#but i'm bored & hangover rn so✍️
bigmonsteras · 1 year
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meanings of "Heiwa to Kazuhira no Blues"
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PW has several characters with names that symbolize "peace". As already mentioned, two of them are Paz and Kaz. Paz means peace in Spanish and Kaz is Kazuhira, meaning peace. Peace(平和) and Kazuhira(和平) mean slightly different things. That is the theme of PW.
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PW is a story of men who intervene in the name of peace (Paz) to help a country without an army but are eventually taken in by the "20th century's system of deterrence."
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From Showa to Heisei. The "wa" of the Showa era. The "hei" of the Heisei era. "Wahei" expresses the century-long "wish for peace" of the Japanese people. The "original CD" of PW by Kaz and Snake was created based on such a theme.
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The following two character songs will be included in the PW drama CD to be released in September. Both connect Showa and Heisei, Kazuhira and Heiwa. Snake (Akio Otsuka) "Showa Blues" Kazuhira (Tomokazu Sugita) "Minato no Yoko Yokohama Yokosuka"
↓ 和 wa = peace, harmony, serenity 平 hei = flat; flattened / something ordinary 平和 heiwa = peace (peaceful situation/state) 和平 wahei = peace (ending a war, wish or act for it, used in context like 'peace talks' etc.) "Kazuhira" is a native reading for the kanji
knowing the background also gives a bit more meaning to how miller later chooses to abandon this name given by his mother
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