#but some are handmade and i can't bear to part with them even though they match NOTHING not even each other
pancake-breakfast · 10 months
I've been chomping at the bit to get through the last few chapters of this volume, and finally, it is time!
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 8, Chapter 5 + Wolfwood Spinoff below.
Chapter 5: Parting Ways
Noooooo, who's parting wayyyys?? Everyone's finally set up to reunite!
LOL, the Punisher looks like it's taken some... punishment... in its fall from the ship.
They're looking for them! That's right, keep looking, guys!
OMG THEM <3 <3 <3 Protect him, Vash! Gods, he's soooo worried.
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TBH, I think Vash is right to be shocked. I'd probably be shocked if I didn't Know Things. Gods, I don't wanna Know Things.
Aaand there's the vials! Drink 'er up!
STAMPEDE SPOILERS: I do think Stampede made the right choice in introducing those sooner rather than later. It doesn't destroy the tension around Wolfwood, because he's still Wolfwood and... well... yeah. Hard to get life-saving meds when you're not on great terms with the people who gave you the meds (and tend to go through it like it's candy).
And now he's providing some insight on Eye of Michael for Vash. And us. Good good good.
Awww, baby Wolfwood!
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Also young Chapel, I guess, but I don't care about him NEARLY as much.
I mean, that's one way to train someone, I guess....
Ugh, poor kid. No one should have to go through this. He looks terrified, and probably rightly so.
Ah, there's the bit about his age not being what it appears to be.
He looks... I don't want to say "mournful" over what he's lost. More like he's already mourned it and accepted it as gone forever, and now there's just kind of a gaping hole in his heart where it used to be.
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But there were more kids that ended up like him, most notably Livio, who Chapel seems to have recruited specifically as a "fuck you" to Wolfwood.
LOL, this is so them.
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Vash in a blanket. Vash in a blanket!!! SOMEONE MADE HIM COZY!!! A:LGJA:OSDJ:FAJS:LDJ He needs to be cozy more often. He even has cozy slippers!
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That's RIGHT, Knives! Stop trying to merge your being with your sisters! They'll win in the long run, 'cause they're used to being a hive mind.
Awww, Wolfwood's got a blanket, too. <3 Blankets for everyone.
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The migration makes sense. Even in a world where communication isn't instantaneous, news spreads.
Yeah, Knives going after the envoy ships might not be so great.
Eyyy, it's our friend the gunsmith!
"Tumbleweed." That's a very apt name for Vash, all things considered.
Vash is sooooo happy to see him.
This guy. He's like, "My death got ruined by some jerk giving me a reason to live."
Ever-hopeful, ever-determined Meryl. <3
Marlon probably doesn't know it, but he's providing Vash with more than just a weapon here. Given how poorly their last meeting went, Vash probably expects Meryl to hate and fear him, but by telling him this story, Marlon lets Vash know Meryl still has hope in him. Enough hope to want him to be protected.
OMG, he's gonna repair the Punisher. He calls repairing the Punisher child's play. Who is this man?!
Vash, still looking tired and wan, but also looking hopeful again.
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(Also, I love his floofy hair throughout this whole chapter. You can really see where Stampede took their inspiration.)
Geez, is Knives even absorbing dead Plants? This is not good. For him, I mean. It might actually work out ok for other people.
Is... is Knives trying to kill himself? Or just part of himself? The part of himself that feels sympathy for Vash despite the destruction of all the Plants? Does he even realize how many of these Plants would probably still be alive if it weren't for him "rescuing" them??
Epic Wolfwood spread! Looks like Marlon got the Punisher back in tip-top shape. (Hats off to @trigun-manga-overhaul for all their work stitching together pages like this.)
Noooooo, don't leave, Wolfwood! Vash needs you around! Have you learned nothing?? *SIGH* This means they're not gonna be getting the band back together, doesn't it.
Wolfwood Spinoff: Freed Bird
I'm glad he's free... but... I don't want him off on his own.
Ahhhh! I'd heard he whittled things but wasn't sure if it was true!
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For reference, the ガタ ガタ (gata gata) sound on the right-hand panels is the sound of Wolfwood's knife, and the キ キ イイイ (ki ki-iii) sounds on the left-hand panel are bird cries.
Yeah, flying does a number on one's metabolism. There's a reason birds are poop machines. As anyone who's ever owned a bird knows.
LOL, this driver's like, "I'm glad you're an artist, but I need to get paid in cash."
I wonder where Angelina is....
Wolfwood's already making friends, I see.
Is Wolfwood blushing as he watches her?
Ah, trading women as products is common enough that she doesn't even flinch at the suggestion.
This is a shitty situation, since chances are he gets the Plant in the marriage anyway. Either way, she loses.
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I'm beginning to think Wolfwood's not the "freed bird" referred to in the title.
*cue MAPPA flying bird reflected in a close-up of an eyeball scene*
Oh, no. Wolfwood has a soft spot for orphans.
Ah, seems like she's made her choice. Not because it's the choice she particularly wants to make, but because it's the only choice she knows how to make.
Haaaahahahahahaha, she thinks he got to choose his own path. He carved his road to his own path in literal bodies and blood.
I dunno, man. Different strokes for different folks. Something something "give me the freedom of the starving wolves." We all make sacrifices, and we have different opinions on what we're willing to sacrifice. I'm sure Wolfwood would prefer a life of not wandering around, wondering where his next bed and meal will come from, but he should know he chafes under collars and leashes.
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You can't believe she doesn't remember you? When did she last see you??
Hahahahaha, he's so determined. He looks angry, but apparently the baby enjoys mad-dogging him back.
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Yeah, she's not exactly walking here. She's not gonna remember you from that, Wolfwood!
LOL, eat the bird.
Oh, so this orphanage also adopts their kids out to actual families? Who knew? I thought they were all just Eye of Michael fodder.
Aww, toddler version of Maylene doesn't want to leave big brother Nico.
Now I'm thinking he was blushing at her not because of any attraction, but more out of pride at how much she's grown.
Oh, great. Who's this clown??
Ugh, it's the loan shark. He looks skeevy.
Uhhhh, what happened to Wolfwood? Who's this chick?
Oh, it's Maylene. She looks ready for a fight. Why was she chillin' in a dark room like that?
This panel, tho.
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Why'd they beat him up?
Oh, they think he convinced her to refuse the offer? Man, this loan shark guy is dumb. I got the distinct impression she's never liked him. But of course it couldn't be because of anything he's done. It MUST be someone else's fault she's rejecting him.
Duuuuude. This guy assumes Wolfwood somehow seduced her, and he's ready and willing to kill both Wolfwood and Maylene if he did. Seems like GREAT husband material.
LOL, Wolfwood doesn't even justify his dumb-ass question with a reasonable response. You can just tell Wolfwood's head is full of murder-thoughts here.
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Ah, now she's blaming him for the situation, too. Vash really has rubbed off on Wolfwood.
It's hard to tell, but I think Wolfwood is protecting her from the gunfire by keeping them both behind the Punisher.
This guy. He's got himself a tank to take out someone he thinks might be getting laid more than he is?
Wolfwood. Buddy. How dare you tell her she should have just married this guy.
Look, she'd rather die than go into a gilded cage! That's how it is sometimes! A cage is still a cage! And her purported husband-to-be is absolute filth!
Oh, good. Wolfy's coming around. At the very least, he wants to defend Maylene, and he recognizes this guy is trash. Just take a few more steps in the right direction, friend.
I get he was trying to keep her from the kind of hard life he's lived, but he's just the bird envying the person on the ground. He doesn't get that there are difficulties on both sides and you kinda have to pick your poison... if you're lucky enough to even have the choice.
He is still proud of her, despite his harsh words and narrow vision.
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She may or may not recognize him, but she is aware of the impact he had on her young life.
Author Bonus Chapter
I wanna... just soak in water for a bit....
LOL, always a good plan to run away for a bit of one gets stuck being at home.
What's 1/F?
Wolfwood sure does spend a lot of time covered in blood. WHO'S FAULT IS THAT, NIGHTOW?!?!
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"Silly manga" my foot... Tell that to my therapist. (Just kidding; Trigun Book Club is my therapist for this stuff. Sorry, folks!)
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack
23 notes · View notes
bitch-spectrum · 11 days
PART 3/3
Part 1 ,, Part 2
Personality Headcanons: She is NOT "Teehee :3" she's the kind of girl to show up to your house and commit arson. She's feral, she's dangerous, she's killed 4 people. She was probably arrested for murder and was doing community service to get out early when she got recruited for TF4. You could say she's a little..... nuts :D Physical Headcanons: I don't really have any. ~5" Gender: Puts female on legal documents but always says something different when asked for her gender. Things like "Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?" or "Ur mom." or "Whatever keeps you busy while I rob you." Pronouns: Any she doesn't care. Orientation: I don't have one. Post Game: She probably wasn't impacted much if at all. Opinions: She's a really funny side character. I adore cute characters who are batshit insane. 3.5/5.
Moray Personality Headcanons: They're a Mettaton stan. They act like a kowkey k-pop stan. They make aesthetic Mettaton gifs, reads/writes x reader fanfic, etc. Because they don't like conflict they don't get into internet beef though. At first they really only joined Starlo's posse for the aesthetic but it turns out they actually really enjoy sword fighting so they stuck around. Because they don't really like fighting or conflict so they usually do all the office work and they don't mind. Physical Headcanons: None really. ~ 5'07" Gender: Nonbinary (Is this canon?) Pronouns: They/Them Orientation: I don't have one. Post Game: They where pretty sad finding out about Clover's passing. It impacted them just not as hard as some of the others. They where able to get back up pretty quickly. Opinions: Gender. But sort of bland in personality. 2.5/5.
Starlo (Okay he's my fave in this specific iteration so just bear with me)
Personality Headcanons: He tends to have a bad habit of avoiding his problems. He tries to keep himself busy so he's not alone with his thoughts for too long. If he has absolutely nothing to do, he sits outside with an acoustic to keep his hands busy. Spanish was his first language and he often mispronounces English words. His mother handmade most of his gabàns. When he was really young and still lived on the surface he loved looking up at the stars. When he was in middle school he had a phase where he hated humans but grew out of it. He was comphet with Ceroba in high school but she clocked him and broke up with him. They stayed friends for a really long time anyway. He's ambidextrous. He's Ceroba's age so ~40-43. A lot of people interpret his sprite as having shade over his eyes but I like to think of it like a bandit mask.... that's prescription. His safety goggles are also prescription. He's really near sighted. He's also a pretty solid horse rider. You can't tell me this man DOESN'T smoke weed idc. He listens to southern rock, country, latino rock, and classic rock.
Physical Headcanons: The parts of his face that stick out emote with him. They turn up when he's happy/excited. They go down when he's sad. They kinda >:|< when he's mad. From growing up doing farm work and then deciding to become a sheriff too he's in really good physical condition and could probably lift most people over his head. His eyes are completely white. He's covered in a thin lair of fur that he grows out in certain places (chest, arms, beard, etc.). Ed is really jealous of his beard. The longer his fur is the darker it gets. Yellow to green-blue to dark blue (looks black). Fangs because I said so. Gender: Cis man Pronouns: He/Him Orientation: Gay and somewhere on the asexual spectrum.
Post Game: He was absolutely devastated the days following Clover's death. He barely got out of bed. Ed had to be the one to get him to even eat anything. He was really out of it, sort of dazed, for several weeks while he just tried to get back to work. He was a little torn between continuing trying to be the town's sheriff or going back to being a farmer. So, until then he just helped his parents out with whatever they needed. As he did, he reconnected with his childhood. He looked back at the boy he used to be, but unable to forget about Clover, he never forgot about the man he wanted to become. Clover had been so excited to meet a real-life cowboy that it almost felt disrespectful to throw out that pipedream now. So, he tried to find a middle ground between the two. Some days he'd be up at the first crack of dawn working in the field and other times he'd be the figurehead of his town, keeping the peace and keeping spirits high. Eventually he managed to pull himself out of a continuous low mood. Because of that, he managed to clear his mind enough to move on through the stages of grief. He and Ceroba got into a fight over what had happened. He felt like he owed it to Clover to at least try. Finally ending on the note that his freedom wasn't worth the life of someone he viewed as his own flesh and blood child - unlike what Ceroba did to her child which really WAS her blood. Their long-time friendship came to a bitter end, and he found himself turning to alcohol as a coping mechanism for a few months before a heartfelt talk with Ace pulled him back to his senses.
At one point when he was working in the field his mother called him inside and said she had finally finished the gabàn she had been making for Clover - he had requested it several months or so at this point but forgot to tell her what had happened. Re-opening old wounds he told her what had happened. He kept the gabàn and keeps it on his guitar case. Like Martlet, it was probably another decade or so before he really felt like his life was starting to move on. He had only known Clover for maybe a couple weeks at most but losing them felt like losing his own kid. He didn't know how long Clover was planning to stick around but had full intentions to legally adopt them. He successfully managed to move on, but he never forgot them.
Opinions: Like I said before he's my favorite character in this specific game. He's that right mix of serious and silly that really scratches an itch in my soul. His design is peak, it just speaks to me. I literally remember yelling at my TV when his design got revealed because I loved it instantly. HOWEVER, I do think that maybe his character could have been written a little better. It's pretty clear he's a complex character but the way he was written I feel like didn't fully convey that. 4/5.
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kpop-goestheweasel · 5 years
Can you please do a blurb reaction to monsta x finding/hearing you have a lisp and can't pronounce some words properly? XOXO
Fiiiiiiiiiinally got something written up. THEN realize that instead of rolling with the actual request, I wrote it as though they have knows for some time about this lisp. 🤦‍♀️Anyway, I hope you enjoy this. I’m sorry I suck. 
Shownu: Cute, adoring smile every time you come across one of those words.
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As you took another step up the latter, the stupid, flimsy thing trembled benieth you. Letting out a little growl under your breath, you stepped back down, silently admitting your defeat. You were just too short to safely reach the top few inches of the wall you had spontaneously decided needed a color change and the latter refuse to be of any help. Hearing the bathroom door open, you perked up a bit. Sheepishly, you peaked your head out of the room you were working on to find your freshly showered boyfriend pacing down the hall, clad only in his fitted jeans and bearing his beautifully sculpted upper body to the world… or rather just you, which is clearly better. “Hun… could you possibly athist me real quick?” you questioned, your little slur making an appearance. Immediately, Shownu smiled adoringly at you before closing the distance between the both of you and pulling you against himself. You pouted, knowing exactly what he was smiling about. He, knowing very well you were scowling over his silent amusement, laid a kiss atop your head to remind you that he finds you nothing short of completely adorable.“Of course, Jagiya. I’d be happy to assist you.”
Wonho: Mocks you (only because he loves you, of course) with that cheese grin. Then cuddles to make up for it. 
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Sitting across from him at the cafe, you couldn’t help but grin to yourself as you watched his face change along with whatever it was he was reading. It was so damn cute how he tagged along with you knowing you were going to the cafe just to get some writing done. Surely it couldn’t be too fun for him to sit and read while you worked, but he was very adamant about wanting to spend every bit of time with you that he could. “What’s that espression for?” You questioned, wincing to yourself at the lisp that escaped. Unfortunately, your prayers were not answered and from him you received a little mocking repeat of your question before he glanced up with a large grin. “You know you’re my favorite, right?” Shutting his book, he set it aside before standing up and leaning over the table for a kiss. Hesitating momentarily to tease him back, you couldn’t help but to let out a giggle before relenting and giving him a kiss. “I better be.”
Minhyuk: Fanboys. Straight up.
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Did you seriously forget to pack one? You had spent the last ten minutes digging through your bag, only to pull every single item out and find you had indeed forgotten a stupid toothbrush. You managed to grab toothpaste, but not its counterpart. Just as you were pouting to yourself over your little bit of negligence, Minhyuk walks through the hotel door nearly skipping with excitement. “I got VR goggles that work with the TV. This place is so cool!” he told you, holding up the goggles with a huge grin on his face. He looked so much like a happy little puppy that your heart momentarily melted before you remembered your dilemma. “This is really cool, but right now what I need is a toofbrush. Do they have any downstairs?”Immediately, you watched his face shift from utmost excitement to almost schoolgirl giddiness. Dropping the goggles on the bed, he closed the distance between the both of you and wrapped his arms around you. “You are seriously the cutest thing in the world,” he gushed. “Say it again.”Laughing to yourself, you shook your head. “No, Love. You are.” Another laugh escaped you as you looked at his expectant expression. “Toofbrush,” you repeated much to his absolute glee.
Kihyun: Slight mock/asks you to repeat it multiple times for his own amusement 
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Out-and-about days with Kihyun always proved to be an adventure. Today, you find yourself in a part of town you hadn’t explored before and you can’t help but ask yourself how you had managed to evade this beautiful little gem of a location for so long. The street ran beside a wide river and was lined on both sides with cute, small stores - most of which were small boutiques or cafes of different sorts - inside beautiful, historic buildings. It was like something out of a movie, really. “Should we get some ice cream?” Kihyun offered as you both walked in front of a small ice cream parlor, boasting of its handmade ice cream. Of course, you couldn’t resist. It was such an inviting looking place and it smelled wonderful, even from the outside… almost like fresh made waffles or something of the sort. Walking in, you quickly learned the alluring smell was the waffle cones they made themselves just behind the counter. You grew even more excited for a delicious treat. Looking over the flavors, you made your choice, but your bladder had other ideas before you could place your order. “Kihyun, could you order me the honey flavor in a waffle cone? I need to go to the bafroom.” Instantly, his lips pulled into a grin before he asked you to clarify where you needed to go… twice. By the third time you had repeated yourself, you knew it wasn’t because he didn’t hear you or misunderstood you. No, he was mocking you. With a little sigh, you gave him a glare and headed to the restrooms, leaving him to chuckle to himself at your poor misfortune. 
Hyungwon: Finds it cute, but doesn’t make a big deal over it - just smiles. But he’s also the only one allowed to find amusement. If anyone else says anything, he’ll be real quick to put them in their place.
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You swore your eyes were about to rot right out of your head as you ready the same stupid sentance for about the 500th time. You hated studying. Before college, you never really needed to study; highschool was pretty easy for you without putting in much effort, so this was all new to you and you had a very hard time time it.A loud bout of cheering and yelling came from the adjacent living area, disturbing you even further. Growling under your breath, you looked up and shot a glare and the group of boys as Hyungwon hushed them, knowing you were struggling. Honestly, it wasn’t so much you were upset that they were making noise; it sucked that you weren’t a part of the videogame marathon. All because of a stupid test.“What class are you studying for?” Minhyuk questioned curiously.“Thtatithtics,” you answered with a grimace, wincing all the word as the word got wrapped around your tongue.Minhyuk gave a little chuckle before asking you to repeat because he didn’t quite understand which I.M snorted on a laugh.Hyungwon, whom had smiled lovingly at you with the little stumble of the word, lightly smacked I.M. on the back of his head. “Statistics. She has a test tomorrow that she’s all worried about even though she’s going to do just fine.” Looking up at you he shook his head slightly before flashing you a smile. “Come join us for a bit. You need a break; the books aren’t going anywhere and reading the same sentence for a million more times isn’t going to change it, either.” Your brows furrowed questioningly. How did he know? “You haven’t turned the page in about an hour,” he answered your unasked question, tilting his head to motion you over to join him and the others.
Jooheon: Tries to help you pronounce it properly a couple times before giving up and accepting that’s just another thing he finds adorable about you.
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Looking at the grade on your report, you gave a little growl and tossed the eight pages of hard work across the table. You literally slaved over that paper and the teacher gave you a lousy grade because it did not run parallel to their opinion. It was literally an assignment to write an argument on your unpopular opinion and the teacher had no real basis for the grade other than he doesn’t ‘agree with your statement’. Glancing up, you catch Jooheon’s curious gaze. Giving a little sigh you offered “My teacher is a narthesistic asshole” as an answer. You’re boyfriend didn’t bat an eye as he corrected your mispronunciation to which you repeated, once again stumbling over the word. He tried once more only for your tongue to twist awkwardly around the word once more. Letting out a little chuckle under his breath, he let it go and closed to gap between the both of you, wrapping his arms around you.“Need me to beat him up for you?” He asked as he rocked you in his arms, receiving a laugh from you as you tried to 
I.M.: Grins at every slight mispronunciation. Sometimes gives you a sweet little tease about it
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Licking your lips, you concentrated on remembering the hours worth of videos you watched earier, trying to get his dang tie to look presentable. Finally, you pulled the not to his throat before stepping back and giving a proud smile of satisfaction. “Perfect. You look so sospisticated.” Changkyun instantly grinned back at you, obviously holding back a laugh. “Sosposticated enough to meet your parents now?” He teased lightly. You shot him a glare and gave his shoulder a little smack. “Almost. As long as you keep your mouth closed,” you answered. Tapping your finger on the tip of his nose you gave him a little smile. “I think my father will give you a run for you money, though. Hopefully I’ll still have a boyfriend after tonight.” Taking his hand, you make your way to the door, dragging him behind yourself after shooting him your own evil, teasing grin.
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applesauce567 · 6 years
Greetings and salutations
It's that time of the month again. Yes, the moment you've all been waiting for. Our Monthly Peppers Appreciation Day. We'll be taking the time once again to talk about why you, who is not me, are eating worms. Without further ado, let's go.
Reasom number 1:
Statistically speaking, statistics are generally correct most of the time. And if we look at the statistics we can see that since we began this tradition last month my approval rating has only gone up. From 2/2 people thinking I'm great, to 11/10 for this month. Which would meaan my approval has gone from 100% to 110% for those who struggle to do math. Basically, I'm even better than the best. So good that even people who don't own our product leave positive feedback.
With such rave reviews as
"Yea she's a'ight"
"There's... no... -one... I'd rather... have... you... friend"
"Peppers, if I agree will you leave me alone?"
"I've never met anyone who knows so much useless information on mathematical concepts and spices. So that's cool. She has really bad table manners though. I once saw her sit cross legged at the end of a table, pick up a turkey bone from someone else's plate, then start gnawing on it like some kind of dog. That shit's just not right. Either way it isn't a dealbreaker"
"She's super cute! She's positively pppamazing. perishable yet perfect passionate perpetually peregrinating her way across... was that 15 words already?"
It's no wonder I've become so popular as of late
Rason 2
Squiggly font
Raeson 3
One of the most supportive friends you can ever have. Peppers will never fail to provide you with timely and insightful advice such as "be the person you'd want to to fuck" and "instead of focusing on a large frontline advance, try using some stronger divisions as a spearhead to divide up enemy forces, then use your smaller, weaker units to pile in and mop them all up". Whatever situation you are in, whatever topic, we have helpful commentary to assist you in your path. Don't believe me? Well here's a list of people I talk to on a regular basis:
Aria (yes, that Aria)
Still don't believe me? Well here's a picture of a rubber duck that I drew raw, with my bear hands, which I own.
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Raisin #5
Birds are an important part of balancing the ecosystem. Aside from playing multiple roles in the food chain, they act like spiders to assist in managing the insect and worm population. With their myriad of different sized legs, night vision goggles, and warm, leathery voices, birds are capable of holding their own against any dreadful pests that may or may not be preying on weaker being such as blankets and lamps.
Reason #6
I need some help understanding how punctuation works in the english language. I've never really known what semicolons are for, or where to put hyphens. Can you theoretically shorten anything with an apostrophe? Like instead of "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" you could say "th'ick b'o'u'o'he la'd'"
It just doesn't seem right, please send help because I can't understand these things. Also this one isn't for me, but I think one of my friends could do with a dictionary and possibly a thesaurus.
Mambo #7
Please refer to the image of a rubber duck above
There you have it folks, look at all the benefits that come with being friends with Peppers. And all for the low low price of $-0.00 it's practically a steal!
But wait there's more. Order now and I'll also throw in a handmade friendship bracelet. Yes, I will learn how to make friendship bracelets, make a custom design with custom colours imperceptible to the human eye, and deliver it to you by hand from any location in the world. So long as that location is in California.
So what are you waiting for? Order a wig now!
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