#cool cool fun I'm kinning with post resurrection Mary
jyou-no-sonoko19 · 2 years
@lascylla I’m going to answer these in a post, else I’ll go mad trying XD A few of these things I’ve put in AfM, naturally, but I’m going to go by memory to answer these, and hope my brain is in good enough shape...
Do you have thoughts about Mary's resurrection by Lilith? We see her wandering into the café, all lost and confused, but where di she come from? Presumably Lilith didn't just remake her out of nothing. So, did she claw her way out of a grave somewhere? Or awaken at the bottom of a lake? None of that seems right, given that she's not dirty or wet, or dishevelled in any way when we first see her again. So perhaps Lilith did simply snap her fingers and make a new Mary.
 So, we know that canonically witches can bring back mortals from death, as long as you have a body (or, if you’re Sabrina, body-adjacent possessions, meaning that the body had to dig itself up). No matter how they died, for instance, being crushed in a mine cave-in, their bodies can be restored, and if you do it right, their souls will go back where they belong. (There’s also the fact that Lilith was part of resurrecting Tommy Kinkle, adding her powers to the ritual from the shadows where the kids couldn’t see.)
Because it’s by all accounts clear that Mary’s body was left intact after death, Lilith would have had to do something with it. I doubt she would have eaten it (she seems only partial to man-meat, for understandable reasons), so she would know where she put it, be able to fetch it, and refurbish it before putting a soul back in it. 
If she cremated it, then getting Mary back would be a greater feat. Except that she is, at that point, Queen of Hell, and with that comes the power over the lives and deaths of mortals. She can transfer a soul from Hell to Heaven with a flick of the wrist (ref 3.1), so between those abilities and the regular abilities of any witch with suitable experience, bringing back a fully functioning Mary wouldn’t be too much of a chore.
The trouble was, of course, she didn’t have all that much interest in Mary’s sanity (and was, understandably, a bit power-drunk at the time), so she didn’t put all that much effort into fixing Mary’s mental faculties, wiping it of hell trauma etc. I mean, Sabrina gets what she claims she wants, and it’s pretty clear Sabrina only has a passing interest in Mary’s health anyway. 
In those moments at the end of chapter 2, when Lilith is the new "Queen of Hell," she seems to have powers that we never see again (restoring Sabrina's magic, making a Mary). Simply toppling Lucifer doesn't automatically grant her additional power, as we see in chapter 3. 
Early on, the show made it pretty clear that Lilith, the literal First Witch, has immense power. They just kind of... neutralise her as is convenient. (s4 is the worst offender of all, though that’s a rant for another day) The only time you really get the sense that she’s out-matched is against Lucifer, and a great deal of that can be down to terror of her abuser. 
I do think that the power of Hell Monarch allows her a magical boost, just like Sabrina gets from being the Dark Lord’s Sword. But I also think that she’s feeling more confident in reaching into her own abilities at that point. It’s something of a healing that she’s doing there, to Sabrina, and she’s canonically an amazing healer, able to heal an extremely injured angel, injured either by his peers or God himself.
Part 3 is a weird one, because it’s clear Lilith has given the coven a certain amount of support, since Zelda calls herself the High Priestess of the Church of Lilith (for 5 minutes), and one can assume she granted the sort of boons they would expect. I think there was a bit of stuff on the chopping room floor, because there’s one scene where Minion tells Lilith that the Kings are coming to bother her again and she says something about being tired of having to prove her power to them, ie. she’s magically (or even physically) dealt with them multiple times, without too much trouble. (So now they’ve gone to build themselves a Clay Champion, because they’re sick of getting their own faces torn off)
Lilith had her own powers from early on, she didn’t get it from Lucifer, never signed his Book or whatever -- and I’m leaving s4 out of this because there’s waaay too much inconsistency with 1-3 to see it as anything but apocryphal -- so he couldn’t take her power. The thing that makes her leave is fear. 
If you’re referring to the bit where the demons say that everything is out of whack because Lilith isn’t a Morningstar, etc, I really do think that was more a manipulation tactic, to try wear her down. The only unrest in Hell is the fact that these misogynists are refusing to accept her, because they’ll always see her as beneath them, no matter how many times she fights them off. So they have to come up with some kind of vague, quasi-existential reason that she should just step down. If shit gets weird in the underworld, well, there’s any number of reasons why that might be (and I could posit in my right mind), but for their convenience, they point the finger at Lilith. She’s not buying it for a moment, obviously, but she sees the shaky ground for the multiple attempted coupes that it is, so tries to get strategic with Sabrina at her side. (mutter grumble missed opportunity etc etc)
So... my mind is begging me for caffeine, I hope this makes sense, and I’m more than happy to return to the conversation with a more solid grip on thought!
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