#but it doesn't even have to b BAD which is so crazy. ive accepted that those kinda authors r so tiresome + yall will still b ride or die 4
parcai ยท 1 year
actually i need to calm down LOLOLOL but this has been building since like 2012 ๐Ÿ’€ think i could punch glass rn
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angeldiaries777 ยท 8 months
since this is such an issue.
how to spot fake mentally ills: its their entire personality. they shame people with cluster b disorders cuz they have no fckn clue what its like to be in that headspace they can't relate so they will shame what they don't and can't understand. they glamourize it to a crazy extent. they say shit like "it makes me me" it feels fake. this one is a bit dumb but theres just a vibe there. they use it as an excuse for EVERYTHING now don't take this one the wrong way but i know ive seemed like this to some people but thats cuz it was genuinely my anxiety talking. i mean like things that don't even make sense and contradict eachother. i dunno cuz i can do this and be hyperspecific aswell. oh this is a good one. if they invalidate you right out the gate. like they barely know you and they invalidate you or they know you super super well and they do that. very clear sign. real mentally ill people are too fckn tired to even do or say anything regarding it cuz we've been experieicning it and talking about it forever. some say thats problematic but it was worse for me when i was in denial atleast ive learnt to cope and understand myself more when i accept it. and also very bad people can also be mentally ill and that doesn't justify any of what they do. theres also a ton of good mentally ill people. just like everyone else. "who are you to say who is faking and who isnt??" "why do you care" because these people who are fine and can fucntion are literally taking away resources and time that people need to literally not unalive themselves. not saying its a competition but when it comes to literal life and death it actually is. a lot of teens go through phases and such and play mentally ill for a few months till they see the consequences and then they get out of it or they have a depressive episode which is very normal. unfortunately for people like me its constant. i don't know why you'd think a 4 year depressive period vs a 2 week one is equal. its not. like when i say something makes me upset or uncomfortable i mean that i would literally stab a dull fork through my arm over and over again until it falls off. they don't fucking get that. anyways im bored and exhausted of this topic.
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