#ch: steve mcgarrett
commandersmoothdog · 4 years
Based on this post, which asks, “To the muse. Is there something you regret doing?”
Since I got a question involving Mary yesterday, seeing this made me want to add one of Steve’s regrets. 
Not reaching out to her more. If I’m honest with you guys, there were moments when I’m thinking about Danny’s family and even if canon fucked with Danny in later seasons, you know him to be a family man. Either as the world’s best father or as a brother to all his siblings...there are moments when I think ‘man, there’s some sibling stuff Steve can’t understand cos he’s an only ch-’ and then I remember that Steve isn’t an only child! 
So one of my many peeves with the show is how selective they are with choosing when McGarretts or topics of McGarretts are convenient. And look, I get that the actress who played Mary might not have been available for too many episode, but with the same gripe I have of less Grace in later seasons, even as she’s off to college...could they not have added them to the dialogue? 
Could they not have photoshopped a picture of Mary and Joan for Steve to be framing on the fridge or somewhere? Like...Joan’s in ballet or something and it’s her first big recital and Mary sent a picture of them after and Steve gets it via snail mail at the beginning of the episode and by the end of the episode Danny’s gotten him a frame for it? 
Like how hard is it to sprinkle in more Mary and Joan and more Grace into carguments between the boys? 
But anyway....My Steve regrets being so angry and bitter with John and the McGarrett legacy that’s in Hawaii that he pushes it all aside, including Mary. She lost their parents too. She was just as lost and yet possibly more neglected in some aspects. While Steve had the male soldier lime light shining on him...as the girl and second child and canon’s writing...Mary was all but written out of John and Doris’ minds. Same way they put more attention to Eddie’s ptsd than Steve’s, they had Doris put more effort near the end toward’s Joan than Mary. Like maybe there’ more legal action in there or maybe she knew that Mary burned her bridges with her and time was running out and she wanted some very last minute guilt cleansing....I dunno...Just... #JusticeForMaryMcGarrett. 
As much as my Steve loves Joan, whenever he looks at her he feels this deep rooted shame. 
The fact that his baby sister felt neglected enough to want to make her own family without waiting to find a partner breaks his heart. I know what you’re all thinking though, and no I’m not discrediting Aunt Deb. She’s the reason Mary didn’t end up with some low life and confusing abuse for love just to be part of a family. But Aunt Deb’s sheer amazingness as a human being could not protect Mary from the McGarrett childhood trauma’s completely...Mary began to make her own family even after her brother returned home because she didn’t trust to be part of his direct family because they are broken. 
Danny and Five-Oh let Mary see that Steve was breaking the cycle, and that he wasn’t going to go away or run from family anymore, and made them family again.  
(Which by the way is another fucking reason why the finale fucking sucks. If Mary heard Steve left Danny the way he did, it would bring back a shit ton of memories of Steve leaving her in a time that was pretty intense and changing and honestly Steve would lose so much with Mary because she would side with Danny. This is even worse because at least when Steve left her, it was their dad making it. This choice coming from Steve was like going back to the fucking McGarrett cycle of misery.)
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flowerfan2 · 5 years
Affinity - Ch. 6 (10.06)
McDanno, A03
A continuous story of season 10 episode codas.  Steve may describe their relationship as a dysfunctional marriage, but at some point, will he and Danny take a closer look at what it really could be?   
Chapter 6
“You’ve got to admit it, Danno, you can’t get this with an app.”  Steve is standing and stretching, looking out over the rocky landscape to the shining blue ocean.  
Danny shakes his head at Steve and pulls out his water bottle to take a long swig.  Steve had suggested the hike last night (“we’ve both got the day off – let’s go do something fun”) and Danny had quickly agreed.
The hike out to Ka’ena Point is long and hot, with absolutely no shade, but it’s ridiculously beautiful.  There’s something very satisfying about making it all the way out to Oahu’s westernmost tip of land.  It’s remote and wild and the only way to get there is to hike in (unless you somehow score a vehicle permit, which Steve just scoffs at, noting the danger to the degrading sand dune habitat).
When they set off early this morning Danny had thought that they had scored a perfect day for the trek, and for the most part they did, although it’s not as cool as he had hoped it would be. He did wear a hat, of course - no one on the island hikes Ka’ena without a hat – but it’s just a ball cap, not the floppy more protective get-up that Steve has on.  The skin on the exposed back of his neck is definitely regretting his choices.
Steve watches judgmentally as Danny pulls out a tube of sunscreen, but doesn’t say anything, at least not right away. Danny makes a show of lotioning up his arms first, as if he was just being extra cautious, but they’ve only been hiking for about forty-five minutes so it’s overkill even for his sensitive skin.
“Come on, let me help,” Steve finally says, taking the sunscreen out of Danny’s hand.  “We’ll be here all day otherwise.”
Steve zeros in on Danny’s neck immediately, smoothing in a generous amount of lotion with a surprisingly gentle touch.  Steve’s fingers are cool from his own water bottle, and Danny can’t help but shiver at little at the sensation.
 “You like that, huh?”  Steve says softly into Danny’s ear, and splays his cool hand out over the back of Danny’s neck.
 It’s oddly intimate, standing together in the bright sunlight on a quiet, dusty trail, nothing to see but sand dunes and rocky lava stretching out to the ocean.
 “Yeah,” Danny says softly, not wanting to break the spell.  “Feels good.”
 Steve leaves his hand there for another beat, until it’s no longer as shockingly icy, and then removes it slowly. He slathers more lotion on Danny’s neck, then comes around to stand in front of Danny and, smirking, reaches out and quickly dabs a bit on Danny’s nose.
 “Hey,” Danny steps back, surprised.
 Steve just grins.  “What?  I’m just helping out.”
 Danny can’t come up with a comeback that properly expresses “we were having a moment and then you acted like a child and confused me” so he just shoots a glare at Steve and continues walking along the trail.
 “You don’t want to show up at work with a sunburn,” Steve says, jogging to catch up with him.  “People might think you had done something social on your day off.”
 “Are you ever going to let that go? You can’t tell me you don’t appreciate being able to have any food you like delivered to your door.”
 “Yeah, but it’s not because I’m trying to avoid talking to people.  It’s just convenient.”
 “Convenient?  Sure, that’s part of it.  But you like taking a break from all the demands, too.  From all the people who are always asking you for stuff.”
 “People aren’t always asking me for stuff,” Steve says, but with less conviction.
 “Are you kidding?  Of course they are, all the time.  Remember last Thursday, when six different people asked you for help with things entirely unrelated to Five-0 in the course of one day, and you complained through an entire six-pack?”
 “That was different,” Steve says, and Danny glances at him.  Steve’s got his “I’m thinking my way out of this” face on, and Danny takes a minute to enjoy it.
 “How, precisely, was it different?”
 “Just, unusual, is all.  And if I can’t complain to you, who can I complain to?”
 Danny nods.  “Right.  And that is exactly why an app is helpful.  You weren’t fit to speak to anyone that night, excepting me, who has learned over the years how to handle a Steve McGarrett venting session.”
 “Oh yeah?  How do you handle it?”
 Danny grins over his shoulder at Steve. “With a six-pack of beer, obviously.”
 Steve huffs.  “Obviously.”
 They walk on in companionable silence, stopping every so often to look out over the water.  Sometimes you can see dolphins and even whales, but they haven’t seen either yet today.   Steve stops them at one point to look at what he thinks is a monk seal on the beach, but when they get closer they realize it was just a curvy rock.
 When they make it out to the point they wander around, looking around the point to see the rugged Waianae side of the island.  Danny uses his phone to take a few photos of the amazing view, and then they settle down for a snack.  Steve pulls a bag out of his pack and hands an apple to Danny.
 There are more people on the trail now, and a few groups already at the point, reading the state park signs with information about the nesting seabirds and looking at the remains of the old lighthouse.  Two women with long dark hair and sturdy hiking boots walk past them, the taller one waving to Steve and Danny as they go by.
 “You know them?”  Danny asks.  
 “No.  And don’t try to set me up.” Steve says firmly.
 “Wow, okay, I wasn’t going to go there, but sure.”  Danny watches as the two women pause, one pointing out something to the other. “Just thought they looked familiar.”
 Steve looks at them and shrugs. “Reminds me of Tani and Quinn, maybe.”
 “Yeah, maybe.”  Danny thinks of the Tani and Quinn lookalikes the idiot you-tubers substituted for the real thing in their HPD recruitment video. Tani had taken the news with remarkable calm.  “The two of them make a good team.”
 Steve turns to Danny, looking pleased. “You think so?  I thought they might.  I hoped they would, anyway.”
 “Yeah, they do.”
 “It frees Junior up for other things, you know, not always being paired with Tani.”
 “Junior’s good with Adam, it’s true.” Danny wonders whether to mention the other thing Junior’s been good for lately, but Steve beats him to it.
 “I like having him along with us sometimes,” Steve says quietly.
 “Junior’s fast,” Danny says. “And he seems to have learned how to take down a perp from the McGarrett school of leap before you look.”
 “Oh, he’s looking,” Steve says. “Did you see him vault that chain-link fence and sideswipe the drug dealer last week?  He knows what he’s doing.”
 Danny nods.  “He does.  And he’s good at it.”  He breathes out slowly, focusing on the glittering ocean in front of them. “Takes a little bit of the pressure off of you.”
 He can feel Steve’s hesitance to respond, but the bubble they’ve been in all morning wins out.  
 “Yeah,” Steve says.  “It really does.”  Steve takes off his sunglasses and wipes them on his pants, looking a little glum.
 “Come on, you’re not that old yet,” Danny says, bumping his shoulder against Steve’s.  “Still got a few heroic take-downs left in you.”
 “Gray hair says otherwise,” Steve responds, rubbing at his scruff.
 “Lemme see,” Danny says, leaning in. It’s not as if he hasn’t noticed before, but it seems to make Steve relax to stick his chin out and let Danny commiserate.  “Yeah, definitely some grays.”
 “Not you, though,” Steve says, peering at Danny’s face and then looking up at him.  “Why don’t you have any gray hair?  You worry enough, you should have a head full of it.”
 Danny shrugs.  “Maybe I do, it’s just not as noticeable, you know, my hair’s lighter.”
 Steve squints and takes Danny’s chin in his hand, thumb and forefinger squeezing.  “I think you’d notice.”
 Danny lets his eyes fall shut as Steve tilts his face one way and then another.  “I shave closer than you.  Every day. So I can’t tell.”
 “On purpose?”  Steve asks, his breath puffing against Danny’s cheek.  “I mean, do you shave every day so you don’t have to see if there’s gray in there?”
 “No, of course not,” Danny responds, but when he opens his eyes Steve is looking right at him, and he gets the feeling he doesn’t buy it.
 “Why don’t you let it grow out a few days, let me see what’s there,” Steve says, rubbing his thumb along Danny’s jawline.
 Danny suddenly feels warm, and it’s not from the lack of shade.  Steve isn’t showing any signs of moving away from him, and he’s been stroking Danny’s chin for far longer than can be explained away by their somewhat contrived conversation about scruff.
 “Steve?”  he asks.  “Do you, um, do you ever think about…?”
 “Yes, Danny?”  Steve’s voice is low, and Danny sees Steve’s eyes flicker down to his lips and back up again.  He’s going to kiss me, Danny thinks.  Or I’m going to kiss him.  He closes his eyes, his breath stuttering in his chest, and gets ready to leap.
 “Hey, sorry to bother you guys.” a voice shatters the moment, and Steve’s hand drops from Danny’s face as they turn to see the dark-haired girl who had waved to them earlier.
 “No, no problem, what’s up?” Steve asks, while Danny blinks hard and wills his heart to stop pounding.
 “My friend scraped her knee up pretty bad, just wondering if you had a first aid kit or anything.”
 “Absolutely.”  Steve grabs his pack (which of course contains a comprehensively equipped first aid kit) and trots over to where the other woman is sitting, leaving Danny to stare after him.  He can’t believe the moment is over.  It doesn’t seem remotely fair.  He can still feel Steve’s hand on his face, feel his breath on his skin.
 Danny stands up and gathers their things, cursing inwardly at all the people that hone in on Steve’s relentless capacity to help, even when he isn’t wearing a badge.  But despite his annoyance, he knows something special just happened.   The memory of sitting in the blazing sun with Steve, gazing into each other’s eyes like teenagers, isn’t one he’s going to forget anytime soon.  
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New Original and Updates!
New Original and Updates!
Summary: Good Glen was a strange town that held a lot of secrets, but Ari couldn’t complain… not when it leads her to him.
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— WP – FF  – FP – FR – STARS —
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Isabella McGarrett is the twin sister of Steve McGarrett when she comes crashing into Hawaii, things begin to change and…
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25 Quick Fix Fics: Or, Stories that help me deal with people and keep my job
Ugh, You ever have one of those days where you think that crazy cat lady might be onto something?
Okay, I’m getting ahead of myself.
              So, here’s the thing, I am not really a ‘people person’. I don’t like big crowds; I don’t like excessive chatting and overblown drama. I have a very low tolerance for stupidity, obnoxiousness, or rudeness and my general reaction to seeing a couple being exceedingly affectionate and overly cutesy is to wish I had a spray bottle. Another thing? I work in customer service.
              I deal with people for about nine hours a day. Despite that, It actually takes quite a lot to put me in a bad mood.  Somewhere along the way I have developed the mindset; if I have to be there anyways (since, you know,  I’ve grown somewhat attached to things like food, shelter, and wifi) I may as well make the most of it. I chat, laugh, joke and smile. I usually come across as one of the cheeriest people you could meet. Know why? No, it’s not something I get in the pharmaceutical part of the store, and no, it’s not my innate ability to mask my sarcasm as sincerity (well, not just that); It’s because, most of the time, my head is filled with fanfiction. Fluff, humor, and weird little bits of randomness that just put me in a good mood.
I think we all can use something like that every now and then. Whether it’s about something specific or if you’re just in general having a bad day; sometimes you just could use a bit of a pick-me-up. A bit of sweet, funny, harmless something, and sometimes, you need it rather quickly. These Are a few of my favorite really quick, short little stories that can cheer me up and make me smile when I really need it; and they’re all under 2,000 words, so you can literally read them on a five minute break.Hope they are as beneficial to you as they are to me:
Baffling, Beautiful-Steve McGarrett's idea of pillow talk. Literally, the shortest story I have, less then 400 words.
Jack does his part to protects the world – Jack protects the world the best way he can.
C is for COCKTAILS- Alec May be a bit drunk, and sappy, and cuddly- part 3 of ‘A Shared Life (Malec Alphabet)- Most of this series is fluff, but there are a few angst ones, that, yeah..
G is for GLITTER- Alec was a curious person and it was his curiosity that led to his downfall. Or rather, the glitter explosion that was currently raining down on him. Ch. 7 of A Shared Life (Malec Alphabet)
The Strange Sunday Morning Meanderings of Xander- Xander has too many thoughts on a Sunday morning.
Ornithology- Greg wants to be a red-tailed hawk. Just sweet, domestic, fluff.
Candid Yams- Xander And Spike host the Harris family Thanksgiving- yeah, it.. it doesn’t really go as planned, but there’s pie!
People and Angels of Walmart- Sam and Gabriel have to go on a supply run. ( I honestly don’t know why I like this one so much, it is just so random, I can’t help it)
Get the candy Gabriel- Sam has had it with Gabriel eating all the Halloween candy, he has went to get it FOUR times, now its Gabe’s turn. Total Domestic fluff
Roller Coasters and Caramel: Gabriel is afraid of roller coasters, luckily the cute guy he sits by is also VERY sweet and helpful (teenage story, So fluffy, and cute)
Anymore- Ezekiel finds out about Jakes past as a country singer; he thinks it’s hilarious, until he doesn’t ( this was based on the fact that the actor who plays Jake (Christian Kane had this a bit in his past, and he does have a great voice)
And the Box of Love Letters- Ezekiel is sick of love, but maybe that can change ( also, bonus for Aro! Cassandra)
Flashy lights, Painted Smiles- Isabelle is an actress being interviewed about her leading man, but he is SO not her type, the cute, redheaded reporter interviewing her, on the other hand….
True Loves gift- A Soulmates AU in which the name of your soulmate shows up on your arm on your 18th Birthday
and I never saw you coming (and I'll never be the same) - Magnus is just shopping in Sephora, Alec got sent to pick up some things for his sister and thinks Magnus must work there because, well, he’s just so pretty.
Beauty and the Beast- A Grimm fairytale AU with Nick and Monroe, kinda like a play, but not. ( So, funny, I can’t stop laughing reading this one.)
Say Hey If Your Gay- Teen AU in which, Sam is accidentally outed to his moms conservative friends, much to the delight of their Son, Gabriel
Pack Life- Boyd decides to make a documentary about the pack, insanity ensues.
Fun and Games- Casey agrees to join Chuck and the guys from work for poker at the Buymore- only problem, they didn’t tell him it was strip poker!
Wrong Time, Wrong Place- Okay, so maybe a hostage situation at a bank isn’t the best time to pick up a cute guy, but in Sam’s defense, he is really Cute!
Christmas Dinner with the Winchesters- The Winchesters, Their Angels, and Bobby spend Christmas together.
Simon la Exploradora- Simon wants to impress Raphael by learning Spanish. How does a Nerdy, newly turned Vampire do this? By watching Dora the Explorer, of course
  Sexy ways to get your man-  Steve wants to impress Danny, he takes advice from a drunk Kono, and Cosmo
You Can Say Anything With Flowers- Sam runs a flower shop, Gabriel wants something for his arrogant Ex’s Wedding.
Warlocks are Better than Wizards; Alec takes his little brother trick-or-treating for the first time, they meet a Warlock who is suspicious of Alec, but also completely gorgeous.
So, there it is; my list of quick fix fics (try saying that three times fast) to make for a better day. I hope they are as beneficial to you as they are to me.
Jackpot Boyfriend Winner: Alec, loopy from a potion, thinks Magnus is a nurse, but he doesn’t remember any nurses being that pretty. I saved this for last, because, If none of the others could cheer you up, this one will. The cutest thing I’ve ever read.
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flowerfan2 · 5 years
Affinity, Ch. 3
McDanno, A03, 10.03
A continuous story of season 10 episode codas.  Steve may describe their relationship as a dysfunctional marriage, but at some point, will he and Danny take a closer look at what it really could be?    
Note:  this is a new coda series, a separate story from my H50 season 9 coda series Bound To Be Together.
Chapter 3
Danny knows, intellectually, that jealousy is a bad thing.  He remembers how Rachel’s jealousy of his old partner wore away at the fabric of their marriage, and made Danny feel like Rachel didn’t trust him.  A few years ago Danny had a bout of jealousy when Lou joined Five-0 and Steve partnered with him for a while, but it calmed down when Will and Grace started dating – there was nothing like endless debates over whose turn it was to drive Grace and Will to the movies or what was a reasonable time of night to demand they stop texting to humanize a guy.
Quinn is different.  She’s a badass cop with McGarrett-level chutzpah, she’s beautiful and funny and fearless, and she looks alarmingly like Catherine – who, for reasons that still keep Danny up at night – was the love of Steve’s life.  And now she’s on the team.
Thing is, Danny knows he needs to get over it.  Because jealously is poison.  Being jealous of Steve’s time with Quinn says more about Danny than it does about either of them.  He doesn’t like it, but he’s suffered through enough sessions with therapists to recognize insecurity when it thumps him on the nose.
It’s not Quinn’s fault, precisely, that she’s come into Steve’s world.  Danny’s just used to being Steve’s MVP.  He can’t help being a little perturbed that Steve’s attention is drawn to this rather sexy shiny new toy.  
(“Squirrel,” he whispered to Tani yesterday when Quinn came into the office and Steve immediately perked up.  Tani choked on her coffee.)
 People do stupid things when they’re jealous.  Danny knows this from experience.  He’s made sure to be just as friendly to Quinn as he would to anyone else new to the group, he’s even mostly genuine about it.  She’s pretty easy to get along with, her confidence even more compelling than her looks.  Maybe Danny has a type, too.
 He also tries not to overreact to Steve’s stories about Quinn, that she speaks Kurdish like some kind of super-spy, that she’s crazy good in the field.  Danny’s good in the field, too.  He’s had Steve’s back for almost a decade, and the goof is still alive, so that has to mean something.
 Danny wants to follow Steve home, to pick him up for work every day, to stick to his side all day long.  To keep him from finding out more irresistible facts about Quinn.  But that’s as unrealistic as it is unhealthy.  The team doesn’t work that way, not anymore.  They switch up partners as their cases demand, they rotate days off.  Danny’s not entitled to Steve’s unwavering attention.  
 Quinn even likes the way Steve drives.
 Danny’s fucked.
 Danny takes Junior to the range one day after work.  Tani raises an eyebrow as they leave the office, but she doesn’t ask to come along. Junior is perhaps the easiest member of the team to be with these days, when it comes to just needing to let off some steam and not talking about anything except the job.  Lou has other things on his mind (and worrying about kids away at school is not going to help Danny’s state of mind right now), and Tani, well, Tani knows him too well.  
 Shooting at things that aren’t shooting back helps a little.  He absolutely does not imagine that Quinn is the target, that would be deranged and terrible and way beyond the pale.  But he does imagine himself heroically taking out the big bad, solving the case, and rescuing Steve just in the nick of time.  Maybe getting one of those wide-eyed looks, and a breathless “thanks, Danno” as a grateful Steve clings to Danny for a long moment before Danny wraps an arm around his waist and hauls him to safety.  
 Junior strokes Danny’s ego a bit as they shoot, and they grab a beer afterwards.  It’s bittersweet, these moments when it becomes clear that Danny is playing the role of mentor, edging closer to retirement every day.  He and Steve haven’t broached that subject lately, not since they got out of the restaurant business.  
 As Danny’s dropping Junior off at Tani’s afterwards, Junior thanks him and then pauses, a hand reaching out to pat Danny awkwardly on the shoulder.
 “Don’t worry, man,” Junior says. “Steve might be dating Brooke, but you guys will always be mom and dad to us.”
 <i>Brooke,</i> Danny thinks, practically banging his head against the steering wheel as Junior walks away.  Is that who Junior thinks he’s upset about?  Not that he isn’t still a little annoyed about Brooke, but it’s one thing for Steve to be dating – that’s expected, it’s normal.  It might bother Danny deep down where he shuts away thoughts that he doesn’t let himself think, but as long as Steve isn’t prattling on about breaking up with him, he can handle Steve dating.  That was last week’s crisis.
 No, Quinn is his current problem, and a whole different ballgame than Brooke.  Quinn is in Danny’s territory, every day, a part of the team.  There’s no escaping her.  Brooke may have been taking Danny’s place in his imaginary platonic marriage with Steve, but Quinn threatens his actual place in Steve’s life.
 Is Danny scared that Quinn could replace him completely in Steve’s life?  He tells himself it’s dumb to feel that way.  He and Steve are ‘ohana.  Steve knows Danny better than almost anyone ever has, and Danny’s pretty sure it goes both ways.   They’ve been through years and years of unbelievable shit together, put their lives on the line for each other.  Steve <i>loves</i> Danny, in his own protective way. But damn it to hell, Danny’s still scared.
 Danny gets home and pours himself another beer.  He’s a pathetic mess.  It’s his lot in life to be afraid all the time, sure, he’s used to it.  But all this seems like too much right now. Quinn’s hitting him right where it hurts, and she hasn’t even thrown a punch.
 Suddenly there’s a knock at his door, and Danny startles.  He gives himself a quick once-over – he’s still in his work slacks and button-down, no tell-tale beer stains on his shirt – and answers the door.
 “I’ve been texting you forever, why didn’t you answer?”  Steve barrels inside, plops himself on the couch and makes himself comfortable. “Thought you were coming to my house to watch the game.”
 Danny pulls out his phone and confirms, yeah, there are three texts from Steve.  Apparently Danny missed them, too busy stuck in his own pity party.   “Sorry, I lost track of time.”
 Steve stretches out his legs and crosses his ankles on the coffee table.  “Wanna order pizza?  I’m starving.”
 Danny sits down next to Steve and sends in their usual order.  Steve has brought some chips, and he’s eating them messily, offering the bag to Danny every few minutes, whining about the fact that Danny’s refrigerator doesn’t keep beer as cold as he likes it.  
 After they eat, Steve gets up to toss the pizza box in the trash, and returns to the couch with more beer.  He flops himself down lengthwise and sticks his feet in Danny’s lap.  Danny pretends to be appalled at how stinky they are (they’re not particularly, but they are feet, so they don’t smell like roses either), and pokes at his ticklish spots until Steve moves.  
 A minute later Steve’s sitting up, crowding into Danny’s space to show him the latest picture Grace sent him, and that launches them into a familiar conversation about who Grace likes best.  Steve finally settles, shoulder leaning against Danny’s, feet crossed next to his on the coffee table.
 It’s all completely, wonderfully normal.  
 Maybe Danny doesn’t have as much to worry about as he feared.
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flowerfan2 · 5 years
Bound To Be Together - Ch. 25
This is it - the final chapter in my episode coda series, and the fix-it to 9.25.  Hope you all enjoy it!
McDanno, E, A03 (Read from the beginning here)
A continuous story of Season 9 codas exploring the bond between Steve and Danny as they grow even closer.
Chapter 25: 9.25
Danny paces back and forth in the waiting room, feeling like he can barely catch his breath.  Steve had been whisked away to surgery hours ago, and Danny still hasn’t been able to talk to him.  He still doesn’t know for sure if he’ll ever be able to talk to him again.  When Steve was shot he went down so hard, and there was so much blood… Danny doesn’t want there to be a limit to how many times Steve can defy death, but even cats only have nine lives.
“Coffee?”  Tani appears in front of him, holding a steaming paper cup.  She and Junior showed up at the hospital just a little while ago, both of them looking almost as wrecked as he feels.  
Danny isn’t interested in coffee, though.  Doesn’t think he could hold the cup without spilling it.  Caffeine isn’t going to help Danny now.  Nothing is, except Steve waking up and giving him a chance to explain himself.
Danny Williams has fucked up many times in his life.  He is sadly familiar with the cold sweats, the wave of shame, the urge to hide under a rock and never come out.  But this time he’s outdone himself.   
 “Hey, it’s gonna be okay.”
 Danny blinks, realizing that he’s sitting on the floor, Tani crouching down next to him.  She puts a hand on his shoulder, barely flinching at the blood stains on his shirt.  Steve’s blood.
 “I don’t think it is,” Danny chokes out, hardly able to bear the kind look in Tani’s eyes.  He sinks his forehead to his knees and covers his head with his arms.  
 “Come on, you said it yourself.”  Tani gives his shoulder a squeeze.  “This is what they do.  And they always make it out the other side.”
 “You don’t understand.”
 “So fill me in.  We’ve got time.”  Tani shifts, settling herself next to Danny on the floor.  “Take a few deep breaths, okay, and then tell me what happened.”
 Danny breathes into the space between his knees, feeling his heart continue to pound a broken rhythm against his chest.  It reminds him of how he felt when that building collapsed on top of him, years ago. Except that time Steve was with him, holding his hand.  Making sure he made it out the other side.  
 Now he’s in a crowded hospital waiting room, surrounded by all of Five-0 except the person that matters most to him.  
 “You don’t wanna hear this.”
 “Try me.”
 Danny sighs.  He pretty much feels like he’s going to fall apart anyway, telling Tani can’t possibly make it worse.  “Just before Omar Hassan’s wife came in, I told Steve I lied to him about last week.  Told him I wasn’t in New Jersey, that I was with Rachel on Kauai instead.”
 Danny hears Tani suck in a breath, but before she can launch into him, Lou responds incredulously.
 “That’s bullshit.  I know you were in Jersey.  You’ve been talking nonstop about that Mets game you went to with your sister.  Even posted dumb pictures on Facebook.”
 “I know,” Danny says.
 “Wait, I’m confused,” Jerry says, pulling a chair over with a squeak.  “Were you in Jersey or not?”
 “I was, of course I was,” Danny says.  “Helping my folks move into a smaller place, just like I said.  I was just screwing with Steve, like I always do.  He does the same – hell, in the car earlier, he was giving me shit about that NSA woman he flirted with a few months ago.  And he’s always bringing up Catherine.  It’s what we do.”
 “You told him you spent a week on Kauai with Rachel, but you were just screwing with him?”  Lou asks, still obviously not convinced that Danny hasn’t lost his mind.
 “Not my best moment,” Danny confirms.  “But we weren’t done talking – we were in the middle of the conversation.   I could barely keep a straight face as it was, the joke would have been over in another ten seconds.  Azra Hassan interrupted me – if she hadn’t come in, this never would have happened.”
 He lifts his head and looks up at his team, who stare back at him with various degrees of disapproval.
 “Man, you really stepped in it this time,” Lou finally says, and Danny nods.
 “Yeah, I did.”
 Another hour goes by. Adam convinces Danny to get up off the floor, and they walk down the hall to the vending machine together. There’s something different about Adam lately, something hopeful, and Danny’s glad for him.
 Back in the waiting room, Tani pats a plastic chair next to her and he sits down between her and Lou. He offers Tani some of the candy bar Adam bought him.
 “Thanks,” Tani says, holding his hand steady while she takes a bite.  “You know,” she says, wiping a crumb off her mouth, “you really are kind of a dumbass.”
 Danny huffs out a bitter laugh.  “I’ve been told that before.”
 “Steve’s gonna be fine,” she says.  “And you guys are gonna be fine.  What you’ve got together is too good for this to throw it off course.”
 Danny stares at her then, and something must show in his face, because Tani gives him a soft smile he’s never seen before.  
 “Fuck,” Danny says.  “Did… did I just out us… Steve… to the entire team?”
 “We knew, Danny,” Tani says gently.  “We’ve known for a long time.”
 “Definitely,” Lou says. “That day taking prom pictures? Come on.”
 “My housewarming party,” Adam says, “that’s when I knew for sure.”
 Junior shakes his head. “I think it was even earlier.  Steve stays over your house all the time, it’s not exactly a secret.”
 “I knew something was up last fall.” Tani says.  “When Danny was away, and Steve brought in that giant box of coco puffs from Liliha’s, ‘cause he didn’t realize Danny was gone, and then he was so upset when he found out he moped like a middle school kid all week.”  
 “No, that was before Joe White was killed, wasn’t it?  Didn’t seem like you were together then,” Adam says.
 “Oh, yeah, it did,” Junior insists.  “You weren’t there when Danny showed up, but I was.  You should have seen the way-”
 “Okay, that’s enough,” Danny says, standing up, his face hot with embarrassment.  His team’s casual recital of everything he and Steve have been through for the past year isn’t making him feel any better, it’s just pointing out how much he has to lose.
 “Excuse me, Five-0?” It’s a little ridiculous how well all the hospital staff know them.  “I have an update on Commander McGarrett?”  
 They all turn, and Danny holds his breath as he waits for the doctor to continue.
 “How is he, doc?”  Lou asks.
 “He’s going to be fine,” the doctor says, and Danny feels a surge of relief so strong it almost knocks him over.  “He lost a lot of blood, and we were worried that he hit his head pretty hard on the way down, but the bullet missed all major organs.”
 “Can I see him?” Danny pushes forward, but the doctor steps back and holds out a hand.  
 “We’re moving him to a room, and then one of you can come in.”
 Danny nods, but the doctor continues, looking at Danny apologetically.  “He asked to see Captain Grover.  I’m sorry, Lieutenant.”
 “That’s okay, Danny can go-”
 “I’m afraid that’s not what I meant,” the doctor says.  He waits for Lou to acknowledge this.  “Someone will be back to let you know when he’s ready.”
 Danny sags against the wall. “He doesn’t want to see me.  He’s barely out of surgery, and the first thing he remembers is that I lied to him.”
 “But you didn’t,” Tani insists.
 “He thinks I did.  He almost died, and he thinks I betrayed him.”
Lou only spends a few minutes with Steve before the nurse kicks him out.  He fills the team in on Steve’s medical situation (he’s going to be stuck in the hospital for at least a few days, but he’ll make a full recovery) and tells them all to go home.  
 Lou stays behind, clearly anticipating that Danny wants to know more than he’s told the rest of the team.
 “What did he say?  Why can’t I see him?”
 Lou leans against the back of a chair, looking uncomfortable.  “I told him you were here, and that you were worried.  But I didn’t plead your case for you.  You’re going to have to do that yourself.”
 “What the hell?” Danny snaps, anger getting the best of him.  “You didn’t tell him anything?  That I wasn’t with Rachel?”
 “Actually, I tried. Against my better judgment.  But he wouldn’t listen, just waved his hand in my face and said he wanted to sleep.  And then the nurse kicked me out.”
 “This is not fair,” Danny says, looking around for someone else to complain to.  “Why – why won’t he listen?  Why won’t he let me talk to him?”
 “Give him some time, Danny,” Lou says.  “He’s had a rough day.”
 “A rough day,” Danny says, his throat catching.  “Yeah, that about sums it up.  Fuck.”
 Lou eventually goes home to shower and get some sleep, but Danny stays in the waiting room.  Jerry returns to sit with him for a while, and tries to cajole the nurses into letting him see Steve – he promises to put in a good word for Danny -  but apparently they want him to have “uninterrupted rest.”  Danny has the feeling this is actually at Steve’s request, to avoid having to deal with Danny, but there’s not much he can do about it.
 Later Tani and Junior come by, and Junior’s brought him a t-shirt and jeans.  His own.
 “How’d you get these?”
 Junior rubs his face. “I knew you’d ask that.”
 “The ‘Danny drawer,’ where else,” Tani says, smirking.
 “At Steve’s place?”
 “Well, my first thought was to get clothes from your house – we could use the key that Steve keeps in that bowl by the front door?  But Junes knew where to find your stuff at Steve’s, so that saved us a stop.”
 “How did you know I had clothes there?”
 “Junes does Steve’s laundry when he’s feeling particularly dutiful - didn’t Steve tell you?”
 Danny sighs.  Clearly he’s not the detective he used to be. Junior is a lot more observant than Danny has given him credit for, and Tani, well, Tani’s a force to be reckoned with.
 “It’s cool,” Junior says, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.  “I don’t mind doing laundry.  I like the routine.”
 Danny tries not to imagine Junior folding his boxers.  “I can’t believe this.”
 He does feel better when he’s changed into clean clothes.  There’s nothing like wearing a shirt with your partner’s blood on it to bring down your mood.  The t-shirt Junior brought is one of his favorite black ones, and it’s soft on his skin. He keeps it at Steve’s on purpose. Steve likes him in it.  And out of it.
 When Noelani comes to check on Steve (and Danny) later that day, after her shift, Danny gets an idea.
 “Can I borrow your jacket?” Sometimes being a relatively small guy comes in handy.  
 With Noelani’s white coat on and a confident stride, Danny passes for a doctor long enough to sneak into Steve’s room.
 Steve is lying on his side, facing away from the door.  He turns as Danny enters the room, and Danny’s heart skips a beat.  Steve’s got a bandage on his head, and a bruise running down the side of his face.  But the worst part is the defeated look in his eyes.
 “What are you doing here?” Steve says, his voice scratchy.
 “Steve, for god’s sake, I’ve been dying to see you.”  Danny rushes over, reaching for Steve.  He completely forgets about anything except getting him in his arms.
 But Steve flinches, and Danny freezes, then pulls his hands back to his sides.  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-”
 “Go away, Danny.”
 “Steve, you have to let me explain.  I wasn’t with her, I was just kidding around, I would never-”
 “Nurse!  Security! Help!”  Steve yells, and Danny is hustled out of the room before he can continue. The bastard, he thinks.  He’s just being childish.  And he’s managed to get Danny thrown out of the hospital for the remainder of Steve’s stay.
 With no other options left, Danny goes home.  
 A few days later, Steve gets released.  He’s not supposed to go back to work yet, but he’s recovered enough to go home.  Danny and Junior drive to the hospital in Steve’s truck, Tani following behind.
 “You sure you want to do this?”  Junior asks.
 “I’m sure.”  
 Junior goes inside and comes back out with Steve a few minutes later, while Danny waits in the car with Tani, slouched down and out of sight.    After Junior gets Steve settled into the passenger seat of the truck, he and Danny switch spots.
 Steve glares at Danny as Danny starts up the truck.  “Fuck off.”
 And that’s it, for almost the entire drive back to Steve’s place.  Danny has spent the past few days swinging back and forth between despair and fury, and right now, Steve’s refusal to talk to him is pushing all his fury buttons.  But he knows the mess between them is his fault, and he’s not going to let Steve ruin this.  Not if he can help it.
 So he sits there next to Steve, and drives his car, and brings him home.  Because that’s what partners do.  And that’s what <i>partners</i> do, even if they’re mad at each other.
 As they approach Steve’s house, Danny bites his lip, takes a breath, and speaks.  “I love you, you know.”
 Steve doesn’t answer.
 When they pull into the driveway, Steve jumps out before they come to a full stop.  He’s inside his house with the door slamming shut behind him before Danny turns off the truck.  As he watches Steve sprint up the walkway, he can’t help but be impressed – Steve’s physical injuries sure aren’t slowing him down.
 Over the next few days, Steve keeps up the silent treatment.  He doesn’t return Danny’s calls.  Grace informs Danny that Steve is answering her texts, but only if she talks about things other than Danny.  Tani tries to get Steve to talk to him, but when it doesn’t result in any progress, she just shrugs.  “Boys are dumb,” she announces, taking the last malasada out of the box Danny brought in for the team.  “I can only do so much.”
 A week after Steve was shot, Danny decides he needs to try another approach.  He does a little research, and makes a call.
The cove is beautiful. There are palm trees lining a gentle curve of beach, and one of the smaller Hawaiian islands is off the coast in the distance.  Danny fidgets as he waits.  He’s dressed the part, he hopes, with a white on white Aloha shirt and khaki slacks. He’s even wearing flip-flops, the kind Steve thinks are dressy, with braided leather straps.
 He hears Frank and Steve talking before he sees them.  Frank is excited about his new project, and had jumped at the chance to show it off to Steve – and try to help Danny out, too.  “Happy to help, sunshine,” Frank had said over the phone, and then explained how Danny could pay him back in beer.
 “The arch will go over here, with the chairs behind it, facing out to the ocean,” Frank says, his voice getting louder as they approach.  “I’ll build a hut, too, for the reception, all open air.  And open bar.”
 They come around the bend, Frank still talking, Steve looking around obligingly.  When Steve sees Danny, his eyes widen, and he comes to an abrupt stop.
 Frank looks at the two of them, pats Steve on the shoulder, and leaves, going back the way they came.
 “Danny,” Steve says, staring him down.  “What’s going on?”
 Danny swallows hard, and walks over to Steve.  At least he isn’t running away, Danny thinks.  “I wanted to talk to you.”
 “You couldn’t have done that somewhere else?”
 “I wanted to talk to you here,” Danny says.  He waves his hand at the clearing, which will someday host happy couples on their special day.  “I always imagined we’d end up at a place like this.  Eventually.  If things worked out.”
 Steve lifts his chin, looks away.  “Yeah, too bad that’s off the table.”
 Steve’s reaction stings, but Danny knows him.  It’s not over yet, and Danny has hardly gotten started.
 “Steve, please.  Stop being so stubborn and just listen to me for a minute.”
 Steve frowns, but after a long moment, he turns back to Danny.  “I’m listening.”
 Here goes, Danny thinks. He rehearsed what he wanted to say a dozen times, but he’s still not sure he’s going to get it all out.
 “I’m a changed man,” he starts, and he sees Steve’s eyes flit over his outfit.  Not just my clothing, you dope, he wants to say, but refrains.  “I’m a changed man, a better man, since I met you.  Not just since I met you, but… because you love me.  Because I love you.”
 Steve’s face softens for a moment, but then his jaw clenches again.  Danny can tell he’s about to lose him, and he rushes to get to the point.
 “I’ve gotten more positive, even if not everyone sees it.  I’ve opened myself up to the possibility of good things in my life.  Good things happening with you, in particular. But no matter what I thought before, I realize now, it wasn’t enough.  I didn’t change enough.”
 This gets Steve’s attention, and his eyes finally meet Danny’s.
 “I crossed a line, last week,” Danny continues, his eyes starting to tear up.  “I went too far.  And I’m sorry.”
 Steve steps back, still holding Danny’s gaze.  “Danny, you really hurt me.”
 “I know, babe.” It slips out, Danny can’t help it, and he moves forward and grabs Steve’s arms, hands squeezing his biceps tight.  “I know, I’m so sorry.  I screwed up. I’m so sorry.”
 “I believed you.” Steve’s voice is small, barely audible over the sound of the breeze in the palms.  “I didn’t want to, I knew it didn’t make sense, but for a few seconds there, I believed that you went away with Rachel.  That you lied to me, and cheated on me, and…”  Steve ducks his head down, but he doesn’t pull away.  “It really hurt.”
 Danny doesn’t doubt it, he can feel the ache in Steve’s chest just like the one in his own.  “I shouldn’t have joked about that,” Danny says, inching closer to Steve and sliding his hands up to his shoulders, pressing his collarbone with his thumbs.  “We kid around about almost everything, but I knew how you worried about me and Rachel.  I should have known it wouldn’t be a joke to you.  I went too far.  I’m sorry.”
 Steve looks at Danny, and his eyes are wet.  “I got shot. And you weren’t there.”
 Danny tilts his head, confused.  “I was there, I was right there.  Lou tackled Azra, Adam grabbed the kid, and I was next to you in seconds. I used the hem of my shirt to put pressure on your wound, I had your head in my lap-”  Danny’s voice breaks.  He can taste how terrified he was, when Steve didn’t respond.  He shudders, remembering all too clearly.
 “But you were with Rachel. In my mind.  And…  that’s what I thought, at the hospital, when I woke up.”
 “Is that why you wouldn’t let me come see you?”  It’s exactly what Danny feared – that given the drugs and the shock, all Steve would remember would be their last conversation.
 “At first.  And then,” Steve pauses, his tone shifting to something like embarrassment, “I was just pissed.”
 And hurt, Danny fills in. Really fucking hurt.
 “I’m so sorry,” Danny says again.  He’ll say it as many times as it takes.
 Steve sniffles, and then his arms are around Danny, pulling him close.  “I don’t like fighting with you.”
 “I don’t like fighting with you either,” Danny chokes out, digging his face into Steve’s neck.  He rubs his nose against Steve’s sweaty throat, feeling his stubble scratch over his skin.  “Please say we won’t fight anymore.”
 Steve makes a sound that’s somewhere between a laugh and a cry.  “I don’t think I can make that promise.”
 Danny laughs with him, snorting wetly into Steve’s shirt, and clutching him tight.  He feels lightheaded, almost giddy.  They’re going to be okay.  They’re really going to be okay.
 “Making me come out here with Frank was a dirty trick, you know,” Steve says, his hand sliding up into Danny’s hair.  “The whole time, I kept picturing you and me getting hitched on the beach, Gracie at your side, Mary at mine, Joanie and Charlie with flowers and rings.”
 “Really?”  The image had of course occurred to Danny too, he’s already admitted it, but he hadn’t begun to hope that Steve was on the same page.
 “That’s, um, that’s good. That’s very good.”  Freakin’ understatement of the year, it’s so good.
 Steve laughs, more relaxed now, and he pulls back to find Danny’s eyes.  “Figured you’d think so.”  He looks Danny up and down.  “Nice outfit. Coincidence?”
 “Yeah, this vintage Aloha wedding shirt was just lying there at the top of my clean laundry basket, total luck of the draw.”  Danny raises an eyebrow.  “Hey, by the way, could you maybe have mentioned that Junior does your laundry?”
 Steve squints at him, and then apparently puts two and two together.  “Guess that might have given us away?”
 “Depends, I suppose, on whether he was fooled into thinking that you had secretly taken to wearing striped dress shirts in my size.”
 “And black t-shirts.”
 “That’s not completely beyond the realm of possibility,” Danny muses.  “You look hot in black.”
 “So do you,” Steve says, and then, unexpectedly, blushes.  “I like you in white, too.”  Steve leans in and kisses Danny, his mouth soft and gentle, and Danny melts against him.
 “Oh, babe, thank god,” Danny whispers against Steve’s lips, and Steve hums in agreement before ducking down to kiss him again, another gentle press, and another, until Danny is practically shaking with the force of his tenderness.
 “I don’t want to lose you, Danny,” Steve murmurs, kissing Danny’s cheek and down his jaw.  “Don’t even tease about it, okay?  Anything else is fair game, but not that.”
 “Okay, yes, absolutely. Lesson learned.  I’m so fucking sorry-”
 Steve cuts him off with a kiss that is significantly more heated, his tongue darting inside Danny’s mouth, pressing hard enough that their teeth clack together, then stopping for his own apology.   “I’m sorry too.  I was kind of an ass about it.  Should have let you talk.”
 Danny laughs against Steve’s lips as Steve takes his mouth again.  Steve isn’t letting him talk now either, but he’s got no problem with it. There is one thing he needs to say, though, and even Steve’s blisteringly hot making out skills aren’t going to stop him.
 “Hm?”  Steve blinks at Danny, pupils blown and eyes wide. “Yeah?”
 “I love you a ridiculous amount, okay?  And I’m yours.  Just yours.  For as long as you want me.”
 Steve beams and practically bounces on his toes.  “Yeah? How about forever?”
 Danny’s heart leaps, and he can feel his own radiant smile stretching his face.  “Sounds good.  Very good. Forever sounds good to me.”
 Steve grins and starts kissing him again, nipping at Danny’s lips and sucking at that spot on his neck that makes Danny moan, one hand firm against Danny’s back and the other tangling in his hair.  Danny loses himself in it, gives himself over to Steve, clutching at his shoulders and murmuring encouragement.
 Steve’s hand has moved to the front of Danny’s pants and Danny thinks there’s a decent chance he’s about to get his very first beachfront blowjob when they hear Frank clearing his throat, explaining in an amused tone that he needs to get back, but if they want to stay longer, they can probably catch an Uber.  Steve and Danny jump apart, Steve looking charmingly disheveled and Danny feeling like a kid almost literally caught with his pants down.  
 Danny’s first instinct is to pretend that nothing much was going on, but Steve grabs his hand and beams at him.  There’s a glint in his eye that Danny is all too familiar with, and before he can say anything Steve drags him tight against him, attacking his mouth in a searingly hot kiss - right in front of Frank, who lets out a delighted laugh.   Danny gets the feeling that now that the news is out, this won’t be the first time Steve gets a little possessive in front of their friends.  The wonderful thing is, nothing could make Danny happier.  
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flowerfan2 · 5 years
Bound To Be Together - Ch. 23
McDanno, M, A03
A continuous story of Season 9 codas exploring the bond between Steve and Danny as they grow even closer. 
Chapter 23: 9x23
Steve pops a shrimp into his mouth and licks his fingers, frowning at the disgusted look Mary gives him.
“What?  Kame brought them over, we’re supposed to eat them.”
Mary waves at the people assembled on the beach, Grace in her lovely prom dress, Will in his tux, Danny and Lou hovering nearby.  “They’re supposed to eat them.  And if you don’t slow down, there won’t be any left.”
“I’m hungry, what can I say.”  Steve regrets not bringing his beer out onto the lanai.  They want to keep this an alcohol-free event, at least until the kids leave, to avoid sending the wrong message.  Not that any high-school kid on the planet is going to get through their prom night without some imbibing of forbidden alcohol, but at least they can start them off sober.
Now that he thinks of it, he’s probably wrong about what Grace has planned.  Grace is more level-headed than most high schoolers, and she’s especially attuned to the dangers of drunk driving.  Of course, neither of the kids will be driving tonight, that’s what the limo currently parked in Steve’s driveway is for.
Grace may be level-headed, but she’s still just a kid.
Will is making faces for the camera while Lou rolls his eyes and tries to get him to pose properly.   Danny wanders up to grab a shrimp.  He pops it into his mouth and then licks his fingers.  Mary makes an odd choking sound.
“What?”  Danny asks, reaching for another one.
“The two of you,” she mutters, shaking her head.
 “What?”  Danny asks Steve this time.
 “She doesn’t approve of our manners,” Steve surmises, licking his finger again for good measure.
 Danny tilts his head towards Mary, a glint in this eye.  “This is Hawaii, Mary.  Relax.”
 Mary rolls her eyes. “Unbelievable.”
 “Turnabout, fair play, you know the drill.”  Danny smirks and eats another shrimp.  
 Steve grins at them. It seems like forever ago that Mary and Danny met, and Mary gave Danny shit for his Haole ways.  A lot has changed since then.  Danny’s not even wearing a tie tonight, despite the picture-taking.  He’s still in his work clothes, slim fitting striped dress shirt and dark slacks looking none the worse for wear even though he’s had them on all day long.
 Danny steps closer to Steve and bumps his shoulder.  “Thank again for suggesting we do the pictures here.”
 Steve nods.  “Of course.”  
  “Danny, your turn,” Kamekona announces loudly.  “Time to get the father of this lovely lady in the picture.”
 Danny gives Steve a little smile and heads down to the beach, beaming at Grace and whispering something in her ear that makes her squirm.
 The setting is unquestionably beautiful, certainly more appropriate for this celebration than Danny or Lou’s place.  The sun is just starting to set, and the light has glorious warmth to it.  It brings out the last hints of blond in Danny’s hair.
 Not that Steve is staring at Danny, or anything.  
 Kamekona poses Danny and Grace with their backs to the water, and then has them shift for a different angle.  Danny takes the camera from him a few times and checks his work, and they bicker about the flash and a shadow that Kamekona seems to think Danny is imagining.
 Steve’s just about to go into the house and find some napkins so Mary stops glaring at him, when Danny stops messing with the camera and catches Steve’s eye.  “Come on, McGarrett, get down here.”
 “What?”  Steve says, but Danny can’t hear him, he’s spoken too quietly.  He’s not even sure he’s spoken out loud, until Mary shoves him.
 “Go on, your boy is calling you.”
 He’s still not sure why. The obvious reason doesn’t make sense. Maybe Danny wants him to weigh in on whether Kamekona’s getting decent shots?
 Feeling almost dazed, Steve walks towards the beach, the grass prickly under his bare feet.
 “Come on, over here.” Danny is giving him a soft smile, and Steve lets himself be positioned on Grace’s other side, his arm brushing over Danny’s where they cross behind Grace’s back.
 “Hands on her shoulders for this one, boys,” Kamekona says after he takes a few more.  Kamekona fiddles with something, and Grace wobbles in her heels, unsteady in the sand.  Steve leans into her a little more, and Danny does too, the three of them supporting each other.  “Good, that’s good, just smile now, like you love each other.”
 Steve doesn’t know what makes him look at Danny in that moment, when he’s supposed to be looking at the camera.  But when he does, Danny is looking at him too, and the expression on his face makes Steve’s stomach do somersaults.
 “That’s easy, Kamekona,” Danny says, his smile broadening as he gazes at Steve, and then down at Grace. “Plenty of love right here.”
 “All right, all right, send it over this way.”  The camera clicks some more, and then Danny moves to check the photos, leaving Steve standing with Grace still leaning comfortably against his side.  But it’s just a moment before Danny gives his approval and then he’s tugging Steve out of the way, Kamekona calling for a last few pictures of Grace and Will in the setting sun.
 “You okay?”  Danny asks, nudging him into the shade of a tree.
 “Yeah,” Steve says, his stomach finally settling, as Danny leans his shoulder against his arm.  “A little surprised, but good.”
 Danny shifts from one foot to the other before he speaks.  “The other day I pretty much told Tani to go for it with Junior.”
 That isn’t what Steve was expecting to hear, but he figures Danny will fill him in on the connection soon enough.  “Oh?”
 “Yeah.  I told her that at my age, you know… you just figure out who the people are that you care about.  I told her I could count on one hand the people in this world that really mean something to me.”
 Steve looks down, at the side of Danny’s head, and rubs the back of his neck.  “Oh?” he says again, knowing he sounds like an idiot.
 “Yeah,” Danny says, still looking at Will and Grace, who are now re-enacting putting the corsage on Grace’s wrist so they can get sunset pictures of this scene too.  Lou is insisting that the limo is on the clock and it’s time to leave, and Will and Grace share a pointed look before dissolving into giggles.
 Steve feels Danny takes his hand in his, and wind their fingers together.  Their hands are hidden by their bodies, and no one’s watching them, but Steve’s heart leaps in his chest regardless.
 He told Mary that he wasn’t in the fight, that he wasn’t having a go at dating.  Because he’s not really dating Danny, and this thing with Danny isn’t a fight, although it’s one of the hardest things he’s ever had to navigate.  And he’s definitely not just having a go at this.  He’s in it, far over his head, and he doesn’t want it any other way.
 Steve risks a glance up to the lanai, and sees Mary looking back at him, an oddly proud look on her face. Steve also told Mary that if you find someone who’s really good for you, it’s all worth it. He gives Danny’s hand a squeeze, and wonders if it’s time to come clean.
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lightwoodsdaddario · 7 years
Honestly, steve is kind, caring, smart, crazy good at what he does, he’s a great cook and so loyal it hurts and it bothers me to no end when the writers write danny saying stuff like ‘you have feelings?’ 'He’s an animal’ etc because yeah steve might be a little rough to the edges and might not always share his feelings openly with others but danny should know better by now specially after everything they’ve been through. I know this is supposed be seen as 'banter’ but it hurts me as a steve stan and it probably hurts steve too sometimes.
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