erycazh · 1 year
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no more gaslighting myself into believing that i should render everything i draw, it only causes me pain
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thedreadvampy · 8 months
Hmmmm good night was had here ☺️
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damsul · 10 months
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alexa play just like heaven by the cure please! ❤️‍🔥
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coshechka · 2 months
freeing the nipple isn't enough i want to be able to walk around buns out winnie the pooh style
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emotopunkpipeline · 2 months
I still wanna live but I still wanna die
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floaty-egg · 1 year
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rings and protein bar you know?
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also hey
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sweetest-devotion · 2 years
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incinerated · 8 months
CAZH APP: $voidhex333
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sava-smth-draws · 8 months
i told you, its not getting better! mixed bag of hwatever i made in last however many days. i dont like any of it separatly but i feel they look almost alright in form of colorful noise. more on what is going on under the cut
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so, first pic is nohara rin that is survived after blow through chest/alt, came back wrong, with a sword made from chacra or something, then her as anbu with orochimaru bc 🥺🥺🥺sciense girlf riends (i don't like legs on this one) and naruto in eeh cazh outfit i tried to make sence of his hair
second is naruto anbu au w different hair look at this jules euphoria looking ass and i tried to gijinka-d ninetails but got crowley all over again. last pic is a colored version of sketch in this one bc naruto as mc bend spacetime around himself and makes people like him by power of being a himbo
then third is big pic of my oc astronomer lady i don't really like then sexy-no-jutsu and naruto again, tfem danzo that broke her egg late in life (and got herself some normal fucking hand bc girl!! tf is that! orochimaru was cutting corners af) and a porcelain skeleton on a chair w toy skeleton hanged on a feather boa above it as a less graphic rendition of my long idea for a full piece
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party-gilmore · 8 months
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zenixcazh · 1 year
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my two OCsonas that i project on and use as representatives of me :)
more under the cut (warning: many words, i ramble + not much capitalization)
haha, ery-cazh, get it?
- they/them + neos - non-human - floats around - 5′1″
- all pronouns, uses they/them the most - ‘human’ but also a shapeshifter - sharp teeth, will bite - 6′7″ or taller
the first thing i changed about these two were the skintones, bc i may be pale but my god were they glowing when i first color dropped. i made it so that their color palettes would be matching but with slight differences. for example, their eye colors, skin tones, blush, and whites are all the same, but they have different hair colors and differences in accessories.
Ery has a more set-in-stone look w/ their body and clothing. most likely i will never draw them in anything other than this set design. while their body and hair are more like mine (shorter, skinnier, 5′1″) they’re also not human. the face that you see is just a mask that is left floating in front of where their head would be, with hair attached to the top. they don’t actually have a ‘body’. the only thing real on their face is the moon, which is actually their eye. all else is painted on. the ‘eye’ on the right can move however, flipping vertically in order to give a happier look as opposed to the usual bored one.
Cazh is still a bit of a work in progress, but their hair, face, teeth, and eye design will likely stay the same. ofc they’re a shape shifter, so obv they’re gonna look different from time to time, but i’ll keep their sort of hair type, teeth, and iconic eye look the same. they’re more ‘human’ than Ery, but they are also what i wish i were (tall, muscular, sexy, 6′7″, a shapeshifter). their clothes are subject to change each and every way, so they don’t really have a certain ‘look’ to them. they are simply what i wish for them to be.
tldr: i am both a short nerd and a tall sexy shapeshifter
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erycazh · 1 year
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OCsona and a piece of their relationships with the Astral Express members :)
text below in case my handwriting is too messy
Cazh and March 7th: Cazh ranting about their interests and hobbies while March 7th listens, completely enraptured and waiting for her turn to do the same.
Cazh and Dan Heng: Cazh bringing Dan Heng pillows and blankets because they realized that he doesn’t have a bed. Dan Heng just woke up so he isn’t very Awake but he appreciates the gesture.
Cazh and Pom-Pom: Cazh, because they want to help and pay Pom-Pom back for accepting them into the Astral Express, does all their tasks but has to keep from laughing because they have to kneel down to talk to them. Pom-Pom keeps them company because they do all the tasks and usually stays behind in the expres.
Cazh and MC: Cazh indulges in MC’s more destructive behavior because its fun and they like spending time with them. MC also knows that Cazh has fun with destructive behavior so they’re the first they go to for fun.
Cazh and Himeko: Cazh has a horrible sleep schedule, so they’re usually awake at night--or what passes as nighttime in the Astral Express. Himeko is also awake at those times because she inhales coffee, so they keep each other company and Cazh makes her coffee even if they don’t like drinking it themself.
Cazh and Welt: Cazh loves to draw and sketch, but is a bit self-conscious to share them with Welt, who is a practiced and knowledgable animator. Welt likes to share his sketches and have drawing sessions with Cazh, and tries to assuage the idea that their drawings are less than his just because he’s an experienced animator.
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xjoonchildx · 1 year
Hello! I'm less deep into BTS lore than the rest of all of y'all lovely people, can someone explain something to me please? When you say "the most expensive member of BTS" who do you mean? I feel like you're referring to J-Hope but I'm confused because I see memes about Mr. Taehyung wearing versace and three piece suits totes cazh for no reason (Cue "what was the reasonnn" audio)? halp TT_TT
i mean I'M always referring to hoseok when i say the most expensive member of BTS hahaha
but also it's because the members have called him out specifically for being a bit bougie:
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LMAOOO they take no prisoners
and i'm sure they've seen all the essssspensive purchases we haven't. but let's keep it real, they're all filthy rich 💅🏽
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cannibalspicnic · 2 years
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totes cazh
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laurenrich6marie7 · 1 month
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Copper Hose Pot by Frontgate https://shopstyle.it/l/caZhe
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xillian-870 · 1 month
I’m at the gaz ztation and the weird little thing at the cazh regizter keeps zide eyeing me!
Zo disrespectful.
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