#cant wait to hear your reviews op
snkpolls · 6 years
SnK S3E04 Poll Results (Anime Only Version)
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The poll closed with 106 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note this is the anime only viewer version of the poll. Manga readers, please click here for the results of the manga reader poll!
Rate the episode
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100% of respondents enjoyed the episode, with no negative reviews to be found! 
Did you notice the subtle changes made to the animation in the OP this week?
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Only 15% of respondents immediately noticed the changes. The remaining voters either didn’t notice until it was pointed out to them/they watched again, or just had no idea there were changes at all. 
Which of the following scenes were your favorites?
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The top moment was Levi and Mikasa hearing Kenny’s last name. But Hange and Moblit kicking ass, Jean testing Marlowe and Hitch and Spider-Hange were all close runner-ups!
Hange punching that one dude lol
Hitch slapped Jean with that stick like her husband was in danger. Wait...
Who made the best face when ambushing the MP base?
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Connie is the clear winner here with almost no contest. Although Sasha got a pretty decent chunk of the votes as well!
How bangable was Levi this episode on a scale of 1-5?
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Over half of voters would probably let Levi step on them if he wanted to. A good 22% will take a hard pass on that, however. 
K in all honesty my inner ace has to say I wouldn't bang Levi, I just admire the goddamn gorgeous aesthetic of him beating the living shit out of said ass hole--what a time to be alive
On a scale of 1-5, how distressed were you to see Erwin beat up and chained?
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The vast majority of voters are anxious for Erwin to get out of his predicament and cleaned up!
How about that Levi/Mikasa teamwork?
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More than half of voters were excited to see Levi and Mikasa finally working in unison. Hang tight for the ride you guys! 
Did Flegel Reeves leave an impression on you?
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Flegel greatly exceeded watchers’ expectations in this episode! Some of you are hoping to get even more of him moving forward. 
Lame guy, doesn't deserve any more screen time
No, but I understand his significance
How do you feel about Levi torturing another MP for information?
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A quarter of you were ready to take your pants off, but the majority of voters were just happy to see the ugly MP have his teeth knocked in.
He is just doing it to get the information as quickly as possible. They don't have much time. They are also being hunted by the MP, so I can't really say I feel sorry for the guy.
The more the merrier. They're evil anyway.
cant be helped
I adore how Levi defends flat assed commander's honour!
How did you feel about Hitch’s emotional response to Stohess/Annie’s disappearance?
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The overwhelming majority were happy to see that Hitch really does have a caring bone (or rather, quite a lot of them) in her body. A few, however, weren’t impressed. 
Annie, Hitch and Marlo are (or more like were) in a perfectly balanced relationship. Of course Hitch cared! And look how distressed Marlo is! One of his girls went missing :(
It was nice to see that she admitted to others that she cared about Annie in the first place
So that's why manga readers like spoiling us so much
How cool was Hange and Moblit swooping in to knock out the MP’s?
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Voters were hyped to see Hange and Moblit kicking some MP ass this week! 
Moblit is as awesome as hanji damn !!!!
How do you think Erwin’s trial is going to go?
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The vast majority of voters believe that there will be a twist during the trial. 17% are sure things will be great, while 10% of voters aren’t so optimistic.
Erwin always has a plan, even if it comes into place at the very last second
His smile in the preview is too beautiful for me! Don't take him away!
He will drown Fritz in his eyebrows, Historia will be crowned and everyone can gather around an Eren Barbecue. Happy End.
Probably sentenced to death but hanged in public later, as MP said
Where do you primarily discuss the series?
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Additional thoughts on the episode?
Erwin's hot af even when he's been beaten up. I'm really enjoying the 104th squad bonding being "criminals" and all. I think Levi is a good leader and Erwin is merciful to warn Nile that the royal government is going down! I'm excited to see more Erwin and 104th. Also my love for Hanji and Moblit is growing.
My favourite episode so far.
Glad to see awesome animation not just when Levi is fighting.
It will be nice to see Nile's balls drop for once in his life. Or maybe they won't.
We are four episodes in and Fritz still didn't move an inch.
Ok but where are Best Girl and Angry Plot Device ?
Goddammit Mikasa is so pretty
Where the FUCK is Eren?
Thanks to everyone who participated! We’ll see you again on Monday! 
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spillingthefarm · 5 years
manually identifying my flagged posts because tumblr can’t do it for me, round 2
I’m starting from my very first 2012 posts. bitch. I have like 54K posts right now so my last page is page 5417 lmao
While I’m at it I am:
deleting reposts to the best of my ability
adding the tag “pixiv” to outside-sourced images that were either posted with permission, or posted from accounts that don’t prohibit reposting
adding the tag “by op” to posts that don’t have descriptions/look like reposts but aren’t
adding the tag “transparent” to transparent posts
deleting broken audio posts and posts with youtube videos that have been removed
deleting posts I actually have no relation to, e.g. gifsets of movies I haven’t seen
adding tags for a few select ship names maybe :3c
Ok let’s do this
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For some reason I don’t get the Appeal button?? Like OP was gone for that Sakura post I talked about in Round 1 but they still gave me the button?? Ugh I guess I have to bring the number to staff. Also I noticed that the banner text is like, switched? The “your reblog” message withholds the Appeal button and is actually a reblog, while the “your post” always has the Appeal button even if the post in question is a reblog, not an original post. Seems... dumb lmao
Date reblogged: 9/1/2012 (jesus)
Date discovered: 7/28/2019
URL: https://spillingthefarm.tumblr.com/post/30676981680/neophytecherryglare-i-enjoyed-drawing-headless
Original viewable? No because OP gone
Date unflagged:
Triggered an automated email? Yes. As always, post doesn’t show up in the review section
Ok today I got all the way from 5417 to 5400 and this dirk-kanaya post is the only one I found flagged. Did find a disturbing number of unsourced, tumblr originals, which was its own headache to deal with. But I want this to be an Ethical Blog
Ok it’s still today; added the tag “pixiv” to this skull post and it got flagged. Dated NSFW posts don’t exist until someone revisits them I guess. Like if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it still make a sound?? Tumblr says no
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Date reblogged: 9/14/2012 (jesus)
Date discovered: 7/28/2019
URL: https://spillingthefarm.tumblr.com/post/31555400383/source-ms
Original viewable? Yes: https://kokuyo-gang.tumblr.com/post/31013741853/source-ms
Date unflagged: 7/28/2019
Triggered an automated email? Yes. As always, post doesn’t show up in the review section
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Date reblogged: 10/03/2012 (jesus)
Date discovered: 08/01/2019
URL: https://spillingthefarm.tumblr.com/post/32851877932/homeboygamzee-man-i-cant-wait-to-get-my
Original viewable? No https://kia-von-gaylord.tumblr.com/post/32624907299/man-i-cant-wait-to-get-my-gamebro-shirt-fuck
Date unflagged: OP (sideblog) notified via chat.
Triggered an automated email? Yes. Nine minutes ago. As always, post doesn’t show up in the review section
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Date reblogged: 10/19/2012 (jesus)
Date discovered: 08/04/2019
URL: https://spillingthefarm.tumblr.com/post/33939986301
Original viewable? No https://shitsui.tumblr.com/post/33777388081
Date unflagged: OP's mainblog notified via chat.
Triggered an automated email? Yes. Two minutes ago. As always, post doesn’t show up in the review section
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Date reblogged: 12/11/2012
Date discovered: 08/19/2019
URL: https://melbelltastic-blog.tumblr.com/post/37957826121
Original viewable? Nope! OP is active but deleted that post. Although other reblogs are also flagged, which once again suggests that the core post itself is flagged.
Date unflagged: I’m just going to delete this one. The original pixiv post is deleted and the artist profile is empty.
Triggered an automated email? No.
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Date reblogged: 01/22/2013
Date discovered: 09/02/2019
URL: https://spillingthefarm.tumblr.com/post/41226122032/
Original viewable? No
Date unflagged: OP notified via chat but they haven’t been active in years so le shrug
Triggered an automated email? No.
0 notes
grazer-razor · 7 years
DISCLAIMER: this was something i was working on before i blocked PR. but since i blocked her, there’s no need for this anymore. so i’m bringing this out for informational purposes.
anyway, here you go!
so anyway, a while ago, 7siniscool scoured through my blog, trying to find ways to defame me(proof is here). to even the odds, i decided to do the same thing with PR here.
a while later, paintedrocket got sent this message by a random stranger. this one was sent, too, but that's not important.
now, i will try to explain my logic, and hopefully, you will see why these posts that paintedrocket have posted aren't too friendly with christianity.
i'm not saying that paintedrocket's a christian disliker because she posted these posts. she might have posted them without realizing why they're against christianity. that's why i'm posting this post- so all you peeps can realize why these posts are challenging christianity. however, if you feel like you need to, feel free to disagree.
this post states that there are only two kinds of christians- those who don't practice their religion very well, and those who practice their religion to illogical levels. either way, christianity is protrayed as being sub-par, since the christians who do more than just believe in god aren't in the list.
in this post, conservative christians are portrayed as easily being upset by muslims fighting for religious freedom in schools. the christian's reaction isn't extreme, but you know damn well what the joke in this post is supposed to be.
this post potrays christianity as an overly restrictive religion. the simpsons pic sums it up pretty well.
the poster wants the christian reviewers to be offended by a homestuck movie. this post seems X, especially against the more sensitive christians. http://paintedrocket.tumblr.com/post/87767231168/vaginal-kimchi-t-jumblr-knottedodyssey-i
this post portrays jesus as short-tempered and impatient, or as the poster puts it, "petulant". he's also called a child, and told to "go home, you're drunk". http://paintedrocket.tumblr.com/post/107366371903/fandomsandfeminism-bluemantle-recently-my
there are quite a number of issues in this post. for starters, op is disrespecting her grandmother, and she's also defacing her bible by changing verses to match liberals' extreme standards. call me triggered, but if you were a christian, you wouldn't like seeing the bible turned into a book about fisting and having quotes like this: "Vomit on everyone who does not respect you." http://paintedrocket.tumblr.com/post/98486270538/phiphiohara-themelmoshow-lacigreen
this trans woman is using Leviticus 20:13 incorrectly. while homosexuality is wrong, this one particular verse doesn't apply to our lives anymore. while I am one for equality, using outdated verses is kinda dumb, IMO. http://paintedrocket.tumblr.com/post/114515049938/fuckboymemer-auggie-debates
the original post was just a reaction image, but it was met by an accusation of being a "christocentric douchebag". somebody else is also accused of being exclusionary when it comes to christianity.
P.S.: jontron once did the same thing that the original post did. does that make him a christocentric douchbag, too?
this post challenges what the bible says about homosexuality by comparing it other verses, humiliating a green-shirted christian(and dozens of real-life christians) in the process. the post is probably talking about Leviticus 20:13, since the compared verses are from exodus and some other books, which are located close to leviticus.
also, it adds execution rules to verses that never even mentioned requirement of execution in the first place(deuteronomy 22:9, and leviticus 19:19), further degrading the reputation of the bible.
to be honest, i believe that this post demeans the bible's reputation, making people believe that it's just a book of ridiculous laws. finally, you can't say that the laws were made by man just to justify your own beliefs. the laws might have been relevant long ago, back when a single temptation could result in an entire village becoming sinful.
aside from these posts, there are some other posts which i have not addressed yet.
this post desecrates the bible by saying that the term "washing feet" means to wash one's genitals. jesus himself is even accused of washing the prostitute's pussy.
fortunately, all those claims were debunked by another user, but the earlier posts still remain.
*i was going to put more posts here, but there’s not really a need for that anymore*
so those are my explanations.
as always, feel free to disagree. i'm willing to hear counter-explanations, so if you have any, feel free to do so.
this is grazer-razor, signing out.
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