#but the smooth is fun and i'm doing it now yippee
skrunksthatwunk · 10 months
wip as an excuse to show her off because she's cute to me but also so i can rant in the tags about The Malfunctions I Am Experiencing During This Piece
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dullahandyke · 4 months
Also I'm gonna try making one liveblog post again ‼ heres case 2 part 2
Was prompted to go into nikolina's cabin but I paused for a sec and sighed and panned to the right and there sholmes was hanging off of a desk bug like. It took several moments for me to gather the strength to engage with him
Sidenote I hate the new names for the Russian characters... pavlova? For real? What were their og names I'm gonna Google it
Ok borchevic isnt that much better but it's not fuckin pavlova!! So
Also I love the susato sprite where shes turned to look at something in the background with u... all the sprites of characters turning towards things of interest r so nice it rlly makes the space feel real. Adds on to the killer cinematography in here
Also also I need to get more like sholmes. This is a bad thing but at least he is not masking (I also dont do a lot of masking but I could do less of it)
DHHWJWJAK HIS FALLING ANIMATIOM IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWED BY HIS BOXING ANIMATION.... he is so comical and animated I love it. Need that to be me
Hes so real for that tho. Singing is so fun if u keep me from singing I'll kill u dead
Also I love his little cap flip animation. A bit stupid but that's fine
(I already have plans to add a sholmes sticker to my laptop once I finish this game)
Everyone has headaches 🤨 I personally blame a gas leak. Those r always happening on old shit arent they
Nikolina has dresses n shit in her wardrobe she didnt before... what did she unpack or something ? Maybe the cat did it. So helpful
Also the bookshelf being in the cabin is so cool the way it's set into the wall like that... dream house feature. Fuck a pool I want a book hole
I like the solution to the locked room being the ship tilting that's nice and fun
'Isnt there anyone who can help me out of this mess' ryuu calls. Deep breath. Pan left. Sholmes is hanging off the coat rack
Love sholmes w the tiara... u just know iris has So much fun doing dress up w him and he is equally as delighted
Btw the logic and reason spectacular continues to fuck
Asougi on the floor during the spectacular.... :(
Also poor nikolina she seems so scared
Love how susato knows Facts and Knowledge... RIP girlie you would have loved pub quizzes
Ryunosuke naruhodou objectum ally... 'well if the teapot is her friend that's fine, we're all different' ryuu I trust u w my life
LOVE IT WHEN RYUU DOES THE SPECTACULARS hes getting in the facking groove!!!!!
Also love how smooth all the sprites r... the mocap so awesome
We need to get ryuu and susato some kittens.... they would love Cute Kitten Video Compilation
Sidenote I love asougi's shin things. Cunt-tastic
I have to say this is rhe first aa game that I'm not watching a playthru of or cheesing with a walkthru and I'm having fun yippee!!!
I do wonder how long the case is gonna be tho
The percussion in all this music is so awesome
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Wait hold on a sec. If ryuu was being framed then that means there was someone else who knew ryuu was stowing away
Sidenote but I've been wondering, what did ryuu tell his family about him going to London? Becauss it seems like literally only he and asougi knew if they weren't even letting susato in on it. Did he tell them he was going somewhere totally different? Did he just disappear? Is he now on the missing persons list? I mean I Guess he could be an orphan but theres that whole ryutarou thing and I'd imagine he would need at least one additional family member to pull that off
We need to get susato access to wikipedia I think she would love it
We also need to get sholmes access to a fidget cube
Ryuu? We can get him access to a nice hearty meal. He deserves it
Ryuu getting distracted by strogenov's beefy arms... 🤐🏳️‍🌈
Nikolina... she looks like a small sad kitten
Wahhhhhh asougiiiiii... so niceys to nikolina...
Whenverr they show asougi I get so sad.. . RIP gayboy I loved u
The final deduction of the wardrobe.... :(
The music is fucking w me too...
I know she killed asougi but cant we let nikolina go.... everyone is being so hard on her she is 15
Case over.... AAAAAAA!!!! now I am hungry but bubbles is atop me so ig I'll just answer texts... if shes still not up by the time I'm done then we'll see about starting case 3 but doubtful
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freezethebeez · 1 year
Okay a Tommy chapter would be fine. Fun, even. But please please please I'm begging you to work a little on how you write restrictive eating disorders.
It's not about not being hungry. AT ALL. Unless you're fasting for more than four days (and, please, PLEASE emphasise that if Tommy ever fasted longer than a day, he would be counting the hours religiously), the hunger is constantly present. After about the four day mark, it eases up, but you're still obsessed with food, and you would not be able to act normal.
You've also said that the challenge with helping Tommy was starting him off with a slice of toast and working his way up, and even once he was eating full meals, he still struggled with every bite. Now listen. If you have been purposefully - and I mean PURPOSEFULLY, which is the very definition of anorexia nervosa - starving yourself, then the second you start eating more, you're going to be hungry. He was IN HOSPITAL. At that point, he's forced to eat more whether he likes it or not, and the hunger would hit him hard. And it would be uncontrollable. You've written it really well with Ranboo, but it would work even better for Tommy - especially if you can factor in the terror of him losing himself. If he's built his identity on eating as little as possible, it'll be nightmarish when he's suddenly clearing out the cupboard. But it will happen nonetheless.
Anorexia nervosa is not accidental. And it's not about not caring about food. Please, please don't confuse it with ARFID or lack of appetite. It tends to only reach that level of disinterest in eating during the late (and by 'late' I mean terminal) stages.
I think it's easier to write if you look at it as OCD - with which there's an EXTREME overlap. The obsession can be anything - fear of being fat, of being unlovable, of eating and eating and eating because god knows that if you started you wouldn't stop. Maybe Tommy just wants to feel small again so his dad will stop thinking he's strong enough to take care of himself. And the compulsion is obvious - it's hunger, and numbers. About a million sets of them. It's numbers as punishment, and numbers to stop the pain, and numbers as a way of describing what it feels like to hollow yourself out and scrape away your insides. But it's never, ever going to be an unconscious action. Anorexia nervosa is not a default. A default coping mechanism, maybe, but not from birth. Please keep in mind that Tommy could not be doing this unconsciously.
Also there was that one part in the chapter 21 when Tubbo checks for cuts. If Tommy cut there previously, the skin wouldn't be smooth. The skin will never be smooth. There's a good metaphor in there somewhere, and I sure hope you use it.
Sorry about all this. Every other Sunday I say YIPPEE!!!!! IT'S CATALYST SATURDAY!!!!!!!! So I love your work and also everything about you
thank you so much for this. constructive criticism is something i think i need more of, honestly.
anything related to eating disorders in catalyst is based on my own experience with them. i did take a few guesses for some parts (like tommy being hospitalized. i never was), but for the most part, i'm going off memory.
i've been recovered for about two years now, so while i remember some of my lowest moments, the day-to-day stuff has completely left me.
this probably isn't noticeable at all in catalyst (which is completely my bad for not making it clear or mentioning it at all), but tommy's not actually worried about the hunger, hunger is just a byproduct. he is very concerned about the numbers. and the only point where that would have been implied was when tommy was reading the poem in tubbo's dream (“Numbers don't mean as much to me anymore. The calculator in my brain has lost its batteries" which is SUPER implicit and i should probably clear that up).
i have a small backstory for tommy somewhat written in my drafts. in it, it's clear that he's focused on numbers— focused on them because it's the only sense of control in his life— as well as what happens when you present him with a hamburger and tell him to eat it (which is entirely based on a time in which i stared at a hamburger, debating whether or not i should eat it, and started crying. one of the many fond memories of which you're allowed to giggle at because i find them funny now). i'm aware that one does not act normal when you have are numbers in the brain. i remember getting a low mark on a math test (ironically enough) because i literally could not think of anything else besides what i ate that day, and what i had left.
tommy starting out small and working up to bigger meals was how i got better on my own (which i had to do. i wasn't able to see a therapist at the time and i knew there was a problem so i did my best to fix it. it wasn't easy, nor fun, nor was the process linear). again, i have never been hospitalized, so i really don't know what happens there. my road to recovery was essentially "still don't eat a lot, like, just a little more than usual, but also workout more because that's definitely healthier" and after that everything just kind of blurred. the exercise put me in a better headspace and got me out of that cycle, and i was kind of my own therapist at the time.
so yeah, i don't actually know how proper anorexia recovery goes, because i never had it, and i haven't seen anyone go into super high detail about it. i know they usually get a nutritionist, but i've never seen one so it's tough to write about, especially in high detail. if you or anyone else has information, i'd love to learn about it as long as you're comfortable sharing.
(additionally: tommy has a therapist, but no nutritionist because phil didn't see the point in that part, deciding that he can make sure tommy's eating when bee's meant to be. phil forgets about this as well, and tommy's left to his own devices.)
i'm aware that anorexia is not subconscious, and the more i think about it the more i realize that tommy's entire backstory is unknown. and it's not because i've been hiding it from you, it's just because i never get the chance to talk about it in full, and a lot of details go missing (i'll continue to work on that because that isn't good storytelling lol).
(and the reason why tommy's relationship towards food is messed up could also be because of ocd, which is something i didn't know i had at the time of my own eating disorder. you're so right, the overlap is actually wild.)
catalyst follows the dream smp timeline before the fic starts (when the fic starts, it derails), thus meaning that exile was translated into the catalyst universe in the form of dream (tommy's english teacher) keeping tommy behind after classes for extended hours to make sure he was getting his work done (he was) and just sort of torture him i guess.
tommy, now feeling a lack of control in his life, decided to limit his eating and lower his body weight because maybe dream would let him go if he looked too sick to be there. maybe dream would stop hurting him if he looked fragile. he was living on a hope and a prayer that it would all stop if he were just smaller. spoiler alert: it didn't, and now tommy's stuck in this awful cycle where every year around christmas (where dream's hellscape of a detention would kick up into overdrive before the holiday break) he goes back to those old habits because it just feels right. he's compelled to go back to it because it was easier to sleep all day and pass the time, and everyone always treated him a bit better when he was sick anyway— no one would dare hurt him.
as for the last point about cuts: i don't have experience with cutting myself, so i can definitely understand how that part would be inaccurate, and i take full responsibility for that. the adjective "smooth" was meant to be interpreted as "there's nothing fresh here."
thank you this, by the way!! constructive criticism is something i don't receive enough of, and just typing this out has made me realize where my storytelling is lacking. i've got a part in ch 23 where i can establish a little bit more of tommy's character and clear up some things. once the fic is completed, i'll also go back to past chapters and try to sprinkle in a few more details, or have scenes where topics are further discussed, especially about characters going through serious things like that.
responding to your message has been an entirely positive experience for me, so again, thank you!!
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the-firebird69 · 3 days
The coolest life is never smooth sailing, but turbulent waves. As long a...
We have this huge discussion about what you're saying really so I don't know how it really went. It goes like this. We made Pontiac it's been around for years everybody had one the thing came out with the empire ships in the seventies and the only s*** almost. All these Max. There are different groups really that's two. So they both wanted it and they're fighting over these Pontiacs and they saw you had one so they had to try and get rid of it from you and that's all John remillard needs so that's one side point but the other one is they're fighting over it for years and it was over 40 years before it came to fruition but the car was symbolic and there were a lot of fights and these guys think that it helps now they're fighting overused ones and what we say is and you did his they're making new ones they're bigger better faster with the new armor and they work real well so Pontiac is probably going to be a go and yeah don't talk about this stupid crap in that way you're an idiot just what if I get the firebird I'll be going to date yeah okay we'll see how it goes then that's enough
We've actually had enough for you I don't want to hear this talk but you're probably the only compatible one on earth so I have to put up with it. I know I'm not compatible I heard it doesn't do anything and not from her and ever shut up and Carmen is probably having to send back to the computer so she cares about and could be true yeah but really yeah and this is how it goes I remember those days a lot will and it's true
I certainly got this you're saying over in code it says no it's the white man noise that's very funny it's not really a white man but here it goes to our people you're all bunch of idiots you clones who are made by Dave or something really is probably the max that's fun the max they do good we'll see what they really think. The last firebird he had went flying on the beach and it's symbolic and they want to grab ones from them probably that they make to do that with to his or bases so we don't have any cars they made and there's the key there's the math and yeah he's supposed to get a firebird and he designed one he designed several but we know he designs
I don't want to talk while this enderman in songs on Eminem Jesus Christ so here we go we have a car and an analogy to the sand into the accident and he says I can just drive on sand and it doesn't do to me but really these days it's kind of weak but with the company up and running it would be real
Timmy d
Where are they making cars and how we supposed to get them to make cars that's ridiculous and they say You're supposed to make an offer or something instead of these huge b****
I got to tell you it's going on for way too long
Have to get something done this is such a pain in the ass
Well we have the idea of the concept the analogy the code all that stuff we're just sitting here doing nothing yeah you would have a firebird eventually yippee who cares that s*** says he's growing out of it no more flying cars for him then fly too much it was too heavy
Mac daddy
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