mapsontheweb · 10 months
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Map of Scandinavian regions with vowel nasality.
by u/Coedwig
Vowel nasality existed in Old Norse, both with adjacent nasal consonants, but also with nasal consonants that were lost, but present in Proto-Norse or Proto-Germanic, (such as gás < PGmc *gans ’goose’). This map shows the regions of Scandinavia that are traditionally described as having nasal vowels.
The orange areas have secondary vowel nasality, i.e. where a nasal consonant existed in Old Norse (e.g. Selbu hõ (<ON hon ’she’). The red areas also have secondary vowel nasality, but have also inherited the Old Norse vowel nasality, such as Elfdalian gą̊s.
Some important villages are marked on the map: Vikvarvet, which has preserved the nasal vowels the most in Selbu; Skattungbyn, which has primary vowel nasality as well as a wider range of nasal vowels; as well as Venjan in Mora which is the only village in its municipality to have nasal vowels.
Today, nasal vowels have disappeared in Venjan and probably in Orsa, but is preserved in Älvdalen and perhaps among older people in Selbu.
Boëthius, Johannes (1918). Orsamålet. 1, Ljudlära. Diss. Uppsala : univ.
Haugen, Einar (ed.) (1950). ”First grammatical treatise: The earliest Germanic phonology” Language, Vol. 26, No. 4, Language Monograph No. 25.
Noreen, Adolf (1886). ”De nordiska språkens nasalerade vokaler”. Arkiv för nordisk filologi. III, pp. 1–41.
Røset, Ingulv (2011). Selbumålet. Novus.
Steensland, Lars (2011). ”Parasitisk (oetymologisk) nasalisering i älvdalskan” Oðer råðstemną um övdalskų. pp. 116–126
Åkerberg, Bengt (2012). Älvdalsk grammatik, Mora: Ulum dalska
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pious-fr · 9 months
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okay so i didn't originally care about scenes but I NOW CARE ABOUT THEM A LOT
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artfight 2023 for @slightly-enraged-biscuit of their character eira <3
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Ffrwyth coedwig
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hazel-of-sodor · 1 year
A Screech in the Night
Ch.8 Shatter
Warning:This Chapter contains an Eldritch Horrror doing Eldritch Horror Things. The Events are not cruicial to latter chapters, so you can skip it if need be.
Other Chapters
The following days saw Screech settle into a routine. Early in the morning, Geyn would steam her, Freda joining him shortly thereafter. Her dawns were spent racing along with the Morning Pike. After the morning run, she brought the previous day's fish vans back to Uman. Then she would make the quarry pickups along the line. After Gwyn and Freda ate lunch, her days varied based on what was needed that particular day.
Nearly a week after her arrival, she was sent up a branchline near Coedwig to collect a mixed goods for the harbour. The Branchline was named the Blaidd line after the engine that ran it. A small 2-4-0 metro tank of Cambrian design, she was nearly as old as the railway itself.
When Screech arrived, Blaidd was attaching the last vans to the train. The little engine ran back alongside the eldritch giant.
"Mind yourself with this lot lass. They're proper devils today," the tank engine spat. The trucks and vans giggled.
"It can't be as bad as October," Gywn called as he walked to the switch to let Screech through.
"Worse," the 2-4-0 groused, "they've heard of the big lass from the other yards, and are determined to show her up." She glanced up. "They'll fight you all the way to Dyfnder if you let them. You need to put them in place now or there will be uffern to pay on the hills.
Before Screech could respond, an empty truck from the sidings called out. "Oi boys, look what crawled out of the scrap heap!" The trucks and vans in her train cackled.
"Show him his place," hissed the whisper.
"Oh look, a talking matchbox." Screech drawled, "did they run out of toothpicks when building you? Or did they know you weren't worth the wood?"
Her train roared with laughter.
The truck seethed, "A sight better than you monster. Not even fit for scrap metal." He smirked, "unlike your sisters. I heard they made soup cans out of them."
Screech went very still. All sound seemed to vanish, the wagons in her train daring not to breathe. Even the whisper fell silent within her mind.
"Blaidd?" Screech asked quietly, the sound echoing back in the silence from a thousand angles. "Are you in any way attached to this beast?"
Blaidd shook her head nervously.
The sky darkened as Screech stretched her tendrils towards the truck. The temperature dropped drastically, the water dripping from the shed roof freezing in place mid-air. 
Despite the unnatural silence, a ringing seemed to fill everyone's ears. In the dark, Screech's eyes glowed, and the trucks looked away as quickly as they could, instinctively knowing that to look within them would shred their minds like paper in a gale. The air around Screech distorted and refracted her image, but the lone truck somehow knew the terrible glimpses he saw through the shards were closer to the true Eldritch form of the 47xx.
Even before the tendrils touched him, the truck rose into the air, vibrating from some unseen energy. He cried out as the sound of splintering wood and straining metal was heard. Everyone in the yard shied back as the shriek of metal overwhelmed his cries. The tendrils surrounded the truck like serpents made of shadow. It had only been seconds, but it had felt like hours when his eyes finally met Screech's.
As he felt his mind tear from the strain of glimpsing her true self, a tendril finally, almost tenderly poked a corner of his chassis.
The silence was ended by the shattering of wood and metal into thousands of infinitesimal pieces. One second the truck was there, the next, nearly imperceptible pieces of metal and wood rained down on the forest and yard.
Screech closed her eyes and took a deep steadying breath. When they opened again, they were a burning ice blue.
"I expect," she said shortly, "that we will have no problems on our journey?"
Everyone in the yard, freight car and human, nodded frantically.
"Wonderful." Her tone remained clipped, hinting at her still simmering anger.
"Uh… Screech..."
The ice blue eyes swung to Blaidd, only to find the small tank engine off the rails. The track next to Screech had warped from mere proximity to her rage. Blaidd had been left tilting on the edge of the ballast.
Screech slapped the rails with a tendril, and the rails snapped back into place. She then reached out with several tendrils and gripped the tank engine's frames, lifting gently.
She brought Blaidd in front of her to inspect her for damage, and finding none, gently set her back on her own rails.
"Thank you." Blaidd watched the tendrils curiously as they retracted. 
 "Normally anything they touch turns to rust, how do you control that?"
"Who says I do?"
"The fact you picked me up without turning me to scrap."
Screech barked a dry, but genuine laugh. "Through pain. I'm not meant to be in this world, so it damages anything that touches me. If I desire, I can protect the object..."
"By taking the damage yourself."
Blaidd was quiet for a long moment, "You didn't have to help you know. We have a breakdown train that could have picked me up."
Screech flicked a tendril carelessly as if shrugging. "It was my fury that put you there when you had done nothing deserving my rage. Putting you back was only correct."
Blaise frowned, "but it hurt you."
Screech snorted dryly, "hardly any more than existing."
Blaise looked at her sharply, "You're in pain just from being here?"
"Such is the price of my existence."
Blaidd looked searching then sighed, "there's nothing we can do to help, is there?"
"Unless you can reverse death? No. I would not ask even if you were capable of such a feat. This is what I am now. To change that would change me."
The tank engine nodded slowly, "I think I understand. I wouldn't ask to become a diesel even if it kept me up to date."
The Tank engine glanced over at the trembling trucks in Screech's train and smirked, "Any chance I can convince you to come down every once and awhile to keep this lot in line?"
"It would be my pleasure." 4702 purred while the whisper cackled.
The trucks gulped audibly.
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rebuiltproject · 1 year
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Nível Híbrido/ Hybrid
Classe Adulto (Adult-Class)/ Perfeito (Perfect-Class)
Atributo Variável
Tipo Fada
Campo Tropa da Selva (JT)/ Guardião dos Ventos (WG)/ Espíritos da Natureza (NSp)
Significado do Nome Saeth, flecha em Galês.
Este fantástico Digimon nasceu nos tempos antigos, resultado da fatídica batalha entre os Dez Guerreiros Lendários e Lucemon. Quando a vida voltou a nascer e o solo até então infertil do Mundo Digital voltou a florescer, em meio a nova vegetação surgiu o artefato que deu origem a Guerreira da Relva.
Nascida do tal artefato, o Espírito da Relva, Saethmon é conhecida como a Guardiã dos Campos, vista por muitos como uma divindade da natureza e a protetora da flora do Mundo Digital.
Dotada de extrema magia, essa criatura domina a chamada Feitiçaria do Vento, um dos poderes primordiais das terras de Witchelny, o qual é um dos pilares que equilibra e trás vida a tal mundo.
Os cabelos Dourados e cintilantes de Saethmon possuem propriedades curiosas, são capazes de dar vida a solos inferteis, curar ferimentos graves e até mesmo se tornarem armas para combate. Cada fio, embora sedoso e macio, pode se tornar rígido e afiado como uma lança, capaz de perfurar até a mais solida armadura sem dificuldade, além de poder crescer indiscriminadamente e de forma muito rápida, como raízes mágicas.
Sua personalidade é bondosa e protetora, o que contrasta com seu impetuoso espírito de luta variando entre golpes físicos graciosos e sua extrema habilidade com seu arco Gwraidd e sua flecha Glaswellt, artefatos criados por sua magia e influência sobre a natureza.
Glaswellt - dispara sua flecha banhada em energia contra o inimigo;
Ergyd Wyllt (Conflito Selvagem) - realizando movimentos graciosos desfere poderosos golpes com seu arco Gwraidd;
Ysbryd Coedwig (Espírito da Floresta) - faz florescer poderosos ramos e raízes do solo;
Ffotosynthesis - seus cabelos crescem como raízes mágicas, sendo usado tanto como forma de ataque quanto como um mecanismo de defesa.
Informaçoes Adicionais
Espírito Humano da Relva
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É um artefato antigo com sua origem atrelada à Guerra entre Lucemon e os Dez Guerreiros Lendários, originado a partir dos dados de muitos Digimons que lutaram a favor dos Guerreiros e morreram com o sentimento de dever cumprido e paz em seus corações. 
Através do Espírito Humano da Relva, o utilizador é capaz de evoluir para Saethmon, sendo capaz de controlar a Magia da Natureza e a linguagem de programação avançada da Feitiçaria do Vento de Witchelny.
Artista Caio Balbino
Digidex Aventura Virtual
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luthcleavingway · 8 months
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The leader of The Blades of Luxnedarc or the Luxendarc Pirates, Luther Coedwig. A Sea Wolf Roegadyn pirate who also runs a baked goods shop. Luther is well known to be either a fearsome pirate captain or a himbo sellsword. It's usually both. Once was a more silent reserved pirate who only obeyed his captains, now more confident, roaming the world unshackled and sails by his own rules.
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When he isn't out on the seas seeking adventure or running his shop, he's a goofball nerd who enjoys cosplaying and making his crew do the same.
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Even a fearsome pirate needs a hobby, am I right?
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blueboxbeagleart · 10 months
The Granger Family / The Lost Branch of The Black Family
Bellatrix Pegasus Black XV is the squib daughter of Pollux Betelgeuse Black XIII. She and her twin brother Cygnus were born in 1928. After the Black family threw her out for being a squib, she changed her name to Beatrice Pegasus Granger. Her best friend was a muggle named Hubert Hugh Hughes, who taught her about the muggle world. She taught Hugo about magic and royalty. Several years later she started going by her middle name, Pegasus.
They fell in love, got married, and Hugo took Pegasus’s last name. Pegasus and Hugo became mages and wanted to live in the wizarding world, but mages were illegal preventing them from living normal life. Their anger at this injustice led them to robbing the Ministry of Magic several times.
After Pegasus’ older sister, Walburga, attempted to murder Pegasus and Hugo, they returned to the muggle world. They moved back to Hugo’s birth town of Pentref Coedwig (Welsh for Forest Village) in North Wales.
The only one of Pegasus’ siblings who didn’t disown her was her younger brother Alphard. Alphard did not believe in blood supremacy and was hiding his marriage to Minerva McGonagall from most of his family. Pegasus and Hugo allowed Alphard and Minerva to build a semi-independent flat in their attic. Minerva lived there during the summer and Alphard to keep their marriage hidden bounced between different relatives’ houses.
After moving back to Pentref Coedwig, Pegasus and Hugo had three sons: Antigonus in 1959, Florizel in 1961, and Dogberry in 1963. Pegasus and Hugo told their sons about magic and when they turned eleven started teaching them how to use enchanted items and brew potions.
When Florizel was fourteen he was injured and while recovering he developed an interest in healing. He sought to have dual training in both muggle medical school and as a wizarding healer apprentice. He decided dentistry was the most interesting medical profession.
A year or so later, Alphard broke ties with most of his family and permanently moved in with Pegasus and Hugo.
While Antigonus was dating Elen Awbrey, they decided to set Florizel up with her cousin Jean Awbrey, who was also interested in becoming a dentist. Florizel and Jean hit it off and started dating. They made plans to attend the same university so they would stay together in college.
The spring before they started college, Jean discovered that she was pregnant. Florizel and Jean married in the summer. In September 1979, Jean delivered her daughter, Hermione. Pegasus, Hugo, Alphard, and Minerva offered to help raise her so Florizel and Jean could stay in university. Florizel and Jean named Alphard and Minerva as Hermione’s godparents.
Antigonus and Elen married. Their first son, Dromio was born in 1982. Both Florizel and Antigonus decided that not telling their wives about magic was the best idea. Their primary reasons for not explaining the wizarding world were the civil war, the fact that their parents were legendary criminals, and that their first cousin, Bellatrix was murdering any relatives she deemed un-pure. 
Florizel studied magical healing during summers between college. After finishing medical school, Florizel and Jean set up a dentistry clinic in the city of Bangor in North Wales. Hermione now lived mostly with her parents but still stayed with her grandparents for part of the summer. In October 1985, Florizel and Jean’s second daughter, Hero, was born. 
Antigonus and Elen’s second son, Lysander, was born in 1986. Four years later, Elen died after several months of battling illness. Grief-stricken, Antigonus moved to France. 
In November 1990, Florizel and Jean’s son, Horatio, was born.
When Hermione received her Hogwarts letter, she didn’t know anything about magic or her family’s connections to the magical world. 
Minerva told about magic and the wizarding world; however, she didn’t mention the Granger family ties to the magical world. Additionally, Minerva explained that she is also a witch, but Hermione should not tell anyone, especially Florizel, Jean, and the rest of her family and friends. Minerva also informs Hermione that she is a professor at Hogwarts and it would be best if they pretended not to know each other.
Dromio, in France, received his Beauxbatons letter two yearslater. While at Beauxbatons, was bullied by the other students for being both British and being the smartest in his year.
Hero and Horatio were staying with Pegasus and Hugo in 1997 when Hermione modified their parents’ memories. Hermione wrote some letters to the rest of her family claiming that Florizel and Jean were working for Doctors Without Borders in Africa and that she was in a foreign exchange program in America. Lysander received his Beauxbatons letter that summer. Hero would have gotten her Hogwarts letter, but Snape’s Hogwarts didn’t admit muggle-borns. 
Alphard got Hero a wand from a French wand-maker and her family started to teach her basic spells. While at Beauxbatons, Lysander became friends with Gabrielle Delacour. 
Around November, Florizel and Jean got their memories back and returned to Great Britain. Florizel started helping his family fight in the war but still refrained from telling Jean anything. The turmoil from moving back into their house and reestablishing their dentistry clinic meant that Hero and Horatio were still living with their grandparents. Florizel believed they were safer with Pegasus and Hugo, anyway.
In March 1998, the Death Eaters launched an attack on Beauxbatons. Dromio broke from his class during the evacuation to warn Lysander and Gabrielle who were studying in an empty room. Dromio retrieved them but couldn’t rejoin the other students before Bellatrix cornered them. She injured all three kids before the teachers rescued them. Dromio had the worst injuries, Gabrielle had the least severe injuries.
The school believed that the primary targets of the attack were Dromio and Lysander and that the best way to protect the rest of the students was to expel them. Antigonus and his sons moved back to Wales and lived with Pegasus and Hugo.
Pegasus, Hugo, Alphard, Antigonus, Florizel, and Dogberry all fought at the battle of Hogwarts.
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a city by the sea - Mordwig
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Mor comes from the Welsh word môr, meaning sea
Dwig comes from the Welsh coedwig, meaning forest
The village of Mordwig stands in between Forest and Ocean, building, loving and dying in between Insatiable Voracity and Ininite Patience
would you risk living in the In Between?
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pontiobangor · 1 year
AT EICH COED / TREE SENSE yn egino yng ngofodau cyhoeddus Pontio, Bangor y gwanwyn hwn
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Rydym yn falch o gyhoeddi arddangosfa amlddisgyblaethol AT EICH COED / TREE SENSE sy’n archwilio perthynas coed â phobl, bywyd gwyllt a’r amgylchedd ehangach yng ngofodau cyhoeddus Pontio, wedi ei gydlynu gan Pontio ar y cyd â Phrifysgol Bangor a Chanolfan Ecoleg a Hydroleg y DU o fis Mawrth tan fis Mai.
Daw AT EICH COED / TREE SENSE â Pontio a staff ac adrannau Prifysgol Bangor ynghyd, gan dynnu ar arbenigedd academyddion Prifysgol Bangor fel un o brif canolfannau ymchwil ac addysg y DU ar goed, eu cadwraeth a’u gofal. Yn ogystal bydd artistiaid preswyl a chomisiynau yn rhan o’r prosiect fydd yn plethu celf a gwyddoniaeth i gyfleu safbwyntiau amrywiol ar goed drwy amrywiaeth o osodiadau creadigol, gweithdai, sgyrsiau a pherfformiadau.
Bydd yr arddangosfa yn gwahodd ymwelwyr i ystyried coed, megis eu ffurf a’u hamrywiaeth, manteision iechyd coed, eu cyfraniad at ymdeimlad o le, sut y gallent liniaru newid hinsawdd, effeithiau newid hinsawdd arnynt, a sut mae pobl wedi defnyddio coed drwy gydol ein hanes.
Dywedodd Manon Awst, Cydlynydd Creadigol Gofodau Cyhoeddus Celfyddydau Pontio,
“Mae wedi bod yn bleser cydweithio efo'r artistiaid a holl adrannau gwahanol y Brifysgol ar y prosiect yma. Mae'r amrywiaeth o ran ffurf a chynnwys yn siwr o apelio at gynulleidfa eang, a dwi'n edrych ymlaen i bobl weld ffrwyth ein llafur."
Dywedodd John Healy, Athro Gwyddorau Coedwig ym Mhrifysgol Bangor sy’n rhan o’r grŵp arweiniol,
“Yn yr arddangosfa, rydym yn dathlu rôl coed yn ein bywydau o bob safbwynt, o wyddorau coedwigaeth a chadwraeth, i feysydd iechyd a lles, ac i hanes a’r celfyddydau.
Coed sy’n ffurfio strwythur y cynefinoedd a geir mewn coedwigoedd, sef y mannau â’r fioamrywiaeth fwyaf ar y ddaear. Coed fu’r llwyfan ar gyfer hanes esblygiadol primatiaid, ac maent wedi chwarae rhan allweddol yn natblygiad gwareiddiad. Maen nhw’n darparu ar ein cyfer ddeunydd adnewyddadwy ar gyfer lloches, gan gloi carbon yn strwythur pren ein cartrefi a’n ddodrefn. Prifysgol Bangor yw prif ganolfan y Deyrnas Unedig ar gyfer ymchwil ac addysg ym maes coed, a’u cadwraeth a'u rheolaeth. ”  
Cafwyd galwad agored ar gyfer comisiynau ac artistiaid preswyl ar gyfer y prosiect a bydd y gweithiau i’w gweld yng ngofodau cyhoeddus Pontio. Bydd gwaith Anthony Ynohtna ‘Euler’ yn hongian ym mhrif atriwm Pontio, wedi ei greu o styllod pren sy’n ffurfio siâp helics sy’n ein hatgoffa o bresenoldeb a dylanwad dynol ym mhob elfen o’n hamgylchedd ni. Bydd y colectif creadigol Utopias Bach yn eich gwahodd i archwilio perthnasau personol a chymunedol y byd dynol a mwy-na-dynol yn ystod eu preswyliad. Mae’r artist, gof a strategydd sector yr amgylchedd Joe Roberts yn cyflwyno’r darn ‘Pobman ar unwaith a nunlle’n arbennig’ sef cerflun wedi’i selio ar y goeden Ywen olaf ar safle Eglwys Llanfair Garth Branan, yr Eglwys ganoloesol a eisteddai ar dir Prifysgol Bangor. Yn ystod preswyliad Molly Macleod, bydd yn archwilio’r Greddinen Menai prin, rhywogaeth sydd mewn perygl o ddiflannu, ac sydd ond i’w chanfod ar Safle o Ddiddordeb Gwyddonol Arbennig Nant Porth.
Mae’r cyfranwyr o Brifysgol Bangor yn cynnwys Amy Gresham a Heli Gittins (+ Coed Lleol) o’r Ysgol Gwyddorau Naturiol, Amy Monnereau a Lucy Finchett-Maddock o’r Ysgol Hanes, y Gyfraith a Gwyddorau Cymdeithas, Kathryn Davies o’r Ysgol Gwyddorau Eigion / Gardd Fotaneg Treborth, Catherine Walker a Kate Randell o’r Ganolfan Ecoleg a Hydroleg y DU a Caleb Nichols a Briony Collins, Lina Davitt, Judith Samuel, Sarah Pogoda, Zoë Skoulding o’r Ysgol Iaith, Diwylliant a’r Celfyddydau.
Bydd cyflwyniad arbennig ‘For Dom, Bruno & the Amazon’ hefyd, er cof am y newyddiadurwr Dom Phillips a’r arbenigwr brodorol Bruno Pereira gafodd eu llofruddio’r llynedd wrth iddynt ymchwilio yn yr Amazon.
Bydd yr arddangosfa yn agor Nos Wener 3ydd o Fawrth am 5.30pm, gyda lansiad yn cynnwys perfformiadau ynghyd â’r gwaith celf ac ymchwil. Bydd rhaglen o ddigwyddiadau wedi'u trefnu dros gyfnod yr arddangosfa, sy’n parhau tan ddiwedd mis Mai gan gynnwys gweithdai i blant, perfformiad barddonol a Noson Ciosg Celf. Ceir rhagor o wybodaeth am yr holl ddigwyddiadau yma: https://www.pontio.co.uk/online/article/AtEichCoed
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gundamcalibarney · 2 years
May I be so bold as to send two? Romeo and Juliet by Dire Straits and Coedwig ar Dân by Bwncath :)
Unfortunately neither one were really my thing, though Coedeig ar Dân did have a nice ballad vibe but it just didn't really Hit me.
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🇸🇪 Reciprocal Verbs and Abstract Nouns
Reciprocal Verbs
"You can add -s to verbs to give them a so called ”reciprocal meaning”, i.e. meaning ’each other’. So träffa is ”to meet”, whereas träffas is ”to meet each other”. So you are essentially saying ”[it was] nice to meet each other”.
This reciprocal -s is very common in verbs that have to do with fighting of some sort, e.g. boxas (to box), slåss (to fight), retas (to tease), but also kramas (to hug), kyssas (to kiss) etc." - Redditor Coedwig
Abstract (vs. Concrete) Nouns
will study forms like
abstract nouns: noun, singular adj, plural adj, adverb (noun, -lig, -liga, -ligt)
concrete nouns: indef singular (a/an foot), definite singular (the foot), definite plural (the feet, the oranges), indef plural (some feet)
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8. Onwy Gower Author, 'Llyfr Adar Mawr y Plant' Photographed by Matt Horwood
Tell us about yourself – how old are you and what do you do? I am 12 years old and I am in year 8.
What do you enjoy doing in your own time?  I enjoy listening to music and taking my dog, Ianto, for walks.
You’ve written a fantastic book called Llyfr Adar Mawr y Plant – what inspired you to write this book? And if you had to pick one bird, which one would be your favourite? What inspired me was my dad, who has been an author for 30+ years, but also the fact that nobody as young as I am had written, let alone published any book, nevertheless one about birds. My favourite bird would have to be the Pied Wagtail due to the fact that the way that they move fascinates me and is so adorable that I could watch them all day.
If you had to pick one thing, what are you most passionate about? Nature, from just taking a walk through the park to going birdwatching in a forest and waiting for as long as it takes to see some kind of new bird is such an exciting feeling for me, but it also calms me from the stresses of 2022.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? The undeserved judgement and scrutiny, so many people struggle because of one thing about themselves that can’t be changed.
Do you feel connected to nature and/or wildlife and if so, tell us a bit about when you first found an interest or felt connected. I’ve always loved and had a significant connection towards nature because I’ve always lived within close proximity to a beautiful park, but the connection sparked truly for the first time when I got my first pair of binoculars in 2016, which led to me writing ‘Llyfr Adar Mawr y Plant,’ and those 112 pages led to many wonderful opportunities for me to go outside and spend time within the hidden beauties of Wales. *** 8. Onwy Gower Awdures, 'Llyfr Adar Mawr y Plant'
Dywedwch wrthym amdanoch chi'ch hun – faint yw eich oed a beth ydych chi'n ei wneud? Rwy'n 12 oed ac ym mlwyddyn 8.
Beth ydych chi'n mwynhau ei wneud yn eich amser eich hun? Rwy'n mwynhau gwrando ar gerddoriaeth a mynd â'm ci, Ianto, am dro.
Rydych chi wedi ysgrifennu llyfr gwych o’r enw Llyfr Adar Mawr y Plant – beth wnaeth eich ysbrydoli i ysgrifennu’r llyfr hwn? A phe bai'n rhaid i chi ddewis un aderyn, pa un fyddai eich ffefryn? Yr hyn a’m hysbrydolodd oedd fy nhad, sydd wedi bod yn awdur ers 30+ mlynedd, ond hefyd y ffaith nad oedd neb mor ifanc â minnau wedi ysgrifennu, heb sôn am gyhoeddi unrhyw lyfr, serch hynny un am adar. Fy hoff aderyn fyddai'r Siglen Brith oherwydd bod y ffordd maen nhw'n symud yn fy swyno ac mor annwyl fel y gallwn i eu gwylio drwy'r dydd.
Pe bai'n rhaid i chi ddewis un peth, beth ydych chi'n angerddol amdano fwyaf? Mae natur, o fynd am dro drwy’r parc i fynd i wylio adar mewn coedwig ac aros cyhyd ag y mae’n ei gymryd i weld rhyw fath o aderyn newydd yn deimlad mor gyffrous i mi, ond mae hefyd yn fy dawelu rhag straen 2022.
Pe gallech chi newid un peth am y byd, beth fyddai hwnnw? Y crebwyll a’r craffu anhaeddiannol, mae cymaint o bobl yn cael trafferth oherwydd un peth amdanyn nhw eu hunain na ellir ei newid.
Ydych chi'n teimlo'n gysylltiedig â natur a/neu fywyd gwyllt ac os felly, dywedwch ychydig wrthym am pryd y daethoch o hyd i ddiddordeb gyntaf neu pan wnaethoch deimlo cysylltiad.Rwyf bob amser wedi caru ac wedi bod â chysylltiad arwyddocaol â byd natur oherwydd rwyf bob amser wedi byw yn agos at barc hardd, ond ysgogodd y cysylltiad yn wirioneddol am y tro cyntaf pan gefais fy ysbienddrych cyntaf yn 2016, a arweiniodd ataf yn ysgrifennu 'Llyfr Adar Mawr y Plant'. Arweiniodd yr 112 tudalen hynny at lawer o gyfleoedd gwych i mi fynd allan a threulio amser o fewn harddwch cudd Cymru.
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hello-from-avalon · 4 years
Coedwig neu Dôl
Mynoedd neu Traeth
Glaw neu Heulwen
Haf neu Gaeaf
Melys neu Hallt
Darllen neu Teledu
Nos neu Bore
Heicio neu Nofio
Sgrialu neu Sgïo
Coginio neu tacluso
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amazingworld-98 · 3 years
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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Cadair Idris is a mountain in the historic county of Meirionnydd, Wales. It is located at the southern tip of Snowdonia National Park, near the town of Dolgellau. 📸@jamesalroca #wales #amazingworld98 #cadairidris #europe #likeforlikes #mountain #meirionnydd #gales #southern #snowdonia #dolgellau #followforfollowback #paradaise #montañas #walestourism #forest #landscape #tranquilidad #mynydd #coedwig #oes #natur #cariad #senderismo #travel #gwyliau #harddwch #ffotograffiaeth #snowdonianationalpark #helo (en Cadair Idris) https://www.instagram.com/p/COfmHkoBQxU/?igshid=ituksn34i5jm
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hazel-of-sodor · 1 year
A Screech in the Night
Ch.7 Forget Me Not
Other Chapters
Once the express had cleared the block, the signal dropped and Screech set off with her load. Every few miles they would pull off the mainline into a passing siding to either allow another train to pass, or to pick up more trucks. Slowly slate and stone stretched out in front of her. The train grew from 10 trucks to nearly 40. The crew explained they normally had to make two trips to make all the collections, as the weight was too great for any of their engines. As the train grew, Screech had to work harder to restart the train every time they stopped.
She pulled into Din near 10 o'clock with heavy puffing, and clouds of smoke and steam billowing from her funnel as she climbed through the town to the goods yard. Workmen scattered as she steamed into the yard, grinning from frame to frame with the challenge as she pulled to a stop.
'What about our plan?' The whisper hissed.
Before Screech could respond,  she was uncoupled and given a slow goods to Henaint. The whisper tried to ask again, but they were sent further down the line to Coedwig to pick up a load of timber from the mills. She ran the timber down to the Harbor at Uman, before immediately being sent to Dyffryn to collect a train of wool and mutton.
On throughout the day, Screech ran up and down the railway. Fast trains, slow trains, branchlines, the mainline, and everything in between. She only ever stopped long enough for her loads to be coupled and uncoupled, taking on coal and water while her trains were being arranged.
Again and again, the whisper tried to ask what was her, their, plan. But each time she was given a new train before she could answer.
As darkness fell, she left Din with a load of empty trucks, stopping at each station and goods yard to drop some off.
The moon was high in the night by the time she reversed into the Uman sheds, the last engine to arrive. Enid and most of the other engines were asleep, but Abbey was still awake.
"You should be asleep." 
"I can't. Not till all the engines are back, I'll have nightmares otherwise."
Screech nodded in acquiesce. 
"Eagle was much the same. Now rest while I keep watch."
The express engine frowned, "it's my turn to keep watch, it is your turn to sleep."
"I am unsure if I can sleep. I may very well lack the ability. I certainly don't tire as I used to."
Glastonbury Abbey met her eyes searchingly then nodded slowly. "Very well, but eventually you will need to rest, even if you don't need to sleep."
"But not tonight." Screech flicked a tendril up in front of Abbey's face. The Star's eyes crossed trying to look at it.
The tendril pressed the express engine lightly on the nose. She stubbornly tried to resist, but couldn't keep her eyes from closing.
Screech smugly smiled, but her good mood was not to last.
'REVENGE,' the whisper hissed, angry at having been ignored throughout the day.
Screech was slammed by images, London, the other railway, the scrapyard, her sisters...
For a moment she was lost in the swirl of images, but with a heave, she threw them from her mind.
"YOU FORGET YOURSELF!" 4702 roared, the sound thundering across the valley.
Next to her Enid jerked awake at the sound, trembling in the sudden cold.
Screech quickly trailed a tendril across her cheek to send her back to sleep, repeating the process with the others just to be sure.
She then turned her attention back to the whisper, glaring into the night. "You have no right." She rumbled angrily.
'Revenge.' It whispered back, chastened, but still upset. It flashed images to her, gently this time, of her day. Of her running throughout the day, laughing and smiling. 'You're forgetting revenge.'
"I haven't forgotten. This is revenge." She could feel the whisper's askance at the assertion.
Screech let out a long sigh, "We can't win. No matter how many of them we kill, they'll just appoint more. And the scrapping won't stop. We can wreak all the havoc we want on people, but the Other Railway won't care. But this... This is something they want. Something we can take from them."
The whisper was quiet for a moment. 'Don't forget revenge.'
Screech smiled, "I promise I won't forget you."
With that promise, the whisper quieted. She settled down to guard the shed for the night.
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