#can't believe they're in a competition over who's the best😭
maisonbelligavi · 4 months
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Jude: You're the best
Vinicius: Naa, mate, you're the bestest
😭 they're too cute
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starlingflight · 1 month
I just wanted to butt in and say how much I love your hinny fanfics especially the once’s set in hbp. (I’m not going to say how many times I have reread them, it’s too embarrassing 🙈) The way you write them, the banter and chemistry!! Honestly sometimes it feels like I’m eavesdropping on someone else conversation because you make them seem so real. I love the pinning. :)
It’s fun to read about how tortured harry is and how he feels ‘normal’ and not under so much pressure when Ginny is around! I have a suggestion if you don’t mind (ignore this otherwise and accept my apology <3). I would love to read something you about Harry pinning over Ginny while she is with Dean and see his thoughts. The monster in his chest! I love reading about the early stages of their relationship it’s so cute! Or something like that
I hope you have a wonderful day and I hope you know that your writing is spectacular!!
Hi anon!
First of all, thank you so, so, so much for this! It literally made my day! The idea that anyone re-reads my fics makes me so happy, I can't even explain 🥺🥺🥺
And now I fear I must disappoint you 😭 I've tried writing this prompt three different ways, and I can't make it work… I very rarely explore Ginny's relationship with Dean until they're broken up and there's a reason for that (I hope you're ready for some less than complimentary takes about my two faves): Both Harry and Ginny use Dean as a coping mechanism.
Ginny stays with Dean way longer than she should, to an extent it's almost out of character for her. Why? In my opinion, because if she breaks up with Dean, she has to deal with something that's increasingly staring her in the face, the fact that Harry likes her, and despite all the work she's done on herself, she still wants to drop everything to be with him. It's an uncomfortable realisation for someone as independent as Ginny.
The sheer force of her feelings for Harry is a lot for her to accept, and it's easier for her to just stay with Dean who, while nice, inspires no such depth of emotion. It's not fair to Dean, but it's a self-preservation tactic that Ginny appears to be subconsciously committed to throughout HBP.
Now, onto the reason I'm struggling to write your lovely (and appreciated) request. Harry James Potter, number 1 avoider of emotions, actually finds the Dean relationship very convenient tbh. Do you know who doesn't have to deal with their ever-increasing feelings for their best friend's little sister? The guy whose best friend's little sister has a boyfriend.
There's a large section of HBP after Harry sees the Dinny kiss (and the chest monster is born), where Ginny lingers at the back of Harry's mind (and in his dreams) but he never really consciously dwells on his feelings for Ginny. Harry isn't ready to face it, and he doesn't have to because Ginny has a boyfriend.
It's only when Ginny and Dean break up that Harry starts to panic, not that Ginny won't reciprocate his feelings, only that Ron will be mad. It's one of the reasons I love hinny as a couple… on some level they both know. Even when neither of them want to haha.
Harry never views Dean as an obstacle in canon, because really he's not (sorry Dean, I still love you). I think he probably had very fleeting moments of envy (I wrote about Harry not liking Ginny wearing Dean's West Ham jumper 😅), but I don't think Harry believes for a moment that Dean is competition (I did write him having a little crisis of confidence about Dean post sectumsempra incident in FAIY, but that's really just Harry looking for ways to make himself feel bad because of his guilt). Dean is just a convenient reason for Harry not to deal with a messy emotional situation.
Really, is it any wonder Dean smashes that glass?
Anyway, apologies for the essay, I do really appreciate being sent prompts and I wish I could fulfil this one to your satisfaction! I hope someone with a slightly different hinny interpretation than me might be inspired by it ❤️❤️❤️
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katsune-nya · 5 months
Random headcanons that I'm writing down 'cause I got writer's block for the kink headcanons.
Thanks to @devilgirlnq for the help 💞.
Tora listens to Evanescence and has a MySpace account.
Kei is a tsundere, that's the tweet.
Ken uses 2in1 shampoo 😔.
Taka... For some reason I see him being lowkey a christian???
Fuyu acts all confident and shit with love when "advicing" Michi but if he has a crush he just goes 🧍🏻‍♂️ and will NEVER approach you.
Shin is actually not shy at all, we love flustered Shin, but I firmly believe he's just chill with everything.
Akkun is probably the best husband, ngl. He's stable, has a work/life balance...
Mikey has a special corner on his blanket/towel that he chews on.
Souya has to set ALL his stuffies on the bed when he goes to sleep 'cause if not he feels bad for them.
Hakkai and Nahoya sleep like in a starfish position, they sprawl all over the bed, blankets stuck to their limbs, just a mess.
Mikey and Senju drool in their sleep. (So do Shin, Michi...)
Taiju sleeps like a vampire or corpse or something, kinda creepy.
Ran wears a silk bonnet and eyemask to bed. (He's so babygirl)
Ran used to get up in the middle of the night and check if Rin was still breathing 😭.
In the last timeline, Emma got cute overalls to match the vibe when hanging out at Shin's shop, then used them when "helping" Ken (talking his ears off).
Taka and Kei are the ones that respect women the most tbh. Mikey and Ken are cool too, just... Kinda old school? Women need protection 'cause they're weaker and shit? But with good intentions.
Ken is the dad friend, Taka the mom friend, Mikey, Kei, Nahoya and Tora are the bastard children, Peh and Pah the pet chihuahuas.
Mikey didn't one day decide to let his hair grow, he just was too lazy to go get a haircut and it just ended up as we know it.
I can imagine that if shin had a daughter he would go see lil Izana at the orphanage to show him his niece while Kakucho looks in awe along with him.
Ran would definitely give his daughter those black sun glasses to wear... As a toddler.
Koko's son is a fashion icon.
Mikey can't have children, he is the baby.
Draken is so girl dad.
Koko's son knows how to strut.
The machoman dressed like a fairy having a tea party... That's mochi.
MUCHO TOO. Man will look so intimidating with makeup smeared all over his face by his daughter.
He walks down the street at a fair or smth with his two girls one on each hand, stern expression fairy wings and glittery makeup.
I see Taka not having children until he's older maybe.
He had enough kids already lmao.
Wait till marriage type of man (for kids, not sex lmao.)
The *gets closer* "can I kiss you?" Is Taka in the beginning of the relationship.
Shion looks like the type to be so competitive when playing pretend kitchen with their child.
When in real life he can burn the dam kitchen.
Cooked dry pasta but didn't know you needed to boilt it.
Just put it in the pot.
You come back after being out for the day and find Shion asleep on the floor next to the couch, mouth open, with your kid sprawled on his chest, the house a mess, and fast food boxes around.
The state of the kitchen shows he tried
Almost all of them are girl dads.
Not because of being good with women or anything.
But because they all give gay vibes. (I'm joking... Mostly)
Hakkai ain't having kids.
He's a single, childless gay.
He's like fuck them kids, respectfully.
Hanma... Why do I see him having old parents or a grandpa.
His parents had him when they were in their 30s/40s.
Probably parents don't even live where he lives 'cause they don't give a shit or are dead.
Or both lmao.
He gives unsupervised vibes.
He probably got kicked out or snuck out and lived in the streets somewhere.
He's one of the many characters who doesn't get holydays or bds celebrated at home.
I see him living alone somewhere.
Maybe the streets, staying over places.
Or a house that used to belong to a relative.
Or abandoned place.
He slept on the bus stop benches.
But like, he has money for cigs.
He steals or pickpockets.
Maybe some deals, betting... Doesn't even cheat, he's just good and lucky.
Beats people up for money too.
And has senpaiis is the delinquent world.
That's how he got his bike.
I headcanon him and Tetta go hang out and eat sometimes with Tetta's excuse being having to strategize.
And Tetta always pays.
He just does it, before Shu can't even say or do anything.
Shu probably gets seconds yet Kisaki is so used to it he doesn't question it. Just scoffs at him but nevertheless still pays.
He scolds him for eating like a pig but then side eyes him worriedly if he eats less.
And goes like "It's rude to not even eat what I'm getting you".
Will NEVER say that he just worries about him lmao.
Mikey needs a photographer for something as a racer and before Koko recommends someone Tetta goes "I'll call Hanma." And leaves.
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queenpiranhadon · 4 months
It's-a me with a new book series to hyper fixate on
So ehem I just finished the first book of the Inheritance Games (not adding it to my fandoms list until after I finish the series tho) and uh...
(spoilers below the cut)
And the ending though?? Like I WANT Xander to go to Avery and work together because they both have crucial information but I also want him to get the recognition he deserves I will die on that hill.
Jameson seriously gives me Sirius Black + James Potter vibes (idk is that just me 😭). But like 👏🏾 do 👏🏾 not 👏🏾 treat 👏🏾 Avery like a piece in this big game, get over your dead ex and tell her you love her pls and thank you.
But like you know those videos about the best book boyfriends and their nicknames (idk maybe it's just me lmao) but like "Heiress" and "Mystery Girl" and "Cinderella" I'm squealing.
Grayson- okay there's a lot to him. I am in love with Avery's chemistry with Jameson but Grayson's chemistry with her is adorable too (in the first book at least). Like they start nerding out about statistics and probability like I want a man who will not only just judge me but join me as I overanalyze the implications of outfit, song, and set choices in movies or question the bounds of the universe and talk about the possibilities of the fourth dimension thank you very much.
But like, he has suffered a lot, even if nothing is really his fault, he takes it upon himself to blame himself because believes as the all-knowing Hawthorne he is responsible for everything. That being said, he could've been maybe less of an asshole in the beginning like man wdym by "you're injured and you will tell me why." like yes, that amount of dominance is attractive at certain moments but dude just leave the poor girl alone 😭
Nash I relate to on a spiritual level like oldest sibling, knows pretty much everything that his sibling are still trying to figure out, couldn't care less, doesn't care less, etc etc like join the club lmao. Obviously though, being in the Hawthorne family and having three extremely clever younger brothers all competitive in their own way, he's definitely felt undermined before and probably just stopped trying to be better. And I get that, even if I still try to be better than my own younger brother but he's just living his life, razzing up girls as one does lmao.
And his relationship with Libby...don't get me wrong, they're adorable together, like he's persistent in making sure she's secure and stable and his overprotectiveness is well...ehem he wants this things as they are lmaoo. But even so, I'm still a little wary about him because of his dating history but who knows maybe he'll prove me wrong.
Avery's so funny like first thing she thinks about when meeting any of the Hawthorne's (the grandsons I mean) is damn he's hot. And I mean after everything, I just love her, her reactions are on point, she's just trying to figure stuff out lmao.
I'm leaving my rant here uhm sorry for the essay heh
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martsonmars · 6 months
I'm bored so I'm bringing this back from ages ago. I sadly don't remember who tagged me, and anyone's welcome to play!
Rules: bold the things that apply to you.
Blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to TV shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I’ve known for ten years // My parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // The sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colours // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // Autumn is my favourite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of Sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
some comments under the cut
I used to have blond straight hair when I was a kid. Around age 8-9 it exploded and now it's darker and curly.
I am so happy I became comfortable with tight shirts 🥰 I love tight shirts in cold months. Instead I can't wear tight clothes in the summer because I suffer the heat too much. I don't like extremely tight trousers in my crotch area but I don't mind tight on the legs.
I have only my ears pierced. In Italian ear piercings are called orecchini and anything else is called a piercing, so my first reaction is always to say no when I'm asked about piercings. But they're still piercings, right? Anyway yeah.
I used to have braces and I kinda loved it. I was so sad when it was over.
I sunburn so easily 😭
I don't think I have freckles (just lots of moles) but for some reason I'm not sure. (Which means I don't have them.) (But...)
My painting nails habits are: nails always painted for a couple of weeks and then nothing for weeks or months. I go through phases.
I don't typically wear make up, but it's been a year since I started wearing it more often and I'm happy about it. It's just a fun thing I do when I have time or remember, I almost always put make up on when I go out at night but that doesn't happen often 🤣
I'm not *not* pleased with how I look. There are some things about myself that I don't like but I'm way more comfortable with myself than I used to. And right after showering (only time my hair looks good) and with the right clothes (often winter clothes but I got some nice summer clothes too finally) I feel very pretty.
I think I have a pair of Adidas but I don't care about either of these brands. I only wear my Adidas when I need to wear that kind of shoe (basic trainers) for some reason. Actually if I have to choose I prefer Adidas because I don't like the Nike symbol.
I don't play a sport currently but I'd like to start doing archery again.
I can technically play several instruments. In reality, I lack practice or better skills in all of them. I played piano consistently from age 12 to 15. I wasn't the greatest but I had solid technique and could play an adequate amount of things with practice. But my piano setup was unpractical and so I never practiced after I quit taking lessons (and I quit taking lessons because I never practiced...) Now I don't know when's the last time I played. Maybe one day I'll have a nicer setup and start playing again. I can play guitar (acoustic and electric) at a basic level. It's self taught and I lack the discipline and consistency to practice and improve and especially to learn the difficult things that would be a jump in quality. But really I just want to play some songs and sing along, so for now it's fine. I play ukulele too — technically same situation as guitar but I'm way better at it. I can play one song (the Concerning Hobbit theme) on the tin whistle. I played the triangle in my middle school orchestra when there were no piano pieces for me. I'm pretty good at playing the recorder (in the sense that it's actually pleasant to listen to it and not torture).
I definitely know two languages. (Italian and English.) I am supposed to know French (exam in one month everyone panic) — I definitely knew French years ago, now I understand it (really well in written form, only if slow and nice in spoken form) but speaking and writing are a mess. I have an extremely beginner level of Spanish (which I can understand somewhat due to the similarities with Italian but beyond that I have a basic level) and German. (Technically Russian too but other than the alphabet and some words I forgot everything.) And I studied Latin and Ancient Greek in high school but all I can do is translate them with the help of a dictionary.
I think I won a medal when I used to do archery. And I got a second place at a piano contest and a money prize for several writing contests.
I can do a few origami from memory, could do more with help but idk if it counts.
I think I prefer TV shows because I can only bring myself to watch something when I need a background distraction as I do things, and movies don't work. Too long when I need company for a short activity and too short when I plan on hyper focusing on a project for a million hours. (Though all these 8-10 20 minute episodes are basically a movie.) I also feel like the mental investment I have to make when I start a new TV show and need to pay attention to understand plot and characters pays off if there are a lot of seasons, and sometimes that's what I need, vs a movie that's over so soon and I need to pay proper attention for a too high percentage of it compared to a TV show. Other times I need something short (but even then I seek one season TV shows before looking for movies) but more often I need to know that I'm starting something that will keep me company for a while. I feel like I only watch movies when I'm reminded they exist or I'm intrigued by them, so it's linked to my desire to watch that specific movie in that moment — while I more often want to watch TV shows (without having chosen one yet) as a general activity.
I love singing!!! I think I'm kinda good at it but I wish I had the chance to practice more in a place where I don't feel like I have to be quiet.
I don't know if I started a new book series this year. Plenty of new books but were any of them a series????
I should travel more often!!!!! While I still don't work!!!!!!
I can do a handstand with my body half in water 🤣
I have a crush on my girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sadly I lost all the friends I made before 2015. But most of the 2015 people who are still in my life are my closest friends, so that's aaaaaalmost 10 years. We're so close.
I consider the person I'm dating one of my best friends so I'd say I'm dating a best friend (there is a person I still call “my best friend” and I never dated her, nor any of the people I used to call best friends when I thought there had to be just One Best Friend, but I now believe I have several best friends and I am dating one of them, so.)
I have a billion of online friends. Almost all my friends (and definitely all my closest ones). I've been lucky to meet up with a lot of them and hopefully next year will bring many more.
I'm not sure I've actually ever slept under the stars 🤔 I have slept outside in a tent for sure, but under the stars? Can't remember.
Clouds are the BEST. So are rainy days (unless I have to go places on foot) and I love thunderstorms when I'm safe inside (though I rarely get to to what my heart desires — stay in bed with tea and a book — on account of the Things to Do and the Situations). I love rainy summer days because they're not common here and I despise the heat with my entire being and summer makes it better for a little bit (if it rains properly. Otherwise it's just more humidity and makes it worse forever).
I like colours but I'm not sure I pay close attention to them all the time. More often if it's nature, yeah.
I ALWAYS sleep on the train and I always sleep in the car if I'm tired and not engaging in conversation. I can sleep on planes, boats, etc.
I believe in love and if love exists it's also true.
Never had proper Mexican food so I can't answer. I don't like beans though, and most of the Mexican food I've found around had beans and so I didn't try it.
I used to make up scenarios to fall asleep all the time. My favourite activity was to plan trips. Now I struggle to sleep if I'm not literally falling asleep and can't keep my eyes open, so I mostly only go to sleep when it takes me 2 seconds to fall asleep and I don't have time to think.
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