#by shit I mean shit I believe in but don't actively preach or defend when confronted
I think I just associate tumblr posts itself with guilt and shame more than actual contents of this post so yeah this fucks with my brain a lot
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do you still genuinely believe jikook are dating even after you said you had to re-evaluate your opinions/thoughts about their relationship after the video of (seemingly) jungkook in his apartment with the woman?
i'm asking this in good faith and honestly curiosity, because i saw your reblog about the key thing and it's quintessentially shippers discourse (one side wanting to prove they're dating and the other wanting to prove they're not, or that it isn't as obvious). and would someone even defend jimin not having a key (or people's opinions on it) unless you were on the "they're dating even if he doesn't have a key" side. usually ppl who don't care if they're dating or not, just don't care to defend a side or the other. so that's why i got curious.
Ah, this is about last night when I was commenting on a bunch of ppptm's posts while being a bit tipsy, hahaha.
Anon, you're reading a bit too much into this. I wasn't talking from a position of either believing or discrediting. I just thought the argument itself is stupid. It's so ridiculous, I can't imagine myself having a conversation in real life with someone about it and not getting laughed at. The entire idea of Jimin having a key or the code as some relationship proof or not having it which is then seen as a gotcha moment are equally dumb. I can't subscribe to any of that because I don't care for trying to (dis)prove anything.
I don't remember if I actually said I had to re-evaluate my opinion on jikook in the light of that video. That would mean I'm in the business of actively trying to connect dots that they are together or they aren't. Which I'm not doing. At least not anymore, lol. This is no longer 2020 for me. I do remember though saying more recently that they could sleep with half of SK and I wouldn't matter to me, I'd still like them and the shit they're up to each time they are together.
That's why I don't care anymore about reading lengthy essays on trying to prove their relationship and I certainly couldn't give 2 fucks about those who believe they are fucking other people. So what? They are just two guys that I see on my phone and that I like watching for various reasons. I don't hang out with them, I don't know them personally so why would I believe I have the answer? I can't stand fans' superiority complexes on this matter cause none of them is wiser than the other. And to be honest, it doesn't look like fun at all. Which is what I'm here for. For me, I enjoy shipping in a fun way. Don't throw tomatoes at me cause I'm not into preaching the supportive sermon which is a bunch of nonsense. But nonetheless, interesting to watch how fans are writing their own definitions of shipper vs supporter, how they stick in a community and how the meaning changes throughout time. Now that's another talk.
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