#cameron specifically she was so excited for him 😭
obxcline · 3 years
Senior Night |Rafe Cameron Imagine|
SUMMARY: y/n celebrates senior night with Rafe and his sisters
PAIRING: quarterback!rafe x y/n
REQUESTED: no, I’m just down bad for the idea of a football player rafe and him having a good relationship with his sisters😭(requests are open as well) part 2 here
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Sarah, Wheezie, and Y/N had stopped to get face paint and flowers at the Harris Teeter party section before making their way to the Kildare Prep School. It was a Friday night, specifically Senior Night. Rafe Cameron, Kildare quarterback was getting recognized and they wouldn’t miss it for the world.
Y/N was the oldest out of the girls, and the only one with a drivers license, so of course she would be driving. His girlfriend had offered to drive the girls to the game when she found out that Ward and Rose had refused to attend the game.
The news had upset Y/N but Rafe wasn’t even phased. They hadn’t even come to any of his games all through high school, and had discouraged him to go to Clemson when they had recruited him to be their backup quarterback and prepare him for his sophomore year when he would take place as the first quarterback.
They had arrived to the stadium when the players where filing onto the field. Y/N motioned to the sisters to take the tickets from her as she jogged over to the line. Panicked that maybe she had been too late.
Rafe stood at the front of the alphabetical line. Feeling more lonely than usual when surrounded by his teammates. Their parents had come to celebrate their kids and he was alone. Normally, he had gotten use to doing everything alone, but it hurt more today. He wasn’t as completely heartless and the Pogues liked to think.
She rushed to the front of the line of seniors and grabbed his arm tightly. Moving a little too fast and hitting his chest pad. Rafe jumped at the sudden and unexpected contact.
“What are you doing here?” He asked his girl friend, looping his arm with hers and holding the top of her hand.
“You’re not walking alone.” She firmly stated and offered him the bundle of blue roses to match the blue of the school jerseys. It was also his favorite color, and anytime she gifted him flowers they had to be blue.
“Have I ever told you that I love you?”
“Hmmm, maybe once or twice?” Y/N joked while looking up at her boyfriend. She was excited to be here to support her boyfriend, remembering the day when he had played his first High School game and she was in the stands supporting him. At that time, they were just really good friends.
“Now walking to the field is Senior, Rafe Cameron. Escorted by Ms. Cameron?” The announcer sounded confused as the paper before him noted that he would be walking to the field alone. Y/N’s heart skipped a beat, thinking she could get use to being called a Cameron.
“Hmmm, Y/N Cameron. Sounds like the name of an NFL player’s wife.”
Rafe commented to the girl as they walked to the center of the field and they announced that he would be continuing his football career at Clemson. They posed for pictures and exited the field. Catching Sarah and Wheezie yelling from the stands with blue paint smeared messily across their face.
“You brought them?”
“Of course, they can’t miss their big brothers moment.”
Y/N smiled and gave him a quick kiss. Wishing him luck on his final High School game before Coach Sanders rushed her out of the locker room. Saying that he needed his star player to be focused before the game.
She climbed the stands to join the girls. Taking the seat on the bleachers that they had saved for her in between them.
“Ready for the game Y/N Cameron?”
Sarah nudged the girl with a smirk on her face. Y/N rolled her eyes as Wheezie hugged her waist.
“I would want you as a sister.” Y/N smiled at the words the dark haired girl said.
“Sister in law, Wheez-“ Sarah reached over and wiped paint across her face, getting some on the white shirt with a bold 48 printed on the front. 48 had been Rafe’s jersey number ever since he played peewee, and it just stuck with him.
“Yeah, can we kick out Rose and have you move in?” Wheezie asked, seemingly serious. Sarah joined in to agree with her little sister.
“I’m sure Ward wouldn’t like that too much.”
“Who cares!”
The game had started and ended before they could believe it. The score had ended 32-24, Kildare Prep winning. Y/N’s voice was tired for screaming for the past few hours and Rafe had been watching her when the special teams had kicked off, enjoying how into the game she was.
The boys girlfriends and family members had made their way down to the field and over the fence. Y/N had checked with Sarah to make sure she would take care of Wheezie before she ran onto the field. Spotting her sweaty boyfriend shaking hands with the Coach.
When he turned around from saying a thank you to his Coach, he was practically attacked in the middle of the field. Catching his girlfriends legs and wrapping them around his waist to support her better. The two shared a passionate kiss in the middle of the field, the chants from the team being blocked out of their minds.
Only pulling apart when the confetti cannons went off on the field. Covering the turf in blue and gold confetti. Rafe placed his girl back on her feet before she grabbed his hand.
“Wanna go play in it?” Y/N pulled him behind her and the two fell into the confetti and let out a loud laugh as the two threw the paper at one another. This was a moment Rafe wanted to remember for the rest of his life, not feeling as lonely as he had at the beginning of the night.
“And Clemson?” Y/N stated. Shocked that her boyfriend was going to be going D1. He playfully threw more confetti and her before sitting up and pulling her in for a light kiss.
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