#cameron dallas belly
mpreg-celeb · 1 year
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Cameron Dallas
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stuffedteen · 1 year
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Cameron Dallas goes out for lunch
"Hey bro, I'm starving.  Do you reckon you could make me some lunch.  I'm so hungry I could eat an entire family's thanksgiving feast!" You look into Cameron's greedy eyes and realise he'll eat more than just his words...
Cameron sat sprawled with his hairy thighs spread across the chair in order to give his bulging belly as much space as possible. **buuurrrrpp** "Holy shit man!  I'm fucking stuffed!" Cameron moaned as you admired his new manly bod.   "What was in that turkey?  I don't think I'll ever eat again"  "There still apple pie in my car, big fella" at those words you saw his dick stiffen, his eyes glaze over and drool drip down his chin and onto his soft moobs and manly belly.
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namelessalessandra · 4 months
Vita da Kooks
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Rafe Cameron x Reader
(Per la mia bestie @smoothvodka ✨)
Sintesi: Sarah ti invita a passare una giornata sullo yacht con lei, Topper e suo fratello Rafe
Warnings: credo nessuno ma se ne trovate ditemelo!
Il sole brilla riscaldando la mia pelle già abbronzata e mi scosto i capelli biondi ancora più chiari a causa del sole mentre ringrazio Topper per la birra che mi passa.
-Grazie per esser venuta e non avermi lasciata sola con questi due idioti- la voce di Sarah mi arriva all’improvviso e mi giro a guardarla. Mi ha chiesto questa mattina di unirmi a loro per la giornata in barca perché suo fratello si era invitato all’ultimo momento e lei voleva avere tempo per stare sola con Topper. Non era stato un problema per me dato che Rafe Cameron era uno dei ragazzi più belli delle Outerbanks.
Così mi ero infilata il costume più sexy che possedessi: rosso e che lasciava poco spazio all’immaginazione, avevo aggiustato i capelli e messo un prendisole nero semitrasparente.
-Non c’è di che, Sarah- le risposi dandole una piccola spallata prima di fare cenno a Topper con gli occhi
-come sta andando?- le domandai sorridendo maliziosa, Sarah sorrise abbassando il viso imbarazzata prima di guardare il ragazzo e poi me
-per ora abbiamo solo parlato un po’, niente di che- rispose scrollando le spalle. Era giunto il momento di intervenire.
-Okay, lascia fare a me- sussurrai prima di prendere un sorso della mia birra e alzarmi. Gli occhi dei due ragazzi si spostarono su di me che ancheggiai di proposito.
Vidi Topper alzarsi dicendo qualcosa a Rafe prima di andare verso Sarah. Lo sguardo di Rafe scivolò lungo tutto il mio corpo un paio di volte prima di soffermarsi sul mio viso. Mi leccai le labbra che avevo colorato di rosso e, quando fui abbastanza vicina, lui spalancò le gambe e mi porse una mano. La afferrai e mi sedetti sulla sua gamba sentendolo subito circondarmi i fianchi col braccio. Fece un tiro dalla canna che teneva tra le mani prima di avvicinarla alle mie labbra. Gli sorrisi e feci anche io un tiro lasciando che lui mantenesse la canna per me. Le mie labbra sfiorarono le sue dita.
-Che ne dici di andare a prendere un po’ di sole dall’altro lato? Lasciamo un po’ di privacy ai due piccioncini- dissi poi avvicinando il viso al suo orecchio, appoggiai di proposito una mano sul suo petto, in parte scoperto dalla camicia lasciata aperta. Con le dita giocai con la sua collana dorata. Lui guardò le mie labbra e poi i miei occhi, mi sorrise.
Entrambi ci alzammo, la sua mano cercò la mia e, mentre ci spostavamo verso l’altro lato dello yacht, lanciai un’occhiata a Sarah facendole un occhiolino. Mi sorrise alzando le sopracciglia. Non le avevo mai detto di provare interesse per suo fratello ma credo lo avesse capito da sola. Una volta raggiunto il punto adatto, io e Rafe ci sdraiammo sulla stessa sdraio bianca, il suo braccio intorno al mio bacino mentre io, stesa su un fianco, giocavo con la sua collana ancora una volta.
-Non credevo saresti venuta anche tu con noi- fu lui il primo a parlare, alzai gli occhi per guardarlo in viso e sorrisi divertita
-stai dicendo che non mi vuoi qui, Rafe Cameron?- domandai fermando la mia mano dal giocare col gioiello, Rafe accennò una risata
-assolutamente no, tutto il contrario. Speravo che venissi- rispose poi e le mie dita ripresero a muoversi contro il ciondolo mentre mormoravo un ‘hm’ e abbassai lo sguardo sul suo petto.
-E come mai lo speravi?- domandai allora, Rafe iniziò a muovere le dita sul mio fianco sfiorando il tessuto del mio bikini. Sarah e Topper dall’altro lato misero della musica che arrivò fino a noi.
-Perché volevo stare solo con te- sussurrò Rafe avvicinando le labbra al mio orecchio, dei brividi percorsero la mia pelle e lui se ne accorse.
-Allora il tuo desiderio è stato esaudito- sussurrai in risposta, alzai lo sguardo. Lui accennò un piccolo sorriso prima di scuotere la testa
-neanche lontanamente, questa è solo una parte di come immaginavo sarebbe andata la nostra giornata- rispose prontamente, sentii una mano stringere il mio stomaco e uno strano calore invaderlo.
-E come credi che andrà la nostra giornata?- domandai fingendo un’aria innocente, Rafe sporse il viso verso di me e lasciò un bacio poco sotto al mio orecchio, lo stesso dove aveva sussurrato pochi attimi prima.
-E dove sarebbe il divertimento? Lascerò che sia una sorpresa- rispose prontamente subito dopo, lo strillo di Sarah distrusse l’atmosfera. Subito dopo il rumore di qualcosa che cadeva in acqua. Entrambi ci alzammo e raggiungemmo il punto dove era con Topper pochi attimi fa. Nessuno dei due era più sullo yacht.
-Topper sei un idiota- lo strillo di Sarah seguito dalla sua risata ci fece affacciare. Erano entrambi in acqua, lei aggrappata a lui e si sorridevano.
-Tutto okay voi due?- domandò Rafe attirando l’attenzione, i due in acqua ci guardarono
-sì! Venite anche voi, l’acqua è stupenda!!- gridò Topper tenendo a galla se stesso e Sarah. Rafe mi guardò, io guardai giù.
-Non dirmi che hai paura?- domandò il maggiore dei Cameron sfilandosi la camicia e i pantaloni di lino, il costume blu notte contrastava con la sua pelle chiara e, per un attimo, lo osservai con attenzione.
-Le altezze non sono la mia cosa preferita- risposi tornando a guardarlo in viso. Lui mi porse una mano
-puoi aggrapparti a me. Fin quando sei con me non ti succederà nulla- rispose con dolcezza. Lasciai oscillare lo sguardo dalla sua mano al suo viso indecisa.
-Allora? Venite?- domandò Sarah, così mi decisi. Sfilai il prendisole e accettai la mano di Rafe che mi fece salire sul bordo dello Yacht. Le ginocchia mi tremavano e lui se ne accorse perché avevo stretto la presa sulla sua mano. Sì girò il poco che bastava per prendermi tra le braccia. Un braccio sotto le mie ginocchia, l’altro dietro la mia schiena. Trattenni un grido aggrappandomi al suo collo, i nostri occhi si incontrarono.
-Ti fidi di me?- domandò e quando mi vide annuire sorrise
-allora tienimi stretto e chiudi gli occhi- sussurrò, non mi diede il tempo di eseguire che il vuoto ci circondò. Strinsi la presa al suo collo nascondendo il viso nell’incavo con la sua spalla.
Il contatto con l’acqua avvenne in maniera improvvisa. Era fresca. Rafe lasciò la presa da me solo un attimo a causa dell’impatto, mentre risalivo mi sentii riafferrare dai fianchi e quando riemersi lui mi teneva a sé. Sorrisi avvicinandomi a lui
-tutto okay?- domandò guardando il mio viso in cerca di rassicurazioni. Fui felice di aver indossato del trucco waterproof. Annuii
-tutto perfetto, grazie- risposi in tempo prima di essere raggiunti dagli altri due.
-Scusa, avevo dimenticato la tua paura dell’altezza- Sarah era mortificata mentre si scusava, scossi la testa
-tranquilla. Nessun problema. E poi, Rafe era con me- risposi guardando suo fratello che mi sorrise.
Ci godemmo l’acqua fresca per tutto il pomeriggio prima di risalire. Era il tramonto quando partimmo per tornare, Sarah e Topper erano affacciati a guardare il mare mentre io sedevo sulle gambe di Rafe che guidava con attenzione lo yacht.
-Sei sexy quando porti la barca, lo sai?- domandai sorridendo, lui mi guardò sorridendo anche lui in modo malizioso
-dovresti vedere quando guido altre cose in altri posti- sussurrò e, se fosse stato chiunque al suo posto, mi sarei alzata e sarei andata via per la battuta pessima. Ma Rafe Cameron avrebbe potuto dire qualsiasi cosa al mio orecchio con quel tono di voce e avrei fatto ciò che voleva.
-Magari qualche volta potresti farmelo vedere- sussurrai in risposta al suo orecchio e gli lasciai un bacio sulla mascella. Sorrisi quando lo sentii fremere e mi allontanai.
Una volta tornati sulla terraferma il sole era quasi tramontato del tutto. Sorse il problema di come tornare a casa. Quella mattina Sarah e Rafe erano passati a prendermi e avevamo incontrato Topper già al molo.
-Hey Top, riporti tu Sarah a casa?- Rafe domandò al suo amico che, poco più avanti, camminava tenendo un braccio sulle spalle di Sarah. I due si girarono appena per guardarci e annuirono. Così arrivammo al parcheggio.
Sarah mi circondò il bacino con le braccia per salutarmi e io circondai il suo collo.
-Stasera voglio sapere tutto, chiamami appena vi separate- sussurrai al suo orecchio, lei rise annuendo e si allontanò per guardarmi.
-Certo, ama credo che anche tu avrai qualcosa da dirmi- rispose alzando e abbassando le sopracciglia in fretta. Sorrisi scrollando le spalle con finta innocenza.
-Non so, vedremo- risposi vaga, entrambe ridemmo allontanandoci, poi io salutai Topper e presi la mano di Rafe.
-Domani c’è il falò di inizio estate, ci sarai?- domandò Rafe appena entrati in auto, io risposi affermativamente mentre lo osservavo fare la retromarcia. Un braccio dietro il mio sedile, il viso sporgeva per vedere dietro e l’altra mano muoveva il volante. Era così sexy che per un attimo pensai di fargli fermare l’auto e spostarmi su di lui per una sveltina. Il momento terminò quando lui tornò a guardare avanti.
-Allora potrei passare a prenderti io. Sarah ci andrà con Topper quindi saremo soli- propose lanciandomi un’occhiata, sorrisi. Speravo me lo chiedesse.
-Sarebbe perfetto- risposi appoggiandomi contro il sedile dietro di me. Rage sorrise e lo vidi spostare la mano dal cambio fino alla mia appoggiata sulla mia gamba. Iniziai a giocare con le due dita e con gli anelli dorati che indossava.
-Magari prima di andare potremmo cenare insieme, che dici?- domandò di nuovo, alzai di scatto la testa verso di lui che mi diede una breve occhiata prima di tornare a guardare la strada. Sorrisi sentendo di nuovo il calore invadere il mio stomaco.
-Dico che va bene, Rafe Cameron- risposi vedendolo sorridere. Allungai una mano ad accendere la radio e poi tornai a giocare con le sue dita. Il resto del viaggio lo passammo in silenzio, ma fu così breve che quasi volevo chiedergli di non fermarsi. Parcheggiò l’auto sotto casa mia e spense il motore girandosi a guardarmi. La sua mano ancora sulla mia gamba.
-Grazie del passaggio- sussurrai, pensavo ad una scusa per prolungare quel momento ma non mi veniva niente in mente.
-A te per la compagnia. Di gran lunga più gradevole di quella di mia sorella e Topper- rispose facendomi ridere. Presi la mia borsa dai miei piedi e mi allungai a baciargli una guancia. Quando mi allontanai per uscire, però, la mano con cui teneva il volante poco prima mi accarezzò la mascella tirandomi verso il suo viso. Fece scontrare le sue labbra con le mie senza dire nulla.
Chiusi gli occhi ricambiando il bacio e portai una mano ad accarezzargli il collo, lasciando andare la borsa di nuovo per terra. Mi sporsi di più, sentendo la sua lingua sfiorare le mie labbra, e lui mi prese dai fianchi prima di spostarmi su di lui. Mi allontanai dal suo viso giusto il tempo di fargli spostare più dietro il sedile e mi sistemai meglio su di lui.
-Cazzo fallo ancora- sussurrò lui chiudendo gli occhi un solo secondo, mi resi conto di essere sul suo bacino. Sorrisi muovendomi di nuovo, il mio inguine coperto solo dal tessuto del costume sfregava contro il suo. Sentivo la sua erezione crescere contro di me mentre lui teneva gli occhi chiusi e la bocca spalancata. Pochi attimi dopo riaprì gli occhi, lo sguardo velato dal piacere, e mi prese dal collo attirandomi a sé quasi con violenza. Le nostre labbra si scontrarono di nuovo e gemetti dentro la sua bocca. La sua lingua sfiorava la mia, mentre continuavo a muovermi su di lui che, con una mano sul mio fianco, mi dettava il ritmo. Scese a baciarmi il collo mentre l’altra mano mi accarezzò la schiena, poi il sedere, e infine scese nel punto in cui i nostri bacini si incontravano. Chiusi gli occhi boccheggiando.
-Rafe- sussurrai, i miei movimenti diventarono scoordinati, la sua erezione sempre più dura contro di me.
Il rumore di una mano che sbatteva contro il finestrino ci fece sobbalzare, sfarai gli occhi terrorizzata dall’idea di essere stata beccata da mio padre o mia madre, ma quando vidi mia sorella guardarci con un sorriso malizioso mi calmai. Non era molto carino farsi trovare in queste condizioni, ma sempre meglio di vedere uno dei miei genitori. Tornai sul mio sedile di prima raccogliendo la borsa, il fiato spezzato e il corpo accaldato.
-Ci vediamo domani allora- sussurrai, lui annuì guardandomi. Aveva le labbra arrossate e gli occhi ancora colmi di piacere.
-A domani- sussurrò prima di darmi un bacio più casto sulle labbra. Sorrisi e uscii dall’auto guardando male mia sorella. Rage ripartii quando fummo entrate in casa e, senza rispondere a nessuno, corsi in camera. Da Sarah ancora nessuna notizia ma non mi aspettavo nulla di diverso.
Non avrei potuto far altro che aspettare il giorno dopo.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
5 film di Natale da vedere su Netflix
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5 film di Natale da vedere su Netflix. Si avvicinano le feste di Natale, le luci, gli addobbi, la ricorsa ai regali e la spesa per il cenone. Ma a rendere il tutto ancor più magico, vi è l’atmosfera accogliente di un divano, della cioccolata calda e del classico film a tema natalizio. A dar forma a questa bellissima cornice vi è il contributo da parte della piattaforma Netflix, che anche quest’anno, non si è risparmiata ad offrire un’enorme quantità di titoli, capaci di rendere ancor più piacevole il conto alla rovescia fino alla notte del 24 dicembre. A questo proposito vi consigliamo alcuni film di Natale, che ben si accompagnano ad una fetta di pandoro o di panettone. Giocando in casa (restando in tema di mondiali), il primo film che proponiamo è Il peggior Natale della mia vita, di Alessandro Genovesi, una commedia italiana, divertentissima, con protagonisti Diego Abatantuono, Cristiana Capotondi, Fabio De Luigi e Antonio Catania. La trama vede Paolo che si trova a festeggiare il Natale con i familiari della moglie in un Castello nel nord Italia. Durante il soggiorno, l’uomo inizia a combinare guai ininterrottamente. Le risate sono assicurate, già dalla prima scena. Rimanendo in Italia, un altro film assolutamente da vedere è Indovina chi viene a Natale? di Fausto Brizzi; è la storia di un uomo d’affari e di sua moglie che per Natale invitano la famiglia allargata in un bellissimo chalet in montagna. Le vicissitudini che si presenteranno, creeranno dinamiche divertentissime, ma che metteranno a dura prova le personalità dei personaggi. Nel cast, Cristiana Capotondi, Diego Abatantuono, Claudio Bisio, Claudia Gerini, Raul Bova e Carlo Buccirosso. Allontanandoci da casa, arriva la volta dei classici americani, ma non per questo meno magici e brillanti. Non si può non menzionare uno dei film più belli e romantici di sempre, L’amore non va in vacanza di Nancy Meyers. Una trama meravigliosa, dolce e romantica in grado di far sorridere, ma soprattutto emozionare; parla della storia di due ragazze, una produttrice statunitense e una giornalista britannica, che per le vacanze di Natale decidono di scambiarsi gli appartamenti, ed inconsapevolmente, anche le loro vite. Il lungometraggio offre un cast di attori memorabili, da Jude Law, a Kate Winslet a Cameron Diaz e Jack Black. Restando in territorio americano, nella lunga lista dei film di Natale, vi è l’intramontabile The Family Man di Brett Ratner; un film profondo, commovente, che scava a fondo, nell’animo umano, lasciando un grande punto di riflessione. Nel cast Nicola Cage che interpreta un uomo scapolo, ricchissimo, che una mattina si sveglia nella vita parallela che avrebbe vissuto, se fosse rimasto insieme alla fidanzata che lasciò più di dieci anni prima. Ed infine, il classico dei classici, il film in grado di catturare l’attenzione, sia dei grandi che dei più piccoli, Il Grinch di Ron Howard. Racconta di una bambina che vive nel paese di Chinoso. Con l’arrivo del Natale, la protagonista convince il sindaco del paesino a invitare il Grinch, un antipatico e scontroso “essere” che vive con gli oggetti presi dalle discariche. Un’incredibile interpretazione di Jim Carrey, che veste i panni del Grinch.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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augmt · 4 years
petition links
hi everyone, i am collating all the petition links i have come across in this post for anyone who is unable to donate or help physcially like me.
the link to Zoe Amira’s video is also in my bio:
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lets help in ways that we can. stay safe everyone.  if you are looking for more ways to give help, visit https://blacklivesmatter.carrd.co/. 
White House Petitions (petitions.whitehouse.gov)
after signing the petition, please remember to verify the signature by checking your email inbox!
Arrest The Other Three Raise The Degree Justice For George Floyd
Change (change.org)
very important note: please DO NOT donate money after signing the petition as it goes to change.org and not to help anyone. you can choose to share the link instead so that more people can sign it! 
Raise The Degree Hands Up Act #SpeakUpSchools No Police Presence at Tacoma BLM Protests Justice for George Floyd Justice for George Floyd Justice for George Floyd Justice for George Floyd Justice for David McAtee Justice for Breonna Taylor Justice for Ahmaud Arbery Justice for Regis Korchinski-Paquet Justice for Tony McDade Justice for Alejandro Vargas Martinez Justice for Belly Mujinga Justice for Collins Khosa Justice for Joāo Pedro Justice for Sean Reed Justice for Sean Reed Justice for Tamir Rice Justice for Tamir Rice Justice for Darrius Stewart Justice for Andile Mchunu (Bobo) Justice for Amiya Braxton Justice for Emerald Black Justice for Elijah Nicols Justice for Zinedine Justice for Sheku Bayoh Justice for Jennifer Jeffley Justice for Amari Boone Justice for Crystal Mason Justice for Rashad Cunningham Justice for Tazne Van Wyk Justice for Tete Gulley Justice for Michael Dean Justice for Dion Johnson Justice for Shukri Abdi Justice for Young Uwa Justice for Cameron Green Justice for James Scurlock Justice for Ashton Dickson Correcting a wrongful conviction- Kyjuanzi Harris Willie Simmons has served 38 years for a $9 robbery Julius Jones is innocent Reopen Kendrick Johnson's Case Free Albert Wilson Free Siyanda Free Chaffin Darnel Y Free Kenneth Reams Free Anthony Wint Exonerate Eric Riddick  Drop All Charges Against Incarcerated Trafficking Survivor Chrystul Kizer Chrystul Kizer facing life in prison Demand a retrial for Angel Bumpass Dismiss the charges on Marshae Jones Reopen the case involving the death of Tamla Horsford I want Sandra Bland's case reopened Consequences for excessive force used on Quentin Suttles Drop False Charges Placed on Police Brutality Victim Get Washington State to Hold Police Officers Accountable for Police Brutality Sentence Derek Chauvin to Life in Prison for murder of George Floyd Murder charges against cops who murdered George Floyd MDP officers to be charged with murder of George Floyd The Minneapolis Police Officers to be charged for murder Ban the use of inhumane rubber bullets Ban the use of rubber bullets for crowd control Ban/restrict tear gas Mandatory Life Sentence for Police Brutality National action against police brutality and murder Stop the illegal export of riot equipment to United States from UK Mandate the police force academies to take racial bias test We Need Nationwide Police De-Escalation Training, Now Require Dash and Body Cameras for the King County Sheriff's Office Disbarment of George E. Barnhill Pass The Georgia Hate Crime Bill The Trayvon Martin Law Civilian oversight of RPD and the creation of a Marcus Alert in Richmond Classify White Supremacist Groups as Domestic Terrorist Organizations Defund San Diego Police Department Abolish Prison Labour in the USA Pardon Black Woman Imprisoned for Voting More protection for Black Trans Women Support Former Buffalo Police Officer Cariol Horne Rights and dignity for invisible laborers Immigrants being poisoned by ice Fire Jared Campbell Arrest Jared Campbell Terminate Jared Campbell Fire Racist Criminal Michael J Reynolds from the NYPD Fire LAPD Chief Michael Moore Do not let the boys involved in the racist bullying against Macie walk at graduation Jail time for Dylan Mota and Jacbo Robles Jake Paul's & Tanner Fox's Arrests Knock Down Slave Market House in Center of Downtown Fayetteville NC
Colour of Change (colorofchange.org)
if you live out of the US and need a zipcode to sign the petition, here are some that i found: 90015 - Los Angeles, California 10001 - New York City, New York 75001 - Dallas, Texas all other US zipcodes can be found here.
#JusticeforBre #JusticeforFloyd #JusticeForJamee State of Emergency: End the War on Black people Take the Pledge: We Are the Movement for Black Lives Tell Congress to protect Black voters Tell Congress to protect Black-owned businesses (requires phone number)
MoveOn (front.moveon.org)
We want justice for 19 year old Darrius Stewart #JusticeforBre Bring Officer Stephenson Camille to Justice
The Petition Site (thepetitionsite.com)
this site requires you to fill in your address, however it does not have to be a US address!
Justice for George Floyd Hold Harris County and Walmart Accountable for Killing Alleged Shoplifter Fire Jared Yuen #4362
Action Network (actionnetwork.org)
after signing the petition, it led me to a donation page and i am currently unsure if they are trustable or reliable (if anyone knows please let me know and i will update this!) but as with all donations, please check carefully before giving your details and money!
Demand Justice for Tony McDade Defund the Dallas Police Department (requires address) #DefundThePolice
Other websites
#JunkTerrorBill Demand justice for George Floyd #JusticeForBre Tell Minneapolis City Council to defund the police (requires phone number)
i will be constantly updating this post once i find petitions that i have yet so sign. lets all stay safe and take care. 
with love, d
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levysoft · 3 years
» Titanic, avrebbe potuto salvarsi anche Jack?
Quando si parla del film Titanic, non può non venire in mente la scena iconica finale. Rose sale su una zattera improvvisata, mentre Jack rimane in acqua, morendo per ipotermia. La domanda che tutti i fan del pluripremiato film si fanno da sempre è: era proprio necessario far morire Jack Dawson (Leonardo Di Caprio)? Si sarebbe potuto salvare salendo sulla zattera insieme a Rose (Kate Winslet)? Cerchiamo di rispondere da un punto di vista prettamente scientifico.
La scena finale del film Titanic
La scena finale del film Titanic ritrae i due protagonisti nel bel mezzo dell’oceano, quando ormai il transatlantico è affondato, raggiungendo l’abisso più profondo. Poiché la collisione con l’iceberg è avvenuta nella zona più a nord dell’Oceano Atlantico, la temperatura dell’acqua circostante è ben al di sotto di 0 gradi centigradi. Sebbene dotati di giubbotto salvagente, tutti coloro che sono finiti in acqua cercano disperatamente di aggrapparsi ai più disparati oggetti per non rimanere a lungo in contatto con la superficie gelida dell’oceano.
Fra i naufraghi, vi sono anche i nostri due protagonisti, che rimangono aggrappati fino all’ultimo istante al ponte di poppa, per poi lanciarsi in mare aperto non appena la nave affonda completamente. Dopo alcuni istanti concitati, i due trovano un pezzo di legno a cui aggrapparsi, che sembra proprio la loro unica ancora di salvezza per non morire di ipotermia.
La “zattera” su cui sale Rose, ma non Jack
La “zattera” in cui si imbattono Jack e Rose sembra una porta del Titanic, o comunque un pezzo riconducibile a una delle porte delle grandi sale della nave. Non appena tentano di salire sulla loro unica speranza di salvezza, questa si ribalta, in virtù dell’eccessivo momento angolare che Jack impone alla zattera riversando tutto il suo peso su un unico lato della stessa. Al secondo tentativo Rose riesce a salire sul pezzo di legno, mentre Jack rimane in acqua aggrappato alla zattera, proprio di fronte alla sua amata.
Alcune ricostruzioni di Physics Central mostrano come la zattera avesse dimensioni \(183 \times 91 \, cm^2\), segno che dal punto di vista dello spazio a disposizione potevano essere stipati entrambi senza troppi problemi. Questa considerazione è dovuta al fatto che Di Caprio è alto esattamente 183 cm e che la somma della larghezze delle spalle di entrambi non supera gli 80 cm. Il problema, però, risiede nel galleggiamento.
La forza di Archimede
Il principio di Archimede è una legge sperimentale della fisica che descrive la forza che riceve un corpo immerso in un liquido. Tale legge afferma che un corpo immerso in un fluido ideale è soggetto ad una forza, diretta verso l’alto e in modulo pari al peso del volume di liquido spostato dal corpo immerso. In formule, il principio di Archimede si può esprimere nel seguente modo: $$F_A = \rho_L g V,$$ ove \(\rho_L\) è la densità del liquido, \(g\) è l’accelerazione di gravità terrestre, mentre \(V\) è il volume del liquido spostato (e quindi anche quello dell’oggetto in questione).
Tramite questa legge è possibile determinare se un determinato corpo galleggia o affonda. Per fare ciò, si confronta la forza di Archimede sopracitata con la forza peso $$F_P = \rho_C g V.$$ Si presentano dunque tre casi:
\(\rho_C > \rho_L.\) In tal caso la densità dell’oggetto è maggiore di quella del liquido, e quindi affonda;
\(\rho_C = \rho_L.\) Le due densità sono uguali e le due forze si annullano: il corpo non affonda e non risale, ma rimane sospeso nel liquido;
\(\rho_C < \rho_L\) L’oggetto è meno denso del liquido in cui è immerso, motivo per cui tenderà a galleggiare.
Per determinare quindi se un determinato corpo immerso in un liquido galleggia o meno, è sufficiente rapportare correttamente le due densità, come mostrato sopra.
Qual è la densità della zattera su cui sale Rose?
Per determinare da un punto di vista fisico se sulla zattera sarebbe potuto salire anche Jack, bisognerebbe prima definire qual è il materiale di cui è fatta quella zattera improvvisata. Sebbene infatti sia chiaro che quella specie di porta sia fatta di legno, esistono centinaia di tipi diversi di legno, con differenze sostanziali in termini di densità. Sempre su Physics Central, vengono citati tre tipi di legno con cui sarebbero stati realizzati gli interni del Titanic: teak, rovere e pino.
Nel primo caso, è facile calcolare che la zattera sarebbe affondata anche solo con Rose a bordo. Se invece la porta fosse stata in rovere, solo Rose o Jack avrebbero potuto starci sopra senza farla affondare. Nell’ultimo caso, quindi con una zattera in pino, avrebbero potuto salvarsi entrambi senza grosse difficoltà, vista la bassissima densità del pino rispetto agli altri due materiali.
Quindi, ipotizzando che la porta fosse stata realizzata sul set con un materiale simile al rovere, è verosimile che Jack non avrebbe potuto saltarci sopra senza far annegare di conseguenza anche Rose. Ma non è finita qui.
Come riscrivere la storia del Titanic grazie alla fisica del galleggiamento
Nel 2013 il programma televisivo MythBusters rifiuta categoricamente il finale straziante del film “Titanic” proponendo una soluzione scientifica alternativa. Sebbene sia vero che quella zattera non avrebbe potuto far galleggiare entrambi, è anche vero che Rose era dotata di un giubbotto salvagente perfettamente gonfio, che poteva essere utilizzato come galleggiante se legato al di sotto della scialuppa di salvataggio stessa.
In effetti, la densità di un giubbotto gonfiato ad aria è pressoché simile, appunto, a quella dell’aria, e quindi di gran lunga inferiore a quella dell’acqua liquida. Collegando quindi quel tipo di galleggiante al fondo della zattera, avrebbero creato una maggiore spinta di Archimede, che avrebbe probabilmente bilanciato anche il peso di Jack, facendo sì che l'”imbarcazione” non affondasse sotto il peso dei due amanti.
Può esistere un lieto fine per il Titanic?
Sebbene questa sembri una soluzione geniale, come sottolineato dallo stesso regista James Cameron, legare un giubbotto ad un detrito in legno di quel tipo avrebbe richiesto diversi minuti. Considerando che la temperatura dell’acqua era di circa -3°, Jack sarebbe comunque morto di ipotermia prima di riuscire nell’impresa. Gli uomini di MythBusters ci riescono senza problemi poiché effettuano l’esperimento in condizioni non estreme, immersi nel mare a temperatura ambiente e quindi avendo tutto il tempo di agire senza subire le gravissime conseguenze a cui il corpo umano va incontro in regime ipotermico.
Anche ricorrendo a vari trucchetti avvallati dalla scienza e dalla fisica, sembra che non vi fosse alcuna via di fuga “scientifica” per Jack.
Titanic, un finale già scritto
Titanic è sicuramente uno dei film più famosi, vincenti e amati della storia del cinema. E probabilmente non sarebbe così se fosse stato concluso con un lieto fine. Al di là di tutte le considerazioni di carattere fisico e scientifico che possono essere fatte, l’unico vero motivo della morte di Jack è che era prevista da copione.
È il finale naturale di una storia d’amore in cui lui si sacrifica per salvare la vita della donna che ama, ed è il finale che ci fa commuovere ogni volta che rivediamo questo film, rendendolo uno dei più belli e romantici degli ultimi trent’anni.
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vocalpmh · 6 years
eleven questions!!! 🌻✨
tagged by my loves @dong-minie @minnyhyuk (thank you!!!)
here are my questions! i answered twenty-two questions so i didn’t want to make anyone scroll down :’))
i tag: @moonbeams-and-sanshine @astro-lovelies @shinigamibutterfly @dalkkong @jinjins-freckles @jinjinwooz (only if you want to :))
1. if you could travel back in time, which decade would you go back to?
2. do you sleep on your side, belly, back?
3. favourite era of your favourite group(s)?
4. guilty pleasure?
5. do you know how to play an instrument? if not, which instrument do you want to learn how to play?
6. pens or pencils?
7. most frequented social media?
8. favourite platonic and romantic ships?
9. siblings? 
10. favourite mode of transport? (LMAO I RAN OUT OF IDEAS BUT THIS ONE’S INTERESTING I SWEAR!!!)
11. when did you create your tumblr acc?
gen’s questions :))
1. what’s your favorite movie?
i don’t have a favourite movie perse, but i rewatched the incredibles and mAN was it good
2. do you like the bachelor?
nah not really :’))
3. do you have any pets? if not, what do you want to have?
i have a rabbit! she’s a year and three months ish and she’s so fat honestly but the cutest thing ever <33 - if i had another pet though, i’d really want a dog!
4. what song are you listening to now/did you last listen to?
i think the last song i listened to was see me by brian :) 
5. are you a skirt/dress person or a leggings/jeans person?
i used to be a leggings/jeans type of girl but now that summer’s hit australia, skirts are so much more comfy :))
6. if you could dye your hair any color, what would it be?
i really want to go pink at the ends!!
7. if your bias in astro wasn’t your bias, who would it be?
jinwoo or sanha :’))
8. what’s your favorite book?
favourite book that i read recently would be so much i want to tell you by anna akana 
9. what’s the weirdest food you tried?
uh i think i said bird saliva the last time i answered this tag or a question similar (whoops) but yes bird saliva, asian delicacy but not really up my street :’))
10. what phase did you go through that you most regret?
man my viners stage (cameron dallas, nash grier JJKAHLhfjfksFBSAKFBSKFBASKHJFB) - i’m so ashamed
11. binu, myungjin or socky?
this is so difficult to choose!!!!!!!!!! binu???? but i’m a sucker for ALLL
emma’s questions :D 
1. What language do you know or want to know?
currently i know a bit of my own chinese dialect (albeit poorly) but i’m learning french at school! i would also like to learn another european language like german!!
2.If you get to spend the day with your bias from any group, what would you do with them?
honestly i think i’d want to go on a road trip/long car drive with bin and sing our hearts out (o^▽^o)
3. If you can become any member of ASTRO which member would want to be and why?
i would want to be jinwoo :))))) imagine being able to dance, rap like a god and possess the greatest vocals in astro??
4. Which friendship in ASTRO do you like?
i really like moonbin and jinwoo, or moonbin and sanha. even though they’re quite uncommon, i find that they’re both really cute! jinwoo is that older brother bin loves to bug and annoy, and sanha is bin’s younger brother that annoys the crap out of him but together, they enjoy bugging their hyungs (aka jinwoo) :))
5.What is your favourite food?
fried rice ALL THE WAY.
6. If you get scouted by any of the three big entertainment companies which one would you choose?
i love both sm and yg groups (not so much the actual companies lmao), but i would choose jyp! not that i love jyp eiTHER but i think and i’ve heard they’re a nice company with great groups as well (yO day6, got7, twice!!!!)
7. If you could eat one food for your whole life, what would it be?
fried rice heheh.
8. What is your least favourite food and why?
man i do not like ginger, the taste, texture oh dAMN nasty
9. If you could have any superpower in the world, what would it be? and what would you do with said superpower?
the power to make babies not cry - i got this idea from a youtuber named domics (yo you should check him out) and doesn’t that sound so AMAZING??? 
10.if you can say anything to your favourite group what would you say?
to astro: you never fail to make me smile and laugh every day and my heart pours with only love for you. i want you to know that i love and appreciate you guys so much, more than you’ll ever know and i’m so proud of what you have achieved and what you’ll continue to achieve! i love you all so much and i hope you’re happy, healthy and safe ♡
11. What do you want to achieve by the end of 2018?
i maintain healthy habits like exercising more than twice a week, organising my school assignments and studies, drinking lots of water because lord knows i’m going to need those skills for rest of my life + i also need to learn to be proud of myself that doesn’t include putting down others in my head!!!!! 
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mmagcon101 · 7 years
why would I not be excited - Cameron Dallas Imagine (requested)
Anonymous said to mmagcon101: Can you do an imagine where y/n is pregnant and she's afraid to tell Cameron that she pregnant. He founds out by answering y/n's phone when it rings while she's doing something and it's the doctor telling her that her appointment for her ultrasound is tomorrow. Cameron gets upset and leaves y/n at home. But later he comes home with a baby onesie with his last name on it saying he's excited. Oh I also love your imagines and I hope your vacation is going amazing
Masterlist. Imagines.  Send request 
Hello everyone so I am back from my vacation and now back to my regular schedule I hope you enjoy this imagine ! 
Also sorry for any grammar mistakes .
You took a deep breath in after looking down at the pregnancy test that indicated you were indeed pregnant . You smiled softly feel happy for a moment before thinking about Cameron and all the possible reasons he could not be happy about this pregnancy . 
“Cameron is so young and just starting his career he could feel like this is just ruining it” you said softly under your breath before washing your hands and taking the test to a hiding spot which would be in your purse Cameron could never find it there. 
You quickly called your mother to share the news she was of course thrilled for a new grandchild she said she was going to call the hospital to set up and ultrasound for you . 
You mind began to think of what life would be like with a child and how you were going to have a part of you and Cameron growing in side of you . You giggled thinking of how amazing Cameron would be as a father is he wanted the baby . 
You decided to take a bath to just clear your mind and think this all through. After running the hot water you sunk your bare and suddenly aching body into the tub you gently and slowly rested your head back trying to relax . 
Cameron returned home quickly rushing to the bedroom to share his news with you . “Y/n “ he called as he glanced through the room he heard your phone ringing, he began to walk towards it seeing the contact was labeled doctors he answered confused “hi this is Susan from the LA hospital I am calling to confirm  your appointment for Thursday at 10am for a pregnancy unltrasound “Cameron stood back confused “hello” Susan said through the phone “oh yeah sorry about that but yes that is fine “ Cameron said still confused about what he had just agreed to . 
He took a deep sigh before sitting in the bed putting everything together “this is why she has been eating weird lately and throwing up “ shook his head feeling dumb for not noticing sooner . “"Why didn't she tell me ?” He questioned to himself before standing up And rushing into the bathroom seeing you in the tub . 
“Y/n” he said shocked you quickly woke up from your relaxation “oh hey baby” you said softly “why “ he asks leaning against the sink “why what ?” You asked confused “y/n pleas don't play dumb “ Cameron said as he shook his head “I'm have no idea what you are talking about Cameron” Y/n said as she brought her knees up to her chest covering her stomach . Cameron chuckled just leaving in silence “Cameron” you yelled but he continued to leave you soon heard the door slam . You quickly shed a few tears feeling horrible about envy decison you have made in your life . 
“How could she just not tell me and lie straight to my face “ cameron said as he turned on his car “cameron y/n is probably very scared now you know she just needs your love and support no matter what okay I know your happiness about this child over weighs your anger towards y/n right ?” Sierra said to Cameron through the FaceTime call . “Yeah your right “ Cameron said as he chuckled and began to smile. “Alright now go do something nice to make up for the jackass move you just did” Sierra said laughing “okay but don't tell mom I want to tell her okay “ Cameron asked  “alright I won't bye I love you “ she said “"love you too” before hanging up the phone . 
Cameron decided to drive down the street to go to a custom shirt store after making his request he went to the bakery to buy so many sweets for you by the time he was done purchasing the baked goods he went to pick up the shirts and made his way home . 
“Baby” he said as he took off his shoes and put his keys down “yes” he heard you say softly . He continued to walk to the living room to see you on the couch in your robe he couldn't help but smile “hey” you said “hi” he replied as he placed down all the bags on the coffee table . “What's all this ?” You asked "this is me apologizing for being such a jack ass “ he admitted grabbing your hands . You just smiled “here” he said as he pulled out a white shirt with Dallas on the back “that's for you “ he said placing it on your lap “this ones for me “ he continued “and this one is form him “ he said placing it perfectly on your belly . 
“Awe baby” you said letting out a gasp “"I love you so much and I am so sorry for not telling you earlier I just found out today that it was a definite and I thought you would be mad about it “ you admitted . 
“What no baby I love kids and I want to have so many of them running around this is just another blessing to my perfect life “ Cameron said leaning in to give you and your stomach a kiss . 
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sherwoodforestgolf · 5 years
4 Ways to Reboot Your Putting
Pull yourself out of that rut and hole more putts
By Cameron McCormick
Was your performance in 2016 slightly less than satisfying? I know it’s not enough to hear it happens to everyone from time to time. You want to shake off the year of stubs, lip-outs and three-jacks before golf season rolls back around and you’re racking up missed putts again like a kid catching Pokémon. Well, if you really want to fix this flat-stick fiasco, you’re going to need a bit more than a 30-minute session rolling balls into those tiny golf cups. I recommend a full reboot. Here I’m going to give you four ways to pull yourself out of that putting rut. Sometimes only one of these will do the trick, but be prepared for the reality that you might need all four. Best get started. —With Ron Kaspriske
If you’re the kind of golfer who talks to a putter, gives it a good spanking when it isn’t performing, and even threatens to back the pickup truck over it in the parking lot, it’s time for the “we need to take a break from each other” conversation. Bench your putt-er for something different. Use a blade? Switch to a mallet. Always preferred heel-shafted putters? Try a centershaft. Everything from club length to grip circumference is up for consideration. Go get fitted (View: Your Ultimate Guide To Finding A Better Game). The big switch works for two reasons. First, there are no bad memories with a new putter. It’s a new day. Second, assuming the old one isn’t now residing in a scrap-metal yard, you’ll make it just jealous enough that it will perform its best when you rekindle your relationship.
“It’s not you, it’s me” won’t fly as a break-up excuse after the second Tinder date, but it’s probably true of your relationship with the putter. It showed up ready to bury every five-footer—but sometimes you didn’t. You need a refresher on mechanics. So I suggest you practice putting with your sand wedge. It’s not as crazy as it sounds. A good stroke is propelled by the shoulders and requires minimal hand or wrist action. To get the ball rolling with a wedge, you have to make that kind of stroke hitting the ball at its equator with the leading edge (above). This type of practice elicits precision and is good for the ol’ ego. You’re more apt to forgive yourself for a miss, which helps reduce those anxious feelings that turn you into a puddle of goo when the putts actually count.
You’ve held your putter the same way for so long the grip is starting to look like one of those training clubs that has grooved channels for your fingers. It’s time to switch it up, because what you’re doing, as they say here in Texas, is as pitiful as a three-legged dog. The easiest switch would be to flip hand positions so the higher one is lower. But I think you should take it a step further. Get crazy with it. Try the saw, the claw, the paintbrush, the non-anchored belly grip. Sometimes all you need is a dramatically different way of holding the club to reset your brain and start rolling the ball the way you used to.
On the putting green you need to be more Picasso than Pythagoras. In other words, knowing the math behind a putt is important (speed, slope, etc.), but don’t let it squelch your right-brain artistry. You probably aren’t crunching numbers when you ball up a piece of paper and try tossing it into the garbage. You just use your feel. My suggestion? Go deep. Find the longest, craziest putts on a green and try to make them. Even putting from well off the green will help you get your feel back. You know you have to hit the ball hard, and you know it’s going to break, but when you try these long-distance putts, you become less concerned with the mechanics and tap back into the hand-eye coordination you thought you lost. Another benefit? It will free up your stroke. No more trying to steer them in. You’ll putt without fear of missing. Reboot complete.
Cameron McCormick is Jordan Spieth’s instructor and teaches at Trinity Forest Golf Club in Dallas.
Source: golfdigest.com
The post 4 Ways to Reboot Your Putting appeared first on Sherwood Forest.
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culbertsonhillsgr · 5 years
4 Ways to Reboot Your Putting
Pull yourself out of that rut and hole more putts
By Cameron McCormick
Was your performance in 2016 slightly less than satisfying? I know it’s not enough to hear it happens to everyone from time to time. You want to shake off the year of stubs, lip-outs and three-jacks before golf season rolls back around and you’re racking up missed putts again like a kid catching Pokémon. Well, if you really want to fix this flat-stick fiasco, you’re going to need a bit more than a 30-minute session rolling balls into those tiny golf cups. I recommend a full reboot. Here I’m going to give you four ways to pull yourself out of that putting rut. Sometimes only one of these will do the trick, but be prepared for the reality that you might need all four. Best get started. —With Ron Kaspriske
If you’re the kind of golfer who talks to a putter, gives it a good spanking when it isn’t performing, and even threatens to back the pickup truck over it in the parking lot, it’s time for the “we need to take a break from each other” conversation. Bench your putt-er for something different. Use a blade? Switch to a mallet. Always preferred heel-shafted putters? Try a centershaft. Everything from club length to grip circumference is up for consideration. Go get fitted (View: Your Ultimate Guide To Finding A Better Game). The big switch works for two reasons. First, there are no bad memories with a new putter. It’s a new day. Second, assuming the old one isn’t now residing in a scrap-metal yard, you’ll make it just jealous enough that it will perform its best when you rekindle your relationship.
“It’s not you, it’s me” won’t fly as a break-up excuse after the second Tinder date, but it’s probably true of your relationship with the putter. It showed up ready to bury every five-footer—but sometimes you didn’t. You need a refresher on mechanics. So I suggest you practice putting with your sand wedge. It’s not as crazy as it sounds. A good stroke is propelled by the shoulders and requires minimal hand or wrist action. To get the ball rolling with a wedge, you have to make that kind of stroke hitting the ball at its equator with the leading edge (above). This type of practice elicits precision and is good for the ol’ ego. You’re more apt to forgive yourself for a miss, which helps reduce those anxious feelings that turn you into a puddle of goo when the putts actually count.
You’ve held your putter the same way for so long the grip is starting to look like one of those training clubs that has grooved channels for your fingers. It’s time to switch it up, because what you’re doing, as they say here in Texas, is as pitiful as a three-legged dog. The easiest switch would be to flip hand positions so the higher one is lower. But I think you should take it a step further. Get crazy with it. Try the saw, the claw, the paintbrush, the non-anchored belly grip. Sometimes all you need is a dramatically different way of holding the club to reset your brain and start rolling the ball the way you used to.
On the putting green you need to be more Picasso than Pythagoras. In other words, knowing the math behind a putt is important (speed, slope, etc.), but don’t let it squelch your right-brain artistry. You probably aren’t crunching numbers when you ball up a piece of paper and try tossing it into the garbage. You just use your feel. My suggestion? Go deep. Find the longest, craziest putts on a green and try to make them. Even putting from well off the green will help you get your feel back. You know you have to hit the ball hard, and you know it’s going to break, but when you try these long-distance putts, you become less concerned with the mechanics and tap back into the hand-eye coordination you thought you lost. Another benefit? It will free up your stroke. No more trying to steer them in. You’ll putt without fear of missing. Reboot complete.
Cameron McCormick is Jordan Spieth’s instructor and teaches at Trinity Forest Golf Club in Dallas.
Source: golfdigest.com
The post 4 Ways to Reboot Your Putting appeared first on Culbertson Hills.
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dudleyhillgc · 5 years
4 Ways to Reboot Your Putting
Pull yourself out of that rut and hole more putts
By Cameron McCormick
Was your performance in 2016 slightly less than satisfying? I know it’s not enough to hear it happens to everyone from time to time. You want to shake off the year of stubs, lip-outs and three-jacks before golf season rolls back around and you’re racking up missed putts again like a kid catching Pokémon. Well, if you really want to fix this flat-stick fiasco, you’re going to need a bit more than a 30-minute session rolling balls into those tiny golf cups. I recommend a full reboot. Here I’m going to give you four ways to pull yourself out of that putting rut. Sometimes only one of these will do the trick, but be prepared for the reality that you might need all four. Best get started. —With Ron Kaspriske
If you’re the kind of golfer who talks to a putter, gives it a good spanking when it isn’t performing, and even threatens to back the pickup truck over it in the parking lot, it’s time for the “we need to take a break from each other” conversation. Bench your putt-er for something different. Use a blade? Switch to a mallet. Always preferred heel-shafted putters? Try a centershaft. Everything from club length to grip circumference is up for consideration. Go get fitted (View: Your Ultimate Guide To Finding A Better Game). The big switch works for two reasons. First, there are no bad memories with a new putter. It’s a new day. Second, assuming the old one isn’t now residing in a scrap-metal yard, you’ll make it just jealous enough that it will perform its best when you rekindle your relationship.
“It’s not you, it’s me” won’t fly as a break-up excuse after the second Tinder date, but it’s probably true of your relationship with the putter. It showed up ready to bury every five-footer—but sometimes you didn’t. You need a refresher on mechanics. So I suggest you practice putting with your sand wedge. It’s not as crazy as it sounds. A good stroke is propelled by the shoulders and requires minimal hand or wrist action. To get the ball rolling with a wedge, you have to make that kind of stroke hitting the ball at its equator with the leading edge (above). This type of practice elicits precision and is good for the ol’ ego. You’re more apt to forgive yourself for a miss, which helps reduce those anxious feelings that turn you into a puddle of goo when the putts actually count.
You’ve held your putter the same way for so long the grip is starting to look like one of those training clubs that has grooved channels for your fingers. It’s time to switch it up, because what you’re doing, as they say here in Texas, is as pitiful as a three-legged dog. The easiest switch would be to flip hand positions so the higher one is lower. But I think you should take it a step further. Get crazy with it. Try the saw, the claw, the paintbrush, the non-anchored belly grip. Sometimes all you need is a dramatically different way of holding the club to reset your brain and start rolling the ball the way you used to.
On the putting green you need to be more Picasso than Pythagoras. In other words, knowing the math behind a putt is important (speed, slope, etc.), but don’t let it squelch your right-brain artistry. You probably aren’t crunching numbers when you ball up a piece of paper and try tossing it into the garbage. You just use your feel. My suggestion? Go deep. Find the longest, craziest putts on a green and try to make them. Even putting from well off the green will help you get your feel back. You know you have to hit the ball hard, and you know it’s going to break, but when you try these long-distance putts, you become less concerned with the mechanics and tap back into the hand-eye coordination you thought you lost. Another benefit? It will free up your stroke. No more trying to steer them in. You’ll putt without fear of missing. Reboot complete.
Cameron McCormick is Jordan Spieth’s instructor and teaches at Trinity Forest Golf Club in Dallas.
Source: golfdigest.com
The post 4 Ways to Reboot Your Putting appeared first on Dudley Hill.
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melodyhillcc · 5 years
4 Ways to Reboot Your Putting
Pull yourself out of that rut and hole more putts
By Cameron McCormick
Was your performance in 2016 slightly less than satisfying? I know it’s not enough to hear it happens to everyone from time to time. You want to shake off the year of stubs, lip-outs and three-jacks before golf season rolls back around and you’re racking up missed putts again like a kid catching Pokémon. Well, if you really want to fix this flat-stick fiasco, you’re going to need a bit more than a 30-minute session rolling balls into those tiny golf cups. I recommend a full reboot. Here I’m going to give you four ways to pull yourself out of that putting rut. Sometimes only one of these will do the trick, but be prepared for the reality that you might need all four. Best get started. —With Ron Kaspriske
If you’re the kind of golfer who talks to a putter, gives it a good spanking when it isn’t performing, and even threatens to back the pickup truck over it in the parking lot, it’s time for the “we need to take a break from each other” conversation. Bench your putt-er for something different. Use a blade? Switch to a mallet. Always preferred heel-shafted putters? Try a centershaft. Everything from club length to grip circumference is up for consideration. Go get fitted (View: Your Ultimate Guide To Finding A Better Game). The big switch works for two reasons. First, there are no bad memories with a new putter. It’s a new day. Second, assuming the old one isn’t now residing in a scrap-metal yard, you’ll make it just jealous enough that it will perform its best when you rekindle your relationship.
“It’s not you, it’s me” won’t fly as a break-up excuse after the second Tinder date, but it’s probably true of your relationship with the putter. It showed up ready to bury every five-footer—but sometimes you didn’t. You need a refresher on mechanics. So I suggest you practice putting with your sand wedge. It’s not as crazy as it sounds. A good stroke is propelled by the shoulders and requires minimal hand or wrist action. To get the ball rolling with a wedge, you have to make that kind of stroke hitting the ball at its equator with the leading edge (above). This type of practice elicits precision and is good for the ol’ ego. You’re more apt to forgive yourself for a miss, which helps reduce those anxious feelings that turn you into a puddle of goo when the putts actually count.
You’ve held your putter the same way for so long the grip is starting to look like one of those training clubs that has grooved channels for your fingers. It’s time to switch it up, because what you’re doing, as they say here in Texas, is as pitiful as a three-legged dog. The easiest switch would be to flip hand positions so the higher one is lower. But I think you should take it a step further. Get crazy with it. Try the saw, the claw, the paintbrush, the non-anchored belly grip. Sometimes all you need is a dramatically different way of holding the club to reset your brain and start rolling the ball the way you used to.
On the putting green you need to be more Picasso than Pythagoras. In other words, knowing the math behind a putt is important (speed, slope, etc.), but don’t let it squelch your right-brain artistry. You probably aren’t crunching numbers when you ball up a piece of paper and try tossing it into the garbage. You just use your feel. My suggestion? Go deep. Find the longest, craziest putts on a green and try to make them. Even putting from well off the green will help you get your feel back. You know you have to hit the ball hard, and you know it’s going to break, but when you try these long-distance putts, you become less concerned with the mechanics and tap back into the hand-eye coordination you thought you lost. Another benefit? It will free up your stroke. No more trying to steer them in. You’ll putt without fear of missing. Reboot complete.
Cameron McCormick is Jordan Spieth’s instructor and teaches at Trinity Forest Golf Club in Dallas.
Source: golfdigest.com
The post 4 Ways to Reboot Your Putting appeared first on Melody Hill.
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noblesvilleparks · 5 years
4 Ways to Reboot Your Putting
Pull yourself out of that rut and hole more putts
By Cameron McCormick
Was your performance in 2016 slightly less than satisfying? I know it’s not enough to hear it happens to everyone from time to time. You want to shake off the year of stubs, lip-outs and three-jacks before golf season rolls back around and you’re racking up missed putts again like a kid catching Pokémon. Well, if you really want to fix this flat-stick fiasco, you’re going to need a bit more than a 30-minute session rolling balls into those tiny golf cups. I recommend a full reboot. Here I’m going to give you four ways to pull yourself out of that putting rut. Sometimes only one of these will do the trick, but be prepared for the reality that you might need all four. Best get started. —With Ron Kaspriske
If you’re the kind of golfer who talks to a putter, gives it a good spanking when it isn’t performing, and even threatens to back the pickup truck over it in the parking lot, it’s time for the “we need to take a break from each other” conversation. Bench your putt-er for something different. Use a blade? Switch to a mallet. Always preferred heel-shafted putters? Try a centershaft. Everything from club length to grip circumference is up for consideration. Go get fitted (View: Your Ultimate Guide To Finding A Better Game). The big switch works for two reasons. First, there are no bad memories with a new putter. It’s a new day. Second, assuming the old one isn’t now residing in a scrap-metal yard, you’ll make it just jealous enough that it will perform its best when you rekindle your relationship.
“It’s not you, it’s me” won’t fly as a break-up excuse after the second Tinder date, but it’s probably true of your relationship with the putter. It showed up ready to bury every five-footer—but sometimes you didn’t. You need a refresher on mechanics. So I suggest you practice putting with your sand wedge. It’s not as crazy as it sounds. A good stroke is propelled by the shoulders and requires minimal hand or wrist action. To get the ball rolling with a wedge, you have to make that kind of stroke hitting the ball at its equator with the leading edge (above). This type of practice elicits precision and is good for the ol’ ego. You’re more apt to forgive yourself for a miss, which helps reduce those anxious feelings that turn you into a puddle of goo when the putts actually count.
You’ve held your putter the same way for so long the grip is starting to look like one of those training clubs that has grooved channels for your fingers. It’s time to switch it up, because what you’re doing, as they say here in Texas, is as pitiful as a three-legged dog. The easiest switch would be to flip hand positions so the higher one is lower. But I think you should take it a step further. Get crazy with it. Try the saw, the claw, the paintbrush, the non-anchored belly grip. Sometimes all you need is a dramatically different way of holding the club to reset your brain and start rolling the ball the way you used to.
On the putting green you need to be more Picasso than Pythagoras. In other words, knowing the math behind a putt is important (speed, slope, etc.), but don’t let it squelch your right-brain artistry. You probably aren’t crunching numbers when you ball up a piece of paper and try tossing it into the garbage. You just use your feel. My suggestion? Go deep. Find the longest, craziest putts on a green and try to make them. Even putting from well off the green will help you get your feel back. You know you have to hit the ball hard, and you know it’s going to break, but when you try these long-distance putts, you become less concerned with the mechanics and tap back into the hand-eye coordination you thought you lost. Another benefit? It will free up your stroke. No more trying to steer them in. You’ll putt without fear of missing. Reboot complete.
Cameron McCormick is Jordan Spieth’s instructor and teaches at Trinity Forest Golf Club in Dallas.
Source: golfdigest.com
The post 4 Ways to Reboot Your Putting appeared first on Fox Prairie Golf Course & Forest Park Golf Course.
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4 Ways to Reboot Your Putting
Pull yourself out of that rut and hole more putts
By Cameron McCormick
Was your performance in 2016 slightly less than satisfying? I know it’s not enough to hear it happens to everyone from time to time. You want to shake off the year of stubs, lip-outs and three-jacks before golf season rolls back around and you’re racking up missed putts again like a kid catching Pokémon. Well, if you really want to fix this flat-stick fiasco, you’re going to need a bit more than a 30-minute session rolling balls into those tiny golf cups. I recommend a full reboot. Here I’m going to give you four ways to pull yourself out of that putting rut. Sometimes only one of these will do the trick, but be prepared for the reality that you might need all four. Best get started. —With Ron Kaspriske
If you’re the kind of golfer who talks to a putter, gives it a good spanking when it isn’t performing, and even threatens to back the pickup truck over it in the parking lot, it’s time for the “we need to take a break from each other” conversation. Bench your putt-er for something different. Use a blade? Switch to a mallet. Always preferred heel-shafted putters? Try a centershaft. Everything from club length to grip circumference is up for consideration. Go get fitted (View: Your Ultimate Guide To Finding A Better Game). The big switch works for two reasons. First, there are no bad memories with a new putter. It’s a new day. Second, assuming the old one isn’t now residing in a scrap-metal yard, you’ll make it just jealous enough that it will perform its best when you rekindle your relationship.
“It’s not you, it’s me” won’t fly as a break-up excuse after the second Tinder date, but it’s probably true of your relationship with the putter. It showed up ready to bury every five-footer—but sometimes you didn’t. You need a refresher on mechanics. So I suggest you practice putting with your sand wedge. It’s not as crazy as it sounds. A good stroke is propelled by the shoulders and requires minimal hand or wrist action. To get the ball rolling with a wedge, you have to make that kind of stroke hitting the ball at its equator with the leading edge (above). This type of practice elicits precision and is good for the ol’ ego. You’re more apt to forgive yourself for a miss, which helps reduce those anxious feelings that turn you into a puddle of goo when the putts actually count.
You’ve held your putter the same way for so long the grip is starting to look like one of those training clubs that has grooved channels for your fingers. It’s time to switch it up, because what you’re doing, as they say here in Texas, is as pitiful as a three-legged dog. The easiest switch would be to flip hand positions so the higher one is lower. But I think you should take it a step further. Get crazy with it. Try the saw, the claw, the paintbrush, the non-anchored belly grip. Sometimes all you need is a dramatically different way of holding the club to reset your brain and start rolling the ball the way you used to.
On the putting green you need to be more Picasso than Pythagoras. In other words, knowing the math behind a putt is important (speed, slope, etc.), but don’t let it squelch your right-brain artistry. You probably aren’t crunching numbers when you ball up a piece of paper and try tossing it into the garbage. You just use your feel. My suggestion? Go deep. Find the longest, craziest putts on a green and try to make them. Even putting from well off the green will help you get your feel back. You know you have to hit the ball hard, and you know it’s going to break, but when you try these long-distance putts, you become less concerned with the mechanics and tap back into the hand-eye coordination you thought you lost. Another benefit? It will free up your stroke. No more trying to steer them in. You’ll putt without fear of missing. Reboot complete.
Cameron McCormick is Jordan Spieth’s instructor and teaches at Trinity Forest Golf Club in Dallas.
Source: golfdigest.com
The post 4 Ways to Reboot Your Putting appeared first on Turnberry Country Club.
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4 Ways to Reboot your Putting
Pull yourself out of that rut and hole more putts
By Cameron McCormick
Was your performance in 2016 slightly less than satisfying? I know it’s not enough to hear it happens to everyone from time to time. You want to shake off the year of stubs, lip-outs and three-jacks before golf season rolls back around and you’re racking up missed putts again like a kid catching Pokémon. Well, if you really want to fix this flat-stick fiasco, you’re going to need a bit more than a 30-minute session rolling balls into those tiny golf cups. I recommend a full reboot. Here I’m going to give you four ways to pull yourself out of that putting rut. Sometimes only one of these will do the trick, but be prepared for the reality that you might need all four. Best get started. —With Ron Kaspriske
If you’re the kind of golfer who talks to a putter, gives it a good spanking when it isn’t performing, and even threatens to back the pickup truck over it in the parking lot, it’s time for the “we need to take a break from each other” conversation. Bench your putt-er for something different. Use a blade? Switch to a mallet. Always preferred heel-shafted putters? Try a centershaft. Everything from club length to grip circumference is up for consideration. Go get fitted (View: Your Ultimate Guide To Finding A Better Game). The big switch works for two reasons. First, there are no bad memories with a new putter. It’s a new day. Second, assuming the old one isn’t now residing in a scrap-metal yard, you’ll make it just jealous enough that it will perform its best when you rekindle your relationship.
“It’s not you, it’s me” won’t fly as a break-up excuse after the second Tinder date, but it’s probably true of your relationship with the putter. It showed up ready to bury every five-footer—but sometimes you didn’t. You need a refresher on mechanics. So I suggest you practice putting with your sand wedge. It’s not as crazy as it sounds. A good stroke is propelled by the shoulders and requires minimal hand or wrist action. To get the ball rolling with a wedge, you have to make that kind of stroke hitting the ball at its equator with the leading edge (above). This type of practice elicits precision and is good for the ol’ ego. You’re more apt to forgive yourself for a miss, which helps reduce those anxious feelings that turn you into a puddle of goo when the putts actually count.
You’ve held your putter the same way for so long the grip is starting to look like one of those training clubs that has grooved channels for your fingers. It’s time to switch it up, because what you’re doing, as they say here in Texas, is as pitiful as a three-legged dog. The easiest switch would be to flip hand positions so the higher one is lower. But I think you should take it a step further. Get crazy with it. Try the saw, the claw, the paintbrush, the non-anchored belly grip. Sometimes all you need is a dramatically different way of holding the club to reset your brain and start rolling the ball the way you used to.
On the putting green you need to be more Picasso than Pythagoras. In other words, knowing the math behind a putt is important (speed, slope, etc.), but don’t let it squelch your right-brain artistry. You probably aren’t crunching numbers when you ball up a piece of paper and try tossing it into the garbage. You just use your feel. My suggestion? Go deep. Find the longest, craziest putts on a green and try to make them. Even putting from well off the green will help you get your feel back. You know you have to hit the ball hard, and you know it’s going to break, but when you try these long-distance putts, you become less concerned with the mechanics and tap back into the hand-eye coordination you thought you lost. Another benefit? It will free up your stroke. No more trying to steer them in. You’ll putt without fear of missing. Reboot complete.
Cameron McCormick is Jordan Spieth’s instructor and teaches at Trinity Forest Golf Club in Dallas.
Source: golfdigest.com
The post 4 Ways to Reboot your Putting appeared first on Belle Terre.
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hailridge · 5 years
4 Ways to Reboot your Putting
Pull yourself out of that rut and hole more putts
By Cameron McCormick
Was your performance in 2016 slightly less than satisfying? I know it’s not enough to hear it happens to everyone from time to time. You want to shake off the year of stubs, lip-outs and three-jacks before golf season rolls back around and you’re racking up missed putts again like a kid catching Pokémon. Well, if you really want to fix this flat-stick fiasco, you’re going to need a bit more than a 30-minute session rolling balls into those tiny golf cups. I recommend a full reboot. Here I’m going to give you four ways to pull yourself out of that putting rut. Sometimes only one of these will do the trick, but be prepared for the reality that you might need all four. Best get started. —With Ron Kaspriske
If you’re the kind of golfer who talks to a putter, gives it a good spanking when it isn’t performing, and even threatens to back the pickup truck over it in the parking lot, it’s time for the “we need to take a break from each other” conversation. Bench your putt-er for something different. Use a blade? Switch to a mallet. Always preferred heel-shafted putters? Try a centershaft. Everything from club length to grip circumference is up for consideration. Go get fitted (View: Your Ultimate Guide To Finding A Better Game). The big switch works for two reasons. First, there are no bad memories with a new putter. It’s a new day. Second, assuming the old one isn’t now residing in a scrap-metal yard, you’ll make it just jealous enough that it will perform its best when you rekindle your relationship.
“It’s not you, it’s me” won’t fly as a break-up excuse after the second Tinder date, but it’s probably true of your relationship with the putter. It showed up ready to bury every five-footer—but sometimes you didn’t. You need a refresher on mechanics. So I suggest you practice putting with your sand wedge. It’s not as crazy as it sounds. A good stroke is propelled by the shoulders and requires minimal hand or wrist action. To get the ball rolling with a wedge, you have to make that kind of stroke hitting the ball at its equator with the leading edge (above). This type of practice elicits precision and is good for the ol’ ego. You’re more apt to forgive yourself for a miss, which helps reduce those anxious feelings that turn you into a puddle of goo when the putts actually count.
You’ve held your putter the same way for so long the grip is starting to look like one of those training clubs that has grooved channels for your fingers. It’s time to switch it up, because what you’re doing, as they say here in Texas, is as pitiful as a three-legged dog. The easiest switch would be to flip hand positions so the higher one is lower. But I think you should take it a step further. Get crazy with it. Try the saw, the claw, the paintbrush, the non-anchored belly grip. Sometimes all you need is a dramatically different way of holding the club to reset your brain and start rolling the ball the way you used to.
On the putting green you need to be more Picasso than Pythagoras. In other words, knowing the math behind a putt is important (speed, slope, etc.), but don’t let it squelch your right-brain artistry. You probably aren’t crunching numbers when you ball up a piece of paper and try tossing it into the garbage. You just use your feel. My suggestion? Go deep. Find the longest, craziest putts on a green and try to make them. Even putting from well off the green will help you get your feel back. You know you have to hit the ball hard, and you know it’s going to break, but when you try these long-distance putts, you become less concerned with the mechanics and tap back into the hand-eye coordination you thought you lost. Another benefit? It will free up your stroke. No more trying to steer them in. You’ll putt without fear of missing. Reboot complete.
Cameron McCormick is Jordan Spieth’s instructor and teaches at Trinity Forest Golf Club in Dallas.
Source: golfdigest.com
The post 4 Ways to Reboot your Putting appeared first on Hail Ridge Golf Course.
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