#but I also am not familiar w blizz writing at all I only play ovw and it's been 7 years before they did something this big
pocket-archer · 10 months
ovw invasion spoilers i guess but I just wanted to jot down the ideas me and friend have been rotating
messing w how can ramattra be a 'villain' character despite the typical 'humans abuse robots, humans and robots cant co-exist' spiel which is usually like, slightly justified now with the new, curious and hypocritical things Null Sectors been doing, and a line from ram's bio entry
(I'll add screencaps later of the text as sources maybe; I was reading from my friend's screen and I dont have the pve myself yet to look it up)
ramattra viewed his sentience more like a curse than a gift, he's noted to have struggled viewing it as a good thing for him
he has an emphasis on pain and suffering he's endured ^, and seeming to want to relieve other omnics from it
the helmets essentially inhibiting an omnic's soul, their thoughts and essentially the sentience, theyre in a numb comatose state
null sector
just a what if/imagine if ramattra's goal was to liberate omnics from suffering, by reversing the gift/curse of sentience
an extreme and scary take on what someone might consider merciful
this is just a fun 'oh yeah isn't he supposedly a villain' idea idk lol
that, or the emphasis on the iris which supposedly granted them this gift so maybe a weird version of ascension
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