#c; clem
clems-grove · 1 year
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I dontb actually know how to do pixel art I was just goofing around 👍
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laragh · 4 months
As ardent fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, we were overjoyed when we learned about the release of Slayers: A Buffyverse Story. This wasn't just another offshoot for us; it was a chance to reconnect with characters that had become like family, brought back to life by many of the original artists who made them so beloved in the first place. These characters, many of whom were taken from us in the original run of the show, were given new stories, and their voices were empowered and strong, it was the story we needed and wanted. And the fans responded, making Slayers a huge success!
However, our joy turned into disappointment when we learned that a second season for Slayers has been blocked by Disney. We believe this would be an immense loss not only for us fans but also for the creators, and those who could potentially discover this universe through this series.
Disney holds the power to greenlight another season (or more) of Slayers: A Buffyverse Story. By doing so they would honor the legacy of one television’s most influential shows, and artists who were part of its creation, while giving voice once again to characters who have meant so much to countless viewers around the world.
We urge Disney not only as fans but as individuals whose lives have been touched by these stories – please give Slayers another season! With Benson and Golden as writers and producers, as it is their vision and voices we want to follow.
Sign this petition if you too want Disney to allow them to continue telling these empowering stories in our beloved Buffyverse!
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ciarawinters · 3 months
Spotting one of the performers for the day, Ciara waved her down. "Hey, I never got the music playlist you want. If you don't give me something you're stuck with whatever the hell Grayson picks."
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daandyli0n · 11 months
woo!! guess what day it is??
that's right!!
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yeah...Cleminnit My Beloved <3
anyway, wish her a happy birthday!! she's turning three!!
(text in top left: Clem going "Primes forbid women do anything-" and me going "you decide the context :)")
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cloudiekandi · 1 year
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X3 !!!
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sinceyousawvienna · 11 months
c!clem blob
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She's plotting to pretend to drop Dream as a “prank”
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jamiemarsters · 7 months
Pic of the Day: @realjamesmarsters & @thejamesleary being a couple cuties again... but, like, 20-something years ago...
aka James & James as besties #Clem & #Spike in @buffytvs #7.12 "Potential"
#JamesMarsters #JamesCLeary #Buffy #BuffytheVampireSlayer #JustTheCutest
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basilpaste · 6 months
i have a silly kindness soul oc that i was gonna use for an undertale yellow fic and it has now devolved into me imagining her in Scenarios
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silkchvffon · 8 months
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SHE LIGHTS UP AT THIS NEW INFORMATION, doesn't know why she's envisioned life in the spotlight to be more like a bird in a cage. still clementine keeps close to coco as they leave the hotel, feeling a bit like an impostor — coco is a star, in every sense of the word, and clem is just a nobody who happens to have a guitar. « okay, good to know, thanks, » she smiles, scanning the area around them for options. « should we bring something back to the room for athena too ? »
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kyleyangs-a · 1 year
for @dearclem​
location: spirits
Though once upon a time, him and Clem had been close friends, it really didn’t seem to be the case anymore. Maybe it was because she’d dated his best friend, and being in the middle of that seemed bothersome. Or maybe it was really Kyle’s fault in the end, losing control at a young age from what he’d been through, pushing someone who’d always been kind to him away. Then again, he didn’t like to live his life in the past, which is why when he found the only open seat at Spirits next to her, he didn’t bat an eye. “Clemmy,” he greeted her with a grin, taking a seat without bothering to ask. “Been a while. Lemme buy you a drink?”
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kittyloops · 2 years
yes the clem comics buzz has died out but it still angers me so much that Tillie wanted to genuinely convince us as fans that any of the kids at ericson's school for Troubled Youth saw Clem, an amputee, as a "liability" in the slightest
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clems-grove · 1 year
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Making last minute refs for my last minute decision to join art fight ummm…. Anyways follow me !!
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daringsunflowers · 1 year
@driptape cont here
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why clem had given him another chance was beyond him. he had talked his way out of a lot of things but he really was sure he had met his match with her. he was grateful regardless that she had given in. when he had told her it would be easier if she had just told him he couldnt help but laugh at her facial expression. "i should have known you would never make another easy for me." he said playfully. "ouch, i thought we had moved on from what i did?" he questioned. "i'm sorry, really. how about we get some dinner and i rub your feet or something? we can watch a movie of your choice even if it is something i hate." he sighed. "i can think of plenty, just not any i am sure you would go for right now."
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boo-cool-robot · 2 years
Truly of all the Austin Walker Boyfriend Characters, Ibex will never be reproduced. There may be other hot mean guys, but for various show reasons, his dynamic will not ever happen again. Just in terms of tabletop safety and comfort, it’s not really a good idea to hand out character sheets and then 3 hours later have a guy just show up and be manipulative and mean to everyone without prior discussion, even if it all worked out in the end! And in terms of Ibex’s function of making the players make hard choices and be willing to fuck over the characters and the party, they don’t need him anymore. Everyone fucking loves dramatic irony and making terrible things happen to the characters. 
There is such a marked difference between Ibex and, say, Adelaide, who is mean and condescending to Hella but who has an established flirtatious vibe that was clearly talked out behind the scenes with Ali. And Clem, who is heinously cruel, is co-handled by Jack and Austin by constantly turning to the camera and going “oh she sucks so bad” and never letting her look cool. 
Also in a broader sense, I think the show turns more towards being interested in the cruelty of systems and framing cruel characters as symbolic of larger logics. Interpersonal meanness has more of a “just for fun” vibe and generally players interacting with mean NPCs WANT to experience a mean NPC. I don’t think that I’d say the players actively dislike having Ibex in the game, but they’re not all having fun with him the way Austin, Ali, and Jack do. 
Anyway, this is a ramble but I really think Ibex’s hot mean coolguy interactions would never exist in the FatT of today. The ecosystem niche he filled no longer exists! 
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daandyli0n · 11 months
fading fireworks
td!Tubbo is turning twenty. Time to celebrate :]
hey @rosysugarr here’s The Thing i was writing. it’s got beeduo in it :]
(so, my personal hc is that the characters share their birthdays with the ccs, so this thing takes place during December. ignore the fact this is a few days late.
also! while it’s briefly mentioned, ‘Winter’s Blessing’ is basically the Church Prime equivalent to Christmas)
(warning: referenced death)
He wakes up in his bed. His husband has already gotten up. Then he hears sounds of general chaos in the kitchen; Clementine yelling something about using sugar and not salt, and both Ranboo and Wilbur talking about how they were “friends with Niki” and “knew how to bake a cake.” Michael was confused about why they couldn’t add more sugar or use chocolate milk.  Clem sounded like it was about to have a stroke.
Ah yes. It was Tubbo’s birthday today. He forgot.
Primes, is he really twenty? He feels like he’s far older than that.
He gets out of bed, heading into the bathroom, the one that most of the household members use (there’s three bathrooms in this house. Tubbo specifically built it that way. And yet everyone insists on using this one). He grabs his toothbrush, a yellow and black one, decorated like a bee’s stripes, with dark green bristles, and starts brushing his teeth.
He picked the colors because it made him feel kind of like a kid again. The kid he was never really allowed to be on…that server. He felt like he deserved to feel like a kid again after all of that.
Quackity told him that it was called “healing your inner child” or some s**t. Tubbo would personally say that he just didn’t want to accept the fact that he spent the last two years of his childhood feeling empty, sad, angry, and grieving.
He couldn’t come to terms with the fact he wasn’t a child anymore.
Tubbo spit the toothpaste in his mouth into the sink. He cleaned the toothbrush off and put it back. He looked in the mirror, tracing over the firework scar on the right side of his face. A couple of months ago marked the three year anniversary of The Festival. The day he was trapped in a box. The day he looked in the eyes of a man he called an ally as he held a firework launcher to his face, a few seconds from pulling the trigger. The last day he was able to see out of his right eye.
He’s had nightmares on his birthday in the past few years. Unsurprisingly about the fireworks. The night before was no different.
Ranboo had to calm him down as he woke up crying and screaming. Tubbo has joked before that the nightmares on his birthday were a gift from Schlatt. And so, Ranboo soothed Tubbo, whispering a quiet “Happy birthday, Tubbo.” He scoffed back, “Got Schlatt’s present. Happy f**king birthday to me.” He managed to fall back to sleep, so at least things were starting to get better.
He slips the butterfly eyepatch that Clem made the previous year over his eye. He puts a sunflower sweater, that Clem also made for him the previous year, on as well. He was going to call this his Birthday Outfit.
He finally walks down the stairs, the Kitchen Chaos coming into view. Clem looked like they were about to pull her hair out, Wilbur was spoon feeding Ranboo vanilla extract, seemingly doing it to distress Clem further (ah yes. Weird Enderman Biology Thing Number Who-F**king-Knows-Anymore: Endermen Can Eat Or Drink Just About Anything Without Issue), and Michael trying to mix cake batter. Funny, concerning, and adorable.
Ranboo made a face. “Why does it taste like that? How does it make things taste good but it tastes like that?”
Wilbur shrugs. “I dunno man. Just one of those weird Overworld things, I guess.” He suddenly looked at Tubbo entering the room. “Eyy! It’s the Birthday Boy!” 
Tubbo got various different happy birthday messages:
“Happy birthday, Daddy!”
“Happy birthday, Tubs!”
“Happy birthday, Bee.”
He chuckles, smiling. “Thanks guys. Good morning.”
Clementine looks like she��s at her wits end. “Tubbo, thank the Primes, these two have no idea how to make a cake. They’re driving me f-....insane. They're driving me insane.” 
Wilbur had a mischievous look. “Oh? Why’s Michael getting left out of this?” Ranboo was trying to hold in laughter. Clem gave Wilbur an unimpressed look. “Michael’s the only one here who’s got an excuse, which is that he’s five.”
Tubbo rolled his eyes, smiling. He walked over to Michael, who was still mixing the batter, and ruffled the fur on his head. “And how’s my lil’ nugget doing?”
Michael smiled up at his father. “Makin’ you a birthday cake!” He goes back to mixing. “Daddy, why can’t we put more sugar and use chocolate milk?”
Tubbo laughed a little. Kids. “Well, it’s not in the recipe, I guess. If you want, we can make a cake later doing that, okay?”
Michael’s eyes lit up. “Really?! Thank you, Daddy!”
“No problem.” He started walking towards the living room. “Now, since you guys refused to let me help last year, and forced me to sit down, I guess I’ll just be in the living room reading. Have fun, guys.”
Clem had a look of mock horror on her face. “Tubbo, y-you can’t seriously be leaving me here to deal with this s**t alone.”
Wilbur quickly started up again. “Hey Ranboo! You want to try a spoonful of flour next?” Still trying to hold in their laughter, Ranboo nods. “Sure, I’ve always wondered how flour tastes by itself!” Tubbo knew that was a lie, given that Tubbo has witnessed Ranboo eat a whole handful of raw flour before, much to Tubbo’s shock, but he doesn’t mention that. They were having fun right now, and that was what mattered.
As Tubbo walked into the living room, He heard Clem let out a groan of annoyance, and then she suddenly piped up with, “NO NO NO, DON’T TURN THE FURNACE UP THAT HIGH, IT WILL BURN THE HOUSE DOWN-” while Wilbur and Ranboo burst out laughing.
The sun finally started to set, Michael and Yogurt were playing in the snow, and Tubbo was sitting on the porch, a mug of hot chocolate in his hands. Winter’s Blessing was a couple of days away, and Fundy had decided to come a few days earlier to celebrate, bringing Yogurt with him. Quackity had shown up earlier, bringing some gifts for Tubbo. It was mostly some little science projects for him to do, but Quackity also gave him a little journal. To write in, they said.
Right now, Quackity and Wilbur were having some discussion about how they were both doing, given that Wilbur hadn’t had a therapy appointment in about a week due to the holidays, and Quackity just wanted to do a check-in. Clementine and Fundy were reminiscing about their childhoods. And Ranboo- wait, where was Ranboo?
Tubbo heard the door open and felt footsteps coming behind him. “Hey Bee. You doing alright?” Ah. there he was. Tubbo sighs, “Yeah, just…thinking. About things…”
Ranboo, also holding a mug of hot chocolate, sits next to Tubbo on the steps. “Wanna talk about it?”
Tubbo thinks for a moment, trying to think of how to word his thoughts. “...It doesn’t feel like I should be twenty. I feel like I should still be sixteen. Or forty.”
Ranboo nodded, humming. “Uh huh.”
“I feel like time just…doesn’t exist anymore, y’know? It feels like the last few years were a blur, that…it didn’t happen. But it did.”
“Well…I feel like that, too. But I think that might be more of a memory issue thing for me..”
“Hm..” Tubbo pauses, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. “...I had a dream after I went back to sleep.”
Ranboo seems interested. “Oh, really? What was it about?”
“...Techno was there.”
Ranboo sits there for a moment, his silence letting Tubbo know to continue.
“...We were sitting next to the L’mancrater. It was peaceful. He was petting a wolf, and I was enjoying the breeze and the sunlight, y’know; just chilling. Then he turned to me and just…bandaged my face. He was cracking jokes, trying to calm me down…he was acting like I had just been…y’know, blown up.” He paused to sip his hot chocolate again.
“He apologized to me. Like he did after The Green B**ch broke out. Like a genuine “I’m sorry for killing you.” I didn’t get that after The Festival. I was just told “Oh, I was peer pressured.” It’s just…he helped patch me up and apologized. It..felt comforting. It’s like my dream continued itself after I fell back to sleep.”
Ranboo nodded. “Well, that sounds good, Bee.”
“Maybe it’s my brain finally forgiving him. Or maybe my brain was weird about the nightmare. I dunno.”
Ranboo shrugs. “Who knows, could be one or the other.” They wrap an arm around Tubbo’s shoulder, kissing him on the cheek. “Well, whatever it is, happy birthday, Tubbo.”
Tubbo smiles. “Thanks, Boo.”
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gatutor · 2 years
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Clayon Moore-Penny Edwards-Clem Bevans-Allan Lane "Captive of Billy the Kid" 1952, de Fred C. Brannon.
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