#can't believe i only had val three years ago
wanderingaldecaldo · 2 months
Cutoff Vest - Cropped, Cleaned & Recolored
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Includes DYNAMIC APPEARANCES! Supports Vanilla Fem/Masc, EBB/P, Lush, and Gymfiend without needing overrides!
Since back in my PS4 days I loved this hoodie like no other piece of vanilla clothing, and it was one of my earlier recolors. Due to popular demand of one person *cough* @togepies *cough*, I decided to make converting it to ArchiveXL my next project.
Now updated to include: garment support; fringe on the cropped version; and the in-game player vests, but cleaned and now available cropped. Overrides available for Na's flat chest and VTK Big and Small.
All my love and gratitude to my VP and testers: @breezypunk @dreadfulsanity @dustymagpie @gloryride @mhbcaps @miss--river @rosapexa @streetkid-named-desire @thelonestrider @togepies @veegeealvarez @locationkinggrp
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Gabriella (left) and Vamika (center) you might know; but please meet Séverine (right), who recently bewitched me
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
Valewis, “kiss me”
"Kiss me."
Lewis raises his head from where he was mindlessly scrolling through Instagram only a second ago, bewildered, because Did he just say...?
Val looks up from his phone too, frowning when he sees Lewis' expression.
Lewis gulps, because, well, fuck. He may be a bit all over the place, his attention span non-existent these days, and he knows he is good at imagining things that aren't true, but he hasn't completely lost his marbles.
He knows what he's just heard. It isn't just his wishful thinking. It isn't.
"I thought-" he tries to say, then clears his throat, because, fuck. This isn't how he wanted to have this conversation. Or any conversation about kissing, and especially not the conversation about kissing with Val.
Val, who's still frowning at Lewis, his finger on the screen pausing a video, is looking at him like he always looks at Lewis. Like there is nothing he'd rather do than hear what Lewis has to say. Like his words matter, matter fundamentally and to the core.
And Lewis knows he's being listened to. He knows how much the attitude has shifted in general, and he knows he's made himself be heard properly over the past decade, has made himself unapologetically loud deapite all the backlash and all the abuse piled up upon him. But the fact is, he hasn't had that sort of reaction from someone who, fuck. From someone he'd shared the garage with for a long, long time. And Lewis sometimes still doesn't - doesn't quite believe it. He still gets taken aback by the - by the fucking sincerity of the whole of Valtteri. He knows it's a whole thing he has, the fucking trust issues and everything, and he's working on it, he is, but sometimes he just can't make his heart actually believe the words and gestures that scream respect at him.
Lewis takes a deep breath, counting in his head. One, two, three, four. Valtteri deserves sincerity in return. Five, six, seven.
"I thought you said, uh. Kiss me?"
Valtteri blinks. He glances at the screen, and his features rearrange in an expression of understanding.
"Oh," he says. "Yes, uh, I did?" He is looking at Lewis, and sometimes Lewis hates the Finnish stoicism. At least Valtteri isn't as bad as Kimi, he thinks. I don't know what kind of magic Seb has, but I would've shot myself long ago if I was ever teammates with Kimi. Then again, Seb could charm a wall without any issues if he wanted to.
He shakes his head slightly, because now is not the time to get distracted by his trains of thoughts.
"Oh?" He says, not sure what else to say.
"Yeah. I'm - well," Val chuckles, and it sounds self-deprecating. Lewis doesn't like it. "I'm trying to learn some Italian. For, for next year? Just in case," he hurries to say. His cheeks are pink, and Lewis can't look away.
"Oh," Lewis repeats. He makes himself swallow around the lump in his throat, because he doesn't want to think about next year. He likes George, he really does, he thinks it's adorable how proper he is and how much he sometimes reminds Lewis of Toto, and he knows he won't have any issues with George because the young man is fundamentally nice, even though he is somehow still starstruck sometimes when they're all in meetings, but George isn't Val.
Val, who looks so good in Mercedes black. Val, who is kind and has one of the best senses of humour Lewis has ever encountered. Val, who is so thoughtful, he's trying to learn Italian for his new team. Val, who Lewis is going to miss so, so fucking much.
"Makes sense," Lewis makes himself say. He bites his lip, bit he can't help himself. He is a racing driver, and he always, always goes for the gap. "And if you want to kiss someone Italian, you'll know how to ask."
Valtteri just looks at him. Lewis tries not to think how his voice sounded just then. He doesn't think it shook. He's pretty sure he managed to keep it steady.
"Hmm," Val hums. Lewis' heart feels like it's going to combust.
There is something calculating in Val's blue eyes, something reminiscent of the way he looks at the specs and stats sometimes.
"I don't think that will be necessary," he says slowly. "The only person I'd like to kiss would understand me in English, since it's his mother-tongue."
One. Two. Three. Lewis blinks. Valterri doesn't look away from him, and his eyes look the same as when he's not backing away when fighting with James. Four. Five.
"The only problem is that he doesn't kiss his teammates."
Lewis' heart speeds up so much, he can hear it in his ears. His hands tighten, the phone case digging into the flesh of his palm.
Val still isn't looking away. His face is calm, but Lewis can see his cheeks colouring even further, and he suddenly decides doesn't want to be a coward anymore. Not when Val is so brave. Not when he's been there for Lewis for the past five years, when he bore everything Lewis threw at him and hasn't walked away. Not when Lewis admires him so much for his steadiness. Not when Lewis, fucking incredibly, despite himself, despite everything, trusts Valtteri. They have three more races left together, and a championship to win, and he's just - Lewis just wants to be happy again.
"It's a good thing you won't be teammates next year then," Lewis says, and he feels like his whole body is shaking. His heart feels like it's been hit with 50 G's. He makes himself breathe. "Ask him then."
There's a shy smile in the corner of Valtteri's mouth, a smile Lewis knows, a smile Lewis has wanted to trace with his fingers for years. A smile Lewis wants to kiss, and a smile he may even get go kiss.
"Yeah," he says, and can't hold in the giggle. "Yeah, man," he says, and grins.
When Valtteri grins back, cheeks rosy and eyes shining with happiness and says "Then I will", Lewis finally feels warmth suffuse every part kf his body.
I've forgotten what happiness feels like, he thinks, just looking at Val and grinning. I've missed it.
Bono's head appears at the door.
"Valtteri, Lewis? Meeting in five, let's go."
When Val squeezes his hand as they move to follow Bono, Lewis takes a deep breath.
One. Two.
He squeezes back.
Val's smile lights up the room, and Lewis thinks We will be so good. We will be okay, and so, so good. The best.
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