#but the one i find most compelling is if they've already started hooking up at this point
ireneae · 1 year
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Torchwood 1.06, "Countrycide"
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rodeoromeo · 10 months
How did you first get into CSNY? If you want, you could talk about each of them individually.
ahhh thank you for asking this! It's kind of not an exact story, because in a way I've always been "into" CSNY because I've been familiar with them musically for a while, but I only recently became extremely obsessed with the band members.
I've been a fan of Neil Young's more popular music since I was a kid, because my parents are fans of his. (They've seen him in concert three times and they actually saw CSN one time. the jealousy). My earliest Neil Young memory is looking at the cover of their Mirrorball and Harvest Moon CDs.... I didn't know anything about him as a guy for a long time though. But who wouldn't be compelled by this image
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who is he.....
In a roundabout way I've been a Buffalo Springfield fan for much longer than I've known anything about CSNY too, because my personal entryway into my obsession with 60s/70s music and culture was the Forrest Gump soundtrack (thank you to my parents' CD collection again). That happened nearly 10 years ago (that origin story is also kinda wild and very formative I think I've half talked about it before)
I sort of tripped into picking them up this intensely right now. A few months ago I bought Stephen Stills' self titled album at a record store at the same time I was getting the Monkees Greatest Hits because I though if he's good enough for Peter Tork he's good enough for me (hilarious), and strangely enough realized there were a lot of songs on the album I already knew that I just didn't realize were his. So I've been listening to that album a lot a lot for half a year almost.
I also became obsessed with finding Deja Vu on vinyl because I was deeply into Our House, and it wasn't that hard to pick up. I quickly had like... a religious experience listening to it one night so they really started to get their hooks into me. I think a lot of my obsessions actually start due to deep emotional experiences and shifts rather than some calculated coherent thought.
The easiest quickest answer is that I started reading CSNY by Peter Doggett. My Dad read it a few years ago and I remembered him enjoying it so I picked it up and its been really really interesting learning more about each of them, and thats where I kind of started to fall in love with them all and their stories (especially Neil and David who I also just . fell in love with deeply and developed huge crushes on . hi guys)
Also sneaking into two Neil concerts last month really cemented Him for me. He's got a world of respect from me and easily became one of the most significant artistic voices in my life right now and is getting me through a really tough time in ways I can't even describe. Art that saves you... its a gift you can never repay.
TLDR; I've always been into them, I'm newly into them, they've always been here, they're showing up in new ways for me every single day. They're a representation of a part of history and a movement of art that has been a part of my soul since I was a kid, they're a fresh thing breaking through the cycle of pain and apathy I'm living in. They mean a great great deal to me.
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