#darkwurm represents zarcray's seperation
magpiejay1234 · 1 year
It’s Z-ARC time. Today’s batch is Lightwurm’s cards. Starting from Dragon of Light Wing.
The Quick-Play Spell Dragon of Light Wing’s Kanji name is 光翼の竜, which is written in Hiragana as Kouyoku no Ryuu.
The Kanji 光翼, Kouyoku alludes to Clear Wing variations’ Synchro chants, which all talk about wings of light. The specific 翼, yoku Kanji alludes to 白翼の魔術師, Hakuyoku no Majutsushi, White Wing Magician. In the context of Yu-Gi-Oh!, the Kanji for 白, white, is often replaced with the Kanji 光, light. This is particularly common in Blue-Eyes related cards. This is because, during the transition from Video Games to Official Card Game, White Magic alignment was used as the basis for LIGHT Attribute.
Clear Wing uses the Kanji title 白竜, Hakuryu in Odd-Eyes Wing Dragon, which is the same Kanji as Blue-Eyes’s title, but in Blue-Eyes’ case, it is written as shiroryu generally. Clear Wing uses Haku to sound more Haouish.
The Jewels in Z-ARC’s purified form obviously represent the En Cards, but aren’t the En Cards, they are the pendulums in Pendulum Evolution’s artwork that have been transformed by the En Cards. In other words, these are the Yuboys’ pieces of En Cards.
Z-ARC chest, which is normally armored, is open in his purified form. This chest area is where Z-ARC!Yuya was seated. The gold pieces in chest are actually supposed his own Pendulum, as seen Beyond the Pendulum’s artwork. Because Z-ARC’s heart is finally opened, the connection to En Cards is now apparent.
The card’s effect allows you to add a Supreme King Servant Dragon, or Supreme King Gate card, and Special Summon them if Z-ARC is on the field. In this context, it is for Lightwurm, and purified Astrograph.
The halo surrounding Lightwurm, with card’s effect, gives off the vibe of Z-ARC giving birth to Lightwurm, probably either in allusion to Athena’s birth out of Zeus, or the birth of the three major Japanese Kami after Izanagi’s purification ceremony. (Z-ARC himself is 1/4 Clear Wing, thus partially female, so this isn’t an absurd concept.)
Z-ARC’s purified form’s chest is a reference to Sacred Heart of Jesus, though the placement of the jewels are more close to a Buddhist mandala. Its ovid shape can refer to either various Buddhas in the center of mandalas, or Jesus’s depictions in tetramorph (Jesus with the animals representing the Four Evangelists).
We already discussed Lightwurm’s Katakana name. It is a combination of Ra in Reira, and i in Ray (Rei) in Katakana. Their Kanji title is the same as other Supreme King Servant Dragons.
Lightwurm’s Pendulum effect allows it to Special Summon itself, and then alter the Attribute, and Level of itself or another Pendulum Monster, if Z-ARC is on the field. This implies Lightwurm has the power to purify other Supreme King Servant Dragons, though for now this effect is for regular corrupt Z-ARC’s Dragons, which generally require DARK monsters.
Its first monster effect adds a Supreme King Gate, or Supreme King Servant Dragon. After that, it can Synchro Summon, or Xyz Summon a Supreme King Servant Dragon.
Its second monster effect adds itself back to the hand from face-up Extra Deck if another Pendulum Monster is destroyed.
Contrasting with Darkwurm, which is designed to protect Supreme King Gates, this card is designed to protect Z-ARC specifically.
The golden colouring of this card, and its Tuner classification, references the Darkwurm Tributed to Summon Supreme King Servant Dragon Clear Wing, and of course Ray’s own Synchro theming. One interesting tidbit, Clear Wing’s animé effect requires a DARK Tuner, similar to Dark Synchros, but its OCG/TCG effect requires a DARK non-Tuner, so while this card cannot be used to Summon Z-ARC’s Dark Rebellion without its Pendulum Effect, it can be used to used to Summon Clear Wing no problem with Darkwurm. Same goes for Odd-Eyes.
Regarding Lightwurm’s statlines, its Pendulum Scale of 8 allows it to Pendulum Summon Supreme King Gate monsters no problem, though not Supreme King Servant Dragon Odd-Eyes. This statline is designed for Supreme King Gate Magician, Astrograph’s purified form, but it can also use the original Gates, Zero, and Infinity, to temporarily protect Z-ARC, which, again, is the inverse intention of Z-ARC regarding those cards. Their regular statline is the inverse of Darkwurm’s ATK/DEF.
Further speculating from Pendulum Evolution, it seems after using Yu-boys as the replacement for Bracelet Girls’ En Cards to destroy Z-ARC’s cards, and open up his armor, what is going on here is Reira, and Ray are using Bracelet Girls’ connection to Dimension Dragons, thus exposing the En Cards essence that is now firmly in place in Z-ARC’s third bout, and apparently it worked. So congratulations.
This also explains the previous two attempts didn’t work, because Ray was focused on Z-ARC externally obvious corruption, and haven’t thought of going inside Z-ARC, both literally, and metaphorically. 
We will likely return to this duo in late July, if there is another related card.
Edit: I meant the Four Evangelists, ugh, but I wrote Four Apostles. It has been corrected now.
For the specific tetramorph Z-ARC is going for:
In most cases, the Four Evangelists are in the four corners, since four corners are important in Abrahamic religions (representing four corners of the world), whereas four cardinal directions are more important in Hindiusm, and by proxy Buddhism (representing different trajectories in Samsaric Cycle, again, alluding to Ray’s Beyond the Pendulum form’s Kanji name, Trajectory Magician).
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