#but also this show's reached the baby agenda episode(s)
diver5ion · 3 months
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 136
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Last time, 18 broke Vegeta’s arm, so Trunks flipped out and dove in to save him.    Only it doesn’t work.   At all.    18 catches his sword in mid strike and breaks the blade, and then 17 hits him to put him down.
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I think Piccolo jumped in somewhere around here, but he got taken out so quickly that I missed a screencap of it.  
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Tien tries his luck, and 17 puts him in a headlock.
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So here’s the weird thing I noticed about this episode.   Vegeta manages to keep going despite his broken arm, so he charges after 17 until 18 grabs him by the leg to stop him.    I think everyone remembers this.    What I never considered before is why Vegeta switched targets like this.   He was dead set on fighting 18, especially after she mocked him during the battle.    Yeah, he wants to kill 17 too, but 18 just finished breaking his arm, and yet he’s turned his back on her to attack 17 instead.    Why?
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As this happens, we get a shot of Tien reacting in surprise.    I always took this as a reaction to 18 grabbing Vegeta, but then it hit me that maybe this is more about Vegeta and Tien than it is about their opponents.   There’s no love lost between these two, and yet Tien jumped in to save Vegeta, just like Trunks and Piccolo.    And when Vegeta saw Tien in 17′s headlock, he moved to attack 17.   The only explanation I can think of is that he wanted to save Tien in exchange, and Tien seems to have picked up on this.    That’s why he’s surprised.   
Maybe I’m reading too much into this, but this is probably the last time Tien and Vegeta really have much to do with each other in the whole series, so maybe it’s meant to mean more than it seems.    They’d never reconcile openly, but here, on the battlefield, maybe they’ve reached some unspoken understanding.  
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But it’s easy to overlook this sort of thing when 18 is swatting Trunks with his own dad.  18′s pretty awesome.  
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The only ones who don’t get involved are Krillin and 16.   Krillin just froze, while 16 seems barely aware that a fight is taking place.   He’s too captivated by the birds.    This seems to rattle Krillin even more than watching all of his friends get beat up.
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Piccolo and Vegeta still have a little fight left in them, but 17 and 18 beat it out of them in a hurry.  
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She stomps on Vegeta’s other arm, and I’m not sure if she actually breaks that one too, but the pain is enough to knock him out and revert him to his base form, so yeah, she probably did break the other arm.  
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17′s mildly interested in the Super Saiyan form exibited by Trunks and Vegeta, but since it made absolutely no difference in this fight, he’s not terribly concerned about it.   With everyone else defeated, they turn their attention to Krillin.
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Meanwhile, at Kame House, Krillin’s ex girlfriend Maron gets hit on by two guys who show up on a boat.   She’s all set to go with them until Turtle holds her back and reminds her that she came here to wait for Krillin, because she supposedly figured out he’s The One.
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He then puts himself between Maron and her suitors, and when they threaten to get violent with him..
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... he kicks their asses.    Don’t ask me how.   
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Then Maron praises his strength, spins him like a top, and tries to kiss him.    He keeps trying to beg off, and reminds her of Krillin, and that just seems to try her patience.    Look, maybe Maron wants to knock boots with a turtle.   Is that so wrong?   Yes, yes it is.
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Meanwhile, Roshi’s been sleeping through this whole thing.
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Back at the fight, it’s also naptime.  
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17 informs Krillin that they’re still alive, and he reminds him to give them some senzu beans.    He also invites them to try their luck again if they get any stronger and want to fight some more.
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Then they resume their low-energy plan to kill Goku.   16′s bummed out that the birds flew away from all the noise.   18′s kind of annoyed that 17 insists on driving to Goku’s place when they don’t even know where it is.  
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At Goku’s house, Goku’s still sacked out from the heart virus, and Yamcha and Chi-Chi are closely monitoring his condition.   
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Nearby, Gohan is almost home, but then Bulma insists that he fly her back to her house first so she can take care of her baby.   That’s kind of bullshit.   She could have at least asked Gohan to do this before they got this close to Goku’s place.  
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Krillin tries talking to the androids, since he knows he’s no match for them.    He asks them what they’re after, and 17 admits that they haven’t thought much further ahead than killing Goku.    Krillin points out that they’re the ones who killed Gero, so it doesn’t make sense to follow his “kill Goku” agenda now, but 17 replies that this has nothing to do with Gero anymore.   This is all a game to him, and killing Goku is just a way to get things rolling.   That’s why he isn’t going to bother interrogating Krillin to find Goku faster.    For him, that would defeat the point.  
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Krillin asks them to stop this, but 16 explains that he was created to kill Goku, so he’s gotta do this, and that’s apparently the end of the discussion. 
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Then 18 kisses him before they leave.  
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And this leaves Krillin with more questions than answers....
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lizacstuff · 7 years
6x11 Spoilery Anon Asks
My intention was to shy away from talking about 6x11 spoilers, however there are so many upset people in my ask box, and since I did not walk away from the episode upset in the slightest I feel compelled to answer. 
Beware spoilers under the cut
Did you like the episode?
Yes. It’s so much better than 6.10. It’s not my favorite by any means, but I found it entertaining and not rage-inducing.  The “lesson” that Emma had to learn in this one was a heckuva lot more relevant and meaningful than in the last episode. This episode was about her realizing that she is not welded to her fate and she can make her own destiny (just like The Ugly Duckling did when he became a swan, which is referenced in the story multip-times and is how she choose her name.)  
That, to me, made all the sense in the world when it comes to Emma’s journey in 6a. She needed to remember she could punch back! Make her own way. I liked that. I really liked her back-story with baby!Emma and the way she choose her name, it’s the kind of backstory that Emma fans always say they are clamoring for, I thought this ep really focused on her personally.
Not as much CS as I would have liked, but the Emma was good, and there’s nice Captain Charming scenes.
Hey Liza, since you’ve seen the episode, I’d love to get your opinion on it overall. Also how was the panel, and what was ur takeaway about CS for the 2nd half? (Also I knew people would be angry about au!hook regardless, but at this point i don’t really care about it much cause i’d already moved past it when we got spoilers. And I’ve kinda reached a point where i just don’t want to be angry at the show anymore) (also i noticed there wasn’t much mention of regina in the panel lol thankfully)
If you’re over being angry about the show, then I don’t think this episode will upset you.  It’s entertaining, and honestly I think that’s what they were going for in this wish AU.  Emma makes it crystal clear that it’s not real and then when Regina is talking (to Robin I think) she references that this place is Emma’s wish, but not really her wish.  So in the narrative I don’t think they’re trying to make a larger statement about any character. It’s all just a farce they were plunged into. Look at it like that, and it’s not upsetting. 
I came away feeling super pumped about CS in the second half. It felt like they were pleased with themselves when talking about CS. You know like they were being coy because they knew all sorts of thing that are coming down the pike. Honestly. 
Please tell me Emma and Queen Queen split up for awhile at some point in the wish realm.
Oh, yes, they do. Will it help if I tell you that I think those fans of Emma/Regina will HATE this episode? Emma and Regina both have their own agendas in this ep. Regina is focused on Robin, and Emma is focused on going home. In fact Emma and Regina go to find August so he can help them get home via Enchanted wood and Regina sneaks off and leaves Emma a note that basically says “go home without me, I need to find Robin” Emma doesn’t blink and continues to work the problem of going home. BWAH!  
When they do get home Emma lands in the woods near Storybrooke, then Regina lands. When Robin doesn’t immediately appear, they assume Robin isn’t going to be able to make it from the WISHAU.  Regina is obviously upset and tells Emma to go, she wants to be alone, and Emma jets without even a look back.  
Then in the final standoff, Emma’s battle with Gideon, it’s Hook, Henry and David who are in her corner, it’s about their reactions and when she defeats him they are the ones she hugs. Regina and Robin arrive, but Regina is all about Robin. 
Liza, could you please put the “sort of live together” line in context for me? Because to me it sounds like Emma is embarrassed of Killian or like she’s downplaying their relationship, and I really hope that isn’t the case :
There was absolutely NO feeling that Emma was downplaying her connection to Hook or was embarrassed of him at all!  Nonsense! That line didn’t even hit me like that at all. In fact, I took it as the “we” that was “sort of,” not the living together.  She was trying to explain her connection to this person (old hook) standing in front of them to August, why she knew this crazy character, and referring to Old Hook saying “we sort of live together” meaning I live with a very different version of this guy.  The “we” is sort of, because this is not her version of Hook. They are not the exact same person. Get it? I swear people invent stuff to get upset over.
So from what I gathering, Killian was used as nothing more a joke and din’t add anything of consequence to the wish adventure. That’s insulting. Thanks Adam, thanks Eddy.
Relax. Good grief. You haven’t even seen it, how can you be insulted?
I’d advise you to stop thinking of it as “they made Killian a joke” and more like “they made the situation a joke.”  It’s a big farce. 
It is made very clear that Emma doesn’t think any of it is real.  Hook comes on the scene and attempts to rescue Emma from August. Hilarity ensues. At first Emma is just so surprised to see him, and then so surprised to see him so altered and she’s sort of enjoying the oddity of the situation. Then Hook reveals that he knows there’s a prize for the safe return of the princess and Emma knows he’s going to get in the way of her getting back to her real Hook, (getting home is 100% Emma’s motivation through everything, girlfriend is focused) and that this Hook could get hurt, so she magics him back to the Jolly Roger so she can get back to business and he’s safe and out of the way. 
Jen and Colin clearly had a ball filming those scenes, and there were big laughs from the audience. If you go in with the mindset to find the humor, enjoy and laugh, I think you will.
Did Emma fat shame wish realm Hook? I didn’t look at Specific spoilers but I’m seeing a bunch of people talking about that.
I didn’t take it that way. Wish!Killian was nothing like himself, drunk, disheveled, ungroomed, scraggly, giant pot belly, all twisted by the Genie’s wish, but no matter how you slice it, he was not the embodiment of a healthy person. She made a joke that maybe they’d need to lay off the rum… and desserts, as if she was looking at a cautionary tale. If it pleases you to be upset, have at it, but I’m not.  
In my opinion, she was not looking at him with scorn, or ridicule or revulsion, she was amused and awed by the fantastical situation, but again she didn’t think any of it was real, she was 100% focused on the job at hand and getting home to the real thing. 
Do we have to endure Regina insulting Killian? And of course, how many CS scenes are there in the episode?
Regina has nothing to do with Killian this episode.  
There are two CS scenes in the wish realm, and then the long action/reunion/hug(s) scene at the end.
I’m very confused. Why does Gideon think killing Emma will make him the new Savior? Since when does being the Savior have the “kill the previous one and you become it” clause that the Dark One curse has? And why does he want to be the Savior anyway?
I have no idea why he thinks he’ll get to be the new Savior if he kills her. However, I do know why he wants to be a Savior. He wants to be a Savior to his realm, save the realm he grew up in, from the Black Fairy
Was the engagement ring from the promo in the episode? If not we can assume it’s from a later one but they wanted to start drumming up excitement over the break.
It is not in the episode. I’ve always assumed it would be in 6x12 (since that is the only other episode that was shot at the time the promo aired) and because we know other spoilers *ahem* for that one.
Too much to hope for a CS kiss in 6x11? They haven’t kissed since 606.
No, but can I interest you in a couple of hugs? The hug-game was on point this episode. Emma was not letting her boys go.
Why on earth would Emma of all people suggest bringing Robin back after what happened with notMarian?
Because it was all part of her “lesson” for the episode.  Her lesson, as I said above, was about believing she can control her own destiny and she’s not tied to fate.  That was her message to Regina. Regina said she thought part of her Robin was in this Robin, so Emma said if that was true, then she should make her own destiny, take a chance. Emma mentions that Robin is different than everyone else in the not-real Realm (and it’s made clear that Emma does not think it’s real or that anyone in it is real) he hasn’t aged or changed much, and it’s suggested via the feather than maybe part of her Robin’s (soul)  is here.
At least that’s what I got.
You went to the panel today right? (If not please disregard)Can you tell us how emma described wishworld hook to killian if she did? Pretty please!
They don’t really get a chance to talk about it, there’s some back and forth because Robin shows up, but during the second hug (Emma is really holding on tight) she makes a quip that they’re going to switch to water and Killian makes a face and says, “to drink?” It’s a funny moment.
(more later)
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ladystylestores · 4 years
The ‘Defund’ Conundrum – The New York Times
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Good morning. Some white voters are souring on President Trump. Global health officials are worried about virus counts. Let’s start with the debate over “defund the police.”
Advocates for police reform are making the case that the phrase “defund the police” doesn’t mean what many people think it means. “Be not afraid,” Christy E. Lopez, a Georgetown University law professor, wrote in The Washington Post. “‘Defunding the police’ is not as scary (or even as radical) as it sounds.”
What it actually means, these advocates say, is reducing police budgets and no longer asking officers to do many jobs that they often don’t even want to do: resolving family and school disputes, moving homeless people into shelters and so on. Instead, funding for education, health care and other social services would increase. (For more detail on the movement’s agenda, you can read this Times explainer.)
The challenge for advocates is that many people equate “defunding” with a major reduction in policing — and they don’t like that idea. Reducing police budgets is arguably the only high-profile reform idea that’s not popular:
This situation reminds me of several other political issues in the Trump era, like health care and immigration. On all of them, progressives are pushing for multiple policy changes that are popular with voters (like expanded Medicare, the end of migrant-family separation and more police accountability). These changes are typically much more popular than President Trump’s positions on the same issues.
But many progressives have also adopted one big idea in each area that is decidedly unpopular with voters: Get rid of private health insurance. Abolish ICE. Defund the police.
The combination explains much of the political response you’ve seen in recent days. Joe Biden, Cory Booker and other Democrats have distanced themselves from the phrase “defund the police,” while Trump has highlighted it. “They’re saying defund the police,” he said last week. “Defund. Think of it.”
At the same time, some Republicans have begun signaling their openness to other parts of police reform, which is a big change. John Cornyn, a conservative senator facing a tough re-election campaign in Texas, yesterday tweeted the following: “I’m dedicated to rooting out racial injustices so no other family has to experience what George Floyd’s family has. It will require bipartisan commitment across the country & listening to the voices of those who have been most affected is the first step — we must not fail to act.”
A shift: A majority of Americans (57 percent) now believe the police are more likely to use excessive force against African-Americans. In 2014, the share was only 33 percent. “In my 35 years of polling, I’ve never seen opinion shift this fast or deeply,” Frank Luntz, a Republican pollster, said.
1. Trump’s base is fraying
Polls have also been shifting on Trump in recent weeks and show him to have fallen about 10 percentage points behind Biden. Why? Partly because some white working-class voters have soured — at least for now — on the president, according to Nate Cohn, a Times polling expert. Trump’s lead among white voters is down to around five percentage points, compared with his 13-point margin among whites in 2016.
“Incumbent presidents usually have an advantage in seeking re-election and that makes his deficit all the more striking,” Nate says. Past candidates have made up big deficits from the summer before the election, but the last incumbent to mount such a comeback was Harry Truman in 1948.
2. The policy debate on policing
Lawmakers around the country continued to consider new policies on policing. New York legislators defied police unions and began to approve a package of bills targeting police misconduct, including a ban on chokeholds. In Congress, Democrats unveiled legislation that would make it easier to prosecute police officers for misconduct, and require law enforcement agencies to report data on the use of force.
Trump denied that systemic problems existed, declaring that as many as 99.9 percent of police officers are “great, great people.”
Differing accounts: Attorney General William Barr contradicted Trump on Monday and confirmed that the president was taken to an underground bunker last month because of security concerns over street demonstrations outside the White House.
3. How to be safe in a pandemic
By now, many of the key rules for reducing your coronavirus risk are familiar: Wash your hands frequently when you leave the house. Wear a mask. Avoid close conversations. Minimize your time in indoor spaces.
But there’s one rule that probably deserves more attention: Adjust your behavior based on where you live. Virus rates vary significantly by state.
Our colleague Tara Parker-Pope has published a list of five rules to live by during a pandemic. Rule No. 1 is “Check the health of your state and community.”
In other virus developments:
Here’s what else is happening
The S&P 500 has recovered all of its losses on the year. But stocks opened down in Europe this morning, suggesting American markets may fall as well.
Reports of child abuse in New York City have dropped sharply since the pandemic began, which could be a sign that the system to protect children has fallen apart.
Adam Rapoport, the editor of Bon Appétit magazine, resigned after a 2004 photo of him resurfaced on social media, drawing condemnations for a stereotypical depiction of Puerto Ricans.
Lives lived: He was known as Brother Ah (born Robert Northern), a master French horn player (and Washington D.J.) who hopscotched between jazz and classical music before embarking on a solo career making music that defied categorization. He has died at 86.
BACK STORY: New York awakens
Christina Goldbaum, a Metro reporter, reflected on New York City’s first day of eased restrictions:
On Monday morning, New York seemed to be slowly waking up from its 100-day hibernation. The streets were still absent the usual crowds and cacophony of car horns. But the return of around 400,000 people to some urban routines offered some sense of normalcy.
Commuters wearing face masks hopped onto freshly scrubbed trains that smelled like lemon-scented cleaning supplies. Even the more crowded train cars still carried only a dozen or so riders.
By midday, local shops had unlocked their doors for curbside pickup. In the East Village, a half-dozen construction workers who had been home for months chatted and laughed as they lined up to have their temperatures checked.
Other parts of the city remained at a standstill: In SoHo and on Fifth Avenue, where many stores were looted last week, marquee shops were still boarded up. But graffiti on the plywood offered encouragement: “LOVE NYC” was a common motif and, at one store, “STAY STRONG.”
Embrace tiny fish
Seafood from a can gets a bad rap — dismissed as survival fare that gathers dust in the back of many people’s pantries. But you can do a lot with tinned fish, says the cookbook author David Tanis.
You can make anchovy crostini, tuna-stuffed peppers or a big plate of spicy pasta, spruced up with canned baby clams, bacon and peas. Tanis suggests splurging for high-quality anchovies and tuna if you can. If not, work with what you have.
Finding the virtual action
With real-life sports mostly on hiatus, gamblers are flocking to the competitive video-game matches known as e-sports. Since early March, half of all sports betting in Europe has reportedly been on video games.
Bettors can wager on players trying to shoot each other in games like Call of Duty, or facing off in sports games like FIFA 20 or Madden NFL 20. Some sports books even offer betting on completely automated matches — that is, computer versus computer.
At least someone’s having a good day
It sounds like a plot lifted straight from Hollywood. A decade ago, a New Mexico art collector named Forrest Fenn buried treasure in the Rocky Mountains and self-published a book challenging people to find it. According to Fenn, the chest — filled with gold, gems and artifacts — is worth around $2 million. Over the weekend, he said, someone found it.
“I do not know the person who found it, but the poem in my book led him to the precise spot,” Fenn wrote on his website. He created the treasure hunt after recovering from kidney cancer.
At least two people died trying to find the treasure, and Fenn still refused to retrieve the chest. “If someone drowns in the swimming pool we shouldn’t drain the pool,” he said in 2017. “We should teach people to swim.”
Here’s today’s Mini Crossword, and a clue: Netflix selection (four letters).
You can find all of our puzzles here.
Thanks for spending part of your morning with The Times. See you tomorrow. — David
P.S. The word “fancams” — videos by K-pop fans featuring their favorite singers, recently used in support of the Black Lives Matter movement — appeared for the first time in The Times yesterday, as noted by the Twitter bot @NYT_first_said.
You can see today’s print front page here.
Today’s episode of “The Daily” is about proposals to defund police departments in the U.S. And in the latest episode of “Popcast,” two former editors of The Source, a hip-hop magazine, retell how the publication covered the 1992 uprisings over the beating of Rodney King in Los Angeles.
The Times is providing free access to much of our coronavirus coverage. Please consider supporting our journalism with a subscription.
Ian Prasad Philbrick and Sanam Yar contributed to The Morning. You can reach the team at [email protected].
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