#but you don't need to harass musicians or actors about it? how is this hard?
septembersghost · 1 year
I didn't mean you at ALL btw. Your discussions always seemed logical to me considering you have only found connections between the songs and linking it with what SHE CONFIRMED. I also don't mind talking about her/joe considering she herself wrote about it. But I feel like there is a line in my own brain which I don't like crossing(idk how to explain it but certain topics come and I'm like no honey dont go there)(again I never got it from you). For example I don't mind talking about how Taylor
Had fling with TH and circumstances for it because she revealed it. Or looking back at 1989 gifs knowing about her ED. But back then if someone said she had ED I would have been highly uncomfortable since we would have been making assumptions about her personal life. But her unconfirmed flings ( esp AS because they both DENIED IT or zac efron thing AGAIN BECAUSE OF DENIAL). You are right again. It speaks about the celebrity culture more than anything at this point
i didn't think you did! but thank you <3
since you mention this, i do have to admit i firmly believed she had an ED back then and was increasingly worried about her, and it got to the point where seeing her was so triggering for me that i avoided photographs of her altogether at that time, but it's only because i recognized things i'd already seen and experienced in myself, and i wasn't sure i was right, i was just concerned. if i hadn't had the firsthand experience, it likely would've not felt quite that acute to me. that said, i also didn't discuss it publicly, like i didn't say i thought CH was terrible, or didn't mention her in 2016 when i thought it was evident she was struggling pretty badly. the only person who heard me express any of this at the times it was happening was my mom (and i hate that i was right, especially in regards to her ED, because i wouldn't wish that on anyone, and i'm so proud of how far she's come and her ability to mention it and continue with her recovery). i do think sometimes we see reflections of things we understand in others, but we should still be cautious when talking about it on a public forum out of deference to them as humans.
thinking she's hooked up with people who have flat-out denied it or have only been mentioned as rumor is simply disconcerting/disrespectful to me and feels like leaning into the slut shaming culture even if it's not intended that way. but things she's written about and described in detail herself are public record, they're essential and a part of her art, so we can decide how to approach that and how to respectfully discuss it and its meaning.
I feel like there is a line in my own brain which I don't like crossing no same, and that's probably different for everyone and that's fine! we have to recognize what our own boundaries are and what we see as okay to approach. being interested/curious about artists and their experiences itself is never a negative thing! it's very human and universal, audiences have been captivated by the people who create things for centuries, it's all in how we engage and how we talk about and treat them. the moment it becomes cruel or dehumanizing is the moment i'm not interested in seeing it. but recognizing their struggles/joys and their inspirations and their complexities is an extension of empathy.
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scoops404 · 6 months
hi scoopsogie, the post you rebloged about media creators expecting their audience to be different than it actually is and then putting their rage onto said media, made me think about Dream. because so far he was a creator who actually embraced the big part of his audience that is women and queer people. and he always has been supportive. but. and please correct me or reassure me if I'm being unreasonable. when he said in the video that a big part of his fans are actually collage guys and people into competitive gaming and with his request to be normal and tone down the activities that mostly women and queer people do in the fandom, i got scared that twitter's behaviour made him a bit apprehensive towards this side of fandom. that he doesn't like us like he used to and maybe he wishes his fan were mostly gamer guys...
Hi friend!
I like that post, it's very informative and sheds light on an issue in main stream media. For television shows, like they're mostly talking about here, there are a number of people behind the scenes making decisions and leading where the next season or arc is going. The showrunner, the network, individual writers (very rarely the actors). In between seasons, these people have time to discover *who* is watching their shows and being the loudest about it, engaging with it. It's not that NO men are watching those shows, they just aren't as loud and interested and locked in. I've read theories before about why men aren't as engaged in shows like woman as far as transformative work goes (art, fic) and a big one that I put my horse behind is that these shows are made *for* men. They see themselves as the heroes, the characters, and so they don't need to turn to fanfic to "fix" anything or to imagine it differently. I dunno, that's another essay for a different time.
For Dream and other streamers/real people fandoms (even musicians to a degree) they see their fandoms in real time. Musicians, definitely, because when they're touring you visibly see the audience coming to the show. For streamers it's a tad different, because names in chat are just names, but creators are usually way more involved in twitter where they see the bios and stuff.
I think Dream meant that his fanbase (which our reputation online has been we are all 14 year old girls) - *does* have college age people+ in it and men (who, let's be real, with *our* reputation online, is it any wonder they aren't as vocal as the die hard fans?). When your youtube subscribers alone are 30 million, you wouldn't expect all 30 million to be 14 year olds. I think Dream is very aware that his audience in primary female leaning queer people and POC. Especially compared to other gaming creators and a big part of why we are all here is because he makes us comfortable following him. I don't care how good a youtuber someone is, if they're shitty to their female and queer fans and constantly making gay jokes, I'd bounce. A huge part of why I even got into this fandom was the fanfiction. I had never played minecraft before in my life.
But also remember just who this video is intended for. It's not really for us. It's not intended for the fans who already saw the holes in these allegations and chose to believe Dream. It's for people looking to crucify him. It's *those people* he is showing himself to. It's *those people* he is saying 'I have boundaries and I don't condone everything my fanbase does willy nilly.' This shouldn't be a surprise to us, as Dream has always said he doesn't support doxxing and he doesn't support using his name to harass anyone. He's gone out of his way to be an example and be kind to people who have been mean and cruel to him (tommy, quackity). We've seen him reach out privately and resolve issues before (that guy Henry or whoever ((he's irrelevant imo)) who said Dream provided alcohol to an 18 year old in his hotel room which turned out not to be true).
I don't think he suddenly hates art or fanfiction. This is the man who not only has written fanfiction before (Percy Jackson) but hosted a fanfiction writing contest for his own fandom. I think what he doesn't want is for antis or whoever to go into the #dreamfanart tag and see explicit fic of him naked and/or having sex. Because minors CAN see that in the tag, it reaches a wider audience. Randos who only see that tag will think he condones that. So, he's simply stating he doesn't want that where majority of people will see it. At least, that's my interpretation.
It really sucks, but I think that really means no explicit art on twitter at all (though i think there's a gray area of having a private acct and only sharing with people who are over 18 and have to request to follow -- but that's been a practice already). Additionally, I'm not sure where his line is and where it crosses into explicit. Is kissing okay? He put a hard case out there for not truthing, which I'm glad he said, people shouldn't be scrutinizing his close friendships to the point where they're trying to see if they have separate hotel rooms (this is an example, i actually haven't heard of people doing that). Don't make DNF being real your entire personality.
I really don't think he suddenly wants an entirely gamer-boy audience. I think courting that side of his fandom helps with the harassment overall, though. Having men in the fandom gives the entire fandom more validity -> which, this actually makes me really angry and I hate it but (circling back to the post you mentioned) people have always struggled to respect majority female and queer fandoms.
I'm definitely rambling and trying to make sure I'm answering all the parts of your ask. This is not coherent and not all of my thoughts at all but it's already disgustingly long. So,
TLDR: Dream still loves us, still likes art and fanfiction, and isn't trying to replace us with dude bros.
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