#choose your chocobo minis colour!
fictionstuff · 4 years
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Final Fantasy X-2 (Switch) Points: 3.75/5 Status: walkthrough used 94% achieved played through in approximately 55 hours
I've finished the HD Remaster of X last year already, but then stopped playing due to having no time. With the release on the Switch however, I thought I could try it again. X has always been very dear to my heart, because Tidus was a great main protagonist to me, even though he was probably a bit of an airhead a lot of times, but that didn't mean that the love story wasn't beautifully leading us along a journey of sacrifices in a world, that was always in despair because of Sin. The end of X however totally broke my heart and nonetheless it seemed just right. X-2 delivers a sequel, that hasn't got much to do with X anymore, but it's special in many ways.
X-2 doesn't look much different from X honestly. It doesn't feel like 2 years have past in the meanwhile and while the HD Remaster does look nice, it is what it is, a HD Remaster, not a Remake. The FMVs are very beautiful to look at, but everything else seems just as “old” as it is. Spira has been an interesting world in X and still remains beautiful, with vibrant and colourful towns and unique dungeons. Anyone who has played X thought, won't find many new spots or dungeons, although the dungeons don't consist of the same puzzles anymore.
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The design feels outdated nowadays, but in 2003 that might have been completely different. What X-2 lacks are new places. Indeed you visit the same places over and over, finishing new side quests that help you contribute to 100% to get the perfect ending. This is too repetitive for my liking, while I do like these places and the few new dungeons that have been added. NPCs also look completely the same as in X.
I've always loved Yuna's and Rikku's design in X and with Paine joining, I'd love to say she looks quite amazing and she's every bit fierce in battle, while soft for her 2 partners.
Story/Combat System
The story continues where X ended, Tidus is gone and Yuna has saved the world from Sin, but while you might think it's all great now, it really isn't. There's much political uproar from various sides as the story starts with a music dance performance from Yuna? Well, that was weird enough at first, but the first FMV already shows how much Yuna has matured and that a lot of things are completely different from X. X-2 focuses on Spira, on politics and corruption, on how the world still doesn't find rest even after Sin has been defeated.
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X-2 has a much more laid-back story, while it does display potential danger for Spira once more, but I don't think that has been the focus of X-2 after completing it to a certain extent. I sadly didn't reach 100%, but I finished enough to say that side quests are the main part of the game and make the story feel less important overall. Y.R.P – Yuna, Rikku, Paine (our new female addition) are sphere hunters, a likeable funny trio. And for once, they're all female.
They search for spheres all over Spira to find out more about “Tidus” as Yuna has seen him (or someone that seems identical to him) in a sphere Rikku has brought to her. The sad part about this trio is that we're never shown how everything started and how Paine even joined. I would have loved to venture into this story as well. I am glad we get a lot of back story about Paine though, as well as Spira's new leaders, Gippal, Nooj, Baralai. Then again, I also would have loved to see more interactions between all of them. It's the very end that satisfied my thirst a little.
X-2 is no linear RPG that you simply walk through, no it consists of a mission based story system. You can choose wherever to go and let's say, it makes sense to visit every place before starting the main missions. It's literally what X-2 wants you to do, to get to know more about Spira, its people and what has become of the world after you defeated Sin. 80% of the game are side missions, the main missions are secondary and also the downfall of the game to be very honest. The main story is engaging, but it's rather badly delivered. They should have added so much more to the story to make it even feel emotional. The only time I actually felt a spark was when I viewed the sad and good ending. Yes, X-2 has more than just one ending and whichever you feel is most appropriate is up to you. I felt that the sad ending was ten times as emotional as X, while the good ending has made me feel very very very happy. I mean, Yuna and Tidus belong together, no matter what you may throw at me for saying this. Same goes for Lenne and Shuyin, the main antagonist although I'd never even truly describe him as such. He's not gotten enough spotlight in my opinion.
Also there are fantastic Jpop songs, Real Emotion and 1000 Words are absolutely fantastic while the original soundtrack itself is quite alright. X-2 features many rather annoying mini games which never got me feel any involved, while X-2 has completely destroyed Blitzball for me and honestly, I've loved that shit game in X. Other questionable things are: chocobo farming, dancing to none existent beats (at least for me), moving some musicians into a life (this does have a purpose, I get it) and watching SO MUCH CONTENT THROUGH SPHEARS FOR HOURS. Some scenes never even appeared for me, sighs.
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The combat on the other hand goes back to the roots, I'd love to say, but that's just the job system. The combat itself is still action based as you wait for your gauge to load and to react with our three lovely ladies. X's system has been completely revamped and turned into a real time battle (while you can opt for a slower system as I did, cause no way can I choose that quickly). In X-2 you receive dress spheres and grids, where you can implement those dress spheres, while the grid themselves have different abilities attached to them. You can choose which job fits you girls and fight however you want with them. That's freedom and it's a very refreshing combat system, but developing every ability of each dress sphere was just too tiring for me. I could never really choose, while I did always opt for Paine to be a knight while Yuna remains a gunner with Rikku being a black mage or thief. I kept close to the original dress spheres.
New monsters haven't really been added to X-2, you'll fight the same kind of monsters as you did in X and even the summons remained completely the same, although they're obviously not on your side any more. With every battle fought, you gain APs (which you can use to master abilities from the dress sphere) and experience points to level up. I finished the game at 73 for example and I'd dare to say that was too high.
Overall I would have loved for more main story content, more on our characters, but X-2 is a good sequel. It shows exactly what we have to do, move on. One cannot remain in the past.
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