#but the point is sev's kind of moved past him. he's more on mulciber's level now
seriousbrat · 2 months
i'm working on my fic and its so funny to me how mulciber is basically Sev's love interest for this part lol.
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I gave myself major ick writing this btw but that's nothing new. these are the sacrifices i make in my commitment to the "he wants lily but he also wants mulciber" jkr quote
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
Lily’s POV on being called a Mudblood by Snape
An Excerpt from my Marauders prequal, We Were-  Chapter 5: Free
Lily rubbed at her temple in frustration as she strained her mind to come up with the counter jinx for wiggling ears. Surely she'd get points knocked off for using Finite more than five times, and there was an exact one, she just couldn't remember-
"Quills down," a voice called from the front of the room. She sighed and watched her DADA exam fly off. Over a hundred rolls of parchment zoomed into the air and into Professor Flitwick's outstretched arms, knocking him backwards off his feet. Several people laughed. Mary and Ersa came forward to help him to his feet, holding Professor Flitwick beneath the elbows and lifted him back upright.
"Thank you . . . thank you," panted Professor Flitwick. "Very well, everybody, you're free to go!"
Lily stayed in her seat and kept pouring over her scratch paper for the answer still so she could swat herself in the face with it. They still had practical's after lunch, and she just knew this exact thing was bound to come up!
"Erm, Lily?"
She looked around in surprise to see Mary hovering by her desk. Bless and Ersa were standing at the doors impatiently.
"Oh, yes, err, coming," she laughed nervously as she grabbed her bag and realized she'd been the last one in here, she still wasn't used to anyone waiting around for her for once.
Mary had been going out of her way lately to include Lily, and she wasn't going to ask why anytime soon in fear it would end. Ersa and Bless were a tad less enthusiastic, but neither had spoken a word against her as far as Lily knew. She could only guess Mary had told them about what happened, and the fact Lily had been avoiding Severus this past month seemed to have put them in a slightly more easy going mood towards her of late.
"So, how do you think you did?" Mary asked eagerly. "I got all the wrist movements I'm sure, Professor Liz has been great about that, but I'm positive I swapped an incantation or two."
"Yeah, we got really lucky with her our OWL year," Lily agreed. "I can't believe she won the thousand galleon draw and left to travel, I'm so jealous!"
Bless and Ersa actually giggled in agreement, it was a wonderful feeling as they began circling towards the lake. They began taking off their shoes and letting their feet cool in the water as Lily properly answered, "alright, I guess, not as bad as I feared anyways. That question over werewolves was silly, I think, I absolutely missed that. Who's going to look at whether the tails tufted or not when you've got any kind of beast coming towards you?"
The girls laughed in agreement again, and Lily was starting to feel a bit euphoric at how normal all of this felt.
"All right, Snivellus?" Potter's voice once again shattered the peaceful air.
She looked around with everybody else and was not surprised at what she saw.
Potter had, as always, been hovering somewhere near her. Severus wasn't too far off, engrossed in his paper, or he'd just been looking for another fight and trying to follow Potter once more. She grit her teeth, but couldn't seem to force herself to turn away.
It must have been the first reason though, because he didn't react in time. "Expelliarmus!" His wand went shooting a dozen feet away. She grasped her own but forced herself still. Mulciber and Avery were his friends, they'd come along and see this and help him out.
"Impedimenta!" Potter shouted next, and she went as stiff as Severus did when he fell.
'It's not your problem,' she kept chanting at herself. Sev never left them alone, and he never would if she kept stepping in. Somebody had to stop the pattern eventually. He was disarmed now, surely they'd waltz off laughing like braying donkeys.
Instead they began going closer, Potter even looking right at her with a clear challenge in his eye for what she'd do next.
'Don't, don't do it,' but she wasn't sure who she was even hoping for anymore, Sev, herself, or Potter.
"How'd the exam go, Snivelly?" Potter demanded.
"I was watching him, his nose was touching the parchment," said Black viciously. "There'll be great grease marks all over it, they won't be able to read a word."
Several people watching laughed, Bless and Ersa sounded particularly grating right next to her.
Sev was trying to get up, but the jinx was still operating on him; he was struggling, as though bound by invisible ropes.
"You - wait," he panted, staring up at Potter with an expression of purest loathing, "you - wait!"
"Wait for what?" said Black coolly. "What're you going to do, Snivelly, wipe your nose on us?"
Snape let out a stream of mixed swear words and hexes, but with his wand ten feet away nothing happened.
Lily got slowly to her feet, heart thudding madly away. 'You're just giving them both what they want,' she tried one last time to stop herself.
"Wash out your mouth," said Potter coldly. "Scourgify!"
Pink soap bubbles streamed from Snape's mouth at once; the froth was covering his lips, making him gag, choking him -
"Leave him ALONE!"
Ersa and Bless cringed away from her, Potter had the audacity to look at her again and ruffle up his hair with a smile he'd finally gotten his reward, and Severus didn't even look at her.
"All right, Evans?" said Potter, he sounded like a complete ponce when he made his voice do that.
"Leave him alone," she repeated. She'd never hated anyone so much in her life, she couldn't ever have just one thing without him ruining it. Not her best friend who now hated her because of him, not even any new friends, surely Mary wouldn't even want anything to do with her after this. She couldn't change her ways, she'd never just stand by and let them be so awful to anyone. "What's he done to you?" Maybe one of them would answer, Severus never had.
"Well," said Potter, pretending to have a brain for a moment as he clearly strained himself to think, "it's more the fact that he exists, if you know what I mean . . ."
Even more people laughed this time, like this was funny, their weekly show they'd been lacking this month now back at the best time ever. She wanted to hex every last one of them, starting with this one. "You think you're funny," she said coldly, "but you're just an arrogant, bullying toerag, Potter. Leave him alone."
"I will if you go out with me, Evans," said Potter quickly. "Go on . . . go out with me and I'll never lay a wand on old Snivelly again."
Behind him, the Impediment Jinx was wearing off. Sev was beginning to inch towards his fallen wand, spitting out soapsuds as he crawled.
She was not responding to give him a chance to recover, she told herself. "I wouldn't go out with you if it was a choice between you and the giant squid." Sev was getting ever closer to his wand. Maybe, this one time that she told them both at once she wasn't playing their games, Sev would walk off with her instead of fighting back.
"Bad luck, Prongs," said Black briskly, and turned back to Snape. "OI!"
He'd directed his wand straight at Potter; there was a flash of light and a gash appeared on the side of Potter's face, spattering his robes with blood.
Potter whirled about: a second flash of light later, Snape was hanging upside-down in the air, his robes falling over his head to reveal skinny, pallid legs and a pair of greying underpants.
Many people in the small crowd cheered now. Lily swallowed a laugh for the first time herself, the comeuppance for him never listening to her being thrown in his face like that. Instead, she snapped, "Let him down!"
"Certainly," said Potter and he jerked his wand upwards; Snape fell into a crumpled heap on the ground. Disentangling himself from his robes he got quickly to his feet, wand up, but Black said, "Petrificus Totalus!" and Snape keeled over again, rigid as a board.
"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Lily shouted. She had her own wand out now, beyond tired of all of this. They eyed it warily, so there were some brain cells left.
"Ah, Evans, don't make me hex you," said Potter earnestly.
"Take the curse off him, then!"
He sighed deeply, then turned and muttered the counter-curse.
"There you go," he said casually as Severus struggled to his feet. "You're lucky Evans was here, Snivellus - "
"I don't need help from filthy little Mudbloods like her!"
Something fell into place, it felt oddly light as it settled around her, this clarity of how he'd always seen her, who he'd really been pretending around all these years. She blinked the fog away for the last time. "Fine, I won't bother in future. And I'd wash your pants if I were you, Snivellus."
It didn't feel as good as she'd hoped stooping to their childish levels of using that insult, she didn't feel much of anything right now except that crystal clarity.
"Apologize to Evans!" Potter roared at Snape, his wand pointed threateningly at him.
"I don't want you to make him apologize," Lily shouted, rounding on him, this was normal, this should make her feel back to normal. "You're as bad as he is."
"What?" yelped James. "I'd NEVER call you a - you-know-what!"
"Messing up your hair because you think it looks cool to look like you've just got off your broomstick, showing off with that stupid Snitch, walking down corridors and hexing anyone who annoys you just because you can - I'm surprised your broomstick can get off the ground with that fat head on it. You make me SICK." A feeling finally began kindling in her chest like she'd hoped, and it was for him, for Severus Snape, for every goddamn student in this whole castle. She turned on her heel and hurried away.
"Evans!" James shouted after her. "Hey, EVANS!"
She didn't look back.
Instead she moved faster as her façade began to crack, the first one came as she found the familiar steps, and she finally collapsed in her potions classroom without a clue how she'd gotten onto her stool as tears began.
There was no brewing potions, the place was empty for exams and felt cold for the first time without the simmering heat and haze of colors. Her own cauldron was already packed away in her trunk. His was in an unused classroom a few doors over, their love potion to beat all love potions still brewing. Instead she sat at their usual desk, shoulders shaking and coughing so hard it hurt because she couldn't stop the horrible sobs from coming no matter how much she wanted to.
Her hair fanned a curtain around her, it was the only color in her blurry eyes until a pretty flash of rainbow danced about when she swiped at her nose. She moved on instinct, but the clasp wouldn't come loose, and she began seething in frustration she couldn't get it off, he'd probably locked it in place back then and she'd been a fool for too long. She started slamming her wrist down on the desk now, she'd break it into a million pieces before she left that thing in place. She fell off the stool and still didn't stop.
A lifetime later and no seconds at all, she was alone with an overturned desk with no idea why the leg was halfway across the room. Her hand was a swollen, ugly mess from the wrist joint, every one of her fingers looked more like sausages and her arm was tingling unpleasantly, but the blueish tint it was starting to resemble was the only bit of color she cared about.
Trying to move her right arm as little as possible, she got slowly to her feet, using the smooth wood for support and hoping she didn't get a splinter now of all times, her mind only on the hospital wing instead of the rainbow links in all corners. Just one thing at a time.
She made it to the hallway and barely registered Professor Slughorn passing her, but he noticed, his great stomach nearly flattened her as he did a double take.
"Miss Evans! We've been looking all over the school for you, you've missed your Defense practical's!"
"Oh," was all she could think to say to that.
His eyes cast over her, and quantified laughably so when he saw her wrist. He escorted her up to the hospital wing demanding who had done this to her, he'd see them expelled, but she didn't bother to answer. She only listened with the most passive of interests later when McGonagall came by to see her and explain she could retake the DADA exam this summer for free, but she'd have to pay out of pocket for the rest if she missed,  as she wasn't excused from them since Madam Pomfrey had already fixed the damage to her arm.
The Matron was kind enough to adhere to her request to put curtains up after a seventh year came in hyperventilating about their final exam, ironically the one time she actually wanted to be alone and the place she'd found a modicum of solitude had people all around, and as always, the worst one of all as night fell.
"Mr. Potter? What on Earth-"
"Won't stop bleeding mam," his voice sounded as cheerfully casual as ever like he was still hailing her in the halls.
A slight creak of bed springs and several uttered charms seemed to prove his point quickly. There was something in her voice Lily suddenly suspected students had been hearing a lot this year, as the usually quiet nurse who always respected the students boundaries of how exactly they'd gotten into their latest magical accident asked in a no nonsense voice, "Mr. Potter, how did this happen?"
"You've never asked that before," his voice was edgy, unsure now, Lily had never heard him actually unconfident before.
"This is Dark Magic Mr. Potter, to not be closing properly! Please tell me, it will help find a solution faster." Silence was her answer, and she gave a resound sigh when it hovered in the air and told in strictest tones, "you stay right there mister, keep pressure now."
Black's voice made her startle, she hadn't realized he was capable of being quiet, let alone here the whole time. "Why didn't you rat out that freak! The only reason I didn't is the last time I opened my mouth you didn't speak to me for three weeks!"
"Like it'll do any good," Potter sounded exhausted, she got the feeling this was not the first time they'd had this argument. "I'm far more concerned where Evans has run off to, can't believe you dragged me down here-"
"You're like snow in July mate! Here, swap out, you're dripping again."
It was so inconceivable, the care in his tone, the human conversation she was living apart from.
"Listen Prongs, all her dorm mates swear on their wand she's not up there, and she wasn't in the dungeons, Peter said some fight went on down there and she's good at avoiding those, right? Shall I go get the map, if you're so worried?"
A smaller pause, she was just lying on her side, staring at the gaudy curtains, hardly daring to breathe.  She didn't know what map would be useful, but she was far too hollow to care. Finally, her blasted answer how he always seemed to know where she was so close at hand, and all she wanted was to make the noise stop.
"No, I guess not, won't do any good now. Pomfrey will have me in here the rest of the night thanks to you!"
"Moony and Wormtail will come down here and tell us when she comes up to the common room," his voice was so soothing and gentle. "Just relax back, yeah?" How close had he come to passing out before allowing this? "Far more importantly, what's Snivilius' punishment this time? I am not joking anymore about tying him up and leaving him in the Forest after this stunt." She reached up to touch her ear, just to make sure it hadn't fallen off in shock as he switched gears like that. There was that familiar cruel tone she knew so well.
"We'll have to plan it, make sure Hagrid can't walk in and stop us, might have to wait tell we get back." His voice was in tandem, and her empty stomach clenched.
She was saved from hearing the rest of that by the nurses return. "Here now, let me see how deep it is- oh yes, you're going to have a scar there dear. Start dabbing this on now, and drink up, I'll be back in just one moment."
The curtains did not part enough for her to get a peek out, let alone them in. She already knew the question on Madam Pomfrey's lips, and begged of her in the softest, most pleading voice, "may I have a dreamless potion? Please?" She was spent beyond her years, begging not to have to face the noise again so soon.
Her face was kind and understanding as she nodded and gave her a gentle pat, Lily wondered just how often people asked to stay here.
She'd lost track of the two, but now their voices trickled back through the curtains.
"James, mate, don't fall asleep yet. Come on, drink some more."  
"Tastes like I'm sucking on a knut," his voice slurred with exhaustion.
"I'll tell Evans you said that!" His voice had a joking tone she wasn't used to hearing, there was no menace or threat in it. "She might actually talk to you if she finds out you don't swing her way!" Another pause, the slightest sounds of the gulping stopped. "Sorry." She could not even begin to imagine the look on Potter's face for his best friend to sound so genuine.
"I just can't believe she really thinks I'm the same as him! I'd never call anyone that, let alone her! Hurts worse than this bloody cut she really- I, I don't know how to bloody-"
"We've been telling you for years she's up her own ass too much mate," he still sounded more apologetic than anything. "Maybe though, maybe this'll finally get her to ease up some, even she can't come back from defending that?"
The final bell for curfew rang just as the door opened again, and the matron did not sound pleased.
"Mr. Black, I will issue a detention if you linger any farther. Go on now, shoo, off to bed with you while I treat my patients."
There was no rebuttal or argument, just the soft thud of the door closing. It was not even the second most unbelievable thing she'd heard today.
"I'm going to patch this on Mr. Potter, yes I know it stinks but please, no don't scratch! We'll try another salve here in a moment, drink some more, you're so pale love. I'll be back in one shake."
The curtains fluttered again as she was handed the vial. She popped the quark without a second thought, a tangible need to tip it all the way back and escape. The blackness inside her began swirling up, behind her eyes, she was finally just allowed some peace as she sank back to the pillows in the quiet.
She woke up on the first day of the rest of her life still alone. With a painful feeling lodged deep in her heart, but finally a sense of feeling at all she would not ignore, she shoved the pattern aside to see Madam Pomfrey was tidying up. The bed beside her was still rumpled, she was tisking and putting away three chairs that seemed to have moved themselves overnight.
She didn't bother to attend her Potions exam that day, but heard the cheers of delight even from a floor above as fifth years exalted. It went in one ear and out the other as she kept replaying it all in her head. Mudblood, dark spells, had there ever been anyone more pathetic than her? And Potter, James Potter, what a mystery that lunatic was...
Madam Pomfrey finally insisted she leave as dinner came and went, reminding she had to be packed for the carriages first thing in the morning. She didn't bother to correct she already was, she knew she couldn't hide in here forever, she'd have to get back on that train eventually.
Lily had hoped Mary had enough kindness in her not to bother her as she lay curled up in her bed in her night things to feign sleep having missed the Feast, but that was dashed as a tentative touch came to her shoulder.
A part of her wanted to hex the girl away, but she couldn't stand another fight, she'd probably evaporate into nothing. Instead she sat up and didn't care why Mary flinched and wouldn't look her in the eye as she whispered, "he's ah, down at the portrait hole. Said he'll sleep there again if you don't talk to him. He didn't believe me yesterday when I said you weren't-"
"Thanks Mary," Lily told her mechanically, she didn't even grab a robe as she slipped out of the door.
He really was there. She couldn't believe the nerve of him.
"I'm sorry," he said the moment she stepped out, but her hand didn't even leave the Fat Lady's portrait to swing shut on her. Every apology in their past might never have existed in this moment.
"I'm not interested."
"I'm sorry!" He actually tried again.
"Save your breath, I only came out because Mary told me you were threatening to sleep here."
"I was. I would have done. I never meant to call you Mudblood, it just -"
"Slipped out?" There was no pity in her voice. "It's too late. I've made excuses for you for years. Nobody can understand why I even talk to you. You and your precious little Death Eater friends, you see, you don't even deny it! You don't even deny that's what you're all aiming to be! You can't wait to join You-Know-Who, can you?"
He opened his mouth, but closed it without speaking.
"I can't pretend anymore. You've chosen your way, I've chosen mine."
"No, listen, I didn't mean - "
" - to call me Mudblood? But you call everyone of my birth Mudblood, Severus. Why should I be any different?"
He struggled on the verge of speech, but with a contemptuous look she turned and climbed back through the portrait hole. She never spoke to him again.
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alcfrtsccc · 7 years
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TASK 04: MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOR! adlucem edition, part 2 (part 1)
Rita Skeeter is the master of ceremonies and commentator of the games. The people of the Capitol and some parts of the first couple of Districts love her - she is amazing at getting the kind of information on everyone that they wouldn't normally share and she is willing to use it to push the players to their limits, making them uncomfortable or even uncovering secrets they would rather keep to themselves. But exactly because of this, most of the people living further away from the Capitol despises her. They think her cold, cunning, rude and just outright disgusting sometimes with the way she makes sure nobody feels good after talking to her.
The Head Gamemaker is Wallace Fontaine. This is his first game and nobody has heard of him before his name was announced for the Gamemaker position. Some people say he has come from outside of the Capitol or any of the Districts, while some say he has plastic surgery and is actually the previous Head Gamemaker in disguise.
Dorcas Meadows is the right hand of Wallace Fontaine. Dorcas was brought in to make sure Wallace Fontaine didn't fail and disappoint like the previous Gamemaker, but the two of them quickly found a good voice and rhythm between each other and complimented one another throughout the game perfectly.
Adrian Burke is among the game makers as well. He is on a lower level than Wallace and Dorcas, but he is the one who is in charge of handing out the training points to all the players.
Lucretia Greengrass is the person who has bred and trained and cared for every single animal and magical creature in the arena. She has spent the past year handpicking all the different dangerous creatures according to the Capitol's and the Head Gamemaker's desires and feel extremely attached to each and every single one of them. Her being the one who provided the creatures also mean that among the trees some of the most bloodthirsty and dangerous creatures can be found.
Eleanor Mabel and Lily Evans are both working as costume designers for the games. This year Eleanor was assigned to make the clothes for the tributes of District Five, while Lily Evans was assigned to the tributes of District Seven.
Carlita Zabini lives in the Capital and is obsessed with the games. Unlike most people, she sees something in Greta Catchlove from the very beginning and during the game she sends the girl something to help her game along.
Since the moment his brother gets chosen as a tribute into the games, Rabastan Lestrange sets out to work. He first goes to their father, but the man clearly states that he thinks Rodolphus should be able to handle the games on his own and win, so Rabastan goes to find other ways to sponsor his brother - mainly he finds the richest of the rich and threatens them to sponsor his brother as much as it is humanly possible. To his anger, most of it goes to waste, however.
When the tributes arise to the arena on their launch plates, they found themselves in different parts of the arena. 8 tributes are at the edge of the lake, 8 are inside the first lines of the forest while the remaining 8 are before the houses of the abandoned town. They aren't too far, everyone can see the Cornucopia and are about 200 meters away from them.
The first person who dies is Holly Garcia. She was not want to fight and she wants to kill others even less, so before the countdown even ends, she steps off of the launching plate and steps onto the mines - blowing herself up.
The horns blare 10 seconds after the explosion killed Holly and chaos breaks out. Everybody either rushes towards the Cornucopia or flees - except for Rodolphus Lestrange. His plan for the entire game is to be intoxicated through it to make sure he doesn't feel the pain when he dies. He is already drunk when the game starts and when the horn blares, he is still clapping at Holly blowing up herself. After he realizes what is happening around himself, he stumbles off the launching plate, manages to take about 15-20 steps before he falls on the ground and passes out.
Kingsley Shacklebolt, Alice Fortescue and Frank Longbottom agreed to stick together during the training and agreed to not take part in the bloodbath. When the horn blares, Kingsley and Alice start rushing towards the forest, but against a better judgment, Frank rushes towards the closest bag. He gets there at the same time with Lucius Malfoy, who somehow already has a knife in his hand, but before Lucius could do anything, his body goes stiff and he falls onto the ground. James Potter is standing behind the dead blonde. Frank and James nod to one another and the two of them rush off after Kingsley and Alice together.
Peter Pettigrew, Mundungus Fletcher, Greta Catchlove and Severus Snape ran away from the Cornucopia and try to find a hiding spot of their own. Peter tries to flee as far away from the Cornucopia and other people as humanly possible, Mundungus stays close, climbs to the top of a tree and waits out the bloodbath and the opportunity to present itself to steal some stuff for himself. Greta hides in one of the houses in the abandoned town, while Sev tries to find a vantage point where he can make sure nobody can sneak up on him.
Alecto Carrow, Amycus Carrow, Evan Mulciber, Narcissa Black and Greer Nott immediately head towards the Cornucopia. Amycus reaches it first with Amelia Bones at the same time. They stare down at one another for one second, and then both of them reach for a weapon. Amycus picks up sythe and snaps off Amelia's head with one swift motion before the girl can even find a weapon to pick up.
The five of them kill Gwenog Jones, Mary MacDonnald, Emmeline Vance and Molly Weasley. Molly tries to snatch up a couple of things but does not realize that Evan has snuck up in her with an axe and it's over before she even realizes what is happening. Mary and Emmeline try to run into the forest but a pack of werewolves stop and turn them around before they get too deep into the forest, and when they run out of the trees, Alecto shoots both of them with her bow. Gwenog is stabbed in the heart from the back with a long knife.
Macey McKinnon gets killed by Narcissa. They didn't like each other from the first time they laid eyes on one another, and when Narcissa sees Macey trying to run off, she runs after her and cuts her chance of running away off. Then for a second she contemplates if she should just kill off the girl immediately, but essentially she decides to go for the slow kill and even though Macey is fighting and trying, Narcissa makes a deep cut in the girl's stomach and then proceeds to give the girl several more cuts and then watches the girl bleed out at the edge of the forest.
Edward Tonks and Remus Lupin try to find a hiding place and a place to collect themselves and formulate a plan in one of the houses as well. What nobody knows is that most of the houses (meaning: all but one) have secret traps. Teddy gets lucky like Greta and finds that one house that is not a death trap, putting the two in the same house and hearing each other but not daring to make a move to see who else is in the house. Remus is not so lucky, and when he closes the door behind himself, the lock snaps on and hundreds and hundreds of flesh-eating bugs appear, attack and kill him.
Once bloodbath is over and things settle down, the Five (Alecto, Amycus, Evan, Narcissa and Greer, will be called the Five from this point forward) realize that Rodolphus did not actually die and after a short debate, Amycus drags him up to the Cornucopia. Evan, Greer and Narcissa leave Alecto and Amycus behind to protect the place and all the supplies and the three of them head out to hunt down others one by one.
When they head out to hunt, they bump into Frank and James who formed a weak alliance and who are trying to find their way to Kingsley and Alice, but stopped for the night because they did not want to get eaten up during the night. Evan, Greer and Narcissa find them huddled up on two trees, James sleeping and Frank taking watch. Narcissa shoots James silently - they had fun, but her own life worths more than anything, and he is standing in her way of winning as well. Greer throws three knives at Frank, pining the guy to the tree through his clothes, while Evan quickly climbs up onto the tree and then guts Frank out.
Alice goes to find some food and water for Kingsley and her, and she finds a clearing with a couple of bushes that had berries on them and she was picking them when she heard voices and movement and then the next thing she knew, she was standing face to face with Evan. For several long moments neither of them moved, and then Alice's eyes darted down to the axe in Evan's hand. "Are you going to do it?" she asked barely audible. Evan was just about to reply when he saw a flash of silent movement behind Alice and he acted automatically - he pushes the girl aside and the knife that was meant for Alice pierced through his lungs.
Both Alice and Greer freeze for a second, and then Evan looks down at his chest and his legs buckle and Alice in there to catch him before he falls. She doesn't care that Greer could kill her, she just wants to be there for Evan, help him, save him, but all she can do is hold him and tell him everything will be fine as he takes his last breathes. After closing his eyes, Alice doesn't even think, she reaches for Evan's axe and faces Greer, ready to make the brunette pay for what she has done - but Alice can't even charge, because as soon as she stands up, Greer sends another knife at the girl, and now it does hit, right in the heart, and Alice's dead body falls right next to Evan's.
During the middle of the night, Mundungus creeps out of his perfectly good hiding place, sneaks up to the Cornucopia and steals several bags of food and water and some weapons as well. Aside from one, he throws the weapons into the lake and goes back to his hiding place. His plans is to wait it out until the others take each other out one by one and then remain standing strong in the end. In the following few days, he does the same thing over and over again, making the arsenal of weapons and food slowly disappear from the Cornucopia. In the end, he is murdered by the Giant Squid, who got enough of the weapons thrown at him and when Mundungus appears again, he snatches him up with one of his tentacles and drowns the boy into the lake.
Peter decides to take a similar approach - hide away and wait for everyone to die. What he never considers is that if you never come out of hiding, you won't have food and water to survive on, so he ends up dying out of starvation and dehydration after about two days.
Rodolphus wakes up when Narcissa and Greer arrive back to the Cornucopia. He is still completely out of it, he's hungover. The other four tells him to go puke somewhere else, so he goes to the edge of the forest and lets everything out of himself that wants to get out, and then just passes out once again. Alecto gets enough of this at the end of the second day - Rodolphus is not doing anything, he is either passed out or throwing up, so she goes and slits his throat when the others are not watching. Emma watches all of this in horror, feeling helpless that she is unable to help her friend.
Carlita's helps for Greta is that the girl from the Capital sends in a small vile of what looks like an energy drink for Teddy, but instead of it being an energy boost, it has poison in it. Teddy believes that one of his mentors managed to get some help for him and drinks it immediately. He is dead within 30 minutes of it. Greta finds him a couple of hours later, once she gathers enough courage and with a lamp in her hands, she heads down to see who is in the house with her. What Carlita didn't anticipate is that when Greta sees the dead body of Teddy, realizes what happened and finds some remnants of the poison in the vile that Teddy didn't drink, she decided to drink it herself - it is better to die on her own terms than to fear for days before the inevitable happens.
When there are only six people left, distrust start to arise within the remaining four of the Five. Greer and Narcissa start fearing that the twins would pair up with them, pick them off one after another and then be the last two standing - so instead of letting it happen, the decision to divide and conquer. Narcissa takes Amycus and Greer takes Alecto. They try to attack in the middle of the night. While Greer is taking watch, the two of them plan to slit the twins' throat without making too big of a show for it, but something goes wrong, Amycus wakes up when Narcissa tries to kill him and screams Alecto awake. The four of the struggle and in the end, only Narcissa remains alive. Alecto's throat is slit by her - Amycus might have managed to wake his sister, but it didn't happen fast enough and Narcissa quickly too her chance. Greer was killed by Amycus in the struggled, who managed to get the upper hand and popped out Greer's eyes before he bashed the girl's head with a big rock he could find at arm's reach. But while Amycus was focusing on the thrill of the kill, Narcissa took one of Greer's knives in her hand and stabbed Amycus in the back with it repeatedly.
Things calm down for a bit. This is the time when Wallace decided to interfere big time (he interfered before too, but those were smaller things to push people towards each other) - there is a function of the train that allows it to go in smaller and smaller circles around the arena, pushing the remaining people towards one another.
Kingsley notices what is happening quickly - he's been stationing near the edge of the arena at a saver part between the forest and the lake, constantly alert, constantly snapping at every single noise, thinking some kind of creature will jump out of the forest to get him. When he realizes what is happening and starts moving towards the center, he is unsure if he has what it takes, what his sister had, to win the games.
This is the moment Bellatrix sends in a help. It's nothing, just a little piece of paper that reads "Shacklebolt is heading towards you, Snape is still hiding out in the forest, 10 o'clock if you are standing with your back against the lake. Make our family pride." Narcissa collects herself, picks up the remaining weapons (most of them were stolen by Mundungus previously) and stalks off to the forest towards the direction her sister sent her with all of her anger and determination. But time passes and she can't find anyone, and she keeps raging more and more. Severus tries to get behind her and with an attack the girl couldn’t see kill Narcissa, but a couple of steps from her he accidentally makes a wrong move, a too loud breath and Narcissa is already swinging the axe that used to be Evan's before Greer had killed the poor bloke. Severus doesn't even have a chance.
Narcissa knows that the end is coming, so she decides to rush back to the Cornucopia. Her plan is to get inside the castle-like structure, find a good spot and have her bow and arrow ready when Shaclkebolt is chased to her. What she doesn't anticipate is that by the time she arrived back, Kingsley is already waiting on her. He has two daggers in his hand that he probably found somewhere around the fire - Narcissa wasn't really paying attention whether she gathered all of the weapons or not, she did not expect Kingsley to arrive for a while still. She immediately swung her axe in a warning movement.
They stared at each other for the longest while, neither of them willing to make the first move. In the end, it was Kingsley who moved first - he threw one of his dagger towards Narcissa, which she easily dodged and then rushed down Kingsley. Narcissa put all of her agression that she felt towards her sister, Andromeda, and her cousin, Sirius, while Kingsley desperately tried to just dodge, hold on, push through this to win, win for his sister and his family, but it wasn't enough, and in the end, Narcissa Black stood there over Kingsley Shacklebolt's dead body, as the victor of the 74th Hunger Games.
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