#chairiel the chair
bigbrain · 2 years
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Day 4: Toriel
I tried a bit more elaborate doodle for goat mom! Shhh, let the old lady rest, she needs it. Also the part where the Annoying Dog steals her phone is gold
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the-meme-monarch · 2 years
i think ralsei’s fur would feel like faux fur. bc he’s made of plastic (i am going off the assumption of him being the red horn headband). but i think the idea of him being the green crayon is neat so in that case i think his fur would feel like the crayon wrapper where it’s kinda pilled and fibers are coming off and it feels kinda soft You Know What I Mean .also i think (my fan design of) chairiel’s fur would feel short and velvety. like it’s a plush chair
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loathemetc · 2 years
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Well folks this one is a doozy and we have a wealth of new ARG(??? YEAH!) content from this SPAMTON SWEEPSTAKES LIVE EVENT [(LIVE!)] and obviously I should be talking about all the Noelle lore so let’s talk about this fucking chair instead:
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Yes, a chair. There are many hidden links on the Deltarune website right now, and https://deltarune.com/chair/ sends you to well. A chair. A small, blue chair with a sheet draped over it. Clicking on it makes a sound play as it disappears, leaving garbled bits of color and nothing else behind. Also you can randomly get jumpscared by a familiar pair of yellow and pink eyes, so there’s that. 
Does that sound like a lot to unpack already? Well too bad buckaroo there’s more stuffed into this suitcase than you can shake a stick at! The name of the tab when you open this page is “But what if it could...”, click the chair and it changes to “... get darker than dark?”.
Sound familiar?
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Besides the obvious reference to the classic line about being dark, darker, yet darker, to me it brings to mind Seam’s warning. Maybe it’s not such a good idea to be in the dark world at night... That’s at least two darknesses, which is more than one.
But wait, why a chair? Well, we know the third chapter’s dark world takes place in Kris’s house, obviously, which coincidentally just so happens to feature a named chair character! How convenient!
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Thank goodness this mystery is solved except oh wait that doesn’t really make any sense, does it? This chair we’re talking about seems awful ominous, unlike beloved old Chairiel, adored by the family, front and center of the Dreemurr household. No, I think we’re looking for a different chair.
But that doesn’t mean we’re not looking for Chairiel.
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Yes, something fans noted as soon as Deltarune chapter 1 released was that the Chairiel moniker seemed to have been transferred from one chair to another. While Chairiel in Deltarune is Toriel’s living room seat, Chairiel in Undertale was originally a small... Blue... Chair. Huh.
Could it be the the original Chairiel is in storage in the Dreemurr household somewhere still, in this new world? Abandoned and replaced? Well geez, all this ominous atmosphere, talk of being tossed aside, garbled messes and direct connection to those pink and yellow eyes sure is reminding me of our pals Jevil and Spamton huh?
So what the hell am I saying, that Chairiel, the ORIGINAL Chairiel from Undertale, is going to be Chapter 3′s hidden boss, feeling betrayed and broken after Toriel got a more comfortable chair to watch TV in!? Uh. I guess? I mean, I said I was spitballing here. 
But why those Pink and Yellow eyes... That’s Spamton’s bit, and only cause he was copying Swatch, right? Well, he was attempting to impersonate the head butler, but maybe there’s a reason he got the colors of Swatch’s orange and yellow glasses wrong. After all, we have another unexplained buddy with the very same colored eyes, don’t we?
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Yeah, still no clue what that thing was about. But I’m getting the feeling we’re going to. Although, considering that pink and yellow jumpscare on the chair page redirects you back to the main sweepstakes page, it may just be Spamton trying to keep your nose out of business it doesn’t belong in. But that’s my final thought for now.
The site is still updating with new material, so if a wrench gets thrown in any of this, don’t blame me for jumping the gun. I’ll try to keep an open mind.
ADDENDUM 1 - It should be noted that the noise that plays when the chair is clicked on is called “water.mp3″ and sounds VERY similar to areas of Waterfall in Undertale such as the trash zone. How am I supposed to tie that to any of this?? Hahaha I have no idea.
ADDENDUM 2 - Could the sheet on the chair be the Shadow Mantle? Could the water noise have something to do with the Old Song from the Sea, mentioned by Riverperson in Undertale and Onion-San in Deltarune? So many questions...
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loveletterworm · 2 years
“Solving” the “Mystery” of “Chair”
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This chair from the sweepstakes website (henceforth referred to as "Chair") has been subject to a decent amount of confusion and fairly mild amount of discussion since its introduction. Its heavily Gaster-adjacent page titles, shadow-y blob form, and random Spamton jumpscare have remained largely unexplainable considering it's only been about a week or so since this page showed up and any part of the game "Chair" appears in has not released yet and will not for at least several months.
Or has it?
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Noted scholar "poop mcfarten", among a few other persons, has claimed this chair is the same one that is located in Rudy's hospital room throughout Chapters 1 and 2. This revelation would close the book on "Chair", as the most obvious solution is that this is the chair from Rudy's hospital room and he's going to die because the chair turned into Shadow Forme and attacked him at his most vulnerable moment (while he was already dying for non-chair-related reasons)
However, things are not so simple in the world of "Chair".
By using inspect element to get at its image file without accidentally saving "eyes.png" again, we can see "Chair" without its black background and at its original scale (as it is displayed larger on the website) Now it is possible to compare it directly to a rip of the chair sprite in Rudy's hospital room. (Note that the chair in Rudy's room is actually part of the same sprite as the rest of the tiles in that room and has been edited out of its surroundings here for clarity, however rest assured I am confident that I was able to tell a chair apart from the floor it was on)
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Looking at these chairs side by side, a host of discrepancies arise. "Chair" is slightly larger, at a different angle, its seat is thicker suggesting possible upholstery, its legs are much darker in color in a way different lighting is unlikely to accomplish, and the most damning evidence against it being the same chair: It has those little things sticking out of the top of the back, previously largely obscured by the dark background. (I don't know what the things are actually called.) This is clearly a different chair.
It also cannot be the chair from town hall, though town hall chair makes a slightly stronger argument with its similarly thick upholstery and darker legs. It’s still missing the things on the back and is actually evidently too big to be “Chair”, the opposite of one of hospital chair’s issues, so despite its best efforts it’s out of the running.
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But is “Chair”, as others have suggested, secretly notable other blue chair from a Toby Fox game Chairiel?
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The answer is: Still no! There have been two Chairiels throughout history. The one in Undertale is a blue chair, however it looks even more different from “Chair” than the hospital chair does. And the chair that the Chairiel torch would be passed to in Deltarune obviously looks the least like “Chair” out of any options, not even fulfilling the basic requirements of being blue and having visible legs.
And so, as this obnoxiously long post about chairs reaches critical mass, I must conclude that “Chair” is an entirely new, unique chair that we have not been introduced to yet.
Which probably does not actually matter at all.
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sadpurpleblood · 3 months
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shitty deltarune ch3 secret boss concept thing chairiel. the beloved living room chair! what do you mean thats not the original one? are you saying its a FAKER? its NOT a FAKER! ITS NOT A FAKER
just look at it :D
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farflypants · 7 months
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Look. I know it shouldn't bother me but it DOES. Chairiel is 2 completely different chairs between Undertale and Deltarune.
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nabexis · 2 years
This is probably just a dumb theory, but what if the Two Toriels thing in Ch 2 of Deltarune was foreshadowing for chapter 3 and not just a "video game piano tutoriel" pun?
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fun fact: If you wait here long enough Lancer will start making noise in your pocket and Suzy will comment on it.
Ok, hear me out:
Darkners (and dark world environments) seem to be objects from the light world that manifest in the dark world when a fountain is opened. We can see this clearly in both Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, like Seam being the plush doll in the unused classroom or the extra mice in the closet of the Library computer room.
What objects are in the room where Kris opens the fountain at the end of CH. 2?
The TV stands out, especially with the sinister smile just before the credits roll, but so does Chairiel. It's possible this chair is made to stand out to the player for a reason.
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Toriel herself has fallen asleep in said chair.
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Other things of note: There are also the figurines on the windowsills, the painting of the heart above the TV, the landline phone, the trashcan with Asgore's flowers in it, the couch, the water sausage decor in the corner, not to mention all of the kitchen appliances (we can see a microwave, sink, toaster oven, oven, fridge) and possibly the half-finished pie.
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We also can find Cookie Cutters for gingerbread monsters/humans in the drawers. Also Family photos
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So there are a lot of things here that could turn into environments or Darkners, but I'm thinking since Chairiel has its own name already, it may become a character.
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science2048-abandoned · 7 months
What about the ashore chair
He is still there
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/Connection error/
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Two day later Toriel's love one come and see how she doing
Toriel was sitting in Chairiel, her favorite chair reading a book not noticing her love presence. "This facts about snails are fascinating even after reading this book so many times." She said
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irregodless · 3 years
kris carrying two armchairs a television and a sofa on their head to the closet
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catboymoments · 2 years
I really hate Chariel, but I have nothing but respect for Chairiel (the beloved living room chair).
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loathemetc · 2 years
Hey hey! Ornstein again hehe!
First of all! I'm glad you love our Metropolis AU, I will definitely tell Hue about it! Even when Chapter 3 releases we'll still stick to our characters as they're very near and dear to us!
Secondly the more I look into things, the more I think you might be right.
Tenna is possibly the TV and the TV is the actual villain. Mike however, Spamton doesn't seem to hate bot rather he sounds extremely protective and hurt about him. I wonder if they were super close, family, friends, possibly lovers. And the TV ended up hurting Mike, to the point that whatever has happened means Mike is gone now. And the TV is to blame.
Maybe he thinks we the crew are after Mike and want to hurt him if he's still around hence why Spamton said we knew nothing about him. Regardless it seems that this TV is the true criminal. And whenever he mentioned Mike is was just genuine hurt for whatever the TV did to him. Hence why Spamton hates the TV now.
In the article he speaks of the TV and Mike as two different entities entirely. Referring to the TV as "You" even.
I think and this is a very bold assumption, that it's even possible that Mike is the next Secret Boss. He seems to be gone, no one seems to know about his whereabouts and Spamton seems worried and upset about him.
Hell with all the references in the sweepstakes to Spamton third-wheeling a relationship and all the wedding ring divorce stuff it's wholly possible that a Spamton Jevil Mike divorce did not go well LOL.
With the way Spamton immediately assumed anyone asking about Mike was with Tenna, I think we can assume that Mike is probably in the Dreemurr Household Dark World. If he was in another Dark World I don't think it'd make sense for Spamton to immediately assume Tenna is involved. Mike being the Chapter 3 secret boss does seem pretty likely (My Chairiel hypothesis was a lot more spitbally but. Huh? Huh? Chair? Huh?).
I've seen some people toss around that Mike could be a radio or microphone, there's an obvious Video Killed the Radio Star connection you could make with having the TV as the guy in the spotlight and a radio as the guy hidden away. Some other people have tossed the idea of him being the Microwave around but since that's pretty front and center in the Dreemurr household I don't think that'd be the case.
Honestly my best guess for a Dreemurr Household Dark World secret boss before this would've been the flowers in the garbage due to the obvious imagery of being tossed aside, I do wonder if they'll play into that anywhere else in the chapter or if maybe there'll be a flower shop dark world later that they'd wanna save that imagery for. Who's to know, I suppose.
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loveletterworm · 5 months
Sorry for making that tumblr post about the chair being chairiel I made a debunk post of my own post but people keep reblogging the first one.
It's ok I don't remember what you're talking about at all. I think there might have been more than one person talking about the chair, at the time. It was a big time for chair discussion.
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bad end: anon was relaxing in Chairiel, not expecting Tori to sit down on them*
Chariel was the most relaxing chair one could sit in, it was true! Even with the crater in the cushion that Toriel's rump had left, it was still wonderful to sit in. Smelled vaguely of vanilla from the goatmom's fur, too. One could just shut their eyes, and...
And when the anon opens them next, Toriel's rump is coming straight for them. With a sigh, the goatmom sat in her chair, rubbing between her eyes. She shifted her rump back and forth, trying to wedge it in between the armrests.. Why was it so hard to fit in her chair all of the sudden? She finally got herself fit in there, and laid back, not knowing there was an extra lump in her cushion today. Or that her rump was slowly expanding, again...
All of the sudden, there was a loud crack as her rump finally became too much for Chariel. The armrests broke out to either side, and the seat fell to the floor! Toriel squeaked as she fell along with it, the impact sending dust flying to either side. Brushing herself off, she got up, turning around to look at the damage....with an anon wedged deep into her asscrack. The back of her robes were starting to tear, too.. Why was everything getting so small all of the sudden??
((Bad End: The Bigger They Are, The More They Weigh))
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enderbot-magic · 2 years
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As an apology for my last post have my mike’s ex wife, Chairiel. She’s a chair goat centaur based on books.
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skellfamily · 3 years
i’m so curious who the narrator in Deltarune is supposed to be...i kinda wonder if maybe it’s still Chara since their speaking style is pretty similar to the narrator of Undertale, plus you get lines like this which seem to reference UT
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this sounds like a reference to Papyrus’s sink...but is it meant to indicate the narrator knows about this, or is it just a joke for us players and not supposed to mean the narrator actually knows about his super tall sink from Undertale?? the DR narrator also calls Toriel’s chair “Chairiel” as in UT
then you also get narration like this, which is similar to yet noticeably different from lines in UT
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does this mean that the narrator of DR is not Chara but maybe someone who is similar to them?? like Kris? i think it’d be cool if it turned out we were seeing their thoughts all along. 
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here for example, that first choice definitely sounds like Kris’s own feelings about reading the anime review - it’s funny cause usually the “Yes” choice is on the left side while here it’s the other way around, they really didnt want to read Alphys’s thoughts on Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2. (yet the player can make them read the review anyway...truly we are the real monsters)
are there other theories on the identity of DR’s narrator?
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