#cause i'm gonna need trans wesen representation
green5quirrel · 2 months
There is actually a female ziegevolk in a webisode apart from the series, and as far as i know she was a friend of Juliette
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Now, based on her appeareance, i'm guessing their wesen form wouldn't really change that much compared to the human form? Idk, wanna hear what you think.
So, that's heckin' cool! I had assumed, because the only minisode/webisode I've seen or know about is the Bad Hair Day one, that Ziegevolk must be a primarily male species.
I've just read the synopsis of the story and now can only figure there aren't any main differences between male gender or female gendered Ziegevolk except for, perhaps, secondary sexual characteristics like the growth of or lack of a beard, the having of differently presenting genitalia, and mammary gland tissue growth, which is the same for people who aren't wesen.
So I assume that transitioning via hormones would act similarly to them in their human form as in their wesen form. Before reading this episode summary I also thought perhaps born male gendered Ziegevolk would be the only ones who could control others and that HRT might affect those abilities, but it seems moot with the new knowledge.
What is interesting is that their hormones work equally on male gendered and female gendered individuals (and presumably nonbinary and intersex folks). Additionally, it doesn't matter what gender they identify as or their presumed sexuality, their hormones work on everyone with the potential to be romantic.
And, really, if we're basing them on the satyr myth that tracks pretty well.
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