#but I'm going to the eras tour so that's a solid win
I'm so behind on my assignments. It's like I'm so ready to do them but my anxiety gets the best of me and then I freeze and just listen to random shit and online shop, except I don't buy anything.
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bl4cklabyrinth · 4 years
Documentary Film -Zenshin- Pamphlet Translation: Q&As
Disclaimer: Please do not retranslate my work into other languages, as my translation may not be accurate. I am no Japanese or English native.
Originally posted on my Twitter.
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Photo by Suzuki Kohei
We collected questions for the members from fans on Twitter from 2016.12.30 to 2017.1.13. We handpicked some questions from the bunch and answered them!
Which song hypes you up the most live?
Teru&Kid'z: Monochrome Effector!
Kid'z: I have so much fun playing it that I burst out laughing.
Nob: Probably Black Rail. Because it's the first song I have a bass solo in.
Hiro: Love Letter or Monochrome Effector. Love Letter is a ballad that isn't too heavy, it's just right. There's a J-pop feel to it that gently touches the hearts of the Japanese.
The line "Nothing is impossible, so you're not going to give up, right?" from Black Rail has helped me several times. Do you have a favorite lyric or a line you're emotionally attached to from a MFS song?
Hiro: I don't remember which song I used it in first, but I've come to like using the phrase "fall apart", and I've used it a couple of times after that in other songs.
Kid'z: I was just working on Tomorrowland and The Puzzle when I joined the band. They left a mark on me.
Teru: I love the line "I must say it, even though it won't reach you" from Still.
Nob: It's Saishuukai STORY for me. It's the first song that Hiro worked on the backbone of, and I think it was a turning point for him. It made an impact on me and made me feel that he was out there to win.
When did you decide to play music seriously?
Hiro: I started thinking about it and acting on it on my first year in high school, but it wasn't until my third year that it started to take shape.
Teru: I thought about it seriously probably on my third year in high school. When I was deciding on what course to take after graduation.
Nob: While at my job. When I was still working as a painter, I was coating a wall when I suddenly thought, ".....What the hell am I doing?" After that, I immediately said, "I quit." I met Sho-kun about three days later.
Kid'z: I started playing the drums when I was 3, but I think I thought about doing it for a living when I was in middle school or high school... But when I visited my parents' house the other day, I saw that I had written "I'll go to Tokyo and become a drummer" in my grade school yearbook. It came true, I thought (laughs).
A question for Hiro. Since Hiro was at the core of making the album ANTITHESE, what do you look for in terms of guitar, bass, and drums respectively?
Hiro: "Overwhelming personality". For each part, how will you rearrange the songs I made with only the basic chord progression and melody? How well do you think it will synchronize with my image? Those are what I'm looking for.
When you toured around the 47 prefectures last year, was there a place where you thought, "I want to live here~"? Also, is there another country you would want to live in?
Teru&Kid'z: Okinawa!!
Kid'z: Actually, I flew there about a week before the show. I've always loved that place, so I had a great time.
Teru: If we're talking about a country to live in, Japan is nice.
Kid'z: I think so too. To tell you the truth, I'm quite the clean freak (laughs), so if it's not as clean as Japan then it's probably not for me.
Nob: Fukuoka, Sapporo. The food is delicious! And Osaka. Its liveliness is amazing. I'm really dull (laughs) and I spend my time quietly during my off days, but when I'm not doing that I want to be in a place that's still bustling with people until midnight. Foreign countries are scary.
Hiro: I think Osaka and Fukuoka are good too. If we're talking about another country, America.
What do you always do before a show?
Hiro: Doing a simulation on the day of the show is a must.
Kid'z: Stretching, mental preparation in a place with no people. 
Teru: During the 47-Prefecture Tour, Hiro would slap me on the back before every show. It somehow gives me motivation.
Nob: I walk around the area all the time. Like what a track and field athlete does before the real deal. I do it on instinct to boost my spirits.
What do you think is the coolest thing about each member?
Teru: Hiro's voice, Nob's moustache, Kid'z' nose.
Kid'z: When Hiro sings, when Nob plays the bass, when Teru plays the guitar (laughs). Everyone's at their coolest when they're performing.
Nob: Hiro's face. Kid'z when he's playing the drums, and maybe how he looks like when he's driving. As for Teru... He would casually say a few striking words from time to time. Whenever that happens, I think "This guy's really solid".
Hiro: (thinks) Nothing really... Seriously nothing (laughs).
If you had a time machine, which would you rather visit, the past or the future? Also, what would you do there?
Teru: Future. I wanna see what I'll be doing 30 years from now.
Kid'z: Exactly the same as Teru. I want to ask my future self what it's like.
Nob: It's the past for me. I want to restart my life all over again, or to try living a different life.
Hiro: I'd choose the past too. It'd be nice to go back to the 90s, for instance, when music was selling like hotcakes, and see how well my own music would fare in that era.
A question for Teru. During the 47-Prefecture Tour, where do you think you had your best MC?
Teru: Well, Niigata left an impression on me. If I remember correctly, Kid'z was talking about things that didn't make sense during the MC, and I got seriously angry. That was funny, but it was in no way my best MC.
Please tell us your aspirations for this year!
Teru: I decide to take on a new challenge every year. Anything would be fine, even something small.
Kid'z: To do my best without overdoing things, probably. Because I pushed myself too hard last year (laughs).
Nob: I want to get rid of some neck fat, chisel my abs and train my body. And I want to be featured on a musical instrument magazine like Bass Magazine.
Hiro: To take things slow but get things done. I want to add more intensity to my current pace this year.
What's one song that changed your life?
Teru: For me, it's Ozzy Osbourne's I Want To Change The World. I heard the song while my dad was watching Ozzy's DVD and thought, "How cool, I want to start playing the guitar!"
Nob: Sigur Rós' GIósóli. The video also made an impact on me.
Kid'z: One by B'z. I've always loved B'z, but that song and its lyrics just hit me differently.
Hiro: I don't know if it changed my life, but I felt like my values have changed since I listened to TK from Ling tosite Sigure's music. It made me see things from his point of view, made me ponder on the meaning of the lyrics and interpret them myself, and had me yearning for approval and self-confidence. It was at that moment when I realized that there are ways of making this kind of music, and that I had another option in life.
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