#cora finch
heart-songs · 6 days
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The one where I confess that I am unapologetically soft
how my heartbeat mimics the wind, invisible but far-reaching. With gossamer fingers I braid my hair, brew the tea, knead the bread. On obsidian nights, I gather dried lavender and listen for the willow. I have cradled newborn heads on the crest of my collarbone patched wounds with rose petal kisses, unwound the deepest of aches with worn-out denim and bare skin. I have carried the dead, cried my weight in tears. I am soft, and my hands are small but I would hold the sun for you, blister ‘til you no longer wish to be a burn. I am soft, and my voice is softer. It was made to breathe poems into the scruff of your neck to lay the ghosts of your worst fears to rest eternal. I am soft, and we are only a moment but my love will linger long after the willow stops weeping.
- Cora Finch
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sunshinies · 11 months
⋆❅ Qiqi inspired names/pronouns/titles ! ❆⋆
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art by x!
❄️ names: addie , alice , annie , aspen , birdie , charlie , cinna , clara , coco , cora , daphne , dot , eva , finch , flora , heather , holly , hope , ivette , ivory , jenny , june , juniper , kiki , lacy , lucy , luna , may , memory , mia , milly , mira , nala , nana , naomi , nellie , neva , noel , nola , nora , nova , odette , opal , pandora , poppy , remy , shay , snow , violet , whitney , willa , winter
🤍 pronouns: che/cher/cherish , ?/?s/?self , finch/finches/finchself , ice/ices/iceself , cry/cryos/cryoself , fro/frosts/frostself , nurse/nurses/nurseself , med/medis/mediself , herb/herbs/herbself , vio/vios/violetself , zom/zombs/zombself , sweet/sweets/sweetself , 7/7s/7self , snow/snows/snowself , cold/colds/coldself , mourn/mourns/mournself , death/deaths/deathself , forget/forgets/forgetself , stiff/stiffs/stiffself , mem/mems/memoryself , shy/hyr/hyrself , mort/mortis/mortiself
any other variation pronouns of these may be used , of course !
🪻 titles: she who arose from the frost , her soft and icy embrace , the smallest herb-gatherer , her gentle rigor , she of healing frost , she who wields the adepti’s power , the little jiangshi , the pharmacist’s apprentice , the forgetful nurse
prns and gendered terms may be replaced.
additional tags: @eternoelle @hauntingidol @delusielle @puriette @the-astropaws @cocajimmycola @ladyth
127 notes · View notes
writingcold · 7 months
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Hi there.  Welcome to Chapter 17.  I know last chapter was hard.  I can’t say this one is easier either.  We have a lot of story though, so let’s get to it.
If you are just joining us, you can find the Master List to the series here
Sending my thanks once more out to @lvnterninthenight, @gardensgatedaisy and @whitesuitjake. Love you.
This is a work of fiction, and is totally mine.  Please do not take it for your own personal use.  I’ve put in hours of research, hours upon hours of writing, re-writing, screaming, yelling and vomiting over this epic of a story.  But it is mine.
Content warning:  In an effort of not giving the story away, I will just remind you that it is an 18+ story.  There is talk about the violence of last chapter.  
Word count: 4400
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Chapter Seventeen:  Conversations - Cora POV
     It had been eighteen days since the attack.  Mrs. Potter and Miss Klass smiled as Cora set foot inside the bank for the first time.  She hesitated, feeling as if the air itself was attempting to reach out and bruise her even more.  Jacob’s hand pressed gently into the small of her back just as the ladies welcomed her warmly, rousing her out of the dark that was trying to pull her in.   A quick reassuring glance at him, and they walked through the tainted space.  The wounds were going to be long to heal, the bruises were turning into a curative rainbow of ugly shades of upset colors.  Joshua met her in the hall, his face tired and brutalized, but the caramel of his eyes shimmered to see her return.
     “Good morning, lovely,”  he said with an abbreviated smile.
     Jacob rubbed her shoulder as she stood in the doorway of her office.  She looked down at how Joshua moved close with a feather light touch, brushing the back of his hand to hers.  Her frame felt a flush of assurance by the brothers that she had not realized she needed.
     “How about lunch, just me and you today?”  Josh asked, tucking his hands back behind him.  “Mrs. Woods made sandwiches to send along.”
     “That would be nice,”  Cora replied, feeling the normalcy of the moment.
     Jacob followed her into the office, looking very much the way she felt inside – jittery and overalert.  Though he tried to exude calm, she could feel his anxiousness under his surface, mirroring her own.
     “I don’t feel right leaving you here,”  he whispered as he threaded his fingers through hers.
     “I’ll be fine,”  she sighed as he brushed his knuckles against her cheek.  “Joshua needs you in Iron Mountain.  It will be well.”
     “You could come with,”  he said with a ghost of a smile.  “We could spend hours in the room I’ve got at the hotel.”
     The heat in his tone sent a delicious shiver through her, nearly masking the antsy crawl of her reservation of being alone.  “I’m sure Rosemary would approve of that,”  she teased with a roll of her eyes.
     “What she doesn’t know and all,”  he returned as she sat down.
     “You’ll be home in a few days?”  she asked, rubbing the bandages at her side.
     He nodded.  “Sooner if I can, Finch.”
     Hesitation rolled off Jacob as he left.  Cora had to sit a while before being able to shift into the day.  The quieter bits made her heart pound, as if her skin was waiting to be assaulted by Archer in an echo of that day.  She found that her brain would freeze when the door slammed, or someone laughed too loudly, or when the air felt tight with tobacco.  She would look for a reprieve by forcing her eyes on the books before her, but the writing just drifted before her, making no sense in the most mocking manner possible.  She was sure that she would worry a hole in her lip before the end of the first day of Jacob being gone.
     Josh reappeared with sandwiches and a smile at the noon hour.  He closed the door with a soft click as she poured out a couple glasses of water.  He caught her chin in his fingers much like how his twin would when she would not meet his gaze.  The caramel warmth that she had come to identify as Joshua blazed on her as he looked at her mouth.
     “There won’t be much of a lip left if you keep biting it, lovely,”  he teased as he brushed his hand across her shoulder.  “I’m sure today has been a challenge.  I am having trouble keeping my brain on task as well.”
     Cora nodded as he touched her hand once more before sitting down next to her.  It was a fleeting connection, but one that seemed to ground both of them.
     “Cora, if you wish to call it a day, please do,”  he said as he unwrapped the waxed paper wrapped delights.  “I can call Marcus.  I’m sure he’d be more than happy to walk you home.”
     “It’s fine, really.  Just… When it gets quiet…”  her voice wobbled as she spoke, drifting off like she was unable to finish her thought.
     Josh nodded his head in agreement.  She watched as he took a sip of water, his jaw clenching as he set the glass down.  “I am not one to look back on events to lament.  However, this one I am afraid I cannot seem to stop seeing.  I failed you so badly.  For that, I apologize.”
     She grimaced as fire stabbed her belly.  “Failed me?  How?”
     “I knew Archer would do something in retaliation, but I underestimated how he would go about it.  I certainly never thought that he would ever do it himself.  I should have had someone here.  Marcus, Henry.  They would’ve been stronger.”
     She shook her head.  “How are you liable for something that was so unpredictable?”
     He raised his eyebrows as he took a bite of his sandwich.  He remained quiet for a moment.  “But, this is where I had an inkling that he would show up here.”
     “Not necessarily to do violence.”  She leaned forward, her eyes earnest in her feelings.  “Besides, from what your face and broken bones tell me, you defended me with everything you’ve got.”
      He hummed as he grimaced, straightening his back in pain.  “How much do you remember?”
     She swallowed a bit of her lunch, unable to hide the blush of her cheeks.  This was territory that Jacob would not allow her to tread.  In his bid to protect her, he refrained from answering her questions.  Likewise, her mother was of the same mind.  The hole in her memory was what troubled her, kept her awake as she tried to piece together what her body had survived.
      “Cora,”  Joshua said, his voice hushed as he again placed a hand over hers.  “I will only ever be honest with you.  Ask me and I will answer.”
     She turned her palm so that she could hold onto him, absorbing his warmth.  “I remember him getting us out to the main lobby.  I know he touched me…”
     “Yes,”  he whispered in the void of her sentence.
     “After that, I don’t remember anything other than feeling fear and like I wasn’t attached.”
     She drew in a breath as they sat in silence.  Much like his twin, Joshua held her hand in support, never wavering, never rushing.  Her insides trembled in uncertainty.  The question burned her throat.  She sucked in a breath, refusing to cry over it, refusing to find shame in it.
     “Did he rape me?”
     The simple answer flooded her with emotions that she had no idea how to identify.  “Did he try?”
     Josh nodded with a tightening of his fingers against her skin.  “It was his intention, yes.  Every time he thought I was knocked out, he would try.  Mrs. Potter and Miss Klass even tried to distract him - they threw everything at him to keep him away from you.  If Mrs. Potter could have lifted the register, I believe she would’ve flattened him on the spot.”
     “Do you still hurt badly?”
     He nodded.  “I’ll heal.  So will you, Cora.”
     “Why won’t Jacob talk about this with me?  I mean, it could have been-”
     “He’s scared of what he would do to Archer,”  he said with a smirk.  “My twin does not like to admit that he could be prone to violence.  He would rather lean into reputation and play into one’s fear rather than actual violence.”
     Cora felt a flutter across her chest at the notion that Jacob was trying to protect himself just as much as he was trying to protect her.  “I am afraid he sees me different now.”
     He breathed out a soft laugh.  “He doesn’t see you differently.  Maybe sees himself differently, but not you.”
     “How so?”
     The laugh returned, lighting the caramel of his eyes and igniting the gold that twinkled.  “You, my dear lovely, showed him that he’s scared to death of losing you.  So much so, that he panicked when he knew you were in trouble.  He learned just how much of a part of him that you have become.  What a beautiful thing to see, too.”
     She blushed as he squeezed her hand once more before digging back into his lunch.  Once finished without reason to stay, he disappeared for moments only.  Joshua returned with a few ledgers of his own, setting up on the other side of her desk.
     “Perhaps we can help each other by keeping each other company,”  he said quietly, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.
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Chapter Seventeen: Pt. 2, Jacob POV
     Danny was quiet beside him as they walked into the Mountain Lodge.  Jacob was sure that the train ride was more than enough to let his friend know that he was not in a good spot - still.  Cora was healing.  Archer was sitting under constant guard in Sheriff Moore’s jail.  Josh’s near silence on anything other than business was perhaps the most crushing of all.  He would find distraction when confronted about the attack.  The show of kindness towards his girl revealed that a level of camaraderie had been reached between him and Cora.  It being etched in stark violence made Jacob uneasy.  His heart hurt because of it.
     “Jacob!”  Beanie called from his perch alongside the bar.  
     “Love what you’ve done to the place,”  Jacob returned, arms stretched out wide, pushing his professional smile and demeanor to his fore.  “Real plants - fancy that, Beanie.”
     Michael Beauford gave him a huge slap on the back with a hearty laugh.  “Nearly doubled the revenues up here, my boy.  Nearly doubled!”
     Danny stayed back, leaning against the bar as three shots of bourbon were poured out under the owner’s care.  Jake glanced at his friend before Beanie’s beefy hand directed him over to the table near his office.
     The tables were dressed in linens and the walls were lined with swishes of fabric and art and plants.  The tactic was twofold - cutting down the exterior noise and to give an air of atmosphere to the patrons.  The bandstand had been rebuilt and clad in dark, lush woods that played off the brightness of the linoleum flooring that was chock full of Art Deco ribbons and fauna.  Jake absorbed it all as Beanie was rambling about how the miners ditched the whores and started bringing their wives and sweethearts.  Their population inside the Lodge nearly tripled just in the six months since partnering with the Kiszkas.
     “Looks really good, Michael.  Josh will be more than happy with the news,”  he said with a nod before sinking his shot.  A grin tugged at his mouth as he set the glass down.  “And the liquor isn’t as cut.  Nice.”
     Beanie laughed with a smack on the table.  He had his books out, ready for Jake to look over.  He mentioned that the staff seemed more attuned to the upgrades of the place, finding better tips and better wages for themselves as well.  His eyes strayed back to Daniel to find that Rochelle had joined him.  Her pretty face was warm as she spoke.  
     “Kitchen,”  Jake broke in, eyes back on the books for a moment.
     “Working on it,”  Beanie remarked, shuffling papers around.  “For now, I got a deal with the diner to cater.  Once the kitchen is in, then the costs should go down on that end.”
     They ran through the product numbers versus the patron; entertainment and pro skirts, and the possibility of adding chorus girls.  His attention may have been on the business, but his eyes kept straying to Danny as he laughed with Rochelle.  She purposefully kept her face turned away.  Lighting a cigarette, he dug in.  It was going to be a conversation that he could wait on - the business he needed done. 
     Three hours.  Beanie rambled on for two hours about plans, then spent another hour asking questions about different issues that were plaguing him.  He knew he had to stay in the role of invested partner, but he felt his brain screaming at him to leave.  He wanted home and hearth and Cora.  Danny had retreated to the hotel nearly an hour before.  
     “Beanie, you’ll have to pardon me, my friend,”  he said finally, the spin of the liquor and the emptiness of his stomach dictated that he needed to move.  “I need supper and a bed.  I better get to the hotel before they give away my room.”
     “Back tomorrow?”  
     Jacob nodded as he stood up, eyes sweeping the room for Rochelle.  It would have been rude to not at least say a hello and have a chat.  “I’ll be here before noon.  I’d like to get home tomorrow evening, if possible.”
      They parted with a hand shake.  Just as he made his way towards the door, a tap on his shoulder made him stop.
     “Hey, papa,”  Rochelle cooed in his ear as she slid her hand across his ass to rest on his hip.  “You can’t leave here without at least one drink with me.”
      He grinned and nodded.  She led him to the bar before settling in at a distant table.  She tickled under his chin with a fingertip as a way to keep up the act that was expected of her.  He lit a smoke and handed it to her before lighting one for himself.     “The untouchable became touchable, didn’t she, Jake?”  Rochelle asked with a wide smile.  “Danny and Molly married, too?  What the hell is going around down there in Kingsford?”
      “You make it sound like a sickness,”  Jake remarked with a raised eyebrow.
      “Damn right I do.  It’s a fucking plague and it needs to stop,”  she laughed as she pressed a hand to his thigh.  “Are you happy?”
      “Stupid happy.”
      She nodded with a crooked smile.  “I can see it.  You’re fucking glowing.”
     “I thought only women did that.”
     “Looks good on you, Jacob.”
     He laughed as he raised his glass to her.  “Things have gotten better around here.  You are doing well?”
     “As well as I can be,”  she said with a nod.  “With things finally settling in, I suppose you lot will be heading back south to home.”
     It was not a question.  Jake knew better than to hope to be leaving Kingsford any time soon, so to voice it may only serve to prolong the matter.  His eye drew over Rochelle’s porcelain shoulder to a man standing at the bar.  Jake took note of the cut of suit - difficult to get in the region, but it was a fashion that Josh favored from Chicago.  The man’s black eyes met his own in a chilled gaze before turning back to the bartender for a refresh.  
     Rochelle dragged him back to conversation, but he felt guarded without reason.  He parted from the lady with a kiss on the cheek and a hug that lingered.  She trailed away, and Jake made sure to watch and catch that last over the shoulder glance that made him grin before heading back to the hotel.  In years past, he would’ve paid for the evening with her and gotten them both out of the room for a respite.  It would never have been a matter of debate.  There he stood, watching her as a friend, feeling like he should have provided a morsel instead of turning away.  
     Dinner was simple and conversation was familiar with Daniel.  The night was quiet with thoughts bent squarely on Kingsford and Cora.  They would have to have a conversation soon enough regarding the future.  He tried not to dwell on logistics, but she would have to be brought into the loop on the dark that lapped at their fringes.  
     “I’m not sure how much more of Beanie I can handle today, Jake,”  Danny remarked over breakfast.  “If he’d actually listened to a quarter of what you said in the first place, he wouldn’t have lagged so far behind.”
     Jake shrugged.  “He’s the last bastion of how it was up here.  But he’s gettin’ it.  Those double profits will more likely triple before the end of the year if he continues on his plan.  That’ll make things much easier to get others to fall in line as things progress.  Besides, we get this one into line, it may be the last iron in the fire.  He’ll be our poster boy and anyone new will be scrambling to join in on Diamond’s business model.”
     Danny set his fork down, eyes trained on the table.  “Does that mean we can leave this shit hole?”
     “How does Molly feel about that?”
     His eyes creased.  “Anything to get her to stop having to be a chorus girl makes her happy, Jake.  She’s thinking that she wants to open her own tailoring shop wherever we land.”
     Jake smiled.  “I can see that.  Easily.  She’d be good at it.”
     As they were walking back towards the Lodge, Jake’s eyes strayed, catching sight of the man that he had seen the previous day.  In the sunlight, he held an air of familiarity that Jake could not place.  Pressing on, he doubled back as they passed a storefront of books and curios and jewelry.  
     “Going to drop some sugar on your girl?”  Danny said, patting him on the arm.
     “It’s something she doesn’t really allow me to,”  he remarked, looking in the window at a sterling and emerald bracelet.  “Let’s get business done and we’ll see.”
      Danny took a table close to the door, ordering coffee and sticking his nose into the local paper to close off the talk that dawdled on for four hours.  Jake kept his exterior calm and confident, while inside, he was begging to be relieved from the endless banter.  He breathed a silent sigh when Beanie finally seemed satisfied with the state of affairs.  Toasting a whiskey, Jake was quick to make his apologies for needing to make his return to Kingsford.  Just as he was about to leave with Danny, Rochelle caught his eye.  She waved at him, but her face was shadowed.  It wasn’t but a second of moving towards her that he could see the bruising on her face that she tried to hide with makeup.  
     “What the fuck happened?” he hissed, his hand reaching for her face.
     “Kiss me and follow,”  she whispered.
     Jake glanced back at Danny and held up a finger.  Turning, he brushed his mouth against hers as she laughed.  Playfully, she tugged him along until they were out of sight and stepping into a side room.  He grabbed hold of her chin and tilted her face towards the light.
      “Rochelle - who the hell did this?”  he asked, his tone hard.
      She pushed herself away, sitting down on the edge of the bed.  “Some bum came in here last night asking all sorts of questions about you and Josh.  He got rough when I didn’t answer.”
      “What kind of questions?”  he asked as he poured water into the basin.  “This shit has to come off, Rochelle.  May I?”
      He started wiping at the thick pancake makeup, grimacing at the tiny cuts that appeared at the edge of her hairline.  There was a deep mark, blacker than the bruise that was already formed at the corner of her eye, that loitered into her scalp like the bastard had a heavy ring on.
      “Fucker was asking where Josh was, if he was here,”  she started, flinching with each swipe of cloth.  “He asked if you both fucked me, or if it was just you.  If I traveled down to Kingsford and if I knew anything about the Lantern.  He wanted to know the steadies of all of you - including Sam and Danny.  He wanted to know what fronts you had, how often you come up here to Iron Mountain with distribution.”
      Jake forced his fingers across her scalp, finding a deep gash in the thick hair.  “Damn.  Hold still.”
      He cleaned the area up the best he could while she took stuttering breaths against the pain.  Jake blew on the cut as she hissed and tried to draw away.  
     “When I didn’t tell him anything, he first tried dropping cabbage in front of me.  When that didn’t work, he went after the puss.  When that didn’t work, he tried to bring out the rod, but the girls busted his ass up,”  she whispered, her tone thinning out as the words tumbled from her.
      He placed a chaste kiss against her forehead before finishing up removing the makeup to reveal the full extent of the damage.  Jake set everything to the side before he stepped away from her, arms folded against his chest.
      “From the looks of things, you didn’t sing a note,”  he said with a shake of his head.
      “Not a peep.”
      “Did he give you a name?”
      “Joe, but I’m sure it was fake,”  she said as she reached for the lit cigarette he held out for her.  “Looked like his name should be Italian - old world like.”
      He cursed.  “Next time, just tell him.  Don’t let him do this shit.  We’re not worth it.”
      “Can’t do that, Jake,”  she said with a mournful grin.  “You’re still the prettiest thing that has ever walked in here.”
      He laughed gently as he fished out his wallet.  “I want you to take the next few days off.  You hear me?”
      He dropped a fifty dollar bill on the bed next to her.  She shook her head.  “Jake, no.  You can’t do this.”
      “I can.”  He smiled at her before she reached out her hand to him.  “Are you going to be fine?”
      She nodded and focused on how he held her hand.  “I’ll be fine.”
      He ran his thumb across her knuckles before letting go.  “I better go, Rochelle.  Daniel’s wanting to get home just as much as I am.”
     He watched as she stood, her eyes casting a shy light as she drew closer.  She looked him over, fixing the stray hair that was hanging down against his cheek.
     “I want to kiss you.  For real,”  she whispered.  “I feel like this is goodbye.” 
     His eyes narrowed as he tucked his chin.  She smiled sadly as she let out a disappointed breath.  Instead, she pressed a kiss to his cheek with a whisper of farwell.  His gut sank.  Cupping her unmarred cheek, he drew her in, kissing her mouth slow, steady, drawing her lip in between his own, before deepening it to draw her taste in to mix with his own.  To her credit, Rochelle kept her hands down and away.  His heart stabbed at him to stop, despite the familiarity of the woman.  He forced his mind to shut up, while telling his heart he was kissing a dear friend goodbye.  But his insides twisted, soaked in the softness he had come to call comfort and healing.  She had been his safe harbor in a time where it was most needed.  Gently, he pressed the pads of his fingers into her delicate skin before withdrawing.  Her eyes fluttered open with a renewed sorrow that seemed to always resided on her fringes that she revealed to no one.  It left a rawness in his skin that never seemed to leave, not fully.
      “Thank you,”  he said softly.  “You have been so dear to me and I thank you for that.”
      She snorted out a quiet laugh as he reached for the door.  “I do hope that you marry this girl, Jacob.  She compliments every bit of goodness in you.”
      He waved to Beanie as he left.  Danny had to rush to catch up.  Jake rushed into the curio shop, eyes going right to the books.  
     “Jake, what’s going on?”  Danny asked, breathing hard.
     “We’ve got a rat,”  Jacob answered, eyes settling in on Wharton’s Age of Innocence.  “He roughed up Rochelle pretty bad asking questions about us.  We’ve gotta make that train tonight.”
      Book paid for, they retrieved their satchels from the hotel and pushed on to the train station.  The chill in the air and the snow falling, the men settled into their seats.   Jake stared out the window as the train moved forward.  If there was going to be trouble from the family drama in Chicago, it was going to be slow to build, but rapid to blood and violence.
     His thoughts tangled and jumbled across the entire train ride home.  Unlike the unpredictability of Archer, anything coming from Chicago would be measured and planned before being carried out upon the Kiszka’s.  In all likelihood, they would be attacked by all sides, probably all at once, only to be sucker punched in the blindspot - and it would be a killer blow.  The idea was unsettling.  Who the man that roughed up Rochelle was inconsequential, but the fact that they were looking for the company each of them kept chilled him.  Jacob was not a praying man.  God held little hope for him through his years.  In the moment however, he whispered a prayer, asking nothing for himself, but to please shelter his family even if it meant he must sacrifice himself.
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I know.  I know.  Remember, Rochelle had been a healing point for Jake.  He’s still A Good Man - Heather and Kleo.  Still a good man!  It was a kindness he was showing her.  It’s okay. And I know last chapter was hard, and this one was a bit rough in its own way.  Next chapter is our closing of Act II and moving into Act III.  I need to really reiterate, there is going to be a lot of violence in our closing chapters as we see if Joshua and Jacob can lead the family away from their current situation with the ‘family ties’ down south.  
I do have a tag list - you can find it here, or just let me know in the comments.  Thanks!
@lvnterninthenight @doodle417 @luverleaver @jakesgrapejuice @fictional-duchess @whitesuitjake @milkgemini @positivegvfthings @songbirds-sweet @streamingcolors-gvf @gretavanbitches @samsurfgreenbass @gardensgatedaisy @babyhoneygvfarchive @myownparadise96 @josh-iamyour-mama @starcatchercarol @loveisonaroll @jakesstarlight @reesetrippingthelight @builtby-gvf @ignite-my-fire @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @wetkleenex-gvf @gold-mines-melting @starsasone @puzzle-gvf @mysticalstarcatcher @montenegroisr @takenbythemadness @way-to-go-lad @cal-a-bungaa @lightmylove-gvf @thewritingbeforesunrise @leftjudgeempathsuitcase @brokenbells11 @imborrowedshesblue @vanfleeter @sammysvanfeet @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @jaketlove @redsierra1960 @gvfmarge @becinabubblegvf @wildbluesorbit @sinarainbows
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Another Elmer-focused story idk how this little goober got such a tight hold on my brain-
Medda's theatre was almost never quiet. Every day there was a hustle and bustle of activity, of rehearsals and fittings and maintenance work. Despite this, Jack still found it peaceful. The stagehands and performers left him to his own company whilst he worked on backdrops, either new ones or touching up old ones, giving him a break from having to keep up the usual chatter he did with the other newsies. Not that he minded them, of course- Jack loved his family more than anything. But every big sibling needs a break occasionally.
Today's backdrop was almost finished: a park at sunset, only loosely based off of Central Park. He was just adding the last touches of detail to a leaf, when he heard a very familiar voice.
"Madame, your destination."
It was unnaturally prim and proper-sounding, but the familiar squeak and hint of an Eastern European accent gave the speaker away; it was undeniably Elmer.
It wasn't uncommon for newsies other than Jack to hang around the theatre. Whilst it was usually strictly for adults, Medda often let the rule slide for Lower Manhattan newsies. Buttons was regularly seen helping fix costumes, and Finch loved sitting by the piano, feeling the vibrations to compensate for his poor hearing. But Elmer, he didn't come by the theatre often.
"Elmie, you're too sweet to me."
"Nothin' less for my favourite sister!"
His curiosity getting the better of him, Jack set down his brush and slipped around the corner to the stage door. There was Elmer, his arm hooked around a young woman's. Jack recognised her as Lena, one of Medda's backup dancers. He could kick himself, of course it was Lena. She'd mentioned before she had a brother who was a newsie -Jack had overheard her talking with Cora- and now that he thought about it, he saw the resemblance. They had the same warm, friendly brown eyes.
"You're sure you're alright over there? You're getting enough to eat, someone's helping you?" Lena fussed, gently straightening Elmer's vest. Elmer tried to wriggle away.
"I'm fine, Lena! I ain't no baby, I'm almost twelve!" He said, although he didn't protest when his sister pulled him into a tight hug, stroking his hair, "...But yeah, JoJo looks out for me. An' I'm eating enough, promise."
"Good. You're still my baby brother, no matter how old you get. You know I'd have you move in if I could, but-"
"M'okay, Le. I promise."
For a moment, Jack felt like he was intruding on a private moment. But then questions started spilling into his head. Why hadn't Elmer ever told them his sister worked at the Bowery? Why couldn't he move in with her? And.. if his family was around, why couldn't he go home?
That last question was one he'd thought about more than once. He knew Elmer was the youngest of nine, but he clammed up if any further questions were asked. Jack knew it wasn't his business, most newsies were orphans or had run away for one reason or another.. but it didn't stop him wondering.
He watched as the two siblings broke the hug, although Elmer reached out to give Lena's hand a squeeze.
"Good luck with the show tonight."
"Thank you. Now you get home, I don't like you being out alone this late."
Elmer rolled his eyes, but he was smiling. Lena turned, heading down the corridor to the dressing room, and Jack took his chance. He darted to the door as Elmer turned to leave, slipping out after him. He wanted answers.
"Your sister, huh?"
Elmer froze, whipping round to face him.
"Jack! I, uh.. didn't know you were here tonight." He paused, not meeting Jack's eyes, "..How much did you hear?"
"Enough for me to wanna know what's goin' on. And only partially 'cause I'm a nosy bastard, but mostly because I wanna make sure everything's okay. You.. you know you don't gotta stay with us if you don't wanna, right? You wanna move in with your sis, that's okay-"
"I can't." Elmer cut him off, his hands curling into fists as he glared at the ground, "It's just- it's none'a your business, but I can't stay with her. Not now, at least."
"What about your other siblings?" Jack pressed, "You got a lot, dontcha?"
"One'a my brothers, he said..." Elmer shook his head, looking up at Jack with a flicker of worry in his eyes, "No, no, I'm happy at the lodgin' house. Why're you suddenly askin', do you... do you want me to go?"
Shit, that wasn't what he'd meant the kid to think.
"No-! No, Elmer, 'course not." He soothed, taking a step forward and kneeling down in front of the younger boy.
"I just want what's best for you, what'll make you happiest. If that's goin' to live with one'a your siblings, then we'd miss you of course, but we wouldn't stop you. An' if you wanna stay, you know we love havin' you around. Honestly kid, it'd break my heart to lose you."
Elmer made a strange little noise, like a choked sob. He buried his head in Jack's shoulder, taking shaky breaths.
"M-Mama didn't want me around." He admitted, in a tiny voice.
And suddenly, everything made sense.
Elmer's arrival at the lodging house had been one of the loudest, one of the most emotional. Kloppman had found the kid in tears, screaming in Polish at the front door and looking so lost and scared. For a while they'd thought he didn't understand English -and admittedly, he hadn't been very fluent at the time- but even once they'd managed to calm him down and strike up conversation with him, he'd never explained his meltdown on his first night. It was the one thing he refused to divulge any information on, even to JoJo or Henry.
And no fucking wonder, his mother had abandoned her nine year old son in the middle of a foreign city.
"Well, sucks to be your mama then." Jack moved back, cupping Elmer's cheeks in his hands. "Because she's missin' out on a pretty great kid. Not that she can ever have ya back though, even if she changes her mind 'bout you; you're ours now."
He suddenly stood, swinging Elmer onto his back. He was glad to get a delighted squeal from the smaller boy, feeling his thin arms wrap around his neck to secure himself.
They didn't speak the rest of the way home, but that was okay. Elmer knew all his siblings -biological or otherwise- loved him.
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clotpolesonly · 1 year
your fic ideas are hella cool so dropping in another 📔 if you wish!
(another content warning, for abuse & gaslighting this time)
AU where instead of letting him go to suffer in his grief and guilt, Kate keeps Derek after the fire. she doesn't take credit for what she did, instead bluffing her way through convincing Derek that someone else was responsible for it. she offers him refuge. she can protect him. because she loves him.
desperate for comfort in the wake of all that he's lost (he assumes, and Kate reinforces the idea, that everyone else is dead), with the alternative too horrifying for him to even consider much less accept, Derek latches onto her and goes with her willingly because he's got nothing and no one else left.
it's a perfect foundation for the kind of emotional abuse that keeps someone feeling indebted no matter what their abuser puts them through. he'll do anything she wants him to, because doesn't he remember what she did for him? what she's still doing for him? keeping him safe. he knows what her family does, he doesn't he understand how much of a risk it is for her to harbor him from them? he can't possibly disobey complain when she's risking everything for him.
bonus points if he's desperate enough, and Kate a forceful enough personality, that Derek can latch onto her like an alpha to avoid omega status, in lieu of having a pack. we see atypical pack bonds in the show, Scott forming a "pack" with Stiles and Allison that was solid enough to avoid omega status and help him resist the sway of a real alpha, so i'm inclined to think it's possible. Derek, young and vulnerable, alone and grieving and terrified, submitting to the will of someone older, trusted, and powerful enough to make him feel safe.
little does Derek know, Laura and Cora both escaped the fire (and Peter, comatose still). he thinks they're dead, because that's what Kate told him, and he trusts Kate (because she's all he has).
he doesn't know they're alive, but they also don't know that he's alive. Laura and Cora fled town together after the fire, the way Laura and Derek did canonically. and they're drawn back the same way -- Peter's slowly returning consciousness, the mystery of the fire, etc etc. in this AU, it's Mrs Finch (the teacher at the high school from season 6 who's apparently been an alpha werewolf in hiding the entire time) that Peter killed so that he could start biting random teenagers in the woods. that's definitely something that Laura needs to look into and take care of.
it's also something the hunters are looking into, of course. Chris calls Kate for backup and, not having any more context than "rogue alpha", she comes. and she brings her boyfriend with her. whatever identity she's set up for him, it's well established by now, and Derek is (horror of horrors) one of her hunters. she's convinced him to fight the "bad" werewolves. it's not like werewolves didn't police their own sometimes anyway, if they deserved it, for the sake of staying secret and protecting innocents. it didn't take too much manipulating prodding to convince him to use his superior senses to aid her cause.
Derek is the one who finds the alpha. he has him in his sights.
only Laura has found him too.
and that's the first they see of each other.
Derek runs before there can be any kind of connection. he goes back to Kate and tells her what he saw. she, of course, gaslights the fuck out of him. he didn't actually see his sister. he couldn't have. they're all dead, remember? she saw the bodies herself, doesn't he trust her?
Kate, blindsided -- she knew Laura and Cora were alive, but she didn't expect them to be here, threatening her long con and her control on her favorite tool/toy -- runs back to Chris (completely in the dark on her machinations) for damage control. tries to turn him onto taking the other Hales out of the picture as quickly as possible without alerting him as to why.
code-loving Chris resists; as far as they know, those Hales haven't done anything wrong. they haven't broken the code, one of them is just 16, and it seems like they're all working toward the same end in taking down the rogue alpha. maybe they should just let them be for now, keep an eye on them, monitor the situation, etc. Kate, not happy about this, but unable to leave to handle things on her own without raising eyebrows.
meanwhile, Cora being the one to connect with Scott and Stiles. much less likely to stand out while sneaking around a high school she doesn't attend, lmao. Laura is busy with the alpha investigation (and with the whole "holy SHIT was that Derek?? that really looked like it might've been Derek, wtf wtf wtf" thing), so she does most of the handling with the boys.
Scott isn't nearly as resistant to her (or Laura) as he was to Derek, who was far more overbearing and uncommunicative, lol. Laura wants him to focus on getting himself and his shift under control, adjust to his new powers, just stay out of the way for now. she tells Cora that too, but Cora says FUCK THAT, Derek might be alive and you want me to stay out of it??? she may not have spent 7 years completely alone and fending for herself in this AU, but she's still headstrong and proactive. she wants to get shit done.
so she, Scott, and Stiles end up on their own little sub-mission. and they bring Allison into the fold because they don't have an Argent-traumatized Derek projecting all over them and insisting they can't trust her. they know Argents as a whole are bad, but they also know that Allison doesn't seem to have any clue what the rest of her family is doing. she's a total normie. Cora's much more likely to look at her and go "wow, you're so in the dark. maybe if we DON'T lie to you, we can get you one our side and you'll be an advantage!"
she starts explaining things to Allison and makes some mention of her brother and Allison's like "wait, Derek? that's Kate's boyfriend, they've been together for years, he's staying in our guest room" and Cora's like UM??
Stiles: "well, fuck, let's break in and rescue him right now!" Allison: "you know i have a key, right? it's my house" Scott: "idk if that's a good idea" Cora: "Laura would be so mad......let's do it"
meanwhile, Laura, more on the cautious side of things. she's desperate to get Derek back, if that actually was him, but she isn't sure it was and she can't take huge risks if it puts the sibling she does have in danger. keeping Cora safe has been her number one priority for the last 6 years, she isn't willing to jeopardize that just yet.
doesn't mean she can't take small risks. if Chris Argent gets all up in her face to menacingly wash the windows of her car, she may take a chance on a question or two.
Laura: "Kate's boyfriend -- Derek, isn't it? i had a little brother by that name. would be about that age by now, if he was alive." Chris: "what are you insinuating?" Laura: "nothing. just a funny coincidence, don't you think?"
she doesn't get an answer, but it plants a little seed of doubt in Chris, right as Kate's control over Derek is starting to fray a little bit. Cora & co get into the guest room where they're staying, intending to rescue him, but they miscalculate and no one's in there (which is probably good, cuz that would've gone badly for them). Cora gets frustrated and upset because there are scents here but she doesn't really recognize them enough to verify if it's her brother or not -- it's been a long time, and she was too young to remember properly.
but Derek wasn't too young. and when he gets back to the room, he and can smell her.
Kate insists he's wrong, he's not smelling anything more than perfume or air freshener, what is he smelling ghosts now? he starts to feel like either he's going crazy or maybe, maybe..... Kate is lying to him.
he's still fighting that realization, but the next time he gets sent out on his own after the alpha, Laura finds him. neither of them runs this time. Laura tries to get Derek to come with her, but Derek has been with Kate a long time and he doesn't know how to do or be anything else anymore. they argue. Derek insists that Kate has been good to him, that she saved him, that she loves him.
Laura: "Derek, she told you we were dead! do i look dead to you?"
over the course of this argument, Derek mentions smelling Cora in his room and Laura's like "you did what?? GODDAMN IT, CORA"
that's how Laura finds out they've let Allison in on the secret and she is furious. she may not have the very personal grudge and trust issues that canon!Derek had with them, but she's still got a very healthy aversion to hunters. she yells at Cora about how reckless and stupid it was to tell this girl anything. Scott steps in to defend her -- it was his idea, if she's gonna be mad at anyone then be mad at him. Stiles argues that it was a tactical advantage to have an inside man, so to speak.
Laura gets that, she does, but she just.....she wants everybody to be safe. she can't protect her loved ones (the ones she has left) if they won't do what she tells them to do. she's by far the more traumatized of the two of them. she went from normal teenager to The Alpha, the one with too much responsibility on her shoulders to be allowed to grieve and process properly. she sheltered Cora, still an actual kid, enough to let her fall apart and then put her back together again, but Laura never got to do that herself. she couldn't afford to break down when she had a child to keep safe and provide for.
but now Cora's old enough to take of herself, old enough to push for what she thinks is right, and Laura is still clinging to that Must Protect instinct because it's the only thing that's been keeping her going for the last 6 years. to be faced with evidence that she failed as an alpha, and as a big sister? that she let Derek get taken in and twisted up by hunters and she didn't even know? devastating.
it takes them all to talk her down. because honestly, she is being paranoid and irrational and stubborn, and that's not actually helping. it's not helping her, it's not helping Cora, and most of all, it's not helping Derek. if they want to get their brother back, they'll need all the help they can get, and Allison, Argent or not, has already proven that she can and wants to be that help.
in the end, they decide they need Chris as an ally too, if they really want to get somewhere, and they can use Allison to make that happen bit by bit. they get her to start hinting at things, asking leading questions about Derek, like if Chris knows where he's from or what he studied in school or how old he is. casual normal things that Chris realizes he doesn't have answers for, because Kate always answers for Derek when people talk to him and she's always vague.
not to mention, Kate is acting cagey lately. pushing so hard to kill Laura with no code violation. he's got Laura's voice in his ear now. i had a brother by that name. he would be about that age too, if he was alive.
aaaaand okay so i never got to the end of this idea, so you gotta imagine the rest of it yourself 😅 but you know at some point, either Laura tears Kate's throat out to rescue Derek, or Derek truly comes to understand just how deeply he's been victimized and does it himself. either way, i'm cheering them on.
send me a book emoji for the plot of a fic that i haven't written but daydream about!!
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warwickroyals · 1 year
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Goodbye, Phillip's children, we're going back to the Danforths next.
beginning - previous - next
[ARTHUR] When I Google “Grimalldi Princess”, nine other broads come up. I don’t know if she’s a Charlotte, an Amelie, or a Cora.
[FINCH] How about a distraction?
[ARTHUR] Y’know you’re being very unhelpful right now.
[FINCH] Ask Zella about her. I can’t, I’d feel really bad if I did. Why?
[ARTHUR] Because, you know, Zella’s always had a little crush on me.
[ARTHUR] You know it’s true! Ever since high school, I swear to God! She gave me looks
[FINCH] You know Zella’s still shacked up with that basketball player, right? The one everyone thought wasn’t real?
[ARTHUR] Really?
[FINCH] Mm-hm, he plays for the Wolverines. thirteen points per game, four assist, not too shabby.
[ARTHUR] There’s someone for everyone, I guess. Even Zella.
[ARTHUR] Maybe there’s even someone for me.
[FINCH] And you think that someone is some random socialite who frequents Islington House? Really, Art?
[ARTHUR] Relax, I’m not saying she’s the one. I’m just sayin’ . . . I’ve got some time to kill.
[ARTHUR] Drive safe, big bro, I’ll text you tomorrow.
[FINCH] I will, good night.
[ARTHUR] Sam, I’m here! I hope you remembered my Baja Blast.
[ARTHUR, TEXT] hey, im outside
[ARTHUR, TEXT] are u asleep??
[ARTHUR, TEXT] it’s cold & dark
[EDIE] I thought you said he was really shy?
 [LIAM] He is shy . . . Well, most of the time.
[LIAM] I don’t know, sometimes it’s like he has this weird split personality.
[EDIE] Huh. Interesting.
[ARTHUR] Fuck.
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moonnotfound13 · 1 year
Hello Beautiful Peoples!!
I've just started writing fan fics/headcannons, I've always loved writing so I decided to give it a try.
Here is a list of all the people/fandoms I'll be writing for:
Teen Wolf:
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Derek Hale
Allison Argent
Lydia Martin
Malia Tate
Liam Dunbar
Kira Yukimura
Peter Hale
Theo Raeken
Isaac Lahey
Cora Hale
Jordan Parrish
Erica Reyes
Brett Talbot
The Maze Runner:
Jacob Black
Bella Swan
Edward Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Emmett Cullen
Esme Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Leah Clearwater
Seth Clearwater
Sam Uley
Embry Call
Quill Aterea
The Last of Us:
Ellie Williams
Abby Anderson
Joel Miller
Once Upon A Time:
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Snow White
Prince James "Charming"
Peter Pan
Drizella Tremaine (I freaking love Adelaide Kane)
Liv Moore
Major Lilywhite
Peyton Charles
Blaine DeBeers
Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti
Chase Graves
Lowell Tracey
Levon Patch
Elena Gilbert
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Matt Donovan
Tyler Lockwood
Alaric Saltzman
Jeremy Gilbert
Kai Parker
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Cami O'Connell
Davina Claire
Marcel Gerard
Jackson Kenner
Kaleb Westphall
Hope Mikaelson
Josie Saltzman
Lizzie Saltzman
Landon Kirby
MG (Milton Greasley)
Jed Tien
Rafael Waithe
Ethan Machado
Cleo Sowande
Finch Tarrayo
Stranger Things:
Eleven (no smut!)
Mike Wheeler (no smut!)
Will Byers (no smut!)
Lucas Sinclair (no smut!)
Max Mayfield (no smut!)
Dustin Henderson (no smut!)
Steve Harrington
Jim Hopper
Nancy Wheeler
Joyce Byers
Jonathon Byers
Robin Buckley
Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson
Dmitri (Enzo)
Kali Prasad (8)
Henry Creel/Peter Ballard
Sam and Colby:
Sam Golbach
Colby Brock
Seth Borden
Jake Webber
Corey Scherer
Katrina Stuart
Kris Collins (KallMeKriss)
Stas Siver
Amanda Raye
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Tyler Galpin
Xavier Thorpe
Ajax Petropolus
Bianca Barclay
That is all for today my people! I do take requests, so please tell me what you would like and I'll try to get to it!
Have a good morning/day/night❤️🫶
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papermoonloveslucy · 8 months
"Petticoat Junction" and The Lucycoms
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Although thematically the shows created by Lucille Ball were worlds apart from the quaint antics in Hooterville's Shady Rest Hotel, there were artistic and creative commonalities that are worth discussing.
"Petticoat Junction" ran from 1963 to 1970, while "The Lucy Show" ran from 1962 to 1968, both on CBS TV. "Petticoat Junction" was filmed at General Service Studios, where "I Love Lucy" began filming until it moved to larger quarters.
Like Kate Bradley, Lucy Carmichael and Lucy Carter are widows raising teenage girls while trying also to earn a living, a popular trope of the 1960s and '70s.
To vary storylines, "I Love Lucy" added a dog and a baby, as did "Petticoat Junction." Animal trainer Frank Inn worked on both shows, as well as on "Here's Lucy."
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Both shows went from black and white to color in October 1965. Although "The Lucy Show" had filmed its second season in color, CBS declined to air it in color.
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Writer Seaman Jacobs penned six episodes of "Petticoat Junction" in 1963-64 and three of "The Lucy Show" in 1967. Fred S. Fox co-wrote one of those episodes with Jacobs. Fox also wrote one 1965 episode of "Petticoat Junction." Fox's co-writer for that episode was Irving 'Iz' Elinson, who wrote a dozen episodes of "The Lucy Show."
Their "Petticoat Junction" characters are in parentheses, followed by their Lucycom / Desilu credits.
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Bea Benadaret (Kate Bradley) first starred with Lucille Ball on her radio series "My Favorite Husband" (1948-1951), primarily as best friend Iris Atterbury. Benadaret was Ball's first choice to play Ethel Mertz on "I Love Lucy," but she was already contracted to play Blanche Morton on "The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show", another best friend character. Ball still managed to cast her as a one-off character, Miss Lewis, an elderly spinster, on season 1 of "I Love Lucy."
Edgar Buchanan (Uncle Joe Carson) appeared with Lucille Ball on a 1971 "Merv Griffin Show" saluting director George Marshall, for whom both worked. For Desilu, Buchanan appeared on a 1958 episode of "The Adventures of Jim Bowie" and a 1959 episode of their helicopter series "Whirlybirds".
Frank Cady (Sam Drucker) appeared for Desilu in "December Bride" (1956), "Westinghouse-Desilu Playhouse" (1959), "Guestward Ho!" (1961), "The Untouchables" (1962), "The Danny Thomas Show" (1960), "Glynis" (1963), and a 1963 unsold pilot titled "Swingin' Together."
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Charles Lane (Homer Bedloe) appeared in 7 films with Lucille Ball between 1933 and 1949. He was also heard on her radio show "My Favorite Husband". On "I Love Lucy," he played 4 characters and 2 more on "The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour." He was cast as banker Barnsdahl on "The Lucy Show," but was released after 4 episodes so that Ball could hire Gale Gordon. He went from Desilu to Hooterville.
Byron Foulger (Banker Guerney / Wendell Gibbs) first appeared with Lucille Ball in the Westinghouse industrial film Ellis in Freedomland (1952). On "I Love Lucy" he played the spokesman of The Friends of the Friendless in “Lucy’s Last Birthday” (ILL S2;E25) in 1953. in 1965′s “My Fair Lucy” (TLS S3;E20) he played henpecked husband Fred Dunbar.  Two years later, Foulger was back on “The Lucy Show” to play Mr. Trindle, owner of a jewelry store supposedly robbed by Lucy in “Lucy Meets the Law” (TLS S5;E19), his last appearance opposite Lucille Ball.  For Desilu, he was seen in "December Bride" (1957 & 1958) and "The Untouchables" (1959).
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Elvia Allman (Selma Plout / Gladys Stroud / Cora Watson) was heard with Lucille Ball on "My Favorite Husband" before playing the strident Candy Factory Forewoman on "I Love Lucy." Allman returned to the show as one of Minnie Finch’s neighbors in “Fan Magazine Interview” (ILL S3;E17) in 1954 and prim magazine reporter Nancy Graham in “The Homecoming” (ILL S5;E6) in 1955. She made two appearances on “The Lucy–Desi Comedy Hour“ - first as Ida Thompson, Westfield’s PTA director, then as Milton Berle's private secretary. Allman would also be seen on two episodes of “The Lucy Show" as a customer in a department store and the manager of an employment agency. Allman’s final screen appearance with Lucille Ball reunited her with Bob Hope: “Bringing Back Vaudeville” in 1971. For Desilu, Allman was seen on "December Bride" (1954-59), and "The Ann Sothern Show" (1958).
Kay E. Kuter (Newt Kiley) made an appearance in the 1970 TV movie Swing Out, Sweet Land with Jack Benny and Lucille Ball.  He was seen on "Here's Lucy" as a singing Canadian Mountie in 1971. For Desilu he was seen on "The Adventures of Jim Bowie" (1957 & 1958).
Jack Bannon (Roger Budd / 9 Others) was the real-life son of Bea Benadaret. He was briefly seen on "Here's Lucy" in 1971.
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Eddie Albert (Oliver Wendell Douglas) first co-starred with Lucille Ball in The Fuller Brush Girl (1950). Albert played himself on a 1973 episode of “Here’s Lucy” titled “Lucy Gives Eddie Albert the Old Song and Dance” (HL S6;E6). He also appeared with Ball on an episode of "The Carol Burnett Show" (1968). For Desilu, he appeared on "The Westinghouse-Desilu Playhouse" (1958) and "The Greatest Show on Earth" (1963).
Eva Gabor (Lisa Douglas) played romance novelist Eva Von Graunitz in “Lucy and Eva Gabor” (S1;E7) in 1968 as well as herself in a 1972 epsidoes set in a hospital room.
Hank Patterson (Fred Ziffel) appeared in an episode of the Desilu western "The Sheriff of Cochise" in 1957, "The Westinghouse-Desilu Playhouse" (1958), "Guestward Ho!" (1961), and "The Untouchables" (1960-1962).
Barbara Pepper (Doris - aka Ruthie - Ziffel) was a Goldwyn Girl with Lucille Ball making 6 films together and becoming good friends. On the list of possible actors to play Ethel Mertz, she was in 10 episodes of "I Love Lucy" as various characters.
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Roy Roberts (Norman Curtis / Game Warden Hughes) was first seen with Lucille Ball was in an uncredited role in Miss Grant Takes Richmond (1949). Roberts joined the cast of “The Lucy Show” at the start of season five, but not as the role he would become known for, bank president Mr. Cheever in 14 episodes, but as the Admiral in “Lucy and the Submarine” (TLS S5;E2) in September in 1966. Roberts returned to Lucille Ball Productions for 5 episodes of “Here’s Lucy.” For Desilu he appeared in a 1955 episode of "December Bride."
Paul Wilbur (Bert Smedley) played Mr. Wilbur, owner of the ice cream parlor, in "Lucy is a Soda Jerk" (1962). For Desilu, he was seen on a 1963 episode of "The Greatest Show on Earth."
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Parley Baer (Judge Madison / Judge Turner / 3 Others) did four episodes of the radio version of "Green Acres" “Grandby’s Green Acres” starring Bea Benadaret, a summer fill-in for Lucille Ball’s “My Favorite Husband.” Baer appeared in 2 episodes of "I Love Lucy," and 5 of "The Lucy Show." On “Here’s Lucy” he played Dr. Cunningham, Harry Carter’s psychiatrist. For Desilu he was seen in "Whirlybirds," "December Bride," and "Westinghouse-Desilu Playhouse."
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Olan Soule (Stanley Benson / 3 Others) played Little Ricky's doctor Dr. Gettelman on "I Love Lucy". For Desilu, he appeared on several episodes of "The Untouchables," "The Ann Sothern Show," and "December Bride."
Sarah Selby (Mrs. Frisby / Mrs. Grundy / 3 Others) was heard as Liz's mother on Lucy's radio show "My Favorite Husband." She played bachelorette Dorothy Cook on "I Love Lucy."
Barry Kelley (Sheriff Crandall / Hurley Feasel) played the Mayor of Bancroft on "The Lucy Show". For Desilu he appeared on "The Untouchables," "Whirlybirds," and "Westinghouse-Desilu Playhouse."
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Jonathan Hole (Hank Thackery / Mr. Bunce / Mr. Earnshaw) was in 3 episodes of "The Lucy Show" and 2 of "Here's Lucy." For Desilu he was seen in "The Adventures of Jim Bowie."
William O'Connell (Martin Evans / Mr. Agnew) was seen as a Beverly Hills hotel manager on "The Lucy Show" in 1967.
Herbie Faye (Jack Stewart / Doodles / 2 Others) was in a 1968 episode of “The Lucy Show.”  and 4 episodes of “Here’s Lucy”. Ball did a 1959 cameo on "Sergeant Bilko" on which he played Fender for 139 episodes. He also did an episode of "Mothers-in-Law" for Desi Arnaz.
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Shirley Mitchell (Mae Belle Jennings) became friends with Lucille Ball in the late 1940s when she was featured in 4 episodes of “My Favorite Husband.” Mitchell reunited with Lucille Ball on “I Love Lucy” playing Marion Strong, member of the Wednesday Afternoon Fine Arts League.
Jean Vander Pyl (Agnes Frisby / Gladys Miller / Alice Tuttle) was heard with Bea Benadaret on Lucille Ball's radio show "My Favorite Husband." Benadaret and Vander Pyl voiced Wilma and Betty on "The Flintstones."
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Peter Leeds (Syd Sparks / Gus Clegg) was heard on “My Favorite Husband." On "I Love Lucy" he was the reporter questioning the Maharincess of Franistan in “The Publicity Agent” (ILL S1;E31). He starred with Lucy in the films The Long, Long Trailer (1953) and The Facts of Life (1960). Leeds also appeared in “Lucy and Bob Hope” (ILL S6;E1) as well as an episode of “Here’s Lucy” in 1971.
Hugh Beaumont (Donald Elliott / Ronnie Beackman) is best known as Ward Cleaver in "Leave it to Beaver," but also appeared uncredited in Du Barry Was a Lady (1943) starring Lucille Ball. For Desilu, he was seen in "Whirlybirds".
Hal Smith (Ben Miller / 2 Others) is probably best remembered as Otis Campbell, the town drunk, on “The Andy Griffith Show” (filmed at Desilu). He appeared with Lucille Ball in the 1963 film Critic’s Choice. He was seen on 3 episodes of "The Lucy Show" and 1 episode of “Here’s Lucy” in 1972.
Maxine Semon (Mabel Snark / Lena Fenwick) played a nurse on “I Love Lucy” in “Nursery School” (ILL S5;E9) then a Yankee Stadium spectator in "Lucy and Bob Hope" (1955). She was a Las Vegas chambermaid on "The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour".
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Benny Rubin (Chief Fleeteagle / 2 Others) played the Beverly Hills tour bus driver on "I Love Lucy." He was seen on 2 episodes of "The Lucy Show." For Desi Arnaz he was seen on "The Carol Channing Show." For Desilu, he was in "December Bride."
Lurene Tuttle (Adelaide Keane / Henrietta Greene / Mary Alice Perkins) played the outgoing president of The Wednesday Afternoon Fine Arts League in “The Club Election” (ILL S2;E19) in 1953.  
Burt Mustin (Grandpa Jenson) did 3 episodes of "The Lucy Show" and played a juror with Joan Rivers on "Here's Lucy."  Mustin played Uncle Jeff in Mame (1974).
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Gail Bonney (Mrs. Tomley / Mrs. Robinson / 1 Other) was seen in 2 1950 films featuring Lucille Ball.  She played mother of twins Mrs. Hudson in “The Amateur Hour,” (ILL S1;E14). She also did 1 episode of "The Lucy Show" and 1 episode of "Here's Lucy."  
Eve McVeagh (Miss Hammond) played Bert, Lucy Ricardo’s hairdresser, in “The Black Wig” (ILL S3;E26).  She also made an appearance as a store clerk on "Here's Lucy."
Rolfe Sedan, Frank Aletter, Milton Frome, Herb Vigran, Amzie Strickland, Ray Kellogg, Bob Jellison, Frank Wilcox, Eddie Quillan, Robert Carson, J. Pat O'Malley, Florence Lake, Ernest Truex, Dorothy Konrad, George O'Hanlon, Jack Collins, Ross Elliott, Iris Adrian, William Lanteau, Joi Lansing, Bernie Kopell, Lyle Talbot, Stanley Addams, Doris Packer, Don Brodie, Frank Nelson, Rich Little, Joan Blondell, Nancy Kulp, Sid Melton, Keith Andes, Hayden Rorke, Dick Patterson, Irwin Charrone, Rudy Vallee, Lloyd Corrigan, Jackie Joseph, and Barbara Morrison.
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There were several Lucycoms that took place aboard trains, but the most notable is "The Great Train Robbery" (1955). Lucy and Desi took a publicity photo in front of the infamous emergency break wearing crumpled conductors caps. On this trip, Frank Nelson played the conductor pushed to his limit by Lucy Ricardo, a role he reprised when Lucy Carmichael took the train to Washington DC in 1963.
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Coincidentally, Nelson appeared on "Petticoat Junction" in 1967, but not as a conductor, as the manager of the Flamingo Room in Springdale. He has the distinction of being the only actor to play two recurring characters (Freddy Fillmore and Ralph Ramsey) on "I Love Lucy."
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In "Joe Saves the Post Office" (1969), Joe, Janet and Bobbie Jo travel to Washington DC to talk to their Congressman. They end up meeting the President. At the time, the office was occupied by Richard M. Nixon, who is represented only by an extended hand for Joe to shake and he does not speak nor is he mentioned by name. In 1963's "Lucy Visits the White House", Lucy, Viv, and their scout troupe travel to Washington DC to present the President with a sugar cube White House. In this case, the episode mentions the President's name: John F. Kennedy. He has a few off screen lines at the end of the episode, voiced by Elliott Reid. In retrospect, both these episodes conjur unhappy memories. Kennedy was asassinated and Nixon resigned in scandal.
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Hooteville's train depot can best be compared to the whistle stop of Greenview in "Lucy Visits the White House" (1963). Greenview was a remote stop located somewhere between Danfield and DC.
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Bancroft, California, the small town featured in "Main Street USA" and "Lucy Puts Main Street on the Map" (1967) was a town somewhat bigger than Hooterville, but smaller than Pixley. Lucy and Mr. Mooney arrived there by train to save their main street from becoming a superhighway.
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Bancroft had a general store run by Doc Putnam. It featured a large red coffee grinder, just like Sam Drucker's general store in Hooterville.
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The Mayor Bancroft was played by Barry Kelley, who appeared on "Petticoat Junction" as Sheriff Crandall. Bancroft citizens included Burt Mustin, who played Grandpa Jenson in three 1968 episodes of "Petticoat Junction" and Hal Smith, who played Mr. Richardson / Ben Miller / Jug Gunderson on "Junction."
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During the series' last season, the character of Jerry Roberts was introduced as a possible boyfriend for Billie Jo - until she finds out he's already married. In real life, actors Greg Mullavey and Meredith McRae were man and wife. On "Here's Lucy," Lucie Arnaz's husband Phil Vandervoort was also part of the cast. Sadly, both marriages were short-lived.
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A railroad handcar was prominently featured in "Lucy Hunts Uranium" (1958) featuring Fred MacMurray. In Hooterville, it was generally manned by Homer Bedloe (Charles Lane), who was also featured as a Claims Officer in "Lucy Hunts Uranium." Also in the hour-long "Lucy-Desi" episode Bob Jellison plays a Las Vegas bellboy. In Hooterville, Jellison played a salesman in 1968 and Ben Miller in 1970, the 4th and final actor to play that role. That episode also featured Lucyverse performers Sarah Selby and Parley Baer. It was directed by Elliott Lewis, producer of "The Lucy Show" and Desi Arnaz's "Mothers-in-Law" as well as husband of Lucy sidekick Mary Jane Lewis.
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In 1969's "One of Our Chickens Are Missing" (S7; E4) of the final season, Hooterville is plagued by chicken thieves in the former of a biker gang. Harry Dean Stanton plays Ringo, who is 'saving up for a pillow'. Lucy and Viv also encounter biker gangs in a 1967 episode of "The Lucy Show" set on the notorious Sunset Strip.
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In 1969's "The Camping Trip" (S7;E5), the entire family packs up and goes camping in the woods. They go fishing and Uncle Joe comes face to face with a bear, "The Camping Trip" was also the title of a 1953 episode of "I Love Lucy" where Lucy and Ricky also go fishing. In "The Lucy Show's" "Lucy Becomes a Father" (1964) Lucy Carmichael also comes face to face with a bear.
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"Goodbye, Mr. Chimp" (S7;E12) introduces a chimpanzee to the Shady Rest. Uncle Joe buys the chimp as a gift for his infant niece. Two years earlier on "The Lucy Show," Lucy Carmichael also featured a chimp - actually three - in "Lucy The Babysitter". The popularity of chimpanzees on sitcoms can be attributed to The Marquis Chimps, the (non-human) stars of the sitcom “The Hathaways” (1961-62) in which a suburban couple kept three performing chimps as their children.
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The iconic Shady Rest Hotel is reminiscent of The Eagle Hotel, where Lucy and Ricky stayed in "The Marriage License" (1952). Running the Eagle Hotel are Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby (played by Irving Bacon and Elizabeth Patterson), who are reminiscent of Uncle Joe and Kate Bradley, who run the Shady Rest. In season one, Uncle Joe schemes to market the Shady Rest as a 'honeymoon hotel.'
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Richard Arlen and Charles 'Buddy' Rogers, the stars of the 1929 silent film Wings, the first film to win an Academy Award, were guest stars as themselves on both "Petticoat Junction" (1968) and "The Lucy Show" (1967). Both appearances revolved around their appearance in the film.
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The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was introduced in 1923 by the nephew of suffragette Susan B. Anthony. Thirty years later "I Love Lucy" tackled female equality, culminating in the boys insisting the girls pay their own dinner checks. In 1967 The National Organization for Women (NOW), pledged to fight tirelessly for the ratification of the ERA. On February 7, 1970, "Petticoat Junction" finally got around to the subject by inventing WITCH (Women In True Cultural Heritage) and having Billy Jo storm a barber shop in tailored suit. That same month, twenty NOW leaders disrupted hearings of the Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Amendments, demanding the ERA be heard by the full Congress.
"Petticoat Junction" and "The Lucy Show" were both part of a DVD set titled The Best of Family TV.
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founderscouncil · 4 months
plots pls for regina( with hope, klaus, anyone?); mia/finch; coda/lottie
send me “plots please” and I’ll respond with  3  (or more)  interesting  plots / relationships / connections  I can think of for our muses! 
regina and klaus - they probably have a lot to talk about as people willing to play the villain in other people's stories, but are often not given much credit for having become such a villain due to the actions of their parents. regina with cora and klaus with mikael has a number of parallels, most strikingly the constant degradation and derision that they're weak, powerless, etc. they've both been hardened by life and both have done awful and unforgivable things, but they also probably could connect on their attempts to do good and be better, only to have their pasts thrown into their face
regina and hope - okay we could go one of two ways with this: a standard canon-esque relationship where regina sees hope very similar to henry (and emma). she's a child that serves as the lynchpin to the story, and she's remarkable in every way. in many ways, hope has exactly what regina wants, which is to maintain immortality without having to give up her magic. however, especially in a post-henry world (which is almost always how i'll play regina), she's not going to be as willing to harm a random child, even for her own gains. if anything, i can see her offering herself up as a resource for hope, to teach her some of the lost magic that she knows or expertise in dark objects (or teach her how to do the heart spell idk); ALTERNATIVELY we could do pre-evil queen regina who still believes in love and idk maybe instead of getting promised to some creepy old king, she gets promised to the tribrid and they have to deal with arranged marriage bs
mia and finch #1 - pre-finch's appearance in canon, mia, loren and flori go to the grill and get seated in finch's section. loren and flori make fun of how red mia gets when finch flirts with her
mia and finch #2 - as an alternative to josie finding finch when she transfers to mfhs, i find it pretty hard to believe that there's an untrained werewolf under the noses of the school for longer than a few months and it seems like finch has been doing things for at least a year (since she was around when maya was in town), maybe a verse where mia finds finch, maybe fairly soon after she's brought to the school? finch is living the life that mia was just rescued from, on her own, while also trying to go to high school. it'd be a far less traumatic way for her to be introduced to the world of the supernatural
mia and finch #3 - this time in your lore, where after tiva is murdered and mia leaves len, they run into each other. i'd probably keep tvdu lore for finch but she'd still be in the part of her journey where she's not sure what the hell is going on and she thinks she's the only one out there. and it's just two feral teenagers trying to figure out the world, even if they're not exactly alike, but close enough for it to be meaningful
coda and lottie #1 - i vaguely remember you saying vampire lottie like once and now i need it. unlike most wolves, coda tends to be more suspicious of witches bc of what she went through with the hollow, so lottie being a vampire wouldn't outright deter her. also she's a golden retriever, so lottie could smile at her once and she'll be smitten (me too coda)
coda and lottie #2 - yj au where coda and lottie met in group therapy when they were kids (coda after her parents died, lottie bc her dad is a dick). she's not part of the soccer team and doesn't go to wiskayok high at all, but they bond over trauma and stuff and idk maybe they reconnect post-rescue
coda and lottie #3 - rich girl x kid from the wrong side of town and no one knows why they get along but they do. coda is all instinct and action while lottie is more cerebral and mindful, but it balances them out. is this supernatural or human or a different third thing? idk i'm just vibing
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cryingevanafton · 6 months
Heeeeey im making a list of the actors (in my show) and the names i'll be calling them when I talk about them and rehearsal (not their real names).
Jack - Arthur
Crutchie - Aaliyah
Davey - Ryan
Les - Kian
Oscar - Gina
Morris - Me! :)
Romeo - Keegan
Mush - Ayla
Specs - Mable
Finch - Edith
Spot - Silas
Medda - Lily
Albert/Alberta - Sadie
Elmer - Gemma
Ike - Bailey
Bowery Brigade - Kara, Nadia, Eden, Nina
Pulitzer - Rowen
Hannah - Alice
Bunsen - Nolan
Seiez - Clara
Weisel - Jane
Katherine - Karina
Brooklyn Newsies/Scabs - Melody, Felicity, Nadia
Buttons - Callie
Tommy Boy - Cora
Jo Jo - Iris
Snyder - Ariel
Pat/Bill - Zuri
Darcy - Jacob
Dorothy/Woman - Natalie
Teddy Roosevelt - Acacia
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free-for-all-fics · 1 year
Obscure Characters List - Female Edition (A-M)
Obscure Characters I love for some reason - Female Edition (A-M). (By obscure I mean characters that have little to no fanfic written about them. Not necessarily characters nobody’s ever heard of.) Don’t ask me to explain why. UPDATED: I had to split these up into separate posts because tumblr is being a butt about post length or something and won’t let me add more to either list idk.
Abigail Bishop/Emily (Let’s Scare Jessica to Death)
Agnes (Downfall Redux)
Agony Symbiote (Marvel Comics)
Alice (Apsulov: End of Gods)
Amanda Ripley (Alien Isolation)
Amelia (Underworld)
Anastasie “Tasi” Trianon (Amnesia Rebirth)
Annalise, Queen of the Vilebloods (Bloodborne)
Anna Valerious (Van Helsing 2004)
Baroness Clarimonde Catani (The Vampire Happening)
Belle (A Christmas Carol)
Black Canary/Dinah Drake/Dinah Laurel Lance (DC Comics)
Blackfire/Princess Komand'r (DC comics/Teen Titans)
Blind Mag/Magdalene DeFoe (Repo! The Genetic Opera)
Brides of Dracula (any version)
Cala Maria (Cuphead)
Calendar Girl/Page Munroe (DC Comics/The New Batman Adventures)
Catherine Chun (SOMA)
Charlotte Elbourne (Vampire Hunter D)
Charlotte Thornton (Nancy Drew, Ghost of Thornton Hall)
Chrissy/Mildred Pratt (Deadstream)
Constance Blackwood (We Have Always Lived in the Castle)
Cora (Devil’s Carnival 2)
Countess Marya Zaleska (Dracula's Daughter)
Dana Newman/The Angry Princess (Thirteen Ghosts remake)
Dolirra (Fariwalk: The Prelude)
Doll Face (The Strangers)
Dollisa (Fariwalk: The Prelude)
Edith Finch (What Remains of Edith Finch)
Elisabeth Williams (Maid of Sker)
Elizabeth Eilander (Rusty Lake Paradise)
Elizabeth Shelley (Frankenhooker)
Empress Tihana (Amnesia Rebirth)
Erin (You’re Next)
Estella (Great Expectations)
Esther/Leena Klammer (Orphan 1 and 2)
Evelyn “Evie” Carnahan O' Connnell  (The Mummy series)
Faith (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Ginger Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps)
Glorificus “Glory” (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Goody (Vampires)
Grace Le Domas (Ready Or Not)
Gwendolyn “Gwen” Grayson/Royal Pain (Sky High)
Harper Thornton (Nancy Drew, Ghost of Thornton Hall)
Hel (Apsulov: End of Gods)
Hero (Much Ado About Nothing)
Imogen “Idgie” Threadgoode (Green Fried Tomatoes)
Iris (30 Days of Night)
Isabelle/The Bride (Spookies)
Jane Doe (Autopsy of Jane Doe)
Jayme/Red (Blood Fest)
Jennet Humfrye/The Woman in Black (The Woman in Black)
Julia/Subject Three (TAU)
Juliette Waters (Sylvio)
Justine Florbelle (Amnesia the Dark Descent)
Kate Drew (Nancy Drew, The Silent Spy)
Kathy Rain (Kathy Rain)
Katrina Van Tassel (Sleepy Hollow)
Kissin’ Kate Barlow (Holes)
Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower (Bloodborne)
Lady Sybil Crawley/Branson (Downton Abbey)
Lamia (Stardust)
Laura "Lorelai" Wood (Lorelai)
Laure Richis (Perfume: The Story of a Murderer)
Laurie (Trick ‘r Treat)
Leech Woman (Puppetmaster series)
Lena (Underworld: Blood Wars)
Lily (V/H/S Amateur Night/SiREN)
Lily Munster (The Munsters)
Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree (Elden Ring)
Lucille Sharpe (Crimson Peak)
Lucy Billington (The Invitation)
Lunar Princess Ranni (Elden Ring)
Malenia the Severed (Elden Ring)
Marni Wallace (Repo! The Genetic Opera)
Mary Katherine “Merricat” Blackwood (We Have Always Lived in the Castle)
Mel (Nancy Drew, Warnings at Waverly Academy)
Melanie Ravenswood (Phantom Manor)
Melina (Elden Ring)
Millicent (Elden Ring)
Milk Maiden (2001 Maniacs)
Mirror Queen (The Brothers Grimm)
Miss Brixil (Level 16)
Moder (The Ritual)
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heart-songs · 5 months
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midnight kiss
cherry lips paper-thin regret
unfleshed beneath a cashmere moon
- Cora Finch
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gruesim · 2 years
List Of Skins
So below is a list of skins I want to upload at some point, its a ton of them (63, omg) so if anyone has any requests for ones to do first, or wants a link asap to a specific one, please let me know! Most correspond to ones shown here (will be updating this list first so all are visible):
Adult Zephyr
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writingcold · 7 months
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Hi.  Welcome to Chapter 20.  I’m going to keep this brief, because… reasons.
If you are just joining us, you can find the Master List to the series here
Bear hugs going to @lvnterninthenight, @gardensgatedaisy and @whitesuitjake.  Thank you once more for your assistance, patience and talents.
This is a work of fiction, and is totally mine.  Please do not take it for your own personal use.  I’ve put in hours of research, hours upon hours of writing, re-writing, screaming, yelling and vomiting over this epic of a story.  But it is mine.
Content warning:  18+ story.  Angst.  Violence.  Gun violence.  Blood.  Character harm and death.  This is where it gets bumpy.
Word count: approx. 7600
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Chapter Twenty: What is to Come, Cat and Mouse, A Picnic, Shattering and Strength- Cora
     “I need you to understand, Finch,”  he whispered against the skin of her neck.  “I need out of this business.  I need us to be gone from this place and all of the ties that bind us here be gone.”
     “By getting you and Joshua killed?”  she whispered back, fury bubbling across her mouth.
     The feel of his breath and lips grazing beneath her ear did little to quell her emotions.  “I will do my best not to allow that to happen,”  he said.
     “But if it does-”
     She moved away from him before he could continue to distract her.  Folding her hands before her frame, Cora felt the coolness of the moment seep into her bones.  Jacob had been keeping true to his word - he was not being untruthful to her, but he certainly was not disclosing everything either.
     “Anytime I go on a run, there’s a possibility I won’t be coming back,”  he said with a note of firmness that captured her attention.
     “This is different.  You’re going out there for the attention of this one man.”
     “It’s only different because there won’t be guns involved.”
     Her eyes flared as her hands balled up.  “Why provoke this?  Why expedite ruin?  Jacob.  Why can’t we just run from this place?”
     “There is more than just you that I have to consider, Cora,”  he said sharply.  Swallowing hard, he shook his head with a grimace.  “Those men we’re in business with down south don’t let us just quit.  We can’t just run away.  They will go after our family as a whole - every single one of them, involved or not.  Do you understand?”
     “There’s got to be a way,”  she said quietly, unsure of the unfurling of events before her.  
     “The bank was our first step,”  he said as he sat down at the table.  “We knew that Diamante would see it as a boon and take advantage right away of services that could be offered to the business.  All those trips east over the winter - the expansion was the next step.  We are completing what he expects of us.  Our job here is nearly complete.  He does not want competition.  We now need to get the Cresci element out of the region.”
     “Sounds to me like no matter what, there’s going to always be another step to take,”  she remarked as the corners of her mouth turned down.
     Jacob remained quiet.  He looked tired as he rubbed his fingers across his brow.  “There will be a stop to this.  It will be hard.  There will be a fight.”
     “There will be loss.”  Her words were uttered but she could tell he felt them as if she had screamed them.  Sitting down at his desk, her eyes swept across his room, his shelter and refuge.  They had spent so much good life within the walls.  At the moment they seemed to be hurting in the same manner.  Her hands began to tingle with emotion that could not be expressed.  It was not anger.  Nor was it fear.  Its complexity was a farce to her for she had felt it for years without even knowing its name.
     She watched as he sat on the edge of the bed, his torso folding against his thighs in the quiet between them.  Cora fought the quiver she felt move across her lip.  The long, lingering nights after her father had passed revisited her thoughts.  The moments of feeling adrift in a world that had no sympathy for anyone, let alone a widow and her children on a farm that was no longer their own crept through the underside of those thoughts.  The notion of starving emotionally, physically had changed when Jacob had reached out to her.  He was like the substance her body needed to drive forward with hope of happiness within her life.  The plainness of his fear for what was to come bathed her in a chill she could not shake.  She refused to whisper the idea to even her brain that it was helplessness that was vibrating in the air.
     “When do you go?”  she whispered.
     “In two days,”  he answered, just as quiet.  “I don’t want you too far from home or the shops while we’re gone.  Marcus will be with you.  I cannot have you unprotected in case-”
     “This - this is what I do not understand.  How does this man know you are coming?”
     “We set the bait weeks ago.”
     Her gut dropped to the floor.  “You’re setting us up for this?”
     “Yes.  It’s on our terms.  This piece I can control.”
     “Control.  What a strange word to use, Jacob.  This is not control.  This is dropping a match on a tinderbox.”
     He sat up straight.  His face was hard in the shadows of the room.  “I welcome it, Finch.  I welcome it if it moves us out of here faster.”
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Chapter Twenty Pt. 2: Jacob
     They had reached the town of McFarland midmorning, stopping at the café for coffee and speaking with William Lange, their newest contact interested in the Diamante model of business.  Lange was already in the conglomerate.  They were simply sewing up the ends to create a free flow along the southern end of Marquette County, saving over a hundred miles of detour.  As the twins left the cafe, it was easy to see the Tin Lizzie parked down the street, cigarette smoke wafting from the driver’s side.
     They got into the Moon and eased back out of town, heading north towards the state road.  The Moon was primed, with a full belly of fuel and oil and a lot of love from Sam.  She was ready for the race ahead.  The Tin Lizzie dropped in behind them as they led the way.  Many cars were out on the road, leading Jake to take it easy and Josh tapped the seat leisurely in time to whatever song was imagined in his mind.  He itched to speed up, to weave around those on the road to get the task at hand underway.
     “Gwinn is four miles from this point,”  Josh remarked with a nod.  
     Jake nodded once as he pressed on.  Gwinn was a turn point.  They would run out on the buggy trails that were only marked by word of mouth and on sketched out directions from locals.  He had done his due diligence.  These were the roads that he would need to know anyway once his route was reestablished through Marquette County.  He had run this route quietly four times.  He would have to know the road well enough and trust the driver behind him knew the path as well as he.  
     Jacob increased his speed slightly as the last of the cars with him turned away.  The driver behind followed suit.  The man was ready.  His hand landed down on the gear shift as his eyes drifted to the side mirrors once more before shifting hard in a burst of speed.  Josh continued to tap along to his own beat, his eyes hard pressed on a target that he could see only in his mind.
     “Gwinn is two miles from this point,”  he said with a glance over his shoulder.  
     Jacob could feel the anticipation flooding him.  He filled his lungs slowly.  He needed calm.  He needed quiet.  His thoughts retreated to Cora.  He had watched as she brushed and braided her hair that morning before they left.  He watched as she first brushed her hair, unaware that he was awake.  Her fingers passed over the shimmering curtain of rusty brown that fostered a myriad of other colors - blonde, dark brown, even silver and caramel.  Her face, calm and introspective, glowed in the low light of the dressing table lamp.  
      “Gwinn is half a mile ahead,”  Josh said, breaking into his thoughts.  
      The tiny town was a mere blink on the road.  Jake did not slow as he guided the wheel to the west, catching the dirt track of their first leg of the race.  He slammed his foot into the accelerator and the engine responded with a roar.  Josh held tightly to the door, his hand still tapping to his tune.  He looked back, his hair a mop of curls that swayed around his face in the wind.
     “Good, he’s back there, but he’s about a quarter of a mile behind.”
     Jake pressed on.  The trail swerved around farms and swamp and dense woods.  It was hilly and provided an element of uncertainty that he hoped the demon behind him would not know.  He felt like he was flying, eyes firmly on the trail in search of dips, ridges and ruts to avoid.  The vision of Cora braiding her hair drifted back into his thoughts.  His brain focused on how the corner of her mouth twisted up with thought as she pushed the brush across her tresses.  Her eyes held a shine that captivated his attention even though she thought she was alone.  
     His attention snapped back as they hit the first incline.  The Moon’s throaty moan as he worked his way down and back up through the gears was deafening.  Due to the dust, it was hard to see anything behind.  Jake didn’t care.  He was moving into position.  Josh may have thought the marathon had already started, but Jake knew it would not fully start until he could look the man in the face.  
      “Mark one is coming up, Jake,”  Josh said, wiping at the dirt on his face.
      Mark one was a widening on a curve.  He eased up, using the incline of the hill to slow them.  He was quick to pull round, backing them into a niche.  His hands itched - one on the wheel, the other on the gear shaft.  
     “You ready for this?”  Josh asked, lighting up a cigarette.  
     Jake reached over and took the smoke away.  He took a long, hard drag to cool his insides.  “I’m never fucking ready - you know that.  I’ve just gotta do it.”
     Where is he…  Where is he…  Where is he… 
     Josh sat up, his eyes straying to the horizon as if straining to listen.  He signaled Jake that the Tin Lizzie was approaching.  Instantly, it was as if there were ants crawling through his hot skin.  The cigarette dangled from his lip as he cursed under his breath in an attempt to slow his racing thoughts down.  This was him - this was his skill.  Easing the Moon forward, Jake gazed over his extended arm, eyes hard, brain ready.
     The Tin Lizzie was moments away.  Josh shifted at his side.  He could hear his twin’s ill-ease as the car grew closer, the rumble of the engine would send shivers down the average person’s spine.  Jake waited, mouth curled in a smirk as the driver slowed to a stop.  The snake’s black eyes focused on him and him alone in a deathly glance.
      “Jump it, Jake,”  Josh whispered.
      “No.  I’m not backing down from this fucker,”  he said, his voice graveled.  
      The man drove alone - no sheriff to cover him, no pistol men, no backup.  It was going to be a footrace and they both knew it.  A game of cat and mouse to assess the skill of each man.  This was going to be a race of equality - across horse and buggy trails that were not well known to the average driver.  He revved the engine, revealing the throaty beast under his hood.  The man’s demeanor did not flinch for what was to come.  Pinching the mushy end of his smoke, he extracted the last drag before dropping it to the road below.  Jake’s chin lowered as a smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth, allowing the smoke to waft from his nose.  He looked to Josh before slamming the car into gear, taking off like a shot before the Lizzie could react.
     Josh let out a howl as Jake screamed the car down the hill, picking up maximum speed.  The curve at the bottom was going to be the first sign if the man behind him had any guts at all.  The tires screeched as he cranked the wheel hard, fighting gravity itself as the Moon clung to the road for dear life.  Josh was cursing and holding on to keep from being thrown from his seat.  
     Another sharp curve, this one on an incline.  Jake knew he would lose a bit of speed, but the Lizzie was nearly a dozen car lengths behind.  He hit the hill, and Josh’s face exploded in rage as he looked behind them, realizing that Jake was inviting the driver in closer. 
     “What the fuck are you doing?”  Josh screamed over the engine.
     Jake merely grinned, rounding the curve, allowing the man behind to encroach.  The Moon coasted in the last remaining feet of the curve and he slammed it into gear that left the Lizzie in the dust behind.  
     “You’ve lost your nerve, Brother,”  Jake laughed without looking at his twin.  “It’s what you get for playing businessman for the last two years.”
      “Just get to it, Jake,”  Josh ground out, his hands white knuckled on the doorframe.  “Quit fucking around!”
      “This is not going to be quick, so don’t break any fingers holding on there, Joshua,”  he jabbed as he downshifted into the next curve.
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Chapter Twenty Pt. 3: Molly
     “I’m not sure if this is a good idea, babes,”  she said, watching as Susannah wrapped sandwiches in newspaper.  “Josh was pretty adamant that we stay under wraps.  Sam agreed to this?”     “It’s not just Sam,”  Susannah drawled as she stacked bread and meats and cheese.  “It’s the four of us.  Just like how it used to be.  It’ll be fine.  We’ll be out in the country.  No one is going to know where the fuck we are and we can just be, you know?  It’s been ages.  Aren’t you tired of being only at home working, or the Lantern?  Look at these rolls I got from the shop!  Renee was saying they were just delivered. They are so fresh I swear they were still warm when she was wrapping them up.”
      “Sure,”  Molly said quietly, effectively hiding the uncertainty in her tone.  
      Danny walked into the bungalow, alone.  His dark eyes darted around at the situation.  Her husband was obviously feeling the same as she was over the state of the day.  Things were not well.  There were a pair of marshalls trolling around Kingsford, and with Josh and Jake out of the county gaining dirt on Porter’s driver, they were ordered to stay low.  This notion of Susannah’s was hairbrained at best.  The danger had not passed.  If the eldest Kiszka discovered what they were up to, he would kill them himself.
      “Ready, loves?”  Danny asked, taking in the mess in the kitchen.
      “In five,”  Susannah chirped, piling all sorts of goods into a basket.  “Oh, Molly, grab that blanket off the couch, will you?”
      Molly glanced at Danny, her mouth was a fine line.  The pit of her stomach screamed at her not to go.  The bottom of her feet begged her to stall.  Susannah was talking so fast, so happily about going down by Innger’s stream and spending the whole day together like they used to.  
      “Where’s Samuel?”  she asked as they were getting into the Kissel.
      “He’ll be along,”  Danny answered with a nod.
      Molly rode up in the front seat with Danny while Susannah was nonstop babble in the back with memories.  She was pulling out stories that Molly was sure had not happened.  She reached for Danny’s hand only to come up empty.  Looking at him, it was obvious that he was very aware that their friend was not feeling normal.  His eyes were hard on the side mirrors looking for tails, but at the same time seemed to be studying their friend as she drifted in and out of speech.  
      “Has she been into the laudanum again?”  he asked when he was sure that she was not listening.
      Molly shrugged.  Susannah was frightening her.  The woman was talking like there were people right beside her, carrying on like old friends.  Blowing out her cheeks, she figured that it would be best to just go along with whatever was happening.  Perhaps it would be a good thing for all of them to be outside.  Catch some sunshine and fresh air.
      Innger's stream was on the northside of town.  Many people would picnic in the area because of its beauty.  Molly saw one of the Kiszka’s trucks parked well off the road.  Sam was leaning against the side, cigarette in hand.  Susannah was beaming from the backseat the moment she saw her man waving to her.  A look passed over the man’s pretty features that bothered her.  It was like he knew there was an issue with his lover, but was unable to figure out the puzzle that the woman had become.
      The men spread out the heavy blanket and Susannah busied herself in setting up their meal.  Molly stayed close to Danny, feigning going for a walk to get him alone.  He was hesitant to leave Sam totally but relented when she started to yank him along playfully.
      “We should not be out here,”  she whispered as they walked hand in hand.
      “What are our options, Molly?  She’s not right in her mind,”  Danny said quietly.  “It’s obvious that she’s taken something, and probably a lot of it.” 
      “What does Sam think?”  she asked.
      “He thinks that if she has this day, she’ll calm down.”
      “Fucking man brain.  This is not about being cooped up, Daniel.  She needs help, not whatever this is.”
      He stayed quiet against her anger.  He stopped at the edge of the water.  Molly tried to move closer but he turned his shoulders towards her in an obvious block.
     “I’m just trying to figure this out,”  she whispered, hurt by the slight.  “She’s my friend before anything else.  My sister.  I can’t continue to watch this decline.  She’s sick.”
     Danny nodded.  His face was pale with pain for his friends.  “Samuel doesn’t want to see it but he does.  Trust me, love, he sees it.”
     They slowly made their way back to find Susannah leaned comfortably against Sam, hands entwined, food laid out and ready for them to start their picnic.  The look of peace on her face made Molly think of better times.  Susannah needed better.  Deserved better than the hand she had been dealt.  The word ‘sanitorium’ passed through her brain with bitterness, but knew it would be her best place to be safe.  She felt sickened by the matter of it.  Forcing her best smile, she let Daniel take the lead and they sat down to a lovely afternoon picnic with their friends.
      “Do you remember the first time we were out here, Mols?”  Susannah asked with a twinkle in her eye.
      “Sure do.  It was the first time that you and Samuel had time together,”  Molly answered before hiding her grimace behind her glass.
      “You had fixed up that little peach number for me,”  she sighed.  “That was one of my favorite pieces you ever made for me.  It was sure fun to rip it off, though.”
      Sam laughed, love in his eyes.  “I could’ve spent the entire autumn out here.  It was perfect.”
      Danny’s face turned towards the road.  Molly could hear a car approaching, but figured it was nothing.  She felt her love tense behind her.  Susannah’s laugh mingled with Sam’s like music.  Molly wanted to smile.  She wanted to return her attention to her friends like a normal person.  Danny was already moving when she saw the car yank up, broadside to them. 
      Before she could identify the pistol barrels, Daniel had grabbed hold of her and was shoving her to the side.  He was on his feet, his own gun out as he struggled to get her behind him.  Sam was trying to get up, but Susannah had him pinned, screaming out in her sudden realization of fear.  When the first pistol fired, Molly fell backward.
      “Run!”  Danny screamed.  “Get behind the truck!”
       Molly scrambled the best she could.  The world was set wild.  She could not see anything in front of her.  She could not hear anything but sharp cracks of gunfire.  Her heart pounded sickly in her chest as she saw Sam finally gain his feet.  She flailed to a stop behind the truck just as she was told, coughing for a steady breath when she knew none would come.
      “Danny!”  she screeched in fear as she saw blood on her blouse.  
      “We don’t need the dark one or the bitches!”  a voice called out.  “Get the fucking Engineer!”
      Her blood burned with heat.  She peeked around the fat bumper of the truck to see that Sam was pulling Susannah by the collar of her dress.  Danny was right in front of him, gun pointed behind him at the car, taking a shot to the middle, back of his thigh.
      “Let her go!”  Danny shouted, knocking Sam back with his shoulder.  
      Sam had his pistol drawn, but could not raise it.  Blood had soaked through in the front and back of his shoulder and seemed to drip onto the pistol grip with unchecked folly.  Danny grabbed hold of it, cowing his friend backward.  Molly stared at Susannah’s body, laying the dirt.  She was still.  All her breath choked out of her body in a stream of gurgles and sputters.  
      “Molly!  Get in the car!”  Danny roared, his voice raising to an octave she had never heard before.
       She crawled forward towards them.  Her love’s black eyes flared on her angrily.  Molly groaned as she shoved herself up and turned towards the Kissel.  She pulled herself across the closed door and into the backseat.  Danny was sprinting behind the cover of the truck with Sam right behind him.  The cranking of the truck engine made her look up just in time to see Sam moving the truck to use as a block for the open air car to reach the road.  As quickly as he could, he blocked the trail and slid out the passenger side before the attackers could move.  Sam landed in the front passenger seat just as Danny throttled the Kissel up, taking off the bouncy road the best he could.  A steady stream of curses were being shouted by Sam as he was hanging out the side, watching for whoever it was that had taken them by surprise.  
      Molly felt her heart pound.  Her breath returned.  There was a pulse in her arm that she had not noticed before.  It was hot and felt wrong when she tried to straighten her elbow.  
      “Danny?”  she breathed, eyes locked on the wound that she had no idea how she got.
      “I know love, just sit tight,”  he said without looking back at her.
      Sam sat rigid in place, watching for whatever could come at them from behind.  His typical good natured face was bloody and his eyes were full of rage waiting to be unleashed.  She tried to make herself small in her seat.  A sob ripped through her.  Susannah.  Susannah was gone.  Dead in the dirt behind them.
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Chapter Twenty Pt. 4: Jacob
     The Lizzie was nearly caught up to them as Jake hit the flat expanse north of Felch.  Josh had eased the hold on the door and seat a bit as he chanced a look behind.  
     “Mark twelve is coming up, Jake.  Quarter mile,”  he said over the engine.
     The map was playing in his head.  He could see the little scrap of mountain road that would cut across the low rise base of the hills before swooping down south to the tiny village of Hardwood.  He pulled the wheel, striking the mark perfectly to send the Moon onto the dirt at a speed that the Lizzie was forced to slow for.  He sent the car screaming forward towards the first rise and shallow wave of the road.  
     “I don’t think he liked that turn,”  Josh remarked, practically hanging out the door to try to find their opponent.
      This was his altar, his land.  He knew every bump, rut, ditch, and curve.  Jake snapped his fingers for a smoke while he shifted into the sudden drop off.  Josh grumbled but lit him up a fresh cigarette and jammed it between his brother’s lips.  The smoke hit his face in a calming brush as he drew in a long drag.  The day was beginning to fade.  The Moon was getting to its last fumes but he knew that stopping was going to be impossible.  The only comfort was knowing that the demon behind him was in the same predicament - low fuel and brain weary from the race.  His body was beginning to ache from the ride.  
      “Mark thirteen coming up,”  Josh said as the dense woods crept along both sides of the road, obscuring the turn that was to take them back towards the town of Norway.
      He drew his foot off the accelerator.  This was going to be a show for the man behind him.  Jake had to slam the clutch and break together, sending the ass end of the car round before the Lizzie slammed into him just to make the turn.  Josh let out a strangled gurgle as he held on for dear life.  The Moon clung to the road beneath her as the Lizzie barreled for her side.  Smoothly, Jake shifted into gear, sending the car through the tight turn.  The sound of his brother’s breath hitch and return as they sped down the thin road made him smile.  Josh was looking behind them in search of their tail.
      “He make it?”  Jake asked, eyes roving from side to side keeping watch for obstacles and animals.
      Josh remained silent for a stretch.  Finally, just as Jake thought perhaps it was over, he grunted in ascent.
      “Uh,”  he said, straining to see behind them.  “Looks like he’s trying hard to catch up.  Must’ve missed the bitch.”
      The narrow bridge was ahead.  Jake flew across the loose boards with a whisper of a prayer that it would hold long enough for them.  It was a memory before they reached the other side.
      “Mark fourteen,”  Josh said.
      “Got it,”  Jake answered as he took the curved turn that sent them screaming down another hill.
      This time the Lizzie was prepared, coming through behind the Moon in a slick curve.  Jake caught sight of the driver in his side mirror.  The stamina they shared was admirable.  However, in this assessment of skill, he tried to keep a few cards in reserve.  Next time they were to meet, Jake had every intention of being the wolf, not the rabbit.  Of that he was certain. 
     “Mark fifteen comin’ in a quarter mile,”  Josh said, his voice growing thin and tired.
     Mark fifteen would place them squarely back on the state road.  He would fly west towards the city of Norway.  Preparations had been made to hide within the little cafe and garage that were owned by friends.  The sunshine had grown thin and the shadows dark as he cranked the wheel right, striking the turn at a speed that took Josh by surprise.  The Moon oozed into his ministrations, trusting that her driver knew her limits.  Jake was thankful that there was no traffic before them.  He took a few long breaths knowing this stretch had five miles.  Five miles until the finish.
     “Fuck, Jake - get the bitch moving!  He’s on the bumper,”  Josh complained, his back against the dashboard.
     “I’ve got him.  Don’t fret.”
     Shifting rapidly, he hit the gas, skirting out in front of the Lizzie and pushing the Moon to her limit.  Josh whooped as they sprinted ahead, leaving the other driver to his own devices.  It was going to be up to Sam to milk a few more ounces of speed from the heap for their next run, but for now, it was impressive.  Jake was sure the man would think more strategy the next run.  Screaming into the town, Jake was fast to bury them deep into the business district, hiding in a garage behind the cafe.  
     “Johnny!”  Jake called out as they fell out of the car.
     The large man grinned wide as the twins struggled to straighten after their run.  “Jacob.  Good to see you in one piece.”
     “Need to hide for an hour.  This is for your services, sir,”  he said, handing him a C note.  “She’s nearly bone dry, John.  Gas her up full and check her over well, my friend.”
     Josh grunted as they straggled into the cafe, dirty and ragged.  The waitress eyed them as they ordered sandwiches and coffee.  Jake dabbed his face with the napkin, wiping at the grime and dust that had settled there.  His brother slouched down, his face exhausted, streaked with dirt.
     The door chimed as another man entered the cafe, much in the same state as the twins.  Jacob looked over the rim of his coffee cup, his body freezing at the sight.  It was the demon who graced the space, his black, venomous eyes hard on the two.  Jake sat up straight while Josh took an air of cockiness, with arms folded across his chest.
     “Gentlemen,”  the man said, his voice quiet but firm.  “May I join you?”
     Josh’s cockiness faded a bit as the driver took a chair from another table.  “How unconventional of you.  Color me intrigued with this tactic.”
     The driver grinned, his eyes remained on Jake the entire time.  “Thank you for the distraction this afternoon.  It was certainly enlightening.  Makes me look forward to our next encounter, Jake.”
     “You have me at a disadvantage.  You are?”  Jake asked after taking a sip of his coffee and setting it down with a look of disinterest.
     “Just call me Bell,”  the man remarked as the waitress set another cup down.  “That’s it for me, ma’am.”
     She skittered off, sensing the tension around the table.  Jacob nodded his head.  “Bell.  You’re with Cresci aren’t you?  You must have pissed him off something fierce to banish your ass up here.”
     The man grinned as if recognizing Jake’s effort to be straight to the question at hand - who the man drove for.  “I picked my post after hearing what you boys were up to.  Thought it would be fun.”
     Josh leaned forward, his face hard.  “If this is retribution towards Diamante–”
     “Look, I don’t have time for temper tantrums from you,”  Bell said coolly.  
     Jake scoffed with a shake of his head.  “Fuck, you’re that twit’s brother - Campana.  What happened to him, he did it to himself.”
     The man laughed.  The twins watched as he drank his cup of coffee down before he waved a finger at Josh.  “It was this fucknut of a brother’s antics that killed him.  You were just the whore caught in the middle, Jake.”
     Jacob swallowed hard.  Fucking Beatrice was haunting him from beyond and there was nothing, no one that was responsible aside from stupid, blind loyalty that was looking to settle the accounts.  He glanced at Josh before sitting back in his chair and reclaiming his unfazed attitude.
     “This is just gravy for me boys,”  Bell continued with a snarl.  “Like it or not, your family has splintered because Papa Diamond grew too fat and too greedy.  It’s time for leaner, hungrier wolves to take his place and get it back to turning better profits.”
     “So it’s dirty money that took Porter, huh?”  Josh remarked.
     “A shit ton of it, along with a few strings.  I’ll have your asses strangled come winter this year,”  Bell said as the waitress filled their coffee cups.
     “That means marshals as well,”  Josh said with a nod.  
     “Your boss was just too cheap in the establishing process,”  Bell laughed.  “But now that Marquette is my county -”
      “Well, half of it is yours,”  Josh remarked with a glare.  “You may want to check your guards from McFarland on down south.  You’ll find they have returned to the Diamante fold.”
     Bell’s face grew impossibly hard at the news.  “Cresi still has the northern corridor-”
     Jake pursed his lips with a grunt.  “But we control the flow both through Michigan and Wisconsin at this point.  Unless Cresi wants to fly his stock direct into Chicago, he’s gonna have to find another way.  I hear the Boundary Waters are looking to get roads soon, but you can canoe it across for now.”
      Bell sat back in his chair.  His olive skin smeared with dirt and grime from the drive made his sharp features look severe.  His black eyes were calculating his next words as Jake folded his arms across his chest.  The poisoned air that lingered between them was sharp and acrid.  The man’s face broke with a smirk.
      “I thank you for the distraction today, gentlemen,”  he said, his thick voice smooth as he stood slowly.  “Jake, the day’s been interesting.  I look forward to seeing you on the road again.  That is, if the Engineer survives.  Perhaps if he does, he’ll keep those pretty piano playing fingers.”
     The air evaporated as the man’s face turned darker.  Josh’s hand came out onto Jake’s chest, pinning him into place as the man started to laugh at them.  His brain fuzzed over, immediately jumping to home - to family, to Cora.  He felt his jaw spasm with fury.
     “Hmm,  I saw that little one that has you wrapped around her pussy, Jake.  Perhaps I can take her for myself,”  Bell cooed as he stood up.  “She looks fun.  Not nearly as glamorous as Bea, but sure is pretty.”
     “Jake, stop,”  Josh said sharply, applying more pressure to his chest.
     The man licked at his lips as he walked backwards towards the door.  “Next time, Jake.  I’ll have you.  You won’t survive.  Seems like I’ll rather enjoy the spoils.”
     Jake lunged forward, but Josh yanked him back with a grunt.  They both stood, watching as the viper walked from the cafe, his laughter catching the wind.  As soon as he was out of sight, Jake turned towards the back entrance.  Josh grabbed the sandwiches from the waitress and shed a double sawbuck on the table for her.  Johnny had the Moon fueled and ready for Jake.  He barely registered anything as he pulled from the garage and raced back through town towards Kingsford.
     “No matter what, Jake, whatever has been done, it’s already finished,”  Josh said, his voice void of emotion.  “No matter what we roll into, we take it.  Do you understand?  This is part of their play on us.  What will be important is how we react.”
      Jake drove as fast as the Moon would allow.  Josh clung to the seat and door in an effort to keep from being thrown from the rig, but made no sound of complaint.  The shared tension was enough to make him feel ill.  If they had gotten to Samuel, it would be all out blood - no matter what else happened.  Jake knew it was a bait tactic that Bell had utilized in an attempt to drag him under - the same stark scenario that Josh had put Beatrice into to show her disloyalty.  He was still the damn whore in the middle, but this time, Josh would be the target and there would be peripheral casualties.
     The thought that Bell had to have been in the Lantern, watching them made him ill.  The question was when the bastard had been there and how long had he resided under their noses.  He gagged on the words he used for Cora.  Each syllable made him want to burn the world down.  Jake punched the dash, splitting his knuckles but not caring.  A string of curses erupted at the thought of absolutely leaving the family wide open to those fucks that would have no qualms of skinning every single one of them alive.  He could only hope that the damage was not beyond repair.  
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Chapter Twenty Pt. 5: Cora
     She took one last look in the mirror before slipping out of Jacob’s room and down the stairs.  Mrs. Woods was cleaning up the foyer.  The woman’s tall frame did not betray the grimness that held sway in her eyes.  Cora moved around her.  Both of her hands ghosted across her back in support and gratitude.  The gore that had splashed around made her stomach tighten for what she was to do next - head to the Lantern like nothing had happened.  Pretend that Daniel was not half dead on the sofa in the parlor and Samuel wasn’t fighting for his life in the kitchen while Doc carved and extracted seven bullets from the man’s lanky frame.  Molly had passed out from her own wounds and grief as she watched over her husband.  
     “I’ll have Marcus send over a few hands to stand guard,”  she whispered as her hand came down on the door to make her way out into the evening.
     The chaos that had eschewed over the previous few hours was long from settled.  Joshua and Jacob were still missing.  Cora had just returned to the Kiszka household to finish up after closing up the shops, Tiger and the bank for the day when the squealing tires of the Kissel disturbed the quiet of the house.  She had called for Doctor Boone while trying to get a nearly unconscious Daniel into the parlor.  The events that caused the injuries were still vague.  When she offered to call for the sheriff, both Molly and Samuel flew into hysterics.  Instead, when the doctor arrived with bag in hand and no assistance, she stepped to the side.  No one was manning the Lantern.  That was supposed to be Samuel’s job.  That was how she found herself upstairs dressing for the evening in the speakeasy.  
      Passing through the dancehall, she waved at Mr. Curtis, the manager, to ensure that he saw her before ducking down into the employee hall.  Marcus greeted her with a smile.
      “Marcus,”  she whispered as the day began to catch up with her.  “There’s been an incident.”
      Quietly, she explained that there had been an attack.  That Samuel and Daniel were seriously hurt.  That Molly was also harmed.  She stumbled across Susannah, unable to form the words but somehow conveyed the meaning.  The man’s expression made her feel all the worse.  The slow, sure support of a delicate touch on her arm was enough to convey his emotions.  However, looking into his grizzled features, Cora found her friend genuinely concerned.
      “I will go-”
      “I want you by my side, Marcus,”  she said quietly.  “I’m going to need you close.  Rearrange your crew accordingly.”
     The music was far too loud.  Cora made her way to the table as the sparse patronage carried on in their joy.  She was thankful that it was Wednesday and not at the end of the week, when the crowd would be rowdier, when it would be expected that the entire family were seen to celebrate whatever pittance anyone had to share.  Instead, Marcus returned to her side with two glasses of wine and a small plate of crusty bread, cheese and olives.  He grinned as he took a small jar from his pocket.
      “I sent over two hands to watch the house.  Henry is on your porch,”  he said, taking the small spoon to scoop a tiny bit of the jam and place it on the bread.  “I’ve put two men on the employee entrance and doubled security inside here.        “I want you to at least try this - it’s mine, from my garden,”  he said as he would to his child.
      Cora grinned at him.  Her soft spot for Marcus grew each day she was able to interact with the man.  She knew he was supposed to be the ‘tough guy’ but the friendship he offered was genuine and from a place of love.  Taking a bite, her mouth exploded in flavors of tomato, basil, onion, garlic…  It was like a thick sauce, but in jam form.  She felt her eyes shut just so she could savor it all the more.
      “My tomato jam,”  he smiled as he fixed her another piece.  “And I pulled this mozzarella this morning.”
      Cora groaned.  “You spoil me, Marcus.  Lord, this is good.”
      They sat like two old friends, visiting, drinking and eating, all the while both knew the longer the absence, the more dire the situation.  Marcus allowed her to lean on him when her doubts would encroach and threaten to overwhelm.  He made it easy to stay in character, exuding a warmth and happiness that the Lantern called its leaders to exhibit.  Her heart longed for Jacob’s return to her, unscathed.  
     The crowd began to fade early, typical for a Wednesday.  Marcus regularly made the rounds, speaking to the security team.  The underlying tension she felt began to wane as the hour rounded eleven.  Her eyes snapped to the employee door, watching as Joshua entered the Lantern, followed by Jacob.  She blew out a few breaths of relief as the two men greeted patrons as they moved along.  Their easy body language not giving away the scene she was sure they had found in their home.
     “Marcus,”  Jacob said with a nod, “been here all night?”
     “Sir,”  Marcus said, immediately standing up.  “Yes.  Miss Cora asked me to stay.”
     “Seems she’s made a lot of good choices tonight,”  Joshua remarked, pouring himself a glass of wine.  “You have given her good counsel.  I appreciate it.  I would also appreciate it for you to watch over us tonight.  You get me?”
     Cora watched as Marcus drew himself up, it was almost like watching him morph into another being.  The softness of his smile and kindness in his eyes disappeared.  There was an edge that was dangerous and sharp that sent shivers through her.  Silently, the man headed for the door.  Anyone he passed seemed to bend out of the way to make room for the sudden dark that loomed in their midst.
     Jacob pulled a chair close to her as Joshua moved towards the bar.  He leaned in, placing an arm on the back of her hair so as to be able to speak against her ear.
      “You will stay with me tonight.  I can’t have you far from me,”  he whispered, his tone firm.  
     The hardness in his eyes may not have been directed towards her, but exuded more of a remnant of the day.  Her gaze caught sight of his hand, bruised with open cuts across the knuckles.  He grinned sadly as she inspected the wounds. 
     “I was afraid they had gotten to you,”  he whispered, his lips brushing against her ear.  “I thought we’d get here only to find my world was gone.”
     “Samuel is going to be in a rough space,”  she said, trying to withhold her emotions.  “How is Molly?”
     “She is resting.  So is Danny.  Sam was still on the kitchen table when we got in,”  he said as Joshua set down three shots of whiskey.  He immediately grabbed one and drank it down.  He puffed out his cheeks as Josh took his spot on the other side of the table.  They clinked glasses before drinking down the next round.  “Fuckers.”
      Cora felt the heat of his anger and the roiling of his fear.  The storm that was forming just beneath his skin was darker, more primitive than anything she had seen.  There were tendrils of the past that were lapping at his mind.  He kept one hand touching her at all times, like he needed to feel something real.
      One in the morning found the three walking towards the Kiszka home.  Josh trusted the bartenders to wrap up the few couples that were still enjoying the singular piano player.  The lower level was lit with warm light that hid the turmoil that had been within its walls only hours before.  Jake held her tight, refusing to let her go as they passed through the door.  He did not even stop when Josh offered them a nightcap, proceeding up the stairs to his room.  He backed her up against the closed door with a searing kiss that kept them connected until her lungs burned for air.  He waited until she caught her breath before leaning back in with another deep kiss that seared her core.
     He trailed a fingertip down her jawline as he pressed their foreheads together.  His breath was wavelike against her own as he returned over and over again to her mouth, dragging her along.  Quietly, they undressed to just their undergarments.  He held the sheets back for her to slide in and he crawled in beside her.  The warmth of his body lulled her immediately into a peace that made her want to cry.  
      “We have a lot we need to talk about,”  she whispered against his skin.
      He tightened his hold on her as he placed kisses against her hair.  “Words are not what I need right now, Finch.  I need this.”
      “Just knowing that you are safe, in this moment, here with me.”
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I can’t.  Just sorry.  Hang in there. 
I do have a tag list - you can find it here
@lvnterninthenight @doodle417 @luverleaver @jakesgrapejuice @fictional-duchess @whitesuitjake @milkgemini @positivegvfthings @songbirds-sweet @streamingcolors-gvf @gretavanbitches @samsurfgreenbass @gardensgatedaisy @babyhoneygvfarchive @myownparadise96 @josh-iamyour-mama @starcatchercarol @loveisonaroll @jakesstarlight @reesetrippingthelight @builtby-gvf @ignite-my-fire @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @wetkleenex-gvf @gold-mines-melting @starsasone @puzzle-gvf @mysticalstarcatcher @montenegroisr @takenbythemadness @way-to-go-lad @cal-a-bungaa @lightmylove-gvf @thewritingbeforesunrise @leftjudgeempathsuitcase @brokenbells11 @imborrowedshesblue @vanfleeter @sammysvanfeet @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @jaketlove @redsierra1960 @gvfmarge @becinabubblegvf @wildbluesorbit @sinarainbows
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sharraus · 1 year
Tag: Last Line
Thanks to @magic-is-something-we-create and @zmwrites for the tag!
Excerpt from Secret Dreams draft 1.3, chapter 2:
“Are you alright?” Cora asked, her irate expression giving way to confusion and some concern. Marisol shook her head, unable to get the words out of her throat.  Cora moved at once, reaching out to guide Marisol down onto the bench. Her fingers brushed Marisol’s sleeve and Marisol recoiled. “Don’t,” she wheezed out. “Don’t touch me. Please.” She sank onto the bench herself, drawing deep breaths into her chest. Cora held up her hands, keeping a little distance between them. “What was that? Do you need anything?” Marisol shook her head again. She held a palm to her chest as if it could steady her heart.
gonna tag: @moonscribbler @hyba @pen-of-roses @the-finch-address @ceph-the-ghost-writer and @serpentarii
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julietianboy · 2 years
name suggestions
for: @coupdefoudrx
i tried to combine multiple parts of your request, so i hope this is enough! sorry this took so long
also some of the names listed are more of a surname option? it's not hard to tell which tho, but i hope that's okay
# academia & vintage:
- elizabeth, bridget, biddie, bobbie, camille, eloise, ophelia, alice, charlie, august, theodosia, thea, penelope, margaret, eleanor, cora, maggie
- will, adelaide, ada, evangeline, angelica, stella, josephine, phoebe, grace, seraphina, jade, ella, eli, jack, asher, soot, sylvan, wilde
# fairytale & nature:
- kitty, aurora, birdie, daphne, fern, briar, hazel, violet, oliver, olivia, clementine, rose, lily, dawn, solange, soleil, sol, jasmin, molly, daisy, summer, phoenix, swan, owl, sparrow, ari, ariel, hare, raven
- robin, florence, flora, flor, faun, fox, dove, pixie, princess, prince, pan, hill, wolf, wolfgang, bunny, holly, wren, finch, deryn, crow, lark, kestrel, avis, starling
# sea & water:
- dylan, evelyn, maria, marina, caspian, cordelia, river, brook, storm, rain, raine, dew, tide, shell, pisces, aquarius, aqua, aquamarina, blue, minnow, lake, nile, beckett, beck, hudson, remington
- jennifer, jenna, wade, rio, doris, douglas, irving, cove, jordan, coral, reef, monroe, fisher, bay, lynn, rayan, delta, ondine, sereia
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