#demisexual but for womanhood
hazmatazz · 1 year
y'all's gender ever boy (public), girl (private)
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teslahatesgoats · 2 years
Yesterday, I ended a friendship of 13 years and it is nutso how much lighter and happier I feel. This person had been preaching at me for years about how my one friend was awful. "If someone is really your friend, they would notice your absence" they said.
I am agoraphobic. In the past year, I have made it a point to spearhead my growth. I am doing all that I can to become a better person and to be able to make eye contact with my own reflection.
This person posted shitty stuff about me LESS THAN AN HOUR after we stopped talking. Which is a big part of the reason we will not be speaking again.
Life doesn't come with a blueprint. There is no one correct way to live your life and, as it turns out, sometimes you just have to let go and move on. If someone isn't practicing what they preach, you are not MORALLY OBLIGATED to keep them in your life. I HATE that, after 13-14 years of friendship, the onus of our friendship was on me.
I started my first relationship (something I didn't think I'd do, too demisexual for my own sake) and, at 30, I was hoping for support and got nothing. I won't air my shit out here, lots of reasons to not keep them in my life,none of them you'd give a hell about. For the first time in 30 years, my whole life, i am PROUD of the person I am. I am doing incredible things.
Don't give up. Good things happen even in the darkest places. You don't have to live your life according to some bullshit standard. As long as you treat others kindly, with decency, and respect, you're gonna be just fine. Thanks for coming to my TED talk, i believe in you.
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alexissara · 8 months
The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood - A Deck Of Brilliant Cards [Review]
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The Cosmic Wheel Keeps On Spinning and it shows us a game of politics, sisterhood and ideas. In this game you draw cards and gaze into the future and past to craft a brighter path forward for yourself, your sisterhood, and maybe all of existence. However, there is more pressing matters, Fortuna has been exiled for 200 years and she has 800 years more to go and she can't take it anymore so she does a forbidden spell and calls fourth a Behemoth to help set her free. Get revenge, hug some friends and get to reading the cards.
This game is presented in a visual delight with some of the best sprite work I've ever seen, it is truly a beauty to behold. That beauty stays with it's writing as well, the content warnings it has are no joke and the content is unavoidable so please do read them for your own safety but I do think they are handled well, their brief, they give you an idea of the character and they add to the story in a way I think they were needed.
The gameplay is fairly simple you read people's fortunes picking from a limited set of choices based on what card you drew for what questions, you make cards, and in the last parts of the game you are doing a political worker placement game where you try to win an election. All these elements are simple and basic enough that they would work for a mobile game. It's extremally fun and easy to play.
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The world itself is delightful, it's the kind of thing you play and you wish is real, that you could ascend and become a space witch with your loved ones and live eternally. It gives the world real problems, flawed systems and let you shape your own opinions about it. You may not be able to fix all the problems with society and there are times where the game even outside of card readings will present you with having to choose something you might not agree with but the game lets you engage with it's world in big ways and make big decisions.
This game is pretty queer and engaged in queer reality, your character is from the 1960s and she's some flavor of queer, what that flavor is is up to you as far as I can tell, she reads to me as like Demisexual and a Lesbian but I think there is plenty of cases to be made for other sexualities. If you choose Romance as the option you want to size then you will get with a woman, the game only has women in it outside of the demon you summon all other men are off screen, mentioned to exist sometimes positively, something neutrally, sometimes negatively. The games queerness adds to the theme of Sisterhood both being queer in the relationships the women are looking for while having some women express desire in men that exist off screen. It also is queer in that you help a trans woman transition into her true self. She is definitively a woman and you will be helping her out and you can potentially have her at your side for the political campaign. The broader sense of sisterhood here and the different things relationships to womanhood and other women can mean are really strong here.
Politically this game ranges from like American Democrat to arguably anarchist positions. When setting up your policies and seeing the policies of others you'll get a range of politics to choose from but ultimately you do only have 4 choices in most sections for policy. That said policy isn't all there is to the politics of the world itself. The world is fairly nice as it is, far better than earth as it stands so the base line is good and the previously mentioned queerness is never a conflict. They live in an all women sisterhood and while people travel and there are men in other places, obviously queerness is the most common thing for witches. In fact even polyamory is totally normalized in this world and while you can't be polyamorous romance is not a focus and you stating desire in someone else does not in any negative way impact your romantic relationship that you can get into with a hot butch lesbian. Then the politics have one last layer which is the cards, what you choose from the cards readings can also show a range of politics, beliefs and more from you. Choosing the choice you think is best for you, for them or the world. These can all paint a political picture outside of the range of your political campaign although your choices are also more RNG dependent and also tied to your cards. Plus there was a non RNG point where I did have to make an argument I really did not want to make and it really did annoy me especially in retrospect when It didn't factor into the game at all. However, that was the only moment in the whole game I felt like that when it wasn't based on RNG from the cards.
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Now, I did not like the ending I got the first time I played this game through, some people will find that a somber ending, not getting what you wanted or paying the price you promised will be fitting but not I. So I played the game again, I speed ran through the game knowing the future now, in a way it felt very thematic, to know all the players, all the twists, all the turns and to use that to craft myself a perfect ending for everyone, a true happy utopia no matter what it too and I did it. A very small percent of people have managed to craft a truly happy ending but I am among them! I do think if I did not have the time of will to basically just rush through the game a second time I might have walked away with a worse impression of the game having disliked my ending and knowing I wouldn't have liked the other somber options either. However, it was really satisfying to make my ending even if it required a few additional hours of gameplay in which some of it I was more on auto pilot. The game is not super long and if you do the second run right after the first you won't need to reread a lot of what is going on only the choices you make differently.
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Overall, this game is really a delight and something special, I think anyone who wouldn't struggle with the themes in the content warnings will really gain something from this game and for me it was a 10 hour little adventure on my first run, with a lot of that being taking time to think between choices because every choice felt like it mattered even if I knew the choice maybe wouldn't ever come up in game the people felt so real I wanted the best possible futures for them. This game is really special and has such fantast design and visuals that it is probably worth buying just to stare at and then actually playing it is another even better experience. Check out this game!
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jasontoddssuper · 9 months
My Lgbt headcanons for the Batfam
Inspired by my lovely and close friend @genderfluid-bat posting his!!!
Bruce:Bi aroaceflux,trans man who presents androgynously because of being goth and thinking gender roles are stupid,he/him only or he'll start biting people.Also!!Harvey was his first boyfriend :]
Alfred:Gay and the token cis but The Ultimate AllyTM,he/him.Married to Lucius
Selina:Canon bi queen <3 Trans woman who if asked will say her gender is 'Catwoman',she/they and switches preferences for them every other couple of days.Is 100% supportive of Bruce's aspecness even though she's not on that spectrum herself at all(now the autism spectrum on the other hand)
Dick:Gnc nonbinary trans woman who identifies with 'tomboy' over butch because of her egg cracking so early(I'd say when she was about one year into being a Teen Titan),bidemi,she/her only.That last part is in my DC rewrite buf if we're talking in canon,she comes off to me as surpressing her womanhood because of all her trauma and the expectations put on her.Also people refer to her as 'The Boy turned Girl Wonder' and it makes her chuckle
Jason:Agender trans man who says his gender 'mostly nonbinary but being a guy makes things funny as hell',uses bi and pan and demi for his attraction labels,he/they/xe.Eddie was his bi awakening and he's been presenting as a boy since before he even became Robin
Babs:Demiwoman who like Dick defines her gender as 'tomboy',lesbian,she/they.Married to Dinah
Tim:Canon bi!!!Agender and transmasc like Jason but i can see the transfem hc too and also autigender!!He/they/she
Stephanie:Transfem demigirl,bipan romance wise and also demisexual,femmegender and autigender and she/they/petal/scale(i hc her as having dragons as a special interest!!).Dating Cass and they plan to get married one day
Cass:Butchgender and autigender trans woman,wlw(i can see lesbian and bi equally!!),she/they/bat
Duke:Transmasc genderfluid and bigender with a mix of fem and masc presentation,bipan and demi(love me some projection onto my faves),he/they/sun.They're that post that says 'Fuck passing,i want people to be so confused on what gender i am they explode'
Damian:Trans girl,lesbian,she/her only.Her egg cracks in her mid-teens and she becomes Batgirl
Kory:Trans woman who hoards femme xenogenders,pan,she/they.Dick's wife
Terry:Autigender trans guy,bi and pan,he/they/bat.Is a t4t couple with Maxine
Maps:Autigender trans girl(with a 'kidcore' and 'girly girl' brand of autism specifically),bi,she/they/fae.Her and Damian are childhood best friends to lovers and she helped her egg crack by giving her a mix of a crush and gender envy
Don't rb if you're gonna say dumb shit,especially if you're cis :)
@peachyblkdemonslayer @fandomunsexyman @nogender-onlystars
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sweetmariihs2 · 10 months
My list of reasons to love Eddie Munson
"Why do you like him?" is the most asked question related to my brainrot since may 27 of 2022. And now i'm here to answer that question, and maybe bring you into our fandom too.
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1 - his unconventional beauty
Some people I know were confused as to why I love him, they asked why I feel attracted to him because he was "an ugly man", which I completely disagree with.
He has features that are attractive but are not part of society's beauty standards. Some of them would be his facial marks, his eyebags, messy hair, crooked teeth (yes! you may have never noticed, but he does have crooked teeth, look in that bts picture of him smiling before having his wig fully done), in some moments a double chin, a bigger belly. But it turned out that they look absolutely beautiful on him, and he teached me how to love them just by looking and admiring his features. People say "eww he's ugly", but these features are so cute and even attractive when you look closely, I started loving and admiring each one of them. It turned out that I fell for his personality now I love him completely. These demisexuals nowadays.
2 - his confidence
He doesn't care about what people think of him. I know that in some scenes he's very tough and hard to deal with, that's one of his almost-flaws (he's only like this to people who treat him or his friends badly), but overall he has a confidence to envy. I believe, personally, that he only acts like this because he's scared of showing that he's insecure inside, because of all the bullying he had to deal with. You can see the sad tone in his voice when he says "hunt the freak, right?". But he's not ashamed of himself, he likes to do whatever he wants and to be the way he is, talk about the things he likes, act in his own way. He's very original, and I kinda like that on him. Doesn't care about other people's opinions (but they get to him sometimes, which is kinda sad. That's also another reason of why I love him, I wanna take care of this boy. His kind heart deserves to be loved).
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3 - his kind heart
He is so gentle and kind to people he knows that are not bad. Usually he is afraid of getting close to someone, cause everybody judges and hates him, and that's why he has a tough shell, but if you treat him like a normal person he will absolutely consider you as a friend. He may think twice at first, but once you show him your real kind nature, he becomes the guy he really is. He cares so much about making people happy when they're sad, he cares about making outcast people less lonely, he cares about your safety and if you're comfortable with the situation. You can see it in the "Chrissy in the woods" scene.
4 - his funny dork behavior
He is unpredictable. When you least expect he's throwing himself of his chair. All he wanna do is make people laugh, especially when they are having a bad day. He's naturally funny, he makes faces, funny comments, and knows exacly what to do to make a person's day a little better, or to deal with someone who's mocking at him or one of his friends (He actually doesn't. He doesn't know what he's doing, he's very confused actually).
5 - his respect for woman
6 - his badass clothing and style (he's so cool omg)
He knows about the difference between him and a girl, the physical difference, the (unfortunate) social difference. Even maybe not knowing a lot about womanhood in general, he knows that they should be treated with respect, mostly because people forgot about that and probably because his uncle teached him to do it since he was a little kid. He helps them climb difficult places, open doors for them, even hold them during an earthquake so that they won't get hurt, makes sure that they are comfortable and avoid touching their bodies without permission. In that earthquake scene with Robin he hold her so that she wouldn't get hurt, but his hand that was almost touching her chest backed off purposely, closing his fist so that his palm wouldn't accidentaly touch her without permission, and that's such a small detail. And in that scene with Chrissy, when she was being attacked by Vecna, Eddie was afraid of shaking her or hurting her while needing to use a little bit more strenght to wake her up. Unfortunately you know how it ended, but his behavior with her being obviously a female and smaller than him was such a cute action. So admirable.
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That hair. That mf fluffy long beaufiful curly hair. I wanna run my fingers through it. I wanna kiss it, wash it, brush it, and make it looks the way it usually does again, but with perfume. I wanna kiss his whole face. That's it that's the post thank you so much for reading
His ringsssss oml his rings. The vest. His tatoos. The guitar pick necklace ⁉️‼️⁉️⁉️ that fckin guitar ‼️‼️⁉️‼️⁉️ he is so cool holy shit this guy played the solo of master of puppets in front of like 300 monster bats in the upside down. His bratty attitude. He has this mean behavior of John Bender but the kind heart of Patrick Verona. He's the combination of these two man. That's why I love him so much.
7 - he needs love
He's a badass dungeon master, and knows when to be tough and hard to deal with, but also knows when to be receptive and kind to people. And the best part is that he would love someone for what they are, for being a truly kind-hearted and non-judgemental person, his demands would be only these.
He deserves to be loved. Not a lot of people like him, even less love him. He needs a girlfriend to kiss him everyday and hug him until he sleeps and tell how much she loves him and admire his hobbies and be at his side everyday and bring so much love into his life
i can do that. yes eddie i would love to be your girlfriend. If you need someone please call me, would make you so happy that you would die out of happiness
i'm starting to think about how bad i want a boyfriend to do all these things to him. i'm so lonely omf
everytime i see eddie's face my mind goes like "he's so pretty kiss kiss kiss kiss it i wanna kiss it omg his hair his hair is so pretty i wanna touch his hair omg his face is so cute i love you so much
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agalnamedlunasea · 1 year
*shakes a bag of treats to lure out your DR headcanons*
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ALRIGHT YOU’VE CONVINCED ME but im putting this under a readmore bc ive got charts and shit
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SO I think the charts mostly speak for themselves? I definitely don't have the energy to go into *every* individual person nor do I necessarily have much to say about some of em, so I'll only go into detail about ones I have particularly strong thoughts about/ things to say. But feel free to ask specifics! Can't guarantee I'll be able to answer but still. ANYWAY SO
I wanna start by saying I am the least confident in my aspec headcanons? They're extremely flexible moment to moment and I'm not attached to many of them. I could see almost anyone almost anywhere with only a handful of exceptions, honestly
I almost put a "cis but they've still got something goin on" category on the gender one,,, I woulda put the antags, Yasuhiro, Sonia, Angie, Gonta, maybe a couple others in there,,,
Not really represented here but im a big fan of genderfluid imposter and byakuya
All the protags are trans, and also they're all bi except komaru, fun fact 👍
Literally all of em are queer in some fashion, as you can tell from the fact that I forgot to put a "straight" category on the chart...
Anyway some in particular that im fond of that ive not really talked about before:
I love love love hc Aoi as a nonbinary lesbian. Its like,, lowkey projection,,, but I think its supported by the text. She's got some hang-ups surrounding womanhood and being a woman and how that relates to her relationship with men (im thinking specifically of her last fte). I think it would be a nice resolution to that struggle for her to shed the expectations she feels entirely and embrace who she is, even if its different from what she feels like she's "supposed" to be. Idk I think its a natural conclusion
I enjoy nonbinary chihiro for a similar reason. I think it would also be a natural conclusion to her struggles with gender and what masculinity and femininity means to them
And somewhat related I hc sakura as a cis lesbian also bc of her struggles with femininity?? I like the idea of her conclusion being to embrace her femininity wholeheartedly. She enjoys being feminine but has a hard time reconciling that with her strength. Id like to see her enjoy both of those things about her
Hm i wonder if those say anything about me, im not projecting even a little bit
I hc that akane is pan but for the longest time she just. Doesn't realize not everyone is like that? It was never even something to think about for her. Like she'll be talking to nekomaru and she's like "really you've never thought a girl was hot? Never? Men, I get ya, but *no* girls? That's possible?" And nekomaru gives her the most disappointed stare.
Idk why but nagito and nekomaru being the only gay men on the island is a lil funny to me
Also. I read a singular fic where nagito was demisexual and I was like ok you've convinced me (can you tell. I am. Easily convinced. About this kind of thing)
I go back and forth on whether I hc izuru as pan or aroace. Things like gender don't really matter to him, I just can't decide how that would work in terms of attraction for him 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
I would just like to call attention to transfem hiroko hagakure. Good for her
Rantaro. Feels v aroace to me. In that way where everyone who likes men is like "wow he's so pretty I can't believe he doesn't have a partner id love to date him I wonder if he's interested in anyone" and then he's just like "hey you guys check out this cool thing I found". Like the reverse of bi but noone wants him. Attractive but doesn't want anyone. I can see aspec tho. But that boy is definitely not allo
Once again. Idk why. But kiyotaka, nekomaru, nagito, and kokichi being the only gay men on the chart. Is a lil funny to me. Idk Idk Idk
Ummmm I think thats most of what I wanna say??? I might elaborate more another time but there's that 👍
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cannibalcreeps · 1 year
Do you have any sexuality and/or gender headcanon of Hillikers and Odets?
I do actually! Being as the family don't entirely care for labels, they're not part of society and so societal words and labeling never seems to be a thing for them, but they know what they like and what they don't, they know and understand what male, female and other is, though sexuality names are beyond them.  For the three brothers:
One-Eye: Definitely more on the gender-fluid side, though he does think himself mostly male he would bend towards non-binary with more masculine traits, doesn’t conform to societal expectations or rules of what they expect men should look and be like, he simply does what he enjoys and if he finds it fun and enjoyable he’ll wear whatever clothing to express what he is feeling may it be dresses, skirts, shorts or button ups.  Though he treats these as more for ‘special’ dress up times and not as a casual, everyday wear as he does wear casual clothing that fit him well for practicality, not going to waste a nice pretty dress while on a hunt.  His sexuality is just as fluid, anyone flirting with him gets him bashful and would not say no to a good fun time with anyone willing to be with him, would be considered pansexual.  Three-Fingers: Not as fluid as One-Eye and does see himself as male, but is confident in his sexuality and gender, will wear what he wants and express the way he wants and definitely prefers skirts and overalls over mostly any other clothing for that good comfort.  Similar to his brothers he’d be pansexual, sexuality has never been much of a concern and will get down and dirty with anyone from a man, woman, trans, nb or other, as long as he gets to fuck and bite them, he is down for it.  Saw-Tooth: Is not fluid like his brothers and sticks with more male-centric expression in attire and traits, so more so cisgender, but clothing is clothing in his eyes and will wear what he can for comfort and practicality, unlike his two youngest brothers who will wear things for looks and expression as well, Saw-Tooth has never cared for such things about himself but is happy to support his brothers in everyway.  Sexuality is ‘as long as I’m the only one giving it to you’ kind of deal, he will pound anyone as long as he isn’t the one receiving and is in control at all times, so just as pansexual as his brothers 
Just three Pan brothers.  the Odets:  Pa: Is very cis-masculine, expresses himself in what he perceives to be a fatherly male role for his family, but in a way that it’s more softer and loving than that of the outside world. Never truly seeing a pure example of the outside worlds views on the male gender, he’s had to make a mash-up of what he’s witnessed from same male victims and putting his own spin on it in what he believes a healthy family should require with a father.  He considers sexuality to be “straight”, but where he prefers ciswomen, transwomen and NB people who present as femme, either way as long as they’re not cis men, transmen or presenting male or even neither.   Ma: Expresses herself in what she perceives to be as a cisgendered woman, enjoys being femme, though her expression as a woman is through how she presents herself in clothing and what she has seen in victims who are women. Takes up a sharing leadership role alongside Pa, seeing womanhood to be strong and caring for her ‘husband’ and children.  Her sexuality being more open and fluid, though it may feel similar to her three other brothers, she is actually more demisexual and needing that connection before it goes anywhere else. 
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w0rped-moss · 11 months
Hello! Happy June! It's Pride and I have another question (5/30)
In the very first ask, I talked about the original Rainbow Pride Flag (designed by Gilbert Baker), but today let's talk about some other ones (sexuality/romantic orientation today, gender tomorrow):
Aromantic: The Aromantic Pride flag consists of 5 horizontal stripes. [Top->Bottom: Green, Light Green (aromanticism/aro-spec), White (non-romantic forms of love), Grey, and Black (the sexuality spectrum)] The flag was designed in 2014 by Cameron Whimsy (cameronwhimsy on tumblr).
Asexuality: The Asexual Pride flag consists of 4 horizontal stripes. [Black (Asexuality), Grey (Grey-Ace + Demisexual), White (Allies<- this has been debated/ talked about being changed), and Purple (Community)] The flag was created by an Asexual Visibility and Education Network user standup in 2010, as part of a community drive to created on.
Bisexuality: The Bisexual Pride flag consists of 1 broad stripe, 1 thin stripe and another broad stripe. [Pink (Sexual attraction to the same sex), Purple (the overlap colour representing sexual attraction to both sexes), and Blue (Sexual attraction to the opposite sex)] The flag was designed by Michael Page and introduced on December 5 1998. There is also a symbol of a blue and pink overlapping triangle that can be used to represent bisexual pride.
Lesbian: There is no one accepted Lesbian Pide flag, however the currently most used one is a 5 striped variation of the 7 striped Orange-Pink lesbian flag. (The 7 striped flag was created by tumblrina Emily Gwen in 2018. [Dark Orange (Gender non-conformity), Orange (independence), Light Orange (Community), White (Unique relationships to womanhood), Pink (Serenity and Peace), Dusty Pink (Love and Sex), and Dark Rose (Femininity)]
Pansexuality: The Pansexual pride flag consists of 3 horizontal stripes. [Pink (Attraction to women), Yellow (Attraction to non-binary genders/other genders), and Blue (Attraction to men)]. This flag was introduced in October 2010, again by another tumblr blig ("Pansexual Pride Flag").
Polyamory: Originally this flag was desing by Jim Evans in 1995, and it consisted of 3 horizontal stripes of Blue, Red, and Black with a gold Pi sign in the middle. However, this ended up being more confusing than anything else, and so a committee came together to vote on a new flag. The new flag was designed by Red Howell in 2022, and it consists of 3 horizonal stripes of Blue, Pink and Purple, with an off-centre White chevron on the left and a Gold Heart in the chevron.
Progress Pride Flag: The Progress Pride Flage evolved from the Philadelphia Pride Flag, and was created by Daniel Quasar (xe/xyr) in 2018. It consists of the traditional pride flag as the background, with a triangluar stripes of white/pink/blue (for thr trans community) and brown (people of colour and their contribution to the movement) and black (previous and a nod to the thousands of individuals were lost to the AIDs crisis. [There is also a variation of this flag which includes a triangle with the Intersex Pride flag addition and this was created by Valentino Vecchietti in 2021] [There was/is a little controversy with the Progress flag as Daniel Quasar did decide to copyright it]
Queer: The Queer Pride flag consists of 9 horizontal stripes. [Black, Light Blue, Blue, Green, White, Yellow, Pink, Dusty Pink, Black](The pink and blue shades represent same-gender attraction, orang and green stand for non-binary and gender non-conforming individuals and the balck and white stripes symbolise the asexual/aroamntic/agender community. It was created in 2015.
And so my question today (and yes it is late, I moved and vastly underestimated how many clothes I own, whoops), if you could design a flag to describe everything that makes you feel proud, what colours do you think would work best? (you can give as much or as little detail as you want, give an actual design or just list colours, or whatever, this is completely open ended and up to you)( i know it would probably take thought for people, so like don't feel pressure to answer instantly or whatever, take however long you need to be satisfied)
Happy Pride 🌈 🎉
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the zigzag pattern represents my non-binary and asexual identity which are the most important to me, and the flag in the background is the muted version of the Omnisexual flag, which is my romantic orientation
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faroresson · 2 years
Fuck it, Gender and Sexuality Headcanons cause I’m gay and annoying
This is just for the investigation team cause this post will end up larger than necessary as is
Yu (he/him) Cis but in an “I just work here” kinda way On the Just Some Guy to Dad pipeline. Asexual gray/demiromantic (depending on my mood tbh) gay
Yosuke (he/him) Cis but like, weird about it to a normal level. (The bigotry stops the second your identity comes into question like “hey you can’t do that that’s for girls! I am a girl. Oh alright carry on” kinda shit) bisexual who calls himself gay if he’s dating a man
Chie (She/her) Gender is lesbian, sexuality is lesbian, it’s her main thing that connects her to her womanhood.
Yukiko (she/they) Is closet goth a gender? it is now. Lesbian and she just assumed that’s how the world worked, girls like girls it’s beautiful
Kanji (he/him) Trans man who is sometimes a grandma, his interest shape his gender expression bit by bit as he gets more comfortable with them. Queer sexuality because who give a shit, he likes whoever he likes.
Rise (she/her) Cis but goes buckwild with the hyperfemme presentation when able cause we have fun here sir. Confidently demisexual and biromantic, though would have omni flags/merch as well cause the colours are cool
Teddie (he/him she/her only when it’s confusing) Genderfluid but rarely cut and dry about it, the Alice dress comes out on a she/her boy kinda day, though 90% of the time his gender is “Whatever makes this conversation more interesting”. pansexual cupioromantic
Naoto (she/he with a preference for she) Trans woman all the way with just enough of that soft butch going on, not rough and tumble enough to feel connected to tomboy. She flipflops between various mspec labels but is for sure asexual, it’s the romantic orientation semantics that get her (her friends are not helpful at all with figuring that out) so she settles on queer for the most part
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eclipsecrowned · 10 months
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anyway here’s some queer hcs for the hel. habby pride.
hel’s gender best aligns to demigirl – married to aesthetics of womanhood but not overtly moved by it as a gender. i say best bc well, as a nonhuman in a majority of verses and hailing from a nonhuman culture, she’s not really aligned with any human notion of gender in particular. she might be defined differently by the standards of her people, but to humans the most fitting identity is what we term demigirl.
she’s panromantic with a preference for ladies or feminine figures. in fact, for a majority of her youth she suspected that she was exclusively attracted to ladies, until she began to branch out and forge bonds with other communities and realized she has a preference but not a singular attraction. 
loops back around to demi in that she’s demisexual. friends to lovers is the only way to get her interested in someone else.
polyamorous in general. monogamy is the exception rather than the rule of her people, and while she herself might be slow burn and hesitant to enter relationships, she’s very encouraging of any partner she might have branching out and spreading the love however they see fit.
in her mainverse she had a decades-long boston-style marriage with a englishwoman of means : ) her marriage to johanna remains her longest and most committed relationship in this setting.
hel has three different verses where she has sired children on a partner. while one was as a result of magic and another was down more to her partners abilities, the last has still not been fully explained but points towards jotnar biology being perhaps more fluid than appearances imply.
in verses where gender roles are more liminal and not strictly enforced, hel chooses to be overtly feminine by her culture’s standards. in verses where gender roles are more enforced or come with strict dichotomy, she shows a propensity to blur the lines of her own accord, embracing a level of masculinity to express her queerness outright.
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dreamhot · 11 months
Hello! Happy June! It's Pride and I have another question (5/30)
In the very first ask, I talked about the original Rainbow Pride Flag (designed by Gilbert Baker), but today let's talk about some other ones (sexuality/romantic orientation today, gender tomorrow):
Aromantic: The Aromantic Pride flag consists of 5 horizontal stripes. [Top->Bottom: Green, Light Green (aromanticism/aro-spec), White (non-romantic forms of love), Grey, and Black (the sexuality spectrum)] The flag was designed in 2014 by Cameron Whimsy (cameronwhimsy on tumblr).
Asexuality: The Asexual Pride flag consists of 4 horizontal stripes. [Black (Asexuality), Grey (Grey-Ace + Demisexual), White (Allies<- this has been debated/ talked about being changed), and Purple (Community)] The flag was created by an Asexual Visibility and Education Network user standup in 2010, as part of a community drive to created on.
Bisexuality: The Bisexual Pride flag consists of 1 broad stripe, 1 thin stripe and another broad stripe. [Pink (Sexual attraction to the same sex), Purple (the overlap colour representing sexual attraction to both sexes), and Blue (Sexual attraction to the opposite sex)] The flag was designed by Michael Page and introduced on December 5 1998. There is also a symbol of a blue and pink overlapping triangle that can be used to represent bisexual pride.
Lesbian: There is no one accepted Lesbian Pide flag, however the currently most used one is a 5 striped variation of the 7 striped Orange-Pink lesbian flag. (The 7 striped flag was created by tumblrina Emily Gwen in 2018. [Dark Orange (Gender non-conformity), Orange (independence), Light Orange (Community), White (Unique relationships to womanhood), Pink (Serenity and Peace), Dusty Pink (Love and Sex), and Dark Rose (Femininity)]
Pansexuality: The Pansexual pride flag consists of 3 horizontal stripes. [Pink (Attraction to women), Yellow (Attraction to non-binary genders/other genders), and Blue (Attraction to men)]. This flag was introduced in October 2010, again by another tumblr blig ("Pansexual Pride Flag").
Polyamory: Originally this flag was desing by Jim Evans in 1995, and it consisted of 3 horizontal stripes of Blue, Red, and Black with a gold Pi sign in the middle. However, this ended up being more confusing than anything else, and so a committee came together to vote on a new flag. The new flag was designed by Red Howell in 2022, and it consists of 3 horizonal stripes of Blue, Pink and Purple, with an off-centre White chevron on the left and a Gold Heart in the chevron.
Progress Pride Flag: The Progress Pride Flage evolved from the Philadelphia Pride Flag, and was created by Daniel Quasar (xe/xyr) in 2018. It consists of the traditional pride flag as the background, with a triangluar stripes of white/pink/blue (for thr trans community) and brown (people of colour and their contribution to the movement) and black (previous and a nod to the thousands of individuals were lost to the AIDs crisis. [There is also a variation of this flag which includes a triangle with the Intersex Pride flag addition and this was created by Valentino Vecchietti in 2021] [There was/is a little controversy with the Progress flag as Daniel Quasar did decide to copyright it]
Queer: The Queer Pride flag consists of 9 horizontal stripes. [Black, Light Blue, Blue, Green, White, Yellow, Pink, Dusty Pink, Black](The pink and blue shades represent same-gender attraction, orang and green stand for non-binary and gender non-conforming individuals and the balck and white stripes symbolise the asexual/aroamntic/agender community. It was created in 2015.
And so my question today (and yes it is late, I moved and vastly underestimated how many clothes I own, whoops), if you could design a flag to describe everything that makes you feel proud, what colours do you think would work best? (you can give as much or as little detail as you want, give an actual design or just list colours, or whatever, this is completely open ended and up to you)( i know it would probably take thought for people, so like don't feel pressure to answer instantly or whatever, take however long you need to be satisfied)
Happy Pride 🌈 🎉
i can't help but feel as though a flag top represent /me/ would comprise what my roommate calls the 'indi palette' (<- in reference to my middle name, which is what i go by irl). those colours are a bright green, bright purple, and bright blue. hard to say if they'd really be representative of anything, but . i love that combination so much that i feel as tho it'd be the best way to capture /me/ ... tho i think the design might be more circular stripes than horizontal or vertical ones. like a radiating pattern ? just for funsies
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barbiegirldream · 11 months
Hello! Happy June! It's Pride and I have another question (5/30)
In the very first ask, I talked about the original Rainbow Pride Flag (designed by Gilbert Baker), but today let's talk about some other ones (sexuality/romantic orientation today, gender tomorrow):
Aromantic: The Aromantic Pride flag consists of 5 horizontal stripes. [Top->Bottom: Green, Light Green (aromanticism/aro-spec), White (non-romantic forms of love), Grey, and Black (the sexuality spectrum)] The flag was designed in 2014 by Cameron Whimsy (cameronwhimsy on tumblr).
Asexuality: The Asexual Pride flag consists of 4 horizontal stripes. [Black (Asexuality), Grey (Grey-Ace + Demisexual), White (Allies<- this has been debated/ talked about being changed), and Purple (Community)] The flag was created by an Asexual Visibility and Education Network user standup in 2010, as part of a community drive to created on.
Bisexuality: The Bisexual Pride flag consists of 1 broad stripe, 1 thin stripe and another broad stripe. [Pink (Sexual attraction to the same sex), Purple (the overlap colour representing sexual attraction to both sexes), and Blue (Sexual attraction to the opposite sex)] The flag was designed by Michael Page and introduced on December 5 1998. There is also a symbol of a blue and pink overlapping triangle that can be used to represent bisexual pride.
Lesbian: There is no one accepted Lesbian Pide flag, however the currently most used one is a 5 striped variation of the 7 striped Orange-Pink lesbian flag. (The 7 striped flag was created by tumblrina Emily Gwen in 2018. [Dark Orange (Gender non-conformity), Orange (independence), Light Orange (Community), White (Unique relationships to womanhood), Pink (Serenity and Peace), Dusty Pink (Love and Sex), and Dark Rose (Femininity)]
Pansexuality: The Pansexual pride flag consists of 3 horizontal stripes. [Pink (Attraction to women), Yellow (Attraction to non-binary genders/other genders), and Blue (Attraction to men)]. This flag was introduced in October 2010, again by another tumblr blig ("Pansexual Pride Flag").
Polyamory: Originally this flag was desing by Jim Evans in 1995, and it consisted of 3 horizontal stripes of Blue, Red, and Black with a gold Pi sign in the middle. However, this ended up being more confusing than anything else, and so a committee came together to vote on a new flag. The new flag was designed by Red Howell in 2022, and it consists of 3 horizonal stripes of Blue, Pink and Purple, with an off-centre White chevron on the left and a Gold Heart in the chevron.
Progress Pride Flag: The Progress Pride Flage evolved from the Philadelphia Pride Flag, and was created by Daniel Quasar (xe/xyr) in 2018. It consists of the traditional pride flag as the background, with a triangluar stripes of white/pink/blue (for thr trans community) and brown (people of colour and their contribution to the movement) and black (previous and a nod to the thousands of individuals were lost to the AIDs crisis. [There is also a variation of this flag which includes a triangle with the Intersex Pride flag addition and this was created by Valentino Vecchietti in 2021] [There was/is a little controversy with the Progress flag as Daniel Quasar did decide to copyright it]
Queer: The Queer Pride flag consists of 9 horizontal stripes. [Black, Light Blue, Blue, Green, White, Yellow, Pink, Dusty Pink, Black](The pink and blue shades represent same-gender attraction, orang and green stand for non-binary and gender non-conforming individuals and the balck and white stripes symbolise the asexual/aroamntic/agender community. It was created in 2015.
And so my question today (and yes it is late, I moved and vastly underestimated how many clothes I own, whoops), if you could design a flag to describe everything that makes you feel proud, what colours do you think would work best? (you can give as much or as little detail as you want, give an actual design or just list colours, or whatever, this is completely open ended and up to you)( i know it would probably take thought for people, so like don't feel pressure to answer instantly or whatever, take however long you need to be satisfied)
Happy Pride 🌈 🎉
I would have a flag that is of a ombre style where one color bleeds into the next. I'd start with a teal color dunno what that represents I just like it maybe my boygirl swag and then I would move to the pink of the original triangle anti nazi sort of my thing as a jew and rom and then maybe into a deep purple cause I like all genders !
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tinamybeloved · 11 months
Hello! Happy June! It's Pride and I have another question (5/30)
In the very first ask, I talked about the original Rainbow Pride Flag (designed by Gilbert Baker), but today let's talk about some other ones (sexuality/romantic orientation today, gender tomorrow):
Aromantic: The Aromantic Pride flag consists of 5 horizontal stripes. [Top->Bottom: Green, Light Green (aromanticism/aro-spec), White (non-romantic forms of love), Grey, and Black (the sexuality spectrum)] The flag was designed in 2014 by Cameron Whimsy (cameronwhimsy on tumblr).
Asexuality: The Asexual Pride flag consists of 4 horizontal stripes. [Black (Asexuality), Grey (Grey-Ace + Demisexual), White (Allies<- this has been debated/ talked about being changed), and Purple (Community)] The flag was created by an Asexual Visibility and Education Network user standup in 2010, as part of a community drive to created on.
Bisexuality: The Bisexual Pride flag consists of 1 broad stripe, 1 thin stripe and another broad stripe. [Pink (Sexual attraction to the same sex), Purple (the overlap colour representing sexual attraction to both sexes), and Blue (Sexual attraction to the opposite sex)] The flag was designed by Michael Page and introduced on December 5 1998. There is also a symbol of a blue and pink overlapping triangle that can be used to represent bisexual pride.
Lesbian: There is no one accepted Lesbian Pide flag, however the currently most used one is a 5 striped variation of the 7 striped Orange-Pink lesbian flag. (The 7 striped flag was created by tumblrina Emily Gwen in 2018. [Dark Orange (Gender non-conformity), Orange (independence), Light Orange (Community), White (Unique relationships to womanhood), Pink (Serenity and Peace), Dusty Pink (Love and Sex), and Dark Rose (Femininity)]
Pansexuality: The Pansexual pride flag consists of 3 horizontal stripes. [Pink (Attraction to women), Yellow (Attraction to non-binary genders/other genders), and Blue (Attraction to men)]. This flag was introduced in October 2010, again by another tumblr blig ("Pansexual Pride Flag").
Polyamory: Originally this flag was desing by Jim Evans in 1995, and it consisted of 3 horizontal stripes of Blue, Red, and Black with a gold Pi sign in the middle. However, this ended up being more confusing than anything else, and so a committee came together to vote on a new flag. The new flag was designed by Red Howell in 2022, and it consists of 3 horizonal stripes of Blue, Pink and Purple, with an off-centre White chevron on the left and a Gold Heart in the chevron.
Progress Pride Flag: The Progress Pride Flage evolved from the Philadelphia Pride Flag, and was created by Daniel Quasar (xe/xyr) in 2018. It consists of the traditional pride flag as the background, with a triangluar stripes of white/pink/blue (for thr trans community) and brown (people of colour and their contribution to the movement) and black (previous and a nod to the thousands of individuals were lost to the AIDs crisis. [There is also a variation of this flag which includes a triangle with the Intersex Pride flag addition and this was created by Valentino Vecchietti in 2021] [There was/is a little controversy with the Progress flag as Daniel Quasar did decide to copyright it]
Queer: The Queer Pride flag consists of 9 horizontal stripes. [Black, Light Blue, Blue, Green, White, Yellow, Pink, Dusty Pink, Black](The pink and blue shades represent same-gender attraction, orang and green stand for non-binary and gender non-conforming individuals and the balck and white stripes symbolise the asexual/aroamntic/agender community. It was created in 2015.
And so my question today (and yes it is late, I moved and vastly underestimated how many clothes I own, whoops), if you could design a flag to describe everything that makes you feel proud, what colours do you think would work best? (you can give as much or as little detail as you want, give an actual design or just list colours, or whatever, this is completely open ended and up to you)( i know it would probably take thought for people, so like don't feel pressure to answer instantly or whatever, take however long you need to be satisfied)
Happy Pride 🌈 🎉
This is going to be long omg hi hi 🌈
I think my flag for myself would have triangles to make up a rectangle ▶️🔽🔼◀️ like this if that makes sense so that all the tips meet in the middle with the colors being purple green yellow and blue with each of the colors matching up with the triangles above and there would be infinity symbols of the other colors over the quadrants to kind of symbolize balance or kind of invoking ying Yang okay I gave up on describing and drew a really crude sketch on my phone look ⬇️ imagine this was filled in and neat. I like that it kind of looks like a kite and the infinity is a symbol that I really treasure besides it kind of being seen as basic. The infinity symbols also are kind of like clips holding the triangles together and I like the idea of the flag being a mismatch of different unique parts that are just barely held together. Just like I’m shaped by distinct areas of interest and parts of my life. I think triangles are strong shapes which I like better than rectangles that most flags are made of and I should probably talk about the symbolism of the colors a little bit but I’ve gone on long enough so here thanks for this question 🌈
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The TERF rhetoric that submissive women are just fetishizing misogyny/their own abuse is a framework that doesn’t even make sense to me, because despite the fact that I’m a very “traditionally” feminine person and experience submissive desire towards men, I have never felt like my experiences and emotions were considered normal and “okay” within popular heteronormative/misogynistic culture. I have never felt fullfilled by that space, and in fact only felt alienated and stifled and even abused by it. My experiences with my gender, self-expression, demisexuality, and fantasies have always existed in tension and in contrast with the patriarchy. I literally cannot experience the vulnerability I desire with a misogynist.
Furthermore, the cultural framework of womanhood has changed to include a kind of hollow hyperindepenence mantra because of the impact of pop feminism on our culture, and that framework of womanhood has itself always made me feel alienated.
That’s not to say that misogyny and heteronormative fetishization does not exist in kink communities, but that exists as it’s own conversation.
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monstercollection · 2 years
Finally back to making progress on the Literary Tarot Deck Challenge.
For anyone new to my tumblr, the Brink Literacy Project created a tarot deck with cards based on works of classic literature. Each card was selected by a contemporary author or comics/graphic novel illustrator who also helped write the guide to interpreting that card.
The challenge I’ve set for myself is to read each classic work and one thing by every author/illustrator. Including the fan-picked alternative cards, that comes out to 162 books.
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I just finished The Witch King by H. E. Edgmon. It’s a queer YA urban fantasy novel about a trans witch named Wyatt who is pulled back into the magical world he tried to escape. As a child, he was betrothed to the crown prince of the Fae who wants the marriage to go forward for the sake of the kingdom and his own heart.
The book deals with some pretty heavy content and Edgmon who is himself transmasc admits in the forward that it’s very much a vehicle for processing his trauma. But it’s also a love letter to queer identities in every combination.
The book’s cast also includes a bisexual ace Indigenous teen who identifies with womanhood and matriarchy but rejects European society’s construction of those two things. There is a non-binary lesbian freedom fighter witch. I also think there is also a solid case to be made that Prince Emyr’s soulmate bond with Wyatt is a a flavor of demisexuality but it’s not ever explicitly described as such.
Wyatt’s experience as a trans man is also different from the most commonly pushed narrative of a person “born in the wrong body.” I think it’s extremely important to have the representation of a variety of trans experiences, especially when drawn from the personal experience of that author.
Style wise, the writing reminds me of the Percy Jackson books, but with a more chaotic stream-of-consciousness, lots of memes, Gay Culture and teenage horniness.
I don’t think Edgmon always manages to pull off first-person present tense style well. The plot is rushed and we are constantly bombarded with one chaotic situation after another, and many times they don’t feel linked by cause and effect in a way that would be natural.
At the same time, this is Edgmon’s first book, and it’s level of dedication to portraying queerness in all it’s messiness and beauty is something you just don’t find in other books. He treats each character’s experience of identity and sexuality and something unique to them. He’s committed to the idea that there is no one way to construct gender and no boxes to limit sexuality. This is a book I desperately wish I’d had 15 years ago.
Edgmon does begin the book with a pretty thorough content warning and I want to include it here so people are aware without buying the book. There are instances of sexual harassment of a minor and one assault scene that is not graphic but it’s there. There is also a character who attempts to use his psychic powers to groom a minor. Bodily autonomy is a major theme and especially with the state of things in the US being what they are, this may hit close to home for some folks.
Again, Edgmon says right up front some of this book is rooted in his personal trauma but there is also a strong sense of the empowerment of that comes from reclaiming your pain. There is also an element of revenge fantasy that feels satisfying. If you’re the type of person who finds yourself joking about your own trauma as a way of coping, you’re going to relate to Wyatt.
I do plan to eventually read the sequel— The Fae Keeper— at some point. For all it’s flaws, I liked The Witch King enough that I’m willing to see if Edgmon grew as a writer between the two. If he didn’t, it’s a fast enough read that I won’t mind. I still want to know what happens next and spend more time with these supernatural disaster queers and their world.
If you like the “fated soulmate” trope and are down for a friends-to-lovers-to-enemies-to-lovers-again romance, I honestly think it’s worth the read. If you’ve got an LGBTQAI+ teen in your life that could use a book that they can see themselves in, I recommend it for them too.
This puts me at 46/162 books. I’m not sure what I’m doing next. I know I was supposed to tackle Whitman but am trying to keep up with my book club, Dracula Daily, and finish the Daevabad Trilogy so I may just try to knock some easy reads and short stories off the list.
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napsaps-archive · 11 months
Hello! Happy June! It's Pride and I have another question (5/30)
In the very first ask, I talked about the original Rainbow Pride Flag (designed by Gilbert Baker), but today let's talk about some other ones (sexuality/romantic orientation today, gender tomorrow):
Aromantic: The Aromantic Pride flag consists of 5 horizontal stripes. [Top->Bottom: Green, Light Green (aromanticism/aro-spec), White (non-romantic forms of love), Grey, and Black (the sexuality spectrum)] The flag was designed in 2014 by Cameron Whimsy (cameronwhimsy on tumblr).
Asexuality: The Asexual Pride flag consists of 4 horizontal stripes. [Black (Asexuality), Grey (Grey-Ace + Demisexual), White (Allies<- this has been debated/ talked about being changed), and Purple (Community)] The flag was created by an Asexual Visibility and Education Network user standup in 2010, as part of a community drive to created on.
Bisexuality: The Bisexual Pride flag consists of 1 broad stripe, 1 thin stripe and another broad stripe. [Pink (Sexual attraction to the same sex), Purple (the overlap colour representing sexual attraction to both sexes), and Blue (Sexual attraction to the opposite sex)] The flag was designed by Michael Page and introduced on December 5 1998. There is also a symbol of a blue and pink overlapping triangle that can be used to represent bisexual pride.
Lesbian: There is no one accepted Lesbian Pide flag, however the currently most used one is a 5 striped variation of the 7 striped Orange-Pink lesbian flag. (The 7 striped flag was created by tumblrina Emily Gwen in 2018. [Dark Orange (Gender non-conformity), Orange (independence), Light Orange (Community), White (Unique relationships to womanhood), Pink (Serenity and Peace), Dusty Pink (Love and Sex), and Dark Rose (Femininity)]
Pansexuality: The Pansexual pride flag consists of 3 horizontal stripes. [Pink (Attraction to women), Yellow (Attraction to non-binary genders/other genders), and Blue (Attraction to men)]. This flag was introduced in October 2010, again by another tumblr blig ("Pansexual Pride Flag").
Polyamory: Originally this flag was desing by Jim Evans in 1995, and it consisted of 3 horizontal stripes of Blue, Red, and Black with a gold Pi sign in the middle. However, this ended up being more confusing than anything else, and so a committee came together to vote on a new flag. The new flag was designed by Red Howell in 2022, and it consists of 3 horizonal stripes of Blue, Pink and Purple, with an off-centre White chevron on the left and a Gold Heart in the chevron.
Progress Pride Flag: The Progress Pride Flage evolved from the Philadelphia Pride Flag, and was created by Daniel Quasar (xe/xyr) in 2018. It consists of the traditional pride flag as the background, with a triangluar stripes of white/pink/blue (for thr trans community) and brown (people of colour and their contribution to the movement) and black (previous and a nod to the thousands of individuals were lost to the AIDs crisis. [There is also a variation of this flag which includes a triangle with the Intersex Pride flag addition and this was created by Valentino Vecchietti in 2021] [There was/is a little controversy with the Progress flag as Daniel Quasar did decide to copyright it]
Queer: The Queer Pride flag consists of 9 horizontal stripes. [Black, Light Blue, Blue, Green, White, Yellow, Pink, Dusty Pink, Black](The pink and blue shades represent same-gender attraction, orang and green stand for non-binary and gender non-conforming individuals and the balck and white stripes symbolise the asexual/aroamntic/agender community. It was created in 2015.
And so my question today (and yes it is late, I moved and vastly underestimated how many clothes I own, whoops), if you could design a flag to describe everything that makes you feel proud, what colours do you think would work best? (you can give as much or as little detail as you want, give an actual design or just list colours, or whatever, this is completely open ended and up to you)( i know it would probably take thought for people, so like don't feel pressure to answer instantly or whatever, take however long you need to be satisfied)
Happy Pride 🌈 🎉
ok ive stared at this for a long time and like looked through different colors and their potential meanings and like. it's hard man 😭 thank you for listing out the ones you did btw i only knew about a couple of them, i think flag design in general is really special but also kind of hard and not really for me i kept making weird ones and it's just not pretty. but i think above all else i'd want a flag with colors that can mean acceptance (like . both self-acceptance and just the concept of acceptance in general?), community, maybe some to do with the spectrum of sexuality and romantic attraction and gender kind of like the aro and ace flags. :)
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