#charlie??? because i don't really get the charlie/dorothy stuff and she never meets enough other women to properly ship her
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17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
ooooh my first two thoughts are 1) good bobby disability arc. it had soooo much potential to show how bobby can be valued beyond his use to the boys and also how disabled hunters live and thrive while demanding more accessibility and arrangements in their lives. no miracle cure as a reward just bobby finding a way to find joy in his wheelchair and see it is freedom rather than restraint. and 2) have an actual cain and able plot in season 10. they really underplayed this for me?? i know it almost happened in the finale but to me dean having the mark of vain should've been more about the growing threat of him targeting sam specifically and what that meant for both of them. but the whole moc arc for a hundred other reasons needs a makeover we know this
27. Least shippable character?
absolutely BANGING question and an interesting one for me because i'm such a rarepair and multishipper truly no character is safe. a lot of people say cas is hard to ship with people other than dean and i would be inclined to agree but also megstiel and crowstiel and sastiel like there are so many sexy options with him. hmm i'm gonna have to go with a boring one like lucifer or something because everyone else i'm thinking of has so many possible ships that are sexy or funny or cute i simply cannot chose
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