#danny killing the joker and going on a date with red hood is barely in the top 10 of weird/fucked up shit he's done
petite-phthora · 11 months
Do you think it was a date?
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 5]
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Part 1
In-chat nicknames:
Daniel = Danny
Sharpshooter = Jazz
TooFine= Tucker
Chaos = Sam
TheCoolerDaniel = Danielle/Dani/Ellie
Private chat nicknames:
Bill = Danny
Pants = Jazz
As soon as Danny enters his apartment, face bright red, he takes his head into his hands and lets out a silent scream.
He could have said anything, and he panicked and went with Toodealoo Kangaroo???
At this rate, he’ll never get a partner.
As Danny stands there in misery, his phone starts buzzing with messages. Curious, he checks his phone to see what going on.
Uh oh.
Team Phantom 👻😎
Chaos: Guys check this out
Chaos: *link*
Chaos: The Joker escaped from Arkham again, but no one’s heard anything of him since, nor have they been able to find him
TooFine: @Daniel 👀
TooFine: ok the @ had been a joke but the fact that he has read it and not replied is concerning
Sharpshooter: @Daniel, what did you do?
Sharpshooter: @Daniel
Sharpshooter: I can see that you’re reading this, don’t ignore me.
TooFine: ohhhh someones in troubleee 👀
Sharpshooter: Tucker.
TooFine: 🤐
Danny takes a deep breath.
Well, it’s now or never. Let’s hope Jazz is feeling merciful.
Private chat
Bill: ok so you know how you said you would still love me if I was a worm?
Pants: I have no clue how this ties into the previous conversation, but yes. Why?
Bill: hypothetically
Bill: would you also still love me if I
Bill: hypothetically
Bill: accidentally
Bill: vibe checked someone that tried to uh
Bill: hypothetically
Bill: kidnap and or kill me??
Bill: 🥺🥺🙏
Pants: Danny, did you accidentally kill the Joker?
Bill: yes or no Jazz??!? 😩🥺
Pants: Yes, Danny. I would still love you if you, hypothetically, accidentally killed the Joker.
Bill: this is why you’re my favorite sister 🥹🥰😘
Bill: don’t tell Ellie 😳🫣
Pants: Danny, what happened?
Danny lets out a sigh of relief before proceeding to tell Jazz what happened.
Pants: Oh Danny.
Bill: are you mad at me?
Pants: I’m not mad at you, I just want you to stay safe.
Pants: While I don’t condone murder, I understand that it was self-defense and an accident. I‘m just glad that you’re alright.
Bill: 🥰💞😘
With a small smile on his face, Danny goes back to the groupchat.
Team Phantom 👻😎
Daniel: you know
Daniel: if I had a nickel for every time I’ve had to fight off an insane clown that attacked me 🤡
Daniel: I’d have two nickels
Daniel: which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice, right? 🤔
Chaos: Damnit Danny, we leave you alone in a new city for a week and you already manage to get into a fight with one of Gotham City’s most infamous rogues
TooFine: actually its been 6 days 10 hours and 17 minutes
TooFine: so not even a full week yet
Chaos: Did you at least get a good few punches in?
Chaos: Danny?
TooFine: @Daniel ???
TooFine: if i had a nickel for every time danny said something concerning and then didnt provide context id be richer than vlad
Daniel: anyway, for completely unrelated reasons, @TooFine I need you to wipe some cams for me 😃
TooFine: danny im not wiping the cams again so no one will have proof of you tripping backward and falling ass-first into a trashcan
Chaos: Speaking of, Tucker do you still have that footage and can you send it to me?
TooFine: already done
Daniel: noo it’s nothing like that this time 😫
Daniel: pleaseeee 🥺🙏🙏
Daniel: I’ll get you an autograph from Tim Drake-Wayne?
TooFine: deal.
Daniel: 🥳🎉
Daniel: ok so the footage from somewhere around 3 am last night
Daniel: around some place named park row??
Daniel: I think it’s called?? 🤔
Daniel: though I’m pretty sure I’ve also heard some people refer to it as crime alley
Daniel: not sure why tho 🤷
TooTine: aye aye captain o7
Chaos: Danny, in an alley getting attacked by the fucking Joker: I wonder why this place is called crime alley
Daniel: stop bullying me 😠
Chaos: No
TooFine: hey danny r u sure thats right? i checked the cams n stuff but theres no available footage from the area n time u described
TooFine: its like someones already wiped it all
Daniel: oh!
Daniel: that’s so sweet of him  😊
Chaos: Wait who is this ‘him’?
TooFine: the joker????
Daniel: oh no not the Joker
Daniel: just some cute guy I met last night  
Daniel: he witnessed me killing the Joker 🫣
Daniel: and didn’t call the cops on me afterward 🥰💞
TooFine: def green flag
Chaos: Oh hell yeah, he’s a keeper
Chaos: Wait you killed the Joker?! I thought you just fought him off!
Daniel: it was an accident!! 😭😭
Daniel: he crept up on me and tried to grab me 😓
Daniel: so I got startled and because all I saw was a clown
Daniel: I just kinda punched his face in with my ghost strength… 😰
TooFine: f
Chaos: f
Sharpshooter: Have you gotten rid of the body yet? Did you leave behind DNA at the crime scene? Will I need to start saving up bail money or getting ready to enact the Fenton Break Out plan?
Chaos: Jazz asking the important questions here
Daniel: well, considering the footage was wiped
Daniel: and also the fact that no one’s found him yet
Daniel: I think it’s safe to assume it’s all taken care of
Daniel: that’s honestly really sweet of him though 🥰😊
TooFine: oohhhhh ur mystery boo??
Daniel: yeah, this random guy saw me vibe-checking the Joker
Daniel: and let me go home without any trouble
Daniel: pretty sure he’s the one who wiped the cams 🤔
Daniel: and then today he showed up at my apartment with flowers 🥺
Daniel: they were sweat peas!!!! 🥰🤩
Chaos: Was that to thank you for the murder orrrr?
Sharpshooter: Oh those are your favorite, was that on purpose?
Daniel: well I didn’t tell him
Daniel: so I’m not sure if he knew or if it was a coincidence 🤷
Daniel: but yeah then he took me out to this restaurant called Pete’s for dinner
Daniel: they had some amazing cannoli
Daniel: you should try it sometime if you get the chance
Daniel: and then after dinner he took me to the observatory!!!!!!! 🤩🥰
Sharpshooter: Gotham observatory?
Sharpshooter: Isn’t that the one with the special telescope, I think you mentioned it before
Daniel: yeah, the crystal-powered telescope!! 😍💞✨🤩❤️
Daniel: and at the end, he brought me home
Daniel: and he asked for my number!!!
TooFine: nice dude!
Chaos: The guy really went all-out and planned your dream date hu? So, what’s this mystery hunk’s name?
Daniel: oh I’m not sure, I didn’t ask 🙃🤭
Sharpshooter: Danny…
Daniel: yes?
Sharpshooter: Did you go on a date with a complete stranger who witnessed you commit a murder?
Chaos: How do you not even know his name?
Daniel: two words Jazz: Johnny 13
Daniel: and he’s not a stranger!! 😠
Sharpshooter: But you don’t know his name?
Chaos: We just can’t leave him alone, can we? Less than a week on his own and he already murdered one of Gotham’s most infamous rogues and then completely forgets the concept of Stranger Danger
Daniel: I mean he probably just found it when he tried to do some research on me or something
Daniel: probably got it from the school’s system now that I think of it 🤔
TooFine: dude who the hell is this guy??
Chaos: Who the fuck did you go on a date with?
Daniel: do you really think it was a date? 🥺😳
Daniel: I wasn’t sure
Daniel: cause he mainly took me out for dinner to thank me for the night before
Daniel: but then again
Daniel: he did get me flowers and ask for my number after he brought me back to my apartment 🤔
Daniel: like I wasn’t sure if I was reading the signals right…..
Daniel: but do you think that was a date? 🫣
Sharpshooter: Danny, for the love of the Ancients.
Sharpshooter: Who was it?
Daniel: oh, it was Red Hood 🥰
TooFine: damn dannys got that vigilante rizz
Sharpshooter: Red Hood? The crime lord?!
TooFine: former, actually
Daniel: what he said ^^
Chaos: Danny, you really have a type huh? Vigilantes with a Red theme. Who’s next? Red Robin?
Daniel: stop bullying me
TooFine: never
Chaos: Never
Daniel: on a different note, who changed my name in the chat again?
Sharpshooter: Ellie did.
Chaos: Ellie
TooFine: @TheCoolerDaniel
TheCoolerDaniel: 😎
TheCoolerDaniel: wait i just read back, danny’s dating a crime lord?? :0 👀
Taglist (for now, I’ll probably stop if I cant keep up):
@i-always-say-yea  @uraniumwizard
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petite-phthora · 8 months
It's a date :)
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 9]
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Part 1
Private chat nicknames:
RedHood = Jason
Danny = Danny
The next day, Jason wakes up with a yawn. He stretches, letting out a relieved exhale. That was one of the best nights of sleep he’s had in a long time.
Usually, the Pit’s bothering him, combined with hours of patrolling and fighting crime, usually getting injured as well, he usually wakes up sore and almost just as exhausted as he goes to sleep.
But now…
It was calm. He felt calm.
He didn’t quite dream, though that was fine, as he hadn’t had any nightmares either.
It was… refreshing.
Though, all of it is also kind of… unnerving…
All these good things happening?
The Joker finally dying, meeting a cute guy who doesn’t seem intimidated by him as Red Hood and taking him out on a date, the Pit barely bothering him, sleeping better than he had in years…
With all of that happening, Jason can’t help but wonder…
When is the other shoe gonna drop?
His good mood slightly dampened with disconcertion, Jason gets out of bed with a small grunt. He doesn’t bother to get changed yet, instead moving along to the kitchen to start on breakfast.
After taking in the groceries he has left, Jason starts making some simple bacon and eggs. He catches himself humming while cooking and abruptly stops, continuing his cooking with a small frown on his face.
Why is he feeling this… this… good?
Just what is happening with the Pit?
He’s not enchanted or drugged or anything, is he?
It’s all the unknowns that are making Jason slightly worried.
Are his emotions still his own?
He feels like most of his worries have been stripped from his body. He feels way more comfortable in his skin. He feels happy, content, tranquil…
He just feels so much.
But still no rage.
He eats his breakfast while he ponders over his newfound emotional state. It’s as he eats that his eyes land on his phone.
The Bats have probably blown up his phone with calls and messages in the meantime.
And the fact that he doesn’t feel as irritated or mad as he should about it is another point of slight concern.
Either way. Ugh, Jason still doesn’t really want to deal with it.
After he has put his plate away, he picks up his phone anyway and turns it back on. Sure enough, he has too many missed calls and unread messages. And it seems that with his ‘online’ status, some are encouraged again and start sending him more texts.
Jason ignores it all in favor of doing what he had planned to do when turning his phone back on anyway, messaging Danny.
Just so that he has Jason’s number as well
And perhaps to plan another date meetup, he thinks with an involuntary soft smile on his face.
Private chat
RedHood: Hey, it's Red Hood. Just checking in and making sure you also have my number.
RedHood: In case of emergency, of course.
Danny: hi!! 👋😊
Danny: it’s Danny!! 😁                                     
Danny: which you already knew..
Danny: obviously 😅 😅
RedHood: I do now.
RedHood: Who knows, you could’ve given me the wrong number.
RedHood: It’s good to have the confirmation that it’s you :)
Danny: ahh yes!
Danny: good point 👉
RedHood: So, I was wondering if you had the time to meet again sometime this week?
RedHood: I can show you around the city, y’know? Like I mentioned yesterday? :)
Danny: !!!
Danny: yes!! 😁
Danny: that sounds like fun! ☺️ 🙃
Danny: and very useful 🤔
Danny: it’s good to know where not to go 😌
Danny: so I don’t kill another clown 🤡
Danny: haha
Danny: not that I’m like planning on killing another clown! 😰
Danny: no sir, there is no murder on this agenda!! 🙅 🙅
Danny: clowns or otherwise
RedHood: Haha, I didn’t think so.
RedHood: It was pretty clear to me it was self-defense anyway, don’t worry :)
RedHood: Even if it wasn’t, it was the Joker. So who, other than the Bat, cares?
RedHood: And it’s not like I can judge.
Danny: ah, good good
Danny: didn’t want my first impression to be being a murderer 😅 😅
Danny: that’d be bad 😓
RedHood: You don’t need to worry.
RedHood: You made a pretty good first impression in my opinion :)
RedHood: So, when are you free? For the meetup?
RedHood: I can come pick you up at your apartment again, if you want?
Danny: oh yeah that’d be nice!! 😊
Danny: and uhh, lemme check my school schedule real quick brb
Danny: alright, so I have classes till like 12.30 today
Danny: but I’m free from then on 🙃
Danny: minus like, time I need to eat lunch and stuff 😅 😅  
Danny: does that work for you?
Danny: I mean else I could probably do like thursday or something 🤔
Danny: if that works better??
RedHood: Today works just fine. And we can pick up some lunch on the way if need be. My treat :)
RedHood: I’ll come pick you up around 1 pm then?
Danny: it’s a date!! 😁
Danny: I mean sure, totally! it’s not a date!! 🙅 🙅
Danny: unless you want it to be a date?.. 👀
Danny: I mean did you mean for it to be a date?
Danny: is it a date? 🤔 🤔
Danny: I mean I don’t wanna assume 😅
Danny: and like
Danny: I wouldn’t mind if it was a date.. 👀
Danny: or if it wasn’t a date!!
Danny: wouldn’t mind that either, of course 😅  
Danny: I just wasn’t quite sure where we stood 😓 🥺
Danny: and what the context of the meetup was
Danny: ..?
Danny: Red Hood??
RedHood: It’s a date.
RedHood: ;)
Jason goes offline and turns his phone back off, still pointedly ignoring all the unread messages and missed calls from the Bats. He slides it onto and across the table in front of him and proceeds to put his arms down in front of him, resting his face on them.
Soft smile still on his face and cheeks colored faintly pink, Jason closes his eyes.
It’s a date…
@i-always-say-yea   @uraniumwizard    @why-must-i-be-like-this   @griffinthing
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