fruit trees before going over to the koi fish pond to feed the fish for the day. You learned to enjoy his company. You felt safe and comfortable around him even though little was said.
Per usual you got up for the day and met with Bi han in the living quarters where you greeted him with your sickeningly sweet good morning. Which he replied "Good Morning princess. How did you rest?"
To say you were shocked was an understatement. You were more so worried about the way your stomach was filled with butterflies at his words and deep voice. Quickly snapping out of your thoughts you smiled and started to make small talk with him.
He may not exactly show it but he actually liked doing the mudane things you do in the day. Like watching you plant and take care of the fish which pulled on his heart strings a little.
But he would never let it show.
He noticed your nervousness and could tell you wanted to spark conversation with him so he decided to lower his guard and actually talk to you instead of giving you head nods every so often.
One day, he watched you struggle to pick the peach from the tree. He quickly stood behind you effectively reaching the peach and picking it off the tree. The two of you stared at each other as he brung his arm down to put the fruit in your basket. You gawked at his biceps flexing before clearing your throat to tell him thank you.
"Would you like to try one" you asked as the two of you went over to the bench under the cherry blossom tree (which was your favorite spot to sit in). Your peaches had finally ripen and you were excited to snack on them.
Pulling down his mask you finally got to see his full face and goodness was he beautiful under that mask.
Handing him the peach you smiled before grabbing one for yourself. Taking a bite you hummed in delight reveling in the taste of the sweet peach. Looking at Bi-Han take a bite of the peach you watched the way the juice dripped down his chin from the forceful bite. Looking down to meet your eyes he saw the hint of nervousness in your face.
"Thank you princess, I enjoyed it." He said to you with a small smile gracing his usual stern face.
Feeling those same butterflies you gave a shy smile before tucking your braids behind your ear before telling him "No problem"
As the days pass the two of you became closer and started to have lengthy conversations while sitting under the same cherry blossom tree sharing fruits.
About once every two months Liu Kang would come and check on Bi han while also bringing some of his new students he needed to train. You would watch from the balcony watching him and the students spar in the yard (while also kinda destorying everything in the process).
You couldn't help but to stare in awe at his fighting style. You knew Liu kang and your mother made the right decision to have him by your side. After his fight with who you learned to be kung lao his eyes made their way to yours watching you watch him on the balcony. Giving a small wave your cheeks began to heat up in embarrassment from his stare.
You were sure you were in love.
That same night you were preparing for bed. Putting on your night clothes and throwing your braids into a bun. Wanting to get some water to put on your bedside table you quietly walked to the kitchen to grab a cup. Pouring some into a cup and in a pitcher you began walking back to your room before hearing light footsteps coming behind you.
"Ah! Oh- Oh my goodness dont scare me like that." you said turning around slightly spilling some water on your clothes.
"My apologies princess. I just making sure you got back to your room safely."
Accepting his apologized you noticed his hair being down from its usual bun with some droplets of water dripping onto the ground. The two of you made your way back to your room before he set the pitcher of water on your table.
"You're a really good fighter" you complimented shyly
Hearing you he thanked you before making his way towards you slowly.
"Thanks for walking me back I guess. Get some rest ok?" you said looking up at his tall frame with your soft doe eyes
Bringing his hand to your chin your body quickly ran hot as your breaths became staggered. You felt his soft lips meet yours as his calloused hand went to your cheek to caresses it softly.
"Sleep well princess." He said after pulling away from you.
Giving a soft goodnight you watched him leave while closing your door. Smiling to yourself you sighed dreamily before getting in your bed for the night.
Yeah. You were definitely in love.
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hanjisick · 1 year
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yandere skz reaction… falling asleep on them
warning. this is not how i portray the members of stray kids or how you should either. this is purely for entertainment purposes.
trigger for mentions of murder and yandere themes
wc. 1.3k
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bang chan.
it was the first time that chan needed to kill for you.
you had burst into your best friends house with hot tears streaming down your face, begging for his comfort.
“what happened baby?” he let you ugly sob into his chest.
“he cheated on me, chan! he cheated on me!” chan held you tighter as you screamed into him, rocking you back and forth.
chan quietly reassured you, letting you cry out all the tears that you had inside. he hushed you, whispering gentle phrases about how it would all be okay, that he loved you, that you meant everything to him.
eventually you had fallen asleep in his lap, and even with tear stained cheeks and a puffy face, he couldn’t help but admire your beauty.
but as he stared at you, your pained sobs played in his head, drowning out everything but one thought.
he couldn’t let the man who did this to you continue to live.
lee minho.
how could anyone sleep next to such a cruel monster as himself?
for days after he had decided to keep you for himself, you refused to sleep in pure fear. that he would end your life as well when you least expected it. that you would dream of all the horrors that he made you witness.
you would let him spoon you at night while wide awake, letting him drift into sleep while you kept on guard, hoping that he didn’t notice. but he did.
regardless, it wouldn’t effect him. he would still sleep against you, cuddled up to his favorite person.
so why did his chest erupt with butterflies one night, when you finally fell asleep against him?
he placed kisses onto your nape of your neck, obsessed with the way that you snored lightly against him.
someday, you would learn that he would never lay his hands on you. you would learn that every person he had killed was for your own sake.
seo changbin.
you hadn’t quite fallen asleep against him, but in his distorted mind you had.
in actuality, you had fallen asleep in his bed while he was out getting groceries.
when he got home, he called out your name, setting down the bags in a panic once he was met with silence.
“y/n?” he called again, running to the bedroom.
a sigh of relief escaped his lips, now knowing that you hadn’t tried to run away again.
from there, he carefully slid off his shoes and laid beside you, tugging you onto his chest.
he closed his eyes, pretending that you had willingly fallen asleep on him. that there weren’t frozen groceries to be put away immediately. that none of that mattered.
“let’s take a nap together, yeah?” he whispered to himself, wrapping his arms around you tighter.
hwang hyunjin.
your first few days while housebound were cruel. he had you locked in a plain room with no lights or windows, just an old, broken mattress in the middle of the room. no blanket, no pillows.
and for as long as you would scream at him, that’s what you were stuck with.
needless to say, you were exhausted. it was hard to get any sleep at all, so you would stay up all night, staring at the empty walls.
hyunjin opened the door to the dark room in the morning, only to find a shell of his doll, “oh baby,” he would gather you into his arms, knowing that you were too tired to fight back, “didn’t sleep well last night?”
you only nodded, barely caring about the cruel chuckle that fell from his lips.
given different circumstances, you would’ve shoved him off of you by now and screamed at him to leave you alone, but you didn’t. instead, you closed your eyes. his lap was far more comfortable than the mattress.
“how about you sleep in my bed tonight?” hyunjin offered as you drifted off, barely earning a nod from you.
han jisung.
as he had practically attached himself to your hip, it would be hard to not fall asleep on him very quickly.
but when he heard your light snores for the first time as you laid on his chest, he was beyond thrilled.
a large grin spread across his crazed face, fidgeting with his fingers to contain his excitement.
should he get his camera and record you? this was a special memory that he needed to document— but he didn’t want to risk waking you.
instead, he resorted to staring at you, trying to capture the picture in his mind, every last detail of your sleeping face that he had seen so many times from afar and up close. the only different was that you were on him, your hand splayed across his chest.
his eyes wouldn’t leave you until you had woken up, even if it was hours later. he had barely let himself blink, needing to etch the moment into his mind.
“did you sleep well, baby?”
lee felix.
every time felix would try to force you to sleep next to him, you’d put up a fight, thrashing around in his bed and screaming until he simply gave up and let you sleep on the couch in his living room.
three months in, and tonight was different.
felix heard his bedroom door creak open, squinting his eyes to see your figure in the hallway, looking like a deer in headlights.
“what’s the matter, darling?” he spoke in a groggy tone, throwing off the covers and hoisting himself up by his elbows.
“i had a nightmare,” you whispered, “can i sleep with you?”
felix had never woken up so fast.
“of course you can, c’mere,” he scooted over, letting you into the warm blankets.
“i’ll keep you safe,” you felt the vibration of his voice through his chest against your head, “i’ll never let anything hurt you.”
a large grin spread across his face as he felt your breathing get heavier. he would savor this moment forever.
kim seungmin.
seungmin showed up at your door with flowers, as he did every time that he greeted you. but when you only gave him a light smile at the bouquet, inviting him into your home, his heart dropped. these were your favorite kind. why didn’t you love them?
was he wrong about your favorite? no, he couldn’t be. he was never wrong about anything when it came to you. he knew everything about you, more than he knew himself. “is everything alright, my love?”
“i’m just tired. i didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.”
the relief that he felt was quickly replaced by worry, “do you want to sleep? i can come over later?”
“no, i want to still do the movie night, i’ll get through it.”
despite what you said, all that it took for you to fall asleep was seungmin’s hands in your hair and a blanket draped over the two of you.
seungmin noticed immediately when you fell asleep against his shoulder— he could care less about the movie, his focus was on your reactions the entire time.
he was quick to shut the tv off, laying his head back against the couch as he let you sleep on him.
yang jeongin.
when you fell asleep on him for the first time, he was beyond lost.
he didn’t know exactly what to do. one moment, you had your phone against his abdomen, scrolling in his lap. the next, your phone had slipped out of your hand and to his side, with a line of drool falling from your lips.
“honey?” he whispered as if his mind was playing tricks on him, or maybe you were.
but when you didn’t answer, he allowed himself to get lost staring at the features that he fell so in love with.
his long fingers couldn’t help but find themselves in your hair, and he barely allowed himself to brush through it, terrified to wake you.
jeongin was gentle with you, careful to not ruin the moment.
eventually his hands had stopped, his own eyes closing and drifting off into sleep.
how could he not? the person that he was most comfortable with, who he would do anything for, even kill, was sleeping peacefully against him.
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vivi-the-goblin · 7 months
Campaign idea I've LONG had but would require a fair bit of setup: time loop adventure. The party is having dinner at the tavern, when a rumbling rocks the foundations of the earth. Everything explodes in a wave color, sound, and immense pressure, but it parts around them the crest of a wave to a ship's bow. That bow being a small imp-like creature, screeching with the effort to maintain whatever shield is keeping the wave at bay. As quickly as it began, it ends, the world outside the bubble going greyscale. "Noble heroes," the creature pants, slowly turning. "The world hangs a second from death, I'm afraid I have to break my oath and call upon you once...Who the fuck are you!?" It collapses to its knees as it sees its intended targets, one table over. Epic heroes with legendary kit. Despite trying to maintain a low profile the party might even recognize them, or at least the gear spilling out of their robes. Most seem to be shrinking into their armor, though the gnome's just turning green. The whole bar is doing the same, come to think of it. "HOW. HOW DID I MISS. I- ok, ok. I can work with this. That's fine. they used to be chumps too, we just had more time to work back then. Hi. Welcome to the end of the world. If you want to roll it back, we can talk." The paladin's all for it. The rest of the party is conflicted, but they eventually decide they've got nothing else to do. First thing though, who is this? "Got a lot of names, been around for a while. Maintain time, maybe you've seen my work? Yeah, not gonna have it undone by a punk with a wish. One that wished for more wish granting items, and again with with all of those, until eventually they had enough for thier whole tribe of hundreds. and the tribe had one wish, a wish with enough power to bind even the gods." "They wished for 'Goblin'. And with neither the world or the goblins themselves having any idea what that's supposed to mean, creation answered with 'Yes.' There's not a thing under the sun that's not becoming goblin. Or over the sun. The sun's not outta the question eith- look, it's everything, ok? I don't know the reach, I don't want to either, I just know we can't stop that blast." The party grumbles. how do they save things if the gods themselves are bound? "I can chuck you back in time. Only about a day, I had to snap most of myself off when the corruption started. We can do this for a while, but we have to do this. Find out where they are. Figure out how to get to them. and somehow stop them. Can't be that hard, right? they're just goblins, right?" One way to find out. Basically this would start out consequence free. The world is set up, and full of FAR stronger creatures...at first. If they die they lose thier gear, but NOT thier info, the day just resets. Milestone experience, the players will slowly level up as they discover things. Discover how to get what they need more efficiently, skip parts, etc. I said 'at first.' Once they've gotten far enough, gotten their bearings, etc...they notice something's slightly different. Someone's slightly greener and nobody notices. A butterfly is a little goblin with goblin-patterned wings. something slightly changes in thier loop. next loop the little time gremlin's got a green ear. maybe they notice the bubble's slightly smaller. You've learned how things work, now execute. Whether you progress toward a failstate by amount of deaths/loops, or just give the illusion by going off progress, the pressure ramps up. The dragon they have to convince? goblin dragon. The city? slowly becoming goblins. Wild magic starts effecting party members, as even the concepts of reality start becoming goblin, under a sun that's starting to tint green. The bright side is you could do a bunch of the prep right at the start, and have far less to do as things progress. That's also the downside however, and the reason I haven't done it yet.
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phoenixblaze1412 · 5 months
( > 3<) >🩷 HAI you already know who i am 😓 but can we get another baizhu x gn!ready fluff? -🎀
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You never have to worry about healing your injuries or treating your illnesses because Baizhu has the remedies and cures at the ready.
With Baizhu as your partner, his first priority would always be you, even if he's suffering himself.
Which is why you tend to avoid yourself from getting hurt so you can take care of him instead, even ignoring him whenever he would say that he is fine when he is clearly not.
Changsheng is the one who snitches to you about everything that Baizhu has done that is either embarrassing or worrying.
"Your hussband bought you thiss pair of beautiful braceletss, he wanted you and him to wear each one."
"Changsheng, please... that was supposed to be my gift for them for our anniversary."
"(Y/n), come quick, thiss hussband of yourss got hurt after we encountered a ssmall group of hilichurlss."
"I'm alright, dear. I can take care of myself. I am a doctor after all."
"He jusst lied."
"Hush, Changsheng."
Qiqi would always refer to you as her mother, even before you married Baizhu. Considering how you would always be worrying and taking care of her and how she would see you and Baizhu exchanging forehead and cheek kisses to one another. She learned at that time that when two people do that then that means they're married. And since Qiqi saw Baizhu as her father figure, you are now recognized as her mother.
With Baizhu always cooped up at the pharmacy, you would always come and visit him daily to make sure he takes a break to relax and stretch his legs.
Baizhu memorized your daily schedule of whenever you would come to the pharmacy to invite him out to eat lunch. Hence, he would always inform Qiqi to take care of the pharmacy while he spends time with you.
Sometimes when Baizhu is overworking himself and isn't in the mood to sleep, you can easily change his mind by giving him a peck on the lips before leading him towards your shared bed to sleep. It always works and Baizhu isn't even complaining about how effective it is. As long as he gets to be pampered in your affections then he would gladly accept it.
Baizhu would let you braid his hair when he is too busy to do it himself. He also uses it as an excuse to be able to melt into your touch as your fingers glide through the strands of his hair, it always manages to give him butterflies in his stomach.
He would always prefer the meals you cook than those you can buy from a restaurant or when other people cook it when you're not with him. There's just this homely feeling he gets whenever he eats your homecooked meals. Besides, he always likes seeing you cook, it gives him a chance to stand behind you and wrap his arms around your waist.
You don't have to worry about Baizhu liking another person because his heart belongs to you only. He did marry you after all, he courted you for five years straight, he isn't afraid nor scared to tie the knot and put a ring on your finger.
There was this one time that Changsheng informed you about how a customer confessed their feelings to Baizhu at the pharmacy.
"He only sstared straight through them as if they were blocking hiss view. Ha! Can you believe that man? He even showed hiss wedding ring before rejecting them and telling the customer their bill for consulting him."
Baizhu would always be seeking out your affections. He cannot last a day if you weren't able to give him a kiss on the lips.
This man is a tease. He always like seeing your cheeks puffed up in a pout whenever he avoided kissing your lips. You just look so adorable he can't help it.
What he likes even more is seeing your face flushed red. He would whisper either sweet or suggestive things to you and watch as your face would turn as red as a tomato.
Sometimes you both could be seen cuddling on the couch and talk about random topics that would appear in your mind.
"Would you still love me if I turned into a worm?"
"What gave you such thought, dear? Of course I'd still love you, I'd even make a remedy to turn you back... only if Changsheng hasn't eaten you yet."
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smorbee · 11 months
iBook Pyramid Behind the scenes!
This is a long one. Also keep in mind we made this a year ago so were going completely off of memory at this point BUT we do have the files. Unfortunately we didn't save specific versions of it really early into its creation so all the blender files close to being finished.
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We have an intense appreciation for funky old computers. People correctly identified inspiration from the Thinkpad 701C. Less obvious in the final design but something that almost certainly influenced us as well was the 12-inch powerbook g4.
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There is something very satisfying about nearly-square shaped laptops.
Others mentioned the JVC 3100R pyramid TV which, you'll be surprised to learn, we had never actually seen until after working on this project. The resemblance is uncanny and yet, entirely coincidental. Honestly if we had seen this thing, it probably would have had an effect on our design because the way that hinge is set up is beautiful. Our thought process was simply just comically emulating the form factor of a modern laptop but with a giant CRT.
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We're pretty sure the idea started out as simply wanting to design a full profile keyboard into a macbook-like laptop because funny, and at some point the butterfly keyboard came to mind and we said Screw it and implemented that into it as well. Heres the keyboard separated into the different sections.
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Sorry to say that the keyboard does not actually contain any switches. (You'll see that this computer was modeled to be viewed a limited angle)
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Heres the keyboard from the top.
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Once we got going with it, the whole thing was turned into a big joke of course, clashing many different eras of technology into one. Such as this massive beige tank of a "laptop" having a single USB C port as its main I/O.
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And same with the software. This is the texture for the display, Which was taken from our real (unfortunately not crt based) macbook setup at the time. Except not quite, as the original screenshot was 16:10. We simply edited the image to make it 4:3. This is running mac os 12 with a majority of the icons changed to early osx equivalents.
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We'll be real and admit the animation is not very intricate, theres no real "rig" for the model, parts are just parented together because we did all this in about 2 days. That said, we had loads of fun animating it still, trying to imitate the motion of someone struggling to lift the heavy top up before it swings open with an inaudible, but easily imaginable "Thud". Making the whole body shake and the trackball jump slightly was the finishing touch to make it complete.
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The wire for the trackball was made using a circle with the screw modifier and then applied to a curve. Here's what it looks like with each modifier applied sequentially.
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And then making the trackball itself a handle for the curve, we can have the cable be dynamic. (Yes, we notice that the trackball in fact has no mouse buttons. No good explanation for that, I think we just forgot lmao.)
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For the screen, we make use of a location transform on the UV mapping for the satisfying detail of the screen distorting from the impact, which we swear we've seen before but no matter how hard we (safely) bumped our CRT monitor we weren't able to recreate it. Nonetheless even if its not entirely realistic we wouldn't remove it for anything.
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speaking of which, an utterly useless detail considering the resolution and distortion of the final renders and yet we added anyways just for our own amusement is that the display has a shadowmask, simply done by just multiplying it over the base screen texture.
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Combined with a glass material over the inner part of the screen, it utterly destroys low sample count renders of the screen and makes the project at least 3x as prone to crashing so thats cool! (it crashed on us while we were writing this section)
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We've learned since in future projects that trying to optimize polygon count and materials is still very important even for offline rendered content. We can never be truly free from the constraints of memory limitations 😔
the final step was getting a more authentic less "polished" look in the compositing. This step can get very complicated based on the specific look were going for, but for this render its really just basic color correction and some blurring and sharpening steps. We used the default fake jitter node in blender at the time, though in more recent stuff we use the non-denoised image with filters applied to it instead, so its less uniform between images and more uniquely degraded looking.
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Though we'd do a number of things differently now were still pleased with the final result. especially in animated form.
Heres an overview of the scene:
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This is the bezeled apple logo in polygon form. Its simply an alpha texture with a normal map:
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Thats all for now! Thank you for reading!
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taurussbabe · 11 months
Hello! Love yours fic and was wondering about a request, with mason. With lots of fluff!☺️
Where reader is from a different country and mason secretly has learn how to speak reader’s language and surprise reader. it's perfectly fine to change and write however you want!
about... it's in the request☝️🧸 pairing: mason mount x Italian!fem! reader word count: 1.3k a/n: Hope you like it anon! Had so much fun writing this one 🫶
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Mason leaned against the door frame of your shared home and watched as you sat in the couch, talking to your family over the phone, you smiled and laughed happily over something they said. He couldn’t understand what they were saying nor what you were replying, but judging by the way you were laughing he could understand that you were definitely happy.
You turned around and noticed he was standing there so you called him over, which caused him to smile and walk towards the couch as you turned your phone to him so your family could see him as well.
“Hi guys” he waved towards the phone and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
You watched as he talked to your family, way too focused on the conversation to even notice you staring at him. His smile widening over something your mom had said, his hand subconsciously resting on your thigh, drawing tiny little circles on it, making butterflies emerge on your stomach, it’s crazy to think that after all this time he still had that effect on you.
Your mom pulled you out of your trance when she asked you help translating something to your non-English-speaker grandma. You felt mason’s gaze on yourself while doing so and when you turned to him you noticed his proud smile.
You were fluent in English and so was most of your family, yet your grandparents and some ants and uncles weren’t, which meant you sometimes had translate everything to mason and then to your family, sometimes it was tiring but it was all worthed when you saw your family and your boyfriend connecting.
Mason was also aware of how lucky he was, because even though you were Italian you spoke perfect English, always being able to connect with his family. Since you lived together in England, you naturally spent more time with his family than yours, yet mason always made it a priority to go with you to see them or to welcome them whenever they came to England.
Once your call reached the end mason pulled you close to him, hugging you tightly. The pair of you breathing was the only sound that could be heard in the room. You switched positions so you were now laying comfortably between his legs, your head resting on his chest as you felt his heartbeat against your ear. His hands softly brushing your hair as he gently hummed a song. You kissed his chest and he let out a chuckle at the sight of you, all curled up against him.
There and then he promised himself that he would try to learn some Italian for you, it was the least he could do, considering everything you did for him and his family. He looked down and saw you sleeping peacefully, his heart fluttered at the sight and he reached over to grab his phone, snaping a picture of you in the process, then installing some app to learn Italian.
“Love, are you ready?” you heard from downstairs.
“Yes, I’m coming” you answered, going down the stairs as you, unsuccessfully, trying to bring your bag down with you.
“Let me help.” he grabbed the bag and brought it downstairs “Here, are you ready to go?”
“Yup” he kissed the tip of your nose “Let’s go, I have a surprise for you when we get there.”
“A surprise?” you asked excited.
“Yes, love, so let’s go, we don’t want to miss our plane.”
“Ciao” hi - you said as you hugged your dad, while mason offered a flower bouquet to your mom.
“Ciao. Come stai?” hi. how are you? - mason asked leaving both you and everyone else around you speechless.
“Mason, what did you just say?” you asked still skeptical of what he had just said.
“Ho salutato e chiesto come stavano” I said hi and ask how they were - he spoke in a broken Italian, yet it still made your heart warm.
“You learned how to speak Italian?”
“Si...questa è stata la sorpresa” yes…that was the surprise.
“What? When? Why?”
“Well, I figured it was about time to learn Italian, I mean it’s your native language and you deserve it.”
“God, I love you” you kissed his cheek and whispered low on his year, in a way only he could hear “I can’t kiss you properly now, but I promise I’ll make it up to you tonight” you saw a slight tint appear in his cheeks before greeting the rest of his family.
You were doing your typical night routine when mason walked in the bathroom, shirtless, wrapping his arms around your waist, and kissed your cheek. “Did you like my surprise?”
“I loved it! When did you even had time to learn?” you turned around, kissing his lips ever so lightly, one hand resting on his cheek.
“I had some free time with the injury now, so I learned a bit, it’s still not perfect, but now that you know, you can help me learn more.” He kissed your lips and all the way down to your neck “If you want to, of course”
“I would love to, and I’m so proud of you for learning Italian for me!”
“Well, not just for you, don’t let it get to your head, darling. I also learned it for you family so I can talk to them without you having to translate it every time.”
You smiled at him, completely in awe of him, because how could you not? The man standing in front of you was gorgeous, had the best heart and the best part, he was all yours. You pulled his hand and led him to the bed, you pushed him down, so he was sitting on it. You felt his hands at your waist, pulling on top of him. “I said I would make it up to you tonight, didn’t I?” you took off your top and kissed that sweet spot on his neck causing him to moan before you placed your lips on his, kissing all the way to his ear, whispering delicately “Now, you have to be quiet because you don’t want my family to hear you, do you?”
“You’re such a tease, love” he kissed your neck too, all the way down to your chest before rolling you over, so he was on top of you now.
You rolled over, eyes still closed as you searched for the warmth of the body next to you, yet you found nothing. With opened eyes now, you realized you were in bed alone, but you soon heard laughter coming from the kitchen, causing you to get up, realizing you were still naked due to last night activities, so you quickly put on some clothes and went to the kitchen.
“Buongiorno bella” good morning beautiful - you heard mason say.
This mason was a different mason than the one from last night. This one was the perfect son in law, nice and kind and good to their daughter. This mason was helping your mom make breakfast, her teaching him Italian words and sentences and him paying full attention to her. You loved the sight in front of you and how mason was always so attentive to your family members and yourself. You made your way towards the kitchen island and kissed both your mom and mason on the cheek, which caused your mom to chuckle and make a comment to the pair of you.
“You kids know you can kiss in front of me, right? I mean, are you not gonna kiss in your wedding, I’m gonna be there too.” You choked on your drink, but mason just laughed, your send mason a wide eye look and that just made him laugh more.
“Nozze? chi ha parlato di matrimonio?” wedding? Who talked about marriage?
“l'ho fatto, sai che voglio sposarti un giorno” I did, you know I want to marry you someday - the comment made you smile wide and continue to eat so you could hide the blush on your cheeks.
Your mom laughed at the pair of you as the rest of the family arrived and mason took it as an opportunity to practice his Italian. You couldn't help but to steal glances at him every so often, you were truly so smitten for that guy.
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harus-simp · 1 year
When you call them couple nicknames in their native language
Zhang Hao, Ricky, Brian and Ollie
Warning: none, just really cute moments (in the Ollie one the reader will have their same age or maximum will be one year older)
Author's note: I got this idea thanks to the wonderful haobin video (you all know which). So I searched like different nicknames to call your partner in China so we'll just roll with that :))
If it's not accurate enough please tell me so I can change it :)
Given their hard work and the sacrifice on coming to a whole different country from theirs and learning a different language, you decide to surprise them by calling them with couple nicknames in their native tongue (well, maybe someone had the idea and helped you)
Zhang Hao
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You were texting each other as he was on the planet camp and you were back home doing your own thing
You were congratulating him on his advances on the programme and how he was killing everything he did
Before telling each other goodbye you wrote him a short sweet message that he wasn't expecting at all
-Bye bye 宝贝 (Bǎo bèi)
He literally was speechless and blushing all shy, like 😳😳😳
He smiled like a little kid would
-How do you know that?
He asked it although he didn't need the answer at the moment, he felt so happy that you told him something in his native tongue
He felt butterflies, no fireworks exploding on his tummy
-Did I say it wrong? :((
-No no, you just surprised me, I love you so much <3
Yeah you definitely have this man whipped for you 😩🤌
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You were cuddling peacefully on your sofa while watching a little bit of Netflix
You both enjoyed your quality time in silence with Ricky's arms being wrapped around your frame and your head resting on his chest
He suddenly got up to go to the grocery store because you were missing something to have as a snack
Before leaving you called him quietly
"亲爱的 (Qīn’ài de), would you get me (whatever you prefer) please?"
He smirked slightly, nodding at you
"Sure princess" 😉
All his journey and the way back he kept thinking of the sweet nickname you used,filling him up with pride and appreciation for you
When he got back he brought what he had bought to the living room and just collapsed on top of you, trapping you in his arms
You giggled trying to pray him off of you without any succes
"Ricky stop please"
"What's the magic word?"
Realising of his previous smile you figured it out
"亲爱的(Qīn’ài de)?"
He moved satisfied to one side but hugged you tighter than before
"I thought that didn't have any effect on you?"you teased him
"Oh, you have plenty of effect in me, believe me"
He's just a flirt, what can I say?😛✌️
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You were hanging out that day having a nice and relaxing date by the Han River
It was spring, so you were having a walk by the beautiful trees, specially cherry blossoms
When you both eventually got tired you just layed on the grass next to each other enjoying the good weather
You then got closer to him and looking at him you told him
"I love moments like this 亲亲(Qīn qīn)"
Right after you said that you returned to your previous position
He looked at you surprised and a shy smiled appeared on his face immediately 😄
He started giggling like a little kid almost kicking his feet from excitement
You looked at him amused, seeing he was laughing.
"What's so funny?"you looked at him confused
"Nothing, it's just you are so cute" he said pinching your cheeks
Despite his calm and composed nature, you saw a totally new side to him.
But you weren't complaining
And he was living his best moment 😌
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He is the one behind all his friends s/o calling them cute couple names
Literally so playful and childish we love it
One day after school he was going back home with his friend, aka his crush
They were just talking about school and how their day went
He also told you about the little plan he carried out
You were listening carefully, already aware of the situation because let's say Ricky already had in mind that it was all their maknae's idea, knowing his teasing nature, and told you everything
So you asked him in advance a nickname to call Ollie and make him taste his own medicine
However you warned him not to be anything too loving or more personal because he was still a baby at the end of the day
And you kinda found him cute (liked him back)
Well Ricky ignored you completely anyways lol
So when you both reached your house, where you both parted ways, you said to him calmly
"Well see you tomorrow, 亲(Qīn)" you told him as you gave him a little peck on his cheek and bupped his nose, and entered your house grinning from ear to ear 😁
He stood there in utter shock and feeling how his ears started to heat up, as well as his cheeks.
He suddenly realised the whole situation and smiled cutely
He could have a chance with you!
Maybe teasing the others was useful after all
He turned around and started giving little jumps of happiness going to his destination
Well you were watching him the whole time through your window, and his reaction made you giddy and excited for the future ahead of you both 🤭🤭🤭
宝贝 – Bǎo bèi = literally means treasure or precious thing but the English equivalent would be baby or sweetie
亲爱的 – Qīn’ài de = it's used like in English, meaning darling or dearest, regardless of gender
亲亲 – Qīn qīn = variation of the previous one, it means dear one
亲 – Qīn = also a variation of 亲爱的(Qīn’ài de) but has a slang context to it, the closest equivalent would be bae or boo
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