#but...i <3 my mountain wip and it's all already outlined so i'd know exactly what to write
goldenkid · 2 years
i’m just barely keeping up with life right now but WHAT IF. hear me out. what if i did nano
#WAIT LET ME EXPLAIN#so i have my mountain wip...or the woods as this version is called#but i haven't written anything in like 2 months because of the whole anorexia relapse debacle which is ALL GOOD NOW#and by all good i mean dear god i'm coping and it's all going to be okay but right now i'm just getting by#but yeah. not written mountain wip for a hot minute. and i really want to make progress on it but also.#i feel like i couldn't write 1667 words of that a day. like actual coherent words because i want this to be an actual coherent story#but what if. what if right#what if i just completely pantsed a random 50k word story for november#and then in december i can be chill and take it slow and get back  into writing#and if i feel like writing mountain wip at any point during this month i can#but also my nano project could just be something totally off the wall random fun stupid terrible#but...i <3 my mountain wip and it's all already outlined so i'd know exactly what to write#and i want to make progress on it :(#but also....no way i could win nano and i wanna win nano lol#like i want the DRIVE i want the FRENZY i want the FUN the COMMUNITY the AAA GOTTA HIT WORDCOUNT#and that's just not the same with a lower wordcount for nano#idk...i go back on clinical placement next week and i already have no energy but also...would be fuuuun#hmm. if i think of something to write i might go for it#if not i'll probably join in halfway through the month with like. 500 words a day goal for mountain wip#we'll see#prepare for me to reblog this with my plan
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