#but also we're a women's only dorm lol
astroterf-ed · 2 years
the first time my het roommates bring their moid-ass boyfriends into our dorm without asking I am going to die
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jumukus · 3 years
A3! Translation: Tasuku Takato’s SSR [Straddle a Noble Steed] - Alpha Horseback Archery
Tasuku, Muku, Citron and Izumi joined a horseback archery trial thanks to the tickets Citron received from the neighborhood association.
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Citron: Listen up, guys! I've got something good from the neighborhood association.
Izumi: Something good?
Muku: What is it, Citron-sama?
Citron: Book at this, everybody!
Itaru: You mean, "Look at this"?
Citron: Ta-dah! Four tickets to the horseback archery trial!
Izumi: Horseback archery!? You mean, the one where you ride a horse and shoot a bow?
Banri: Never knew there's a trial for that.
Citron: I'll be going on next weekend. Raise your hand if you can join!
Muku: Can I tag along? I want to try horseback archery!
Citron: I knew you'd say that, Muku! It's decided, then~.
Muku: Thank you! I hope I can hit the target with style.
Izumi: I'm sure you can, Muku-kun. You're good at horseback riding, after all.
Muku: Ehehe. I had fun riding a horse back then!
Itaru: I'll pass. I can already tell I'm going to fall from the horse.
Citron: I knew you'd say that, Itaru! It's decided, then~.
Itaru: How about you, Banri? I have a feeling you'll be good at it.
Banri: Haha, yeah, I probably can do it if I try but I have plans next weekend.
Citron: Oh, that's too bad! I wanted to see you doing horseback archery~.
Muku: Same here! Since I'm sure you will look cool doing that, I want to see it!
Izumi: There's nothing we can do since he has plans on that day. Such a shame, though, indeed.
Itaru: Not you all going, "Oh, that's too bad," when Banri could not join but said nothing when it was me. LOL.
Citron: How about you, Director?
Izumi: Huh? Me? I don't have any plans on that day…
Citron: You should join us, then! We have three people with this!
Izumi: What? I'm not really confident I can do it…
*door opens*
Tasuku: I'm home. What are you talking about?
Citron: Oh! To think you're back at this time, this must be good riddance!
Itaru: You mean, "God's guidance"?
Citron: Tasuku! Join us in horseback archery next weekend!
Tasuku: Horseback archery? I don't understand what you're talking about...
Banri: Citron got tickets to a horseback archery trial from the neighborhood association.
Muku: Since he has four tickets, including Citron-sama, Director-san and I will be joining…
Citron: The last ticket belongs to you, Tasuku!
Tasuku: Well, I don't mind. I don't have plans on that day, anyway. You'll be going too, right, Director?
Izumi: Looks like it…
Citron: In that case, the four of us will be going! I'm looking forward to it!
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Citron: It's finally the day of the horseback archery trial! I'm so exited!
Muku: Me too!
Tasuku: I've already checked in at the reception. Go change your clothes at the building over there and gather here again.
Izumi: Women's dressing room is over there so let's meet up here again once we're done changing!
Tasuku: Okay.
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Izumi: Wow! You all look good in that attire!
Tasuku: Do you think so? Well, that's great to hear…
The person in charge seemed to be having a hard time putting these clothes on me.
Izumi: You're tall, after all, Tasuku-san.
Citron: Oh, horseback archery attire is so cool! This is so exciting!
Muku: You also look great in that attire, Director!
Izumi: Thanks. I'm a lil bit nervous since I'm not really used to wearing traditional clothes.
Muku: Because Tasuku-san wore traditional clothes several times for plays before, you're somehow giving off this dignified vibes in that!
Citron: You look really, really confident!
Tasuku: Thanks. This time I'm wearing a Hakama, though. It's different from the ones I wore in "Die by the Sword" and "Hotel Compass".
It's a little bit hard to move around in this, but it's not like I can do something about it.
Person in charge: Everyone, we are going to start the trial now so please gather here.
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Teacher: We are going to start with a horseback riding lesson. Get used to the horse you're riding today while trekking.
Izumi: Put your left foot here…okay.
Muku: What a calm and good kid. There, there.
Citron: I want to run fast! It reminds me of the long ride I took with Pochi back home!
Tasuku: You have a great posture, Citron. It makes sense since you're used to riding a horse.
Muku: The same goes for you, Tasuku-san! You look like a real samurai.
Izumi: I couldn't agree more. It's more impactful since you're wearing traditional attire now.
Teacher: Everyone in this group is talented. Are you all already used to riding horses?
Especially you. That's very impressive of you to sit up straight like that.
Tasuku: Are you referring to me?
Citron: Look at you, Tasuku! The teacher is praising you.
Muku: That's to be expected. Tasuku-san's posture is already good from the start. I think it also has something to do with your strong muscles.
Tasuku: I guess my years of experience on the stage has influenced me in some way. It has become a habit to straighten myself up.
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Person in charge: Next, we're going to practice shooting a bow on the ground. This session will be split in two parts with lunch break in between.
Izumi: Whoa…! I never knew bows are quite heavy…!
Tasuku: It's pretty big in size, too. It's taller than me.
Muku: I heard Japanese-style bow is larger than the western-style one, and it can make your arrows fly farther.
Citron: It'll be hard to shoot while riding a horse!
Tasuku: Oh. I hit it.
Izumi: No way. You already hit the mark!?
Tasuku: You can say it's luck, I guess.
Citron: That's still great, though!
Muku: You're so talented, Tasuku-san! I have to do my best too!
Citron: Me too! I won't lose to you~.
Izumi: (Hehe. They seem to be having fun. I have to do my best to hit the mark as well!)
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Tasuku: It's finally time. I hope we can do well, just like how we did during practice.
Citron: Tasuku, you also got praised for your archery skill, right!
Muku: While we didn't actually ride the horse during practice, you were still impressive for being able to hit the mark most of the time!
Izumi: Not only hitting the target, but quickly fitting the arrow to the bow is also difficult.
Teacher: We are going to move on to the actual horseback archery now. Try to aim for the mark over there. No need to rush.
Tasuku: No need to rush… Like this?
Muku: Y-You hit it!
Izumi: You hit it again!
Citron: Oh, would you look at that! He hit the center spots!
Teacher: It's so rare for participants to be able to do that. I don't usually let beginners do this, but… can you try running?
Tasuku: Is it really okay?
Teacher: Yes. I have a feeling you can do it.
Tasuku: I'll give it a try, then.
Muku: Whoa…! Running through with a horse while shooting an arrow… It feels like we're in a real battle!
Citron: This is true horseback archery!
Izumi: Do your best, Tasuku-san!
Tasuku: Thanks.
Teacher: It's a hit! Well done!
Participant A: Who is that man? He's so amazing!
Participant B: He's so good!
Participant C: So hot…!
Tasuku: ...phew.
Izumi: Great job, Tasuku-san!
CHOICE 1: That was flawless
Izumi: You hit the mark flawlessly despite running so fast like that.
Tasuku: It's actually quite the opposite. I did worse than I expected.
I could have run faster, and I could have done a better job at fixing the arrow to the bow.
Izumi: Really!? It was perfect in my eyes.
Tasuku: For me, I can't say I have shown the result of my practice enough.
Izumi: (He's really stoic…!)
CHOICE 2: It was as if I traveled back to the past.
Izumi: Seeing you shooting a bow in that attire made me feel like I traveled back to the past.
Tasuku: In that case, I might have done a better job at that if we were doing an etude set in Kamakura.
Like, let's say, while I'm on the run after kidnapping you, the daughter of the Lord… I will shoot my bow at the pursuers.
Izumi: That's a great plot!
Tasuku: ...On second thought, seeing you in that getup, I think it's more fitting to have you as a tomboy princess who ran away with me.
Izumi: A tomboy princess… But I'll go all out if it's for etude!
Tasuku: Haha. How reliable of you.
Muku: You were totally impressive, Tasuku-san!
Citron: I made the right choice inviting you here!
Tasuku: I had fun joining this trial as well. Thank you.
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Muku: Today was so fun!
Tasuku: I would never try doing horseback archery if I didn't have an opportunity like this. I learned a lot.
Citron: I should offer my gratitude to the neighborhood association after this!
Izumi: Have you seen the photo we took in this attire? It came out great. See?
Muku: You're right! I want to show it to the others in the dorm.
Tasuku: Then, let's get go--.
Teacher: Hey, wait up!
Tasuku: Yes?
Teacher: Thank goodness. You're still here. I actually have a request for you.
Tasuku: What is it?
Teacher: Do you… want to try aiming for the top in horseback archery!?
Troupe Members: Come again!?
Teacher: I'm sure you can be Japan's top horseback archery athlete! Please join my team.
Tasuku: I don't think I can do that. I'm an actor.
Teacher: In that case, can you at least join the next tournament…!?
Tasuku: Even if you say that…
Teacher: Oh, right! There's an annual event called "Horseback Archery Festival".
If it's alright with you, can you take part as a guest at that event?
Tasuku: Well, I don't mind appearing as a guest…
Teacher: Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to your appearance.
Izumi: (Being invited as a guest despite being an amateur… Tasuku-san, you're way too awesome…)
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