#but I haven't done either of those in a while esp bc my current friend group has a lack of gamers and vb players :
avianii ยท 8 months
๐Ÿ˜Š, ๐ŸŽง (replace write with draw), and ๐ŸŽ‰
๐Ÿ˜Š โ€” any career desires?
sooo many but since I'm still in HS it'll fs change a lot. aiming to get a NASA aeronautics job someday tho :)
๐ŸŽงย โ€” do you write draw while listening to music/podcasts/videos/etc, or do you need total silence?
yes!! I'll usually either put on my playlist of every song I've ever kinda liked or listen to a late night show/random podcast
๐ŸŽ‰ โ€” what are some of your favorite things to do with your irl friends?
omfg ok so last year we'd stay up all night (like to 5 AM) just watching movies. I think we've seen every DC movie/tv show( animated and live action), M:I movie and MCU movie up to NWH. Also I am NEVER testing her speakers again I swear that damaged my hearing or something lol
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bluest-planet ยท 9 months
Gonna go on a ramble about fics and KH and being aroace for a sec, nothing bad nothing good just good ol' talking.
Listen I'm well aware kh has extensive fic out there, more on ff.net than anything else, and I'm no stranger to using more archaic fic sites n stuff in the pursuit of good fic, I mean. I'm a nier and persona/smt girlie y'know? They're about as old if not older than KH is with just as many or less games.
I just think it's funny how apparently (smth I keep seeing being claimed) dead/dormant kh is? Like, damn, ik it's been a while since anything got announced (and I'm on a high as a newbie) but maybe it's the persona fan in me but I'm long since used to making more fun and art in-between games or long silences. Even if something doesn't get another game/update that doesn't the party has got to stop.
Esp in our current era. No offense but I'm not exactly fond of all old fandom/fic tropes and stories. Obviously everyone's taste is different and they're ARE some definite bangers and fics with themes you just don't get anymore, more a product of the era and the kind of attitude of fandom at the time. Plus fic is made for fun and for free! Even if we don't like it that doesn't devalue what it means to someone else or the work out into by the writer, I'm glad it exists as something to look back on and even learn from.
But I just think it would be neat to see whatever cool takes or new interpretation of the games and characters. But maybe I'm just being a lil' dumb dumb and there are some cool fics being made (again, it's not even completely dead compared to other fandoms since it's still so big) that I just haven't seen yet.
Gotta say though, from an aromantic and asexual position- KH is particularly fond for me, seeings it's heavy emphasis on friendships. Like, y'all know I'm a queerplatonic heart hotel truther. Even if it isn't all that prevalent in canon like I wished.
And although I definitely see where everyone is coming from about soriku, hell I'm a passive enjoyer of it even, they've also got some immaculate queerplatonic life partner energy I just adore, and would never be upset if it never got confirmed (bc it probably will never be but hey you never know) but personally I hope sokai never becomes real. Sorry Sora is my aroace sibling now. Glad y'all can enjoy it tho if u do ship it, but honestly it would be a big win for us as an aroace person to see Sora, a main protagonist, not end up with anyone and live with his friends/life partners all together in peace y'know?
That's all to say; I'm sorry, if a fic looks great and cool but has either of these ships in their tags I'm more than likely to pass on it even if it does interest me story wise lol. Like, I'm already bombarded by the idea that romance is expected and everything, so if I'm indulging in fic which is wish fulfillment, I'm not even gonna slog through background shipping if I can help it.
Which kinda... Sucks? Lol I'm not blaming anyone, it's just a product of how the world works and shipping is just a big part of fandom. Again rounding back to that; "I don't like most older fics bc fandom was way more romance centric in those days" and the way romance and ships used to written in the past isn't to my personal tastes, since I noticed it's mostly labels as yaoi or shounen ai. Which again, no judgement, it was a different time period pre everything we've done to get more queer representation and stories now. And those genres as a whole aren't any lesser than others. Nor does any one fic represent the whole genre. If someone likes it go wild! I'll do my own thing.
But with KH I kinda would be happier to see more fics by aromantic and ace writers. Which honestly could still be ship fics, as aromanticism/asexuality is of a spectrum and we're not a homogeny in our creative efforts. But for personal preference some of the best KH fics I've seen have been from those perspectives.
Mm also more of a fan of introspection, character drama, canon divergence, that kinda thing? With the rare exception of a cute mermaid fic or neat crossover lol. I don't find coffee/flower/tattoo shops, no powers, modern au etc very interesting. As usual when I'm into a story, a game or show, I wanna be in that same world- to really get the chance to explore more than it can offer with small HCs about a character's quirks n home life n stuff. It's why I like thinking Sora and Riku have piercings, or that Sora wears pearl earrings and has a jewelry set from birth he carries.
I like to imagine what the culture they came from must've been like, and how to relate bits of my own into it. So its a bit sad when I don't see more of that into fics but I think I'm just not looking hard enough, but here's my encouragement for anyone else to do the same! That's how you keep things fresh or add more to a story to get attached to.
This was just some rambles tossed together though, not targeted and not cohesive. Could come back and sperate these pieces into their own essays basically, but I'm too lazy. But yeah, said my peace.
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