#c: Hunter
junexhamilton · 2 months
The day that Kalani showed up at June's house was the day a monster was created. A very mellowed out, salty food ingesting monster, yes, and there were worse things she could've been. Still. It awoke some weird, unexplored side of herself. That's how June found herself somehow becoming an acrobat, or at least a very uncoordinated one, that'd shimmied her way up to Hunter's bedroom window that Christmas. She wrapped at the glass, a tiny chuckle escaping once he'd opened up.
"Hey," she nodded, her composure lasting approximately a half second before a goofy grin spilled across her lips. She wasn't cool to begin with, but stoned June? Somehow even less cool. It was a whole lot easier to pretend you hadn't talked to your best friend or confessed your feelings to them in the past few weeks while baked out of your mind, though. "Can I come in? I was gonna steal Doritos from your kitchen but then remembered I have my own. Wild, right? Boom." With that, the mini backpack she had on was tossed into his room without waiting for an answer. "Or maybe turkey would be more fitting with it being Christmas. I'd kill for a turkey leg right now." @gatherersmith
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bee-bowen · 5 months
closed event starter @ gas & go with @hunterxrenner
Bee sighed as she pulled her knees closer to her chest, resting her chin on top of them. She was quickly becoming sick of her surroundings, and the lack of heat in the store caused a small shiver to ripple through her tiny body. Deciding that she needed some body heat and a distraction, she shuffled until she was beside a stranger, offering him a weak smile to show that she wasn't going to be weird. Well, she hoped, anyway. "Want to play two truths and a lie to pass the time?" she offered, managing a small chuckle.
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bitchellsmith · 9 months
"Yo, Hunt, do you have a condom?" Mitchell asked as he stocked into Hunter's room with no warning. He planted himself at his desk chair, doing a little spin in it before facing his brother. "And none of the flavoured ones, I don't want strawberry scented junk. Orange would be fine, but still. I'd also ask Ash, but I think that's all she has. I don't know where she is anyways. But yeah, no rush, bee-tee-double-you, just wanna be prepared in case big daddy here gets any action." He made himself a little too comfortable, feet kicked up as a smirk started to grow across his lips. "Thought you'd be the person to ask after seeing you and Junebug the other night. She looked pretty shaken up. I hope you were able to comfort her in all the right ways." @gatherersmith
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cyrusclearwater · 1 month
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"So you heard about the mishap in the third year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class too?" Cyrus quirked a curious brow at his friend as he handed him one of the two coffees. They were making the most of their break and catching up on some whispers they'd heard around the Hogwarts halls.
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nicotine-noah · 1 year
closed starter for @masterxhunter
It was always a little weird to be told by a guard that you were being rented instead of the master coming down and choosing themselves. Noah liked the opportunity to be able to make an impression when they came down but of course not every master could be bothered to pick his own slave. It depended on the guard as to whether or not they told Noah if he'd been requested specifically or if the master just wanted someone sent up. Some had tastes for certain species or looks requirements and this time Noah had no idea why he fit the bill for this particular master since the guard hadn't been super talkative. He didn't even know who he was going to as he was lead upstairs and into the wing with all the masters' suites. He wasn't unfamiliar with the place and he could pick out ones he was more familiar with sometimes but he didn't think he was going to someone who'd rented him before. That was both a little thrilling and nerve wracking. The only power the slaves really had was information since they talked to each other and Noah was essentially going in blind this time.
They'd apparently reached the right door and the guard knocked politely on it to let whoever was inside know they were here. Noah kept himself loose, trying to be languid and relaxed in spite of the mixture of nerves and excitement. He actually liked being rented since he at least usually got something out of it even if it was only that he got bitten. That was like the only drug he was allowed in this place and that always excited him but who knew? The masters were always wild cards. Noah was never exactly one to keep his head down and not look them in the eye and that sometimes bit him in the ass but whatever. The door swung open and Noah looked at him and smiled.
"Special delivery."
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priyaxdesai · 6 months
closed - @hcnter
where - the christmas markets
Reconnecting with Noah had been wonderful in and of itself, and when he mentioned that Hunter was still living in town too, Priya made it a point to find time to, well, find him. He'd been another friend in high school, another safe haven when her home life had been absolute shit, so Priya was glad he was still in Aurora Bay (and clearly had done well for himself since he was apparently a firefighter now). She just wondered if he'd be glad to see her too since she did just up and leave town nearly eight years ago. Oh well--time will tell.
Walking through the pathways, Priya was thinking of maybe buying some chocolates or something to bring to the fire house as a surprise reunion gift of sorts when she saw what almost looked like...no. It couldn't be. Speak (think) of the fucking devil... "Carrigan?"
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valeriasanchez · 7 months
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"If I hadn't seen you post something earlier I seriously wouldn't have known it's you under all of that," Val snorted. "Look, I certainly can't knock you for your creativity."
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finn-oconnor · 1 year
where: restricted access vip booth
who: @hunter-cross​
They don’t normally talk too much shop when it comes to their separate affiliations. Unless it was something they could collaborate on, but otherwise they haven’t needed to test those lines. Finn was with the Irish before he even came to Colorado and Hunter with the Keepers. There was no question of recruitment one way or the other and that was fine, despite the groups histories in Lockwood Springs. That is, until recently, when that peace was threatened. When rumors of tension brewing again started to be muttered. Finn knew Quinlan was working with Diego to make sure the pot wasn’t stirred. However, it started to bring the question of what it would mean for him and not only Hunter (though he was arguably the most important) but also Danny and others he was linked to in the MC. Anyone who knew Finn knew family came first, the family he recognized at least. Hunter was his brother in all sense of the word but technicality. “All outside shit aside, when it comes down to it-” Finn stopped, taking a drink from his pint glass already not knowing where he was going with his train of thought. “Can we just agree we’ll have that conversation about shit when and if it comes to everythin’ blowin’ up? Before ye and I are forced on seperate sides of the fence, we’ll talk and see where we, us not them, are at?” 
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jackson-darby · 1 year
WHERE: cameron's pub. WHO: @hunter-calhoun & jackson.
Jackson spotted Hunter slipping into a seat at the bar just as he finished polishing off a glass, making his way over and resting his elbows on the table as he greeted him with a nod of his chin. "You ever heard the one where the cowboy in jorts walks into a bar?"
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raiineyday · 1 year
“I never asked to be made!“
-Hunter (@damaged-gold ) (i want to interact w you )
"Neither did I." They reply, gentle smile on their face. "How you choose to live your life is up to you, no matter if you asked to be here or not. None of us 'asked', so make the most of it."
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junexhamilton · 11 months
To say June’s break-up with James was bad was like saying World War Two was an unfortunate event. It didn’t even begin to capture the personal jail of hell June felt like she was currently stuck in. She couldn’t even remember half of what she’d said to James. She’d been so used to having to smile, look pretty, and be the good little political official’s daughter for so long. No more, though. Some unhinged, gremlin alter ego took over as the waves of anger and betrayal hit her. The bits she did recall included her yelling through a stream of tears about how she’d never make someone feel as shitty as he did to her before storming out of there. If the fight was a blur, so was how she’d gotten home or out of that apartment. The anger melted into some kind of numbness, one that catatonically lead her to go and change into some sweats before heading over to the Smith house. She thought she was playing the numbness off well, too, at least until Mitchell answered the door, took one look at her and asked, “Damn, the fuck happened to you?” That statement alone had her wanting to curl into a ball right there on the door step. Even if she could think of something smart to say in response, it was disrupted by Michael grabbing a pair of balled-up socks from the laundry basket he held and tossing it, smacking Mitch on the back of the head before turning his attention to June. “Ignore him. Hunter’s in his room,” he nodded. A flash of concern was etched into his features, but she could tell he didn’t feel it was his place to pry. Knowing the way that family shared, they’d all know what was going on later. Wordlessly, she slid inside and climbed the stairs until she found Hunter’s room. He was the only person she felt like offering some kind of explanation to. He’d understand, or at least not make her feel like a child for actually having feelings.
“So,” she started, no hello or fake pleasantry as she closed his door behind her. “Guess who’s single again?” she struck a little pose, one that might’ve been convincing if it weren’t for the way her fake smile violently waivered. It didn’t take a genius to see that she was on the verge of tears but still trying to keep a shred of dignity in tact. “Had to tell you first, cause you’re my best friend and everything, so uh...surprise, I guess. Must be time to start my hot girl summer as a free woman, huh?”
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smoslilguys · 2 years
@bloodofsalt​ -Starter for Hunter&Willow​
For as long as he could remember- he followed his uncle Belos’s orders. So when Hunter received the text that he needed to come home for something important, he felt conflicted. He stared down at the phone. Reading the message over and over again. A direct order. He couldn’t possibly disobey it, but his gut churned uncomfortably and his gloved fingers carefully reached up to the long scar that marked his cheek. Now white from it’s age but still a feature that was incredibly pronounced. He said he’d meet Willow at their favourite spot, overlooking her street on a rooftop and there he was. Waiting for her. Knowing that he should be heading to his Uncle’s mansion instead. The last thing he wanted to do was upset him... but he’d made a promise to his friend. He only tore his gaze from his phone when he felt someone sit down beside him. “Oh... Hey, Willow.” He offered her a gentle smile before putting his phone away.
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hqgaga · 1 month
connection ✉️ hunter s.
stef: Thanks for swiping right, gorgeous. stef: I am intrigued to no end about your proposition that making out be an olympic sport. Is this the kind of thing that would be measured by duration, or judged on creativity, or some other factor I haven't considered??? @huntyfamz
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valeriasanchez · 1 year
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“Can we do a round of shots that I don’t have to serve?” Valeria asked, jutting out her bottom lip as though that would aid her in getting a positive response. “Not working and being able to drink as much as I’d like is a freeing experience to say the least– you wouldn’t deprive me of that, now would you?”
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finn-oconnor · 1 year
who: @hunter-cooke​ where: shamrock junk ranch after nye party
The night was over at last and it was time to head back home. Once Finn knew Angel was getting home safely he was fine to leave. Finn and Hunter rode together and despite both being stubborn assholes they ended up taking one of the sober rides back to Southside where Hunter's truck was still parked at the junkyard. However, as they got out and the cab drove away it was obvious that something wasn't quite right. There was a dark SUV parked just a short ways up the street and one of the gate doors leading back into the junkyard was slightly ajar. Finn looked at Hunter and nodded to the gate. "Yo Cook, ye forget to lock the gate up?" It was a stupid question because neither of them ever forgot to lock that gate. There was far too much risk for them if the wrong people started wandering around in the back. That pushed Finn to pull out the gun concealed in his jacket and inch toward the gate motioning to Hunter that he was going to go check it out. Once back there it was clear that they weren’t alone, Finn looked over again. “What the fuck?” Suddenly a thought flashed through Finn’s head. “Ye don’t think it would be feds do you?” Instinctively lowering his gun because that would get him in more trouble if it was.
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gascreates · 3 months
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pigeon hunting :)
redraw of an old doodle now that i have a clear idea of what aang's dino form looks like. background under the cut cuz im proud of it
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