#cannot recommend checking out AOC's instagram enough when shit hits in the fan in the house
“...a lot of people use sports analogies in politics, and I think politics is actually a lot more like poker. In poker, what you are trying to throw off is full information as to what’s in your hand...a lot of information was just transmitted to the world. It’s not that that information is good, or bad, or positive, or negative. All information is valuable. ...Even if you don’t have a single conversation with a member of the other party, just sitting there on the floor and watching who’s talking to who, who’s sitting alone, who is circling back, who is behaving in what, in what ways...gives you valuable information. I’ve learned a lot about Kevin McCarthy this week. I’ve learned a lot about his leadership style. I’ve learned a lot about who his allies are. I’ve learned a lot about where his dissenters are, I’ve learned a lot about the character of that dissent. And what that helps us in trying to identify...not just weaknesses to exploit, but actually trying to identify who in that caucus operates more politically, and who in that caucus operates out of principal, and who in that caucus operates out of grievance. And it can be helpful. That is immensely helpful to anybody who is looking to get something done."
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on her Instagram live 1/6/2023
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