#can't wait for them to girlboss too close to the sun
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you and me and the devil makes three
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linagram Β· 7 months
πšŽπš’πš”πš˜'𝚜 πšπš›πš’πšŠπš• 𝟸 πš›πšŽπšœπšžπš•πšπšœ!
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Prisoner 006, Yoshioka Eiko, is officially voted..
Guilty! (75%)
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OKAY. OKAY THIS WAS. UNEXPECTED. i genuinely thought eiko is gonna be voted inno again?? :'D like i actually tried to make her look more sympathetic when i wrote her mv, like "hey ik she dismembered a guy but look. she was struggling okay" and i thought her vd would also show that side of her and. WOW.
and as you can probably guess from that, her trial 2 canon verdict was supposed to be innocent, which is so funny to me bc her season 1 canon verdict was actually supposed to be guilty so it's like. we got a completely opposite version of the canon route jdkslssl.
so uhhh congrats eiko, you're the second official member of the t2 guilty squad! and who knows what's gonna happen to naomi..
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whysapphics Β· 1 year
El Cazador De La Bruja ep 11 aka God Forbid Women Do Anything! Let's get to it!
Sadly, Camera Guy is all caught up to our girls now. Get him out! At least we saw him in cat ears and got a good laugh out of it... well, would've, if we weren't so focused on being scared for our girls. Thankfully, we did see Big Guy (I finally remember his name is Ricardo, yay!) and Lirio partake in the cat ears, which was sweet!
We've finally found our equivalent of Les Soldats from Noir and Enfant from Madlax! This one seems to be run by women though, so that's a certified feminism win. Office Lady is in cahoots with them, so I can't wait to see how that plays out.
Our episode character of the day was a woman who can see other people's memories. She saw what happened with Ellis and the doctor, but refused to tell us, the audience! Rude! She's also a scam artist, and a sad character. In the end, she girlbossed too close to the sun and got taken out by the Council. RIP to a real one.
Ellis and Nadie... girls are gay *sighs dreamily*. First, Ellis jokingly sang the little taco song, which prompted Nadie to look at her like this:
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She then started laughing, and Ellis laughed along and looked at her like this.
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I would do anything for them, can you tell?
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hydrangeawise Β· 1 year
Alright, EP11 of El Cazador de la Bruja really did add some spice to the story!
Shoutout to the Psychic Lady (whose precise name I've already forgotten, I'm so sorry) for making Ellis and Nadie wear cat ears, that was delightful! She really got caught up in Ellis' whole thing as much as the girls got caught up in her witch act and the consequences of it (goodness, why can't they just let a woman have fun with her scam in peace?). It was fun to get to know Psychic Lady (and the inside knowledge of her witch scam; I too would make a goddess out of my beloved cat for a witch scam) and interesting to compare her to Ellis. She was so lonely, too! Asking Ellis to stay with her forever without even knowing her or anything about her situation really spoke for itself in my opinion. But the supernatural powers aside, there was not much she and Ellis had in common. Their personalities and take on life are very different; where Ellis is learning and exploring, Psychic Lady was still clinging to happier times of the past and let herself be guided by chances of maybe getting some parts of these happier times back. It was very unfortunate for her that in trying to use Ellis, or rather her past, to do so was what brought her down in the end. She, in @yokoya-sapphics 's words "girlbossed too close to the sun" and I do agree with that sentiment.
That aside, a somewhat new major player got introduced in the form of the council! (Maybe it is even The Council, maybe that's just their name, who knows!) They, or some of their members, give me distinct Enfant/Weekday Guy vibes with how they want to destroy Ellis simply because they think she's going to turn into a disaster for the way she is. It seems that they are not working with Glasses Guy, but Jody is apparently involved with them or part of them, which makes me curious if Glasses Guy has some sort of bigger organisation at his back as well or if he's just out there, doing his own thing. (I cannot wait to meet the other long-haired lady in the next episode though!) That some members of the Council just took steps to take Ellis out by themselves is a bit worrying. Now the girls not only have Camera Guy to worry about, but also the Shadow Guys (once they make themselves known that is), and I suppose to and extent Ricardo (shoutout again to Lirio for being an excellent assistant once again. I cannot believe Camera Guy went "Must have been another guy" simply because Ricardo had Lirio with him. I hope he never makes the connection between Ricardo and Lirio, it's bad enough that he is out for Ellis. I can only do some much frothing at the mouth because of rage with that guy, and should he set his eyes on Lirio as well, I'm simply going to implode out of a mixture of disgust and fury). Nadie is going to have her hands full! She already does with Ellis, I suppose, but given that she almost knocked herself out with a rug this episode, I am a little worried for the future!
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chansaw Β· 1 year
Thank you for humoring my fascination with the yj animoprhs au :) Could you talk more about Taissa and how she's affected by everything happening? How does she reconcile her need for control and solutions with such a complicated and chaotic (not to mention seemingly endless) war? Does her fugue self make an appearance? Thank you!
thank you for humoring ME by enabling this nonsense! <3
anyways, happy taissa tuesday to you and yours. dear, sweet, precious tai. constantly girlbossing too close to the sun.
the thing about tai is that she likes to stuff all her problems into a box and shove them into a dark corner and pretend they don't exist.
taissa likes to think she's got it all under control. her peers elected her student council secretary, and her soccer coach passed the captainship to her after jackie was declared presumed deceased. she's maintaining a 4.0 GPA, and howard university, her dream school, is offering her a handsome scholarship and a position on their first division ncaa soccer team. oh, and she's running military tactics for an underground guerilla war on top of all that. she's doing fine. no, not just fine, she's doing GREAT. you'd think a war would be a natural habitat for a control freak, and that's probably what tai would say if someone asked.
she reads sun tzu's the art of war from cover to cover, and then she reads it again. then, she moves on to the works of machiavelli. she studies military treatises from every era, and she jots down all her thoughts alongside her notes on defensive and offensive soccer formations. she tries to convince herself that leading a team of soccer players and leading a team of soldiers aren't entirely two different ballgames.
sometimes, after practice, she and van will rendezvous in a locker room shower stall. van will press her against the cold tile wall, and tai will card her fingers through van's matted hair, and neither of them will say anything after they're done making out.
the problems can't stay in the box forever. her grades start slipping. she fumbles what should've been an easy pass during a game. she can't avoid the nightmares that wait for her every time she closes her eyes. if they botch a mission and something goes wrong, they get even worse. she's slipping, and she's too proud to ask for help.
she thinks nobody notices, but van does. it's the littlest things that she notices, like when a little part of her blouse isn't perfectly tucked into her jeans. or during ben's health class, when she starts scribbling in the margins of her notebook instead of actually taking notes - that's when van knows something's absolutely not right, and the minute the bell rings she drags tai towards the locker room.
"van, what? we can't be here - do this - not right now -"
"that's not why we're here." van locks the door to the shower stall behind her and folds her arms across her chest. "you can't keep going like this, tai. we have to talk about it."
and finally, the walls start to crumble.
okay now that THAT'S out of my system, onto the other question: i am not sure if i will be incorporating Other/Fugue Tai into this story yet. if i do, want to make sure i handle it right. sorry i cant give you a better answer than that!
anyways. thanks for the ask!!! i could literally talk about this au all day
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tsuki-sennin Β· 2 years
*Snrrrrk* Yay, the season's over~! Peace~! Everything's gonna be okay~! *Snrrrrk*
Revice Episode 45!
-Ahhh, the recap flashback. Rather quick.
-Heeeeey, Ikki? You okay, man?
-Olteca's coccoon, what
-Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, why's he all gooey and sticky
-Wow, Tamaki went straight for the slug
-Good job.
-You're going to jail, Mr. Human Sacrifice
-Ohhhhhh, Hana too?
-My thoughts exactly Tamaki
-Oh yeah, you did kinda almost kill Hiromicchi, didn't you?
-Oh god, demon bugs
-"Hey gamers, how's it hangin'?"
-Buu-san :)
-Well, Papa's recovering good and fine.
-...where Destream?
-Oh, Ikkiiiiiii...
-C'mon man, don't lie to the Vice Man.
-It ain't over, Ikki-nii.
-Poor Sakura. Her bosses are dead, Hikaru's off sulking somewhere, Tamaki and her girlfriend are in jail, and all she has to show for it is an AK Racing gamer chair.
-Ehhhhh... I'd say you've kinda been as strong as you always were. Physically, that is. Otherwise, you've come a very long way since we first met, and I'm proud of you, homegirl! Can't wait for Girls Remix!
-Y'know, Lovekov do be spitting facts.
-Ohhhhhh, that's a big gash.
-Ohhhhhh, here comes the demon!
-We're over six minutes into the episode and just now we're getting the theme?
-Giff Mosquitos.
-Guess Tamaki's in charge now.
-Them poor Demons Troopers.
-Love-chan speaks!
-Vice got migrains.
-We're in deep shit, Dai-chan!
-I mean to be fair, you guys are still using Giff's power, even in fragments. I think that'd be a good.
-"Hey, Daiji, stop being cringe."
-Ohhhhhh, the gash got bigger.
-...actually, since she's a snake, could she just be shedding her skin?
-...that's still kinda terrifying, but
-Wish we could've gotten more of this Tamaki/Hiromicchi interaction, it's nice.
-Daddy :(
-He left the cool rock :(
-Oh lord he sleep walkin'
-...y'know, I never really thought of Vice as "scary", especially when compared to Vail or even Kagero, but
-Oh god, he's t-posing
-Yeah have fun Kagerou
-...oh, he just
-Transforms his clothes instantly, ok
-Wait a fucking minute, is that
-Oh my God, Evil's base suit is back
-Live base suit too, epic
-Man, I wish we got more suits like Jackal.
-Jesus, how're you this much more effective between this episode and last?
-Her charge I can't even
-Girlbossed too close to the sun, huh Sakura?
-Giff is here now, I guess.
-And Vice is now a puppet boy.
-Daaaaaaamn Hana, ulhj;hl
-Oooooh? New Jeanne suit? Let's go?
-They finally got that dang upgrade, hell yeah.
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