#daria straud
dariaendzhyel · 2 months
Вампирская жизнь/Vampire life
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Elizabeth: So how are your studies going? Have you learned any new techniques?
Caroline: There is no progress yet, although my dad and I are constantly training.
Elizabeth: It seems to me that this is a so-so training..
Caroline: My dad is the greatest vampire, he knows exactly how to teach all sorts of vampire things.
Elizabeth: This is undeniable, but still, suggest to him that you go to study at the “Six” academy, have you heard of this one?
Caroline: I heard something... It was founded by creatures from different castes? Vampire, Werewolf, Magician, Demon, Elf and Angel, and each taught something... But this is all fiction.
Elizabeth: Yes, yes, and this is the vampire speaking...I would like to study there! I know their whole story by heart! The Vampire taught bravery and courage, the Werewolf - camaraderie and mutual assistance, the Magician - faith in oneself and in magic, the Demon taught science, the Elf - about unity with the soul, and the Angel - art. Just imagine! So different creatures, usually at odds with each other, united and founded the academy!
Elizabeth: It seems that according to rumors, your distant ancestor was that Vampire, and your father was called to teach all sorts of creatures there, but he sent everyone to hell.
Caroline: That's just his style! He can't stand strangers.
Elizabeth: I could not live with such a father, he is formidable and fierce.
Caroline: This is how he is for outsiders, when he is with his family, he becomes the best father in the world!
Caroline: By the way! I asked my dad to teach me fencing! He agreed, because I am the eldest and first heir in the family! Dad is really proud of me.
Elizabeth: And mom? How does she feel about this?
Caroline: Well, she’s happy that I have a good relationship with my dad... Not like my sister... You know, everything is bad there.
Elizabeth: Yes, I know that Katerina hates she father, maybe she’s in adolescence and teenage rebellion?
Caroline: I don't think so...I know what it's about.
Elizabeth: Do you think that she's human?
Caroline: Yes...Dad told me why this happened. There's a long story there. Also because of this, my mom is much weaker than my dad.
Elizabeth: Maybe you should talk to her? How about sister and sister?
Caroline: It doesn’t work, she locks herself in a room, sits in a room or plays the guitar, but she’s not good at it... No one at home plays this instrument, and no one can teach her... My dad has been my dad since childhood taught him to play the organ and piano. Okay, I have to go, I don't want to be late for my first fencing lesson!!
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rareosim · 5 months
Итаааак, @dariaendzhyel дала мне чудесный повод подумать, передав такой вопрос как "на какого персонажа из мультфильма похожи Ваши герои из симса?". НО, так как для меня это оказалось непосильно сложной задачей, я попросила помощи у людей в своём маленьком тг канале по симсу, так что приведу их аналогии и скрины с мнением
НО №2: так как в тг у меня идёт уже 3 поколение, сравнивать как раз буду персонажей оттуда, так как это банально более актуально лично для меня на данный момент времени. Так что ВАРНИНГ тут спойлеры по династии
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Боб и Хизер, это прям идеальная семейная пара, мне тоже пришла мысль сравнить их с Элли Фридрексеном из Вверх, но боже, я надеюсь конец будет не таким грустным как в мульте... Умоляю, это та самая пара, которая заставляет меня заходить в сохру династии и радоваться жизни
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Лоретту внешне сравнили с Кидой из Атлантиды и Лейлой из Винкс, но по характеру, сказали, что напоминает Лилит Клоуторн из Совиного дома (когда-нибудь я его посмотрю...)
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Бонни, хоть и является второстепенным персонажем, но, видимо, очень запала в сердце. Её молодую версию сравнили с Лизой из Эхо террора, сказав, что "Её страхи, желание просто быть любимой и давнее убеждение жить, "никому не мешая"" - ну как бы буквально описание молоденькой и наивной Бонни. Взрослую же версию нашей рыжули сравнили с Рейн из Совиного дома
На этом сравнения из тг закончились и сейчас я буду думать уже своей головой (это будет медленно, так что потерпите пожалуйста)
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Оливия (ну или как я ласково называю её - Оливка) у меня оч прочно ассоциируется с Мейбл. Она очень активный и творческий ребёнок, можно сказать, что она первый психологически здоровый ребёнок в династии (если не считать Луку). Думаю, когда она вырастет, то останется такой же весёлой и творческой натурой
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Шей - так же, как и Бонни является второстепенным персонажем, но я всё равно пипец как люблю её. Думаю, она чем-то схожа с Аметист из Вселенной стивена (да и способность Аметист менять форму в целом будто бы схожа с тем что она по сюжету сменит пол и станет Лютером...)
�� теперь самое больное и сложное для меня...
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Исаак мать вашу Готерри
Звезда моей династии можно сказать, я после него в своём сознании настолько преисполнилась...
И знаете что? Я понятия не имею с кем его сравнить... У меня вообще ноль идей, так как Исаак вышел крайне нетипичным для меня персонажем, я до сих пор испытываю очень тяжёлые и смешанные чувства на его счёт. Вот с одной стороны жалко, а с другой всё это никак его не оправдывает и он сам виноват...
Единственное, что я моу сказать на его счёт: Спасибо. После всего этого я действительно ценю тихую, мирную и "скучную" жизнь персонажей. Спасибо, что отобрал это у меня, чтобы я поняла насколько без этого тяжело
Что ж, на такой замечательной ноте хвхвхв я передаю эту эстафету всем желающим! Буду рада глянуть, что у других по этой теме выходит, а пока спокойной ночи, солнцы
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endzhel · 2 years
What's on the vampire's mind
Wedding /Part one
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vladislavstraud · 2 years
Мы с Дарьей сейчас в отпуске...Кэролайн мы оставили у родителей Дарьи. Мне немного не по себе, от этого факта, но я понимаю, что нам всем нужно отдохнуть и расслабиться. В Коморэби очень холодно, даже несмотря на то,что сейчас лето...Тут ООООЧЕНЬ МНОГО снега!
Daria and I are on vacation now... We left Caroline with Daria's parents. I'm a little uncomfortable with this fact, but I understand that we all need to rest and relax. It's very cold in Komorebi, even though it's summer... There's SOOO LOTS of snow here!
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P.S с ребёнком всё вспорядке!Скриншоты просто были сделаны до его рождения:)Ну так получилось.
P.S everything is fine with the baby! Screenshots were just taken before his birth :) Well, it happened.
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belanasims4 · 3 years
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Magic Pics <3 
Models: Kenna Loan, Lavea Lexian-LaRune, Daria Malone, Sidonia, Enya Straud 
Ccs: @antosims , @grafity-cc , @kenzar-sims4 , @darkosims3 , @poponopun 
Poses: @honeyssims4 @roselipaofficial @sciophobis 
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dariaendzhyel · 2 months
Позвольте представить двух двойняшек:
Юрий Штрауд и Феликс Штрауд
Let me introduce two twins: Yuri Straud and Felix Straud
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dariaendzhyel · 1 month
Вампирская жизнь/ Vampire life
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П.с (простите, что так мало, сейчас во всю работаю над переделыванием знакомства Дарьи и Влада.
Amdis: Get into fighting poses and start at the signal. If any of you have a dark side, then contact me on the same signal. Let the best one win.
Vlad: Caroline, be careful, otherwise you will kill your rival.
Caroline: Don't worry, dad.
Sandra: You may indeed be Straud's daughter, but I don't think you'll win.
Amdis: Please, just no insults..
Caroline: Everything is fine, don’t worry.
Amdis: Count? Aren't you worried about your only daughter?
Vlad: No, I’m not worried...And Caroline is not my only daughter.
Amdis: W-What...E-Excuse me??
Vlad: I have four children, that’s true, by the way.
Sandra: Wait, do you have a dark form.
Caroline: Yes, there are. Scared?
Sandra: What?? Of course not!
Amdis: Get started!
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dariaendzhyel · 1 month
Вампирская жизнь/Vampire life
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Vlad: Can you explain to me what the hell is going on here?
Amdis: I beg your pardon, my lord, but we needed to make sure that this girl is in fact your daughter.
Vlad: Please treat my daughter with respect! She introduced herself to you, why don’t you call her by name? What kind of disrespect?!
Amdis: Please forgive me for my rudeness...But you see, the selection has already ended, and soon there will be an official opening of the new school year, and still Caroline must prove herself in a battle with another vampire of her age.
Vlad: No problem, we don’t want to circumvent the rules of the academy.
Amdis: We can have a sparring match right here if you don't mind.
Caroline: I don't mind!
Amdis: As you wish, have you already met Sandra? She will be your opponent, but she is quite strong for her age.
Vlad: It's not a problem, Caroline is also very strong. Call your student!
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dariaendzhyel · 2 months
Вампирская жизнь/Vampire life
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Вечером/In the evening
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dariaendzhyel · 5 months
Я вернулась, да не с простыми руками)) А с вот какой идеей: на какого персонажа из мультфильма похожи Ваши герои из симса! Вот я к примеру думаю, что Влад и Дарья напоминают мне об такой паре как Леди и Бродяга))
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Как вы думаете, на каких персонажей они больше похожи? Может у вас есть свои предложения))
Передаю это мини испытание: @trofysisters @unsoda @mmaaarrrry @simmerberlin @serenasims @betawoman @shaniss @shithebear @youroselion @maxispremades @edyavtostopom @solori @laforets4 @blue-hearts @maestro-simguru @lilu-sims @vikomdynasty @rareosim
И всем, всем всем, кто хочет в этом поучаствовать))
Всем желаю удачи❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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dariaendzhyel · 5 days
Вернёмся в самое начало/Let's go back to the very beginning
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Daria: Where am I?...What happened? I don’t remember anything, but for some reason my bones are breaking a lot and my whole body hurts.. * sounds of music * Huh? What are these sounds? We need to follow the sound..
Daria: This man is the owner of this house? I wonder... Why did he help me? He doesn’t look like anyone I know...Who is he?.He looks like a very handsome man...
Vlad: I know that you are looking at me...How do you feel? Don’t be afraid, come to me, I want to talk to you.
Vlad: Well, tell me about yourself? I'll be happy to hear from you.
Daria: Yes, I don’t have anything to tell you...
Vlad: Do you think so? And it seems to me that you are a very interesting person. What's everyone's name?
Daria: My name is Daria, I am twenty-two years old.
Vlad: Great...I'm Vladislav, but you can call me Vlad.
Vlad: How did you even get to this city?
Daria: I...I don't remember.
Vlad: I see, but it’s okay, you will still have time to remember everything, do you want to sit down?
Daria: Can we switch to you? And then I feel somehow uncomfortable...
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dariaendzhyel · 29 days
Вернёмся в самое начало/Let's go back to the very beginning
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Vlad: What happened, my winged friend?...Did you find the body of some girl in the forest? Yeah..And what should I do about it? We need to check what is there and how.
Vlad: * She is alive, but very weak and almost dying... I can heal her, but is there any point in this? What if she is the same as all people. Well, she looks like an ordinary, decent girl. Okay, I’ll check her aura, feel the emotions that she experienced in the past, and then we’ll see whether I should save her or not..... I want to help her.
Vlad: *Well, why... Why is fate so cruel to you ? You are an ordinary girl, a kind, sweet, caring girl...And always alone. Don’t worry, you will live, you will be fine.
Vlad: * I wonder what happened here... Okay, then I’ll find out and find the one who did this to you... I’ll have to wash you, treat the wounds, and bandage them ... How light she is, although given her past, this is not surprising... Her body is not as warm as it should be... I will cure you... You are not like other people, you are worthy of my help. ..
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dariaendzhyel · 8 months
Вампирские будни/Vampire days
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Vlad: How do you feel?
Daria: It's okay... But I'm a little worried. I'm about to give birth, but there is no stomach at all. Will everything be fine with the baby?
Vlad: I'm worried too, for you and for the child. You've used up all your vampire energy, the child will be human.
Daria: Are you upset that the child will be human?
Vlad: No, no, it's all right. The only thing that matters to me is that the birth goes well ... And how to roll out Caroline that she will have either a brother or a sister.
Daria: Let's tell you, it's not a problem.
Vlad: Only then the questions will begin: Where do children come from? How will I explain this?
Daria: Let's tell you, this is not a problem. Vlad, what do you think, who will it be, a boy or a girl?
Vlad: I have no idea, honestly. The main thing is that the child is healthy.
Daria: Everything will be fine, the main thing is not to worry.
Vlad: You are right, however, as always.
Daria: Heh. Maybe let's go to bed? It's already late, I'm tired, and you're probably tired of all this too.
Vlad: Yes, let's go to sleep.
Daria: How do you think the estate will be rebuilt?
Vlad: I'm sure everything will be done very well. I can't wait to see everything.
Daria: Me too. It's so nice to realize that everything is starting to get better.
Vlad: Daria, remember I promised that we would go on vacation with the whole family?
Daria: Yes, I remember something.
Vlad: When a child is born, he will be about two months old, so we'll go to rest, I'm tired of all these adventures.
Daria: *yawns* Yes, I agree ...
Vlad: My dear, are you already falling asleep?
Daria: Uh-huh...
Vlad: Good night then, my dear.
Daria: Good night, my love.
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dariaendzhyel · 2 months
Вампирская жизнь/Vampire life
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Vlad: It’s good when you know how to play the notes, but sometimes you have to think with your head. Try to remember the melody by ear. And this way we will also train your vampire hearing. Ready?
Felix: Yes, dad.
*Plays a melody*
Vlad: Do you remember?
Felix: Well, there is something.
Vlad: Don’t worry if it doesn’t work out the first time, we’re learning. Will you try to play?
Felix: Okay.
Felix: Right?
Vlad: Yes, yes, everything is fine, don’t worry, you’re great.
Felix: Dad? Will I become the same as you?
Vlad: You don’t have to become the same as me. I'm sure that you will become stronger than me.
Felix: Much stronger then! You and your mother are the strongest in the whole world!
Vlad: Unfortunately, mom is not very strong and she cannot protect herself, so I protect her. And you, too, will have to protect your loved one.
Caroline: Dad...We need to talk...About...
Vlad: The Academy? Well talk.
Felix? I'm sorry, but I need to talk to your sister.
Felix: No problem, dad, I'll go to Yuri!
Vlad: Okay, run.
Vlad: Are you ready for this? Have you thought it through well?
Caroline: Yes, Dad, I've thought about it!!
Caroline: I'm ready to learn, ready for it. I will proudly bear my surname Straud and..
Vlad: Okay, okay!! I am very glad that you are drawn to knowledge. Well, I'll show you where the academy is and they'll take you there.
Caroline: Thank you very much, dad, I won't let you down and you'll be proud of me!!
Vlad: I'm already proud of you.
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dariaendzhyel · 9 months
Вампирские будни/Vampire everyday life
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Vlad: It was more comfortable.. Please don't look to the right... I didn't decorate the room...
Daria: So... What's your plan?
Vlad: Look, we'll go to another room, and in this room I'll turn on a certain "movie", you know? Daria: Wait! That is .. Nothing will happen?
Vlad: I'm sorry, but no... I can't. How would you say..
Daria: Are you tired? Do you want to relax?
Vlad: You could say that...
Vlad: Please don't be offended.
Daria: I'm not offended. You are very tired and want to rest, I understand you. First, home renovations, moving, and now this stupid performance for the "higher vampires." Don't worry, it's really good... Where do you say that room? I want to change and go to bed.
Vlad: Can you wait a bit? I'll turn it on and we'll go together so as not to create unnecessary noise.
Daria: I'll try. The corset presses very hard on me... Help me loosen it, I won't be able to reach it myself.
Vlad: Okay, I'll help. Vlad: Is it too tight?
Daria: Enough...
Vlad: Now, wait a bit... Is that better?
Daria: Yes, thank you...
Vlad: Daria? Can I tell you something?
Daria: Yes, of course. What worries you? Vlad: Recently, I noticed that my body has changed a little for the worse ... I went to the doctor, they told me that I have er#ctile dysfunction. The doctor said that this is most likely due to age.. I didn’t know how to tell you about this ...
Daria: Can vampires have such diseases?
Vlad: It turns out that yes... I unbuttoned it. Daria: Vladdy? Everything is fine?
Vlad: I don't even know.
Daria: Vlad, I'm 100% sure, the doctor made a mistake, and everything is fine with you, you're just tired, not only you, but also your body. Vlad: What are you doing?
Daria: Can we still try? M?? Can I cure you?
Vlad: Well...
Daria: No, if you don't want to, I won't force you.
Vlad: No, no, no. I want to, I just don't know, what if I can't excite you.
Daria: I'm sure that you will be very good as always.
Vlad: Do you think so?
Daria: I'm sure of it... Well, are you ready to break the hell out of this bed?
Vlad: ahhahaah, I like your attitude! Let's try.
Daria: Put out the candles, please.
Vlad: Okay, my dear.
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dariaendzhyel · 10 months
Фотосет для @trofysisters ❤️❤️
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